Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
PACK TWO TH F N Y S SA G ATE C IT Y JO URNAL, NVSgA. OREGON. TH U R SD AY. M A Y »8. 1950 I he Gate City Journal M AN* V row M l • Kdltar and raU lih rr AO V » N riNINO N A T I M NI HHI K i m O N MATH* (in * Vrai I f OU MIX iiiiiii II m gl 28 Minali’ tinnir« 06 ’ MU n t ly In Advaiua) l’uüllaliml «vary 'lli'inulay »lutatali at tlia pnatufllra through tlia United Htataa Ilia ai t S jic c iiil Opro rote jirr Iiu h National jirr Inch OlaiMlflnlii. (M>r wurtl Mlnlinuin IJ. S. O f f i c i a l a 40r I IIH|>eet 2c O h 30« Itiillo l In udilllloii to Hniiir ruthrr Inti-renting nutinnul, rniinty nml wtiiti* election eon teat*, u measure of vital Importance tn i(•NliIrntN uf Malheur niunty w ill nppcur mi llic bill lot fur Friday's elect Inn The ■ |ucHt ii hi tn be vnted nn I n whether thp county enurt nf Mulheiii enmity ahull levy u tux fnr the fiNcul year 11150-51 Niifflelent tn produce the aum nf $H7,500 in exri'NN nf the NIX pel cent limitation for the general ex pel lae nf tlie county government? County nffieiula have i.saued u warning that unless the $117,500 I n authorized many services nf the county will lie curtailed or eliminated These croups and nr- gunl/atlnna Include the county ngrnt'it office, county hculth unit, predatory animal control, veterans fund, weed control and many nthera The people have learn ed to use these services because uf the complexity uf our modern living and now they have become necess It lea. The county and its people would be terribly handi capped Without the services that are now threatened. Certainly they would soon attempt to place the services in operation itgitln Approval of the measure would result in a tux of $49.50 davenos Davono Sols O w yhee 'Continued from Page II Powell and son, Keith, whose taste for fish Haturday nlaht so reduced the supply that the visitors were served hot dogs", salad, corn. peas. fried potatoes, coffre and dessert [ without a fish entree. After the dinner, the officials re- I entered tlielr bouts lor the trip to 1 the headwaters Kn route they viewed the Indian writings on walls of risk along the water's rdge and un Indian burlul ground und passed over the former site of the town of Wnlsmi. whleh Is now under water. Upon returning to camp, some of (lie visitors boarded Mr Frost’s pick-up for u ride to the upper reaches of lu-.|le's gulch About half way UP the canyon, they stopped in the blistering sun for n drink of spring water, which Is utmost Ice cold the year-arnmul As he re turned to camp. Klrkhnm's admir ation and enthusiasm for thr scenic grandeur of the area, prompted him to explode. "Now I have two more canyons to sell down the river", meaning Hryce und Zion National parks. At the rump. Mr lllllon explained the procedure through which the pro|si.srd project must puss before It Is finally uppmved If the pro ject In undertaken, the work will la- done by the federal government and the park then turned over to the state of Oregon for operation us a state park Financing the study of the proposul will he made available through a transfer of funds In thr reclamation service Although Mr Hilton did not dis cuss thr possibility, the government may Include Improvements ut lle's gulch, such as development of W itti I i supplies M U I I M I I .1 •SII VI l l i p i w i l - water und road l improve- menta The bureau of reclamation lla-- uvkrtl the |iaik service to make a m usici pimi (or the llwvhre area 11 le park service officials met with • hm rau of reclamation men Tuesday I in lloisr to further discuss thr pro- I (Hvseil project The officials decided at the Boise ineellng that It would be desirable t,-i ilu- local committee to meet iw ilh Mi Hill. Mr Crowley. Mr untoli Mr Sunford and Mr Rovle at Nyaaa, Mulhrur (bounty, (traumi at Nyaaa, (traumi (or Iraiiarnlaalmi Malia, aa aarorid claaa mattar. Ulular of Man li I, INIU M c iih iii c ¡G e r m Stain, Mrs. J. P Dunaway Story Of Civic of Caldwell and Mrs. Glenn Brown (Huh I n Related of Adrian. 3.5 mills, or a total of $3.50 each $1000 of valuation. County officials contend that thin millage is necessary b e ca u s e the county has been running behind for the last four years through no fault of the officials. Prob ably one of the principal reasons is that the six per cent limitation has not allowed the county to increase tuxes as rapidly as other costs have risen $49.50 Occasional Chairs Platform Rockers IN TA PE S T R Y . VFLO U R AND M OHAIR FRIEZE | seen. I am the fellow who is sup- IMMed to know all about Oregon, but t saw something new today. I never .aw anything like It before. Some features of the area are not excelled by the Grand canyon." j Although sun-burned and tired. the visitors went to Sucker creek U » •»“ 'dan k tou tar As ¡■J’* * P“ *»ed through Sucker creek they came within a few miles of the head of Leslie's gulch, which lies on the opposite side of the moun tain.. The visitors found that the Suck er creek formations, which are smal ler In area, carry darker colors than those In Leslie's gulch Kliyollte and basalt predominate In Sucker creek. In contrast to a soft sedimentary formation, which some people call sandstone, In Leslir's gulch. Both ureas are colorful, spectacular, peculiar and awful. Sucker creek Is a paradise fur rock hunters, with Its obsidian, aget. jasper, flint and other beautiful types of rock, where as much of the material In Leslie's gulch that has not already been crumbled, can be crushed In the human hand. The predominating colors In I-eshe's gulch are tans and light browns, with a few terrifically con trasting reds. Mother Nature has changed the colors of the canyon every few feet and has here and there spilled a quantity of red rust down the face of a light-color sand stone c liff Between the cliffs she has splashed a strip of green in the form o f grass and yellow and blue blotches comprising masses of wild flowers, that ding closely to the steep slopes of the mountains, ab solutely devoid of any vegetation fuller than a sagebrush or an oc casional juniper With the power and effectiveness of her rain, sun and wintry blasts. Mother Nature has carved castles. i . j . ‘’bun lies and tabernacles In a gro logical masterpiece of the ages. Attend State Assembly — Mrs A V Cook and Mrs. Vernena Renin left last Saturday for Oregon City, where they visited Mr and Mrs C liff Greer, former Nyssa resi dents. before going on to Astoria, where they will attend the state Ihat convenes 7?‘* s<1* 3r * nd 'Vednesday Plants were presented to the past <('oaUnu*d from rage I ) presidents. Mrs Hilda Tensen, the altar scene with a quartet com- first president of the club; Mrs. puaed o f Mrs. John Stafford, Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. Lucille Nor- Chet Master and Dan and Webb cou. Mrs. Glee Billings. Mrs. Her Pemue providing an anthem. H ie bert Flaher. Mrs William Schire- last scenes In the book showed a man, Mrs. Eddie Powell. Mrs. Ber style show that was once presented nard Frost. Mrs. J. J. Sarazln. Mrs. at a civic club meeting. The o r d Ed Frost, Mrs. Bernard Eastman, inal narration in verse a » written Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mrs. John | by Mrs. Frank Morgan and the Kopp. During te business meeting, Mrs. late Mrs. Frank Hall, accompanied the scenes. The "style show" open Fred Bracken was elected treasurer ed with the earliest styles, those of in the place of Mrs. C. L. Hermann, the cavemen, with Roger Barnes and who has moved to Baker. Mrs. Ber: Ltenkaemper. chairman of the Durelta Castro portraying t h e _________ r __, ____ scene, another scene allowed Roger round robin parties that provide Moulding and Bonnie Kay House funds to assist with the library- in colonial costumes. Ann Stringer | project, announced that the par- gave a pleasing portrait of a “ Gib- ties would be held during the month son girl", complete with parasol.! of June. Mrs. Lienkaemper asked T h e style review closed with var- hostesses to list guests with her to ions types of hats, including an avoid duplication. H ie group also "aluminum war model", m odeled: voted to start the meetings at 2 by Duretta Castro and Donna Mae I p. m. rather than 2:30. Stafford. | A bouquet of spring flowers cen- Ptano music was provided during tered the tea table, at which Mrs. the projram by Mrs. J. L. Church. Hilda Tensen and Mrs. Frank Mor- Preceding the program, the fol- gan presided. Mrs. W. W. Foster, lowing charter members of 1908 j Mrs. H. O. Hopkins. Mrs. A. L were presented: Mrs. Hilda Ten- Heldt and Mrs. O O. Anderson sen. Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mrs. Luc served on the tea comni.uee. The program was arranged by ille Norcott. Mrs. Dick Oroot, Mrs. Peter Tensen, Mrs. J. J. Sarazln, Mrs William Schlreman as chair man, Mrs. Roy Barnes, Mrs. Paul Mrs Ella Smith. Mrs. H. R. Sher- wood. Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. I House and Mrs. A. V. Cook. PRICFS T H A T W IL L Pl.EASF Ed Case Furniture Company U. S. 20 NORTH O F Y Get Your Furnace Cleaned Now Let Us Recondition Your Furnace Thorough cleaning, relining of firebox, all repair work, w rapping of main pipes— everything your furnace needs for efficient low cost operation will be done by us. Don't W ait Until Fall. li Get It Done Now. WIGGER AND PURVIS SHEET M E T A L A N D H E A TIN G 24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE U l-W ......... 'T ?" Miracle Whip 54e QUART JAR Pork and Beans 35c HUNTS I*» CAN t CANS TOMATOES G LENW O O D Î ' . CAN 73c 4 CANS Bisquick 40 OUNCr P A C K A G E Sausage 43c TREE DELIVERY l*vM a m 4 N p. an F vary D df ARIZO NAS POUND TOMATOES RIPE 10c Pancake Flour 45c Orange Juice OLD SOUTH Cheerios t PA C K A G E S Experienced in business and government as a banker, retail merchant, deputy collector of internal revenue, real estate and insurance broker and tax consultant. Trust work in a Portland bank gave me experience in hand ling probate matters, of value to a county judge. Veteran of World W ar I. Paid Pol. T irr “T 11 “ 11 “ Adv. ..... Tnr- There’s an easier way I. (lo.rrnmrnt taxes, such as a Serial «reality and withholding tax. - S i” - ’" r j M i ? r State tax d Operating expense «neb as rent, water, light fuel, telephone, community cheat, Red ('rosa, and Other mlsrellaneoua offerings. to k*** fences standing e Vewapaprr advertising broadcasting, and other mediums of Introducing his services and merchandise g. His profit Is being rat down from tlaae to time by competition, and by the com ponga that he bays from which are making the margin of profit less as time goes on. b The bonks are being farces la make his loans mnch harder to get. due to thr fart that most banks are working under Federal control of insured accounts up la ILM A and therefore loan, are more hazardous for the small business man who Is doing a . ndlt bad nr«.. L Lost, bat not leask consumer credit which has now hit the S19Md.gM.M8 mark. Is making cstSrcSIsni mach harder eeery day as more people bay more stuff on the THE DEBTOR'S SIDE O F THE QUESTION yoa ran oro why N pays to lake cafe of a MM whea It Is dar te keep year credit good If you doat pay promptly, you rotard tha wholo commarcul eye la. has te pay k b u h itemle hUH when dae or be placed an a cash T R Y TO P A Y A L L YO UR B ILLS BETWEEN THE F IR S T .AND THE TE N TH OF THE MONTH AND K E F P Y O U * C RED IT GOOD h d f and enn enpy the rrtdU 33c PIONEER SERVICE C R E D IT IN F O R M A T IO N MOST V A L U A B L E NO COMMISSIONS C H A R G E D ON CO LLEC TIO N S A LL MONEYS PAID DIRECT TO CREDITORS PIONEER SERVICI COMPANY. Im. I the Vsrlbwest A Product of Standard of California STORE HOURS p. m. 9 a m.—I p p S tan dard W o o d P re servative. Containing 90% define in g re d te n ts . this potent preserva- tive lengthens the serv ice of your grape «takes, fence post*, mud silla. under-pinning and a n y Utah - Sov*da Diviato« Otftcd 4 * Qualified by Experience Hsra ara tom * of his problems: 49c I n. as Republican Ticket Fight wood decay the eagy w a y . . . w ith Comb Honey f OUNCES t FOR M alheur Co. Judge CREDIT Q UESTIO N OF T O D A Y 41c 44 OUNCE C AN Sa^ST* PHONE 5 M R * 23e TUBES • OUNCE P A C K A G E 45c • POUNDS Grapefruit 47c Sliced Bacon ENDS 47 SPERRY S 33c PU RF PORK LARG E JUICY DOZEN FOR f lVcUnqaeat accooau and carrying charges Uf the firm Is doing a credit business! 3 POUND P A C K A G E Sliced Bacon SW IFTS RASHER POUND Lemons Edwin D. While THIS IS THE M ERCHANT'S SIDE O F THE h. The corporation tax (if the firm Is a corporation I Taylor’s Food Market TTiTi i7ii¥ii: i mu m ww uamm mm a ik NOW IS THE TIME! .1! h I- m guadai I» Cari'* Doli ' House In Nys-sa After leiivtng behind at thè dam | a thr roar of thè motor boat-s, thè j v Ultore «uthrrrd at thè Owyhee lin k below thè ornerete structure I I for » few minute« before start tng \ on a trip over thè upiier portimi | of thè Owyhee dam canal System | while rn route back tó Nyssa At thè park Mr Kitkham told those alio dui noi moke thè trip up I eshe s guidi i hai "Voti really mlss- | ed smurihing Take a little of eaoh j*art of what you s*w this morntng and you have a descrtpUon of le s - hes guidi "Now he sald. we con 1 start catchmg up mi what we have Here From Astoria— Thomas Johnson, who formerly made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Paulus, arrived In Nyssa last Thursday, called here because of the death of his grandfather, Joseph Paulus. Johnson is stationed at | Astoria with the U. S. coast guard. wood you put in contact Stata Officd W. L Schireman with damp earth. Phone 61 -W Nyaaa. Oregon