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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1892)
fe triMNMMHMMM T'. . . " .r r. ..; .oirmfft-r;w"n'r - 3 a. Our new fall goods are now in and open for inspection. As they havo been cam fully selected, personally, on tho eastern markets, you can rely on everything being the newest and best obtainable. SERGES STORM SERGES, CHEVIOTS, ETC. An immense stock in the popular shades. Jackets, Jackets ! Jackets ! ! The Nowesfc and Latest. T. HOLYERSON, 301 Commercial Street. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY, AUG., 5.0 1892 THE STREET IMPROVEMENT. GILBERT k MIKON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. CHARLES BEAK, Dealer in Htiy, Straw, Grain, Oil Meal, Slock Bait, Flour and Barley Chop.'nnd Mill Feed of all kinds. Terms Btrictly cash. 322 Commer cial street, Salem, Oregon. OKI). D. ClOODHUE. 3C. CAIIILL. BUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, liair, lite nnd building brick, lire clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith and house jcoul, wood, nil kinds, wholesale and re tail. OHlce 05 State street. Goodhue & Cahill. Wetting and Rolling. The block on Uhemeketa street nearest the river, and the four east of Com mercial street, which are now ali sanded, were wet this morning Dy tho lire dep.irtuitQt, and are being more thoroughly rolled. This is being done to have them in the best possible condition during fair week. Some of the blocks are pack inn fairly wel, and more of the sanding, spriukliog ami rolling should be done. Bio Game. E. Cox, Win. Ande -son and Levi Jones returned yester day from a three weeks' hunting and fishing tour at Belknap, Foley and other springs in tho mountain. They report catchinix 4000 tiout and and shooting 7 deer. If their trout story is coirect, it is mote than pn -bable that dynamite was ued, yet this scribe doubts whether th' y O mid be convicted on this charge. Foub Generations. It is seldom that four Hying generations of a family are permitted to be grouped for a photo at one sittlug. Yet tills was done last, week at the family reunion of Mr. Ralph Geer, when Cuerrlngton grouped the eutite family. They are now making en larged copies of the origlual. Their new style "Aristo" photos are inimitable. No Fruit Palace. Since the committee of the county fruit grow ers' association has decided not to have a fruit palace at the state fair this year, a grain palace is propos ed. Tho fair association will allow the real estate men and other Inter ested parties to decorate the old fruit palace building. A flno exhibit of this kind could easily be made. On Installments. A few de sirable lots in Pleasant home addi tion will be soM on installments at most desirable rates. 75 lots have been sold this beason. Also flue city property at bargains. Win, Bagley will have charge of the busi ness during my absence. Wm. E .Burke. 8-10-tf What tho Council Will Do-Elec tric Poles. Since tho action of tho city coun cil at ltd last meeting everybody is convinced that tit last something will be done with our streets. The council seems determined to have Commercial and the cross streets improved, and that as nearly liko the people want it as possible. A coutiact was let for the work, but as there Is a question raised as to the method of receiving bids, members who were opposed to that clas3 of tin improvement, it is said, now propose to reject the present ar rangement and advertise for new bids. How fair or unfair this may be to the former bidders remains to be seen, but at all events they can come iu on an veu footing at the new letting. The point the council wishes to emphasize is that when the work is let it shall go to the lowest bidder and that all shall bid on exactly the same specifications. Let this be as it may, the work nhould be pushed through without delay. KLUOTKIC POLES. The committee on streets has been canvassing the mutter of regulating the electric pole problem, uud after consulting the parties i uterested.has come to u good conclusion. It is to confine the number of poles on either side of the streets to four in each block. These shajl be used by both electric railway companies, while the poles on one side of the street shall be used by telegraph and telephone eoiiitinnles, and those on the other side by the electric light, power and other wires. This will limit the'uumber of poles, require a better quality, and greatly improve the appearauce of our streets. Another matter that will be brought up Is the completion of the fill at the south end of the new Commercial street bridge. This gap should be closed up iu some way, and that without further delay. Base Ball. The bull game be tweeu the Scio and Salem nines at the Salem grounds yesterday, at tracted a good crowd of spectators. The game was well played aud when the points were counted, the score was found to be 10-tx6 iu favor of thn S'lo team. African Revival. A series of revival meetings Is belug held at the A. M. E. church all this week, the p tutor being assisted by Rev. A. D. Harris, formerly of Rosyln. All are invited. Men Wanted. Salem Motor Company wants 50 to 100 men im mediately, call at oilice, Cottle bulldlug. 8-20-tf o Bargains in Houses. Thirty head of lhst-class horses at private sale. Real bargains. Salem Motor Railway Co. The Newesi' Reception hall and ladies' desk chahs see them in the corner window, at Keller & Marsh's. Cleaning! Ui Director Fabritus Smith is cleaning up the grounds aud removing the old fence fiom about Lincolu school, preparatory for the fall opeuing. Equalize Taxes. The county bo'ird of equalization composed of the county assessor, judge and clerk is iu Hcssiuii for all this week, dur ing which time any errors or dis crepancies caused by the transfer of property can be properly objected. ' m Y. M. C. A. Iu spite of the heat aud baseball game, 121 young men listened to the addiess by Jas. A Dummett, of Portland, yesterday at the association hall, 0.2 State street. A Home in the Capital. A. J. Perkins, of Brooks, has purchased tho residence of Mrs. tiuruh Hoveu den, on Chemeketa streec. He will move Into the city to give his chil dren the benefits of our educational iiisticutious. Died. Word has teached the city that Mrs Rhoda Walker, of the Waldo hills died yesterday, She was an old settler, aud the widow ofG. Walker. Insane. P.' J. Irvine, aged 37 yoirs, of Baker county, and Mrs. Nettie Gage, aged 22 years, of Coos county, have bivu brought to the asylum since the list has reached 800. Incorporated. Articles were today filed by tho "Campbell Cycle Co., of Portland, with a capital stock of $5000, uud by the First M. E. church of The Dalles. The lat ter has property to the value of $15,-000. A Model Home. Frank Farris, of Capital Home addition is putting up a neat residence. It will con tain all modern improvements and when done will make a very com fortable home. Waived. Mies Lille Kiug, who was hrcugut before Judjje Goodell today on charge of keeping a houto of ill fame, waived examination and was bound over iu the sum of $250. to appear before the graud jury. Good Meats. People who are complaining of rather poor meats, .HopPfCKCNO.-E erybody is inter ested lu this pursuit just now. Huu dreds of people have gone from the towuo into the hop yards to earn a -few nirt.m clnllar$i. The nicker as a --- . .. . . .. . rule camp out, aud to somo exteut . should remember that uy going to ' 1 1S 1 4 I I. Ctl..ln . . fc ..n . .- nnlri combine business with pleasure. - u. ross a nuue ua u..,. where ms meats are Kept in com storage, they can get meat that is juicy aud teuder Several hundred are said to be camped at the Holmes hop ranch south of towu, where work began at noon today. o Maliciousness. Saturday eve ning while attending the tent meet ing on State street a farmer left his vehicle iu the immediate neighbor hood, und when he was ready to re turn home found that a new whip whloh was in bis rig, had been broken into four pieces. Such work fihmild be prosecuted. .Suicide John Madden, on III rualeof theanylum, who was sent there from Wasco county two years ago, aa a resultof too much liquor, committed suicide by opium Fri day evening. He, was burled at the asylum cemetery. Penbiojis. During the past week Henri Craft fias been granted a pen sion of $10 per month rrom Oct.lOth J800. Also Wm. H, Jilnlt. ? 12 per mouth from December 1st, 1890. The above were secured through the agency of D, O. Sherman. ii - Johnnie Lowuw.--The famous clown, and at present buuluess manager for Hiulnsou clrcuj, got thrown from a oolt at Woodland. Cal., sustaining several painful bruises. Tiirke Hundav Dkunks. Re corder G jodell this naornlug teut up 4hree drunks (he usual five days. Just the thing Today. You can get anything delivered carefully aud with dispatch to auy part or the city, by Just riuglug upoueofthe blue boxes. You will be turprlsed to see how quickly one of Look wood's mes-sedgers will auswer the call. Assignment. Schuyler Rat, who hasbpen conducting a sawmill business near St. Paul, iu this coun ty, made au assignment on Satur day for the benefit of Ids creditors, with J. F. T. B. Brentauo as assig nee. The liubilitles ure placed at $4000 and the assets at $5500. i ii - m Bound uvkk. Theo. Kretzer, who was fouiid Saturday evening with a variety of articles, Includlujr weariug apparel, silk handkerchlefo, a diamond pin, hosiery, and a seal skin cloak, which he had stolen from Stellu Wilson's bawdy house, was this morning brought before Judge Goodell fur trial. He was bound over in the hum $250, aud now JanguUhi iu the county Jail awaiting a vlfltfrom the grand Jury. Jfe Is said to be an opium fleud, and a friend of H. H. Redfleld, who no doubt anxiously craved bis oonv pauy, but la now gratified. Attorney McLoney, of Woodburo ' Is in the city on legal twin?. Petty Laucksy. Jessie Walton, one of the inmates of a house ruu by Stella Wilson iu tho lUt, swore out a warrant charging Jessie Smith with stealing wearing apparei. Jessie was for some time an inmate of the same house, but has for the last two or three months been stop ping in Albany. Police Captain Dilly went to Albany on Saturday evening and brought her down on the overland on Sunday morning. She was released on $30 bonds to ap pear before Recorder Goodell at two o'clock today. The case was settled aud prosecution withdrawn. R. H. Matthews' dress making parlors are now open and ready for business. 2t R. H. Matthews, shirt maker, is home from the coast and prepared to fill orders. 2t Dr. C. II. Hall was called to Port land today by telegram. Ho will leturn tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sargeaut re turnid today from Waterloo, Linn county, where they have been speudlug a short vacation. Rev. Bellinger, went to Portland this afternoou, to meet his family, and will nccompany them thlsovei Ing, after their summer's visit In Pennsylvania. N. J. Dimon uud fumily returned today from New'port, after a few weeks of seasidlug. Beott B 'zortb went to Portland today, uud will return this eveuing. Rector Lund went to Portland this afternoon, and will tomorrow preach the funeral sermou for Rev. Johu Sellwood. Henry F. Pierce of MU'on slopped oft at Salem a few days to visit Riv. II. H. Brown, and left toduy for Stanford university. Judgo L. D. Henry and party have returned home from their vacation on the Big Nestucca, after a inoiilh's absence. The Judge considers the inouptajq roads the best lie ever traveled" Robert A. Miller, of Jacksonville, came down yesterday for a day or two. Mrs. Munly, who has been visit ing her son, W. A. Muuly, returned to Porlbtud this afternoon. Mr. aud Mrs. W. If. Byars, re turned today from the farm tipar Mehaina and passed through to Portland. Volley Tho Electric grocery btota, on East State street, Simpson Bros., proprIelorB,wlIl sell strictly for cash on, and after the 1st of Sept. 180 J, We thank the public for their general patronage the paBt year and jp'.lcit your trade In the Mure, tf LOCAL AAD PERSONAL. Tho work of putting a new froht Into tho G. W. Gray block, begins today. Walter Fleming, of Oregon City, Is at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Marlon Kelghtllnger, lu South Salem. D. J. Fry add family are home from Slab creek. ft. D. Matthews aud party are home from Nestuccu. For a choice meal In a cool dining loom always go to Hellenbrand's The new L. C. Smith automatic ejector, hammerless shot gun, $200 list, at Brooks & Harrltt. Johu Patterson and Ed. Catterllu are at Nestucca. ' J. W. Sllsbeo and' family, A. W. Dutlon and family and Miss Louisa Aufrauce, returned Saturday from their trip to the mouutaius. ' Oregon Ice cream melons at th Blue Front. Cleanse the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparllla, aud realize what poor health you have had. For plats, maps, blue prints, etc. c?ee D. W. Townsend, 115 8iate&t. 8-20 1 m Mrs. S. F. Chadwlck Is home from her Abtorla aud coast visit. Women troubled with headache, will tlud Simmons Liver Regulator relieves and cures. Suiveys of all kinds, accurately and oincklv made. D. W. Town- send, 115 Stale St. 8-20 I in Silas Joacs is home from his Samlam outing. My only family medicine Sim mons Liver Regulator. Rev- Jus. M. Rollins, airfield, Va. Miss Grace Peebles Is home from her Newport vacation. Ayer's Pills cure headache. Send a J. 01. slump iu ur. o. j. n.y c , vu. Lowell, MubS., for a set of theli at tractive album catds. The choicest native oysters at Hellenbrand's. Au elegant now line of beads just iu at Brooks & Harrltt's. It you have over-indulged iu eat ing or drinking take a dose of Sim mons Liver Regulator. Oregon ice cream melons at the Blue Front. Fishing tackle and ammunition, a complete Hue, at Biooks & Har- ritl's. Mre. D. L. Fiester is in Portland on business. The tluest liueof plaureaud room moulding ever on the coast at Geo. F. Smith's, Collie block. ' Tho fiutst mountain boot la the world at Brooks & HarrittV. Boys, cougress shoes at $1.40. Men's eougresB at $1.50 at Osborne's Racket store. d w Oregon Ice cream melons at the B.ue Fiout. Mrs. Charlotte Flsko and daughter Grace left today on their journey to Bostou. A mediclno endorsed and used by physicians and druggists Simmons Liver Regulator, Oxfords from 75 cents per pair up at Osbum's Racket Store. d 4 w The laigest shipment of mould lug ever received in Salem just In at Geo. F. Smith's, Cottle block. Why do you endure the agony of dyspepsia? Simmons Liver Regu lator will always cure you. Suits for small boys from $1.10 up, at Oaburn'e Ricket Store. d & w Supt. McElroy returned from Portland today, where he has been in tho iutetests of the publioschools of that city. Miss Maud Morris went to Al bany ou the 11:17 traiu today. She expects to make that city her homo for the wjuter. Hundreds of people want hired girls just now,but they are out hop picking. Gov. Peunoyer went up to the Re form school today to make an in spection and to become more thor oughly acquainted with its work ings. Wanted to trade a good young horse -weighing 16-50 pounds for lumber. The Oregon Land Co. eod-3t-wlt. Wanted, 100 tons clean oats straw, baled. The Oregon Lund Co. eod-3t-wlt. T. Holverson has arrived home from the east, where he l)as been purchasing goods the past month. After visiting several of the middle states he returns better satisfied with Oregon thuu ever. He was accom panied by Miss Nye, of Eureka, Kn., who wll pu"il 0 winter with his family, Mlfcs Lulu Greattreax of Hull, Iowa, arrived In the city last week, and Is tho guest of her uncles', the Damon Bros. She has been elected to tuo position of assistant principal In the Jefltraon schools, and will be gin' her work there early next month. "faDDS AND Tho fatlidr of Bmiurd tailor. Tho veloclpedo was Invented by Drai3 in 1817. Tintoretto, the famous painter, was the sou of a dyomnkor. It Is now a possibility to Insuro your goods against the depredations of hur glars. A "maverick" is a head of cattlo over 9 months old that is not hranded by its owner. Tho longest verso in tho Biblo is tho ninth verso of tho eighth chapter of Esther. Among tho Chins tho flower of tho Eugenia is supposed to havo some pe culiar powor. Mr. James Highland and Miss Anna Fling were married in Mario county, Mo. , a few days ago. A Chineso proverb Fays that n bustling woman and a crowing lion are noithor fit for, gods nor men. If sweet oil is applied to tho skin im mediately after a blow or bruiso it will not turn black and blue. A couplo wero married ono day re cently at Winston, N. C, after a court ship of twenty-seven years. Wo havo not tinio or inclination to in dulge iu fanciful troublo until wo havo got nd of our real misfortune. Tho number of buffaloes now in tho Yellowstone National park is nearly 500, showing a slow rato of increase. TJnlos3 an Austrian gets tho consent of his wifo ho cannot get a passport to journey beyond tho frontier of his own country. Fifty pounds of honoy nro annually produced by a hivo of 5,000 bees. Iu five years tho hoes will havo increased to 50,000. Last year tho Canadian Pacific earned $18,072,174, of which $7,181,040 was net. Tho Graud Trunk earned $17,423,800, of which $4,802,881 was net. Turn tho points of your collars (if you wear that sort) as soon as thoy como homo from tho laundry, as it may suvo titno somo morning when you aro in a hurry. Mad Dog Scares. Scarcely a day pastes in Now York and vicinity, or in fact in any of our largo towns, but that somo dramatic in cident is chronicled in tho daily prct.s with a "mad" dog as tho heavy villain in tho cast. Though in many of theso cases, we might say in nearly all of them, tho dog is no more mad than its persecutors, still as so many injuries arise from these scares tho matter should seriously command tho attoiition of our city authorities. It has becu shown that tho existing regulations and mode of doing away with tho curs of tho street aro well nigh useless, Tho situation calls for- larger safeguards to protect the public. Wo would remind tlioso who should know better that human boings treated as many dogs aro treated would generally loso their mental bal ance and bo liablo to becomo dangerous. Torturing muzzlos, constant chaining, neglect in foediug, thirst and many other acts of carelessness on tho part of owners all contribute to put tho dog in an unnatural condition. If tho dog is a denizen of tho street its pecultar actions attract an oscitcd crowd, and tho dog, driven to oxtromi ties, loses all control of its passions, and finding every muu's hand against it uses tho only weapon naturo has given it to uetona nseu witii. Tho carelessness and Ignoranco of how much there is in common bohVeou tho naturo of man nnd bruto is largely re sponsible for tho increaso of theso seem ingly rabid dogs. It is tho noglccted, half starved and persecuted dog who is in special danger of becoming wild. In all tills gre.nt pity it is a matter of comment that there aro so fow drinking troughs for horses, and it is a most ex coptional caso when a trough is low enough to allow any but tho largest dog to drink from it. Thero is a wido scope for philantliropyin this respect, Forest and Stream. CND3. I -. m , , tVpy Was n' II f ml 1 I ftlY I 0, ttanriTs tf r.ii ,-immiutMmmmtft PANTS! PANTS Largest Assortment of Pants Ever Brought to Salem. ? Best Goojds WOOLEN and Lowest RRtoES MILL STOKL 2!M Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. HOrKl, AKKIVALS. WILLAMETTE. M. Winter, Portland. J S. Damon, S. F. T. Eldrldge Smith, Ventura, Cal. E. E Gooding and wf. A. N. Fisher, Worchester. S. Mott, S. Hubb, Albany. MARKETS. Pojitland, Aug. SO." Wheat valley, $1.20 Walla Walla, $l.l5j San Francisco Cul., Aug. 29. Wheat, weak Dec. $1,378. Chicago Ills., Aug. 29. Wheit 753. Mr.hauilcr's Kecommeiulation. Mr. J. A. Lander, a prominent ci tizen of Clarksburg, Mo., and w idely known lu that statc.says of Chamber laiu's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoot Remedy: "I have seen its good n sults aud cad recommend it." For sale by Baskott & "Van Slype Drug gists. Cure Yourself. Don't pay largo doctors' bills. The best medical book published, 100 pages, elegant colored plates, will bo sent to you on receipt of three 2-cent stnmps to pay pastngi-. Address A. P. Ordwuy, & Co., Boh-ton,- Mass. DilUUlXO Qlr LlMMI Carefully compounded; 'dr ' night, ' lOO State Stroot. aiuu Every Testimonial. Tn behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is strictly true and will bear the closest Investigation. No matter where It may bo from, It is as rellablo and worthy your confidence as If It came from your most respected neighbor. Have you ever tried this excellent medicine. For a general family cathartlo we confidently recommend Hood's Pills. They should ho iu every home medicine chest. AIAIUUISD. OH APMAN-SO UTHWIOK Near Eolaiu Polk county, Aug. 28, 1S02, by Rev. 1 8. Knight, Miss Cora Chapman aud A. R. Southwlck;. EDUCATIONAL DOItN. FORD. Ou Friday, Aug. 27, 1892. to Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Ford, a uuugucer. DIK!. Man Was Made to Mourn. I'orhaps, ami pjrliapt not. However Unit may be, 1)0 lias no ux-uo for his mlsety, ll It is produced by norvousuoisH no louir at He negloclH to refntorco his 'en fcubletl nerves lUroncli the medium or Improved digestion, llociu pocure thli by tba reulur uso of Mostctlor'H Htomnoh Hitters, v grateful tonlo nd truunullllzer, It titiould never bo torgottou th-U the brain which 1h tho headquarters of the nervous ytem and tho stomach bear closest roluttonu ouo to the other, and that doblllty under tho waistband produce a oorreUUve disturbance In the organ of thought. Ulvo, however, a nulcuii to ntrvousness and liratlaolics by a rciorm hrgim ul the fountain head by the Ulitoi's Tusolt, also, for lnnlnrlal, blllom nnd kidney trouble, rheuinatlKin and ilia in llrinltlo'jof ago. Taken before rueuls H Imparls rellbh for tho food. They make one feel as though Hfo was worth living. Take one of Car ter's Little Liver Pills after eating: It will relieve dyspepsia, aid dlgee tioo, give tone and, vigor to the syttem. Miss Nina Nash, of the Canton (South Dak.,) News, is vWtlng with the family of Joel Hewitt In Etigle wood for a few weeks. You hardly reside that It Imnedl clue, when taking Garter's Little Liver Pills; they are very msll; no bad effects; all troubles from torpid Jver are relieved by their use. Wild Cattle lu the Northwest. In 6overal parts of Washington and British Columbia aro herds of wild ani mals descended from domestic ancestors, For instanco, in tho western edgo of Washington, noxt tho coast, is tho rom nant of a herd of cattlo which for years has roamod through tho woods and over tho prairies there Long ago a military po3t was main tained on Gray's harbor, and adjacont was a largo amount of cleared land, cultivated by soldiers as a farm. Tho troop owned a good many catto, which pastureu on a part or tno garrison ranch. For some reason or other tho post was abandoned and tho soldiers found it im possible to take their cattlo with them. So tho animals wero loft there, and since (.hero wero no settlers In tho vicinity to jpok after them tho herd grow wlla, In spito of tho fact that tho heavy for est afforded but a small amount of pas turage, and notwithstanding the depre dations of black wolves, which thon in fested tho woods along tho coast, tho cattlo increased in numbors very rapid ly and were a constant annoyance to early settlers. Fences wero broken down, crops wero destroyed and tamo cattlo coaxed off to tho woods. Many of tho animals werodrfllcd by parties or ganized to exterminate them, aud tho remainder of the herd was driven into tho skirts af tho Olympics and info tho coast raggo south and east of Qray'a harbor. But overy now and thon tho hunter for elk, which nbonnd x these mountains, comes upon a hunch of wild cattle almost as fleet as tho deer. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Cuiulderate. Biggs There goes a man that I novor feel like judging from tho company ho keeps. Beggsi-Wby so? Ho doesn't look any better than tho rest of mankind. Biggs No; hat you 6ee he's tho war- don of our prison. Kate Field's Washington. Saved a Wuuiau's Life. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nud Diarrhoea Reme dy saved the life of Mrs, Jane Thomas, of this pluce." Ho also states vthat several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Baskett & Van Slypo Druggists. In Plain Engllish. Unquestionably considered of In calculable consequence In correcting all constitutional contaminations, is Dr. Pierce's Uoldeu Medloal Discov ery, Can conscientiously commend it to careful consideration, confident of Its competency lu all controllable chronic complaints. The"Golden Medical DIscovery"is the result of much research and wido experience, by a practical phy slclan of world-ronown; Its formula embraces tho most potent restora tives of the whole vegcatahie king dom. It Is especially reoomended for all blood disorders dyspepsia, liver and kldnoy complaints, scrofu 'a, salt-rheum, catarrh and con sumption lu Its early Btages Insur ing relief and euro In all casesl Havo You Read, How Mr. W. D. Wentu of Geneva, N. V., was cured of tho severest form of dyspepsias Ho eaya every thing ho ate seemed like pouring melted lead into his stomach. Hood's Sarsapurllllu effected a per fect euro. Full particulars will bo sunt If you write O. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Tho highest praise lum boon won by Hood's Pllbj for their easy, yet ef fectual action. mmwm. nVll'i Kreatrc. wody fortlio (lue.'men renult lii j from weak, new) common to women, U the dUcovorr of a phyalclan who lum made them ill h on mm the til -(v of iilillfn. .Ladle wo eor (linlly Invite you ell lavuU Investigate, lllllcoovcr New Yen k Hucfcetlitaro, Cottle furkl urn bloc'k. Commercial Ht.. BiiIoid. Hi,.;.... ' . i n-rr-t ..... w.ftw.., 8.ZMmdw If You Want A I'll Br-CLABU Spring Wagon -fJO Tl H, PHOLE, fil Btaletreet.'lSalom.'::: U"" Hit! u CE'S III Baking Powder tJd i Millions of Homes 40 Years tlj Stdard SWARTZ. Sunday evening, Aug. -o, ioum, ui, uer unmo in sou en tia- lem, of Typhoid fever, Carrie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Swartz, aged 11 years. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Bowersox from the South Ma- lem church at 2:S0 o'clock this after- uoou, aud tho body vas lutorred at Rural cemetery. a Strength and Health. If you aro not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Blttors. If "La Grlppo" haB left you weak nnd weary, uso Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach nnd Kidneys, gontly'nldlug those orgaus to perform their func tions. If you aro allltcted with Sick Headache, you will find speedy and pesmanent relief by taking Eleotrlo Bitters. Ono trial will convince you that this Is the remedy you need. Large bottles only COo. nt DauM. J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Cora'l. et. Electric Bittera. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special meiitlcu. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine docs not exist andlt Is guaranteed to do all that Is 'clulmed. Electric Bitters will euro all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Salt Rheum aud other aileotloiiB caused by impure blood. Will drive malarial from the system aud prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indi gestion try Electrlo Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Prlco 60 eta. aud $1.00 per bottlo at Dan'l. J. Fry's drug store, 225 -Cora. St. Let the World Know You are in It. It scorns almost a crime for a man to "hide ids light under a bnshel." If ho has something now, that will benefit the human race, ho should make it known. Old-fogy physi cians tread tho beaten path of their grandfathers, denounce advertised remedies, and never learn anything now. Medical science knows no parallel to Dr. Plorce's Favorite Pro scription, compounded by a physl clati of eitlll and long experience, especially for the maladies which aflllct women. It eilects a perma nent cure of thoso agonizing dls- ouler which attack her frail organ lam, and Is an anchor of hope alike to delicate girls and suffering women; contains no deleterious drugs. A guarantee on tho bottle wrapper, refunding the price In case of failure. Of druggists, $1.00. Saved HIa Ohilld'a Life. A.N. Dllferbough, York, Neb., says; "The other day I camo homo aud foutfd my little boy down with cholera morbus, my wife scared, not knowing what to do. I wont straightway und got a 25 cctit bottlo of Chamberlain's collu, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, and guve It ac cording to directions. You uover saw such a change In a child. His Umbo and body were cold. I rub bed his limbs aud n body with my hands, aud after I had dven.hlm tho second dose he went to sleep, as my wife says, ''from a doalh bed he wus up playing In three hours," It wived mo a doctor hill of about throe dollars, and what Is better, It saved tuy child. I can recommend It with a clear conscience." For sale by Baskett & VanBlype. Go to the Be! i I The place for young ladles HndgU men to secure a thorough education krt uiu, out ever new WILLAMETTE UN1VBRSH Long and Mill tho leading ItuUluUoM mo ixirtu wesu iietter man ever! New course of Instruction in On xnpoiogy una rost-urnauatea. HTUlJlES. Normal. HnnlrioM.A College, and .Law courses greatly enli nnd lmnrovod. Faculties Increased and improved. ratuloKue of Uoiiego of Law write ! x. iiicnaraion, tjmi , gaiem. Ur. - For Catalogue or College of Medl D.. Portland. Or. For ceucral Catoloime write IU..I Wbltaker, D. D., President, Salem, OK5 s-oin-aw Pharmacy write Dean lUchmondK FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INS! Wilt bo opened to students Bept. IS, wuu.a u iiiuai. JJrilUUUtU OUUrroU CM I yi uuj Rcuooi in ine state, viz: Meon KOKlneerlncr. Civil Kntrlnirlno- mia Enirlneerinir. Anuiemln nnrt rtr&n hciiooi courses students praotlo m vrtnm ouup, muciuoe snop, ana Tuition and Board per Year, tlMk Special Inducements to a few young I who wish to work for their board and tlon durlncc vacation. Forprospeotun Auttuej Auiuniiiiuuu, auuresB EDWIM MgiUUSON.M.a, rresdent, Belem, Conservatory of WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY,! SALEM, OREGOl Tho course most complete and the ; cat Grade of any mimto school in Northwest, Beat and newest method leaauing. iuniargea laeiuuea ana I plan for instruction of beginners tor ' uuiuiug hciiooi year, uipiomas granu wiuiiiiuuui wunro. , nexfc'ierra BepicmDer B, INK. "Z. M. FAK sena tor cataioi 7-a Bend tor catalocne 7-uu-dZm-w-lm KtMlO PIP TVT-lciCs T2 11rn ' KINDERGARTEI THIRD YEAIt-1 Opens Monday, Hoptcmuor ltrth, at aergarten Hull, opposite opera 1 Children received at three vaara and oyer. A connecting claim will tl Miuunuuu ioruuvancea JvinaergarMd j Su uuu lutrau urgmiiing primary ' nly the best modern Klndenmrtiui i ods employed. Prang's aynteai ot dral uuu uuiur vum imrouucea, Miss Annie Thorntc Graduate ot theDiesden Connerva luuslo (Germanvl will oner, .hap m and 7, ilanlt building, escptemher JU , iiinirucuoiia in vocai ana instrm music, also in German and French. Select School, IMS KNOX will begin her seloet i IDB nrtu, Ainnnav in HAntAma i , ahUnnl l.iIMIu hmvwuv(i dvuuui wuuaiujfi 25c Want Coliuru Notice Inserted, for ONK GHNT WOltU KAtlH UimiiiTinu Tfi4., tUomont luwerted in thin columnar J utuu iweuvr-uyo cuius, , ITrANTfcD. To V V ubotit 150 acres, by a t! rent a good nor cr, apod reforeuoos given. IIKV, That headache In very df.aitreeufole- ofCurter'c Little l.lvw 1'llU faatt; , nnd you will nod rtlf. Th Take two iwa retir. y aevi tired, lannuia feeling and dull io in wry uit Uft Utile I loir, andyou full to do good. Do sot deplr ot ourliig year lok heJ. tawny cwiaiu u4i Tkty will atleeut. k romntaud nermanimt aura. Tfcalr- m. itot) U Killd hud naiuial. To t relief from ItidlMttioa. WVom n, oHtlMt'oa or Uirela lvtr wltlMHil dWiirWng ih ilmMlier tmralag tke txiHrek-lMkeatow UoMNiot CurWr'K LIM ,tYf nil, th will plMtM you. aetiewheayuu mnio iHly oblalu mn uk jdvsr ruw, orooeu l Call a th 8-1 T7-ANTBI).-A married lady with uoi T i uuuiuruncea; permanent psmim RUltable purvon, Journal ntllce. AddreM', Permsi TXTANTKD-WOMEN ANb til r to mane eoau. pants ana v ono Hcwiug machine operator. PMbf wars uuu iiuopuy, Baiein wool titorit. l jrAHTKl), To rent a good houati 1 1 iimiui kix or eigut rooini; n afxiiit tivu or blx blocks Of bUslUtHM.! !" 21.11. HAtt, TSIIS tmirOONJAN AT M.ik Uivgoiilaii Iiiih tktiblhhet a hi DilVo In Kalenl, unilur vhurg of. fr. Irvl:u-,wo Ikimnu i hero an a oipah ea 1'iiptr iim'i, Ur Irvine will have yq or uiu niwservicft or tne Uivnonli woIIhh ihu lnulimworthe paprfor anavioinity tie win attend- to m turn oi mat paper in the otty, Hui)i-i)tifiu uuu advert ltoieot XrvlnnHoffloetsIn Hmlth A t,Uiue Ktoro corner State and ConiniareUkl i ori?goniun, August ctui. Tout i tuKe piaee on rtcpiernoer ntN nw H( jpoite I'osVMMAap h Special Rates to New OFFICE OF SAUkt &0AHB of 71 FKEK MJi.- ' . f . A. I. WAWKM, For Sale or T WaJWifc U. W. ,' ., ,