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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1888)
CAPITAL vol. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1SSS. NO. G4. JOURNAL. rnorissioxAi. cuius. BELT, ATTORNEY AT LAW uuiuu ui iuun m ( T and District Attorney, house. BAJI8EY & BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS nnd Counselors nt Law. Business in tue Supremo Court a specialty. Snlem.Or. ATTORNEY AND Orecon. Office, up stairs In Patton's block. mit.Mnx FORD. I counselor at Law, Salem, So 11 VW & GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT i tjiw. Salem. Oregon. OUlce lu Patton's lock, up stairs over ueus urug store. GROCKRIRS. T . T RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY iS Law. Ollleo over Capitol National Bank, 219 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. MSER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, rcgon. uuice wuu aiiiuuu 's butldinsr. Will nrnctlco u,' "" - ,, .,.t.. In nil the COUriS 111 uruguu. uu;iiuu: made. Land ollleo buslnebs n specialty. Tord. in Pi PH P'ARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN selor at Law, Salem, OroRoii. Having in abstract of tho records of Mai ion couu iV Including a lot and block inilox of Sa lci'n, be has bpectal facilities for examining title's to ical estate. -UriTAL LODGE, NO. 11, I. O. G. T., ( meets every Saturday evening, in their hall second door north of Post Otlice. G. JM. Knight. Sec.. II. H. Joiiv.W.CT. HST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND repairer. All work warranted. Lone orders at T. McF. Patton's book store, State street, Salem, Or. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and surgeon, will open nn ollleo in tho Now Hank Block, on Jloy 1st, for tho treatment of nil diseases of women, and nil other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address boxlTO.Salem, Oregon. Specialties in Fraits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. 1'INAXCLYL. First National Bank Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes SALEM, OREGON. EASTERN OREGON. Tcrnac-rauce Sentiment rushing Way into rmatilln County. its WM. N. LADUK, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - - President. Vice President. - - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Exchange on Portland, San Fmnelcco, New ork, Loudon and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Formers nro cordially Invited to deposit unit transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, -wool, hops and other property at reasouabio ratos. Insurance on such se curity ram bo obtained nt tho bank In most rellablo companies. FOR SALE. Residence for Sale Willis A Chamberlin have a deslrablo house and lot. most eligibly located on High stieet, llrst block north of Court House, for sale at SISuO. A good opportu nity to 'sccuio a homo In a convenient location. Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street I&TAIILISIIUD 11Y NATIONAL AUTH01UTY. W .,. fl ' uuint For Sale. A good iron framo Horse Power. Good for nil uses, from ono to full capacity. All for the low price of SGO. call at tho Pacific Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Com. panj's olllce. Salem, Oregon. ROR SALE. 1(3 acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by agood load, from Salem, 113 acres In cultl- atlon, balancoin timber. Well watered, good 1000 house of S rooms, moderate barn, well at tho door ; nil fenced and a thrifty young orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to pasture grass, and 97 acres in grain. Pur chaser can havo liberal terms to harvest crops. PRICE 4000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm nnd savo agent's fee. J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. The Reliable Grocers, KELLER & SONS, Arc Still on Top, WITH Rknlwed Life ! Increased Patronage! Heavier Sales ! New Goods ! Join tho procession nnd send In your orders wo will treat you (Inc. 1 IJ .... 1. 1 .' mi mi iv n mini i Kunir llljJ II 1 11(1 J UID( OF SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paiil up, - - - - 75,000 Surplus, i ) II. S. WALLACK, - - Prosldont. W. W. MAIITIN, - Vice-FrONldent. J. II. ALBERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, 500 J. JI. JIartlu, Everybody speaks In praisoof our canned goods. They cannot bo supnssed In quality. Look at our display windows ns you pass. They nro filled with delicious things. K. S. Wallace, J. II. Albert, T. McF. Pntton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other markot- uuio prouueo, consigned or In store, cither In prlvato graunrlesor ipubllo warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Tar. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt rensonnblo lates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Purls, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. MAJtKHTH. For tho Ladlos : Call nnd oxnmlno our Labor-saving Cnrpot a weepers four styles. Fonther dusters nlwujs in stock. Jamaica Bananas, direct from New York Big follows nnd very Juicy. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT I 530 ACRES Well watered nnd plonty ot tlmbor. Two houses nnd two barns. Good orchard. Meadow and 150 acres plow land. Fifty head of cnttlo with tho place If wanted, nnd horses enough to run it. Within tlvomllos of depot on tho O. A C. It. It. A baignlu for somebody. Enquire at Office of Capital Journal. KELLER & SONS, Tho Grocers. FOR SALE 2SS ACRES, 225 in cultivation, 30 ncros good timber, bal ance pasture; 100 acres In fall whont, 35 APfna It. ntta nn.l tf In nxnxno llititen -...a ... .M.tQ.ttllll w III rkUIWSi ltuu.1.1 barn, orehnrd, etc Two miles north of paiem, may bo divided; price, $00 poracre, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. POTTORFF, Cor, State and Commercial Streets, Salem. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY k Chamberlain. ) acres, s ml ten from Salem, highly , , cultivated 88000 iou, good house and ban). Kftst Ha- ., lem 1B00 Jtote, lluely situated 17B0 w:re, nines irom Bfliem, -eii improved, can be divided Into 8 nun or four tract 10,000 o acres, 8 utiles from south of Smein, fair ImiHnvememenU.llne timber and water S9G0 1 block ofland, 8 Uoueee, rent for (12 each.iiayii Interest on SHXJU 8000 M acre mile south of ftalem, Mr Improvements 9J00 acres, adjoining elty limit, In ,. meadow . 1900 i it, good Iioum and burn, adjoining , court lxnice block 1 ' a re, SeJem, new house and bam, .Plenty of small firult- SOOO . "fie ftMMotng U bat a partial list of tue wrgaius T)iav to efltar. WILLIS & CILtUIMSRLAIK. 0)ni Hous, Court Street, Snleni. GRANGE STORE Salem Co-Operative Association P. of H. , DEALEH&I IN Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. ALL KINDS OK Produce Bought! The SALEM MARKET 98 COUltT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality or tell and Salt Meals ! And all kinds of S ATJS AG K. S-Tho CLEANEST lcopt market in tho cuy. nu ami see lor yoursen. MCCROW A "WILLARD. WEST BROTHERS' EAT MARKET, 1100, Coiiimercial St., Salem. CHOICE BTEAKB & OTHER SI EATS constantly on hand, nud delivered to nny part of tho city at lowest living intos. 1'leas.o give us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET 126 State St., Manager. - SALEM, OR. ROCKY MOUNTAIN CORRE3S HOUSE! Eait Slat liberty, ape. Oetra Hv, B WATKIN8, -:- Prop .MfMOi at all batm, (torn te to c Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Proerieter, liM Statu . St., v Sai.hji. V full fcfcoek ot GroMrific, (M GNtli, Kretli VogtiLIttt, I Etc. Just received a nice artiole In New -:-0rfean -:- Baking - M&lawet, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. riV) WHOM IT MAY OONCKRN-NO-I lie l Itereby given that Ute nndeiv Mtfroed Imw been appointed admlniatrator oTUte estate of R. A. Owner late of will eountr. deeeated, br the honorable county eourt of tbe Mate of Oregon, for tue ooant ot Marlon. All persons liavlag etatina again" aajd estate are hereby required to present tuein Wliu proper vuueuen mi iiw underelgued at the offli-r D, C, Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREOON. AS-AU kinds of frmli nnd cnrpil innnlM nlwnys on hand. Full weight and nten uuro acai an nrounu. ji ni jo us. STRICKLBR BROS. -UK.VI.EII8 IN- STOVES AND TINWARE I Iloofiog and Spoaling a Specially. 3At the old btand of lien. Strang, Com merolal Street. 1 did not finish my notes in the lotter forwarded to yon yttetcrdnv. for four of trosmssing too greatly on your space. At Eelio, wliero my narrative left me, it is very dry and dusty. Tho winter wheat froze, and the spring wheat lias not had snftlcient rain. Near town it looks like California during a partial drouth, and it keeps the Willamette valley very green in one's memory. I dropped ome of tho Oregon Land Co.'s advertising cards around. Fm t her hack, tho grass, where not eaten out by over stocking, is said to bo better, and considerable wool was coming in. A good temperance sentiment exists here, as is indicated by a W. C. T. U., a lodge of Good Templars, a Hand of Hope, and by a good majority for the amendment last fall. Labor is in demand nt Arling ton, a decent iooKing young man at the depot asked tho writtr for assistance in getting something to eat. Ho was recently from Minne sota, said, ho had walked half way from Tho Dalles, and had eaten nothing during tho day. I told him I never gave strangers money, because it too often went into the saloon keeper's till, but 1 would give him a supper at tho hotel. After ho was refreshed I took him to Mr. MoFarland's, where I secured him a job on tho water works at $2 a day. Ho seemed will ing to work, and was very thankful. Poor fellow! ho looked awfully like ho wished he was back homo with his mother. In Umatilla county it is very evi dent that Salem's ex-mayor, "W. M. Itamsoy, will mako a good run for district judge. To-morrow at Pendletont, ho prohi bition county convention lu demo cratic Umatilla, the next day il rest (?) by preaching twice or thrice, letting partisan politics alone, except as no one can help reading between tho lines of a temperance sermon. STRANOi: I'OMTICAIi CAMI'AIONl Wo begin our meetings with prayor, often in churches; preach on buuuay. lesteruay, on tlie cars, argued for the truth of Christianity with a well read ex-saloon keeper. I never go near a saloon; pay for no liquor or cigars, directly or indirect ly, to buy or iniluenco votes; mako no deals or trades with the other political parties or candidates; and get no boodle from democrats in re publican counties, or from republi cans in democratic counties. This is tho kind of politics that naturally mixes well with religion, and neither sullies tho other. J. W. W. PiHfm.irroN, May 12th. Mississippi mvi:n ovkijki.ow Tho Leu'o nt (hiinej ltreaks anil Seri ous Diiimige is the Result. St. Louis, May II. Tho river is steadily rising here, and the inhabi tants on the American bottom nro moving nil of their portnblo proper ty back to tho high land. Tho entire town of Alexandria, Missouri, is inundated with 11 vo feet of water nnd the damage is very heavy. The people are being taken as fast as possible to tho high lands, a couple of miles back of town. Qu'ixcv, May 11. The river is 17 feet 0 iu. above low water mark to; day. Tho levees are greatly weak ened nnd a crevasse is expected at any moment. Should a break oc cur more than 200,000 acres of farm land will bo inundated. People in tho threatened districts havo lied to the bluffs. Trains are nbandaned on a number of roads. Tho brandi es of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy are greatly Impeded, and many buildings in the city are Hood ed and vacated. Latiik The leveo has broken nnd tho Hood of water covers tho lower grounds. TEuUdHANUC SPLINTS. ITllUC TI1KVTMK.NT OF VAfllUXTS The number of foreign immi grants landed in New York yester day was 3 lit!. The store of Wells, Fnrgo's ngeut nt Elko, Nov., was broken into on Sunday night. A box containing $3,900 in silver and $1,000 in gold coin was removed and carted on a wheelbarrow to tho foot of a hill of amuo instant; wiiero it was lountl Intact tho next morning. Tho railroad oillcials of California nro discussing Sunday excursions to bo given this summer. They are unanimous in tho verdict that there isno profit in them, and that thoy nave a oau moral mi, iiiui effect. Workmen are engaged to-day In grubbing out a lot of French Jlroom, a very prolific shrul), that has filled the north east corner of WHIson's avenue. They should next bo em ployed to tear away that villlanous looking fence around tho avenue, and to trim up, nud loosen tho sod around the trees, nnd other wise clear up property. that piece of public K.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! Cutting up the Ankeuy Faun. AV. P. Wright, tho surveyor and real ostnto agent of Dallas, was iu town yesterday with Mr. MeMiiHtors who hid In tho famous Aukeny farm when it was sold at Masters' wilo last fall. Mr. Wright is engaged In cutting up tho Aukeny farm, con sisting of 4100 acres, into small tracts, which aro being sold to homo seekers through the Oregon Land Company's agency. This is ono of tho 11 Host farming tracts in tho Wil lamette Valloy, and will ncconnno dnto twenty to forty active farmers and their famlllee. Captain M. O. llutterfleld, com manding C. Co., 2nd regt., O. N. U., has not been putting In tho winter and spring iu idleness. 1 To now has a company of as well drilled soldiers as one often sees. Hols not afraid to hack them, either, as he has chal lenged any company of the Second reglmont, 2nd brlgado, Cnl. Nat. Otmrd for a competitive drill at Portland, tho California company to tuko two-thirds of tho receipts, or drill at San Francisco for a guar antee of $f)00. -AND- UNDERTAKER. FAititAivs iiuooic, stats fjmtnr, Salem, Oregon. Qrtswoia'a block. Hwlem, Oreeon, within nix mouth from the date of this n of J. J. Vlurnhy, 1thln notice. ALOXZO UkMNKK. AdmlBMwtor ot Mid &(. 8tom, Ogs May 11. vm. All kind of KurnlUira nudi 1a ontmr. A full II in of Ojwkete Always on ImriI. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, PiwfHttar. Com- 8C, hH. Farry and 8tm. QHAVINO, HAIR CUTTING AWI) O Bltaiupoolnc ntl)' dw. BENSON rPRES87 " LKAVK ORDKltti AT IjAXCIPM UV ry Stabl, aonwr or Stoto ana front treat, or on ilat at eoritw Statcand Oom HMMMI atraata. Prowint attatttlon aad aura guaranteed. A. HEKBOK. Wonderful I'urtw. W. IX Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail drtigglste of Home, Gt., guys: "We havo heon selling Dr. King' Now Discovery, Hlectrlc Hitters and Huoklen's Aruleu Salve .for four years. Have never handled reme dies tiuit sell as well, or give such universal sutlsfnctlon. There have been same wonderful cures efleeted by these medicines in this city. Several eases of pronounced con sumption havo been entirely cured by use of u few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with iSlsotrle Hitters. We guaran tee them always. Sold by H. W. Cox. A Floe Lot ur Drlrd Fruit. Dried nectarines, patches, apri cots, pears, apples, lilcklerrle, prunes, plums, ute., ete. The fluent ever brought into this market at K. Parrar & Co'. The lIoMcruus Atlantic Imiturror to tlmlil vnynijflrx, Mxirotily lu on ncoountof the purlin of the iltwithun the uliiuwt certainly of hbh kIcIuiium. The hunt eurutlvo ofirmlde mor Ih HoMtetter'H titoiimuli Hitler, wliloh Kettle tho Ntnni nchutonre and prevents lln UlHtiirbuncu. TouII truvulerH anil tourUtH, whether by teuorlund, It preMiitM a happy medium hut ween the naUHcHjimorliiellbctuiil ronour- cett of the metlloliie oIion), anil the problem atical benefit derivable fiom nil uninedl tinted aluohollu Ntlmiilent, no mutter how pure. The Jarring of n rallroHtl ear oflen produce Hlomauhlc dltMirdeniakln to that iwiiHxl by Hie rollInK of a hIiIji, I'or thin the bittern U a prompt and eerUtln mine dy. The line of braekUh Hater, jMrtleti- larly on lone nyuue In tlifc trnplea, Inovlt ubly bretxU dUorder of the itonuMih and Umt'lii. IIimletter'iiHUimJHih I litter mixed with Impure wator niillllle IU linpurllle. Mmllarly It ooiuiUirHcU iiutlurtal and oth er prejudicial influence of cllinaUi or ut- liHMphrre, us well an the ettevUof eito tireand futlgui'. Tuke It for kidney com plaint, rheumatiitm and debility. Th9 n crYKBr ouidk is iaujl Mwoh and Sept., each year. It U an enay olopadia of uMful Infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the neoassitle of life. Wo can olothe you and furnish you with all the neoesr7 and unnooassary appllanoes to ride, walk, danoa, sleep, eat, flh, hunt, work, ko to ohurch, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these thlnes COMFORTABLY, ad you eon make a fair estimate of the value of the ISUYHRH' CJUIDH, whloh will be sent upon roeaipt of 10 oeuts to pay pontage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ill-ill Mlahigan Avenue, Obiaaeo.lll. J In every variety. The following report of a special committee of Pomona grange, of this county, is self explanatory, and worthy of consideration. AVorthy Master: Your committee to whom was referred tho duty of examination Into the manner and cost of keeping vagrants, petty malefactors and other prisoners, ber icavt to report mat tney niut per sons conllned in the county jail for vagrancy, or other causes, are, as a rule, fed and lodged as well ns the average honest, Industrious citizen. Tho food furnished Is sound, whole some and abundant, meat gener ally given twice eaelt day. At times, when a considerable number is hold atone time, tho sheiill' takos the trouble to mako out bills of fare specially for the prisoners; but when the number ofinnmtesare not more than live, they receive tho Mimo ns do the sherifl'und his family. There is a spirit of soft-bended senthneu talism abroad, in society, that seems to take more heed for the comfort of worthless vagrants and criminals, than for tho honest and industrious, which Impel public ollleers to so keep public charges, ns to bo In ef fect nn inducement to indolence nnd recklessness. Theie Is no means placed within tho power of those having charge of tho vicious and vagrant class, by which thoy can he mado to render labor to even pari compensate for their cost to socletj. Your committee very decidedly he Hove the time is now ripe for n re formatory prison in this state, to which tho young criminals nnd vng rnnts can be sent with reasonable hope of reclamation. As to tho cost of paupers receiving relief outside tho poor house, your committee llnd tho stun at present to amount to $1!V per month, which seems to bo Judiciously used. Tho keeping of thoso at tho county farm is under tho management of the grand jury of tho county, which al tho last session of tho district oourl, reported tho inmates well eared for. Signed John Minto, chairman. Tho report was adopted by the Orange, and tho committee contin ued, to furtherinvestigato tho costof tho vagrant act to tho county. The report was ordered sent to tho coun ty papers for publication. W. M. 1 lilleary, See. AN (IU1IIM1K. Eon ok Jeurnal: On last Sun day morning, the (1th, two persons from Salem, with their dogs and guus,accompainied by a resident of this precinct, who should know bet ter, entered tho premises of W. A. Plkoand began shooting, presum ably killing grouse and China pheasant. This was kept up until lutein tho afternoon, when thoy were ordered oil'. Thoy begged their game, so It could not bo scon, claiming they hud been hunting hawks; but there Is good evidence that a Chinese pheasant and her six young, were among tho spoils. Theto is a law against tills which should bo observed. I hope nothing of tho kind will occur again, 'as this has heretofore been a law abiding community, and there are enough of the old stock left to Insist that It remain so. 1'alr warning is given to everyone, naturalized or uunatur, that any recurrence of this sort will bo reported for investiga tion, to the authorities. Onk Who IIijaiid. Zkna, May 11, 1888. MurkUn's Arnlm Snlrr. The Itest salve In the world foi-i-uts, bruises, soies, ulcers, saltrlieiini, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand, chilblains, corns, and all skin oruiw tlons, and iiosltlvoly cures piles, or no )my required. Jt Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money Munded. Price 25 cents m box. Kur sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. Per iletuwufres te 'uut4or. Table cutlery, crockery, dishes, glassware, silverware, laimw lit large assortment, lars, crocks, etc., etc., all at Ixslrook prices, at H. I'arrar fc Co's. We Tell imi I'Ulsl) Thst ' the best place to buy your clothing Is or O. W. Johnson, the clothier. Gent's furnishing goods i ' jj : asM'i"