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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1892)
F7SLJ--H Our new fall goods aro now in and opon for inspection. As they have been care fully pelected, personally, on the eastern markets, you can rely n everything being the newest and best obtainable. SERGES-STORM SERGES, CHEVIOTS. ETC. An immense stock in the populnr shades. Jackets, Jackets ! Jackets ! ! The Newest and Latest. T. THE CAPITAL JOMAL WEDNESDAY, .... AUG. 31, 1892 GILBERT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. CHARLES BEAK, Dealer in K.ty Straw, Grain, Oil Meal, Stock Halt, Flour and Barley Otiop, and Mill Feed of all kinds. Terms strictly cash. 322 Commer cial street, Salem, Oregon. nr.o. d. ooopiiue. k. cahi&l. BUILDING 3LLTEBIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, hair, fire and building biick, lire clay, band, gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tall. Olllce 05 State street. OOODHUU & CAHILIj. Clean Up. The Journal doeH not wish to say that Salem is a dirty city, but certainly it la not clean. Munyofthe alleys contain old refuse matter that should be cleaned out. Many an old barn stands up close to a dwelling with a pile o" foul mature in it. Many a China Lous is reeklns with filth, inside, outsldj and underneath. In fact our city U not iu the best sani tary conditi n to resist .contagion. There is probably no great daugcr of cho era sulking Salem, but fur all that our city should be m tde so clean that no germ of disease cu'd una lodgement m it. uodiinrss m almost of no consequence as com pared with the cleanliness which preserve our city iu good hfillh The city authorities should take special pains to have Slem cleaned up, and at the same time every citi zen, and especially every property owner should muue It his po'bon.U business to clean up, to renovate, to purify, aud that at ouce. Pardoned. Gov. Puunoyer hus pardoned Wm D. Kramer, who was sent to tho state prison December 11, 1890, to serve three years larceny iu Portland. Tho rucom mendatlon for the pardou was made by the district attorney. Tho gov ernor, on recommendation of the district attorney, gtauted a pardon to Harry Henderson, who was seut from Umatilla county, Feburary 3, 1892, to servo one year for larceny. Another Home. S. It. Burford, lato of Cape Girardin, Mo., who has purchased ten acres of the Fred Hurst track just south of Rural Cemetery, is remodeling and greatly improving ills residence-. With his family Mr. B. travelled this coast from Puget sound to Central Amer ica, but considered Salem his choice of all he saw. He will make a good acquisition to.our town. C On Installments. A few de sirabie lots iu Pleasant homo addi tion will be sold on installments at mobt desirablo rates. 75 lots have been sold this season. Also flue city property at bargains. Wm. Bagley will have charge of the busi ness during my absence. Wm. E Buhkk. 8-19-tf Removed. John Hughes has re moved his large stook of groceries, lime, cement, glass, oils, builders' materials, etc, into his own new block on State street Nos. 144, 140 and 148 where he is better able than he has over been to supply his cus tomers. A New Cottage. J. Morelock, of South Salem, is having a flue new cottage built by that thorough going contractor, A. Z Sweet. It will be first-class in every respect aud have all modem conveniences. Men Wanted. Salem Motor Company wants 50 to 100 meu im mediately, call at oftlce, Cottle building. 8-29-tf In New Quarters. John Hughes has removed his stock of groceries, etc., to Nos. 144 and 148 State street, where he now has com modious quarters. Died. Frank Russell, who was recently hurt by a horse at Silver ton, died yesterday. The accident occurred while breaking a young horse which fell upon him. Temperance PicNrc There will be a picnic given by the Woodburu Blue Ribbon club, near that elty, ou 8ept. 10th. Good speaking and music will be had. New Oak. A new open car arriv ed today for the Capital city railway It la much longer than the old ouee, and will carry a lame number of HOLVERSON, soi University Notts. The regular school year of Will amette uulverslty opens on Mon ti y, Sept. 5th, with several nddl tio is to its faculty. The universal verdict in regatd to Prof Cochran seems to be "exceptionally compe tent" and his class-rooui work is sure to prove this to be the case as he comes to us from a school which is thoroughly up to the tluiis. Miss Scriber is too well known to need an introduction to Salem, her life having been spent here. She brings to her work natural ability and good training. Several students have arranged to enter the theolog ical department aud there will be full classes in law, music and medicine, whllu the services of Miss Orvillie Ballow have been secuied to give special instruction to the normal classe in kindergarten work so that those fitting them selves for teachers can have the best methods in this direction. Miss Ballon has taken two years of fp"clal training for her work in the Chicago Kindergarten college uud.T Instruction of some of the b:;ssl kittdergartners iu the county and will be able to give the priuclple.s of Ft coble's education from a practical standpoint. Appointments. The governor today appointed the following netaries: F. T. Hurlburt, Gilliam; H H, Hewitt, Albany; Sieir Baor. W. A. Dotnpsey, W. M. Cake, and D. A. Honeyman of Portland. Ed. F. Wellington, of Rochester, N. V., v. as appointed commissioner of deeds. ISia Party. The sovereign Gruul LodgJ of Odd Fellows meets at Portland Kept. 19th, and will re mniu in session for a week. A num ber of excursions will he made from that point, and the people of Salem should make an effort to secure a visit from at least a part of the dele gates. The Dome. The coping stones for tho pillars which are to sustain the dome on the State house are to day being put in place. They aro about four feet thick. Eight of them are being put In and they will sustain as many columns. Orvgon Repre?ented.-A goodly number of Oregon hoys will this ear attend the Leland Stanford University at Palo Alto, Cal. The Salem boys who.have joined the procession aro Frauk C. Matthews and Fred Williams. Sioned Up. Dugan Bros, today filed their bond and signed up the contract for putting in the state fire protection plant. The work is to begin at once and be completed be fore Dec. 1st. A Business Change. Messrs.A. Ollinger and. W. T. ltigdon have purchased tbestock and undertaking business of J. A. Roian and will continue tho business under the Arm name of Ollnger & Rtgdon. c New Teacher. Rev. Wm. C. Chattiu, late of Portland has been appointed as teacher at the reform school, vice L. N. Gilbert, resigned ed. Gents black negligee shirts from GO cents up, at Osburn's Racket i Store. d & w. Booming Trade. Goodhue &, Cahill are enjoying a booming trade in their sand and gravel business. Judge Goodell disposed of Ave drunks today. Two cash and three 5 das time. Drcs3 goods at co3t at the Lunn store In Opera House block. 8 31-2t. 12 and 15 cent ginghams for 10 cents at tho Lunn store in Opera House block. 8 31-2t, Everything nt cost at the Lunn store in Opera House block. 8 31-2t. MARKETS. Portland, Aug. 31. Wheal valley, ?1.22 Walla Walla, $1.15 S.N Francisco Cal., Aug. 30. Wheat, weak Dec. ?1.35. Chioaqo Ills., Aug. 31. Wheit .74. DIED. WALKER. In the Waldo Hills, Sunday. August 23, 1802, of put monlu, Mrs. Rhoda Walker, nge 74 years 7 months and five day. Mr. Walker was born In Tun. ntsee aud came to Oregon in 1851. Located In the Waldo Hills when she has lived up to the time of he deal h making her home for severa year with her daughter, Mrs. J. M Kimsey o- that place. B!ie leave two daughters and several grand children and great gruud children, J to mourn her death, & i!.i Commercial Street. City Council Proceedings. Tho city council met in adjourned session Inst evening, with Alder men Hunt, Hutton, Johnson, La fore and Olmsted present, aud Mayor D'Aroy In tho chair. The committee on streets and pulille ptopi'rty was'lnstrueled toad vertise for bids to complete tho rill at the south end of tho Coumwclal street bridge. The city engineer was instructed to order tho property owners on South Cotunii'Trfal street to put down aldewalHs at once. petitions and ordinances. The petition for the abatement ot a nuisance on Center street, between Cottage and Church, was referred to the committee on hedth and police, An ordinance regulating the uum- btr of telegraph, telephone, electric light and railway poles was read the llrst time and referred to the com mittee on ordinances. Tho bill lim its the number of poles on each of the main business blocks to twelve, not more than four of whlah shall be placed on auy one side of su ch bt mfes. All extra poles aro to be removed at tho e.poiiii of the owu eis. Telephone aud telegraph lines shall be strung ou the east and south sides of the streets, aud all other lines on the norlh and west sidoi. An ordinance providing fur a fourteen-foot cement sidewalk where not already built on Com mercial street between the Com mercial street bridge, across South Mill creek, and Center street; and ou that part of State street between Commercial aud High; and ou Court street from Commercial to High, was referred to ths com mittce on ordinances. Theoidinance providing for the improvement of the city's business streets with gravel was read the second time and referred to the committee ou ordinances. The clause allowing tho street railway companies to put gravel between the rails will doubtlets be changed so the companies will be compelled to plank the track. It was suggpfted that the city engineer have the crosswalks cleaned of the gravel that is scattered over them. Hon. G. W. MuBride returned to day to St. Helens. Messrs. Kllnger and Beck went to Gervals tbU afternoon. Fresh Kelp Davlsou & White's. Rev. F.H. Gwynne and family re turned today from Newport. Wm E Burke Is homo from his vi sit nt Ocean park. Smelt Davison & White's. The Salem light and power com pany today filed articles of Incor poration, with a capital stock of $150,000. The incorporators are S Z. Mitchell, O. F. Paxton and J. L. Hartman, and the principal oflice shall be at Portland. Fresh venison Davison & White's. E. P. Spilling Is In Eugene on a short visit. MissFiances Joues. who has been up from Portland the past week re turned todiy to her musical work. Seo those boys dress shoes for $1.40 at the New York Racket Store. A full lino of other shoes. All at bargains. UEAIi ESTATE TI1AXSFERS? -Vom Jan. I to date $1,213,093.00 auoust 30. I- Durbln and wifo to M. L. and E H. Joue; 10 acres s 5s0, 1 0 s, r 2 w $10,000 Wm. Sapplngfield and wife to I Durbln; 330 ncres 1 0 b, r 2 w $10,600. R. H. Rutherford and wife to W. B. Peacock; tract In s 8-5 and S3, t 0 s, r 2 w $5,500. Same to same; lis in blk 1 Marlon C. R. Schiller to Harvy Hage; 80 acres s 18, t7s,rle $2,100. R. H. Matthews' dress making parlors ore now open and ready for business. 2t Before Going East Enquire About The limited express trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway between Bt. Paul and Chl caco aud Omaha and Chicago. These trains are vesllbuled, elec tric lighted aud steam heated, with be fluest dining and sleeping cai M-rvice in the world. The elettrlc readltig light In each it-rlliis the buceebsful uuyelty of hlf progressive age, aud Is highly ipnredated by all regular patrons of his line. We wish others to know lis inerlti. r.s the Chicago, Mllwau tee & St. Paul railway is the only iine In the west enjoying the exclu ,lve use of ihln patent. For further Juformatlou apply to nearest coupou ticket ugeut, or ad- C. J. Eddy, General Ageut. .1. W. Harry. Trav. Paw. Aut. 225 Stark Bt., Portland, Qr. 8, ty tfj LOCAL AXD PERSONAL. Dr. J. W. MoAfliv, who went to Astoria for the benefit of his health about ten days ago, Is reported quite ill at that place. The latest reports however, state that he Is improving. Dr. L. w. Hensel, or Brooks, wa9 a Salem visitor yesterday. Cor vail Is is to be congratulated upou carrying its uow charter at an Independent election lost Monday, which allows that town to Issue bonds to put Iu water works, elec tric lights, sewers, and a bridge across the Willamette. Flounders Davison & White's. Trout, trout Davison & White's. -For sand and gravel, lime and ce ment, see Goodhue & Cahill the only dealers in Salem making a speciality of this line of business. Caught on the fly spreckled beau ties at Davison & White's. For a choice meal in a cool dining room always go to Hellenbraud'a Wall paper at prices that paralyze all competition, at Bargeaut's. Express wagons at Sargeant's. Capt. Lewis, register of tho land oftlce at The Dalles, Is In tho city, truest of State Treasurer Metsoban. Halibut Davlsou & White's. Pictures with frames or without, at Sargeant's. Frames aud moulding in endless variety, at Sargeant's. Sturgeon Davison & White's. Miss Pearl Scott returned to her home in Portland today after a short visit with her father, Chas. Smith. Cleanse the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparllla, and realize what poor health you have had. For plats, maps, blue prints, etc. See D.W. Tow nFend, 115 State St. 8-20 1 m Surveys of all kinds, accurately and quiokly made. D. W. Town eend, 115 State St. 8-20 1 m Rock cod Davison & White's. John Kntubtaod Chas. Burgraff went to Wood burn this afternoon. Ayer's Pills cure headache. Send a2 ct. stamp to Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass., for a set of theit at tractive album cards. A. C. Cleaver was a passenger fcr Portland today. Fresh oysters Davison & WLite's The choicest native oysters at Hellenbrand's. The finest llnoof picture aud room ranitidine ever on the coast nt G? o F. Smith's, Cottle block. Chinook salmon the finest in quality nt Davison & White's mai k"t. The largest shipment of mould ing; over received In Salem just In at Geo. F. Smith's, Cottleblock. Suits for small boys from $1.10 up, at Osburn's Racket Store. d A w Oxfords from 75 cents per pair up at Osburn's Racket Store. d & w VENISON today, and more ex pected tomorrow Davison & White. A few Indian and Japanese bask ets left at Brooks & Harrltt'e. Wanted to trade a good young horse weighing 1050 pounds for lumber. The Oregon Laud Co. eod-3t-wlt. Catfish Davison & White's. Sole at Davison & White's. Boys, congress shoes at $1.40. Men's congress at $1.50 at Osborne's Racket store. d w Curling Irons from 10 cents up, at Brooks & Harritt's. Wanted, 100 tons clean oats straw, baled. The Oregon Laud Co. eod-3t-wlt. Wo keep a fish, game aud poultry market, at 04 Court street. Yours truly. Davison & White. Full line of Glover's dog remedies best In the world at Brooks & Harritt's. Valuable treatise on dis ease of dogs given away. T. F. Hart, the artlstio tailor, Is now in his new quarters in the Bush bank block. See his new goods and order a suit. Oregou ico cream melons at th Blue Front. Oregon ice cream melons at the Blue Front. Ben Crltchlow will no longer handle the morning paper, havinir transferred his interests to J. W. Brown. Oregon ice cream Blue Frout. melons at the R. H. Matthews, shirt maker, is homo from the coast aud prepared to fill orders. 2t A 11 no line of English walking hats, eilk beaver sailors, and cam paign caps for youug ladles, fresh from the Chicago market, at Mrs. D. L. Kiester's, opposite opera house. d-w The one thing In Bulem that Is alwnjBou the top shelf, Is French Ice cream eoda. Ouce tried It Is al ways wanted. Jones & Bernardl are the only people on the coast who make It. The Palace Is receiving an enor mous Hue of fall dry gooda, and will make a startling announcement Iu a few days. Col. 8. L. Lovell left today for the bunch grass country. He eaya this climate Is too rich for him. A. E. Crosby Is home froni New port. Judge Murphy and son Chester are home from Seal Rock, Miss Gusta Palmer returned to day from NewjKirt. Dr, W, B. Morse was a passenger for Portland, this aftwnoou, CANCER OF THE LARYNX. A Itrmnrlmblo Scirplrnl Oprrntluu Tcr-rriut-t! Uucenvly In tinnloll. Carney hospital, Cotton, was the sceno a few days ago of a remarkable surgical operation. Fivo weeks ago n man giving tho namo of John Strong entered the out patient department suf fering from n severe bronchial trouble. Jlia vojpo was almost; gone, and when talking ho experienced conaidorablo pain. An examination revealed the fact that Strong had cancer in tho larynx. This cancerous growth had filled one half of the larynx, implicatinir tho right vocal cord, and wa3 fast eating its way to tho loft sido. If it remained un checked total loss of voico would have been the result, and death would have followed from inability to breatho. After several local remedies hud been applied, tho operation of excision of the larynx was decided upon. An incision was made through tho f&ia from tho top of the thyroid cartilago, extending about six Inches in length along tho me dian Hue of thyroid crycoid cartilages and trachw. Tho skin and muscles were then cut away and turned aside, laying bare tho cartilages aud windpipe. Tho larynx was then separated from tho esophagus, au incision waa mado in the posterior wall of tho larynx and a pack ing of iodoform gauzo was inserted to provent tho flow of blood to tho lungs. The operation known as tracheotomy was then performed. This consists ic inserting a tube, which answers tho pa pose of month and nose to tho patient that is, at least as far asbreathiug is con cerned. A deep incision was then mado in the median lino of tho larynx and the right half of laryngeal cartilages vaa completely cut away, together with tut right vocal cord, and then the cancerouJ growth that had caused tho troublo was removed. After tho right half of tho larynx was removed nn ob3taclo pre sented itself. On tho top of tho larynx there is tho epiglottis, a piece of car. tilage, whose ofilco is to clote the air passago whilo food is being swallowed, thus preventing foreign particles from entering tho lungs. With one-half of tho larynx cut away tho opiglottis for tho timo being could not closo tho passago. To obviate this obstacle an incision was mado in the an terior wall of tho food passago aud a second tubo was Inserted. This com pleted the operation. The void mado by tho removal of part of tho larynx will gradually bo covered by natural processes with u membra neous growth, which will take tho place of the lost vocal chord. Tho tubes will bo withdrawn add tho cavities remain ing will be assisted in healing by means of plaster bandages. Tho patient will bo enabled to breatho and tajco nourish ment in tho ordinary way. Boston Herald. Freaks of Walking Sticks. Walking sticks havo their ccceutrici rties, as they havo their human compan ions. Sometimes, when tho summer is but newly ended aud tho garrison in vaso and hatrack has been heavily ro enforced, the entiro colony will coiue crashing aud rattling down in the nigh! and there follows a general oviction tho next day. Weeks afterward I spend my days as a tale that is told a great many times, seeking to discover and collect the scattered remnant that is loft. 1 once had an alder Btick so crooked that every timo one walked across tho floor, even in o distant room, this stick would rock and tromblo and lidgct uneasily in its placo. This, happening at all hours of tho night and day, drove the, who! o family into a nervous fever, until at length I laboled tho stick and presented it to a college museum. Sonio of tho sticks como homo all right, but in tho process of domestication slowly shed their bark, so that tho hall carpet is re duced to a stato of chronio woodyard cnippincss. Others, as thoy dry out, develop a malodorous odor that leads to tho unani mous diagnostication that they wero picked beforo thoy were ripo, aud aro straightway ordered forth to crema tion. Bomo wait until thoy havo been carefully scraped, painted with threo or four coats and varnished with infinite painstaking, and then calmly split from end to end, curling up at tho edges of tho split. Others take kindly to stoain ing and straighten out until u straight edgo cannot And a fault iu them, and as soon as staining and polishing is com plete, and an oxponsivo head fitted on, suddenly dovolop inflammatory rheuma tism and curvature of tho spine,, legacies of the marsh whence thoy wero taken, doubtless, and hump themoolvcs into rnoro misshapen shapes than a wet clothesline, hastily coilod in tho dark by an inexperienced man, can imitate. Robert J. Burdette in Ladles' Home Journal. The Ancient Jewi Wera (Irout lluimi. A pugilistic ring was a favorito game with the ancient Hobrows. If that ring was ruled by tho rules of our modern "code of pugilism," I hardly can toll. Tho first trace of that game wo find in the narrativo of tho Scripture is when Abner, tho commander in chiof to Baul, met David's goneral, Joab, and the for mer asked tho latter, "Let tho boys rise and play beforo us." nils amicable boxing, tho Scripturo informs us, turned out a regular slaughter, so that Abuor was obliged to beg Joab in theso words to stop it: "Shall the sword eat human flesh for ever?" From this plain narrativo wo can seo how favorito tho boxing game was among them. Wo con apply to tho anciont Hebrows tho well known prov erb in a modified form, "When Jews mot Jews thero was a tug of war." It seems that a Jewish greeting was a box on the ear. By the advance of a cul tured humanity tho roughness of tho "ring" has also been humanized. Bos ton Transcript. A Huil, Wicked Man. Visitor What became of that dog you used to have? Little Girl A bad, wicked man shot bim. "Dear me What for?" "For bitin th' bad, wicked man's baby." Good Nowb. Vl la Million of Homes DRPDIFE'C fioalBBaking liPowder PANTS, Largest Assortment of Pants Ever Brought to Salem. Best Geer& and Lowest Prices WOOLEN MILL, Lilur List. Following are the letters lem titl ing uncalled for in the postofllce, at Suleiu, Aug. 31, 1802. Persons call lug forsamo pleasesay "advertised." Ayres M W Abbott D M Anderson J no Anyer C I) Hohee Miss May Btown Jacob Burgess J N Amstut. Jacob Aminunn Jacob Albert (Indlati) Aiken Oscar Brown J F Burt Chas A Boon B F Boot W H Barker Win Braudore W A Blatchford AIox Cocurau A W Col o Amanda L Cuppy A J uoweu a U Briefer Conrad Ulaucbot F N Barnes Mrs MA Clark A B Cosine Mary A Cordcue Joe Chapmau E Caison T Cabat Mrs Sarah Caulner W'C Duncan Lowls Depuy A J O L Duggor T L Driver Goo Elliott Eugene Elgont Mrs Jas Egau M J Flaher W F .uougnty u u Dickenson N Ealy H N England Juo Eisher Clara Flnley W J Gulrs B Urini l' Greene Mrs Jos 8 Hoffman Grant Hall Juo 3 Hyde Elizabeth Hovey Geo Hogan .(as Uogati Mike Hudson Tlios Hostertuau A D Heath Frank 3 HarelerodeSam Harris W Harpnle Susan Horulsh C S Holtou Mrs R A Hyde E O Hupperty G V Hooper Sam'I Helfst Caroline W Helwlg M C 2 Harmon A J Hammer T J Hastings Geo Howard Sarah A Johnson Thos Johnson Wm Jefferson WUlard Johnson Al Johnson J A Jenulngs Jos A KUk patrick F A Keller Frank Klnucv J E Kelthley J K Keyos Isaac H Lester Reuben Lewis Clins Miller Jno W Marvin F A Mitchell It W Masher Mrs 8 A Morgan Mary McCaudless A E Mackrell Thos AlcGuiroF J Lenth Veroulca Lewis Wm Little Mary E Miller Win P Matson M Menzoll Henry Mercer Lucy Molntyre J T Win. Hall MoKInley A MoFadden Barah Nolan Nathan Nichols Rachel NcnderoflHeury Neal N B Nichols Carrie E Pugli Jno Price Franklin Pierce Edith Pearsey W E Peel ME Patterson C P Planter 'A P Plaster Mrs C Ribdon A D Uogers C O Roberts MreF P Russell Mrs B Polz Fred Partridge A E Pray O U Parsons W B Parker 8 and B Robinson T H Robinson Isabella Robinson M J Roseukrans Mrs J Roberts Mrs P J Roush Jesse Rlnehart EWGS Itluebart Mrs S J Reed Mrs C K Relnhort C D Ricard Al Reynolds Annie Reed Annie SteiiheiiH Mrs E Smith Bonnie Smith M J Smith Jno H Smith L O Smith Huttiri Smith Mrs L M Schmidt Alvis Reed Mrs Lee Riley Mrs Bertie Randall O P Stephens JSandE Stanton Cathrlne Smith T W Smith II A Smith J V B Smith Mrs M J Smith Lizzie Schonbaculcr C Btugmeyer Jno Sloper Mrs A Bhepard & Black Stewart Wtu Bvveeley Mary Sitting Bruno Bhelton Riley Sbeehaui M G Hiater w o Shaw Silas B Tbaro & Bros Taylor Jno Trail R Btarkey J Stanton Myrlain Taylor Amanda F 'J avlor J A Vorhees Eliza A Williams Henry Williams G H Woodwortu Barah Wells C Jane West B F Williamson Jos West Gertio Wells Jno Wait T G Wardell B A Wagner Albert WatsonJ H Wilson J B Wagner Minerva WnllF B Walker C H Walling Bon Waldroi) Elmer Wilkin J A Yocum Frauklyn Young Bonj A. N. Giwiekt, P, M. Bauqains in Hoksks. Thirty head of first-class horses at private sale. Real bargains. Salem Motor Railway Co. HOTEL ARRIVALS. WlLIiAMini'K. G. W. Frasler, A. W. DIr.on, 8. IS. Dull", T. It. Anson, O. F. Paxtou, 8. A. Barber, N. B. Dygert, J. D. McArdle, C. W. Byfers, J. A. Wad- die, M. Goodman, Harry Brown, Poi timid. W. Frank Love, Philadelphia. O. B. Rhublesdy, Mllwaukle. P. Frank, Lewkvlllo. J. II, lulow, Modfurd, M. J, Erwlti, Corvallls. J. T, Ruder, Eremont, O. 13. P. Morcom, Woodburn. Winn Powers, St. Paul. H. H. Howard, E. J. Harris, Portland. Wru. E, Burko, Salem, COOK T. Fleming, A. M. Sargent, II. B. Bwarls, Philip Flnegan, Bllverton. Y. W. Tuylor, Hubbard. T. L. Shelley, St. Paul, Minn, A. W. Dunn, St. Louis. C. O. Hazell, T. M. Prall, L. H. Prall, L. McGinn. j,.ii 40 Yean ttw Sttadud PANTS! 2!i Commercial Street, Palcni, Oregon. DnUUlXO QL LQUUl Carefully oomponnUed MJ lOO State Street. eHHnaoaiaMC&BiHMBn NEW OHUROH DEDICATED. Tho Work of Mrs. M. B. Wood worth in St. Louis. OH. Louis Globe-Democrat, Aug. 15, 189Z) The dedication ceremonies of the now First ohurcli of the Church of God, the result of Mrs. Maria B. Wood worth's evaugollstlo work, at tracted a largo crowd to tho neat edi fice. Montgomery and Blaltery streets, jestorday. Rev. J. R. H. Latchlaw, prosideut of the Church of God College, Findlay, O., prpach od the dedication sermon and was followed in a brief talk by the pus tor, Rov. H. H. Bplher. The nam ing of tho church was a matter of some uncertainty at first, many of the congregation wlshlug it to bo called the Bethel, but finally agreed to the suggestion of president Latch law, who offered the simpler nomi nation of "First," as the sect Is growing nnd will soon put up other houses of praver lu the city. When yesterday morning dawned thore was a still a debt of $1200 banglug over the First Church, but at the morning, afternoon and evening ser vices every cent of this was sub scribed and more might have been forthcoming bad tho sum been larger. The new church Is a pretty red brick pile with modest steeple aud yellow plno furnishings, Tho seats, furnished tho congregation by A.H. Andrews, of Chicago, uro ranged about tbe pulpit In a semi-circle. Tho little Sabbath school' room is situated to the right of the minister and seperated from thocongregatiou when d( sired by sliding doors. The lot and the building as it stands cost tho 200 odd members of tbe church about $7000, and baa been iu process of construction since tho middlo of February. Rov. H. H. Splher is pastor. John F. Shanor is secretary, and Mrs. John Wolf, H. R, King and William Knox comprise tho board of trustees. During tbe week the following ministers will hold revival meetings at tbe ohureh: Rev. D. Blakely, Peakesville, Mo.; Rev. J. M. Smith, Kaboka, Mo., Rev. P. L. French, Dee Run, Mo., and Rev.L.A. Short, Syenite, Mo. Mrs. Woodworth,tho revivalist and fouudor of the Church of God, who Is now holding meet ings at Salem, Or., Is expected in St Louis during September. When she roturns sho will pilch n tent iu the southern part of the city for the purpose of there establishing a church In due timo. Cure Yoursolf. Don't pay largo doctors' bills. Tho best medical boolt published, 100 pages, elegant colored plates, will bo sent to you on receipt of three 2-ceut stamps to pay postage. Address A. P. Ordway, & Co., Bos ton, Mass. m . Notice. m i . t t t mo jMecino grocery store, on East Btate street, Simpson Bros., proprletorsjwill sell strictly for cash on, and aftor tho 1st of Sept. 18D2. Wo thank tho public for their genoral patronage tho past year aud solicit your trado in tbe future, tf 01d People. J. V. a Is the only SartajiMlllii tlitt old ot feeble people should take, at tbe mineral potsih which is fa every otber Bsraaparllla that we know of, 1 under certain conditions known to be erasclatlnj. J. V. B. on tho contrary Is purely vegetable aud stimulates dlgcitlon and creates uew blood, tbe very viing loroiu aeiicate or brokeu down people. It builds them up and prolongs their lives. A case in point! Mrs. DelJcii an estimable and elderly lady 0(610 Maiou Ht, a P. wai for months drclin Uigioraptdly as loierlouslyaUrm her family. It got so bad that she was finally afflicted with Islatlng spells, filiowrflesi " While la tbut dangerous condition I taw tome of the totl monlsls eoncernlnz J, V. B. and tent for a bottle. That marked the turning point I regained my lost fluli and strength aud have act felt to well in years." That was two years ago and Mrs. Italdeu It well and hearty to-day, and still taking J. V. a If rem aro old or feoblo and want to be built np. Aikfor Joy's Vegetable Barsaparllla Hon modem, most effective, Urge bottle. 3aue price, t.W, sis tor K00, For sale by Dau'l J. Fry, 22ft Com. nierclal street. Pupils Must Jteglster. rnuKHCiioor, cL.KitKorditrie'No. ri I will besln Monday, Aunn 14th, n. rolling puMI fur Oi puMlo Kbeots. opening Mi;tembw Mb. t'areata will please send ilielri-hllilren to be rcbtetl at onre as I here Is always a rush fun tev or twi btrforu retiooi oh'Hi an4 bo pupil theoterk. oat", Murphy bjoek. uwtalrw GTW . v, nrewu run inirstora- WVI.IKA, MOOKI H3w WsUWCikri 111 "MH PANTS STOR night. Saved a Woman's Lift, Mr. J. E. Thorougbgood, writ from Georgetown, Delaware, i "Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Rrr dy saved tho llfo of Mrs. Jn Thomas, of this placo." He states that several other very cases of bowel complaint there batf been cured by this remedy. For i by Baskett & Van Blype Druf EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best The Dlaru tor vountr ladles a&df i men to secure a, thorough edacatloft la t uju, uui over new WILLAMETTE DN1VERSI Long aud ntlll tbe leading lnitlttttkMM iue monu est. ueuer man even New &nipn of luatructlon In Or rnfoincr aim i'ost-uralualed. HTUDlK.-iNornuvl.UubliKws.Aawl uiinxci uuu ijiw courhea greatly and (mnroved. Faculties Increased and lmnrovad. (tatntotcno of College of ljiiw write DMtt i.-. uicnurubon. jssq ,n.iem, ur( For Catalogue or College ot Medical i Pharmacy wrlto Den a Kfcbmoad Kelly J is i uruuuu. ur. For irenornl Ciitalocuo wrlto Kevl Whltaker, D. D., Provident, Salem, Or, 7-!25-3m-dw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC DiSIIR will be otioned to students Rnnt IS. 10 Ollors the most practical courses of stud ui uuy Hcnooi mine state, viz: JHfcaanh .bugineenng-, uivu .Engineering, Kleotrl Engineering. Academic and Granin school courses Bt udentti practice daily! wuvmi buuj, iuucuixju saup, auu , torlcs. Tuition and Board per Tear, Jlijoi : Special Inducements ton few young who wjsu to worK ror tnoir noara aud 1 tlon durln? vacations. For prospectus I ui buer luiuruinuuu. uuurert! l'resdent, balem; Oik I Conservatory of 1 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY; SALEM, OREGON6! The coiirso most complete and the est irrade of anv music ychnhi in Northwest. Best and newest method tcneuing. Kniarcoa laoiuuea and jm pmuiur instruction or Deginuors tor uuuiiug Buuuoi year, uipioraa grmu completion of course Next term b NAntnmhAR 1R( 2 A.r OAMtrra Rtftnrl fhi aii4a Ui.uln rt& 7-itf-d2m-wlm 'Miss Baliou's kindergarten!. THIRD YEAR , Qrtens Monday, Beptomuer lBth. at Kit dorgarten Hall, opposite opera hoiw. Children received at three years of 1 ana oyer. A connecting olnsi-wlll b tmuuueu loraavnncca Kindergarten Slls nnd those bclniilnit primary wo nly the best modern Klndemriirtan ma ods employed. Prang's system ot drawls auu uumr worn juiroaucoa. Miss Annie Thorntonj Gradualo ot theDtesdeu I'onsrrv&torrt Muslo(Ucrniaoy) will opon her toi-bm. end 7, Dank building, ouptember 1st. jiimruyiiuu iu vouai una instruiae music, uibo in uerinnn ana trench. Select School, IHB KNOX will bnorlti hf a1 Bh ttlfj lirbt Mon (lav In Hmtamai aftl ltTltrfiMl Vfil knliriil l.tiltil!. ' wMka mumuui uutaUJUJfa 25c Want Column, Nwtlccs Inserted for ONM CKNT'l wuuu KAUH INHKHTION. No advi MOTiMiunurwu iu una column ror 1 "m ,nvui,i)Vti CVUIH, about 1'X) nrrtx. bv u luomueh Su or. Uoodrtfureuocsulvt'u. tuiii thiol nee. u-ia-lm r ANTl.l) a married My w(ti no I 1? ciiruurAiici'i'! r,tinut,i-iit iaiu.t uiutniit ixnuii, Amur, "fcrmsftoaU JtHiw nloniu. S-JmT -" ' ' ' WAKTt'l) WOMKN AND OIsU to make coats, pitnui and uata, i '..v -MfTiu uHwutuv ujjvraiur. l hhv ir uuu sure pay, puiem. woolen J n.uin, KANTKU. To runt a good bouse i about six or iiJght rooms, wu - girl to do general hniMjii Cairmmuborfyut. TSUl Wvrk. rtJUIB OltEOONJAN AT BALKM-TI a, umfuuinn iihh fHMUllUia a M ortlce In tMlein, under ohirga of Mr, Irvlnft.wttlllinfturu tliurMb n maaM. -. --.- r--..-.......-. of the news service or the Oreoaal well as the buslunMof the paper (or ondTletuity. He will aueuef to dli Uou ol the paper In tbe elty, aud will i niuwH-ipiHMis sau aavertwemeaia. Irvine oMee la In Hml lb fc nwioefs storti onraer iuu anti tauninapAiAi Orrgoulau. August 27th. This MKwpiiMetjanepteuiuerMl, : lug lr .iu BuMaoiuia woio.u, t uatvr a ifV II1IISIH 1 r si i. if Ma tally tMVlfawi all to aall &ud Ta T-arkburH Mook, ftiiMiwiiassislTS' OiegOU MFii people, y- :p