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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1892)
flf EVENING JOURNAL. wjf . O VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM OREGON, tftTUIlSDAY. SEPTEiJOBER 1, 1892. TO-DAY'S KEWS TO-DAT." NO. 207.- viMI 1 x JL -YOUR Kirtii & Kin, by Josie Fathergill ; House at Sandwich; by Jo3uph Hatton; April's La.dv, by the Dutchess; RKrnoACH of Annesley, by Maxwell Gray; His Helpmate, by F. Burnett; Won by Waiting, by Edna Lyall; Son op Pokthos, by A. Dumas; Boiin Coquette, by The Duchess; Fairy Ordeal, bv Bertha M. Clay; Woman's War, by Bertha M. Clay; Beyond Pardon, by Bertha M. Clay; One Life One Love by Mits Brandon; Anna Kahenine, by Count Tolstoi; Phara Phcenioian, by Edward Arnold; Weaker than a Woman, by B. M. Clay; Romantic Tales, by Quida Beade-Dutchess; The Buna way Browns, by H. C. Brunner; Forty Liars and Other Lies, by Bill Nye; Ivanhoe, by Walter Scott; Life of Sfurqeon, by Ilonford. We have now over 1500 novels in stock, and have made arrangements to receive evory new one published. T mpt- I a If lUl .00K Call at OSBURN'S RACKET STORE and look over their stock which is constantly being increased. In addition to their usual stock of BOOTS and SHOES, HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR, lor men, womon and children. They also carry Yarns, Boys' Suits, Mens' Cottonade Pants, Boys and Mens' Shirts, Overalls Jumpers, Hats, etc. They POSITIVELY have the BEST 10c socks in Salem, Slates, Tablets, Pencils, etc. for the school children. In Gloves we have Kid, Silk, Cashmere and Taffeta. Tinwear, Frying Pans, Clothes Wring ers, Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, Purses, and everything you can'think of in the notion line. PRINCESS CURLING IRONS 15c. Toilet and Laundry Soaps in great variety. f I GIVE US A CALL. , j E. F. OSBURN, - - 261 Commercial Street. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL sill'1 1 liirf II' L Bord of Repents. Benjamin Beholfleld, Pres.; J, B. V. Butler, Sec; Ex-Ofllcto, His Excellency, Governor Sylvester Pennoyer; Hon. E. B. MoElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. Q. W. McIJride, Sicretary of Stale; Hon. Jucob Voorheej, Hon. A. Noltner, J. O. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacv, Hom. P. W. Haley, Hon. J. J. Daly. The State Normal is a live fcchool, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for the special training of teachers. Its graduates are lu demand to All good positions. A gain of 80 per ceut. In attendance was made last year. An enrollment of 500 i3 anticipated for the next year. New members have been added to the faculty, and additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the school entitles one to teach in any county in the state without further examination. NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to SO 25 Nor mal, and $5.00 Sub-Normal, per term of ten weekR. Board at Normal Dinlug Hall $1.50 per week. Furnished rooms $1.00 per week. Board and lodging In private families $3.50 per week.! Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons. First term opens September 20th. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Pre"., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President. AUC1IIE MASON. General - Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, .Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, - Salem Truck 4 Dray Go. em Iron works. Drays and tructcs may bo found throughout the dav a.t the corner of State and Commercial streets. F. T. HART 47 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i A.T & j 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. ixjiuiiitiii iiiiHiii niiivtra uuu " Barr Petzel e minor Dtovea nuu iiun-, "a - - Estimates for Tinning und Plumbing Juirnished. specialty. PA I IMh The place to get ft Saddle horse, Livery I" 1 1 1 I N I J ng, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, l VUI1U Mtoin feed or good weu rottgd Manure, load-of Dirt or Gravel. Cull on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. B.F. DRAKE, Proprietor, SALEM 8AI.EM, ... ... itann&ctnree STEAM EN1NK, 1)r7'?9umu,, Traction fcglntCrllM. . Allll 3t,Tn nvAnti n&fflAWll MdB - A ft fl1 WW A t PurtfleraudfUel uuciui HK13U14 UllM Uiauuinviuiet " - IU1 farm raacmuery roauc BROOKS k LEGG ATTENTION IS PATTON 98 State Street. WELL TO MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. A. II. SMITH Contractors, Concrete and Mason Work, OREQON. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders, Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St., opposite 8a- LEADING MERCHANT TAT LOR. Plumbers and Tinners, Canton How and Lawn fP' --. zz .. T. 6. PERKINS, Generaf Superintendent IRON WORKS, OREQON. n..m. W.t.r U'hMl QobtDOT. KfUll etc. &Jtf&t8ifflSw UUUIMi ,,....... . -,., IUO vvwti- -. . - - "', ij wu h.-jwm PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded dy or P night, CALLED TO THIS LIST- SUNS 7 YOUR PURCHASES. C. N. CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & r inners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL) WORKERS. Agents fori be celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Ohemeketa Street. ' miqumjimuanjutaum EAST a m n SOUTH nin It' VIA Southern Pacific Route Stiasta Line (JAMrOttNIA EXPRESS TRAIN RON DAIII I1ETWKKN PORTLAND AND 8. V. South. Nor U. TJX p. in. U:J(t p. m. 8:15 a.m. I'oriUnU "Halera Ban Fran. Al. 1v. L.V. 7ij it. Ill 5.VW a.'rn 7:00 p. u Lv. Ar. Above U.ilus stop only ul lollowuiu Ma tloas north of Hoseburg, East Pjitland Or"gou City, Woodburtr, Salem, Albauy Tangent, Sheddq, llalej ITarrijburg Junction City, Irving and Kiigeue. ItOHUlUKQ MALI- DAim , 8.S0 u. m. Lv. ioi Hand Ar. j 4 ito p. m. 11:17 a. m Lv Salem Lv. f 1:40 p. m, . i: 5 60 p. m. Ar, Koseburg Lv. 7.-OJ u. m Albany Local, Dally Kxcopt Sunday. 6 (X) p. m. 7:52 p. ru. Lv. Lv: r Portland saletn Albany Ar. Lv. Lv, 7:31 n. m u.SO a. in. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEBPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Foracooraraodation ot passengers holding second class tickets attached to express trains. ?est Side Division Between Portland and Gorvollis : PAII.Y (KXCKIT SUNDAY). VM n. m. ll 10 p. m. m Portland CorvaUls "at: Lv. "J5..W p, ni. 12:53 p. m, At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Itallroad. KXVEK-5STHAIN (DAILY EXCETTaUKUAY 4:40 p. in. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 8 20 a. w 7:25 p. rn. I Ar.McMlunvllleLv. MiB.m Through Tickets To all points EAST aud SOUTH j-or tickets and lull information regard, me rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa ny's aent Halern, Oregon. i l,rfJDlja loot II (.. un Paam A v'f III KOKlILKll. ' Mniuer WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Tmntact a general banking bulnessi In al1 It branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wm. EN GLAND Vice Preslden U UO IJ McI.'AUY Cashier. DIRECTORS: Geo. WlUlams.Wm. Eng land.Dr. J. A. Klcbardson, J. W. llodson J. A llaker. Bank in new Exchange block on Com mercial street. 8:lJ-tl Authorized Capital loOO.COO. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W. A. CUSICK. PrrnT V. W. MABTIN, Vice Pres. J. II. ALBIUtT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bongbt at Pur. dw MONEY TO LOAN. Hpeclal lnduceinnts for the next SO days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 11, Buitb. Bank Mock. 5l2d HI (lit? Restaurant Jas. Batchclor, Prop'r. Warm Meaiv at AH Hwrs ol tbeDay None but whlt labor employed In tbli WAguiuntl6J rueolcoked merits dsM style , Twenty-nr cents pej meed RBO K-KONT Oaet itw' brtweea. Opem MettM and Mint" Livwy BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, t s, BURROUGHS, BURROUGHS. T. BURROWS - eARRIER a full line ofStaple and facy (iroceilcs, Kresli Vegotnblea mid I,er Hen In eaou, lluttt-i and Egga al ways on hand 220 Com'l St. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business, specialty. Careftii work J. F. VVH1TE. From Terminal or Interior Points the"' n oi Is the line to take To all Points East and South It Is the dining car route. It runs throug n vestibule trains every day In the year ir ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can bo constructed and In which accommodations are both tree and fur ulshed for holders of first and second-class tlckels.and: ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuot line connecting with all lines, aflordlnr direct aid uninterrupted service. Pullman sU - - 'Ions can bo se cured In odvi i. .i any agent of tbe road. Through ticket to and from all polute In America, Ungland and Europe can be purchosidatany ticket odlce of this com pany. Full information concerning rates, time of tralns,routesandother details furnished on liriDHcutlon to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, No, 121 First street, cor. Washington; Port land, oroiron SHAW & DOWNING, Ageute. TT7ANTED.-HecrulU for the Artillery VV Bervlce of tbe United States Army, The conditions ol enlistment in the army are now unusually favorable, and a spec ial recruiting rendezvous has been eslab- llhed In this city for the purpose of Bttord ing me young men or mis section an op portuultv for enlistment. Applicants mu.l be between tbeagcn of 21 and 30 years oi age, able bodied, physically sound, and al .bletoread aud write the Enk'llnh Ian guaee. To any one Interested a full uzpla- naiiou Mill ue anoraea uy me recruiting omcer, room o, czenange uiock, naiem, 6-W-Utt-tf 2d Lieutenant, 6th Artillery, Only One. Chance for a colony. 1000 acres of best bottom land, onc-bulf In cultivation, lu small strruins und hikes, has I7UU") crop ou now, buildings, etc. Is five miles from Salem, Oitguu, One-third cash, und bal ance in Ave early pay mints with 4 rxr cect. interest at (a) ier acre. iW-tf JUKN M. l'AYMU.ABt, )H TIiCTIONLOP0150,A.O U.W.- Mcets in their hull in tiDtte jusurttuce bul.dlng, every Wt-duesday evening. H, A. Mcr'AlUl!.rM. J, .V. bELWOOP, Itecorder. W. fMPIUJVKD OltDKIl OK HKD MKN, 1 Kamlafcuu lrtboWo.8, Htlem. Iloldj council every Thursday evening, at I'M VSIgwam lu btate Insurance hall, K. C. llAKEit. Prophet. KKNK O. VVATKlW.CbleforlCeuords Pupils Xut lU'glstor. mirKHTillfvOL CLKIlKofdMrlct 21 I wilt beyln Monday, August Uth, en ruUlog dhhs lor ine puuuo scuuuis, oi pen iBg rieptembr otu. parents win ilsase send ihelr children to be mistered uttinMiHm tfa&r Is alwavtt a ruiih the day or two before school opens and co pupil 111 besdwltted without a certificate fre tbaeierk. OSlej, Muri.hy block, up.Ulr over K. O. ttKuUrs rtothlM store. Y IUI A. MWB"l ) JJlUlot Clerk I'KOFne&toNAi. CAiins. LV. CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, . Murphy Block. T J.8I1AW. ill. W. HUNT. 8HAW & Ulllce over U . HUM", attorneys Bt law. Capital National bank, bnlcni, Oregon, CI T. (j. ottloo up ttnlrs In front rooms of new Hush block, corner commercial mid Court streets, Balem, Oregon. TOHN A. CAHSON. Attorney at law. OHN Itoo t) Ilooms B and 4, Lida V Uudli'n bank building, Salem, Ortgen. bi iyr B. V. BONUA SI. V. H. HOLMES. Bonham A, Attorneys at luw. Olllce In Uush's hlock, between Stulo and Court, on Com'l bt. aILMON FOUD, attorned at law. Balom, . Oregon, ofllce uptnlre In Pattou's bloct. jr. lirtAjoaiiAW, i'iiysician and Bunreon. Milem. Orccoii. OtQco In ItUHl lucli-lirrymnu blot k. nintnlrK lleKhtence corner Htatrand B. E corner U Inter street. .W.H- YOUN(, M. U., Olllce formerly occnulcd bv Ur. ltowlind. corner Court and Ijibertystrests. 'l'clopboue No. 45. Ofllce boun,: 8 a. in. to 12; 'i to i p. m , and 7 toW p. m Hesldcuce Jith tttnet on electric car Hue. Telephone Ho. 0, T-vlt. W. 8 ilOTT, physician and sur ly koou. Ofllce In Eldrldge Uloct, ia Iiiu,Oieg(iu. oalce bouts 10 to Ua, m. 2tn4p. in. K.MINTAH.A.I)AVXS. Office houn), Daj v a. in. to II a. in.: 2 v. m. to 5 n. m. 'ay or nUjlit calls promptly attended to, Hpeclal attention given to ouis Iscrtsesof wonv New Bniik lllk., en aud children. Ofllco In iNcw Bnnfc lllk., suu wiamcreini siixei. ltesldenco khuio. It. T. 0. 8MITU, t)cnt!t,l State street XJ Kalem, Or. 1-lnlshed dental optfU' vwins oi every oescrirtiion tlonsaepeclHlty. Painless opera- Wj-. I'uuu, jreuueci. i-ians, speci . flcntlons and Buperlntendeuce lor mi entases IH M11IIU1U merclal M up suits, Ofllce ISO Com- CA. UOllERT, Architect, room421. Mar . quatu building, I'ortlaml, Oregon. UUHINltoS OAKDS. A B. SMITH & CO., CoutRiclon, Pewet i., lag, coment emewiillis, l"sovatlng, All 'wort promptly done, Salem, Or. Ieavo orders with Busan Bros. 4:l5-lm PJ. LAltSKN A CO,, MtMiuIMlure. of all . klndsofveblcles. Uop ring a special ty. Shop 4Ht4itotreet. CAKPET-LAYING.-I mase a specially ot caipetrbeM ins aud laying curpeti US on up and relaid with great cire. Hhado and curtain vole hanging, ie.ive orders Willi J. 11, Limn, Burnn t Son or White Corner. J. O.JUU11IU1AU. Say I You uet'd one ol go rue kind. If so, why not havo it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now Is the time to suve money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St. Or leave orders wltli Sreiit fc Glle, riiate street. Paper Hanger and Decorator. Office at L'iuM. Cal art's JUlUoncry (.tore, Balom, Oregon. JAPANESE vvmi r pAnew and Complete; Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, olntmeutln capsules, also a box und pill; n iKislth o cure for ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding, itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, and many other diseases aud iemalu weak. ue6es; It Is always a great bcnetlt to tho general health, llie llrst discovery ot a medical cure i endorlng an operation with tho knife unnecessary horealter. This remedy has never been known to fall, Jl per box. CI for M; sent by mall. Why sulfur iroru inisierrioio aiceiuo wuen a written guarantee is given with (I boxes, to lefiind the money It not cured. Hend stump for free simple, (junrantce Issued by Woodahii, Ct-AiiKKd: Co., wholesale end retail drug, gists, sole agents, Portland, Or. G L-ly-dw NEW MINING MACHINERY I. J, Poster, who resides about three miles west ol fculeia In 1'olU county, has Invented a machlno lor mining gold, which Is especially adapted to saving Hue gold, and works any placer material, from line black sand to gravel, In tact auvthlng that can be shoveled, 'llio inachlun is made of Iron aud suel and weight only 73 pounds complete. It Is run by tbe force of a 1 Inch pipe of water with a head of four feef. it will work irom s to 10 lous of him V und, or. from 13 to 'JO tons ofgravel In a day, and fuvo every thing in the shape of ?old that will amaUumute. 1 ho piaohlne ias been tested and Is guarantee to do the T7ork claimed, itachlnrs will bu fur nished n running order heforn any pay Is demanded. Price romnltte 1WI. Call on or address P. J, KOSTKlt, fs-Mw Balem, Oregon, Administrator's Notice. NOTrCK Is hereby gUen that the under, signed Iiuh been duly appointed ud mlnUtrator to tbe t iiteof Crl Ulch, lute of Marlon county, Oregon, deceased, by the county court of the state of Ortgou, for Marlon county. All persons having claims ugslnst ald estate will present them to the underslgmd duly vcrltleil, at his home lu Kuulewood uddition to tho clly of iMilem, Jn Marlon county, Oiegou, within six months from the dulo of this notice, and ull persons Indebted to nuld estate will pU'.iKi inako Immediate settle ment to tho undersigned. Dated this August Mb, IrW. AHHA1IAM HICH. Administrator of the estate of Oris Itlcb, deceased. W-ll Admlnl.strator'ri Sale. NOTICK Is hereby given that by audio. Uy of an order of tUi linn. Coiiuty courtofMArlon count v,oreg'n, made on the mil diy of July, I N1, autnorlzlne nitd emixiwoilng the undersigned to s-ll the herelnufierdeiwrltied rml estate belonging to tberstaie of Kvellne ( 'ox, deceased. '1 he undersigned, as administrator ol said es tate, will ou the fit dsy of Sftmber, 1892, at 3 p.m as per statute reo," I redpoll at pub lic auction at the wost uoor of the court house In Balem, Marlon county, Oregon, all the right, title RBd latere! l of the said estate, lu bud to the following derlbed pretnluH, to wit; JMs 8, V, 10 aod It In bloejc No 8. as shewn by the amended re corded plot of Co!tal Park addition to thaolty of Halew, in Morion county. Ore- ioa. 'lenasof M'rab. Hirni K. HAMMKR. AlEslBlsfawtor of lb Btte of Eveline Oox. daeaiucd. tsalew, Or -. July 1, 11. 7-M-K Signs jl?fii. i.fIV t.. TB5Wi IT W 1 Umri Wz& Wi gP CURE THE CAPITAL JOURNAL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. PUUliIHlIEDAILY.KXCKIT8UNDAY BY -MB Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building hnterud al the postofllce at Balem, Or., as MuiH-flafs matin. PUNNUVKU WANTS IT TOO. The following from The Oregonlan of lnnt Sunday would justify its po sition in demaudlug a etato police. It Is Bomethlng novel, Indeed, for thh Kieat paper, to call on Gov. Penuoyer to bolster it up on its oplnionp, but that gentleman will hardly allow such a oo&atiuelion to bo placed upon his remarks. It Bays: "The governor of Oregon made the discovery three years ago that hu was powerless to fulfill his oath to execute tho laws for want of proper pollco machinery, In IiIh message or 1680, he 6ald:" The constitution of the Btate of Oregou requires of tho governor that "ho shall take care ttmt tho laws are faithfully executed," aud yet thero is no statute of the Btate giving him auy authority whatever to car ry out this constitutional provision, to do which he gives his solemn oath. Thu law has conferred upon him no authority over tbe sber- IHs of counties, or prosecution attorneys of the state, or any other civil ofllcers, and, consequently, in case of a palpable infraction of law, the governor, as an officer. Is abso lutely powerless to enforce that con stitutional matuiate wuiuu requires him to too that the laws are faith fully oxpculed. During the past two yeaia positive information was imparted to the governor at tliflcr- e:it times that the Hah laws of tho Btute were being wantonly violated, aim as lie count exercise by law no authority over tho flh commission ers, the only recourse left for him was to proceed as any tirivato citizen could, and not as the chief oxeeutivo olliuer siiould, in seeming the lir-n-ht and punishment of thoolfeuders Provision should be made by law by which authority should bo conferred utionitho governor, In case of the violation oj any state law affecting public Interpsts, to employ a person who can ascertain tho fact of'sTiou violation, and thereupon commence as public prosecuting witness pro ceedings In the courts for the en forcement of the laws of tho statu. "What the governor of Oregon really wants Is a paid and pefmr uent state constabulary, though ho may not know it himself." An Ait Journal. Tho Septcmbor number of The Art Interchange is more than usual ly attractive. It hasan entertaining biographical Bltelch of tho famous youtijj American sculptor Paul Uart- lett, with Illustrations of some of his works. Amour these is the celebra ted "Hear Tamer," which Is lu the Art Museum of Now York. A now department "Views by Her" is exceedingly clever. Tho writer, whoever bIio is, understands art topics, and she has a lively way of poking fun at those who don't. Is Bhe quite right, however, in saying that patriotism has nothing to do with art? That Is at least an open question, Current art events are intelligently touched upon, and there are Gomo uncommonly Reed revlows of art books. A curious arliclo on Woodwork, in theChlueso tasle, is Illustrated by plates from an JEuglish work of 150 years ago; and all house-dwellers will be lntercbled in the charming $2,500 house, which la fully illustrated by sketch plana and drawings, giving yiows of tho exterior and Interior, with Buggestod decoration for parlor, dining-room, window, staircase, etc. Price of this issuo of Tho Art Interchange, Including ilvo Bupplo monts (three In color), Is 35 cts. For Halo by all newsdealers. Wfcoro tho Fashions Como From. Fashion is called a "fickle Jade" -und yet nearly every style is do Hlgncd with some special objcot in view. The reason La Mode do Purls, Album of Fushlon nud La Cout urlero give tho earliest styles aud thuao that are reliable Is becauso they arent tho very fouutaln head of fashion and know Junt what is go ing to bo popular. When you get a fiiHliion Journal get ono upon which you can depend for correct Idcau of stylo uud material, forro member that If you .wish to show correct und good taste yourself you will need to btudy thoeoBtyles which aro nrtutio and reliable. If you wish to ktep up to the stylos wo udvlce you to Bubecrlbo for L'i Modo do Paris, J3.C0 per year, or Parla Album of Fashion t3C0 per year. Thcao are tjte most artistic fashion Journals published, La Cout urlero bu Hue homo Journal forf3.00por jcvir and La Mode Is only $1.60 per year. You can general!) g I slnglo copies from your newsduulvr, but do not ullow him o give you boine other journal for ono of these. You can Ret them If you write to the pub Habere, Mwmrn, A, McDowell & Co., 4 West 14th street, New York. Iluchlen's A mica gulre. The tlest BHe In the wurld for Cute, !lniie, rorm, llic.r, Kilt Khtwm, Fever Hoies, Tetter, Chapped lUnds, Chilblains, (unu and all fcm Krui'lloflS, and pari. tlvelv corns I'll. or no tmv reoulitd. It Is ginrHBteetl t give iwrftet sa'lt'actloal or money refunded. in, vm, -m eeau mti box Vuf ! by Dsn'l J, fry, !) n cam ct. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report 4$ RoYal XS5!SJ ABSOLUTELY PURE An Interesting exhibit is to como irom tho Black Hills. B. D., which will display in novel form tho min erals found in the Hilla. Tho ex hibit when arranged will bo In the form of a two story and n half cottage. Tho framework of the structure la already built, and Is in tho style of tho Eenalssance, with towers and numerous gables. It is impossible to decide on all details, of course, until all tho material has been collected, but tho following plan will bo carried into effect as near as pessible: The foundation will be made of pure white lime stone headed with a layer of Buffalo Gap "calico" Btone. The first Btory will be veneered with pink quartz. Abovo that the handsomest rocks obtainable will be used copper, mica, sob 1st, needle, spar, garnet, etc. The lower part of tho tower will bo mado of rubies and tho upper part with some sparkling substance. The widows and shingles are to bo of mica and tho steps of marble. Thecottago will no doubt prove an attractive feature of the state ex hibit. In Plain EnglUsh. Unquestionably considered of In calculable consequeucejn correcting all constitutional contaminations, Is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. Can conscientiously commend It to careful consideration, oonildent of Its competency in all controllable chrouio complaints. Tho"GoUlen Medical DIacovory"is tho result of much research and wide experience, by a praotical phy sician of world-renown; Its formula embraces the most potent restora tives of tho wholo vegeatahlo king dom. It is especially re'eomended for all blood disorders dyspepsia, liver aud kidney complaints, scrofu la, salt-rheum, catarrh and con sumption In Itsearly stages Insur ing relief and cure iu all cases! Tho Magazine of Amerlcan,Hls; tory for September la a delightful number, admirably illustrated. Tho editor writes tho opening paper, "Progression in 8 team Navigation, 1807-1892," which is crowded vith information and suggestion und will interest all classes of readers lu ull climes wherh tho steam whistle is heard. It seems incredible that only eighty-five years haye rolled by since tho very first successful at tempt to propel a boat oyer tho water by steam that is, any eon- slderaole distance was on tho Hud Bon river in our own country. There is also an apprcciatlyo tribute to Hon. Francis A. tilout, and sev eral shorter articles of value. Sub scription prlco $5.00 a year. Pub lished at 743 Broadway, Now York City. Saved His OMHd'a Lifo. A.N. Dilferbougb, York, Neb., says: "The other day I came home aud fotiud my llttlo boy down with cholera morbus, my wife scared, not Knowing what to do. I went straightway aud got a 25 cent bottle of Chamborlaf u's collo, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, aud gave it ac cording to directions. You never saw such)u change In u child, His limbs aud body wcro cold, I rub bed his limbs and body with my bauds, and after I had Rlvenhlm tho second doso ho went to sleep, as ray wife saya, "from a death bed ho was up playlug In threo hours," It saved me a doctor bill of ubout threo dollars, and what Is better, It saved my child. I can recommend It with a clear couscloiico." For salo by Buskctt & VanSlype. Beforo Going East Enqulro About Tho limited express trains of the Chicago. Milwaukee & Bt, Paul railway between Bt. Paul und Chi cago and Omaha aud Chicago, TIicko trains are vestlbuled, olcc trlo lighted and steam heated, with thefiuest dining and sleeping cur service in tho world, Tho olectrio reading light in each berth is tho kucccbmuI novelty of this proarelvoiiKe. and is highly Mpnreclutcd by all regular patrons of tins lino, wo win ouiurs to Know Its merits, us the Chicago, Milwau kee & Bi. Paul railway in tho only lino in tho west enjoying tho exolu tlv UHonfthH patent. For further Information apply tq nearest couj.on ticket agent, or art-dn-fs C. J. Ei)DV, General A tent. J. V. Cabkv, Trv. Pose, Agt. 225 fitnrk Bt., Portland, Or. 8 36 tf Baby crted, Mother eighed. Doctor tirwcriled i ,Ctoria , Baking Powder A SNAKE RIDES A BICYCLE,""" X nig Rattler Takes Possession of Wheel, but Tangles Himself to Death. It has beon somo four or five yeans ! Binco ono day I was riding my bicycle ovor a road in northeastern. Ken-' tucky which crossed a strip o wood-' land probably two miles wide.- Th road was so nearly obstructed by sax almost impenetrable growth of ua derbrusb. that thero was barely room for a carriage. I was riding very Blowly, enjoying' tho silonco and beautiful scenery which was rendered the more enjoy able by tho sun as it cast its lait golden rays over tho dense foliage, and tho thought never struck me that my heart would raloitate-anr faster by encountering a much dread-1 od foe. r, " ( I was descending a gentle dope; about 3U0 yards long, and on account of the descent I was coasting at a lively rato when I glanced ahead, and thero, only a few paces from me, lay a huge rattlesnake stretched across the road directly in my course. I was greatly frightened and, put down tho brako as hard as I could, but was so near that I could not stop boforo coming into contact with him. Ho scorned not to care for me, and still lay strotched at full length with much moro easo than I was enjoy ing. I was afraid if I tried to run around him that ho would spring upon mo, and not being able to atop my whcol in timo I dotorminod, to run directly ovor him. w c Whon tho front wheel struck hir both his head and tail gavo a quid slap against my feot, hut I pressed tho TMvl.ils with nil nitr mlrfht tA when, as I thought, I was ovor him1 W, I looked back ovor my shoulder, but j could not seo him anywhoro, and not i until i nearu ins body slashing about and heard him buzzing cculd I locate him. I found that in somo difficult way ho had succeeded in getting between tho rows of direct Bpokes, and by crawling as tho wheel rolled ha man aged to koop his position. ' " !i I was not particularly pleased ttt havo a closo combat with sticK a rep. S All- ..:j.i. t im i--i " n i i,iiv, uuituui- wua j. vvjuuxiy loiiHVOHay wheel ridden by such n -rattling con corn, but I conquered my jealouey and determined to give it possession. Jumping off Hot my wheel valL and stepping back a f ow foot found that tho snako had sunk his fang into tho rubber tiro, and after 'he mado repeated attempts to free him self I concluded that ho was con quorod. t I got a stick which I found riear by and mangled Ills hood. Ho was o badly tangled botween tho spoke that I .had considox'ablo trouble in pulling him out. His exact measure was 3 foot and 11 inches, and be wai tho lament I nvnr nnrnnTitjT! T nover took nnothor rido over thal road, for it makes mo quiver "every i j umu x uumc oi ic uincinnau uom morcial Gazette, ' Young- EnglUhmen Wear a Fringe Thoro is no doubt that tho fringe across tho forehead that is now so njat- Vrnanl ta nvnnAiltnnli, linnnntlni. 4a..41ka. maloj wo notice it imparts just vkat f toncli of Uelicato Bof cucbs to the contour 1 or tho faco which tho rovolutlouized de volopmcntof tho eoioa at tho preMnt timo seems to call for. Our women are. uccoming stalwart m body and robot in mind, and coincidently our men ue displaying a deliqato diminution of musv clo und a mild amiability of disposition which, whon accotnpauied by a softly wlih-kerod faco und gracefully fringe forohoad, aro imito irrosistiblo. ' 1 It has long boon foreseen b women that a change of characteristics end places botween thorn and men was tbe order of dovolopmcnt of tho near future. Tho men, too, havo now discovered t&U, and tho enthusiasm with whloh they havo taken tip their new role Mgtte wen for tuo pence ot tliouotnestiQ heerttT. end tho woll being of enr future woman governed cstuto, Tho now deiiartuw began, whoro it was inevitable that it should begin, among the .cultured clnsuos, und nt Oxford and Cambridge moro especially; but so rapid la tbe spread of culture in these days that tk litis already extended to the middle and lower ciuseos. tiot Allan be praUwol Tho butcher's young man, calling tbflr other tiny, uau a fringe wiiicu was poef uvoiy ecatatio long, BUKy, nuuy, beautifully porf umeu marrow, m fiovy concealing all his otherwise too truaivo forehead, and IU extrendi ldsshig with touching affection pimply skin stretched ont over but bones he was truly a "thing of and to somo muscular Pfaylnehe doubtless bo a "joy forever," It mow impossible to imagine moro glorious even in the wftyof gods. London HoeplWd. Aa OUwvIhc Vrtwl, Winks That job you haw u coic anap, im-i ltl , .-, Jlnkg -Um ratker. "Nothing at all to K hare; "TTeuernot wwjn." "Good pay tee t" "veryiair, mum tw yoei ; vi KH9W so mneti aseuc soy "x ROBee you etteK to YorkyfwMy, .' ' 99 .A li lOO State Strt. 'WT"'