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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1888)
ffgr k. CAPITAL VOL. 1. SAL,EM, OR., MONDAY, MAY 14, 1SSS. NO. 63. rnoi'EssiONAi. cards. Geoav. belt, attorney at law and District Attorney. Ofllcc at court house RAMSEY & BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Business in t he Supremo Court a 8 pecialty. Salem, Or. 3I1ILM0N FORD, ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon, fflce, up stairs In Patton's block. GROCERIES. HAW & GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT Law, Salem, uregou. uiuce in rnuons !c, up 6tairs over Bolt's drug store. ;oc!c. WM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Office with Tilmon Ford, in Patton's building. Will practice In all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land ofllco business a specialty. T. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Capitol National ink, 219 Commercial street, saiem, ur. ecialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. FINANCIAL. First National Bank , SALEM, OREGON. PH. D'ARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN sclor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Having nn abstract of tho records of Marlon coun ty Including a lot nnd block Index of Sa lem, bo has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. CAPITAL LODGE, NO. 11, I. O. G. T., meets every Saturday evening, in their ball, second door north of Post Office. G. Jso. ICniqht, Sec H. S. Jony, W. C. T. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and surgeon, will open an office In tho New Bank Block, on May 1st, for tho treatment of all diseases of women, nnd all other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic nnd not ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes WM. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - . - President. Vice President. - - - Cashier, EASTERN OREGON, The World Looked- atThroqgh tlio Dust of a Flyin? Train. A PltOHl OX THE W1X0. GENERAL BANKING, Exchango on Portland, San Francisco, New ork, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. Stato, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit tmd transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property nt reasonaDiO rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank in most reliablo companies. Old FOR SALE. Residence for Sale. Willis & Chambcrlin have a deslrnblo lioue and lot. most eligibly located on Hlah street, lint block north of Court House, for sale nt SISjO. A good opportu nity to secure n homo in n convenient location. Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street ESTABLISHED I1V NATIONAL AUT1I01UTY. TlieCapital National Bank OF- SALEM, - - - Capital Paid up, - - Surplus, - - OREGON, - $75,000 - - 9,500 Friends Jostled With--Notes by tho Way. Lively For Sale- A good iron fraino Horse Power. Good for all uses, from ono to full capacity. All for the low price of ?U0. call at tho Pacific Cider, Vinegar & Kruit Preserving Com. pany's office. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE. 103 acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by agood road, from Salem, 143 acres in culti vation, balance in timber. Well watered, good $1000 house of 8 rooms, modem to barn, well ot tho door ; all fenced nnd n thrifty joung orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to pasture grass, and 07 acres In grain. Pur chaser can have liberal terms to harvest crops. PRICE $4000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm and save agent's feos. J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. The Reliable Grocers, KELLER & SONS, Arc Still on Top, with Renewed Life ! Increased Patronage ! Heavier Sales! New Goods 1 join uio procession nnd send m your orders we will treat you tine. Everybody speaks In praise of our canned goods. They cannot bo supassed In quality. ' vi R. S. WALLACE. - - President. V. "W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS! W. T. Gray, W. y. Martin. J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, , J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other markets ablo produce, consigned or in store, either in private granaries or ipubllo warehouses. Stale and County Warranto Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonablo rates. Drafts o, San lerlln, arawn direct on New York, Chicago, San r luiicircu, X'urumui, JjOUllOU, t'ariS, lie Hong Kong and Calcutta. 9IAKKI2TS. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! Look nt our display wlndowsns you pass. They aro filled with delicious tilings. For tho Ladles : Call nnd examine our LaboiSaving Carpet Sweepers four styles. Feather dusters always in stock. Jamaica Bananas, direct from New York, Big fellows nnd very Juicy. The SALEM MARKET 03 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality or tell and Salt Meats ! And all kinds of S AUS AG B. Soon after boarding the O. R. & N. train, who should take his seat beside me but that irrepressible prohi, (former democrat,) the ex postmaster of Silverton? John re cently sold out his business nnd resigned his Nasbyship to try Eastern Oregon, or 'Washington Territory, his health not being robust. Ho goes toRltzville. Close to us was a grand daughter of one of our old preachers, Father J. K. Rule, of Gilroy, Cal., going with her niuuandand family to tho same place. A Forest Grove good tem plar and prohi, and L. W. Robert son, of Independence, (brother to J. P. Robertson, of your city,) were also on board. Mr. R. was going to look after his stock ranch near Arlington. ALONCl THE MAJESTIC COLUMBIA tho ride is very pleasant till you pass Tho Dalles, which shows signs of growth nnd improvement. Then the sand blows so as to penetrate tho cars, and sometimes to stop the trains as effectually, as snow drifts. Indeed, the sand Is fenced against, as snow is on eastern roads. Chinese and white men, wearing goggles to 530 ACRES Well watered and plenty ol timber. Two noues nnd two bnrns. Good orclftird. Meadow nnd 150 acres plow land. Fifty bead of cattlo with the place if wanted, and horses enouch to run it. Within Ave miles of depot on the O. & C. R. U. A bargain for Miiueuouy. Enquire at Office of Capital Journal, KELLER-& SONS, Tho Grocers. FOR SALE 2SS ACRES, Kln cultivation, uOncros good timbor.bal ance pasture; 100 acres In fall wheat, 25 acres in oats, nnd M in notntoos. House. barn, orchard, etc Two miles north of wuem, may bo divided; price, $50 per aero, twins easy. Inquire of G. N. POTTORFF, Cor. State and Commercial Streets, Salem. HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis k Chamberlain. ) acres. 3 mil fmm Kiilnm. hiirlilv eultlvnted $8000 lot, good houso and barn, Kast 8a- ., lem 2500 lot, tlnely shunted- 1760 " ucrtM, zs nines irom cuiioin, wen Improved, am 'bo divided into 3 or four tracts 10,000 0 acres, 8 miles from south of Salem, fair Improvemements,rlno timber and water 3250 1 block of land, 8 houses, rent for J12 each, pays Interest on Jiouu 3000 to acres 3k miles south of Kulera, fair improvements 2300 4 acres, adjoining city limits, in .. meadow:. 1200 1 'ot, good house nnd barn, adjoining court house block 18M 1 acre, Salem, new house and barn, Plenty of smnll fruit 2000 The foregoing Is but a partial list of the bargains we have to offer. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Salem. , Grange Store Salem Co-fljieralivo Association V. of II. DEALP.IiSl IJf Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. 3-Tho CLEANEST kept market In tho city. Cull and see for younclf. MCCROW &. WILLARD. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, nnd delivered to nny part of tho city at lowest living rates. Please give us your patronage. ALL KINDS OK Produce Bought! JAMES AITKEX, Manager. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. WAll kinds of fresh nnd cured inoats nl ways on hand. Full woight and nfequaro deal all around. MISCJiLKul NIJOUS. 126 State St., - - SALEM, OR. Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Proprietor, 124 v State v St., Salbsl STRICKLER BROS. -DKAI.K1LS IN- STOVES AND TINWARE! Rooliog and Spouting a Specially. 43-At the old stand of Hen. Strang, Com mercial Street. F.J.BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! protect their eyes, nro kept busy shoveling oil tho tracks. Timber la scarce hero and tho only grass Is of tho bunch variety: tho green sod of tho Willamette being missed, and tho landscape dreary in aspect. At Bonneville dinner is announced an extra good meal being served, in cluding chicken, strawberry pie, and ico cream for dessert. Hut you receive only 2o cents change for your dollar on passing out. At Arlington, supper. Hero wo stop to talk politics in tho M. E. church, air. Frank McFarland, a prominent merchant, who used his full intluonco to carry tho county for tho amendment, and, with tho aid of others, grandly succeeded, opened tho church, lighted up and rang tho bell. A good sizedaudlenco listened so well, that wo came near staying with them too long to catch the 0:20 train for Echo. Sir. McFarland is tho publisher's friend. "Without soliciting outsido of his store ho lias secured over 100 yearly subscribers, "cash down," for tho Pacific Express, tho organ of tho prohibition party. A good many prohibition votes can bo counted on in June and November. Mr. Maschor decided tostayovor till the next afternoon, so as to hear ono more straight prohi speech. Hero wo discovered Henry Clymer and brother, of Marlon county, who are stock ranching hereabouts, tho former having taught school tho past season; lie looks fat, sun- browned and hearty. They accom panied us to tho train. The last Methodist pastor, Rro. Doweoho, was a Willamette Univer sity student. You find them re flecting credit on tho Institution everywhere. what's considerably, like the oaks near tho const of Southern California. Tho largo stocks of barbed wire at tho stores betoken the scarcity of fencing timber. Tho contrast between primitive and modern methods is well ex emplified on tho river. Yonder aro tho Indians, patiently sweeping tho water for million, hour after hour, with long-handled scoops or dip-nets, while tho white man's llsh wheel. turned by tho current, automatically works day and night, picking up uio iinuy prey aim inrowing u into tho receptacle provided. Arlington had a disastrous lire recently, but is re-building, partly with brick. Tho question whether It can retain tho county seat, located hero by Gov. Moody, on tho organ ization of the newcountyof Gilliam, will overshadow tho tariff, congress ional, legislative nnd oven tho presidential issues. Juno 4th -will end tho agony. Tho lodgo of Good Templars T had tho pleasure of organizing, four yours ago, is sun nourisning. Tiiero nro lots of life nnd business in this grow ing young town, but Till: l'lir.VAT.KNCi: Ol' SALOONS, nnd tho ninny stockmen, rouirh. jolly nnd free hearted, who como In, give it tho appearance of a frontier or mining town, especially tho latter, because It is built in the V. or irulch where a laro valley narrows down. to tho river. Among other improve ments going on nro n lino reservoir and water works. At midnight reached Echo, named by Mr. J. II. Kountz, after his little daughter. It was too bad to sco tho line Untiring mill with $20,000 worth of now machinery, propelled by n $.1,000 fiume, in ashes, supposed to bo tho result of sparks from n night locomotive engine. J. W. W. I'kxdi.kton, May 12th. TUB KD1T0K TAKEN TO TASK. Fewer Saloons Will Not Diminish the Evils of tho hiijiior Tralllc. STATE NEWS. From u conversation with our heavy wheat-raisers to-day, says tlio Pendleton Republican, wo learn that tho outlook was never better. Tho soil n half-inch below tho sur face Is moist, nnd with ono good rniu between now nnd Juno 1st, our wheat crop will prove n heavy, one. Tho Polk County Itemlzer gives tho details of tho accidental killing of W. R. Mnchctt, forcmnn of the lumber ynrd nt La Camas. Tho tilting of a car whilo being unloaded on mo wnari, tnrow tno load on this man, and his body was mnshed from tlio shoulders downward. 1 lis death wns Instnntnncous. Hnrnoy Vulley Items: Ah Mr. Thos. Rntes nnd family wero driv ing over n bridge across Sllvles river; foine fifteen miles southenst of Rums, tho brldgo guvo uwny, upsetting tho wagon in tho water. Tho lather succeeded in rescuing all of his fam ily except his second son, who was drowned before ho could bo taken lrom under tho wagon. Ex-Senator Williams lielng asked his opinion of tho prohibition vote In the state nt tlio coming election, snld: "My opinion is that the whole vote will not bo any larger than It wits two years.'ngo.nnd it Is doubtful If It is as largo. A numberof avowed prohibitionists In Clackamas county whoio I havo Just been, say that tlioy will support tho republican ticket." ..A full stock of ROOKY MOUNTAIN 'Coffee House! Eut Side liberty, oppJOpera Home, S. B. WVTICINS, -f Prop. S-Mwt alt bears bom So to . - Groceries, Canned Goods, Fresh Vegetables, Etc, Just received a nice article In New -:-Orleans -:- Baking-:- Molasses. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TO WHOM 1TMAY CONCKRN-NO-I tlco In hereby given thai the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of It A. Geaner late of said county, deceased, by the honorable county court orthe state of Oregon, for the county of Marlon. All penons bavins claims against said estate are hereby required to present them with proper vouchers to the omce six months fiuni the date of this notice. inderslgned at the of J.J. Mu Jriswold's block. Salem. Oregon, wi tt -AN I UNDERTAKER, FAimAR'H BLOCK, HTATK STUKKT, Salem, Oregon.- An kinds of Furniture made to order. A full line of Casket ulways on bund. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- BL, bet. Kerry and Mate. SHAVING, HAIIt CUTTING AND HbampoolOK neutty done. ALONZO flHSNKlL Administrator of said estate. Balem, Offu, May 11, lit. BENSON'S EXPRESS, LEAVB OKDKItH AT UlXCSTH UV err Htable. corner of Htate and Front streets, or on slate at corner State and Com mereial streets. lrompt attention and eare truarunteed. W. A. BKN80N. N A NAM Iff Considerable, BliakHporo (or Bacon) to tho contrary notwith standing. TIiIh place wns formerly called Alkali, but that was too mig- gestivoofthe nature of tho noil in tho neighborhood. Now It Ih a county Beat, it Ih culled, more euphemistically, Arlington. Juntas Httiigtown, In tho California mining region, now alma to push into oblivion Hh lynch law history, by dubbing itself Flncerville; and as tho lovely Island of Van Dleman's Lund veils Its old name, bo bukkohUvo of convict days, in the more euphon ious ono of Tasmania. Gov. Moody, whom we espied at Tho Dullta depot, has a warehouse hore. In sheltered spots the pouch grows thriftily, but whero the wind cuii catch the trees they bond over Hurklen'a Arnica Salts. Tho bust salvo In tho world fo. cutH, bruises, sores, ulcers, sultrheum, fover sores, teller, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd nil skin erup lions, mid positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money wfunded. I'rleo 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. Tbe IJolMtront Atlantic Is it terror tn timid voyagers, scarcely lomt on uceount of the perils of tlio deep tliiin the almost certainty of S&-1 slclcnuwi. The best cunttlvo of mul do mor Is IIosttttor'H Btomaoh Hitters, which settles tho stom ach at once and prevents Its disturbance, To all travelers ami tourists, whether by sea or land, It presents a huppy medium between the nuiiHoous orlnclfectuul resour ces of the medicine chest, and the problem atical bencflt derivable from an unincdl. cuted ulcoholle stlmulent, no mutter how pure. Tho Jurrlni; of u rullroud cur often produces stomuchlo disorders akin to that caused by tho rolling ofu ship. For this tbe bitters Is a prompt and certain reme dy. The use of bruvklsh water, particu larly on lone voyuges In tho tropics, Inevit ably breeds disorders of the stomuoh uud bowels. Hosteller's Htomuoh Hitters mixed with Impure water nullifies its Impurities, Hlmlktrly It counteraets malarial and oth er prejudicial Influences of ollmute or at mosphere, as well as the effects of expos ure und fatigue. Take It for kidney com plaints, rheumatism and debility. kv. Capita i, Jouhn.u,: "Want of time rather than want of heart has proven tod of Into my Inking part in political discussion through the columns of tlio Jouhnai,. Rut, T think your article in Saturday's is sue entitled "Tho Crosby License Rill,", ought not to escnpo fnlr criti cism. In tlio llrst place, nn nrtlele Intended to appeal to tho judgment and intluonco the action of intelli gent men should be froo from deris ive and abusive epithets, such as "cold water disciples" and "fanatical followers". Second, such an article- should bo consistent; that Is, Its sev eral statements should not contm- dlct ono another. Tho following pairs of statements seem to the writer to fall short of this require ment: "The legislature or New! York on ncted a license law, which tlio gov ernor vetoed. Would it not have been wise in theso cold water disci ples toallow this bill to pass?" '"I'lw niM,io!H..ii (. lilu ....,C.l measure (ltd not como chleriy from thowhlskyiutorcst. Tho whls kyites wero stirred with a fear such as had never possessed their souls be fore, declaring that high license would take the bread from thou sands of small dealers," Third, such an article should not bo weak enough to assume as a basis for argument, or as a reason of de nunciation, what is not admitted to bo true. Tlio statement, therefore, that "Tho money that would bo saved to tons or thousands of homes, and the contort that would bo gained by multitudes of wives and families now kept penniless by tho debauchery of tho bar-rooms, wa never heeded in tho selfish clamor," is totally wllhoutpolnt, whether In tended as a charge ugainst the 'whlskyllcs' or tho 'cold ,vater disci ples'. And for these reasons, high license will ho sure either to Increase the cost or whisky to tho consumer or to cause It to be wretchedly adul terated, ir tlio first result follow, what be comes of the "money that would bo saved?" Would not tho "wives und families now kept penniless by the debauchery of tho bar-rooms" sllll be "kept penniless"? Rut ir tho sec ond result follow, what would be come of the "comfort that would bo gained?" The truth is, whilo high license will diminish the number of saloons, It does not follow that it will diminish tlielr power for evil. You further say: "Tho spectacle of avowed temperance reformers Jolu imr with liiiuor dealers to defeat a measure designed to relievo tho truf fle or Its worst features, is shocking to tho sense of every reasonablo man." I reply tho question or what a measure Is adapted to do, Justly has more weight with "avowed tem perance reformers" then what It Is designed' to do. We are very sure (hat any license law, low or high, is not adapted "to relievo the trallle of its worse features." These worse features are Inherent In thotrafllc it self. The saloon Is naturally a school or vice will the Immoralities it teaches be less liunnful because the tuition Is higher? The saloon Is the natural parent of pauperism, in sanity and crime. High license may 'render her hideous ollsprlng legltl niute can It make them less mon strous in essential character? Tho saloon Is now the chief stronghold or political corruption; behind her screens, the brlbe-glver anil bribe taker meet; In her dark corners tho 'goods' are delivered and tho'boodle' Is paid. Can license relievo the trnlllo of these features? Rut 1 think further argument were a needless waste or words. Tlio permission or government, however obtained, cannot make right what is essentially wrong. No government has the right to barter for revenue the health and safety and virtue or her (icople. T. C. Johv., May 14th. for llouiewires la I'onnMer. Table cutlery, crockery, dishes, glassware, silverware, lumps In large assortment, lurs, crocks, etc, etc., nil at IhhIiocJc prices, at H. Farrar t Co'h. We Tell Yu 1'Ulnly That the best place to buy your clothing Is of G. W. Johnson, the clothier. Gent's furnishing goods in every variety. HT. HKI.KN, PIANO TUN Kit ANI store, Htate street, Halein, Or. repairer. All work warranted. Untve orders at T. McF. I'uttou's book