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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1893)
" sr At . - J ',- , i-aWW-. r ..! SEO BookCoupon SATURDAY, vol. o. THIS IS LADIES' KID SHOES LADIES' PEBBLE AND Children's School Shoes from the Cheapest to the Best, INFANT'S SHOES 26C, AND UP. - CASH -:- STORE. - J. W. THOMAS. 297 Commercial Keeping Pace With Have your business account kept it PERFECT books, such are The Frey Patent Flut Opening Books. n i. ut -- -....tU- t fl.rt nntMnuna nnd nraitm at th t-invnVnmnnr Of- DU1JKE) lUUbttID WWl bUJ w. VUV ;MHuui.f,v - js.Uw - . , .. .7 l1.. f lta Utarrtf Crarrnn niiH thp frronlnr nnrHfin Of the mOrChaUtilG OiCU of the State, are surely deserving of atrial by everyone. Mnuufactured in Oreiron ONLY by The Meaton-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.. Proprietors of THE ICAPITAI. Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers 500,000 OSWEGO - FALL 1892. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental. Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and flrst-class lu every resrect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, rMention this paper. Oswego, Oregon. Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons BROOKS k SALISBURY, (SUCCESSORS TO BBOOKb AND HAUBITT.) Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting and Athletic Goods. Bise Ball Good". Flags and FireWorks BOXING GLOVES, LAWN TEN NIS BETS, CROQUET SETS KNIVES. RAZORS, SCISSORS, DOLLS. TOYS, NOTIONS.1 LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS. SALEM, - J. W. THORNBQRG, Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade enables me to turn out flrst-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Cnemektta street. A. N. HALES, Proprietor. A. N. HALES' LIVERY. (Sncceuor to It. B. Ilyon.) Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses i and Buggies on hand. yHorses boarded by day. week or month. Office at stable, corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. All house-finishing material made to order at the lowest Portland prices. See us before you buy. CHURCHILL Spraying Outfits, c 106 BURROUGHSJ State Street. Dtigan Bros. F. T. HART, OAPTTATj "THE llfi01LJfl'& I'Al'JflJl." OUR SHOE WEEK ! $1 20 to $$ fiO GLOVE GRAIN $1 25, 1 50 to 175 Successor to B. Forstncr A Co. St., the Times. CITY;.JaUJNWfillx. , &&? and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon. TREES ! NURSERIES. SPRING, 1893. OREGON. TIIE UPHOLSTERER. R. H. PRICE, Manager. SEE Fature Copies. LEADING MERCHAN1 TAILOR. HAUdftf, Salem, Or. BEHIND THE FOOTLIGHT8. William H. Crane's season will close on April SO. It lias been tho most profit able season he has had. Dorothy Dene, tho English actress now sojourning in New York, has been dan gerously ill, bnt is oat and about again. Edgar Solden's now comedy "A Scan dal In High Life," will bo produced at tho Grand Opera House, Brooklyn, in May. Robert Edeson and Howell Hansoll of tho Boston Museum company have been engaged for next season by Charles Frohman. "Tho Best of Husbands," a now com edy by Clinton Stuart, will probably bo tho next production at Palmers theater, New York. Agnes Herndon is rehearsing in New York city for early production a comedy entitled "A Willful Woman," by Alfred Hennoquin. Lottie Collins is to return to England next month for a visit. She will come back next season to head a variety or ganization of her own. Violet Black (Mrs. Frank Lander), late of the "Little Tippett" company, has been engaged for the remainder of tho ooaon -rrllU -'Tho Now OtSuth." The completion of Augustin Daly's theater in London has been very much delayed, and in consequenco his company will not cross tho Atlantic until August. Robert Tabor, loading man for Julia Marlowe, has tondered his resignation to take effect at tho closo of tho present season in May. Mr. Tabor thinks of starring. FASHION'S FADS. The coarse, rough straws described as "nutmeg" are very much used for toquos and bonnets and are dyed in all tho fashionable shades. Milliners are making two of straw rib bons to trim both bonnets and hats. Tho straws are dyed in a variety of colors and plaited into ribbons more or less wide. Soutache braids are still highly popu lar on certain styles of dress and are, as a rule, put on in many straight rows, though on the bodice and sleeves they are frequently crossed in quaint fashion. The plaided goods in all silk, silk and wool and all wool fabrics sent over this spring show such beautiful color bleed ings that many will be tempted to adopt them who never bof oro selected them for wear. The fashionable combinations of violet with green, clel blue with pink and doe color, golden green with ecru, etc., are noticed among many of tho inexpensive fabrics designed for simple summer toilets. Grasses, thorny stems and pussy wil low sprays are arranged in novel ways. Jonquils and Parma violets make lovely aigrets on cream colored openwork straw hats trimmed with reseda green velvet and ecru laco. New York Post Porfia, the daughter of Cato, at tempted to kill herself by drinking boiling water, but unable to swallow it sho hastily crammed handful of glowing coals into her throat and died in great agony. It often happens that Bermuda po tatoes ore email and poor potatoes of native growth, which nave been treated with acid in oraer mat tney may look like tho imported tubers. Exchange. Tutt's Pills Ifl tfM SM MU the Mm Mt r tre-bM, THE REMEDY i it. tb ur rats ?iir.rMi....ibof sI? MMl-mnCMlUsiM. FFle.M -. I olilE-rywli. IftN, 14 H WfctofU ft, X. X. ii,w-i TCr i At, Jf"'- . - U-fMiiw5SW OltKaO&ttlJOMMy, W nitfjWMUMWIMrWi'1Wll fJTIUKEItS' LINKS AUGMENTKf i TJift UnIoh Pacific Mukcrt No M fori ( PHI PIac PLASTEW STRIKE IN BUFFALO, by Hlcp, AM, KKJIIt AT DKHVKR, Dknvkk, April 18. The wen In tho Union 1'aclfio shop here all continue at work. QUI" 'AT OMAHA, OMAHA, Neb.,Aprll 18,Tha action of the moulders' uaton last night In re fusing to MnctloM the strike of the Union Pacific sbopen, put something of a damper on the latter, but none of them returned to work this morning, and they have bad bo addition to tholr ranks, Everything is quiet about the shops, No effort has yet been tuado to 1111 tho strikers' places. KANSAS CITY, Kansas City, Mo,, April 18, Tlioro Is nothing new in the strike of the Union Prtdflo shopmen. The company l not trying to fill the strikers places. 1'&AJ5TBKBB3' BTJtlKK. Buffalo, April 1. All the plaster ers in the city struck this morning, for an increase of wages. Work was stopped on nearly every building under construction. 00 OUT AT CHKYKNNK. CiiKYKNNtf, Warning April 18. A meeting of shop ien was hold last night at which tlJeT bollertnakers and machinists' apprentices decided to Join the strikers and this morning and did not go to work. The strikers are still orderly and quiet. WKAT IT MBAMfl, Toi'KKA, Kansas, April 18. Speak iug of thejtrlke on the Santa Fo road, a railroad man today tnude the follow ing s gnlflcant statement: "The strlki inaugurated here a week ago is tho be ginning of a troupe which is to test tho relative BtreriKti t tu. riirwi. and the organized labor all over the country." Pounded to Pieces. Conky Island, April 18. Johnny Vau Heest, o( Chlcag , and Dannie Rucsell, of New York, fought here latt night. At the end of the fourth round the referee, gave the fight to Van Heest. Russell was decided y overmatched and was being pounded to pieces. The next event was between Tom Williams, of Australia, and Billy Smith, oi Boston. This uflair w s a brutal slugging match and nothing else was don 'Up to the end of the second round, when Williams was knocked down and out. An Investigating Commission. Vallejo, Cal., April 17. Secretary Herbert's special commission to Inves tigate and report upon th-- condition of the dlfiereut departments and vessels at Mare island has organized and thus far examined the construction and steam engineering departments and the workings of the labor employment bu reau. Within a few days the coast de fense ship Monterey will make a trip down the bay with the commission on board, during which tho actlouofhor boiler will be watched carefully. A Wedding Present. Vienna, April 18. A committee rep resentatlng all the conspicuous Jews of Bulgaria have ordered In Buda-Pesth an album inlaid with diamonds, rubles and emeralds, which they will give to Prince Ferdinand's bride ou the wed ding day. The album will cost 260,000 francs. The pope has sent a diamond ring to the Princess Marie Louise of Parma, the intended bride of Prince Ferdinand. Hauled Off the Bar. Corvamjh. Or.. April 18. The eteam schooner Alice Blanchard, that drifted into Yequlna Bay and lodged on a sand bar on tho Jfith instant, was hauled from her position about mm- nlht by the tug Resolute. She will be taken to the Orpgon Pacific docks at Yaquina City for repairs. Wedding la High Life, Nkw Yokk, April 18, William George Robert, earl of Craven, and Mies Cornelia Martin, only daughter of Bradley Martin, of New York, were married this afternoon by Bishop Pot ter and Rev. W. R. Huntington, at the Graee chureh, In the presence of ever 2.000 of the elite or New York and Kaglk4i society. CewBrtattd yeast Clark KppUy JOURNAL. B-kCoupon uTUT 'rqfflTWswiy'iyniwr'w iw fiw(Mii muimmn Tiiri 7H omnmn mvvm,h, Collator fhpt MaMa ft Wiofoiuft XXAMfflAtlofl Ham Vhkhvim), Aptii lA,-.Artf His Ulilntftfl fMfiKftrt o llitf fl((fiir Odin fiA1 lffln .lioffiigM? tuMiilmdi CollWllrt' I'llflf AAldi "An fut an J ran Ifarri tli W) (Jlifut wfiu to en route for tho world's fair vllM Hint Is to be built at (JIiIoako, aro All tinitl, and (hoy will b allowed to (ifottfml ou tliolr way by sitifnl IrAin aa won as tliolr bnMm U proirly examined, Tuesday will probnbly Mm tlietn And their exIilbltA sUftod off, Alllioflgli the CIiIiimi for tlia fair would Appear at first glAtice to a caauhI obnoryer to belong to the sAtne oIom an the other Celestials on board, a big difference Is discovered upon closer examination, The world' fair Chinese are to soma extent graded, and they represent many classed of artisans. There are also a number of actors. We tiave been giving speolal atteutlon today to the examination of the 00 Chinese who csmp over on their way to Portland, With the exception of two whose cer llflcaU are all right, and who are en titled to land, the remainder are the worst lot of coolies that have Attempt ed to get Into this country since I have been collector. There are also 120 Chinese for this port; Home of them will have to le sent bsok." TOE MOB IN POSSESSION. Brussels tho Scoae of DloodgUetl ami Riot, UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE IS CRANTFD And tho People Jubilate Revolu tion Averted. DEAPKRATK FIOIIT, HnvmvAA, April 18. The night passed fur more quietly than the au thorities expected, though the outlook tin i.rriintr. In Antwerp as soon as tho mob dispersed at one place It gathered ut another, throughout the morning, and each tlmo thoy only scattered after a fight with the police. A number woro severely wounded. VIItINO HKItCIJTANMSK. This afternoon some more desperate strikers eluded tne police, and set fire to a lot of cotton stored on ono of the quays, Only after repeated charges the police succeeded In driving them away. Firemen aro now fighting the flames. The strike In Antwerp is spreading from the shipping trades to the factories and mills. Many striker take no part in the riots, but quit as a protest against the denial of suffrage. UNIVKIWAr, HVVVHkQK OHANTKO. The chamber of representatives, by a vote of 110 to 12, with 14 abstaining from votlng,udopted universal suffrage, with a provision for plural voting by lasses owning property, according to the amount and situation of the prop erty. The greatest enthusiasm is dis played everywhere, and the people Joined In the jubilee in honor of the great triumph which they achieved, It Is expected the deolslon in favor or universal suffrage will have an allay ing effect upon the popular excitement aud agitation which has been rapidly assuming the dimensions of a general Insurrection, There is no doubt in many mlndb that had the chamber not acted promptly there would have been a revolution lu Brussels. Cholera Scare. Chicacjo, April 18, A morning pa per contained a dispatch from St. Paul to the effect that a man lust In from Winnipeg report the arrival thereof ImmlgranU from the cholera-stricken parts of Russia, and that some bail died on the way and other were down with genuine cholera. The health authorities hero have advices direct from Winnipeg saying the Immigrant spoken of have typhus fever, not cholera. Advlw to the Associated Pre from Minneapolis are to a similar effect. Kilter Posad De4. C.KVJ:r,AN, O., April 18,-C, II. William, managing editor of the I'lslndealer. was found dead In hi of fice this mornlBg. It I supposed to be the result of apoplexy, XxfJeete a TmmL Lkadvjm.k, April 18. Word f re ceived of an explosion lu the Btrtk Ivanbee tUBnsJ, wbleb killed aevef-4 mea, aud Injured others. PartleakM art aei ww oU-J&able. "WO-IM.Y'0 XiSWtf a'O-iUlV' K0 iU. fura-vata1; ryriTinrwrtff.iar; n. iw t wrw ff!gficl6irAll ffi l,iimiUn!PbmttLfiltiltJf& tiav't Ktpoti RoYal S&&W AB501X On the Knifed Heine lUle Bill HWHMIWl, RELATIVE COSY OF ADMINISTRATION Shown up Inn Bpeteh hr tke Might Hon. Ooflchcn. London, April 18. In the bouse of commons Right lion. A, J. Mundella, Liberal member for Brlir,hUldo division of Sheffield, and president of the board of trade, Introduced a bill to provide for the submission of labor disputes to ar nitration, The bill poiwed to a first reading without dobate, Tho debate on second reading of tho Irish home rule bill was resumed, and tho Right Hon, C J. Gosuhon, formerly oliaucol lorof tho exchequer In Lord Salisbury's late ministry, addressed tho hnuso lu opposition to the bill. Mr. Gosoheu devoted his attention almost exclusive ly to the financial features ol tho meas ure. Under the provisions of tho bill, Mr. Qosohon said tho Imperial govern ment would lose tho financial freedom Indlspeuslble to give lastlolty to reve nues, A for the debts of Ireland to England, there were 8,000,000 out standing on the public works, some grant for railways, and 10,000,000 ad vanced under the Ayhbourue act, all of which would form a first charge upon the treasury. If the land-purchase act mild ha nnntluuml In force, would not the Irish parliament have some thing to say a to tho financial arrantte raents under It? Altogether, the bill pr.senfed a financial muddle which could produce only thorough disorgani zation In Irish affairs. The Irish par- lalment would be unable to remedy the confusion of Irish finance, is it would not be allowed to control Its own fiscal 'syst m, The event of such a state of affairs would be necessarily re peated. COST OF ADMINISTRATION, The prime mln ster's estimate of the relative cost of administration- in Ire land and lu England had been far from correct. If the central authority In Ireland did as much as the' corres ponding authority In England, the cost would be approximately the same, The prime minister' calculation that Ireland' contribution for Imperial purpose should be In the ratio of one twenty-fifth Instead of one-fifteenth, as originally proposed, was also question able. Statistics showed that Ireland had now entered a period of prosperity which promised to be pennauent un less her prospect were blighted by In judicious legislation. Mr. Ooscben quoted figure to show that within the last six mouths pauperism In Ireland had decreased rapidly and deposits lu savings banks had accumulated as sel dom If ever before In the history of the country. Why, then, he asked, should anybody feel Impelled to interfere with the encouraging course of Irish affairs by enacting a revolutionary measure? lie hoped and believed that the people of Cireat Britain would per ceive the foolishness of such action be fore It became too late, If tho bill should be rejected the liberal parly might further the good of tho Irish people by co-operating with the union 1st In giving theconutryagovernment much belter calculated to produce gen eral eoulentmeut and wellbelng than was the government proposed by the bill now before the house, Attempt Suicide. London, April 18, A report ha been circulated and generally credited In Woking that Mr. Florence Msybrlok tried to kill herself In the Wok log prls oa ou Saturday. She h said to have eut herself severely la the throat with a table-knlfe.whleu was takeH from her barely In time to prevent her from In flletlug mortal wound. Oppe-HU U Hmm Kale. London, April 18. Ceteael O. P. Dawaey. -eUr of parliament, miimw Hm fenaatloa ef a eerptef ffiViJ (ttfjM SA'lf(ltttA1f, ,Fr,rif,-fnr ,- -.-1 n ,"-i., v,i ff' t, i V f , it l vvvvivl - ELY PWBE oiillerrlon volunteer in Yorkshire (o join Hid Ulster unionist In an armed opposition to Irish home rule, Glas gow newspaper report that the Orange men itiere are storing rifle for the same purpose, I1IHI I W1.-I -!-! -.-! 111-,! -.1 TM TMXlMAtm ART. Oorbott Attempt to Bullae A Hewt- paper Mas, OmahA, April 18, In the presence ofaorowd of ladle and gentlemen at tho union depot yesterday, Jim Cor bett undertook to even up matter with Sandy Grtswold, the sporting editor or the Bee. The Immediate cause of tho row was au article from Gnswold's pen, asserting that Corbett was afraid to meet Jackson, aud If he did meet him tho color, d pugilist would bo the winner. Corbett saw the story and stopped over en route to Denver to call down the newspaper man. GrUwold Is not a largo man. Corbett walked up to him ou the p at form aud, In his loud at tone, dt mand- od what dormant by his systematic coursoof roasting him, Grlswold re plied In kind, declaring that he was not obliged to explain bis conduot to him, and Intimating that ho had no desire to argue with a bully. Then Corbett grow furious and, with every other phrase an oath, saldi "I am not nfrald to fight that nigger. I can whip him any day, I will dem onstrate it. Ho will not fight me. He does not want any of my game. I don't see why you hhou'd stand up for a nigger a against the only distinctly American pugilist (be country ever bad you are a liar If you say I will not Sent JaCRBOU oryOU UllliBA iwurnuiK.iM nigger. Hero is IIOOO you may have if you fix a match with the nigger forme. As ho concluded the remark the champion reached luto bis pocket but failed to produce the money. He wa Interrupted by a policeman, who re minded htm that his conduot waa ob jectionable to the ladles present, and be returned to his car." Coffee Failure. Nkw Yohic, April 18. -The failure of the old and well known coffee br6kerage house of Thomas Barr fc Co. waa announced on coffee, change this afternoon. MARKETS. PoiiTiiAND, April 18. Wheat valley 112.j1.15. Walla Walla, $1.06. 1.00. San Fiiangisoo, April 18. Wheat, May l,2o. Chicago, April 18. Wheat .74) LETTER LIST. Following are tho letters remain- lug In the Salem postofflce uncalled for April 18, 1803. Persons calling for same pleaso say "advertised." Anderson II P Anderson A L Burnett Thos J Brooklos Chas E Ilrownser Mrs Lilly Bice Mrs Sherman Bice Mrs 8 O Baker W O Cooner Emu Cox F M CoKurt J J Chase Henry Citulflold J F Hodson W A Howard Archie Hanson Bertha Jones U J Kearus Bert Lemmen L J Mclntyre Mr M M Muhan John Maruum Mrs A 3 Maetlmlio W F Newton C J IVnnlugtori Miss N Purr In J C Putnam W N Rhodes Mis Ella Robinson Peter Roberts Nellie Mis U'.lMtrlHon Kdwln Richard T Keith David StovalloEd Htovulle Mr Isabel Taylor O W WolfWm WlllllsNB A, N. GILBERT, P. M. THE LATEST. Belsarte corset and waists, McCabe corset and waists, Hygela oomblaatloa shoulder brsce, corset aud waist, Klnntrlo oorsetsand waists, properly adjusted free ot charge. Orange Blos soms, Eglantine Mas'-age.Cream Bloom or Itoiu-, Iiangiry i.ouon, ai Mrs, Frank Coopers, 360 Commercial street, up stairway noxt Van Eatons store, Silem. 4-16-dM Dleselitlea. The partnership heretofore exWIag between J. C. Itobertson and F. S. Bar zee at Turner has been dlsolved by Mu tual consent. J. C. RoberUoa will re ceipt for all moBie paid oa aeeeuBt due aid arm and pay all outotaadlag r m !V i i t t H 1 1 37 COMMERCIAL STREET. -v-T -t a--