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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1892)
m -s. mim irv ..-rw. -cmarcs?-' - IMMi (MBIT GOT ANGRY. Tins News i Irani Europe to Cholera Other News. in iOAU(HT TAKING WHEAT jlETH0DI3T00NPBRKN0E, One of Them Captured After a Hot """""' "1UC"B "U18B kU ua" ' , ..V. '. L. -. fyy.'y ?- t, OORBETT-M'OAFPREY. Tky Had a Hot Time of It this ; Moadns at Madison Square. 1 NW Xokk, Aug. 30. The pub lic rewtUoii' to Corbett at Madison Hquare Garden la on Unlay. Itn nieuse crowd Is iu attendance. There Was n hot dine tn the prl vatoofilco of too Mudlsou Square - Gardon here this rriornltig when 4 imes J. Coruett and his manager, Win. A. Bntdy wet thorn t arrange with Donilnlclt McCaffrey, boxing Instructor of the Muiihiitteii athletic club, fir a mulch In a four round contest, (Jorhett became so enraged at rcmarkfl of McCiffrey that hi Btuted In the moit emphatic Ian KUflgo and menacing iiieln II his, would be, illJ iim stop talking tie would throw him out of the window. The upshot o It all was no match wits arranged uid tlio two prlncl)lH setm rated With much bud blood between them. Prominent Citizen Killed. Jkesno, Aug. 29. Louis B. Mc Whlrter, a prominent, citizen, was as8rtHlnuted at reur of his premises at I) o'clock this inoroltig. A number of people believe thai burglars did the deed, but a major Ir.y uro of the opinion that the trug oily Ih the culmination of the politi cal Itirmoll lu this country. Then are two fuiitions lu the deuiocratic ptrtv here, one of which was led bj MuWolrter. He ' was very out BK)ken in his urrulguuient of soin of tne methods of thu other faction. O ily ubout three months ago he Lad his life heavily insured for about $50,000, und stuted iViqticntly that he bi'lleved his political eiiemli's would not hesitate to have him put out of tho way. f SMASHED UP THE SALOONS. Turoo Women Break Costly Fur niture With Axes. Tjjton, Intl., Aug. 20. -Since the arreitof Mis. IJou Vice and Mrs Pouch, at Windfall, Friday, for Demolishing the t.wo local sa loons, another woman hus been ad ded to the list. Saturday morning Mrs. Illchitrd Huston was put under bonds for the Maine ollence. It'ildx were made on the saloons by these women, aud each ','fmo they loft " abundant evidence of their visit. They wero armed with axes and vtuey attucked the glass fronts, com pletely destroying the large win dows. The bartendera were driven from their places and several kegs of whisky wero eplllod about the i floor. In one of the saloons a costly , sideboard was ruined. Tt;) bonds ' of the two women worn placed at 1300 in each case, but they have not been long finding plenty of so ' curlty. The saloon men say they Intend to push the case to the bitter end, but tlio friends of tho women do not eount alarmed. Bruggy Will Bo Hanged. Ba.nta JKosa, Cal, Aug. 20 Yester day' was George H. W. Druggy's last Sunday on earth, unh'ss.Qoveru or Markuum uives him auuther re spite or commutes his seutouco, or s Judgo MoKonun grauts him an rtn- peal to the United Sates supremo court, Bruggy was sentenced to bo hanged July 12.18110, for tho murder of Daldrlch L, Ucrlssou, February 17, of that year. An appeal wus taken to tho state uupreme court, ' but the Judgiueut of the lower court was alllnned. Bruggy escap ed from Jail May 1, 1602, hut was ' recaptured, and seutonued tq be executed January 3u, Another up- ' peal having been mado, the execu tion was again put oft until August 80 by Governor Markbam. Whon asked whut he proposed to doibout tho iimtter.Bhorlil'Mulgrow BtaUd ho should proceed with the ' execution uuless the goveruor inter fered or he was no tilled that an up peal to the United States supreme court had been granted, Tho Oholora. London, Aug. 20- It is deuled that tbo true Asiatic Cholera exists here. Itisusseiled the deaths re united from Gholoruluo. NeV Yumc, Aug. 20. Anton " Petxel, an Australian, from Hiim' , burg ywdorduy wus tukeu to lupl Ul sunrug from Indications of cholera. Is ull rlyht today. It was only cholera morbus, - vahw, AUt;. 2U, Twenty persona ftuBurliig from cholera disorders wr admitted to the hospital hero ywmdny, HKUN, Aug. 20. Authorities tuuouiiot) tills nioriiln the womuii wiifl Jut arrived from Hamburg dttdliere'if Asiatic Cholera. Houthamii'ION-, Aug. 20. Com- lAlutmare belux nude of tliutuiUiorl ' ttmmt taking deuate precaution' Btmiutrt the ludloatlou of cholera in flatting mmU from Havre. Other IuAkUhI porta are allowed tq enter tb harbor without Inspection. Bkhukn, Auk. !. Thlrtwn boiW HtlHts were udinltted to ttw iMwpiwl here, Five were certl Had m Asktlo ehoWrn, one tiled. JfW YWK; Auif. aW.-Health Of. r Jeuklus h Imucu an order re- Chase. HIMJ5HOHO, Aug. 20. The great cstexcltemeut was created in what Is known as the Cornelius Plain, north of this place. For soma weeks past farmers have been losing large quantities of wheat and other stuft, taken from the fields aud granaries, aud a strict watch has been kept to catch the thieves. Saturday night some uersous, supposed to tie the Pomeroy boys, Dwight aud Walter, ofScuppooso, drove to the Bugle.) farn and loaded a wagon with wheat. They were then surrounded by the Vatchers, and on attempting tocanture them suve'ral shots were tired on both sides without efTeci. The thieves uianuged to get uwu. and drove furiously toward Port land, pursued by a dozen iufuriati d farmers. Tho thieves got a good 4tari. Ji-S'io Cornelius followed lose after them, but ho completely ot them at West Uuiou. Wiile prowling around, however in t:ic limber, he ran across an oli lautuer hiiu-so, completely hldde in the thick timber. On making a investigation, lie found stored i tlil.-i liou.iu 100 eucks of wheat uu produce, und noticed every evident i tliut a large number of domestic au iumU had lately been sluughtet there. After this a sheriff, armed with warrant, succeeded lit arrestlu, Dwight Pomeroy, aud b'ought bin. to town. He found him near We Uoiou, at his brother's house. Urea excitement prevails, ami there i nuoh satisfaction among the farm ers o or the arrest. Terwilliger Will Case, Pokt'.'and, Aug. 20. Uullut States District Judge Hawloy todu rendered a decision lu the Terwil llger will case, The will Is declar ed a forgv-ry. . Tbo Encampment Ended. Kansas Citv, Aug.20. Tlio uni form raiiK Knights of Pythias liroKi camp Saturday and just before dually dispersing the division thai competed for the prizes weredmwu up on the parade ground and the Judges announced the decisions and General Carnnhan distributed the The first prlzo of $ 1200 went to G iluxy dlxislon, No. 38, Pittsburg, Kus., Capt. Itel Van Winkle; thiid piizoof$l(X)0, to Erie Division, No, 10, Erie, Kansas, Oapt.C. C. Fletoh er. Numerous other prizes were also awarded, after which the (11 vlxioiiri remained hi line until the retreat was sounded aud the ihg ut the headquarters wus run .down, signifying tho conclusion of the seventeenth biennial enoumpiiient. A Bat Attacks a Child. Cuhwek, Mass., Aug. 20 Mr. Peter Lumorex, who lives near the west end bridge, was awaken by the screauiH of her O-months-old child, and rushing to; the cradle found u huge gray rat tearing the llosh from the child's body and limbs. She had soiuo dlflloulty lu driving tho creature oil. Tho back of tho child's head was scalped and there were several other wounds. Famous Esqulro Doad. Cincinnati, Aug. 20. At Aber. deeii, Ohio, a small town opposite Muysvllle, Ky., has been located for yeurs likeGreluu Green for eloping young Keutuokluus. There dwelt Inquire Musslo Bonsley, who was always ready, day or night, to ilea nuptial knot. This remarkable Jin tlce of tho poace, who married couplet;, tiled Saturday morning, aged SI. He has hold the olllco of Justice of the peace bliicj 1809, Tho Oommandor-in-0hiof of the Grand Army of the H'publlo, Major Georuo 8. Merrill. Few rem edies aro better known In this vicin ity than Sulphur Bitters; their sale has beeh very general throughout nits seouou, aim inn mmiuerof 10 liable aud well-attested cases of benellclul results and recovery by their use, Is largo and beyond dls pnto. International Dam. lit, Paso, Texas.Aug. 20. A con - puny has Ih-oii Incorporated under tho laws of New Mexico, for the purposu of putting lu a big Inter national dam across tho HloGraude, for Irrigating both lu Mexico and tho United States, Was Oraaad With Drink. Mo.NTitKAii, Queued, Aug, 2i. Cliovulier Alphouse l,aroucqtio, uu oX'Couiiuuiidertif the Papal Zouaves who fought lu Home against Garl. b.ildl, an nlllcerof the Canadian re gulars aud a leader in French socle ty, committed suicide by shooting hhnsoir through the ear, while cruz ed with drink. His death revealed the fact that he was a ooullrmed mrphliiu (lend and ulso that a short time agt he endeavoivd to bribe a city ntllelal tnsMslst him In a scheme by which ho hoped t swindle the! city out of many thousuuiU. By some It wits s-ild that It was the fear of being discovered thut led to yesterday's tragedy, while others, wlio aro probably correct, claim thut tut iiioiuiis uie iiuioriuuato man was a luuatle. He wus tho bou of Dr, fiamuequ", Montreal's ho.dtli otllcer, the brmher-iu-law of a prom, iuetit alderman, aud wui connected wttti some of the best fanillles. I When his 73 vcsrol.l Citiliira,u n,u fsQMmit all VMMtek from llw cholera Innly t the hospital a p.dnful sjeue r-Mft w Wfrying wtnger nfUokfiilvi'M liMuliies to b, Jnltil ui KinMitihe ihMeutlmi of , IW to vv Ujs. unfiled, aud It Id lliouht the fuller will tile from the shook. The do-oc-uiHHt wiwii father and leaves tine iluukjlilwr, aged IU, PttitTLANU, Atig; 28. In tlio coni ference yesterday, Bishop Walderi addretned tho candidates for admis sion into the conference substuut lally,'U,ftll iws: "We have come to oile tf tho must impressive services In our' ministerial career. You will never approach a more Important epoch In your work a9 nilnlsters. Atsiicha time we need a special biptlsm of the holy spirit. Lot us look for tils hiptisin this hour. This work and this pocti call up Kupreiiie scenes in the lives of these ministers in the years gone by. You all remember when some one who stood whero I stand today ad dressed you on your work. Years lave lied. The memories remain. Let us renew the iinprpsslvcn'-ss of those hours today. There is one Hymn I nut it always seems to me should be lung in tho spirit at such time. Lit u? as a conference Join In singing this hymn at. this point lu tho services: 'Achargj to keep I hiive.'ttc. "Brethren, tho questions I am ibout'to pnpouud to you are ques tion that pertain to the "work of n Methodist minister. You have read these questions, and, doubtless, understood them. These questions ire prupo i.ided to tlie-fo our breth ren lu view of their proposing to lucome Mtithodlst preachers. You ivlll notice that much Is made with respect to your attitude to the doc- 'rincs of our church, ion are to notify your ministerial brethren that you i-imd right. It is essential that Metlnt list ministers should be 'ii harmony lu m-itters of doctrine We hold in o imin m with all evau- gelloil ml listers certalu vltil doc trlnes. Yet we emphasize that a sinner may be sived udwj a'so th t a sinner m.iy be fully saved. We be IIhvo that the bloo.l of Jchm Chri-t cleaua'ith from all tin. 'Ue sanctified wholly' U to us. It is th--s expenni doctrines of Christ -tnlly tliut we pluce large emphasis. riicM.1 doetrines'aro experiences from .he soul aid fill it with Inspiration for Its work. Wo do not require anyone to come Into the Methodls' ministry. We simply throw open the door. We recognize the divine call. TtiU call comes to dlflereui persona in dillercnt ways, N one fan tell how this Inward conviction comes to diflereut persons. There Is a cull of the church. The call we ure considering is to the itinerant ministry. It is Important for you to have a deep conviction Unit you can do more good by preaching Vital doctrines lu the Methodist wuy If you would be successful Metho dist ministers. If not witli us there Is a large Held beyond our church. You aro living. In a great live, searching ugc. The world of thought and religious criticism is alive. You look along tho Metho dist line with Iti 25,000 ministers, aud wiiat do you see? A spirit of satisfaction as to its doctrines along the whole length of the line. We muse uuve Harmony, wnen you do ugree with us, then you go else where, and God go with you. Tho pulpit of Methodism is a sacral trust. Ir. is established to present vital truths lu harmony with Meth odist teaching. These pulpits must bo soundly maintained tn vital truth as we too It. I now approach another Important questlnu. It touches our church polity. Tills hus stood the test of years. Lat us patiently wait forall desired changes. Let us bi patient and legal. Lot all changes bo mado in a constitutional and lOijular way.' It is the natural right of every pro ichor to select his own congrega tion. It Is the uatuial right of any congregation to select Its own preacher. When I euuie Into the Methodist church aud mlnlntry I surrendered some natural rights lu view of tho higher blessings which I desired. When you come into the Methodist ministry you surrender selection of u place of work to a third power. Tho church has also sur rendered Its right to the pelectloii of its own ministers, The appointing powerot tho bishop with tho presld Ing elders,belonga to the membership as well as to the ministry. Others as well as yourselves ure to lie con sidered. Many have tho same claim with yourselvo.". All tilings and persons aro U be considered, You may feel yourselves aggrieved, There Is on the other hand a great rosposlbility lu thu selections of your own Uelil of labor. Most nastors havo roj 'onl that their work Is se lected by another power. This power levoa'up well. There may be at timet opprci-dou ami mlHtakts. This Is Inevitable, for tho system Is human. W'a will be happier and more etllclent pro'iehers, however, If we loam to eottle dowu on tho plat form of having faith lu God and faith In our fellow churches. There has been less friction, a hundred fold, In supplying our work than outside our fold. Most ministers would not havo this polity changed, Mast will say, "Wo havo tried Itj It has stood the test. Let It remalu.' You not only enter the Oregon con ferenee.bul etiterlheNorthwoat min istry, TheMetliodlst Idea Is, wherever you cau do the in vt good, tbo door it, opeu to you. whether lu Oregon or in other parts of our lnuJ, It U u great thing to havo a roeognUed place in a body of men concentrated o the world for Christ," Tho bishop then c!"sd with oiuh excellent suggestions nf a practical oharaoter to luluUte.f. old aud young, Gabriel Bykes, B. W. Path u, Charles KCaudall aud Klurar L. Thoiupeou wera vkoted to uaeouVJ nxlers and admit . -d Into full con bee! Ion. M.O. Brltiit Hud George W Qulmhy were mitt Inued on trial Bev, C. M. Hill, llf the .Baptist church, Oliver Wlllliuna, of tho Minnesota conferencei und W. T. Chapman, of the Id u,u conference, Were Introduced. Abraham Ifagar was granted a location at his own request. E. M Straugeland was umdo a deacon of the second class on condition that he pass his examination J. It. Colly, from the Congrega tlonul church, win received us an elder iu full commotion. Edward 8. PhlpM was received from the M. E. church Souii? an elder tuti fu 1 cm tactions. Thick mi Olcosv," Cholera Conference. Bkiiun, Aug. 20. -Delegates from all f. deral states held a con ference here Saturday on the sub ject or cholera. The president of police rejiorted nut a single case of Asiatic ch lera certified to In Berlin. Statements from Prof. Koch aud GnUneellerB thts, together with a general report reviewing what Is the hea th condition of Germany, and reaasuriug although Koch thinks the worst period of the epidemic in Htm' urg aud Al.oua is not yet passed. The first outbteak occurred in Hamburg, August 14th and ut Altonaun August 10th. The Im perial heulth olllce record lu Berlin and other centers. Consul General Edwards has taken necessary steps to keep the state department at Washington, Informed of the situa tion throughout Germany. Scrupu lous csre will now be taken at Bre muti anil Humbm'g. lunpection is exteuctlug not to immigrants alone, but to crews of nil vessels and the passengers. Advices leaye every populous place hi Germany free from Asiatic cholera except Hamburg. Tliero the diseuBe spread over thf whole city and tlie suburbs. A doe tor with a number of hospital as slstauts has left Berlin tu assist Hamburg physicians. The exodu qf wealthier Hamburg fumillts is now proceeding on a large seal. , though tradlug thoroughfare pn sent the oidinury usptt:t. Shoi keepers declare business to be stag nant. Public depression wants lit tie to become an absolute panic. While many fled, others are doing much to relieve the stri.oken or menaced. Donations, disinfectants aud medicaments ure plentiful. I'ho epidemic uronnd Dresburg, in Hungary, appears to ho fuding. The number of cliolerluo cases reported ut Vleuer, Neustudt at Sollenau, in Austria, aud even in Vienna itself, where rapidity of deaths is suggest ive of Asiatic cholera. In the mean time Austrian doctors declare that postmortem examination do notdi close I ho presence of the Asiatic cholera. TfltE rilODtJCTION of an abundant growth of half, -la si.k-llku cxttire anil of tlio" original color, often resulM from tbo use, by thoso vrt'o liate licnxim lald or gruy, of Aycr'a liulr Viger: " I wai rapidly beeoinlng gray unit n.ild ; but after using two or tltrco bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my liair (jrew thick and glossy anil tlio origi nal color was restored." 51. Aldricli, Canaan Centre, N. II " A trial of Ayer's Ilalr Vlpor lias con vinced mo ol us merits, its nso lias not only caused tlio lialr of mv wife anil daughter to be abundant and glossy, but it has given my rather stunted mus tache a rcspeptable length anil appear ance," B. Britton, Oakland, Ohio. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four or five years anil find It a most satisfactory dressing for the lialr. It is all that I could tleslro, being harm less, causing the hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render tho hair easy to ar rango." 5Irs. 51. A. Bailey, 9 Charles St., Haverhill, JIass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rnzPAitiED ut Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by i)ruglsU and ferf umera. AND ORCHARD M w v,. PACIFIC LAID FOR TOWN LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. $2.00 I'cr dozen lor the finest finished WIOTOOBAI'UB In theclty. MONTBB BROS., IS) Commercial Street, P. B, SOUTHWICK, 4Jot. tractor and liuilrfcr. Salem, - - Oregon. A. H. FORSTNtR & CO. Machine Shop, (Inns, Sporting Goods, hit, 80S Commercial Mreet. No Way to Give Warning. St. Louis, Aiu;. 20. An Interest ing series of experiment hus been going on In tlie signal service de partment In reference to tho location and tracing local showers and thun derstorms A few of the best, sig nal -ervlce observers, among whom Is Obt-eiver Hauimnn, of this city have heou selected to examine into tho possibility of furnishing reliable prediction In regard to their atmos pheric dUtni bafices. The work do-io would tend to prove that uny ex tensive prediction is impracticable. Within tho lust few days there have been an uuusuully lurgo number of such storms In Missouri, Kansas, Indian territory und northern Ar kansas, Information concerning which wus received at the ceutrul olllce In this city. A collection of tho facts proved in nearly ull cases lu nature, moved in ull directions, were per fectly independent of viiuh other, and seldom extended over i greater extent of country' than 2) or SO miles; it will, therefore, boiiupo-siblu to give warnlug or appro.ichIiig thunder stonus over any very ex tended ureii. Observations taken ut other points h.iow the same reMills. sons in the building at the time were the engineer, Janitor and scenic artist, named Cornelius Maus. All three were startled by an outburst of 11 lines, and rushed for their lives. Maus was painting over the dress-lug-rooms whed the flames .swept up the stairway. He rau to tho wii -dow and jumped to the storm door, from which place he was taken by Fireman Washburn. Tn less than live minutes afterward fire pouretl from every window on Seventh avenue, aud in a moment a pyramid of smoke, Humes and cinders swept skyward through the roof. Tho draught into the building from all tides wus terrilllc, giving the flumes speedily swept through tho great a iditorium and In a few minutes lit tle wus left of it except tho iron work. Tlio fire caught the richly udorued circle of boxes aud they were at once a naming furnace. The fire from the floor came un to meet the circle of boxes, nud com bined at times, then swept onward to the roof and through It. The roof was rapidly consumed, the gre t ben in i f.lling inward. The Iron work of the seats iu the audi torium soon gave way, and the whole mass tumbled Into the fiery furnace. Tho Humes raged for an hour or so in the building, and when they hud somewhat abated It was found they hud dine u vast amount of damage. At 10:30 oclock the tiro was under control. There was a scene of desolation then presented iu the interior. of the famous build ing, the etjiidl of which seldom has been seetiuta tireiu this city. There wan a great guping hole in the roof, and l hi) whole interior was gutted. The stage was destroyed and rooms adjoining were burned. The walls of the building wero blackened and somewhat injured. The work done by the tlrtmen wus excellent. Thev poured grout streams of water on the lire aud prevented It from des troying that part of the structure fitciug Broadway. On tneSeyenth avenue side the wall Is stauding un supported live stories high aud ap pears solid. Tlie Inner wall on the Thlrtyninth street side has fallen in. The building was owned by a stock company and Is believed fully In siired. Tho damage, though dlf llcult to estimate, is placed at about 250,000. Tho whole building is vuluetl at mote than $2,000,000. A vast amount of valuable scenery, properties and costumes that nave uiKeu years w accumulate were to tally destroyed, together with ull T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood finishing, Cor, SOtti aud Chemeketu btreet. BICYCLES. Full ball bearing Safety Itl- cyriei. The lowest priced wneei mtho iiMrket. The best in tlio world for tne price. C'.B. Brown Aeut,Uii tomrner clut tit. KADAliAUGII & Livery Feud and Boarding Stable, 41 titnteStiett STWEsliiOS,, CuUj'ovn ia Iinh-cvij. THE BEST. 101 Court Street. HOEYE k MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS AND SHAVING PAULOIH, Onlyl'orcelaiu Hath Tutu in tho city. l!09 Com. St., Sal Jin, Or. J. J. IIARKINS, Scientific Horseshoeing. OI'I'OHIIK FOUND IIY On Stuto Stroot. THE Salem JlacJtmati is II, POM LB. Uest Line In tlie City. Court Stroot J. E. MUllPllY. file for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOllTU 8ALi.M. mi, e. o. noaco. Baths for Ladies, IIAIH mtKSSINCl PAIILORS, 124 Court Btreet. J. I BEXNEIT 4 sif CANDIES i'rnit ami 'iga P. O. Block, St. T.tiinilM'itGK Cljrars and Tobacco IHIJlilAHl) PARLOR 243 Com'l street.' T. W. TH0RNBURG, The Upholsterer, KcmofielK, rc-covero ua -iipliolgti-red nirnUi.rd n,n diiK work. Ulicmel irik .Vlm Htnte Insurance n"k, ,lrm JOHN IIIWIN, Carpenter and Builder, Sr-op IB Htato Btreet. StorcFittinpsaSj.edatj Killed at a Dance. lUtmiiTON, Lu Atijr. 29. Three men wero kilted, ut Allen Urn'. mill lust night lu ii tijfht atti d mee, Muuriee Miller ttml Hob and John drier. the musical pcoreuof the opera-house. A eoiihlderahle part of the scenery, costumes und dealjrtm for the new opera, (o he produced during tlie coming seasons, belonged to Henry IS. Abboy. 'The new scenery for"TheTem prflt," which ii to bo played nt Daly' theatre at the opening of the season, valued at '510,000, was destroyed, Iu fact tlie Immense stano of the Metropolitan opera-house, wti'cb was tho latgest in the United Statts if not iu the world, has beeu for i weekB u great sceuio workshop, aud wttuiu an hour the result of all tho bummer's labor was destroyed. The olllcial police leporuhtdunnigeto the opura-hoitse building and contents Is uow given at more than $500,000. Notics of Assessment. VOTIOE IS HEltEDY GIVEN tint tiy order ,i of the common council of tho city of Snlem, made on tbe 6th day of July, 1892, an assess utmt was duly levlpd npou all property aliut. tint; on Che.iwkcta btreet, from Water street to 12tn Mtrret. Said assessment Is hereby made for the Improvement of saiil street. Said as sessment (.ball be due aud payable to tho re enter nf ho city of Salem ten daya from the date of this notice. A list of property abutting on said street aud tho owner thereof anil the amount assessed to such property Is hereby set out and made a part of this notice. Xottco Is further given that unleK said amounts so as sessed are paid within teu days from the expir ation of this notice, that I shall proceed to collect the same by law: W, Bnyman and E. Dreviuan; lot 1 tn block C'i of tho city of Salem, Oregon, $111 03. II, W. Cox; lot t lu block 01 of the city of Salem, Oregon, 115.23. J, II. Stump; lottfiu block 49 of tho city of Salem, Oregon, $141.03. J . Blarney ; lot 5 In block 00 of the city of Salem, Oregon, 1144 07. Stile Insurance Company; beginning at the southeast corner of block 50 In tho city of Salem, Orecon. as shown and decimated on the duly recorded maps and plats of said city and running thence westerly along the south Hue oi satu oiocK Ba teet; tneuce northerly on anno parallel with the west line of street in said city, 40 feet; thence easterly on a Hue parallel with tho south line of said block. 83 feet to the west line of said Commercial street and'thence southerly along said west lino of Commercial street, 4(i feet to the place of beglnuluj, being 40 feet by 80 feet of lot number 4 In said block number 50. Also lie. ginning at a point which Is 4G feet north of the southeast corner of block number 50 In the city of Salem, as shown aud designated on tho duly recorded maps and plots of said city; thence northerly aloug the west line of Commercial street ot said city M feet; thence westerly on a line parallel with the north line of Chcmeknta street of Bald city 10r feet, more or leBS, to the alley In said block, thence southerly along said alloy on a line parallel with the uest line nf said Commercial street to the north line of said uuemeneu street, a distune of 71 leet, more or less; thence easterly alonu the south line of said block number 50, 80 leet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the property heretofore com eyed by this bank to the State Insurance Company of Salem; thence northerly on a line parallel with the west line of said Commercial stteet. 4(i feet to the northwest corner or said property conveyed to said State Insurance Company; thence easterly along the north line of said property convejed to the State Insur ance Company ns aforesaid, t3 feet to the place of beginning, sitnatod In the city of Salem, county of Marlon, stale of Oregon, $144 0j Vlrst National Bank of Salem. Urrirou; com. menclng at the northeast corner of block 4!l lu tue city or saiem, Oregon; tueuce si,uth along Couimetcial street, 45 leet; thence west parallel with Cheiuekita street, 03 feet; thenco north parallel with Commercial street, 10 fett; thence east along the north boundaiy line of lot num. bercd 4'J, OS feet to the place of beginning, con. taiulug 2923 square feet of ground, excluding Btreets and sidewalks; also commencing ut a point which Is 05 feet west of the northeast corner of block number 49 iu the aroresald Ut of Siiem; thence Bouth parallel with Couiuier. clal stitet 45 feet; thence west parallel with Chemeleta street B5 feet; thence north parallel with Commercial street 45 fett; thence east IS5 feet facing and aloug Chemeketa street to the northwest corner of tne bank building now creeled on Bald block, being the place- coutatu. mg i.700 bquare feet of ground, more or lesa, excluding streets and sidewalks, but excepting till VI fnikln 41, ah ..MAb4. --..-. --1 m .. . tL.w,u, ,u, iujrjr ooueyea uy tuo late William Stewart to Mrs. A. A. Wheeler by wat ranty deed dated April 27. i887, and recuiUed In the record of deed of Marion county, Oregon July 11, 1887,book 34 of deeds page I5J, together with the tenements, hereditaments and anpur. teuancos Ihercuuto belonging, $109.03. A. A. Wheeler; beginning at the. northwest corner of lot 1 In block 49 In Salem. Oregon llunce southerly along the alley fc'i 7.12 leet' thence easterly parallel with Chemeketa street' 105 feet; thence uortheriy along east Hue of block 21 7-12 feet; thence westerly 125 fett theuce northerly 45 feet touotth Hue of said block; thence westerly 40 feet to placu of be. Kotloe of AEiC3sment. 1feet andOtuchip; theuce foulherly parallel .villi west lino of said lot to tho south lue of aid lot; thence easterly along the south Hue vroTICE IS HEUL'llY OIVEN thalliv,,. . if said lot to the southeast corner thereof ; I i tho common Cornell of tho citvof m.u ' ihenco northerly to tho placo of ieglunlug, . ,uaj0 U1 the Stli day of July Ib'ia ,n ' 7W.JD. Z. F. Moody; lot 10 In block 83 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $141.03, ItKAIi USTATK TKAXSKKUS. fll2W,S0.1.K) K. Cox; l!S to Ktlgar , r 2 w, "Voin Jan. I to date , Auaiwr li' Iiuaa Cox ' to Mary acres iu s lio, t u, tfo. Levi liiiwernntl wife Hartley; 40 acres lu t 8 $1,000. II. J. Ltieker and wife to Knsnn llurriMin; It'Jl Sunuyslde, 1(K). T liomn-t it Johnson to 6. H. Jes- sup; it ousiut rift In Yew park. f300. IU H, llagau to lSleanor S. Knight; It L blk 32, Salem, H.500. T R3FULA To bo free from Iok headache, ullllnusueAS, constipation, eto.. use uariera kittle Liver l'llls. Strictly vegetable. They geutly stimulate the liver uud free the stomach from bile. Metropolitan Opera Housj. NkwYoiuc, Aug. 28, -The thea- uu run tu tuo .Metropolitan opera house building ut Ilroadway and Fortieth Btreola wa completely gut tl by lire, which started at QtfO o'clock yesterday. The tire ragod furiously for uu hour, ami oulv bv the greatest ellortu win prevented from enlerlug the Uroudway end of Hit building. The lire sturtetl un the htagw ut IhoSeveuth-aventuj end bflha building, but (he origin U bhtouded lu iu)ktery, Thoouly J1c '.' jn w W ) t: 'juitiiiiuit) ! us iti'oii wnu'itiii. t v;t tlttstaliily iuitl ursnclllti;s tint, i ...u t tl.C Itoi-Ivj C4iiws I'tlntul itttit It M mi tlui aims, legs, tir Kit; dcclo rs U'ors lt Slto oyos.onrs, w iine, m'tcu cate-. . lilttnliie-st or df-atnpss; Is tlie nrlgla t ,Biple caaccruiH Kitmilis, or lltp nui.j htr iiunlfeUiitloits usually nscrlU'd t : uinoraj" aittl f.iJtenliis niwu tltu Itiui-v mil's coitsimiptton, titnl i!atli. Ueti'. lie most atii'iettt, It Is tlio most i til ilUeascs or atlcctions, tot cry fc erMitiu nra inllrclv Jtco faun u. Ho.rBcoan CURED Ily takins Hooit's S.irsnpnrllla, tildi, ty iho ri'iiuulntulo euros It lias accomplished, jfion when otlirr tm-illclnes liao railed, has prucii tti It to lis a Hitent ocul 'at nitillcliie tor this tll$ra$e. Some id iliVse cares are really nu'iderfuU It you .utler Iruia scrofula oi impure bloxxi, l itiro to try Hood's S.tnui'.irlll&. Kvery srrtn&my wife and -tuldifii have iK-ta troulildt with scrofula, ion t'rr-k mt out ou tlteia la artous places, ily Utile lo), tltn-o vfars old has been a irnlblt) sufferer. Last 'I rtnji no wis una uiisj ot sores troai head to twt, I was tulylscet to use Hood's tNtraparllo, and v tiave all take nit, flic result Is Hat ult liau been cured el tho scnuula, my llttlo In y jclng p nttrely jreo from nas, and ll loin A my cltlMtcu look bHslit and tictllhy.' V. II, Aihf-ktox. Jvassalo City. N. J, Hood's Ssrsaparllla SolJbyOwWfWfc lltiforf- ITvramlM 1 1. HOOU t CO AjwtOJt, Lowell. Mai IOO Pf Ont Dollar KluuluR, ii5, block Jl of the city of Salem. Oregon, U4 05 06on.Cil4l 03. k 31 f tUe C"y0t m'M' ,A' N.;'len'i ,Uo nottu half ' lo' 1 In Mock J3 In the city of balem, Oregon, Hll OS J. q.UIUoui lot 6 In block 2J of the cltj of ll11',Ao,'rh,"U1l'r0a,! "" tUat I'" ' lot 8 111 h ock 22 described aa follows. to.wt; m-in. n tig at the northwest corner of lotHlu block WlnHaleui,Ore'on; thenco easterly ou south line of Chemeketa street lui) feet; thiuie south erlyatrlsht angles b2 10-12 feet to the south till, nf bl.4 1... u. .1 .. p""lu .. .....u,,,.! mcuuu vHsicrij on saia south line of suld lot ili-j feet to the e,.t lluv "fib ertysreet; thence uortheriy on salcl eait tin. Margaret Morlej; -all that part of lot 8 In 1 wk descrlbea as follows, to-n It; lteHu ulngat anoint ItM fiet east nf o, ..:,"?'.. coiner of block 21 tn hlein, Oregon, an, rut, utng thmce ajuth bjj reel; theuce west M fVet hence i sot Ih b.'H tiet; theuce weff u the w-;,t ;io. "'" ".-" to place or .Naiwleoit Daws'; lot 1 In block ? pf the i-Itv of Saltm, Oregon, U4I 05. ' J, O. Thotunson, tut i in l.t..i. .,i.. i-. . Oregon, fl4.M. v """ """" ,Ja V- D'ektwooi lot 5 in block 4 lu the citi of Salem, Oregon, JH4.US. "' AmelU O. ItiUy; lot 8 lu block 5 of the city of Halem, Oregon. Illl.oj. ""emy . ii. mutun; the west h.lf r t. .. ,.,. i thnHii ,r u.i.. ,-"..r:r.,,' ". Mary Johusou; lot 0 In block 82 of Salem, Oregon, $144.03. J. Uatchelor; lot S In block 82 In Sturm, Orepon, 141.u3. N. A, Oooilell; lot fitn block 80 lu tlio city of Salem, Oregon, ! 11.00. Eugenia Gllllngham; all that part of lot 10 in block 83, described 08 follows, to-wlt: lie'lli. ningat a point on thecoith line of said lot 27 lei t westerly troru the northeast comer thereof ami ruuntUR thence southerly parallel with tho east Hue ot said lot to the south lino of said let; thence westerly along tho south Hue of mid lot to the southwist corner tnoreor; iiience northerly to tho northeast corner thenof; thencu easterly to iho placo of brglnuing, SIJO.CO. A.Dush; all tint part of lot 10 In block 83 described as follons, to. wit: lUglnuiug at tho unrlheuBt eoruer ol said lot aud ruuulngthtucu westerly along the north line thereof 27 feet; thence southerly parallel with the cast line theteof to the south line of said lot; theuce easterly to tho southeast corner of said lot; tueuce northerly to tuu placo or beginning; nod also lot 1 In block bj.of the city ol Saltm, $1U.(.5. T, McP. Patton and Ella Cook; lot 1 In block 83 of tho city of dalcu. Oioji'ii, rlll.O.'i. A.Parriu; lot 1 in CarVu right's addition on the north side of Onemeketa btreet, fll'JXO. Jane A. Duiuford; lot 11 of Cartwriglit's ad dition ou tho north side of Chemeketa street, i37.G5. Issabella Martin; lot 5 in block 85 In Salem, Or.'gon, $111.05. A. Ulosaer; lot 13 of Cartwrig! t's addition ou the north side of Chemeketa strett, $57.05. W. N. Ladue; lots 4, 5 und 8 in c'ariwnght's ad litlon on the south side of Cheiuekita stiett, 12,1.83. 11. W. Starr; lot 7 In Cartwriglit's addlttou on tho south side ol Chemeketa street, $57.W. r. Ptigh; lots in Cartwright's addition on tho south side of Chemeketa street, $57.03. M. llhodes; lot 9 in Cortwrlght'B addition on tho south side of Chemeketa Btreit, $37.05. .i. a. uobiRiio; jots iu, ii ana 12 lu Cart Wright's addition on tho north sldo of Cheme. keta street, $172.85. 0. T. and T. J. Gard; the southwest quarter (f block fi in Itoberls' audition to tho ilty of balem, 138.h0. A. M. Palmer; tho west half of tho southeast rjuirterof block 0 in Huberts' addition to the cny oi nniem, u'.).a,5. .1. D. Cross; tlie eost half of tho southeast quarter of block 0 in ltoberts' addition to tho city of Salem, Oregon, $0'J.B5. Mary Cauheld and Thomas .Cauflrld; tho northeast quarter of block 3 in Roberts' addl tlmi to Snlem, Oregon, $138 80. Hanuib Joseph; all thatpaitof block 3 of It'iberts' adultion to ijalem, Oregon, described as tollowa, tn.wlt: lleglnulug at Iho northwest corner of block 3 iu lloberts addition to Balem, Oi.'gou; theme south along tho west line lb. reof 157 feet; thenco east parallel to the south line of Chemeketa street 79$ feet; muce uortn parallel to the last Hue of rwellth street 157 feet; theuce cast along tho south Hue of Chemeleta street 79 J$ feet to tho pljce of begiuniug, $Cu.40. U. Sbepard; the east half of the northwest quarter ol block 3 iu Roberts' addition tu baieui, Oregou, $09.40. O. A. Gray; all that part of block 5 of Rob. irts addition, described as follows, to-wlt; l)iluning at tho southwest corner of said block and running theuce easterly along the south int thereof 00 leet; theuce northerly parallel with tho we,.t line of said block 105 i. ! ,,1,e,",c?,we,8tl!'-1lr Pallil with tho south Ilia or said blotk (10 leet to thewtst lineof said bio. k: thence soiilherJy along tho west Hue of "Ii 10 ' t0 VHC0 ut b)8u"'hB. J 0, Smith: all that n.rt nt i.t,.i. j .cubed as follews: llegiuulng at a point on Hie south line of said bloik 130 feet n.ii T,r block ISO fiet east of tho southwest corner neut was duly levied upon all prUIerty abut 4 ting on Commercial stieet from tho sonth tit of Mil! Btreet to tho southern limits of tie cit, nam assessiucut is nmiio Tor tho ImrrovenieJi or said stioet. Said assisRimnt shall be d. 'I and pnyablo to tho recorder of the cltr nf 1 Salem, teu days fioin the date of this notle. , A list of properly iiliutlirKon mia Mrc.t ,u the owner thereof, mid tho amount asfessediA such ptoterty Is hoteby set i tit and n.adei part of this notice Nottco Is further kItcq that unless said amounts mi assessed are tM within ten i days frrm the expiration of ttis not co, that I shall proceed to lolled tie sunt by law: " J.J. Murphy and P.. O.Mtirpliy; tliowestlulf or block 38 of tho city ot Hulem. Uregou- $ii Praukle P. Jones; tho west half ol bloiitMof the city of Salem. Oil-Ron; $J81. u,ulKyJo Harilrt T. Clark; lots 4 and 5 in block 4-1 u designated ou the recorded plat of the citv nt bjlrin, Oregon, $93.23. ' 0I Amos Btrong; lot4tn block 41 of thocitvof Salem, Oregon, $107 40. 7 8. J. McPhersou; nil of the south fracliouof ot 3, block 44 In the city of balmi. HateS Oregou, said fraction Containing 3j f,ct me' or less; to bo moro explicit, the propertycon. ytyed is all of lot 3 iu block 44 cxcentiiiu 42 feet on tLu north sido of frsninn ,, 1.1.1V: sold to, and now owned by Mrs. Jul n A John anil bounded as follow; Beginning at a point on tbe cast lii.e ot lot 3 in block 44, of Balem Oregon, 42 feet Komherly from tbe northeast corner of said lot, and running thence winter? parallel with the south Hue cf said lot 1C5 ffei more or lies to tho west Hue of suld lot; thencei southerly along tho wist line ot baid lot to tlei southwest corner thereof; theuce easterlif along the south lino of said tot; thence north erly aloug tho east lino of suld lot to the plia of begiuniug, $u3.06. Julia A. JohuB; tlio north fiacttou of. lot number 3, block 44, composing 42 by 105 feet in tho city of Salem, Marion cottutj, shown and designated on tho n corded plats of uald city aud bounded us follows; llet-iiiulng ut u point on the cast line of lot 3 lu block 44 of Salem, Oregon, 42 fort southerly Irom thenortli oast eoruer ot said lot und running tl.encc west erly parallel with tho south Hue of said lot, 1C5. fett, more or less, to llio west line of said lot theuce northerly along the west Hue of said lot. to the noithwest corner thereof; thence east, erly along the north lluo of said lot, 106 feet lUOle Or tlio nurtlienKt 1 ,. thence southerly aloug the rast line of said lot to the plaie of begiuniug, $18.60. Marj Strong Kinney; lota 1 aud 2 In block 43! of Salem, Oiegou; $1110.60. Alltn L. Buckingham; beginning at a point In boundary 8 ruJs southeily ironn northeast corner of block 42 In Salem, Otegon, theuce southerly 4 rods along Bald boundary; theuce westerly at right augles tu suld bound ary to tho western boundary of said block; thence northerly along said wistern boundary 4 rods; thenco easterly on direct lino to place of beginning, being 1.5 of bloik number 42; ?iu.-ju. go I 1. J. Larscn ; lot a lu block 43 of Salem, Ote-m- $95.25. .ah. to 111 the city of t)U nt. Otecon. SM. Harlan Soeletr (,f h,ih,. ', ly.t St i. I. . -.. . .'. balem. Oremui S72 05. u0 mf rirst Unllirlan Sen-let me east nan 0r lot 5 ''If 'f Salen.. Or. gun; lu blotk C9 hi the city uf O. Suowdeu; lot I tu block 70 tn the cil of Sateni, Oregon, fill t5. ,u0 c"7 "' . ..iioiki in tim part of lot 10 describe a follows to-vrlti Uiginmug t the northwe. corner of lot 10 In bi...k t4 , l thrncotatrrl, atuug uorlh'lit, tlill?' feet; thence boutoerl) parallel with ir, ii . I Sldo Of tald ll t (Hi fet in t l.l "Ji ,n? .Wfk' ... . . -.--., .t,u lur u .,,, l.i. iueuc westerly alous miJ )utb ii ,, . lo the west Hoe or t. t.,Jr. ,Vn. '"' I2? ' frtl to Place of fiiMi'i 04I0 UOr""r' wuth llnetf SvnY&?. '' "j""rlr rlstlit aiglt. wi,h .aid One of Chemekf t street to Iho wuth lln. I? 1 L I of ssld block Tli thence tss?tr y p.ralle' wi'th said south line of Chemek,ta.iri. .'. Ih. sonlhw ,.t corow 5 M BumuJ 2 in V n block .14; theuc. BortL.i .lon, "H M. 1 sod J in mm bloJk 74 I WlZ caoViosfcirioti ffbvtsv.'istea; th Siltn. Oregon, flu 90. n ""'y 01 8.101. ukimu. fiun-v 1M " lu "" c'r Ol nVmWSM SI! ?. H?S uonnct c. ruer of lot i t 1.1 t'v V. "" " ntDulog thence miwiy slJSSi'iu, '1 " n "iirtiuuooi nld lot Ltlksb - -A. ",c' id Mi Ihenc. ,, X 5?ih . '" ( sua 101 WlbsoutteMlcerthVr.,f ?l w MBM 1 tJocg Us ewU, Ut, (fJSjgj .1,. V r . to wl luu souinwebt corner 'liiieof and runu ng theuce northerly parallel lu the wist lino of said block, 1J5 feet i 1 ? ", ?lilZ r'f'lcl with Ihe south line of ? , ack- TO feet; thence southerly paralle wi.h tie west side of said block 105 feet to the wnih lluo of said block, toe,,,.., ..",!. , .Ul.0 &aa&w& .ir;i.UI!"I,,,A,M,MelIon'dO. A. Mellon, the city or Saluu. Oregon, described as follows Ueg nuing at the northwest corner 0" said bl.Mk.uariiuulug thenco easterly along the uorl li lino theteof, 93 feet aud 7 lneliet;iheiice souther y parallel with tho west 1 In ol said block, 103 teet; theuce westerly parallel wm the uortu line ot said block; thfuce north' -v RolVru".!1.?""' ,"" .'!,'' .?.aA.f ,V'?ck 4 of scilb.ila.foll;.. .,'."","'"' BSUU1.UI. SV"nom.HnroV s'bl.S Vet"ld7' !herr,VL ?"L corej "oi 11. lluo or said block, u rll " , "? Ji imuce southerly parallel with the west 1 ue of Sl.1 block, llS feet" thrnr Jb '."' "Ue 0f ltb the loililt yS"' " i thence southerly parallel uin. .kJ "' .. l J block, loj feet to th J,,Vn. n l . B 0I blocki thenco e,Vter"v. lom. ..U "ue, ol bald said block fllk felt f,. iff1, . I1)e aou,u 1Iue ot 153.23. ' ' ,0 ,Ue f1"" of beginning, a:MaSS. tUO 10. " " lh ru: of beginning, H b it........ .. .,-' ""inueia; the uorthe. SkboVtoUru'adU,u""L w.,$i?rS?Iom" UolQt " ctircr MlMloriAi-T lti. ...... ...!.. . P.1 Oiurchsud Thorn V-''1Je,nt El' J lu the cltr Sf h.!?,.'.."' 9 1 In block ,7.-'"S'" J. Ford. J..,.. .. IZW J.?b0.."- ?l nXVffl Oalnest rord.o A i . ,,w'1 'rd el quarter 01 city of biilem, llattie Lasten: lotu 1 nn.l o l,. i,i,.,.v ...r c. lem, Oregon; $108.20. Matilda A. Prescolt; beginning at the scuth easterly corner of block ueimber 42 iu S8lein Oregon, aud running thenco northerly alonp Iho eabtern bouudarv of unl,i litnt; 1 n.,1. i,i. Ofeet; thence westerly at right angleB to said, easteiu boundary to the wetteru boundary of saia block; thenco toutherly parallol to said eastern boundary 4 rods end fl feet; tkeuee easterly on a true liuu to tho placo of begin. liiug; the samo being tho fraction of said blu. k 42fexce-pt the lollonlug described landdieded to Sarah Fullerton, to-wit; beginuiugata point ou the 1 astern boundaiy Hue of block 42 aa shown by the lecurdcd platof thocityof Saleiu, luMailou county, Oiegou, at a point thereou4 rods aud 0 feet nortntrly lroin tho southeast corner of jaid block, and running theuce at right angles to said eastern boundary lli.r westerly to thu wist boundary Hue; the-.Ae southerly along tho west boundary lino 2 feet, theuce itiuulngat right angled to said,' boundary line, easterly to the east bounukfy lino baid block; and theuce nurlherly atou said east boundary lino to the place of. begin. barah l'ullcrton; bcgli.nlnn at a point ou II e eastern boundary Hue ot block 42 as shown by the recorded plat of the 'city of Sulcui, IP Marion county, Oregou. at a point theieon 4 rods and (1 feet uortlicrlj from tho southeait. corner of said bjock and running theuco tt right angles to said eastern boundary line westerly lo tho west boundary line; thence, southerly along tho west boundary Hue 2 ttttt Ihenco running at rlgbt angles to said west boundary Hue, cast, rly lo the cast boundary lino of said block; thenco northerly along said 1 J"u!dsry lino to tbo place of beginning also the follow lug descrlbtd 1 ropirtj. to-wit: Part 01 block 42 of ho city of Sulem. Oregon, m marked and designated on the recorded plan or the said city, particularly bounded by 1. ft. ,?at,a Make ou Commercial street lu a.u uy, 132 feet northerly irnm elm unmiita t corner of bald block; thenco westerly at rlbbi Z. 1 1 . """ 10 me west uouuaary 01 sain block; thence northerly parallel to Cou). mercia street fO leet; thence easterly at rlgU angles o hrst named lino to tho place of begiu. J?W. (J. Woodworth. Ctru. 71. V.,n.Uvorth. !,, patteou and O. S, Woodworth; be ginuug at a point on the eastern boundary line frr ,f 42 iu, 8'eui, Oregon, H rods soutueily !..,iV """V60" corner of said block; thente huVk'i'i, E,,el w,,u tli8 "rt' I'"" ot tM 1, in Z '.. fe"' motv or I188, to the alley iu slid it?-f "'e"cnorlberly parallel with the east i.Vi it ,'2 " roils to tho nottb line of S.n, .f,!1" cakterly slung tho m.rth Hue of said block. 105 teet, iuore of less, to the. northeast corner of said block;' theme south, fi LrV0D8t-h.1 esst :,ut of "s'u "lock b rods to T " ., ""K'hntng; J152.I0. .i,i'J.'rl?,Tn'a-Q-l,rown and J, O. Drewn: $381. ' mk a7 1U t"Ll':m Ot,'fc!0Ui block'K'K ,tbe VJBt Mt ot ,he w' B,1,of fi VJ 8ale,. Oregon; $340.40. t? ".' McK'"aey. Robert Harrison, W nl f," ? aua Andiew llanibou; the eat Joint JV'k ll ot ,nB rUy f S"It,u Of " !?&'. lltion a,ld "ta,PQf Oregou j $340,411. uated at faalem, this loth day of Angnst, 18JJ. M. I,. OOUOtLl,, Recorder, feK iutroug ani 4 Otsou.fns.-.j " "m city or blem. Salem; SlVllu'lJ" W0Ck " ,n h "T of Eldrld7p. ) VtdrulS; E te.1"1' " . UOOhE&j1- lUso-llsr, M. T. RINEMAN DKALEH IM 'le n Fancy Cncerles. lnoukl,?. GlR,'W, J-annw, Worden ina Mlovr ware. All irinrf. r',..ii! r..l we,ucj Bibareefyourrvt -ToJure. """ K3Utestrt wivT-f n rf. ,