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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1892)
mniwiui. iinrtiiiWrMi DETERMINED SUICIDE. CkoforA in Kurept; 8'eMMli.M Articled " in New rk. iMAM8HIPrf DXTAimSD. Arntr-Yhre Deatks on Board th Moravia From Cholerine. Khw Yokk, Aug. 31. aieamsbip iMuMVlMwhloh arrived this morn. lug rpntlo JW (tunthw on board since 'ftOlnjr. The siiio'it do-lor call it .bolerloo' 8terag paifci'.gers of tlio M'irav. la were 'carefully inspected and all Ibond to he In good liculth except tore children .ufillcled with mea- ilM. The Hteamshlp'fl Frleflland, Ciroswwlft and Vondam were Mill daUlued. HUiuarlnllno tills nuirninif. , Anuhor'llne Bteutner lUilU wltu 287 teernge panseugeM from Of noa tr rived at quarltitlrie htM nlyut. Fire' and second paa-enueifl of t'lrcawl. wm taken oil Inst nlifht ni brought to tlic city. .Slot-rug pus engerrj' nro ( be taliuo to Hnliumii' Inland today, iuid given n bat It tifU whloli tliey will nij.itii tit! )mvi o C.roBslfi nnd detained m In.; ir bay for wvertl rtuys. Mrat ileitth took place August '10 and the loat death August 29th The Moravia has been ordered down to lower bay. Shooting in New Orleans. Nkw Oiu.kans, Atlg. 31. The Njrlh western swllchmeu'e strike, w licit Iibb been on ulnco August llth, took a serious turn early yes terday morning and terminated In four employes and one striker beluy shot. The shooting occurred near the main track In the yard on Pre street, and the- wounded were: V. It, Binilh, foreman of the switch engine fraUgi George S. tiprague, night ynnlnuMer; V. It. Mnpen, i swltchnmn; J. F. Juiiw, engineer o the switch enuint, and .la Ties Sex ton, ono of the striking switchmen. The beginning of the trouble result ed from the dismissal of a night yardmaster, who had been employ ed temiHirnrlly. When his place was made vacant, the conipau drought ono nf their old employe. from Merldau. Ttio men struct In-camo'ibey wanted one of thei riieuiber t b given the position. Would be nnn-piiytug. Either the trunseoulhiental Mich rinint iitmmloii business to seaUmld oluts or nr range In some way to make up the deficit for tow terminal rate. It Ik llilax.vnteni which the Great North em lute-ids to overthrow by Its mile age charge. FIGHT WITH 00NVI0T8. ol A Determined Suicide. r FortJjANU, Aug. 81. Body Mid Jot , an aged Hollander ami farmer of Piersaut vuiley wan found : Bti(ug iu the river this morning. &Jbnl .Hatuday Jot took a dose o' mry.:hnlne filled life pockets with ifoekB anil -jumped In the riyer. Qiorge W. Curtis is Dead. WMV York, Aug. 81. George W. Curtis Is dMd. M', Curtis became ill about two tODthi ago with itidicuilons of dropsy. Eminent physicians could give but little relief. He coiihtintb ijBUflered cofisiderahle pain and was told opium would relieve him, hut decllnod to take opium. At request of Mrs- Curtis bomeputhto treatment was resorted to last -veek, njco that time he suffered less, but about three days ngo bpgan toslnkgrad. oally, (lnnlly dying at five o'clock this morning. He was cons'-'oui to the end. Nebraska's Doinocratic Ticket. .j.I)iNCOtiN, Neb., Aug. 81. The Dirnoeriitio oonvoutlou yudtunluj nominated J. Sterling M irton, ol r A'rtwr Lo Igc, for governor by no . cUination. Mr. Morton vm the founder ufurbor day, and is whloiy ; known us the "Sugo of Arbor Lodge" .The other nomlnatlouB were: Lleutcnaut-jovernor, .Baniuol M, sWwlnajh; secretary of state, T. M. Crow! uudltor, P. P. O'Sulllyan; tiMUrer, Androw Dcokman; state mpariritetidout of Instruction, J. W. Harburgcir; attorney- gonoral, M. iQwlns; commissioner of public lands J Hd bullJItigs, Juoob Wiggins, of liny county. Asked to Resign. Washington, Aug. 31. Attor ney General Miller recommends t t;n- i.res'dent that the rtslgnutlnu e: Ui h'd fJfntei Marshal Pursons, r Utih, be ashed for Immediatel.v The president approved the rccon neudulioiiH, and the marshal hi neco'Sked to resign. It Is stated i. ihc li'parin.ent of justice that th notion was tuken because the rnui dial and his deputies on some o aasons allowed Pi o cr GiosibccV to ieave the prison and vMl hi third wife, for living with whom 1 1 had been convicted on the charge i tdultry. Schooner Capsized. MifiWAUKKK, Aug. 81. Specii to The Wisconsin from Mttilstei iMicli., pays: The schooner City Toledo has capsized and eaptal nnd tils two daughters and Severn Pallors were drowned. ' The Cholera. Washington. Auir. ah Tim ."Official information of oholcru iu fJBuropo received at Washington yes -twtUy is very meagre nnd confined to one dim atoh from the consul ul 'Bremen. Ho cabled tint there win ; CM Asiatic oholera iu the city, and yivery precaution la takeu to prevent Pllf, Treasury ollloiuls liavo received lurances or too ellectlvoness of naUonul and state quarantine sor Vtow, and they Bay the department htm done all it can to prevent oholera Inlng admlsslou Into the United tes. A cordon of lnspootlou and infection Is bolug rapidly tstab- ad on thoseabourdfrom Loulsana i Maine, and along the Canadian hud Mexloan frontiers. A circular . the suhjeot was Issued by Actiug etary Bpauldlng In tlio afternoon i oolleotors of customs and others. Jkotors of oustoms on tlio Can- llau and Mexloan frontiers are lu sted to oxerclso spdolal vigilance the .examination of Immigrants i'thelr efl'ects. and unite with the loers of the murine hospital sor- l aud local health ofllcors Instioh as they may deem udvlsuble i prevent the introduction of ohol- . Into the U lilted Btntes. Harrison Visits Keid. WuiTfi. PhutNH, Aug. 31. Pics denthil (rain arrived hero this morn ing. President Harrison and partj stepped into waiting rmrbgea mv woro driven to Ophlr farm, tin home of Whltelaw Iteld. Tliee will be no formal reception. Th presldont was accorupstulod li; Chairman Carter. Piutt is heroujii. will call at Ophlr farm to pay lib respects to the president. WOKBJ3 IN HAMBURG!. The Djctors are Holplces People Dying Off Like Sheep. llAMiitma, Aug. 31. The cholera ittuatlon Is growing worse hourly. People are dying oil" like sheep. I'lie belief that doctors tiro helpleef io fight tho scourge, grown In trcugth. In one military drill shed four hundred bodies are awaltine burial. The ordinary form of burin, will soon have to be abandoned, aud trenches with quick lime resorted to. Taey Have Arrived. E Chicago, Aug. 30. John How- hl wife Lulu aud dog Lou i arrived hero from Heat tie Imv- ; walked that dlBtauee ou a wager . They were to cover tho ice between March 10th and 16th. The Oholera. I KHAN, Aug, 81. Cholera In Ity has apparently run Its land s-visibly dtcrvttHlug, Moos, Aug, Sl.Thero U deep kUou at the authorities for llttiug pMeugers to land, on last from tho stewmer Pero- ifmsu JI'UMhurj. Thase rus- laneran exaniinatlon were l to laud with the result they iBtroduiml eholera iuto one i moat dtily Hptilated quir- fLoodou. ThU morning one lObokia atlMit iu City Iload WteMWiiii DiowatB' rAUKHK,Atitf, ai,-DHorHt. annviwUati wiuvwmmI hare The MtHHNkllHiH a ti ofa tovw AHft m it is ib iMH4t Matu iiMrom Goods for "World's Fair. Chicago, Aug. 80. Traus-non-tinontul nsHoulatioti of which all the western rullroads mo membeiH, liuve notified the trutllo dcpaitmonM of the worlds fair of their willlugiiess to make half rate on perishable prop erty and uther exhibits whloh will uot be returned. In tho matter of ordinary exhibits the former urrungemouts of full tnrlfl rates on forward Journey and freo return still holds good. SENATOR ALLISON Opona tho Republican Campaign in Iowa. Wavkkly, la., Aug. 81. Bonntoi Allison opened tho caiupalgm of the Itepublleaus hero this afternoon In a strong speech. Ic wad generally known thespeoch was to bo theprin clpal eflort of the setiator.duilug the campaign, and there was u large as semblage In consequence. Truo Asiatic Oholora. New VOiuc, Aug. 31. Health or flcers who have made an iusiectmu of tho Moravia's passougers pro- nouuoj tho causo of death In the stricklu cases us true Asiatic cholera All emigrant In tho bteaiushlp are being transferred to HolliiianV Island this afternoon, ve.tsels and cargo will bo thoroughly disdnlleet ed whilo lying in the lower bay. Desperate Attempt of Three Pris oners to Escape. Jacksoij, Mich., Autr. 31. Ed ward Hi.ntiey, aged 20 ycais, a Dc iroit burilnr; John D.ivls, Sj years, a IOiinmoz Hi burglar, and Lige Bul- lard, uD.-trolt erlmliial, attempted tocHcape from tho penitentiary yes tcrday h.v climbing the prison wall. Huntley and Davis were fatally sh it, end all were recaptured. The attempt was made at 7 o'clock aid wai timed to the best advan ago. Huntley and ilnllard uotoui In the tint quad and D.ivis 15 min utes later. In some way the con victs had secreted a long ladder wax tho southwest corner, Just in ildo tho w ill. Kcck.t Cbane saw Huntley und Dullard leave the shop ind Instantly followed I hem. They 'uu swlfily to tho south corner, vlitro Di vis Joined them, ho three convicts put tho laddei upugalnst the wall, Davis running to tho top. tie had liU hand Illicit with ston1', which he threw at lb guard on tho wall as he advanced, and at others who followed Inside tho yard. The guard fired three times ut the msn, but missed. Hb gun then failed to go ofl" The other convtct-i now mounted beside Davison the wall, nnd, su'dug Unit the guard'- guu had failed to go off. they stormed tho guirJ home, in oldeof whloh (Juird Clark wa and attempted to batter down tin door (o teciro the gun.' Untitle carried a b'ard shield, four fee long and Iron covered, which h hold in front of dim to protejt him from the liuUets and rooks whloli were directed toward him. .Seeing all three euardd coining he jumped down outsi.le the wall, and starte I to run, Clark had put a new cut ridge In It's gun mid leumed tiring Hijdruck Humlcy twice, one ball entering the riirht side above the hip, mid another down in the leg. Guard Fieem in Came up ut thin junctor- cud brought Davis down with u ball iu the left hip, which shattered tho bon, causing Davis to fall from tho wall. Billiard then threw up his linnde and was hand cuffed nnd In ought In. She Tied Iter Clothmtlne to a Train. Whilo tho sun was trying to shine yesterday afternoon n woman camo out of a little house that stands almost un der the shadow of the Clark street via duct, jammed tip against the ware houses, the railroad wacks and tho limpid river. She wa? a woman of girth and puffed aloud as she carried a basket of damp washing that bumped on her knees. Setting the basket down she lifted a coil of rope and looked abont for a mo ment, us it seiccung FomemiDg io laseo. Ono end of tho rope alio fastened to a nail in tlio corner of her dingy kitchen Tho other end she twisted about n tele graph pole thirty feet away. Then sho strung tho line with sopping flannels an'd a few white articles that dripped with indigo. tVhen the lino was crowded full the bosket was not empty. There wero no more telegraph poles. The slack of the lino would not reach back to tiio house. On tho eitle track btood two freight cars that had been there since Saturday oven- lug, 'luo woman unloosed the ropo from the telegraph polo and found that it would reach the end of the car. She tied it there. After filling her month with clothespins she decorated tho new section witli some whiteshirts and other things that waved phantom gestures in the smoky air. This being accom plished, i,he took n small buekot aud went in the general direction of Kinzlo street. No sooner had she disappeared than a freight eugino camo baeking down and cautiously approached the two cars. A brakeinau waved his arms and there was a bnuip. The festoon of domestic wear drooped until tho pillow cates dragged iu the cinders. Tho brakoman waved bin arms again, tho cars moved, tho lino lifted itself, tightened, and just as the woman camo around tho comer there was n suap. Tlio ropo with its fluttering attachments waved liko the tail of a kite as tho cars rolled r.way, The woman was asthmatic, and gave up tlio cnasa after a few hundred yards. As for the brakeman and engineer, they am not Know wliat had happened until thoy took an inventory at a way station. Chicago News-Record. "ThiokaHd e!ossy." 'PACIFIC LA TI1E rilODCOTION of an abundant 1 growth of hair, : n Mik-llkc texture and of tho original col r, often remit from tlio use, by thosr wlm have become bald or gray, of Ayor Hair Viger: "I was rapidly becoming gray and tiald ( but after iihIiis two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and the origi nal color was restored." it. Aldrlch, Canaan Centre, N. II. " A trial of Avcr'a Hair Vltror has con vinced me of its merits. Its use ha1 not only caused tho hair of my wife and daughter to bo abundant and glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mus tache a resectable length and appear ance." It. Brltton, Oaklanil, Ohio. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for tlio past four or five years and lint! It a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It Is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing the hair to retain Its nntiiral color, and requiring but a small quantity to render tho hair easy to ar rongc." Jfrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles St., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rnzrjuiED sr Or. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Bruggltta and Perfumera. ifD AND ORCHARD CO. FOR TOWN LOTS FRUIT THACTSAND FARMS. $2.00 Perdozeu fortheflnest flnlnbea PiiUTOURAl'IM intheclty. HONTEB BROS., 189 Commercial Street, F. B. SODTDWICK, (toiitractor Salem, nntl Ituiitlcr. - Oregon. The Middle Weights. San Fkancisco, Auar. 31. The Hill's Now Sonoma. Ban Khancisco, Aug. ill. A special from Chicago auya l'rehldont illll has definitely abandoned the polloy of rate-making Iu fnreo on tho transcontinental Hues. Hu an. uouuees ho will make rates based on mlleiigo nhitiu tntween St. Paul' und tho I'nelfle. At present all of tho tiaiiBCOiitliioutal lutes to the I'aclllu coast terminal points are baml on ocean comKtltloti. Fur Instance, it commodity from St. Paul to l'ort lutul over the Northern Paclflo might tuko a rate of 2 per KM) pounds. Tho name commodity Hiiippoti oyer me samo line to Spu katiu might nnd probably would tako rate of $2 60 o? uioro wr lain dnd poundH. Hpokuuo is 376 milt east of Portland, but the Northern i-ucinu wouiu carry tuo sumo com. mutiny through Hpolmno nnd 376 tulles further for 60 ceuUper 100 lew. This system of rate making applies mi all transcontinental Hues, and has liecu approved by the Interstate commerce commlsslou Iu splto of the loug and short haul section of the Hot. The reaton glveu for this syidem, aud which U eoimldcntl good by the cotmnUslou, U that Hoes are compelled to ixio unt. Mpmibly low ratea to lerudual points U) meet ooean ooiuHtlliou, Were (hey to use the terminal rat en as theuiiUla, and aoale down till lute- Pacific Athletic club gluve light be tween Alex. Greggalns, of San Krnuclsco, middle-weight piii;ilist, and Martin Costello, "the Uuffalo," who returned to this county a few weeks ago, after five yours' residence In Australia, attracted a largo and enthusiastic crowd to tho Pacific club's gymnasium Inst night. The fight was viewed with Interest, for It was announced that the' winner would challenge Bob FItzslmmous to buttle for the middle-weight championship of the world. The purse was .2,300. Costello appeared hi go.ul fcirm, while Greggalus' tall figure seemed thinly drawn. The llrst three rounds were fought warily, Gregulns doing some clever feinting and ducking. Both men scored good left bunders In the mouth. Cosleilu I'vld.'iiccd a desire to born lu, but hud a wholesome ro ipeotforGreggaliiH lelt, Greggalus was somewhat nervous, but did bet ter at cIomj ranee than his opponent. brom tho fourth round the men warmed up, aud in the fifth Costello ueirly diopped the Sin Francisco buy witli right hauilers on the head. UrcggaliH dbl some hot ln-flghtlug, however. In tho fifth the "Buffalo" was miner Cloggy. Tho sixth lu the ninth was u little slow. Cos- tello matte a number of wild left swings, nut hU respect for Greg, gains' It fi was too great to allow him to tlo etlecllvo work. The nliiih and tenth Costelltignt to closer quartern mid scored sumo hard bluwson Uieggdus' wind aud ears, the hitter occasionally throwing lu his lelt hum! a jab iu tho mouth, us ns a cant on to the other. He seem ed dlspui-ud to save hU strongth. Costello forced the imeo In the eleventh. In the twelfth Oreggalns played for Costello tried hard to land with his right but fulled. Iu tho 13th (Jicggaliis was hissed for tnlng to baek-heel Costello lu a clinch. aicKKulnBiduiruered Costol. Io iu tlio lfitli with a straight It-U In th face, mid diopped him to u sit ting postiro with unuthor. He got "the Biifhlo" en the ropes lu tin sixteeutii, ami tiled to upper-cut him, but failed. C.Mollo then siug gered him with u rlghMiamU-r on the head, Giegaiim was frequent ly hlRsed for giving CosKl!o tils shoulder In clinches. The light con- tlnuul for twenty rounds more with vur, lug results. Iu tho -10th It was suld Ihut GrengtiluV bauds wore In jured. In the 60lh rou ml Greggalus landed a straight left hard on the chin, getting Costello's right on the ear, (.rcgga.liis rushed and Costello dropped near tho ropes Greggalus landed two still' drives and counter ed apparently with some force with ins right. Tho p lice luterf.-rtd io end the round, and tho rvforte de clared the uouteU a i.rnw, A French Scientist's Project. M. Francois Dolonclo, a French sa vant, nnd deputy for tho Basses Alpcs, has a marvelous project in hand which ho hopes to soe completed in time to as tonish mankind at tho Paris exhibition of 1000. Though tho moon is 21O.CO0 miles distant from the earth, M. Do lonclo thinks ho can construct an appa ratus which will enablo ns to examine that luminary at very close quarters. The idea has been expounded by the author beforo n French scientific society, and M. Dolonclo says, in substance, that tho only obstaclo to a close observation of celestial bodies is the relative imper fection of instruments, and that all that is required is nn enlargement nnd im provement of tho present instruments. Astronomers, says M. Deloncle, have reckoned that tho image of tho moon can bo brought quite closo to the earth by means of a crystal mirror eifjht me ters in diameter, but which, owing to the thickness required, would woigh about eight tons. Ho lias consulted va rious opticians in Paris and they nro prepared to execute the work before the year 1000. Thoro remains, howover, the question of tho ctructuro which would bo required to hold this gigantic mirror, and upon this point M. Maurice Loowy, a dis tinguished French astronomer, says that whilo in principle M. Dolonclo's scheme is possible "there are enormous difllcul tlos in the way of its realization, the chief of which, so far as tho exhibition is concerned, is that tho apparatus must be orected on a mountain about two milos in height in order to secure tho proper atmospheric conditions. If this nnd other dilllcultics wero huruiouuted, says M. Loowy, thero would bo somo very remarkablo results, for it would bo possiblo to clearly distinguish objects abont tho sizo of a four story house. London Chronicle From Oceur D'Alene. WARDSER, Idaho, Aug. 31 A row occurred here Monday morning about 2 o'clock between a pnrty of soldiers and Deputy Sheriff Ciaucy, in which Clancy was badly beaten about the head and his revolver tak en from him. His ussailn'itri huve not yet been discovered, but u thorough Investigation is going on at the camp, and will probably re Bult in finding the meu and punish ing them. It was ascertained to day thnt the war department of ficials are becoming Impatient uvei the delay of tho state authorities in bringing the prisoners to trial. It Is desirable to withdraw all hut four companies at tho earliest possible moment, but It cannot be doneuiiti the prisoners have been disposed of General Carlln nleo desires to have tho troops that nro to remain lien provided with proper shelter before tho fall rams set in. Poormnu ami Tiger mines will resume operation!- on oeptenioer is:, nut cau employ oily non-union men. T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPEft HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th aud ClicmeleU utretl. BICYCLES. Full ball bearing Hafrty Bi cycles. The low est prl' td w heel iu the m irJtct. THO best In the world for I ue price. C.U. IJrowa Agent,2JH ummrr ciat HU A, H. FOnSTNER & CO, Machine Shop, Guns, Sporiicg Goods, Etc. SOU Commerrlnl -street. J. J. BADABAl'CII 4 EFLEY. Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, U State Street. SWEHIlOS., California Bakery. THE BEST. 101 Court Street. HOEYE & MILLS, PORCELAIN BATHS AND MIA VINO FAUXORd, Onlyl'otcclmn Molli Tubs In the city. 209 Com. Ut., Hulein.Or. IV nwi Scientific Horseshoeing. OProMTK FOUNDRY On Stute Street. THE Salem Ilachman is 11, P032LH. llest Line iu the City. Court Street. J. E. MURPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOKT1I 8AL.KM. JIKb. K. . KONGO. Baths for Ladies, IIAIB DKESS1NG PAItLOHS, 124 Court Street. J. I BEXMIT & SOX. CANDISS, Fruit nnd Ci&aR, P. O. Iilook. n nr ti'it.... Clears and Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Com'l Street T. VV. THORNBURG The Upholsterer, llrmottetN, rc-oovt m nnd retwir urliolstm-d. rurnltme. ffi' HlntPlnmurunceM.Klr. "' JOHN Jit WIN, Carpenter and Builder, Hbop 05 atato street. Store rittinjzs aSpoclalt, fSaved Hia Ohilld's Life. A.N. Dilleib-iUKh, York, Neb., Bayn: ''The other cluy I cuuie home autl found my little boy down with choleru morbun, luy wife scared, not Kuowlng tvbut to do. I went BtrHljihtwuy ttiitl got u 25 eeut bottle of Chuiiiberlaln's colic, cholera uutl dianhoea letuf-t'.y, and gave it uc cordiut; ti iliivetiuiiB. You never saw fcueii a cliauge in a child. Hi limbs tiutl body were cold. Iruo bed his hmha und body with niv bauds, and after I hud uiveu;hiui tjhe second tiosie he weut to sleep, es my win p:iy, "troni a death td he was up pluj iiijr in three hours." It eaveduie a doctor hill of about tbue dollarn, aud what is better, it saved my uhlld. I cau recommend it with ti clear conscience." For tale by Ujskutt &Vaiidlype. Kflect or tho Cauipulcn lints. Just what effect tho asiured pvov.a lonco of tho campaign high hats will havo upon tho fashions of fall aud win tor it is iliuicult to detoniiine. Tho shape is tho oxact imitation of tlio ultra fashionable bell crowned tall hut, that London swaggonloiu is woaring with tho long tailed frock coat. It is the shape that wasconfidoutlv looked for bv the American men of fashiou who wero about ready to adopt it. Whether tho campaign will commend it for its beooiuingnosa to the o.ttout of reproduction in black silk tall hats tho coming wimor, or wnottier tlio very pop ular approval vill kill it for tho lino trade, remains to bo seon. It does seem a pity that the latter result should on buo, for thin really distinguished fctylo has boen sovoral seasons impending, and seemed certain of acceptance for 1893-3. W. A. Clarke in Clothier nnd Pur. uishor. A Muliiu farmer with a (ireut Head. For cool, methodical nnd altogether businessllko enjoyment under ndverso circumstances, a fellow w'io drovo through AugtiBta tho other duv in n lmv. rack is to bo commended. Ho wit in a hammock slung to the fore nnd aftor parts of tho cart, nnd over his bead ar ranged liko an awuing ho had stretched tho horso blanket. As he thus drove along tho street while tho temperature was nt a bizKling tioiut ho was tho evno. Euro of ndmiriug eyes. Bangor Com mercial. A Tulkluc Cluck. Keceutly a clever iiersou in St. Pe tersburg arranged aud placed on eahi bltiona clock with a phonograph at taohed that will repeat ut anv hour wtt according to tho iwasessor'ij desire, tuch ordora or aniiouiieements as may be committed to it. The dial of the clock of tho future Is, wo are told, a human face, from whose uncanny mouth comes the announcement of tho hours, as well 03 any directions that may lie left with It, Philadelphia Itecord, SAhKM .MAKKETS. Wheat- 04c per Oubiiel. Oats 3l'(o;35o per bushel. Po'tttoes 45o per bushel. Flour 4.20 per bill. Bran (Cached) $10.00 .per ton Shorts (Sacked) 17.00 per ton. Eggs 2025c per dozoti. Chictons Roosters, 0 per hens, 8o per lb.; broilers fryers, 10c per lb. Ducks 10c per lb. Geese 7o per lb. Lard 12A15o per lb Butler 20()30o per pound. Beef 712Jc dressed, Veal 111 to V2ii3, uresscd. Pork 7l2Jo dressed. Wool l.ri2')c per lb. Hups 10c. li..; II 111 Strength and Health. If you are not feeliug strong and healthy, try Electric Uitteis. U "La Orlppe" haB left you weak nntl weiry, uso Electric Bitters. This remedy ucts directly ou Liver. Stomach und Kidneys, gently nldin those organs to perforin their fune tlous. If you nre iilllicled with Kick Headaoho, you will llud speedy ami pesmuueut relief by tukiug Electric Bitters. One trial will convluco you that thi9 is the remedy you need Largo bottlej only 50o. at Dau'l. J. lry's drugstore, 223 Com'l. st. MMUi U uwUwht nor Miliita Uuk to ro u a fcturtlog jolHt, tfe wkol 8yt of remit Mr.liUBilrr' KerowtHfutlHiitii. Mr. J, A, Lander, a prominent d tlwti or Clarkuburg, Mi., uttd widely known In that rtate.saj of Chamber- lain' Colic, Chu'em mid I)lHrrlu Iteiuwly; "t hav seen i ytoil re sults ami can neouiuiciid It." For Mie by Bwkett 4 Vau Blyt Drug gUts. The Mud lien. I recently roadeactinaiutunwi wii, . mud hen, of the grolw family. I had met her liefore, but had never liad oil portuuity to study her, aud knowledge of her lrnUts U exceedingly interesting. Here, under Uie trees ou a little laguna's bauk, I have watched for hours as she iim oeen swimming, diving, flashing, dartiug, fluttering and spattering foam from her lifted wings and huddliug her young up ou the bank to eat grass in the uu. She has uo beauty, but those tiny cauary colored mud dilr-tam. nJi with soft down, are rather rretty.Sau OllUril Car. Plirl.ti.n rt..i ' I - . w.. .,,, VUIWK, CURED ' . I ,vw -My (.f tttti blood wlilclt i r- u.i.ij;'... 'i.irisrrkwellluga on,. ! , , f ll.u m i !.; c.itises ii.ilntul iiiuuli . ua Iht'Miuj, legs, or fecti iloe!i.jea Ii'rr In Dm i es, ears, or nose, often cans. .; L.:nil:u-a vt deatiK'Ssj l& the origin o' .i!llc, cancerous gronlhs, or Hie 'i mi. ilfi stations iiittally ascribcil t ! umomi" ami fustenlns uou tlio ur.i, nn-a coiiiuini'tlon, and i!"ath. llolnp .o most undent, It U tlio must gouen.1 i it titivates er altectlons, loi eiy lew -iMtis enilrt'ly tree Iroia it. How Can It Bo IJy taktns Hood's SarsaiurMa, which, by ho remarkable cures It has accomjillshnl, fl u ettivr medicines have failed, rocii ll'vlt to be a potent and pecul 'l lmslk'liio lor this disease. Soma ol .' vie cures are really underfill, if you Mtcr from scrofula or luipuro btood, be mu to tiy Hoods Sarsaparllla. ' K cry si-ring tny n Ue and clilldren lutve fvn troubled vtirt scrofula, lores break t.K out ou them in various places. Mr Hue boy, tlirco year old Ua Wta a .cnlblo sutU'ror Last siring tie wusono ui.-js of sorca trom bead to icct. I v adfiHl to uso Hood' Saint'rl!!a, and vn t V0Mlltxkrult. rtieresultUUiat allien been cured ol tue scroiuli, my little l.y ' dug vnttrcty tree trom sorts, aud li (cut if my clilldren lotk bright and healthy." W. li. AUiKKTOX, rassalo City, N. J. Hood's SarsapariMa WJbrUrupUt. dslxfH- rrtfrait ii.uooc ca.Ar-tenM,Uvu,a:4M IOO Do On Dollar Notlco of Aaaefmeut. TOTIOE IS HEREBY OIVEN that by ordi I xi of the r ommou council of tho city of Side.n, nude on the Mb day of July, 1892, uu isae-. meut was duly levied upon all pruperty nbut ting on Cheuiekrta street, from Water street to IXth atreet. Said aeseesment Is berchy raoilc for the ltnproTement of said street. Bald as. henKiueut Khali be duo aud payablo to the re corder nf the city of Salem ten days from the date of this notice. A Hat of property abuttiuij uu aald atteet aud the owner thereof aud the amount asatbxed to such property is herobr set out and made a part of this notice. Notice It further given that unless said amounts to fh aessed are paid within ten days from the expir ation of this notice, that I shall proceed to collect the satno by law: W. llreyman and E. Ilreymau; lot 1 in block (12 of the city or Salem, Oregon, 144 03. II. W. Oox; lot 4 In block CI of tho city of Salem, Oregou, $115.23. J. I). Stump; lot 8 lu block 49 of the city of Saiem, ureguu, m.u . J E. Starkey; lot 6 in block CO of the.clty of Salem, Oregou, $144.05. State Insurance Company; bcgtnnlLg at the southeast corner of block 50 In the city of Salem, Oregon, as shown and d"dguated on the duly recorded maps aud plats of said city aud runnlug Ihence westerly along the south Hue of said block S3 feet; theuce northerly on a Hue parallel with the west line of Commercial street In said city, 40 feet; thence sisterly on a line paralltl with the south line of Raid block, 83 feet to the west line of said Commercial atreet and thence southerly aloug said lino of Commercial street, 46 feet to the place of beginning, being 40 fi-et by 80 feet of lot number 4 lu Bald block number 50. Alxo be ginning at a point which Is 46 feet north of tho soutueast corner ot mock number ou lu the city of Salem, as shown and designated ou the duly recorded maps aud plats of said city; thence northerly along tho west Hue of Commercial street of said city 23 feet; thence westerly ou a Hue paralltl with the north line of Chemeketu street or said city 10 feet, m-ire or less, to the alley iu said block, thence southerly along said alley on a lino parallel with the west line of Mild Commercial street to the north llneof said Cheineketa btieet, a distance of 71 feet, tuote or less; thence easterly along the south line of said block number 60, 80 tcet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the properly heretofore conveyed by this bauk to the State Insurance Compauy of 8alcm; theuce northerly on a line parallel with ihe west line ot said Commercial Btreet, 40 fed to the northwest coruer of said propoity couvejed to Bald State Insurance Cimpauy; thence easterly along the north lino of said prop( rty couvej ed to the State Insur auco Company as aforesaid, 83 feel to the place of beginning, situated in the city or Balem, county of Marlon, state of Oregou, f 114 03 First National Dank of Salem, Oregon; com. meuciug at the northeast corner of block 49 lu theiityof Balem, Oiegon; theuce aouth along Oomuitrclal street, 431eet; thence west paralli I with Cheineketa Btreet, 05 feet; thence notth paiallel with Commercial street, 43 feet; them o east along the notth boundary line of lot num. bered 49, 03 feet to the place of be0'luniug, cou. talulng 2923 square feet of gruund, excluding streets and sidewalks; also commencing at a point which Is 05 feet weet of tho nortutast corner of block number 19 In the aforesaid city of Sa'cui; theuce south parallol with Commer cial street 43 feet; theuce west parallel with Chemeketu stttetCSfeet; theuco north parallel with Commercial street 45 feet; theuce east IS feet facing and along Chemeketa street to the northwest corner of tho hank building now erected on bald block, being the place contain. Ing 2700 squure feet of giound, lucre or ltss excluding streets and sidewalks, but exceptim thertfjom the ptopirty convejid by the lelo William Btewart to Mrs. A. A. Wheeler by war. runty deed dated April 27, St)7, and recorded In mo iiooru oi ueeu oi Munon county, Oretiun July 11, 187, book 31 of deeds page 432, together with the tenements, hereditaments uud appiir. teuances therouuto belonging, f 109.U5. A. A. Wheeler; bigiuulng at the northwest comer of lot 1 lu block 49 lu Salem, Oregon thence southerly aloLg the alloy d 7.12 left theuce easterly parallel with Chemeketa street' 165 feet; thence northerly along east Hue ol block 22 7-12 teet; theme wtsterly 1SJ fct thence northerly 45 feet to north Hue of siid' block; thence westerly 40 fiet to place of he. ginning, 33. K. I. Boise, Sr. and n. V Moke, Jr ; lot 5 in 51 th . . f . V. '. t,nlel". urcgon, flit 0.5 Oregon!! 03. " "' ,he "y ut 8alc"J' mV M,C"!Vrti ,U,B uorth luKot lot 1 J" block 32 lu the city of Haletn, Oregon, 1141.03 J. Q. Wilson; lot 5 in block 2J of the city o Balem, Oregon, 1144 05. ' U. A. Thomnsnii! ill flint r,u .. 01 o .. block 22 disciibed as follows, Beiiii. Jang at the northwest corner of lot h iu block Silnbsleiu.Uirou; thence easterly on buth Hue of Chemeknantrett 1U9 feet; theuce south erly at right auglteb: 10-12 fttt tu the south ue of said lot 8; thence wfBterlyou said south lino of said lot (,9 fret to the eist lino of L.h. city strut; thence northerly on sold east Hmc rci. w ' """ 8i mi ,eet ,0 be'al" a, 11 feet and 9 Inches; theuce southerly parallel .ilth west llneof said lot to the south llneof said lot; thence easterly along the south Hue jf said lot to the southeast corner thereof; t'ince northerly to the place of beginning. 17J.16 Notice of Assessment. IVTOTIOr, 18 HEItKBY OIVEN that byorc-crof i the common councilor tho city of Salem made on the 5th day of July, 1892, rn assess! men! was dulylolcd up. u all property abut. Z. F. Mr.odv; lot 10 in block 83 of the city of ; ting on Comiuerclnl etrei t from the south side Salem. Oregou, $141.03, Mary Johusou; lot Bin block- 82 of Salem, Oregon, $114,05, J. Batchelor; lot 5 in block 82 In Salem, Oregon, $144.05. N. A. Oondellj lotOin block 80 lu the city of Salem, Oregon, J144.03. Eugenia Ollllngham; all that part of lot 10 in block 85, disci Ibed as follows, to-wit: llelii ulug at a point ou the notth llneof bsldlct27 feet westerly from the northeast coruer thcioof 1 una rnnuiuK mince souuieriy lmranoi vnm 1110 'east lined said lot to the south Hue of said let; theuce westerly along the south Huo of said lot to the southwest coruer thereof; thenco northerly to the northeast corner thereof; thence easterly to tho place of beginning, Sl.'O.CO. A. Bush; all that port of lot 10 lu block 85 descilbed as follonu, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner cf said lot aud miming lhclue vct,terly aloug tho north line tlureot 27 leet: theme southerly paralltl with the east line tint, cf to the booth Hue of said lot; tlunco cus'U'ly to the southeast corner of said lot; theuce northerly to the place of beglnnlug; and also lot 1 In block 35 or the city ol Salem, $l07.r,6. T, McF.Palton aud Eliza Cook; lot 1 in block 83 of the city of Silem, O.-ojm, Jlll.Ui. A.ParvIn; lot 1 lu Caitn right's odditlou on tho north side of Cuemcketa btreet, JIl'J.CU. Jane A. Uumford; lot U of Out tv. right's ad dition on tho uoilh side of Chemeketa street, tJi.oc Ihsabella Mattln; lot B In block 80 In Salem, Oregon, flit. 03. A. BlosNer; lot 11 of Cartwrlgl t's addition ou the uorth sido of Chemeketa atreet, $57.05. W.N. Laduc; lots 4, S aud 0 in Oamuigbt's addition on the south side of Chemeketa stmt, $2J1 85. E. W. Starr; lot 7 in Cartwrlghfs addition ou the south bide of Chemeketa street, $37.05. 1'. Pugh; lot 8 iu Cartwright's addition on tho south side of Chemeketa street, $57.03. M. Rhodes; lot 9 in Cartw light's addition on the south bide of Chemeketa street, $57.05, M.rj. Costello; lots 10, 11 and 12 lu Cart wrlght'a addition on tho north side of Oliemt-. kcto btreet, $172.83. O. T. and T. J. Oard; the southwest quarter of block 0 In Itoberta' addition to the city of Salem, $138.80. A. II. Palmer; the west half of the southeast imaiterof block 0 lu llobertb' addlliou to the city ol Salem, $1,9.85. J. B. Cross; the east half of tho southeast quarter of block 0 iu Iiobeits' addition to the ilty of balem, Oregon, 509.85. Mary Caulleld and Thoroan Caufield; the northeast quarter of block 3 lu llobertb' addi tion to Salem, Oregou, $138.80. Hannah Joseph; all that part of block 3 of Itoberts' addition to Salem, Oregon, described i.s lollows, to-wlt: Beginning at the northwest comer of block 3 lu Koberts' addition to Salem, Oregon; theuce south along the west lino iheriof 157 feet; theuce eaBt parallel to the .outh Hue of Chemeketa street 79)$ feef ihence uorth parallol to the east Hue of twelfth street 157 feet; theuce east aloug tho south Hue of Chemeketa street 79 H feet tu the place of heginuing, $1,9.40. E. Shepard; the east half of the northwest quarter ot block 3 lu Iloberta' addition to ilalem, Urrgon, $09.40. p. A. Urs; all that part of blocks of Kob. Ois addition, described as follows, to-wit-1'eginiilng at the southwest corner of said ., ,, ,u"u'"K ineuce easterly along the onth line thereof to teet; thence northerly parallel with the west Hue of said block 105 feet; thenco wtsterly parallel with the south Hue of bald block CO feet to thewebt llneof said block- thenco southerly along thoweBt Hue of .hi block 105 feet to place of beginning, J. O, Smith; all that part of block S de. scribed as lollows; Beginning at a point on tt.e south line of said ulock 130 feet east of iu oiocs uo reel east of the tonthwest coruer M.rgmt Mnrlej; all that rart of lot Bin b.ockL2 described as follows. to.v,lt: lieBln. nlLg at 1 , p. int 109 feet east of the ncrthyT,.! eoiu-tot block 22 lu Salem. Oregou. and iuu titng thence south 82J. feet; tl.encSwest M ftet thence north 82H teet; theme west on the ofNS,CCr0ron''.:tl1?4t.05in MoeX " "f ,U J. C'riionipbou; lot 4 in block 23 In Silem Oregon, $141.05. " J. W. Dlckersen: lot ft In 1,1, v 1 ,.. ,1 of Salem. Oregou. $144.03 ' " ue c.iy "" O- MI'N, 'o m block 3 of the cltr of Balem, Oregon. $111.01. no'1; Htu,?T J "we-.t half of lotfllubl.ick r? ,.h,ci? J Slm- "B"n. $7 .14. K First Inltarlan SoctUj oi Kalem. Ot.-ou the .ast half of lot 3 In llock 09 lu tho c ,i"L, Salem. Oregou; $72.03. ' cl 0.8nowdeu; let Hn block 70 In the citv of Salem. Oregon. $111,115. "'' of M. V. Ilotki ill that part of lot 10 described ".'?"0"l'i-"l l!utlii t the northwS " c. .u.iuiu uiock -,i tu ria em. Orecun. Ihence eaiterly along north line of aiid lot iSj fn!' J,U,C? f"'"tl W'lel with hewS side of said lot 06 f 1 e to south line of i.ld lot Ihence westerly slouc. ..Id south line m 7e. tA ti"."1,'""' .f.Va - 'h.U""nor,hfn, 6fl feet to place ol beglnnlug. $104 W "om Oeorg. Phillips: .11 that Vt of lo 10 In Mock 74 described a. follows. t.lwltt l),Kln tilng at tho northwest comer of IctninhK ti In Salem. Or..,. i,.I i.'5.1," !n Dl0yk south llneof pemeV.uVtreetfiJfei,.', "hence luenor aud running thence northerly parallel Ith the west Hue of said block. 113 feet l..enco westerly parallel with ihe south llneof it.111 ,i ' . 1 . " l.uence southerly parallel :.Whjigr a ' && Xi E. A. Mellon, A. M, Mellon and O.A. Mellon- fia.i.i!'i4rRl?fblS'k 4,u Berts' .ddltloi ?J Ue city ot Salem. Oregou, described as follows II; ginning at the Lcrthwest corner of said lock ami running thence easterly along the north line thereof. 95 feet and 7 luchts: tbeice boutherly parallel with the west llu. of s"ld block. lo3 feet- ihrni. ........- I "... "".'a the no.ti, Hue of .. id .TCI. V. i. .i'""".i u beginning, $83.40. of Mill sttect totho southern llniilsnf tiln.u Bald sssessmeut is made for tho luiprovenieut of said street. Said ahsessmeut bhall be due and payable to the recorder of tho city of Salem, ten dnjs from the date of this notice A list of property abutting on said strert and tho owner thereof, ai.d the amount assessed to such property Is heieby set out and made a part of tills notice. Notlco it further ghen that unless said nmclilitH bo asxtased are paid within ten days )nm tho expiration of this notice, that I Bhall proceed to collect the same by law: J.J. Murphy and E. O. Mmphy; ihe west half of block 38 of the- city of Salem, Oregon; $381 Trankie P. Jouea; the) west half of blook!9of Ihe city of Salem, Oregon; $MU. Haniet T. Clarlt; IoIh 4 and 5 iu block 43 as designated on Ihe rocorded plat of the city of bjlem, Otcgou, $1)3.25. Amos Wrong; lot 4 In block 44 of tliecityof Salem, Oregon. $107,40. ' N. J. McTbcrsou; nil of tho south fraction of li t 3, block 41 in Ihe city of Balem, state of Oregon, said fraction cnntMnlnii 32 ftet more ot less; to bo more explicit, the property con eyed Is all of lot 3 lu blocn 41 excepting 42 feet on tho notth side of traction or said lot sold to, and now evwued by Mrs. Johu A. Johns and bounded as follews: Be ginning at a point on the eiibt line ol lot 3 In block 14, of Salem Oregon, 42 f. et southerly from tho uoitheaat coruer of solo lot, aud limning theuce westerly parallel with the south Hue cf said lot 105 feel mure or hss to the west line of snld lot; thence southerly along tbn west line of said lot to the southwest corner thereof; thenco easterly along the south lino of eald lot; theuce north, erly along tho cast Huo ot said lot to the place of beglnnlug, $33.03. Julia A. Johns; tho north fraction of lot numbers, blcck 44, comprising 42 by 105 feet in the city of Haltm, Mariou county, Ore-gon,as shown und designated on the recorded plais of bald city and bounded sb lollews: Beginning ut a point on tho cast Hue of lot 3 in block 4lof bHlem, Oregon, 42 feet southerly Horn thenorth 1 list coiner of said lot aud running thence west, e rly parallel with the south Hue of bald lot, 105 feet, more or less, to tho west line of said lot; theuce northerly along the west Huo of said lot Io tho uotthwest coruer thereof; theuce east, erly along ihe north line of said lot, 105 feet more or less, to the northeast comer of said Lit thtiiie boutheilj- along tho cast line of said lot 10 iuu piuio 01 im ginning, Mary strong Kinney; lots 1 and 2 in block 13 of buleru, Oregou; $190 50. Allen L. Buckingham; beginning at a point In eastern boundary 8 loda southerly irora northeast coruer of block 42 lu Salem, Oregrn, thence southerly i rods along said boundarv; theme westerly alright angles to said bound, sry to the western boundary of said block; thenco northerly ulong said Western boundary 4 rods; thence easterly cm direct lino to place of beginning, being 1-6 of block number 42; $70.20. I'. J. Larscn; lot 3 in block 43 of Salem, Ore feou; $93.25. Huttlo fcuston; lots 1 and 2 in block 44 of Sa lem, Oregon; $1118.20. ilutllda A. Preseolt; beginning at tho south easterly corner of block number 42 In Salem, Oregon, and running thence northerly along the eabteni boundary of said block, 4 rods and Oleet; thence westerly at right angles tosaid eastern boundary to the webteru boundary of suld block; theuce southerly parallel to said eastern boundary 1 lotls ami 0 feel; easterly on a true lino to the place eif brclu ning: the same being Ihe iractiou of said block 42, exiept the following described land deeded to barah Fiillertou, to-wlt: beginning ata point on the eastern boundary llneof block 42 as bUowu by tho tbcorded platof tho city of Salem, In Marlon couuty, Ore gon, at a point thereon 4 rods und 0 feet uortuerl irom the southeast 1 . . am uick, and running thtuee at right angles to said eastern boundary line, westerly to the west boundary Hue; thence southerly aloug tho west boundary Hue 2 feet; thence running at right angles toBuldwe.tof boundary line, ei sterly to tho eaBt boundary lino said block; and th.nce northerly aloug 1 l 7H buuBairy llno tu'be plucool bc,!iu. 'he mil in Hue of Bald block; thrace norther y along the west lino of said block to JrZ ,? turning, $83,40. r "' Baruh Uoi .iiii.n. bti ,i.A, .. . -. . . Koberla' ., M, :... ." XV '"1 u ."'? 'f scribe,! as feimws: BegTnni igVa S t Ihe north line ,,f .!.. ,,"x St V1"1 . !iffi,;"Msi north line of U block. ftet fd TiK ..1.1 ".oei' "? feet thence weslerlv imr.lli " '' lUn,?"1' Hue f sa,d block w fee .nd ert1tffit!h,?! the southeast corner nf ..)., iT.,',,ull IroaJ thence uortherh nar.ui.i .1 " .'"""'"e Itfe,S iBsjwarai said of Ch.m.ket. street wth.wuth line ? i.S ?f,VMbK0cM ,n,n" ""'yr.r.llelwi'th "" ""J"1 ? Chemeket. .trotMtettT, thesonthweat nnini i.. ...... I":'"1"'" tty,?sftn;SS Ui Dorthvett omerof lot i i.. !.. " racing tbenc. e.I "i r tlSWiSSU ! (.id lot K) S-ll feet, ttenc. i mht?flh.,1'nT.0' IU ml Hu, 0f Vlj J,, J, JhS1?!!'! ?'" UJ lot to th. NuUirMlroraw tuSS. VKUe "' DOrthf rl ilor. th. .. 1.. ".,!.rT'.'l Ihenc. plac. of VbIuSibb. $;'" w ,d to th l.in7.v. .;."! ;. '".' ." ,u.a "ulh line of "- iiicuin iEr(iri At .. .. w block, c fe v;; 7 . r'1?., .,u.e aui."" "? o( J3J.S5 """l""i uegtuulng, mmsm mmm. $110 10. ' ,ue uco beginning. 8..m:$8iuPl0U,U bl"lof the city cf t.fofV.,JuhDol.!o'i,u bl"tk in thecltysVieT O'V, ." li '" '" wan e. Wrbh. 1. i... :. r ..'" nln: $78 00 Surah Fullerton; beginning at a point ou the eastern boundaiy line of block 42 as shown by the recorded plat of tho city ot Salem. In Slaiiou county, Oiegon. st a point tlnreou 4 rous and 1, feet noitherly from the southeast corner of said block and runnlug theuco at ,.?;. !LBr8 t0 h"la ""tern boundary line S.t,.i f to "'o.est boundary Hue; theuce southerly along the west boundary Hue 2 feet; theuce running at right angles to sold west boundary Hue, easterly to the east boundary line eif said block; thence northerly along tald east boundary line to the place ol beginning; also the followlug described iroperty. to-wit; L ', K b,101 V? of ,uo cy o' Salem. Oregon, as nurked and ili.kiirn(,i i, 1...1 .r,.. "f. J10 '"iJ city, psrtlculsrly bounded bj 1 e. oiJi, I?.1." '.Uke ou Commercial sttcet In r.ld city, 1.12 feet northerly from the southeast :,, r sarii mock; theuce westerly stiitht Stigles to Bald street to the west boundary "f sam block; thence noitherly parallel t.. (kirn. .C" 8teet w fecl' ,ue" easterly at right n?, 1 . ftr8t ""'"! lino to the place of begin nlug all in Bald city: $71.00. M,,l; w "wlwotth, Cyrus B. Woodworth, ninS. r"t,creul snd O. S. Woodwortb; be ginning at .point ou the eastern bonudarj line ?;., ' ,u.sleui. Oregon, 8 reels southerly 222?. 1 """V,1,1"' corner of said block; theuce lTwtV.5r.l,ar."Uel wUu tuB uor'u " t said 1. nit .. l mole or llB9' to tlie '""y lu ld li V inic? ,no"icrIy parallel villi the east llneof said blnir u ...i. ... .i ... ,i Bi., ,, . 7, -1 w " i inn uorill uue u fl,n. iki!,',1"'!JCB ttty 'long the north m!i?..!",d bIuck.JC5 feet, inore oFless, to tLe isriv.r....! r .. ",u u;ck; Ihence soutn. 1 Hifce.r Le:lnnlng; $152.10. lhV.P?,9,.0,,rown ""d J. O. Brown; $38i. lf of bluck 3T ln slem- oeoa; block'JnVn ' i,be Vui ,,a,f of ,be w b,lf ot "lock 40 In balem, Oregeu: $310.40. .r7i in.' McHuneJ'' ,!obeft Harrison. Ed. h.lf nf 57i,h0,u a.ud Audw U.rrifou; the esst eVoirntv n?' k tl "' ,u" '"J1 of sIeBJ. " the n$L '., o'V'0" aml 'I'te of Oregon; $.110.10. Bsted st Salem, this loth day of August. 1892. M. 12. QOOOELL, - llecorder. .mK.'ToS.,a!"i"'v . a, MWVjdkltl9lt!tU jm W fZ&&5&Z ciuue.L. Ford O i i.V. ' "" "rd, h.v... Jr. VTrvVi' ArmstroLir tni i. .. Ori; TllVs." " " lu cr,rJf 8Urm; SslenT; &,.i,110,,,03n bl0k " " " "'X A. UdrtdTV.'llrS;?0; 'xVM't. M. "Tuniat lirtenn th in.Ti. T', """" ana b-ock 32 of tbcclty of tu? ,b.a" ' 't 8 in liwrdr, M. T. RINEMAN PKAI.ER IN Slsple sdJ Fancy (Jroferits, Dd1wu.7iSbtV'w?',?'. M'"f: w?dc.n Hji...,iV '"."" sioaa ui ruin iocu. W SrTiSf ! tot oountry produoe? -6..U lhre Ot your natmnua. W bare Otyour eatranasc. illtUteitrot