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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1892)
EVENING JOURNAL. , jf - i f VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." HALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1S92. "TO-DAY'S JOIWS TO-JDAY." ira o5. CAPITAL T YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THIS LIST- Kjutii & Kin, by Josid Fathergill ; House at Sandwich: by J isiph Hittiu: April's Lady, bv tho Datehess: IlBPnoACii of Annesley, by Maxwell Gray; His Helpmate, bv F. Burnett: Won by Waiting, by Edna Lyall; Son of Porthos, by A. Dumas; Born Coquette, by The Duchess; Fairy Ordeal, by Bertha M. Clay; Woman's War, by Bertha M, Clay; Beyond Pardon, by Bertha M. Clay; One Life One Love, by Miss Brandon; Anna Karenine, by Count Tolstoi; Phara Phoenician, by Edward Arnold; Weaker than a Woman, by B. M. Clay; IIomantio Tales, by Quida Beade-Dutchess; The Runaway Browns, by H. C. Brunner; Forty Liars and Other Lies, by Bill Nye; Ivanhoe, by Walter Scott; Life of Jspurgeon, by llonford. We have now over 1500 novels in stock, and have made arrangements to receive every new one published. i LJOOK SELLERS VHOFKSSIOXAI. CARDS. F. CONN,' Attorney nt law, room 7, , Murphy Block. JJ.8HAW, M. W. UUA'T. SHAW A . HUNT, attorney nt law. Ulllco over Capital fJntlonal bank, Halem, Oregon, Q T. K1CHAHD30N, Attorney nt law, kj. office up stnlra In front room of now Hush block, corner Commercial ana Court fttreeU, Baleai, Oregon. D!K CAPITAL JQOBNL HOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report TOHN A. CAHSON, Attorney nt law. I O Itooms 3 and 4, Laaa Hush's bank uunuing, naicin, ureiron. Bliyr t m r 1 III BmnkubB PATTON & SONS -AND STATIONERS' 98 State Street. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ,mft i Rfirl fn m tarn' I ' &. MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of he Northwest. Board of Regents. Benjamin Bcholfleld. Prea.; J. B. V. Butler, Bee..' EK-OIHcio. His Excellency, Governor Sylvester Pennoyer; Hou. E. B McElroy, -Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. G. W. McBride, Secretary of State; Hon. Jucob Voorhees, Hon. A. Noltner, J.C. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hon. P. W. Haley, Hon. J. J. Daly. The State Normal is a live school, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for the special training of teachers. Its giaduates nre in demand to fill good positions. A gain of 80 per cent, in attendance was marie last year. An enrollment of 500 is anticipated for the next year. New members have been added to the faculty, and additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the school outltles one to teach in any county in tho state without further examination. NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music. A YEAR AT S0H00L FOR $150. Tuition rpduced to $6.2-3 Nor mal, and $5.00 Rub-Normal, per term often weeks. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.50 per week. Furnished rooms $1.00 per week. Board and lodging in private families $3.60 per week. Beautiful nnd healthful location. No saloons. First term opens September 20th. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Pres., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President. C. N. CHURCHILL T S. BURROUGHS. CHimCELTLL & BURROUGHS, j Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. EAST AND SOUTH VTA Southern Pacific Route Stiasta Line Ed. C- Cross, Choice Meats. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. ARCHIE MASON. stacks General A. II. SMITH Contractors, Btreet Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, OREGON. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice Stato St.. opposite Ba- em Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the day at tha corner of State and Commercial streots. Salem Truck ft Dray Co. F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr ft Petzel Plumbers and Tinners, ) 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn BprlnKlers. A complete line of Stoves aud Tinware, Tin rooting and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing l-urulsued. FA I HUH The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery T 1 1 1 1 Hi 1 1 rig, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood. Hay, i VUHW feed Qr g00(1 weu rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SA.L.EM -------- OKBOON, , Manufec'tnre.. OTEAs'l KNOINHH. Mill OutflU ..Water Wheel 0. Frnll Drylne Outflu, Traction Hatfui, Cresting, cto. r arm mw ihlnary wioe j.aa g Oeuerat agent una raanu&ctureia of the edeuwurtWantolrom ruurov .u 1'uritler and fteu. Farm machinery wadt and repaired. Sasti and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Orsg on. The boat cla of work in our line at prices to compete wtb the lowest Only th bwt materiAl used. CALIFORNIA KXPRES.1 TKAIN iim DAII1 BETWKKH PORTLAND AN D S. r. BuUth. NortuT 7:jC d. m '.):) p. m. 3:15 a.m. liV. Portland L. , Balom Ar. Ban Fran. A r. I 7MO u. in Lv. I 6:211 a. in l.v.l 7:00 p. ra Above trains Mop only al u llowiug au duns north of Koseburg, hjix, Pjrtland Ur'-jou City, Woodburn, tSulcm, Albuuj l'ungent, Shcdds, Halfcy, Harrlsburj Junction City, Irving and Lintcae. KCttr.BUHO 3IAJ.I. DA1L.Y, S-30 a. m. 11:1 a. in ii.50 p. m. Lv. Ar. Portland Bnlem ltosebiirg Ar. J ..) p. m. L,v. ( l'.iOp. ru. Lv. 7.-OJ a. m Albany Local, Daily Uxcept Sunday. 3 09 p. m. 7:5'J p.m. I:(I0 p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. I'.irtlnnd falem Albany Ar. 1 10:30 a jd Lv. I 7:3J E m Lv, I 8:30 h. in. TOLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation ot passensors holding second c osa tickets attached to express trains. Ycst Side Division, Between Portland and Cervaltis: DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY) "7.A) a. 111. 1 Lv. Portland Ar. I fi-SU p. ni. taiO p. in. I Ar. Corvalllg Lv. 1 12:58 p. m. A 4 4 1Iiahi v 4 r-.avr tl t c aahi -rotf H At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains ot Oregon Pacific Railroad. EXPHEa3TB.IW (llAILYKXCEPTSCWOAY &M u. 111 4.10 p. in. 7:25 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.McM lnuvlUe Lv. 5:4." a. m Through Tickets To aU points EAST aud SOUTH Kor tickets and lull information regard ing rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa ny's agent Balem. Oregon. E.P. nOOEItS, AssU U. F. and Pass. Ag't H. KOKIILKlt Manatrer WILLIAMS .&, ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 , Transact a general banking buslneas) 1U HI4 ita ui uu-uiica HKO. WILLIAMS. Wm. RN HLAND.. BUQHMOABY lrf!rtnnt ,VJce Preslden Cashier. DIRECTOUS: Geo. Wllllains.Wm. Ene laiul.Dr. J. A. Klchardeon, J. VV . Uodson. J. A lt-ikor. Hank In new Exchange block on Com mercial HtreeU S'lJ-U Authorized Capital ?500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balein, Oregon. V. A. CUHICK, Pres. W. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALUJCHT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrant bought at Par. dT MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the noxt SO days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Jtoom U, Bush Bank block. 6 12dw A Good Opening. A store and blacksmith shop are needed at the town ol Aukeny, 10 miles south of Halem. Itlsagod farming country, has a Jlourlng mill with the second best water power in Oregon, also a sawmill building. Special Inducements ollcred. Address Postmaster, Ankeny, Or. 7-S8-U-W Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, Warm Meal at All Hours oi the Day None bat white labor employed Jn this uitabllshinent. ...,.. A good substantial meal a Miked la nrst i lass style 'fwenty-flve cents per meal RKD KRO N T Ormri HtrMt, between Opera .House and Mluto's Uvery Salem Abstract and Loan Co. The only Abstract books of Marlon county. iuul estate orders filled promptly and safely. W. H. H. WATERS, MANAOBH. ELLIS & WHITLEY LIVERYMEN, South of.WlllaaH Hetl, AMM - - - OKKKM TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Size, 8x10 Inches. Contains new design", new styles, latest Idras In planning. No. 1 has Vo designs classified from $150 up 10 1500, about half under $1000 No. 6 con talus C9deniirns of dwellings costing over $100, miioy from S1SO0 up to $3000. Many new Uoutbcrn or resort styles of houses In these works. Price, $1 each, or the two for tl.f0. D. S. HOPKINS, Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich, j G T. BURROWS AIUUFBafullHneofRtaplennd fancy uiocenes, iresn vegoiaDiesana rser lies in season, lluttar and Eggs al ways on hand. 22 O Com'l St. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TBUCK, Now ready for business. Uareml work specialty. J. F. WII1TK. From Terminal or Interior Points the B. K. BONIIAM. W. H. HOLMES. Boniiau &-HOLMKS. Attorneys at law. Office in Bush's Mock, between Btnie and Court, on (Xnn'lBL miLMON FOllD, nttornoy at law, Salem, JL Oregon. Ofllce ur-slalrs in Patton's block. J II. HltADSHAW, PHYSICIAN AND J. Burgeon, saleni, Oregon, otrice in Ukh-Breyman block, uptalis Residence, corner Htateand 8. K corner Mluttr street. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Olilce formerly . occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephono No. 13. Odlco heurs: 8 a. in. to 12; a to 4 p. in., and 7 to p. in Rcslduncc Hth Mixct on electric car line. Telephone No. 9. - . , f DR. W. S MOrr, physician ond sur gcon. OtUco In Lldrhlgo lilacR, a lera, Oregon. Olilce horns 10 to Ua, m, 2 to 4 p. in. DR. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Oftlco hours, V a. in. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. ni. to 6 p. in. Day or night calls promptly nttended to. special attention given to didensesor wom en and children. Olllco In Mew Bunk Blk., JOS Commerelal street. Resldenco miido. BMITH, Deutl'it.M State street, ui. x iuihiivu ueuuii Tiieru. DR. T. O. K Halem. udns of every description. Painless uperit I1UU. U BpCUJUlLJ'. D.Pllail, Aichltcct all of biillillnuH merclal St., up stairs. i u. 1-uuh, Atcnitcct. Plans, spocl TT . Ucations nnd superlntcndoncj lor Olllco IO0 Uom- 0. A. ROBERT, Architect, room 421, Mar quani building, rortland, Oregon. HUblXlMS OAUDS. II. HMiril A CO., Contractors, Sower M.. lng. Cement Sidewalks, Excavating, ttc: All work- promptly done, iJulom.Or. Leave ordei'8 with Dusau Bros. 4:IL-lm P J. LARSEN&CO,, Manufacture of nil L . klndsof vehicles. Uvpalriiiji it special' y. Shop 45 Htutfl Rtitet. u Is the line to take To nil Points East and South. It is the dining car route, it runs through vestibule trains every day In the year 10 ST. PADL AND (No change of cars.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars, Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both lree and fur nished for holders of first and second-clasF tickets, audi ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuors lino conoesting with all lines, aflordin direct ftid uninterrupted service. Pullman sic i-w 'rt-r-vvl ions can be se cured In ndvt w 'i.T.1,-1 any agent ol the road. Through tickets to and from all point in America, England and Europe oun be purchased at any ticket olilce of this com pany. Full Information concerning rates, time of tralns.rouies andotber details furnished on application to any agent or A. D. CHAltLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent. No. 121 .First street, cor. Washington; Port land. Oregon SHAW & DOWNING, Agents. YirANTHU Recruits for the Artillery VV Bervico of the United Btntes Army. The conditions ol enlistment in the army are now unusually favorable, and a Nnec lal recruiting rendezvous has been estab lished in tnls city for the purpose of n Hord ing the yoiiDg men of this section an op portunity lor enlistment. Applicants inubt be between the ues of 21 and 80 years of age, ablo bodied, physically sound, and able to read and write the English lan guage. To any one Interested a full expla nation will be afforded by the recruiting ottlcer, room 5, Exchange block, Balem, Oregon. ALVIN Il.ttYDKNHAM, 6-Z-dw-tf 2d Lleateuant. 6th Artillery. Only One. Chance for a colony. 1000 acres of best bottom laud, one-half In coltlvatlpn, has small streams and lakes, has (7000 crop on now, bulldlugs, etc Is five miles from Balem, Oregon, One-third cash, and bal ance in five yearly payments with 4 per cant, lutcrest at $4) per acre. 8tf JOHN M. PAYNE, Agt. PR'WEOTIONLOCaKN02.A.O U.W. MecU In their hall In Htate Insuiance julidlng, every Wednesday evening, H. A. McFADDKN, Al. W. J. A. MEL WOOD, Recorder. IMPROVED OltDER OF RED MEN. i Kainlakun Tribe No. tf, Halem. Holds council every Thursduy evening, at 7.30. Wigwam In blate Insurance hall, F. O. ilAKKlt, Prophet. FRANK (f. WATKKH, Chief of Itecords City Warraate. NOTICE Is hereby given that I have In my hinds lugos npn Irabte to the fmymeut of all warrants ol the olty of Ba em.."eurtirved" between My aist snd August , l9i. Intrwt will oeosfl on the dale of this notice. E. J.BWAFFUHI). baltm. Auk. 11,1868. City Trtatuier. 8-)2-6t VuplUi Must Register. T1 rolil HE SCHOOL CLtiKKofdUtrltNo. Will btf!B MOUTHY. ABKiJSi- 1(U. 6U- Ung PHMls for le public school, opealug Beptawbw Mb. Parents wm please nd tblr eeildrwi to be rcUler4 atonees lbefeisJwys a rush the dy will be sdmKUd wMWmt a eeriMeata from tbeoKtrk. OMm, Murphy Moek, upstolrs S-iS-hr MsWMtCfwk OARPET-LAYING.-I mako a specially oi caipctsbwlng and laying; carpets -jilren tip and rolaidwltli great care. Hlitide ind curtain pole luiugiuK. Leave order .vlth J. II. Lunn, liuion A Son or Whito Corner. J a. LUHRMAAi. Signs Say ! You ueeil oue ot somo kind. If so, why uot have it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now is tho time to save money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St, Or leavo orders with Sroat & Gile, dtate street. E.-KHALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. Oil co nt Cal crt's M Ullonory Ptoi e, Salem, Oregon, JAPANESIS CURB Anow and Complete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment in capsiiler, aUo a box. and pills; a jioultlru cure lor ex- la.nnl Inln.nnl lilt..., . MnniJIm. tt r. . !. IVIUUI.IUII.1UUI! UIIUU UI UlWUIUf;, IICUIUK, chronic, recent or hereditary Plies, and uiuuj uiui'i uiat,at;B uuu icuiuiu Wlillu- nesses; It is always a threat licnoat to the jonoral health. The llrut discovery oi a medical cure rendcrlug an oponUDn with the knife unnecessary herealler. This remedy has never been known to fail, SI Ier box. (J for ."; scntby mall, Wbysiifler from this terrible dlncoso when a written guarantee Is given with 0 boxes, to refnud the money 11 not curedi Bend stump for frco simple. Uuarcntee issued by Woodahu, Claukk i Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, solo agents, Portland, Or. 6 i-ly-dw NEW MINING MACHINERY 1. J. Foster, who rosldes about tlirre miles west ot Balem In Polk oauntv. hus Invented a machine lor mining gold, which Is especially adapted to saving fine gold, nnd works uny plutor material, from line black sand hi gravel, in (act anvthlng tuat vuu uu Biinvuieu. J Jiu iiiaeuuifl is made of iron uud steel aud weight only 75 pounds complete. It Is run bv )ho force of a Inch pipe of water with it head of four feef. It will work from h toiutossof blacl sand, or; from 15 to 20 tons or gravel inn day, and save every thing lu the shape ol zoid that will uniafguinato. The machine has been tested and Is giiaruuteoii to V me woricciaimea. Aiuumnes will bo rur nlshed lu runnluir order before nnv nav Is demanded. Price complete DIM) Cull on or address P. J. FOSTEll, IM-lw Ualem, Oregon, PUUL18UED DAI LY.EXCEITHUNDAY, lir TUB Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In I. O. Building Entcied nt the postofflce nt Balem, Or., as Kcrt! .cJnm n ntlir. Admiulslrator'.s Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho tinder, signed ha.1 beeu duly uppoluted ud- of Marion county, Oregon, deoraHed, by tuo cuuuty c uri oi tue nuiitt oi urgou, fur MarioH emintv. All nersnns havlm; claims ugainst said etato wilt present mem iQineuuaersigutu uuiy verineti, ui bis home In Knglewood uddltion to the city of Balem, lu Aluriou oninly, Oregon, within six months from the date of thin notlw, and nil persons Indebted to mild estate will pleare make Immediate teltle mentto the undersigned. Dated this AHgusthh, IWi. AUltAllAM RICH. Administrator of the estate ofCris Itlch, deoeased. K-ll Admfnlstrator'rf Sale. rOTICE Is hereby given that by autbo iN lly ofau order of th Hon. County Court of Marlon eounty, Oregon, made on the HKh day of July, IsW, aijf iiorirlsg and empowoflBg the undefvigiied to si-ll the berelBarierdsMiibwj ral estaU tielouxiog to the wila'e of F.vrtlne 'ox, deeexsed. The undwuJjjBwl, as administrator ot said es tate, wlTI oa the tit day of StfUnWr, I892, at 2 p.ra m per s4atHtreUlrd,vll at pub he auotkm at the wwl uoor of the wmri iuueU fMkHo, Marlon sousty, Orsitos. all the right, title and lBlt of lh iwd Mia, la and b tt loilowlng dvMirttd PfMBtoM, uiwlt: l4 8, 9, Waud il la hUMtk. tin (L tut shown by (he i4i(Ut r. (nM pJ-it of Capital Park luMHJoa to l UeaUr of Hlua. m Markia oouaty. Oro. on. Tdrim of m tia. MM II K.J1AVNCK, AdlltrUr of the lMi of WvAiae SSMM.OHtfwuiyM, ltM. 7-W-R FROM A SALEM ALDERMAN. Tho Ways of the Natives How Seattlo People Keep up Their Oouraeo. Bcattlb, Aug. L2, 1802. Editor Jeurnal: Tho request that you made of me to write n Puget Sound lotterfor the Journal, la oue thitt I would bo glad to evade, us I am liable to display au enthus lasmfor this section of tho country that will subject .me ton charge of dlsloyulty'to the "Wlllamotto valley. They olnlm that this is "God's couutry," with tho same nirof con lldence which wo assume when speaking of Salem and tho valley of the Willamette, aud tho only course to pursue, and keep on good terms with the natives, is to ask them to concedo that the boundary lines of of this favored region extend at least as fur south as the Calipooia mountains. They will sometimes concede this much, ut least until your back is turned, but it is a con cession which is to bo construed singly as au aot of courtesy, which it Is evident they feel should not be exacted. Tho patronizing way in which they speak of Salem, and uven of Portland, and tho evident sympathy which they feel for peo ple who have to Jivo there is galling to the poor Oregoniuu who is polite enough to stand It. A good many of them evidently don't know whether Salem is on a railroad or uot but most of them huvo heard of Portland ns a sleepy-going town, whoso population, according to Por ter's celebrated census was consider ably lees than that of Seattle, and ono which can never hope to rival this "Queen City of tho Sound" either In population or In commer cial Importance. Well informed business mou'of course do not pre tend to Ignore the Oregon metropo lis. Tho gieat majority of tho peo ple hero, however, have never crossed the boundary lines of tho stato of Oregon. They know, little about Oregon and they care less. The suggestion that Portland does now, or ever will, rival Seattle, they treat as an absurdity. Their faith in Seattle is sublime and absolute. They are for Seattle and the Lake Washington canal first, last and ull of the time. The Northern Pacific fixed upon Tucoma,and the Almigh ty fixed upon Seattlo us the location forthe upbuilding of a real city, and backed by a sublime faith that Providenco is with them this town has defied tho Northern Puclllo ana all of tho corporate influence which It could bring to boar, until it is now conceded everywhere, except Tacoma, that Seattlo is, aud is to bo, tho great city of tho Sound. She has reached this proud eminence by reason of her superb location, and because of tho faith and loyalty and progressive spirit of her citizens. They have wasted no time whittling stovo boxes; squeezing tho Ameri can engle in their breeches pocket, uud predicting disaster for any man or corporation who showed his faith in their town by investing in pub lic enterprises, With u population far less thuu that of Salem today thoy freely gave hundrods upon hundreds of thousands of dollars to cucouruge corporations and men of capital to Invest their means In local enterprises that have resulted in making this a rich and prosperous city. An nnonymous article recent ly appeared In a paper published In u Puclflc coast town of about 15,000 inhabitants, protesting ngulnst Pik ing the town for vurlous subsidies aggregating about f 300,000, for n doon different enterprises whloh the article named, Including threo or four radlutiug branch railroads of 15 or 20 miles In length. A man who Is Interested here', commenting sarcastically upon this urticle, re marked that Seiittlo had novur done business In that way. Every sub sidy named, If It had related to Seattle, would huvo been raised be fore such au article could have been prepurfd, and the investment would have been an enormously profitable ono for the town, Seattle lias the right of way on uny truck sho chooses to truvel on, Sho never starts anywhere without getting there. If the general goverurnent don't build the Luke Washington canal, she will build It herself. Her Imputation Is made up of recruits from every section of the Union aud of the world. It numbers among Us UuMuwm and professional men th bralnlwt giudtisles of the education al uud commercial centres of the East, There are men fully abreast of the times, ambitious and full of faith and energy aud without a single deubt au to the future of UmlUd or of tho Mate of Washing ton, A dWzwiHililp of that kind la a omlorwnent that would be worth iiilllkfiHi Ui any city. TWs Ida u rlod of oiHupNiatlve atagiMtloH upon (he wbole Nurtbwtt eoott, and RoYal Bakirfi ' Powder m&& 'ABSOLUTELY PURE they say that times are very quiet hero. Thero are vacant offices and store rooms and residences to let and yet they say that tho Great North ern is now spending at the rato of over 51000 per day In wages within tho city; street railway Hues are be ing extonded, n number of fine brick and stone business blocks are being erected that would be an or nament to any city, while business permits tire being Issued nt the rate of about una hundred per month. It is a sort of stagnation that would bo mistaken for a first class boom In somo places. Ileal estate transfers are uot numerous, but prices are raantalued. They Insist that after the Columbian exposition their real estate boom will stir up the whole continent. Thoy claim that the agricultural resources of Western Washington alone are at least double those of tho Willamette valley, that their coal, iron and other mineral resources nre practically without limit, while Jim Hill has assured them that one aoro of their timber land will afjord tho Great Northern lu tho way affreight more than could an acre of wheat land yielding 110 bushels per year in 100 years. You may flguro that out at your leisure. TJUb city whloh thus "boasteth it self' had in 1800, nccordlng'to tho U. S. census, a populutlou of 43,847. According to local census returns Just made they now clulm a popula tion or 59,000. Thoy have a school population of over 13,000. They have twenty banks with a capital of nearly four millions. They have eloveu Building and Loan associa tions. They have nearly forty-nlno churches and sixty churoh organ izations. Thoy have nearly seventy miles of graded streets. They have now eighty-five miles of streeet rail way islxty-threo of electric and and.twcntyitwo cf cable in opera-, tlon and ten miles more In process of construction. There are but twenty-one Cities In the Union hav ing a greater mllouge of street rail ways, aud they each have a popula tion of over 100,000 people For fear that you will accuse ono of hav ing become completely Seattlelzed, I will omit any rofereuce to tho mag nificence of her numerous business blocks, to the beauties of her various public parks overlooking the waters of Lake Washington and the Sound or to tho almost endless number of delightful places of resort to which tho entlro Sound invites every visi tor in search of pleasure nnd recrea tion. Buy a round trip tiokot and come over. You will bo impressed with tho enormous resources of the country, without losing a pnrtlolo of faith in the future of Salem and Willamette vulley. Thero are an Immense number of pcoplo to como this way aud wo can't accommo date them ull in the valley, and need not be Jealous of our neighbors. Washington is now a political hot bed. John H. McGruw, tbo Repub lican nominee for govornor is presi dent of tho First Nutlonal bank of Seattle. Threo years ngo ho walked tbo streets here us a policeman, Ho Is considered tho ablest organizer und tho most adroit politician lu tho state. Col, James Hamilton Lewis, the probable Democratic nominee, known everywhere us "Dude" Lowls, is tho luw partner of our formor townsman J. A. Strutton. lie came hero about ton years ago an Impecunious Mississippi lawyer. Ho found a Job as longshoreman on the public docks, but Is now a lead ing lawyer, who has what Eggleston would call u rcmarltablo gift of vo cabulution, Ho wears brlndlo whiskers, plug hat, kid gloves, patent leathershoesand a gold head" ed cane, und could glvo McAllestor a good many points, but ho has n remarkable hold upon the laboring men to whom ho always tips his hat and among whom he moves with I ho greatest familiarity, Purdon my brevity but I must stop. (J. B. M. Tho Palfioe la receiving an enor mous line of fall dry goods, aud will mako u startling unuounceuieut In a few days. - i Every Testimonial. In behalf of Hood's Saras parllla Is strictly true and will bear the closest Investigation. No matter where It from, It Is us reliable and worthy your eontideuoe ae If It came from your most respeoted neighbor. Have you ever tried this excellent ruedlolue. For a general family eatuartle we oonHdwtly reeommend Heed's Pills, They should be U every home medlelne eheet. Creatures of Habit. Thoro aro two rceorts down town whoro you can most almost anybody at somo hoar during the middle of tho day at tho CafoSavarin or.a tho Astor Houso rotunda. A good many business men of the lower dtir Bccm to make it a part of their bwa noss to drop in at one or both, of thoso places ovory day. It ia well known that some are likdly-tb moot pooplo thoro thoy don't wiah to Me. I happened to mention this peculiar ity to a gentleman and he said: ,- It is because tho set you look for como hero, that's all. There are plenty of othor places, each having ; its satellites. Tho business world Yum ' a beaten track for the most pari. That is. most business men, regular in their habits, do ,nc tho somo thing every day. TlMf cant neip it. They may sttKMc vary for a short timo, but- thr I fall buck into tho rut. Most of theaftj men lead a lifo ns humdrum as of a horse brooking tanbark. Ifiml of good business habits, as we call it, are as regular as clockwork. The othor fellows aro equally regular in their irregularity. And this irregu larity becomes just as monotonous to thorn as if it were tho exacts oppo site. New York Herald. - X Qreat Collection. Remenyi, tho well known violin virtuoso, has a groat collection of raro African ethnological specimens which comprises over 1,500 carefully selected articles. It has been formed during tho last forty years, and ia beyond question tho most perfect o its kind. It is especially rich in the ancient regal symbols in use among tho Zulus, including scepters, royal bracelets, which worn used instead of crowns, and other omblemspf, 'ham mered silver, of carved and polished ivory and of rhinoceros horn., Hhtt royal bracelets aro especially, inte! isado from transverse Motions hugo elephant tusks, and until death were never taken off afteafl once placed on tho arm of the king. f Thoro aro also several splendkN specimens of tho exceedingly raw and beautiful royal mantles of the sovereigns of Madagascar 800" and more years ago. Those mantles are curiously adorned with broideries of metal and of uncut precious stones and of feather work. Every speci men in tho collection .is perfect and uniquo of its kind. Pmladelpnw Xieugor. W U, n, MaUbewV drees making parlors are how opm ami ready fuf hmltum. St Companion Steamers at Sea. ," Ocean races have become as un avoidable evils as storms and. ea fogs, and u plurality of passengers may continue to accept thorn, as pref erable alternatives, but considering tho protest of an influential minority it seems hard to understand why their risk has not at least been modi- j fled in tho way proposed by Pro feasor Marquard, of Hamburg' and Captain do la Gardic, of tho Belgiiw navy, viz., tho uso of "companion steamers." In nine out of ten cooes the worst consequences of shipwreck could havo been avortod if more efl- cient holp than that of frail lifeboats hod boon near at hand, and'ae'ths chonco against tho probabilityUol ; both vessols being wrecked at; the same timo would bo a thousand to ono, tho popularity of the fleetest "ocean groy hound" could be eclipsed by tho plan of lotting pasaengst Btoamors start palrwiso and keepm communications by means of signs' lights nnd fog bolls. Folli Oswald, in Chautauquon. Character In Portrait. It is hard to rely on portraits. 1 havo soon, in an exliibition in Paris, ' a portrait of Robespierre at the osJ Tmv nf IiIh inflimnen nnd lia XntdroA likon placid provincial practitioner j whoeo brow had not broadened power or wrinkled with re ty. I saw at tho eamo time two'i temporary iKirtraitg of Louis borrowed from some hwtorjo teau, as little like each other as lot and l'oloniua. in one ox tho artist had idealized the faco into certain strength and ty; tho other might be taken i caricature of a conautunottM it wo such a coarse, countenance as tho sometimes unexpectedly mystlfc i a clumsy figure on, which royal linery looked quite out Of C. Gavau Duffy in Ttaviaw. ' ' 1" ' ')' ' V-M'M-TJWBHti Baby orled, Mother etgked, ..-' ' Doeter jH-wwriWd l Ceksia' - ?i kj T TM Beat Satye te il oMftM TMsWCt vhMlM iRXflntMssrUca.or BO ar MMMMT nIuMbL 1 TfWaSSWKM'l' j