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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1888)
1JJJH Wi- 'J :A If i EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL IUHI.MKIII EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY THK Ca"ital Journal Publibirtg Coirnan". lINfOm-OKATMIl nOtt, ill Cwrl Strwt, 0(t r: llnw Hll. THK.MH OK JHUUfCKIITION IIAII.Y. Wx month. hyMtlI !W riirw KHtii tr i I'er vwk illlwwl by Barrier IS WtiKKLY. OiieyuM- - -II 52 HlxiMinilw r W One ytr. If lathi tor In mlvsnee 1 () Hlx iikhiIIw, ' " M A WAIL l"KO.M iii:mochat. mmuiii i iinuHamuuuaii' '"," MISCELLANEOUS. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' j-ri.lmtcr nr HiitJMwd to re ceive uImtIIIoii. WKiiImwI b woihU'Iiww mntter t the Nlf ni.OnwtHi.ltMloiniv. March H, Vm. HATUIUUV.lAY II, 1888. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. CongreMtiwn, HINflllit IIIIUMANN. HiijireineJuilKC. W. 1'. IXHtl). IWIdcNtliil Klector, IIOIIIIliT MCMSA.V, Wit. KAPIV, v. w. y vinos. rrufrMMllliK Attorney TlilnJ 1)11., It. II. IIKWITT. MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. nriHrKTTivw, J. II. WAI.IH), Jl.clo;. T. T. OKHII, Hllmluii. I. t. W1I.H0N, MlMH. H. I.AUUN, VWIIwrn. W, AIIMHlllOKH, Hoiilli Balriii. iitturr, K. M. CHOIR V.N, 8.IHU. eiruK, r. J. IIAIIOUL'K, HMtiu. kieoM't. J. II. HTA1III. 1I..I P.lnn. . 7hMH)lim, A. 0. CONIUT, Allln.tlllo. A. I'. III.A0KH1HV. mitrtlmi. COMMIMInNrl", A. II, COll.NKMlH. Mirlou W T oniJf. Iliiblwril HHrx.l. M'rmMU'MiMlT, I). W. YWiKU. Ktlrrtlun. UMDVllll, W. J. Cl'J.VKH, lt SMIr-m 0Hiftllll. W. ii. o iiyi.vxh. WiKHttutii I.OOKINII TO TIIIEH.VVIi; KM), A wail goes up from the leading 1 flfinoonitlc daily of the nttu, tlie EtwtOFegoiilHii. "From tlicjireKUit outlook," hhvh tlwt (licgruiitlwl organ, "Ihore 1m ho iwminlo chance of electing Uutrln orn majority of the IegiHluture." The writer gives IiIh ruwMiiiH for this unconditional Mirremler. In I'ortlaiul theroaro wrangling and hair-nulling, combt iiMiioim ami trade with political rlngntern, anii;one of the lenders of the jmrty is a crank who is fast treading IiIh way to the iwyluni. The Multnomah democrats, wo may add, are too greedy for the spoilt) to work In harmony in any public miK1; they preeent to the mind's eye Jut.t the mine gaunt and raven ing tiger that Nwt drew with Mich striking rculNin In his cartoons u few years imo. In linker county there Is a bitter strife over the legis lative ticket. Two candidates were nominated while the county is en titled to but one; neither will draw ou t and the contention ensures defeat. All this, our tioliticiil censor tells us, because the principles of the democratic party are neglected, dlsaHection pervades all ranks, and defeat Is a moral certainty. What hasoH'cndcd this wise man of the east does not apiear on the surface; but his outcry shows disharmony In the camp, and it must have a demoralizing oiled on the followers. Democratic Slate Ticket, : For Presidential raectors, V. F. KKKINOKK, W. II. HILYBU, K. II. HKIPWOKTH. For Congressman, JOHN M. OKAIUX. For Supreme Judge, JOHN JIL'KXBTT. For Proeullng Attorney Ski District, O. W. 1IKI.T. If I'rof. .lory Is willing to take mrt In nHwptr dlhCU.lon, lie iiitist not be too keen In his look out for MlluhtH. "(old water dis ciples," has been iiwd In this .ner as a perlphruMtlc way ofiuentlonlng lla pnilillilllmilHlM, ami Hit' irtleeor thinks this Is uIiiihIvc. I'nlvciwlly decorum itinnnt lie huporteil Into tin cut hiiiI thrust of dully ueMt.- SIHrM. In the nrnfewMir1 letter. ihiIiIIhIii'iI In another column, he enters Into notliliig better to talk about. iNTeiiuehhee the prohibitionists are making good headway. They have called a state convention In Nashville, to lw held the ISId Inst., to nominate uuidldatcs for gov ernor and otherstateollccs;it Is also proponed to put county and muni cipal candidates In the Held. Ill the south (here Is a strong prohibition sentiment, ami cold water champi ons, in some places may win. Tim: I'oilland World wiys: "the Oregonlau bus been raking over the ashes of the past with its calumni ous talons!" Calumnious talons is good. A fervid southern attorney charged the client on the other Hide wllli "putting Ids hands in his breeches pockets like a eroekodlle." those figures of pcceli have a per plexing tendency to getting them selves mixed. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. IytKlclHtorx, FKANK FKM.KIt, W. II. DOWNINO, T. I.. DAVIDSON, C'IIAKI,H MII.I.KK, W. V. Dt'OAN. - Slierlir, hknhy bciiomaki:h. Clerk, W. I. KAY. ttecoriler, C. D. COI.KJIAN, Treanircr, O. a. VAN WAONKIt. CoinmWsloneni, X. MATHIKU, I.. HAItDINO. Kcliool Huixrlntcndcnt, JOSKI'lI A. HIILI.WOOJ). Ktmcyor, A. O0IIAI.KT. Aci-CKHor, 1IKNKY I'AKKKK. Coroner, J. A. ItOTAN. STAIGER BROS., IniiHirtorsiiiKl Dciilcrs In nmrnvT r-n orrriA7T7C rpT-ri?. Kixr k (Jiiiv ur diuvjju IN THE CITY IS AT M..WADB & CO'S, 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Ranges, AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages. I i i R. J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING!! H. W. COX, (Successor to The Tort Drug.Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon H ATS AND- Boot s m M MI1UU0 H1 FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. 24!) COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. WM. BROWN L CO. FULL LINE Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specially. AGENCY FOU THE CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLEIl Red Letter 5c. Cigar. S,The best flvo tent cigar In the mar- II. W. COX. 100 State Street. Safem. A Kew Deal In Wood. Tun AHmny Doiiuionit mils the tiiriU' iiiuhtioii, "tlii' liurnliiK ',H"1' f the iliiy." The liitormlimblc lis- ClIH-ltlll (if lliln WCIirlHIIIIlC topli', ln lllclciliiii tlii' iliKi.TclitlliiK voter, mHh llu to IiIh temper ufter he lias given half a tloeii eeuli)K to u tarlll' de- iNite, mid he wiintN In hum up nil thiKe stump outturn who ean llml an Mi-Kumcnt to hIi.iw that any leg tllHtlonof (he Ihpior trallle which illmliiUlnw the number of hiIooiih, iloen not uiltlKHte the evil, heeaune the veutluiv of the ileleterlounartlele will either lnen-HM their prhv per ilrrnn, or inaUe their Ihpioix ntlll inure llery ami alioiulualile. Thl refill, eolalni,llltlivieahe the (iiiiiiiiiitliiii. In KniiNW, to Mvnhl the prohlhltiou law, elanilen tine ilenlerr. k'II u wxik fenueutel iltMMH'lloii they mil limit. I'eople will k Into Hlley ami dive Into tlark eellnix to huy It, Ikiwiim It U (Wbhhleii I'rult, hut It Ih mi wanliy Hinl uiipMlaUlile that the tonr iwii not U fonml who tiiinK. two XIhmH(M l.ltlllK. '. UMllllHllI, nl JVoiii tluiy, hut rrtun aetiwl o4M'rHtlou, tlmt hbih lleeiiM, Sun. Uy I'kMitK, Imhlllty ftir Imnnilone, Hinl other mIIiv rtulatlon.ll teml to lMrN the Industry ami liwUe It iiuprotliMhle. The lltpior tml U now netting to lm mi illerep. iiUulo that diHviit men nrv MvkltiK rn.wr i.hiimk oi llVellllutHl, So wy. nieut.HU m t-lmiiy.- In tmr mh-UI Hft iwitiiut Im IumukIiI HUmt without etuiUitu.uui ertll ; miiiI h UifUlHtlve eHMVtllMMIt U llX HlHU.Vt.JMIMethvrtble, x" iVMirt to Miiw4u' mhmU uf ImUlUr W IUi the IvMlluu MHl "keep irhnc hw,v." Bui triVMt iiioveioeut U not etut v hi IliUUki. Vau M.klik.. I x Ci.i-viiIIIh an Inventlgatlon milt l iiImmiI to Im hi'iaiKht to rerttraln pnteeetlhiKH toward the IhiIIiIIiik uf a eoiiuty Jail. One eaiiw of the trouhle U that the eontrnet wan not let to the IoWcmI hhhler. The all thoiltlcM of llentoii enmity are Ih hluil the timett. In Salem eotitraetH aivawanletl to the highest hhhlern, ami (IiIh new departure mvo with out iiieHlion, U'eaiiM- It tends to re-duo- the Mtirplus. Tin: prerililmit of the liiun! of 1 mile of Sin Kninelseo Ih u nivlit of a eniuinuiilentlon, signed hy Vl wholeNile iiieiehantii, nlgnltylng their denln to ehM their plaeen of huxine on Suturday at o'elwU, ITimii May Ut In Oet. Ixt, and n-(put-tlng him to take Mieh uetioii as he dtvins ius.'tHry to make the movement geneml. A iviUuh( to tlwt elllvt m U-en made hy the Umnl. Tiik b I'ortlund sTnr favorn IiIkIi Urill', Hi the Mime time It ree- oiniiieiidti the eUHUlon of Johnny (iexrin towMiHtx-. The editor Ht tempt to rvooiielle thb InitiiUten- ey uy iitvlMrliiK tlMt the 1ioum of reif--utHllve will U demtHimtle, with or wltliHitthe()rtrnmeiuUr, Mild m Mr. Wetti-ln U In h.Jlih'lhr iiuuiywltli the uliiilnistrHthii ht mil h-m in niiMvellte(iework. tffa. j DEALER IX Mm BOOTS liATIS-T Sl Lis! B 5 f . I.i:aim.n(i Limh! P V-S f . I.dW'RST PUK'IWl i I KTvfX. i 1 I n' Qi - y) -S i '"i -W" XT S w. -ii -4. i -H. O tv i S Lcaflie r mid Findings ! ymf CASH I'AII) FOR YU VlHw Wool, Hides, Pells and Furs. Mf I nm now In tho market soliciting tht trade of nil who buy their yearly supply of wood In the summer months. I nm pre. pared to saw, split nnd store all cord wood sold to my customers in lots from six cords to any large amount desired. A largo nnd well selected stock of nil kinds of wood. May nnd June I offer extra .inducements nnd It will pay you to call nnd get my prices right uwny. AH Mood corded nt your place of residence or business and then sawed and stored. I also oirer extra Inducements to those who wlgh to buy In single cord lots by tho year Mr office Is with G.W. Johnson, 215 Commeiv clal street, where I will be glad to see all of my old customers nnd many new ones. Huy once with this system of handling wood nnd you will always continue. tl GEO. D. GOODHUE. "DUGAN BEOa, PLUM BKRS t GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, And dealers In Steam and Plumbing Goods, 112 State Street,. SALEM, OREGON. hViu'rnl Agent for Oregon of II. Forsyllic's Infallible Corn Cure. Hut ftUritmted tl nun oftheOeinwii ' how If rvMiblUwn aliouldb .fJeoted. rtMk uvwr the Mwoud Ktvue), vHipiw l ueeeet Mr. CWvebuid? Mr. lltwr- me rati iiwi me lieruwita- uutde 'rvlw to hU wmitmmt fewer mloUkex tlutn th IVueh. I HiwUl mM vummuI U mueli. uemuutler lulu utx. At thik tai- the ituiiMMie uiliiM'ut W m lttlM kivummI fixM the mLnhi I'M.K Mll.lJCW, III lit l.pM)t tHI Thuisli.y ewulnv, Mtld there wh imi nnd lUe Uuur intiMe tluu tw kit ,MH,,, lo ,,t lh MUW wu l will liv u w Atlvw f ti. , " uw "w w " ww if rtMihv rvAtrtii uwy ltlii Mututuf tiieuthv ,rf IM,,',- A lltUlwrg vc u. how il l u U- hr(til mImui, but rtn,u ,,,U J"'"" Kv iylM Ihwv ll vlll at ik. dWuuil Uv ' ui ' U "" ,M,,, R BjmmWI to amy hi V ll fkMjOwu-r th .""'WwwIwtngiaiM It, . the 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. I. CJ.hxI'm olil slmul.) HAL KM, : : ': : : OltKOOX. :- UVERYMEX Ami otherH In mvtlof Team or Csimsme Harness: II h III IhIo your Intcrtt to cull iinm me l'f(in purt'hiiKlaK vlKowhrre, h 1 Iiumi tho IIIIKI llllll 11I1W1 CtlllinUMI'HKH'K in I Hit city I'rlnw rrtlureil to iilt llu tlnu. Jiiht re it)iiMi u unit iiuc in Carriage Harness from A. F. Ilissleri Co. CHICAGO. For hh'h I nm Mile iiki-iiI. Thif e lmrn.K are all muilo Iimiii" First Class Pittsburg Leather, WHrnoitiHl. Tin- llmt line of limtom, lllllR) HoIhw, Hllll VlllM 111 thfolh All tliMimW 1 am kWllu Ht crv clo.o tlir urw. IIuuiUIih; ll piilillc furlliclr IIU'itiI IwlrtiiWjHi In the hm, 1 !!! en.w,,r hy jrlet Hllentliin In lui.lneM. to mtrll it ui. lltiUHiimoflhitir AiMn.ii the niture. 1C. . UMTOHT A. E.STKANG, o. ;m dHuiuvreM street. SALliM, . OHK(U)X. IIN.VI.HH I.N STOVESand RANGES HK (its ud S)mii Fillip. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a bpacwlty. a AtfMMl M lk Uti'lJ t uiv. ..v. "Klh-'Y i tytf Fir Wmi jK.IJil ttO! FOR RARGAINS IN FURNITURE GO TO ROTAN & WHITNEY, State Street, Salem, Oregon, Ilnvlmr bnueht out the remnlnder of thn chair f.ietory's stock, wo are prepared to sell chillis lower than nny house In Oregon. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. J PAPI171 i each No. ail t'ominerclnl Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. HACKS -:- AND -:- BUGGIES! A line line of hacks, biiKslc. carts cnr. rlages, hucklHirds, etc. Ilot i o"r wn make and the bet 'astern made biiggle" Every one Warranted! JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING, SCKIKEH t'liil mi the luiilervlened. wneon nmi ,. I TAW aml W"kM.inh "."h, 5 and .HHlNnniiwivUili.trPBt.suii... '' ' and - Pohle. ii hTAlll i ii i. in" tKAl4 WIl.l. uv uu.1 I 'I I I ll Lfufr.fe 4fe-!?w.5 " vi .i ;i--"?. .-y ". i r -z -.-'-v inr iiiaur bill will I iSs' Urv z. . . -, uru ww-s-a tuur oiw win, .ht MiMii uuniixN-itrl " HI" lMf."j uJiTS.,Kr,?',,u, "P" MMW; but by ilu. uuKMa rev. 41 of 11J " Hw ienHKn.Ui tw itu( mmiTK. SCv " " " " iMiitti.41 f ... a la, (tutu i urttt 'TW. iw vi wwk S 1 tiw 5iTK onw na ibw7 tui4 Imm MM 1W1 """ wwwa.mi till the tv t "J,a u be iwied ( &, imI wild biuuMi wwt,, vmm uu ii m hmiO. ' l75iVTi3: 'iuJ'SS lrtt.4 W.U.. . . " Capital Lumbering Company! MAM-K.UTTHKH. K AM. IIK.VI.KII8 IN r Vanotv of km h ( 0 Dressed and Undressed. imuei And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 225 miles bhorter, 20 hours less time than by any other route. First class through passenger and ficlght line from Portland and nil points in the Wil lamette, valley to and from San Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers: The "Win. M. Hoag," the "N. S. Bent ley," the "Three Sisters," nre In service for both passenger and freight traffic between Corvallls and Portland nnd Intermediate points, leaving company's wharf, Corvallts, Him .ucssrs. iiuumnn it uo s wiian, jw un at! Front street, Portland.three times eacl i vi:is us luiiuwn : NoitTii heund: LeaveCorvallls, Mondny, Wednesday and Irldny, 9 am; nrrlve Salem .Monday, cdnesdny nnd Friday. 8 v m; leave Salem fuesday, Thursday und Saturday, 6 l' ; nrrlve Portland, Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday, 3:30 1 jf. bourn heund: Leave Portland, Jlondny, Wednesday and Krldav. (I a vt nrrlvn Kiilem. Monday. Wednesday nnd Friday. 7:15 v if, leave I Salem, Tuesday, Thui-sday and Saturday, 6 am; hi rive Corvnllls, Tuesday, Thur duy and Saturday, 3:30 e M. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leave Albany - - - 1KPM Leave CorvalllH 1:17 PM Arrive Ynqulna 5:50 PM Leave Ynqulna KM AM Leave Corvnllls Kk38AM Anlve Albany 11:13 AM O. A c. trains connect ."nt Albany untl Corvnllls. ' The above trains connect nt YAQUINA vvltu the Oregon Development Cors Une of Steamships between Yuquinn and Sun rniuclco. StII.IMi HATES. STEAMKIIS, FROM S.VN FUASCIS00. Willamette Valley April 29 Willamette Valley,!... -May 19 W aniette Valley: - May SJ W illametto Valley -May 1 SraVMElte. FltOM vaqu i'A Wlllnmotto Valley May J 1 1 aniette Valley May Willamette Valley May ! This company rosorves the right to change willing dates without notice. m&. 1J- I'l'-o-engeM from Portland and all w lllamette VulVev ixilnts can make che coiinectioii with l ho trains of lb ).Mi '.NA noUTK at Albany orCoryall ami If deUned to Sn Krunclsco, should arnuige to nrrlve at Ynqulna the evening before date of hailing. It. ,. - ...... . . k uKfr ynii Frtlglit lUlfS Aiwav i If v,fl. X?r Information apply to Me"?, HUW1AX ,t Co., Krolglit and Tlckrt Agent 200 and 204 Front St., Portland, Or. CC. HOCiUK, Ae't Oen'l Frt. lw. Agt., Oregon IMcltlc It. It. Co., ,, ..j. Corvnllls, Or. l.IITH.VSWEI.L,Jr.Gen'l h"rt; A, IStafc Agl. Oreaon Development Co., 3W Montgomery ;, ssuu Francisco, tw. GEXERAL BLACKSillTIIING CONSTANTLY OX HAM); A.NB- LWlua VH,lwATHwu.briw! ,lhl "' tor rm NM nmwrtN In Mr. mmk m y SBut .MM Ml i " iKHMfafMlirK QUoYw. iV binv SfSSS. Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, j BOXES. FVr. ' S Horseshoeing ! I SALEM OREGON. Ute IniDroved methodi of lHlf MM sluMtt. Ui Min. ... nf tU ndi ftlr fh MindUi. ..r a....... ao.kiH.MM UmcUouuuiintri7... .iv iiiMmtU? MJMm In ui cmS' llefcrtoww1 aovrn bwMiiuui In Ommul JOHN KNIGHT, The Horseheef, A Oommi r, u,l Mrrwt. fWew. Or.