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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1888)
CAPITAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1SSS. NO. G2. JOURNAL. I'KOl'ESSIONAI. CARDS. mPO V. HoWi AUUlwni ai nail (j and District Attorney. Office at court house. RvMSEY A BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS mid Counselors nt Law. Business in the Supremo Court a specialty. Snlom, Or. nilLMON FORD, ATTORNEY AND T Counselor nt Lnw. Salem, Oregon. OUlec. up stairs In Pattern's block. . A GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT S1 Law, Salem, Oregon. Office in ration's Hock, up stairs over Belt's drug store. n T. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT S Law. Office over Capitol National Bink 210 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. TITJI. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AY Salem, Oregon. Office with Tllmon Ford, in Pattou'sbulldlng. Will practice in nil tho courts or Oregon. Collections made. Land office business a specialty. n if DARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN J selor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Having aTi abstract of tho records of Marlon coun tv including n lot and block Index of bn lem ho has special facilities for examining title's to real estate. c .VPITAIi LODGE, NO. II, I. O. G. T., ...ic nvnrvsntiirilnv nvonlnir. in their hall, second door north of Post Office. G. Jso. IvSIOUT. Sec. II. S. Jon Y, W. C. T. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT scientist, anthropologist, physician and sun-eon, will open an office In tho Now Bank Block, on May 1st, for tho treatment i,f nil diseases of womun, and all other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and Ucrtro-inngnetlsin used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 176,Salem, Oregon. roir SALE. RwMence for Sale. Willis A Chamberlln have a deslrablo house and lot, most eligibly located on HiL'li street, llrst block north of Court House, for salo at S1S00. A good opportu nltj to secure a homo In a convenient lo cation. For Sale- A good iron framo Horse Power. Good for nil uses, from ono to full capacity. All fortholowpricoofSGO. call at tho Pacific Cider, Vinegar A Fruit Preserving Com pany's office. Salem, Oregon. FARM FOR SALK. IWj, acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by ngood road, from Salem, 143 acres In culti vation, balance In timber. Well watered, good SlOOOhousoof 8 rooms, modoratobarn, well nt tho door ; all fenced and a thrifty young orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to pasture grass, and 07 ncros in grain. Pur chaser can havo liberal terms to harvest crops. PRICE $4000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm and suvo agent's fees. J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at tho Grange Store. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACRES Well watered and plenty oj timber. Two houses and two barns. Good orchard. Meadow and 150 acres plow land. Fifty head of cattle with tho place if wanted, and horses enough to run It. Within five miles of depot on the O. it C. It. It. A bargain for someoody. Enquire at Office of Capital Journal. FOR SALE 28S ACRES, 225 In cultivation, oO acres good timber, bal nnco pasture; 100 acres In fall wheat, 25 acres In oats, and SO in potatoes. House, barn, orchard, etc. Two miles north of Salem, may bo divided; price, 50 per acre, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. POTTORFF, Cor, State and Commercial Streets, Salem, REAL ESTATE BARGAINS OFFERED BY Willis k Chamberlain. CO acres, 3 miles from Salem, highly cultivated ' lots, good houbC and barn, East Ba llots, rineTysftuateU-I".-"! 11".'. H acres, 31 miles from Salem, well 83000 2S00 17C0 unproved, can ue tuviueu into or four trueta 10,000 KO acres, 8 miles from south of Salem, fair lmprovemements,rlno timber , , and water S9G0 1 block of land. 3 houses, rent fer $12 each, iiays Interest on f40U S000 SO acres 3 miles south of Salem, fair improvements 2200 5 acres, adjoining city limits, In meadow 1200 1 lot, good house and barn, adjoining court house block 1860 1 ai re, Salem, new houe and barn, plenty of small fruit 2000 The foregoing Is hut a partial list of the 1'argHlns we have to ofler. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera Houso, Court Streot, Snlom. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Coffee House! Et SWe Uknj, p.:0fn Hm, S. B. WATKINS, -.- Prop. GKOCEItlKS. s Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches,. Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, -Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street The Malik Grocers, KELLER & SONS, Arc Still on Top, WITH Renewed Life ! Increased Patronage! Heavier Sales! New Goods! Join tho procession and send In your orders wo will treat you tine. Evorvbodv sneaks In nralsoof our canned good. They cannot bo biipussed inquallty. Iiook at our display windows ns you pas?. They are filled with delicious things. For tho Ladios : Call and .cxomluo our iiiibor-saviug cnrpei a weepers iour siyies. Feather dusters always In stock. Jamaica Rananas, direct from New York. Rig follow s and very Juicy. KELLER k SONS, Tho Grocers. Grange store Salem Co-Operative Association P. of H. DEAI.ERSI IN Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. A.LL, KINDS OF Produce Bought! JAMES AITKEN', Manager. 126 State St., - - - SALEM, OR. Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Proprietor, 124 v Statu v St., v A full Mock of. Groceries Canned Goods, Fresh Vegetables, Hta. Jut reee ved a nlee artlef in New -s- Orleans -:- Baking -: Molastet. Rock Bottom Grocery, T. BUCHANAN, Pkoi., Oar. Court und HIrIi Streets,. 111 wins Keep MHMtsnUr oa.hMMl (toll Hw Of GENERAL Groceries 1'INANCIAL. R3TA11LISHED 11 Y NATIONAL AUT1IOKITV. ThcGapital National Bank- SALEM, - Capilal Paid up, Surplus, - - OREGON. - - $75,000 - 9,500 It. S. WALLACK, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vlce-Presldont. J. II. AIiHEUT, .... Chshler. DIRECTORS! W. T. Grny, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace, , J. II. Albert, T. MoP. Patton. LOAMS MADE ' To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, cither In private granaries or ipublio warehouses. Slafe and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at roaoonahlo rates. Drafts drawn, direct on New York, Chicago, San Kranclsco, Portland, London, Paris, lierlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. IiAIHIK, -1)11. .1. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - - - Prostdont. Vice Prohldont. - - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Excliango on Portland, San Francisco, Now York, London and Hong JCong bought nnd sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advnnccs mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at rcasonabio rates. Insurance, on nucIi se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In most rellablo companies. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET 03 COURT STItEET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of tell and Salt Meals ! And all kinds of SAUSAGE. 09-Tho CLEANEST kept market in tho city. Call and see for yourself. McCUOW WILLAItD. WEST BROTHERS' EAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, nnd delivered to any part of tho city at lowest living rates. Please glvo us your patronage. CITYMEAT'MARKET D. C, Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON. 3-AU kinds of fresh and cured moats always on hand. Full weight and awjuaro deal all around. MISCKtXA NEOUS. STRICKLER BROS. DKALE11S IN STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofing and Spouting a Specially. 3-At tho old stand of Hen. Strang, Com mercial Street. K.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! -AN UNDERTAKER, KAHHAItW HLOOK, STATU 8TIIBKT, Salem, Oregon. Ai, yimU of Kurnlture made to order. A full line of GbMket always on ltad. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Ft&tg Sws a Specialty. Mw)M UM MM'.anpoat MlM0fJv UOSEIintG NEWS. An Intprpstiiig Scrips of Xcwsy Notes Prom the Uui'iquu. Your correspondent being in Rose burg, begs letivo to ntllict you and your patrons with a few notes. Tho circuit court for tho second ju dicial district is now in session, Judge Bean presiding. The judgo is very popular as n jurist in this dis trict. Ex-U. S. District Attorney Jns. F. Watson, of Portland, is visiting friends hero and attending to legal business before the court. The Plaindealer and Review each propose issuing campaign dailies from now until nfter the Juno elect ion. Mr. Robert Smith, Mrs. Alonzo Brown and Mrs. A. E. Champaign, all pioneers of Douglas county, were followed to tho city of the dead dur ing the past week and tenderly laid to rest. They each had a host of friends. Mr. A. Mires of Ellonsburg is in the city. Ho returns homo next week. Roseburg is alive to her interests. Amidst all tho turmoil, battlo and smoke of tho present political cam paign, the citizens do not forget to secure all that will tend to make their town the llrst and most enter prising city in the state. Two east ern men propose building n woolen mill hero providing tho citizens glvo them a good water power. Tho amount of stock lias been subscribed and the woolen mill will bo built. Other improvments nro sure to follow. Hon. 0. W. Colvig, who repre sented Douglas county for eight years as stato senator, lias been added to the IMaindcaler force, and will help keep that journal spicy and In line until all tho republicans now nominated nro duly elected. II. S. Haggard, late district attor ney of tho second Judicial district, is wanting to bo state senator for Ids senatorial district, but it is quito evident that not lie, but n republican will bo elected. iur. unanoy atepiiens, tlio young man who recently committed sui cide near Paisley, was raised near tills city nnd was tho son of ono of our most estimable citizens, Rev. Stephens. Charley was a bright boy, hnd good training nnd good family associations. Rum did tho work. Ho for some timo lias been n nuisance to himself nnd friends. Recently ho secured about $1,000 from his mother and went to Colo rado, California, and thenco up through enstern Oregon, where ho finally ended his misernblo existence as described by tho dispatches. He was brothor-ln-Iaw to tho luto W. F. Owoiib who ended his llfo tho same way in tills city. Tho family ure sorely nlllicted. I prophesy that Mr. Geariit's vote will fall fur behind ids ticket in old Douglas. W. II. B. RosKimita, May 11. I'lmi Millkh, In Ills speech on Thursday ovonlng, wild there was no need to tight the Mills bill, because It did not stand tho ghost of a ehauco of success. A Pittsburg papor con llnns tills judgment by saying tlioro Is no need for Randall to array his small following against It, "us tho bill will bo sure to defeat Itself. " This moans tho democrats nro not hearty In their profossed dosiro for tnrltr revision, and this useful work will havo to bo delayed till tho re publicans tnko it in hand. TlieArorn (lull. This club of Jolly young jwoplu Have Hh olosliiL' lion at Diamond's muslo hull last oveuiuif. Tho club bus been in existence all winter and spring among tho younger jieople of the city, who lutve !con studying the Torjwiclioremi urt under the oomiwteut tutonhlp of Chfw. Rtely. In addition to the memleni of the club, several guusta lMrtlcljmted in the aiijoymeutof the evening, which buted until iwt midnight. An ex ceedingly pletusjiit time who ImuI by nil who HtUHidtsd. KKLIUlurs INTEIiIiIUGNCB. Pkishytuiuan Citritcir. Row II. A. Xowell, pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 a. u. and 7:30 i. m. Society of Christ Inn Endeavor at 0:30 p. u. Sab bath school at 12 u. ; R. S. "Wallace, supt. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:J0 i u. "Welcome to all, nt nil tho services. Baptist Cmntcii. Corner of Liberty nnd Marion streets. Rev. A. R. Medbury, pastor. Services nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 i r. Sunday school nt noon. Young people's meeting nt 0:30 i jr. All an? cordially incited. Conohkciational Cuuhch. Rev. J. W. Ilnrris, pastor. Corner of Liberty nnd Center streets. Ser vices nt 10:30 a. ji. and 7:30 i jr. conducted by Rev. P. S. Knight. Sunday school nt 112 jr. Young people's meeting tit 0:30 i jr. All ure cordially Invited. M. E". Ciiuncir. Services will bo held In tho M. E. church to-morrow as follews: Morning, at 10:30; Evening at 7:30, Sunday school at 112 jr. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 0:30. All are invited. Seats free. Rev. W. Rollins, pastor. Christian Cuuhch. Elder P. R. Burnett, pastor. Preaching nt 10:30 n. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 12 in. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Evanoiji.icat. Cuuhch. Rev. .1. M. Dick, pastor. Preaching onSun dny at tho usual hour, 10:30 A. jr. and 7:30 i. Jr. Sunday school at 12 jr. ( Snrtry. "W. T. Grlswold, of Washington, son of "Win. C. Grlswold, formerly of Salem, was at tho Cliemekete hotel this morning wlicro ho was met by a Jouiinai. reporter. Mr. Grlswold is chiof of one of tho two parties which will soon begin the work of surveying tho southeastern part of Oregon, and they will get up complete topographical maps of all that section lying between the summit of tho Cascades and tho coast. These parties are sent out here by tho U. S. Geological Survey bureau. This bureau was established about seven years ago by the gov ernment, and now has over forty surveying parties in tho Held. Mr. Grlswold returned to Portland this afternoon and will leave there for Ashland to-morrow evening. Tho topographical maps to bo mado will be on a scale of four miles to the inch, and aro for use in the interior and war departments. Swirt's AllolntiiiriitA. John F. Swift of California will open the campaign for the republi cans in Oregon, in opposition to J. P. Irish, at Ashland on Monday next. Ashland May 11, Grant's Pass May l, Roseburg May 17, Baker City May 10, Union May 21, Ln Grande May 22, Pendleton May 23, Snlom May 25, Eugene May 20, Albany May 28, Corvallls May 20, Dallas May SO, McMinnville May 31. It will bo remembered that Mr. Swift was tho republican nominee for governor in California In 188(1. flood Send On. Mr. T. I). Porter, formerly In the mechanical department of TiiuOAr iTAi JouitNAi, on Monday will start out on a canvassing tour through the county, mid to wrlto up tho towns ho visits. Mr. Porter has had oxHirIcucc in this business, he Is energetic and alert, and we look to Ids giving a good account of himself. Any favors extended to him will be duly appreciated by tho JouiiNAJ company. y Cbii Jlrfllnj,'. Thy German Baptist, (or Dunkurd) Brethren will hold their camp meet ing at Maolwiy, Marlon county, Or,, commencing June 10th, holding over the following Sunday. All who rosisHit religious services are heart ily Invited to come and hear. A line lut or 'trial r'rultn. Dried iieutitrlutM, iienchu, nprl oottf, tHMtrs, apple), blackberries, prune, plums, etc., eto. The llnwt ever brought luto this market at S. lrwr fc Co'n. I'MinKorWool. Highest ewth prlfW -mid fur wool in tli Opem HtHHwuloek. V. Lftvv. TKIiKGIiAPMC SPLINTS. Archbishop Lynch died in Toronto yesterday of congestion of tho lungs. Hon. Robt. M. Me La no, minister to France, leaves Havre to-day on tho steamer La Rretnguc, for Now York. He will make a short stay In America. Emperor Dom Pedro, of Brazil, is lying sick at Milan, Italy, and Ids recovery is despaired of. The Pratt County, Kansas, Nation al Bank was entered at noon yester day by thieves, nnd robbed of $1010, nil In currency, Tho cashier's mo mentary absence enabled the thieves to elleet an entrance by kicking a pane of glass out of a window. ' llou't Kxporimi'iit. You cannot allbrd to waste time in experimenting when your lungs nro in dauge. Consumption always seems at llrst only a cold. Do not admit any dealer to Impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, but be sure you get tho genuine. UccaUHo he can make more prollt he may tell you he has something just as good, or Just tho same. Don't be deceived, but Insist upongettingDr. King's New Discovery, which Is giiiinteed to give relief in all throat, lung and eliest directions. Trial bottles free at H. W. Cox's drug store. Large bottles $1. A Truly ( Invention. Vo desire to call tho attention of our readers to a most excellent and ingenious device, invented by Dr. J. 11. Vincent, president of. Chautauqua college, it is known as tlio"ChaulauqunCombliintl(mr) raw ing Board and Writing 'Desk," and must be seen tobo appreciated. It Isa simple, compact nU'alr, just the tiling for each family whoro there aro children to educate and amuse and an indispensable help In every primary school. Fred M. Campbell, stato superintendent of public in struction of California, says of It. "I am very sure that any family that secures one of these Inexpensive articles through this word of mine, will always bo grateful to mo for calling attention to it." Mr. Hoopongarner is now in Salem and will call on our citizens, after which he purposes making a canvass of the county. Bo ready when ho comes to glvo your order. Price only $1.50. A Su'imi i.t'h'al Opinion. E. Bainbrldgo Munday Esq., county ntty.,Clay county, Tex., says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brothor also was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied electric bitters saved Ills life." Mr. I). L "Wllcoxson, of Horso Cave, Ky., adds a like testlmonoy, saying: Ho positively believes ho would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward oil", as well as cure all malarial diseases, and foridlkldnoy,llvernnd stomach disorders stands unequnled. Price 50c. and $1. at H. W. Cox's. Hperlal JW'ttluf. There will Ikj a special meeting of Sedgwick Women's Relief Corps at their hall In tills city Tuesday ovon lng, May 15th for the transaction of legal and other Important business All members aro requested to bo present. K. A. Byars, Prosldont. nurklrn'a Arnlr.i fialre. The best salvo In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, mid all skill erup tions, and positively euros plies, or no pay required. It Is uuamnteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 eontH por box. For sale by Dr. H. W. Cox. Tlie brtb KxhalN 1'oUvn. The Hlr la lorallUe wlmre veffetutlon, rot tod hy rrwliebi, In lutil Iwra to the sun's royn hy the retiring iUmmI. MIIIIoiw or Mlimrii uortM, la the vlulnlty orthexreKt trlhutMiiM or the MlamlMtippI uml Mhwotirl In theHoiillt hiwI Hoiitli-wtait, filve forth tliU fevr-U((Iuu iiiltwniHtlc vu)Mir, (lUuHtiiil imtliMf uwlMrlMl iHwtllencA broHiIamtt. Not only throiiKhout the Krwt Went, but wher ever on thl Miiitliiuat fever Mini mjuo inakeii 1W iwrliMlle HpimHrunoa miu! wlmt looHllty U wliolly e.xeiat from IIT IIm letter'HHtoiiwch Itltteni lit the reoilel defeiDw, the iniMt highly ttocreillit hikI )mi utur iihwim of en re. I'ever wml Htfue, bll Iouk remittent, dumh sguo Minlimue aHke HfertMlUlHl ly It. Nor U It low potent when UcmI to raioov uin-tliittUon, liver oiilnt slid dyiMlH, kldn' Ifoublw imvuiUMiwwawl rueuinUe HllliMHta. Uo UMiMHitlteHret HiMHWninM of tbM Ikm blM, wild with iientUleuce. a- Mu m an Immmh, Anw fc loScfii I