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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1893)
y&Wp - HJVENlNGr .OAX'ITAX ,1QTjm$ALn ftQKDAM, AX111U 17 580 OUT OP 8IOHT. rill. Irtii1lfii tiitlitln nm ntwtt fully nllve Iri (lit) Wet (tint tlio CIiIchko, Uk Ion I'aclflo A Nortli Wi-atoni llnu oliVrn tlio vory best nccomnriittlimfl to (lie nubile" from mid to (Jliluafru, Omnba nnd jutvriiiedlnte tiolnln, mil only dtir au tlio world' fulr, but nil th vour round. 430t LOUIS D. VANDERVERE, Om of tho test known tetlnest men la Chicago, representative of the great Bradjtroct Co. HEADACHE, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Dr. Httf Xtiicat Co., JElkfiart, In. Gentlemen : I tako pleasure In Informing yon of tho very beneficial result which have followed the use of On. Mile. Rcstorativc Ncrvinc in tbo cam of myself and wife. Jbora year I was subject to a distressing pain at tho base of the brain and upper portion of the spinal cord. I m lost flesh and was greatly fill M H IJ troubled with sleeplessness. V ilL. Ba Your jjenrlno was highly recommended to me. My case had been so obsti nate that I bad no confidence in tho efficacy of any medlclno. Yet as a last resort I consented to give it atrial. Much to my surprise, I experienced marked benefit; my sleeplessness disappeared; my headache was removed ; my spirits and general !fS:THOUSANDS QAINCD TWCNTY POUND. ALL THIS OCCUKKCD arriR learmco and wcll knowk fHvsiciNk ao failed. My Wife is talcing the Nervine wlta le ibest of results. Lows D. Vavdxbvxki. 80LD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. frjold by D. J. Fry, druggist, rSaleui Ourr-KRFECTION SYItlHQEfrM irllhrnrr UiiU. I.elean. Dom not STAIN. PREVENTS BTIlICTUItK. Com OONOltRHCEA and OLEFT in Om to Four 1j. A QUICK CUItE for LEUCOMIIICEA or WIIITHS. SoMbyiUDRUaOISTS. Bent tonr AJilrtuforll (V. KJLVZVOR It Aurril romno Ca. IJltCASTSn. OHIOl JAPANESE CURB A new and complete treatment, consisting or Hupposltnrles, ointment In cApsules, hIso a box and pills; a positive cure for external, Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary pile, and many other diseases and female weaknesses, It Is always a great henellt to the genenl health. The first discovery ot a medic il cure rendering an operation with the knlte unnecessary here after. This remertv has never been known to fall. SI per box, 6 for $5; sent by mall. Why sutler from this terrible disease whn a writ ten guarantee Is gl ven wltb ft b ixes, to refu nd the monev If not cured. Hend s'ump (or fiei sample. Guarantee Issued by WOODWARD, CLARKE A Co , wholesale and retail drug gists, sole agents. Portland, Or. Brooks L-ggngents for Halem, 160 State street.Patton's block. 5-2-ly-dw UNATTRACTIVE LADIES Hay be aB good as gold, but they have little Influence. Every lady can be good looking. It's her duty to be atti active. Beauty attracts. LOLA MONTEZ OREME, the SKIN. FOOD nnd TH3UK BUILDER, makes ladle beauti ful. Prevents Wrink les, withering, dry lng.aglngof the skin keeping It In a healthy condition. Claycs Druggist, sells all ol Mrs Net tle Harrison's world 4Wr!W.RlwJrtC't famed toilet articles. i a, .a- II . iT"er iiiun iuui fixSd. run. 7 cures all scalp bum- era. prevents hair falllBg out, keeping It fine and glossv. Do you want luxuriant growth, of hair? Her Livbu ItEariTon cures torpid, liver, headache, nervous diseases, all female trouble, all affections of the bladder and kid neys. Remember the place, IIROOKH & LEGO, Druggist', ratton Dlock, Salem, Oregon, For any special or complicated blemish of the face and form, write to MRS. NKTl'IE HAXtRISON, in Geary Ht., Ban Franolsco. rJuperfluous hair permanently removed. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland amd Baa Francisco. FirstMSlass in all IU appointments. Its tables are served with the Clioieest Fruits Grown in the Willamette Volley. A, I. WAGNER, frop. E. K. HALL, Paper Hanger and Decorator. Offleo at Cha.4, Culvert's Millinery store Btlem, Oregon, II. W. Smith, postmaster ol LewlsvlUe. and XV. H. Murphy, .f Salem, nave for aalf about 2.000 arrfs of good farming and stock land In the Lucklnmul rountry lu Ifilk f"unly P rice range from W to m Pr AAU fpM p roperty, and on the. aiartet for tb arsl time. Great bargains. Call oa '.d"! Mttt SIKlVe, dw S-l-lf nmdGH W KEGENTLEMAlWFRiain. jcnn- ? v i Bargains in Land. 1'Hrm fur Sale r Trade. On easy trois. tour mlte et rt Hobllmlty, contain BgliTawtc; W trade ferpniperty In or sear Maltat, M. O nOVK, EXCUSES FOR JJELAY. Dn, TALMAQE ON THOSE INVITED TO THE WEDDING PEAST, How Very Itlnglrnt leu Ari In Tlielr At. tltu. do toward tlioCliitmsofClirlstlanlty, 4yoor Doctors, Poor Partners, Poor Lnw yers nnd Poor Christians. BnooKLTN, April 10. Rov. Dr. Tnl. mngo In Ida sermon in tho Brooklyn Tnbernnclo this forenoon spread before tho Rrent nudlonco In eloquent wordi tho bentity nnd nttractlvcncss of tho gqdpol feast, tho toxt chosen bolng from Luko xiv, 18, "And thoy nil with ono consent began to mako excuse" After tho invitations to a lorco aro sent out tho 1 egrets como in. One man apologizes for nonattendanco on ono ground, another on another ground. Tho most of tho regrots are founded on prior engagements. So in my text a great banquet was spread, tho invita tions wero circulated, nnd now tho re grots como in. Tho ono gives an agri cultural reason, tho other a stock deal er's reason, tho other a domestic reason all poor reasons. Tho agricultural rea son being that tho man had bought n farm and wanted to see it. Could ho not see it tho next day? Tho stock deal er's reason being that ho had bought fivo yoke of oxen, and he wanted to go nnd prove them. Ho had no business to buy them until ho know what thoy were. Besides that a man who can own fivo yoke of oxen can command his own time. Besides that he might have yoked two of them together and driven them on tho way to tho banquet, for locomo tion was not as rapid then as now. Tho man who gave tho domestic reason said ho had got married. Ho ought to havo taken lii3 wifo with him. The fact was they did not want to go. "And they all with one consent began to mako ex cuse." So now God spreads n great ban quet; it is tho gospel feast, and the tablo reaches across tho hemispheres, and tho invitations go out and multitudes como and sit down and drink out of tho chalices of God's love, whilo other multitudes de cline coming tho one giving this apolo gy and tho other giving that apology. "And they all with ono consent began to mako excuse." I propose this morning, bo far as God may help me, to examine the apologies which men mako for not entering tho Christian life. Apology tho first: I am not sure there is anything valuablo in the Christian re ligion. It is pleaded that there are so many impositions in this day so many things that seem to be real are sham. A gilded outside may have a hollow inside. There is so much quackery in physics, in ethics, in politics, that men come to tho habit of incredulity, and after awhile thoy allow that incredulity to collide with our holy religion. IT HAS MADE A GOOD RECORD. But, my friends, I think religion has made a pretty good record in the world. How many wounds it has Balved; how many pillars of fire it has lifted in the midnight wilderness; how many si moom struck Saharas it hath turned into tho gardens of tho Lord; how it hath stilled the chopped seal What rosy light it hath sent streaming through the rift of the storm cloud wrack; what pools of cool water it hath gathered for thirsty Hagar and Ishmael; what manna whiter than coriander seed it hath dropped all around the camp of hardly bestead pil grims; what promises it hath sent out like holy watchers to keep the lamps burning around deathbeds! Through the darkness that lowers into tho sepulcher, what flashes of resurrection morn I Besides that, this religion has made so many heroes. It brought Summerfield, the Methodist, across tho Atlantic ocean with his silver trumpet to blow the ac ceptable year of tho Lord, until it seemed as if all our American cities would tako tho kingdom of heaven by violence. It sent Jehudi Ashman into Africa alone, in a continent of naked barbarians, to lift tho standard of civilization and Christianity. It made John Milton among poets, Raphael among painters, Christopher Wren among architects, Thorwaldsen among sculptors, Handel among musicians, Dupont among mili tary commanders; and to give new wings to tho imagination, and better balanco to tho judgment, and moro determina tion to tho will, and greater usefulness to the lifo, and grander nobility to tho soul, thero is nothing in all tho earth like our Christian religion. Nothing in religion 1 Wby, then, all those Christians wero deceived when in their dying moment thoy thought they tow tho castles of tho blessed; and your child, that with unutterable agony yqu put away into tho grave you will never see him again, nor hear his sweet voice, nor feel tho throb of his young heart? There is nothing in religion! Sickness will como upon you. Roll and turn on your pillow. No relief. Tho medicine may bo bitter, the night may bo dark, the pain may bo sharp. No relief. Christ sever comes to the sick room. Let the pain stab. Let the fever burn. Curse it and die. There is nothing in religion! After awhile death will come. You will hear tho pawing of tho palo horse on tho threshold. Tho spirit will bo breaking away from tho body, and it will tako fight whither, whither? Thero is no God, no ministering angels to conduct, no Christ, no heaven, no home. Noth ing in religion! Oh, you aro not willing to adopt such a dismal theory. And yet tho world is full of skeptics. And let me say thero is no class of people for whom I have a warmer sympathy than for skeptics. We do not know how to treat them. Wo deride them, wo cari cature tbem. We, instead of taking them by the soft hand of Christian love, clutch them with tho iron pincers of eccleeios-tidsm- Oh, if you knew how those men had.fallen away from Christianity and frootrnm. skeptics yon would not be so roush oa them. Borne were brought np mVhTT&?l?ZTr bothered'about the oteie The moat wretched day in the wkw , ftbrat gy ReUgitxiwaadrivenintotoeo g g witktriphaHr SvWrf b3lrlr cfcawed byth grae told by their parents' that thty wero the worst children thnt evor lived because thoy liked io rido down hill bettor than to rend "Pilgrim's Progress." Thoy never heard their parents tnlk of religion but with tho cornovs of their mouths drawn down nnd tho oyes rolled up, TUB UNPAtTHPUl, 19 A BTtMuMNO l)IOCK. Othors wont Into skepticism through mnltrenttnont on tho part of somo who professed religion, Thero Is n man who says, "My partner In business was vol nblo in prayor meeting, nnd hi as of Gcioufl in nil religious circles, but ho cheated mo out of $:i,000, nnd I don't want nny of thnt religion." Thero aro others who got into skepti cism by n natural porsistenco in asking questions why or how. How enn God bo ono being in thrco persons? Thoy can not understand it. Noithcr enn I. How can God bo a comploto sovereign nnd yet man a free agent? They cannot under stand it. Neithor can I. They cannot understand why a holy God lets sin como into tho world. Noithorcanl. They say: "Horo is a great mystory. Hero is n disci plo of fashion, frivolous and godless all her days sho lives on to bo an octogena rian. Hero is n Christian tnothor train ing hor children for God and for hoaven, self sacrificing, Christliko, indispcnsablo seomingly to that household sho takes tho cancer and dies." Tho skeptic says, "I can't explain that." Nnlther can I. Oh, I can soo how men reason them selves into skopticism. With burningfeot I havo trod that blistering way. I know what it is to havo a hundred nights poured into ono hour. Thero aro men in this audienco who would givo their thou sands of dollars if they could get back to tho old religion of their fathers. Such men are not to be caricatured, but helped, and not through their heads, but through their hearts. When theso men really do como into tho kingdom of God, they will be worth far more to tho causo of Christ than those who never examined tho evi dences of Christianity. Thomas Chalmers onco a skeptic; Robert Hall once a skep tic; Christmas Evans onco a skeptic, but when they did lay hold of tho gospel chariot, how they mado it speed ahead! If therefore I stand this morning be fore men and women who havo drifted away into skepticism I throw out no scoff. I rather 'implead you by tho mem ory of those good old times when you knelt at your mother's knee and said your evening prayer arid those other days of sickness when she watched all night and gave you tho medicines at just the right timo and turned the pillow when it was hot, and -with hand long ago turned to dvt soothed your pains, and with that voice you will nevor hear again unless you join her in tho better coun try told you never mind you would bo better by and by, and by that dying couch, where she talked so slowly, catch ing her breath between tho .words by all those memories I ask you to como and take the same religion. It was good enough for her it is good enough for you. Aye, I make a better plea by tho wounds and the death throo of tho Son of God, who approaches you this morn ing with torn brow and lacerated hands and whipped back crying, "Como unto me all ye who are weary and heavy lad en, and I will givo you rest." CHRIST'S REMEDY TOR BAD TEMPER. Other persons apologize for not enter ing the Christian lifo because of the in corrigibility of their temper. Now, wo admit it is hardor for some people to bo come Christians than for others, but tho grace of God never camo to a mountain that it could not climb, or to an abyss that it could not fathom, or to a bondage that it could not break. Tho wildest horso that ever trod Arabian sands has been broken to bit and trace, Tho mad est torrent tumbling from mountain shelvinghas been narnessod to the mill wheel and the factory band, setting a thousand shuttles all a-buzz and a-clat-ter, and the wildest, the haughtiest, tho most ungovernable man ever created by the graco of God may be subdued and sent out on ministry of kindness, as God Bends an August thunderstorm to water tho wild flowers down in the grass. Good resolution, reformatory effort, will not effect tho change. It takes a mightier arm and a mightior hand to bend evil habits than the hand that bent the bow of Ulysses, and it takes a strong er lasso than ever held tho buffalo on the prairio. A man cannot go forth with any human weapons and contend suc cessfully against these Titans armed with uptorn mountain. But you have known men into whose spirit tho influence of the gospel of Christ camo until their dis position was entirely changed. So it was with two merchants in New York. They were very antagonistic. They had done all thoy could to injure each other, Thoy wero in the same lino of business, One of the merchants was converted to God, Having been converted, ho asked the Lord to teach him how to bear him self toward that business antagonist, and he was impressed with the fact that it was his duty when a customer asked for a certain kind of goods which ho had not, but which ho knew his opponent had, to recommend him to go to that store. I suppose that is about the hard est thing the man could do, but being thoroughly converted to God he re solved to do that very thing, and being asked for a certain kind of goods which he had not he said, "You go to such and such a store and you will get it." After awhile merchant No. 2 found theso cus tomers coming so sent, and he fcunl also that merchant No. 1 had been brought to God, and he sought the same religion. Now they are good friends and good neighbors, the graco of God entirely changing their disposition. THOSE RUOOED CRRISTUXS. "Oh," says some ono, "I have a rough, jagged, impetuous nature, and religion can't do anything for me." Do you know that Martin Luther and Robert Newton and Richard Baxter were impetuous, all consuming natures, yet the grace of God tnmad them into the mightiest useful ness? Oh, how many who have been pug nacious and hard to please and irascible nefs li profitable (or tho life that how u as well nl fcf thb 1'fo which U to cornel" Potor, with nntiiro tempestuous ns the eoti thnt ho onco Iried to walk, nt one look of Christ wont out nnd wept bitter ly, Rich harvests of graco mny grow on tho tiptop of tho jnggrd steep, and flocks of Christian graces lnny find pnsturngo in floldi of brnmblo nnd rock, Though your disposition may bo nil n-brletlowlth frotfulncKt, though you havo n temper a-glcatn with quick lightnings, though i'otir uvnrtfo l-o ll'to thnt of tho horso eoch, crying, "Giro!" though dnmnnblo impurities havo wrapped you in nil con suming flro, God enn drivo thntdovll out of your soul, nnd ovor tho chaos nnd tho darkness ho can say, "Let thoro bo light." Converting graco has lifted tho drunk ard from tho ditch and snatched tho knifo from tho hand of tho assassin and tho falso koys from tho burglar, and in tho pestif erous lanes of tho city met the daughter of sin under tho dim lnmpllght nnd scat tered hor sorrow and her guilt with tho words, "Thy sins are forgiven go and sin no moro." For scarlet sin a scarlet atonement. Other persons apologize for not enter ing tho Christian lifo becauso of tho in consistencies of thoso who profess reli gion. Thoro nro thousands of poor farmors. They do not know tho naturo of soil nor tho proper rotation of crops. Their corn is shorter in tho stalk and smaller in tho ear. They havo 10 less bushels to tho aero than their neighbors. But who declines being a farmer becauso thero aro so many poor farmors? There are thousands of incompetent merchants. They buy at tho wrong time. Thoy get cheated in tho sale of their goods. Every halo of goods is to them a bole of disaster, Thoy fail after awhile and go out of business. But who declines to bo a merchant becauso th'cro aro so many incompetent merchants? Thero aro thousands of poor lawyers. Thoy cannot draw a declaration that will stand tho tost They cannot recover just damages. They cannot help a de fondant escapo from tho injustice of his persecutors. They nro tho worst evi dence against any case in which thoy aro retained. But who declines to be a lawyer because thero nro so many in competent lawyers? Yet thoro aro tens of thousands of pcoplo who decline being religious becauso thero aro so many un worthy Christians, Now, I say it is il logical. Poor lawyers aro nothing against jurisprudence, poor physicians are nothing against medicine, poor farm era are nothing against agriculture, and mean, contemptible professors of religion are nothing against our glorious Christi anity. THB WnA-O'-JTHE-WISP OF UNBELIEF. Sometimes you havo been riding along on a summer night 'by n swamp, and you have seen lights that kindled over decayed vegetation lights which aro called jack-o'-lantern or will-o'-the-wisp. These lights are merely poisonous mias mata. My friends, on your way to heaven you will want a hotter light than tho will-o'-tho-wisps which dance on tho rotten character of dead Christians. Ex udations from noisonous trees in our neighbor's garden will mako a very poor balm for our wounds. Sickness will como, and wo will bo pushed out toward the Red sea which divides tlds world from tho next, and not tho inconsistency of Christians but tho rod of faith will wave baok tho waters as a commander wheels his host. Tho j udg ment will como with its thundershod so lemnities, attended by bursting moun tains and tho deep laugh of earthquakes, and suns wilt fly before tho feet of God like sparks from tho anvil, and 10,000 burning worlds shall blazo liko banners in the track of God omnipotent. Oh, then we will stop and say, "There was a mean Christian; thero was a cowardly Christian; thero was a lying Christian; there was an impure Christian." In that day as now, "If thou bo wise, thou shalt be' wise for thyself , but if thouscornest thou alone shall bear it." Why, my brother, tho inconsistency of Christians so far from being an argument to keep you away from God ought to bo an ar gument to drivo you to him. The best placo for a skillful doctor is a neighbor hood where thoy are all poor doctors; tho best place for an enterprising merchant to open his store is in a place wbero tho bargain makers do not understand their business, and tho best placo for you who want to becomo the illustrious and com plete Christians tho best placo for you is to come right down among us who are bo incompetent and so inconsistent some times. Other persons apologizo for not becom ing Christians becauso they lack timo, as though religion muddled the brain of tho accountant, or tripped tho pen of tho author, or thickened tho tongue of tho orator, or weakened the arm of tho mo chanlo, or scattered tho briofs of tho lawyer, or interrupted tho sales of tho merchant. They bolt thpir store doors against it and fight it baok with trowels and with yard sticks and cry, "Away with your religion from our store, our ofllce, our factory 1" A REUOION FOR WORKERS. Thoy do not understand that religion in this workaday world will help you to do anything you ought to do. It can lay a keel, it can sail a ship, it can buy a car go, it can work a pulley, it can pave a etreot, it can fit a wristband, it can write a constitution, it can marshal a host. It is as appropriate to the astronomer as his tolescopo, to tho chemist as his labora tory, to tho mason as his plnmbline, to the carpenter as his plane, to the child as Ida marbles, to tho grandfather as his staff. No timo to be religious hero! You have no time not to be religious. You might as well have no 61erki in your store, no books in your library, no compass or; your ship, bo rifle in the battle, no, ia for your head, no coat for your back, no shoes for your feet, Better travel on to ward eternity bare headed and bare footed and koaseless and homeless and friend leu than to go through life without re ligion. Did religion make Raleigh any less of a statesman, or navelock any leu of a soldier, or Qrinnsll any leu of a met ebttt. or West ay leu of a painter? bargain, it is tho sweetest note in overy song, it is tho brightest gem in every coronot No timo to bo rollglotisl Why rott will lmvo to tako timo to bo sick, to bo troubled, to dlo. Our world is only tho wharf from which wo aro to embark for hoaven. No timo to secure the friendship of Christ. No timo to buy A lamp end trim it for that walk through tho darknoss which othorwisd will bo illumlnod only by tho whiteness of tho tombstones, No t Imo to odticnto the eyo for henvenly splendors, or tho hand for choral harps, or tho car for everlasting songs, or tho soul for honor, glory ana immortnlity. Ono would think wo had time for nothing olso, Other persons apologizo for not enter ing tho Christian lifo becauso it is timo enough yot. That is very liko thoso per sons who send their regrots and say: "I will come in perhaps ot 11 or 13 o'clock. I will not bo there nt tho opening of tho banquet, but I will bo thoro nt tho close." Not yot! Not yet! Now, I do not givo nny dolofnl viow of this lifo. There is nothing in my na turo, nothing in tho graco of God, that tends toward a doleful viow of human lifo. I hnvo not much sympathy with Addison's description of tho "Vision of Mirzn," where ho represents human lifo as bolng a bridgo of a hundred arches, and both ends of the bridgo covored with cloudB, and tho rnco coming on, tho most of them falling down through tho first span, and all of thorn falling down through tho last span. It is a very dis mal picture. I havo not much sympathy with tho Spanish proverb which says, "Tho sky is good, and tho earth is good that which is bad is between the earth and tho sky," CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE HOPEFUL. But while wo Christian people are bound to tako a cheerful viow of life we must also confess that lifo is a great un certainty, and that man who says, "I can't' becomo a Christian becauso there is timo enough yot," is running a risk infi nite. Yon do not perhaps realize the fact that this descending grado of sin gets steeper and steoper, and that you are gathoring up a rush and velocity which oftor awhllo may not onswer to tho brakes. Oh, my friends, be not among thoso who give their wholo lifo to tho world and then givo their corpse to God. It does not seem fair whilo our pulses are In full play of health that wo serve our selves and servo tho world and then mako God at last tho present of a coffin. It does not soem right that we run our ship from coast to coast, carrying cargoes for ourselves, and then when tho ship is crushed on tho rocks givo to God tho shivered timbers. It is a great thing for a man on his dying pillow to repent bettor than nover at all but how much better, how much more generous, it would havo been if ho had repented 60 years before t My friends, you will nover get over theso procrastinations. Hero is a delusion. Peoplo think, "I can go on in sin and worldllness, but after awhilo I will repent, and then it will be as though I had como at tho very start." That is a dolusion. No ono over gets fully over procrastination. If you givo your soul to God, somo other lime than this, you will enter heaven with only half tho capacity for enjoyment and knowledge you might havo had. There will be heights of blessedness you might have attained, you will never reach; thrones of glory on which you might have been seated, but which yon will nover climb. Wo will nevor get over procrastination, neithor in time nor in eternity. We have started on a march from which thero is np retreat. Tho shadows of eternity gathor on our path way. How insignificant is timo com pared with tho vast oternityl I was thinking of this whilo coming down over the Alleghnny mountains at noon, by that wonderful placo which you have all heard described as tho Horseshoe a de pression in tho sido of tho mountain whore the train almost turns backs again upon itsolf, and you soo how appropriate is the description of tho Horseshoe and thinking on this very theme and prepar ing this very sermon it soemod to mo as if the groat courser of eternity speeding along had just struck tho mountain with ono hoof and gono on into illimltablo spaco. So short is timo, so insignificant is earth, compared with tho vasteternltyl This morning voices roll down tho sky, and all tho worlds of light are ready to rejoicoat your dlsenthrallment. Rush not into tho presonco of tho king ragged with sin when you may havo tlds robo of righteousness. Dash not your foot to pieces against tho throno of a crucified Christ. Throw not your crown of lifo off tho battlements. All tho scribes of God aro this moment ready with vol umes of living light to record tho news of vour soul emancipated. oczsiarjaaxxzKE aacxxjrmrTrm COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At last a mfdleal work thtt tells th; eaa, denorlbe ttie effects, point ''.T,med"''.i TW MMleatlflctllr th mot valuabls. artistically he nioit beautiful, tnwltctl book that liu p ptsrod forrsi M !. tyrf pui ben ahlf ton lllustratlmi lu tints. 8rno of the subject treated aro erous Debllltr, Impo u,ne, Sterllltr, Derelopment. Varicocele, The lldiband. Toom lutendlug Marriage, etc. KvTyilanvKotwuUlmnittht UrantiTrvlht, ths Plain rf. th Old htfrett aiut Kfv ( covertrt nf ttrdtatl RrUtie at affil'd toilar. rtetl Uft. who ivoutd nUmt for pntlulljtt ant nmlil Mure plifallt. thmiw wril fur Ihu WOHDKprVLtfTTLKhOOK. ... A. ., It will I.A unt trfm. tlnripr While the edl U tln lasts. If convenient enclose ten cents to lisy postage alone. Address me puuuiucn, ERIC MEDICAL CO., BtrrrALo, m. v. Lm-m--Mmy n - ! "rwyrr- MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Ileal Estate, In amounts and time to suit. Mo delay In considering loans. FEAR k FORD, Boom 12, Hash Hank block. 6 U4w Authorized Capital $600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Haled, Oregon. Pre. y.H.AXBKRT.OartUr. fMte,Ce4wtraaa Otty WarraaU beturht at a? srV I JRA J.S S Do you wanf to keep your husband home at night, -' . and kecP ,llm agreeable and pleasant ? He must smoke, and yet, you don't like the smell of his tobacco. YoU can drive him away to his club out of just such things come misery, unhappiness and divorce. The trouble is that lie uses poor tobacco. Coax him to get Blackwell's Bull Durham SMOKiria Tobacco; its delicate aroma will- not be offensive to you, and It will not fill all the curtains, hangings and clothing with that stale disagreeable odor that now troubles you. Keep your husband home, and avoid all risks by having him smoke Bull Durham TODACCO. Sold everywhere. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C I3XT 1893 -r AH Roads Lend to Chicago. LEAD3 TUB VAN. Excursion Rates to the World's Fair. Ed, C. ESTABLISHED 1870. ' WILLIAM NILES & CO,, Los Angeles. California. BREEDERS AND EXPORTERS OF Berkshire rsan Nllea CLEAN. If vou would be clean and havo your done up ,ia the neatest and dressiest mannor, SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and in Iho inost propapt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street. Steamer Elwooo. LEAVES SALEM from V. V. Dock at 8 o'clock a. m. every Mon day, Wednesday and Baturday. LEAVES POBTLAND Irora the Central dock at foot ol Washington street every Tuesday, Thursday andHunday, Uonoernlng freight and passenger bualnatu, call on the agent, AL1IKHHKN. ' CflflS. W0LZ, , I'roprlelor of tho GERMAN x MARKET South Commercial Ht., Salem. All kinds Fresh, nsll nnd Hmoked Meata and Sausages. ---FHBK DBMVKIIV, The only genuine Wienerwurst In the city. Residence 882 Court St. J. L MUTTON, Sign and IIouso Painter, DKOOKATOIt, KALSOMINKH, AMI) PA' I'KH 1UNOKH. Leave order at A. H. tluren non'n furni ture; store or Broat A Olio, grorers. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS 6 PLASTERERS. Leave orders atOolUa-J'arkkurst U,rtalMA,Urgoa. STATE STREET DRUG STORE New Ceamrtle, I'er luiaea, and Fae DleasbM EXCLUSIVE DErOSITOHY. " LtoycTt Ateptlri Sm. Mrs. HarrlW Ctwprtxteft AIJ. MJtOOKMA LMGO, Sultmt. . MILWAUKEE ft ST. PiL RT- Cross, Choice Meats. Wholesale sad Retail Rcnlcr in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Meats. ol ttHKifitfs 98 Court and 110 State Streets, INCORPORATED 1881 FINE CATTLE, lKlUS, ftaRl. k Poland-China Pigs a Spsdilif Fancy Poultry, All Varieties. Eggs for Hatching. Incubaton. , t Pacific Coast Poultry and Block, llluatra- 4 mm iru, ou renin ny num. IsSTHEND FOR CIRCULARS." tako them to tho How They let Hello, Jones! have you teen anything ot Jim Bbanta'a HaoketWoodBawthla mornlavr No, but leave yonr order at the Kea JFroM Auotlon House, 83 Hlato Street, Smith Premier Typewriter. Hold.on easy payment. For Heat. . W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. ll.N.'BUIlI'BK.Oen' (Agent, 101 Third M,' 1'ortland. Bend for catalogue. 'ureasws ;LI,jH.G s&m UTEST PATENTS WITMItmi 8E8T mmnuiHu. HAIMITN USffMSMY. WUI.r WHUat af l.laUM M bf UIIIiltlU.UtM Snmm. laaoar. NSfHMIiWW eu.ttsaK ani Mkw.ui UIllHI eUtaMJaf uiiihiiMMI MM le.MWa sasasasasasasaVs"alK. ' VSSaSssSsasasasasasasasaB: II " ' SiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBvjiii H mi UMm aBTWaaaHes tssaWaal m m le, mt tinaMi meal as mmnmmm m s, Sralw. states, ntm MeH5, IHi -i .. alia. Meat mjjrtiiMwm m l .I' . v.r? niiu sa ta, . !, i.fv!""""1 i ' !UJ1 SB Stte e aaejesa "jasis ! tsep ik tattBe.s, ase f w ew.p sb ttf as . wv tvvwm. "r T"rl"?jaH SB Jww',iy.t!yga ' .u jl. m. -T!-f!Ta.'g?Sv-i?-5r gm.iy v I y -i.rri-rltGad fsm hMiMftl 0M rM ' 0pmvm ssssssssssssskssW AssssasW Wl swrtsT T.T. .-" """." .VfSf-Vff ssBBstafcaaBHssaBasM'Uflsil