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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1892)
CAPITAL V .-'- VOL. 5. "TILE PEOPLE'S PAPEE." SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1892. "TO-DAY'S .NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 206. EVENING JOURNAL If YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO TJ-IIS LIST Kiktii & Kin, by Josie FaUiorgill; House at Sandwich; byJ mph ECitbm; April's Lady, b the Datoliess; Heiroaoii of Annesley, by Maxwell Gray; His Helpmate, by F. Barnutt; Won by Waiting, by Edna Lyall; Son of Porthos, by A. Dumas; JBorn Coquette, by The Duchess; Fairy Ordeal, by Bertha M. Clay; Woman's War, by Bertha M, Clay; Beyond Pardon, by Bertha M. Clay; One Life One Love, by Miss Brandon; Anna Karenine, by Count Tolstoi; Piiara Phoenician, by Edward Arnold; Weaker than a Woman, by B. M. Clay; Romantic Tales, by Quida-Reade-Dutchess; The Runaway Browns, by H. C. Brunner; Forty Liars and Other Lies, by Bill Nye; Ivanhoe, by Walter Scott; Life of Spuroeon, by Honford. We have now over 1500 novels in stock, and have made arrangements to receive every now one published. --s"" n n rmm bf a b"b" s. b b i " - m i Tjrnv cstt t ttp i') Ha afw A A n m B mk fl Iff ft 9 m m IE! jjvvjiv wi 1JX juj. x vk VND STATIONERS, moraxsioKAL cau us. W Wt B I 1 vll b ra 1 1 m A! Mira.N w ""! 98 State Street. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ffllilliirl 11 '""""fa if""'" """ "'i'- tTjiivJJJff""-"' MONMOUTH, OREGON. C. Hi CHURCHILL T S. BURROUGHS. The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. Board of Rpgents. Benjamin Fchnlfleld, Pies.; J. B. V. Butler, Sec-Ex-Ofllclo, His Excellency, Governor Sylvestor Pennoyer; Hon. E. B McElroy, Superintendent of Public Iiibtruction; Hon. G. W. McBride, Secretary of Stntj; Hon. Jacob Vonrhees, Hon. A. Nolttu-r, J. C. Willi?, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hou. P. W. Haley, Hon. J. J. Duly. The State Normal la a live school, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for tlie special training of teachers. Its graduates are In demand to (111 good positions. A gain of 80 per cent, in attendance was made last year. An enrollment of 500 is anticipated for the next year. New members have been added to the faculty, and additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the school entitles one to teach In any county ih the state without further examination. NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music. A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150: Tuition reduced to $0.25 Nor mal, and $5.00 Sub-Normal, per term of ten weeks. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.50 per week. Furnished rooms S1.00 per week. Board and lodgiuc in privato families $3.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons. First term opens September 20th. For catalogue nddress P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Pr.-s., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President. Ed. C. Cross, Choice Meats. Wholesale ami Ketail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. ARCHIE MASON. A. IS. SMITH General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, OREGON. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for ordera. Sell and deliver wood, ' lmv. coal and lumber. Of- Aon Ht, St.. onnosite Sa- em Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the dav at turn corner or State ana commercial streets. Sa.1a.ti Tnip.1t & Drav lid F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. 47 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS 1 LOCKS HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Ban 4 rebel, Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin rooting and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbiug b uruished. FA I IRin The place to gt a Saddle horse, Livery I" I II I hi I I rig, Impress, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, I Vf J 1 1 J jvXill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on liyan & Co., back ol Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. CHURCHILL & BUKROTraHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. EAST AND SOUTH VI A Southern Pacific Route Shasta. Line ilAMFOiiKIA I"JCVH!H TRAIM V.CN DAIIX BETWEEN l-OMXANII A.ID S. F. "South. ! Norih. 7:00 V- m-1 ijV- JwUund At. I 7:A a. m p. m. I tiV. Salem Lv. I 5:28 a. in fe:15 a.m. Ar. rfan Krnn. I .v. 7:QQn. m t i.r.ti. t ij jtnii mill ul fai 1 11 w . ti ir .1. UM-U iiiiiiu)iiiw;'"iirf . ww .. .um ... ttoui north or Kosebuis, iuist Portland orsoa City, Wooclbmn, Salem, Albanj Taiigent. Shedds, Iiuley. Liarrlsburv Junction City, lrvlug ami I'.tmoi.e. UOSEnUIlO MAI.L, JJAIhY, 430 a.m. 11:17 a. m 5.60 p. in. Lv. l'ortland Ai.l 4:is0 p. m. Lv Salem Lv. 1:40 p. m. Ar. Itofburg liv. 7:00 a. to AUmtiy Local, Daily Kxcopt Sunday. :.w p. in. 7:52 p.m. WM D. m. hv. Lv: Ar. 1'ortUiud Siilxru Albany Ar. 1 10:30 a. m Lv. I 7:3j b. m hv, I 0.30a. in. PULLMAN BDFFEI SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Koraci-ommodationol passengers holding second ciass tickets attached to express tml us. n7c$t Side Division. Between Portland and Corvallis : DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:30 a. in. !g:lQ p. ni. Ar. "Portland Uorvallla Lv. "5S0 p. in. llhS8 p. m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon 1'acillc llallroad. CTVaWMTBAlM- (DAILY E.TCEHT6PNI1AY "iTfT p. in. I vl Portland Ar. I biAia. ui 7:ZJ p. Pi. I Ar.aicMlnnvllleLv. 5:4. a. m Through Tickets To all Klnts EAST ami SOUTH for tickets and lull mtoruiation regard ing rates maps, oto., apply to tut Compa ny's agent 8alom, Oregon. K.V. ROQKUS. Aunt, U. K. and FaBS.Ag't V. KOKHhKR. Manaecr WILLIAMS" & ENGLAND BANKING. CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed ,$200,000 Transact a general banking bmlnevs! in all Its branches. , GEO. WILLIAMS Resident Ww. KN ULA.ND Vice Preslden HUGH MttN ABY Cashier. D1RKCTOH3: Geo. Willlams.Wm. R'ng lonri Mr. .T. A. Richardson. J. W. Hodson. J. A Jtaker. jianK. in now cxcuunicB uiucn uu uum mrolal stroeU 8:H-U Authorized Capital J500.000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W.A.CUSICK, Pres. W. W. MAUTIN, Vlre lre. J. H. ALBI'.nT. Cashier. HUito, County and City Warrants bought Ut 1UI, " MONEY TO LOAN. Special I nduccments for tho next 30 days 011 Reed farm loans. FEAR &. HAMILTON, Hooiu 14, Unsli Bauk block. 6 ViAv, A Good Opening. A fitore and blacksmith shop are needed at the town ol Aiikeny, 10 miles south of Malem. It Is a good farming country, has u flouring mill with the second best water power In Oregon, also a sawmill building. Ppeclal Inducements offered. -Address Postmaster, A nkeny, Or. cMi w Capital City Restaurant B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, OREGON. Purifier and Reels. Farm machinery made and repaired. Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meal at All Hows ol May Horn- but whlta Ubor em .loyed In thl (Mlabllsbmeut. A t'xl substontlal meal o viked In flrsV ;lu style Twenty-flvti cenu per weal K E D KRONT .lrt. between Opera llouso and MlDlo's Uvery TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new '.1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Hlze.Sx Winches. Contains new designs, new sty .es, latest tdcas in planning. No. ) has iso df signs rliuodUed from J150 up to IS00, about hh.ll under 81000 No. 6 con tains 59 do'ilpUH of dwellings costing over JltOO.rrtaiiyfiomflsoo up to X. Many new Houtbcrn or resort Btyles of houses In these work. 1'rice, $1 each, or the two for Sl-'O. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. Sasti and Door Factory . Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete ffith the lowest. Only the boat material used. Salem Abslract and Loan Co. Tho only Abstract books of Marlon county. Ileal estate orders UllfcJ promptly ana safely. W. H. H. WATERS, .MANAQBR. 0 T. BURROWS ARUIE8 a full line of Staplo and fancy Oiocerles, i'TO'ih vegetables ana isei rlei in season, Butter and Efga al ways on hand 220 Com'l St. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUUK, Now ready for business. Careful wort a specialty. J. V. WU1TK. From Terminal or Interior Points the iilw Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It Is tho dining car route. It runs through vestibule tralnB every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO B Of irsi lntr Ol latest equipment (No change of cars.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, jruuman uruwiui; ruum sieopurs TOURIST Sleeping Cars, Best that can be constructed and In which accommodatians arc both lree and tar nlshed lor holdoro of first and sccoud-clast tickets, and) ELEGANT DAY COACHES. AcontluuotK Und cotme sting with ah llnoj. aftordlne l)rW. uud unlnterrupter service. Pullman nlifT " .w'A'lonfl can be se cured In adVL' t .t. any agent ol the road. Through tickets to and from all point! In America, England and Europe can bi purchased at any ticket office of this com pany. full Information concerning rates, tlmi of tralns.routesandothorde tails furulshec on ujiulleatlpu to any acen tor A. jj. uiiA.itijJ.uni, Assistant General l'asseuger Agent, No 121 First street, cor. Washington; Port land. Onwon SHAW & DOWNING, Agenta. WANTKU. Recruits for the Artillery bervlce of the United States Army. The conditions ol enlistment In the army are now unusually favorable, and a spec ial recruiting renuezvous nas Deeneniau. llsbcd In this city lor the purpose ofaUord Ing the young men of this section an op portunltv lor enlistment. Applicants mutt be between the ages of 21 and 80 years of age, able bodied, physically sound, and able to read and write the English lan guage. To any one Interested a full expla nation will be aQorded by the recruiting officer, room C, Exchange block, Kalem, Oregon. AL.VIN ll.hYDKNlIAM, 6-29-Uw-tf 2d lieutenant. 6th Artllfeiy. Only One. Chance for a colony. 1600 acres of best bottom land, ont-half in cultivation, has small streams and lakes, has t'iXU crop on now, buildings, etc. Is rive miles from Halein, Oregon, One.thlrd cash, and bal ance In ilva yearly paymcnU wllh i per cact interest ut to) per acre. B-3-tf JOHN M. i'AVNE.Agt. K. CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, Murphy Block. T J.HHAW, M. W. HUNT. 8IIAW & O . HUT, attorneys nt law. Office over Capital National bank, Salem, Oregon. 1 T. 1UCHAKD30N, Attorney at law, ). ofllce np stairs In front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Halem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAUSON, Attorney at Inw. . Rooms 3 and 4, Ludd & Hush's bank building, Salem, Oregon. s I lyr B. K. 110NHAM. V. II. 1IOL..M US. Eouam & Hot.MEa, Attorneys nt law. Ofilco In Bush's block, between State uourt, on coni'l SI, and I T)lt'TXmONLODOKN02.A.O U.W I Meeu in their ball In atate Iusuruuce bulidlnv, every Wtduesday evening, H, A.MoKAUPICN,M.W. J. A MEfjWOOP, Heoorrter. rMI'JUlVEO OUDEJt OK KEI) MKN. 1 Kannakun 'J'rlbeNo.8, Halem. Holds council uvery Thursday evening, at 7.3U Wigwam in Btato Insurance hall, r". O. BAKEU. i'rophet. FRANK O. WATK1W, Chief of JCeoordi ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South ol -Wlileott Holl, 8AI.KU - - - OKKOOK 3IILMON FOKD, nttorney at law. Salem. . Oregon. Offico up-stalre In Pulton's u:k. T H. BUAD3II.VW, PHYSICIAN AND JJ. Burgeon, yalcm, Oregon, office In liush-llreymau block, upstairs Kosldcnro corner Btateaud a. E comer Winter street. V$J H. YOUNG, 51. I).. Office formerly V . occupied by Ur. llowl.ind, corntr Court and Litberty streets. T'elophouu No. 45. Office heurs: 8 a in. to 12; 2 to t p. ni., and 7 to 9 p. in Residence tath streot on electric car line. Telephone No. 9, TU. W. 3 XJ gcou lem, Oregon liioip. in. i. MOTT, physician and sur Ofllco In Eldrldge Bloclc, Sa- uuicu iiuurs iu w iz u, in. T-VU. illNTA 8. A DAVIS. Office hours, XJ U a. m. to 11 fnu.; 2 p. in. to 5 p. m, Dav or nlsht calls liromntlv iittnndud In. Special attention given todtseiibesof wom en and children. Office In .Now Bank 111k., 305 C-ominerelal street. Hesldence same. rvlU T. O. SMITH. Donttst.W 8tto street, XJ Halem, Or. Finished dental opera tions of oveiy description. Painless opera tions a specialty. 11 IMT11I A.aI.IIaa. Tllnnn Ih.aI . flcatlous nnd sutmrlnlandeuce lot all classes of bulldlnsi. Office 'J90 Com mercial St., up flairs. 0. A. KOUKK'f, Arcliitect, loom 421. Mar quam building, Portland, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 B.SMITH it CO., Contiactors, Sower a. ing, (Vment Sidewalks, i2xcjvati ig, ate: All work promptly done, Saleui.Or. Loavo orders with Duj.n Bros. 4:lt-liu PJ. UAIISEN A Vi Manufacture of all . kludsofvclrh:le.t. ItepulrihK aspccial y. Shop 45BtntpHlrePt. CAKPET-LAYING.-I malco a specialty m caipet-sevrtng nud laying; cirpets taken npandrebud with groat care, fharto und curtain polo hanging, t.aavfl orders with J. H. Lunn, iluieu A Son or White Corner. J. a. LUHHMAM. Signs Say ! You need one of some hind. If bo, why not have it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now Is tho tltno to euive mouey by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paj)er Hanger, 382 Church St. Or leave orders with Sroat & GIte, State street. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL M0FER BROTHERS, - Editors, PUBLISHED DAHiY.KXCElTHUNDAY, UV TUB Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Otflm, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building Kuivrcd at tho poslodlco at Salem, Or., as ncriiL-c-iiisf. matter. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report RoYal Baking m& Powder Paper Hanger and Decorator. Ofilco at CIip.s. CaWei t's Mllllonery store, rialem, Oregon. JAPANESE p ,Ujg CURB Anew and Complete Treatment, consist ing of sUppo<orles, ointment in capsules, also a box and pills; a positive euro for ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or lieredlln,;y Piles, null many other diseases and femalo weak uespes; it Is always u (,'reiit boueflt to the general health. The llrst discovery ot a medical cure rendering un opeiatlou with the knife unnecessary heieutter. This remedy has never been known to fall. Jl per box. a for to; sent by mall. Why suffer irom this terrible dHease when u written guarantee Is given with (1 boxes, to relund the money 11 not cured. Hcnd stamp for free sample. Uuaranteo Issued by WooiiAiti), (Jlaiike & Co., wbolosalu and retail drug iUls, sole agents, Portland, Or. 6 2-ly-dw City Warranto. NOTIOK Is berf by given that I have In mylLiuils luuos oppliable to the paymeBt of all warrant of the city ofBa tem, "endorsed" between Miy alt una August . IfcU. Interest will cease on tke dftteor this notice. K. J.HWAKKOHU. Salem, Aug. Jl, 182. City Trtu.urer. tt'ljUft NEW MINING MACHINERY P. J. Foster, Who resides about thrro miles west ot Halem In Polk county, has Invented a mnchluo lor mining gold, which Is especially adapted to saving line gold, and works any placer material, from Hue black saud to gravel, In tact anything that can be shoveled. Tho machlun Is made of iron and sttel and weight only 7fi pounds complete. It Is run by tho force of a 1 Ji inch pipe of water with a head of four feef. It will work irom b tolOtous of black Hand, or? from 13 to "JO tons ofcruvel In a day, nnd ao every thlug in the shape of ijofd that will amalgamate. Tho inacultie has been tested and Is guaranteed to do the work claimed. .Machlii'-B will bo fur nished In running order before any pay is demanded. Price complete SIM) Call on or address J. J. KOSTKU, -Ww Halem, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. NOTICK Is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed ad ministrator to the uilate of Cns Klrb. lato of Marlon county, Oregon,, by the county court ot thu statt. ot Ortgou, fur Marion county. All persons having claims against wild ertafo will present them n the undersigned duly verified, at bis home In Knglewood addition to the city of Halem, In Marlon county, Oicgon, within six months from the dale of tbls notice, and all persons Indebted to mid estate will please mako Immediate tellle uent to the undersigned. Dated this August tltli. lK!2. AllHAUAM man. Administrator of the estate of CrU Jtlch, ueceasea. o-ii Pupils Must Itcgister. I1IIE BCf IOOI. CLKUK of dl.trlct Mo, 21 rru I will begin Monday, August 1Mb, en rolling pui.ll for the public schools. opening Heplember Mb. t'arenu win plettM send ihttlr children to be reUtre4 aionee as there Is always a nub the day ortuoteore sehool opens and no pupil will be sdmltUd without a eertlUeate from tbeelerk. Offlee, Muruby bioak, upslalm over 0-VvuMc)RBB, HJ-2 DWrleiCiKk Administmtor'r Sulo. NOTICK Is hereby given that by aut ho lly of an order of Ui9 lion. County court of Marlon county, Oregon, made on the 18th d-ty of July, ihtt, autiurlzlg und empoweilng the undersigned to sll the herelnafirUtiocrlueet rtul estate belouxlng to thetstaie of i:vullne lXx, deceased. The undersigned, as administrator ot said es tate, will on the tit day of Seftember, 1892, at S p.m as per statute required ell at pub lic aucltou at thu west aoor of the court bpuMln Halein, Marlon county, Oregon, all tbe right, title and liitiremt of, the wild estate. In und to the lollowlug dsncrlbod CreEabMM, to wlU JU , V, W aud 11 In loek No. 8. as shown by thu amended re corded plot of CiPltul Park addition to lhedir of Halem, Jn Marlon oouuty, Ore gon, 'iwiniof Weoah. rlKllUt. JIAUMKK, AimlalHrstor t tho Jtae ot Kvellne HaleVn, OFoa, J uly 18, 1WJ. 7-iWt OUK SATUUDA-X NIOUT. Our Satujiday Nioiit was sur prised when he returned from an enforced nt ay at the sea coast nud found so many well-known frlendu ullvo und well who had not thought of k"'uk ,0 tho const. Indeed some huve even defied nature nud spent tho heated term upon tho heated saud-duues of Eastern Oregon. A few of our poorer citizens saved up their money since a year or two, not llko this writer to go to tho cool refreshing sea coast but to attend a month of Knlgute Templars doings and Mystic Bhrino performances whero they rode on tropical camels, In the burning suns of Omaha. One citizen who gets all the sparo chango taken In nt The Journal still dciles all orthodox theories about summer recreation by regularly go lug to New York, Boston, Balti more and other overheated, blister ing burning centers of Bunstroke, where natives wilt down by the hundred nnd he comes home fresh and rosy its a youth to greet hlB cnildren aud grandchildren, and labors the year through in his count ing room, cheating tho doctors en tirely. People who go to the coast are apt to get au exaggerated idea of the condition of Balem. Most of them go with tho absurd Idea of Ceiiumisseraliug tho whole city for Its sickly condition. Tho Watuu oay Night man has made a blight study of this matter aud finds there are not us mnuy physicians, regular, irregular, specialists and cjuueks us there were a year ugo, and of tlie uew alleged medical practitioners' but few cau hold out over six months when their money is gone aud they soon follow. Balum has not as many of the medical profes sion as many little town In the coun try. Whether it is to thoBkill of these medical gentlemen aud ladles or the skill of our rosy cheeked, fresh looking citizens In avoiding them would be hard to tell. One good womun who has been married nearly a quurter of a cen tury has been ailing and bed ridden ull summer. Several doctors have attended her, but she could not take their remedies uud thoy went uwuy puzzled pronouncing difler- eutly on her case. Her sons' and duughtors' are grown and have gone to larger cities to seek their fortunes. Thoy never conic home. They never write. To her they are dead. Thoy give no sign of life. They do not romembor mother. One of tho sons is a successful busiuess man. A daughter wins thunders of ap plause as a reader. But the aging mother does not share tho joys of her life. The husband has his com panions "on change" and Is down down town all day. Cau you tell what alls the mother? She Is dying for want of human love. Wo can not live on bread nlone. It must be spread with Incense from loving heurts or It ceases to be the bread of life. It becomes a. Blow but sure poison uud who can doubt but that this loving hearted woman will close her oyes lu death. You ask does she live in our midst? May we not go and sco her? Ahl there are many such ull around us und we can curry uu luferlor class of heart afiectlon to them. But wo cannot bring what thoy pine for. Naseacoast air cau chuugo their condition. Those who are letting this worthy mother suiter u slow death should bo whipped with whips of scorpions they undoubtedly will be when their consciences come before the great source of light aud lovo for aitnul ac counting. But wo havo wandered far fiom summer resorting. By far the hottest summer re sorting bus been going on in the Tennessee mluer's camps, at Home stead and Bull'alo. Our sympathy was with thu switchmen ut BuHulo. As a rule they aro uu older class of men,uuilt,uot smurt-louklug enough for biukemeu, conductors, etc. Thoy have u tedious Job with great respon sibility uttached. A wrong move plunger a trulu to destruction. A misplaced switch costs a hundred thousand dollars. Iu the hot weath er these men have chafed since yeurs for 12 to 14 hours. Thoy have dream edttluce years of ten hours uday. That would have been all tho sum mer resorting they would havo ask ed. But they could not got up cour age. This year they madu a dcmund, It was done with exhibitions of folly and displays of violence. This was made use of by the corporation und muguilled and telegraphed all over the laud uud thu summer resorting of tho switchmen ended In a dream. But they will get their vacation some time. All tliefio rainbllug observations only piove one thing, nud that is that peoplu may lw well aud enjoy themspl veti any wnoreou Ood's green earth. There U uo locality has a patent on red cheeka or good up pttltw, SJilde und moil utalu may ABSOLUTE' Y PURE have their special merit, but tho val leys of Oregon nro also full of robust healthy people who never think of leaving their homes at any season. Dried fruit Is advancing In price nud threatens to bo a scarce article. Hops are quoted 17 cts., at Puy allup, Washington, Tho tomato crop at Tho Dalles Is a fulluro from somo disease. People are tired of long-winded partisan editorials that mean nothing. Arrangements have been made to have 700 witness theBulllvan-Corbott tlht, The Odd Fellows of Iioseburg have Just laid tho corner stouo of a new temple. Colouel J. O. Hill, chief of the Indian division ofilco of the interior department, hut resigned to go upon the stump. At 25 bushels per aoro, the total crop of wheat In Whitman county Wash., will not fall far short of 10,000,000 bushels this season. Two divorce suits havo been begun at Albany four hearts refusing to beat as two. Thoy wore W. J. Dawes agnlust Jano Dawes, and Alice McPhorsou against M. B. McPhorson. A drove of hogs, valued at $1000, purchased from tho Bllotz Indians aud driven to Toledo for shipment to Portland, escaped from the cor ral whero they were conflued at Toledo und aro now roaming through the woods. The supremo court holds that all contracts made by a county, where by liability is Incurred after a coun ty was iu debt $5,000 In extent, are null aud void Pacific Reporter of August 11, 1802. WormlmgtonU-eL. nl, vs., County Clerk Pierce, of Uma tlllu county. ' Before Going East Enquire About The limited express trains of tho Chicago. Milwuukee & 8t. Paul railway between St. Paul and Chi cago und Omaha und Chicago. These trains are vestlbuled, elec tric lighted and steam heated, with tbe finest dining and sleeping car service in the world. The electric reading light in each berth Is the successful novelty of tbls progresslvo age, and is highly appreciated by all regular patrons of this line. We wish others to know Its merits, as tho Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul railway Ib tho only hue In the west enjoying tho exclu sive uso of this patent. For further information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or ad dress O. J. Eddy, General Agent. J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Act. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or. 8-20-tf i- A Wonder Woriter. Frank Hufl'man, a young man of jjuriingtou, uuio, states mat iiouau been under the care of two promi nent physicians, and used their ticatment until ho was not ablo to got around. They pronounced his case to bo consumption and incur able. Ho was persuaded to try Dr. Klng'B Now Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds and at that time was not able to walk ncrops the street without resting. Ho found, before he bad used hulf of u dollar bottle, that ho was much better; bo continued to use It und Is today en joying good health. If you have any throat, lung or chest trouble try it. Wo guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle frea ut Fry's drug store. Gents black nogllgoo shirts from 00 conts up, at Osburn's Backet Store. d fe w. Sivoi a Woniun's Life. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Delawuro, says: "Two teaspoonfulB of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DInrrhcoa Reme dy saved the life of Mrs, Juno Thoma", of this place." Ho also states that several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there' have been cured by this remedy. For Halo by Buskett & Van Slype Druggists. The Rich Man's Son, The rich man's ton Inherits lands, And piles of brlrk und stone und gold, And lie inherits soft white hands, And tender flesh that fours the cold. Like soft liuudri, und tender Hash, many cIIscmkh uru inherited; espec ially tendencies to Autbmu, Con sumption, Bronchitis, and Stomach and Liver trouble; hut there is a remedy, known as the "Golden Medical Discovery," which over comes these diseases, aud cuts off all tendencies toward a fatal result. Dr Pierce of Buffalo, has put this remedy within the reach of all, so that even the poor as well as the rich, can obtain it. It is worth more to you thau "piles of brlok aud fttoue and gold," ask your druggist for it. It's guaranteed to benefit or eure iu uvery owe, or money paid for it will be refunded, Tho wondorf ul vogue abroad ofatt thors with established reputations, even' in tho sensational lino of writing, has yet to bo paralleled in Amorica. The day has not arrived when eagor throngs wait for a Now York, Chicago or San Francisco bookstore to open that they niny get early copies of first edi tions, yet that sort of scene may be witnessed in Paris whenever a i new book by a popular -writer eees tho light On tho publication of Zola's lost book, says a recent observer, at early morning the shelves of the book sellers were yollow with piles of copiesj mountain high, of tho new work, and hour by hour theso piles dwindled down -! and woro renowod by panting clerks. A now animation was given to tho boule vards, and in every hand was seenthe yellow back, so that n now color was . given to the streots. An Impressionist painter might mako a very striking pic ture out of tho subject, "Paris on a Zola Morning," and for this he wotdd need not much inoro than his tubebf light yellow. J- Who Is Mnster? Nothing is better calculated to take down the solf conceit and abate the as- . sumption of tho human boing who boasts himself tho superior of all animals and lord ot creation than the fact that some -of the smallest and feeblest of animated creatures defy him to his face, and, vir- r tually putting -their thumbs to their'' noses, laugh him to scorn. Every sum mor finds him fighting somo sort, per haps several sorts, of small vermin, and in nine casos out of ten tho battle is not to tho stronger. Tho army worm, the. phylloxora, tho doryphora, tho squash , bug, tho cabbago worm, tho curculio and tho grasshopper and many other such small deer spoil his crops, damage' ; his temper, decroaso his income and augment his labor out of doors; the com mon fly, tho roach, tho water bug and, oven worse things invado.his home and -, make tho llfo of the housewife a per petual combat, which, liko freedom's battle, is never done. , ' ' It would seem so easy to rout these little creatures, whlch,-whe cornered, havo no defensivo weapon whatever, and of which, were they in a boily, we conld ' crash thousands by a single step." But . yet, with all tho study and ingenuity which have been expended on the mat ter, nothing has yot been found or in vented which will permanently drive away mosquitoes, houseflios, roaohes, water bugs or the post which walks in darkness. Many nostrums are adver tised to do this, but not ono succeeds. It is not that they cannot be killed; spirits of turpentine, kerosene oil, in- i deed any kind of oil will kill every in dividual of them which it touches, but, tho destruction of individuals does not - appreciably lesson their numbers.' It seems utterly impossible to drive water bugs from a house whero thoy have once established thcmsolvos. A fow years' ago thoy woro considered as a pest pe culiar to cities, notably to those cities' largo enough to havo a system of, witter works. In Now York thoy wore Croton bugs, in Boston thoy wero Cochituate bugs, in Portland, Mo., thoy were Be bago bugs, and so on. But now there is. hardly a country village within an' hour's rido of any city which is not also infested with thorn. ' Persian insect powder is the only thing which will dlslodgo them, even temporarily. Blown carefully into ev- ' cry crevico of tho house, it makes them qcarco for a fow days, btit its power soon evaporates and thoy return as be fore. This fact, with tho additional t disadvantage of its great cxpensiveues, pruvonts it from boing generally used. A thousand fortunes await the lucky , person who shall hit upon something which will effectually destroy or perma nently drive away theso ubiquitous, an- noylng pests of tho housohold. Until this is done, lot us bo liumble, for now in vain wo tirgo our f ooblo votpes against our insect enemies. Mosquito bars don't bar mosquitoes nor doors of wire keep out thp files. Behind tho kitchen's shel tering panels tho water bugs increase py scores; tho moths devour our furs and fiannols, tho clmex turns us out of doom, Iu vain wo glory in our reason; small it tho balm that boasting brings, white wo are beaten every season by all tiny, six legged things. W (Ssif - Isn't it nearly timo to quit eteettatf Tower of Babel buildings? Sous ot tim structures in our big ctUes go isjwm4 bo for that no fire spparatM m sjtiV could quench a blaze is the nsf 0p4 ries. Baby cried, Mother stglied, , Doctor prescribed; CsstestV Hlda'a AnOw M . Tbe Bst Sty 1 m ui. &m. FS.' ISTiiiB tlviy (wrM AlM. or mi to ipMMWMtMa to jdve MMt or nnMr rfuuM, ve. BMSHT rftlS , iNwulskrUiut'lJ, J I-- r-s J4i