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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1950)
•'AVA1 .-. » '• r T * '" / * ' / * *• » * r <•,** f f . , y . » V JOURNAL rfteNYSSA VOLUME XXXXV NO. 18 Candidates And Measures Given General Review THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1950 Nyssa Splits Two Baseball Contests Croup Proposes "Balanced Plan” For Legislature Recommendations O f league Adopted TWO SECTIONS—TEN PAGES Truman Visit And Liberty Bell Display Give Thrills To Malheur County People The Malheur Game league decided at its semi-annual meeting in the Boulevard Grange hall Tuesday night to attempt to sell more mem- ---------- [ berships. Part of the money will Frank Sherwood for P«>nK>tional expense on Forum Held In Methodist r railK a n t r w o o t l F.leelrd r a t « I t u | be th# llsed proposed owyhee reservoir park. Recommendations adopted by the Church; Candidates Chairman; Petitions league directors several weeks ago Are Listed were approved by the membership Circulated with one exception, a three-weeks I’rcsirient tells crowd of 2500 persons in Ontario that he is glad to be In a discussion of measures that Under the “ balanced plan", every season instead of two weeks on hack in Oregon; Bond drive leader compliments Nyssa child Chinese pheasants. will appear on the primary ballot county would have one represent A film on aeronautics and a film and the candidates who will seek ren on fine demonstration at liberty hell ceremony. ative in the house and the remaind on archery were shown. republican and democratic nomin er of the representatives would be Refreshments were served by the ations May 19. Clyde Snider de Malheur county thrilled to the visit of the president of the United States and the display clared at a forum held in the M eth elected on the basis of population. women of the Boulevard Grange. of a replica of the famous American liberty bell Wednesday as thousands of persons gathered The senators would be selected prin odist church Sunday night that unless the voters authorize the cipally according to population, but to attend programs sponsored by civic, political and patriotic organizations. county court to levy a tax for the no senatorial district could contain President Harry S. Truman and his wife and daughter, Margaret, arrived at Ontario at more than three counties. The dis fiscal year 1950-51 sufficient to pro 12:40 p. m. on a special Union Pacific train for a platform appearance. They followed by an tricts would have to be as equal as duce the sum of (87,500 in excess hour the arrival of the liberty bell replica, which was shown in Nyssa and Vale during the possible. of the six per cent limitation, some o f the services now enjoyed by the Mr. Howard explained that the afternoon. residents of the county will be cur Farm Bureau is in favor of the Nyssa’s school children were dismissed from classes before 2 o’clock to attend the liberty tailed. Plans for the fifth annual spring balanced plan, but Is not sponsoring bell ceremony conducted under the auspices of the school system. Attending the ceremony The county court feels that this Jersey show sponsored by the Mal it. The plan based on the federal sum is necessary in order that the heur Jersey Cattle club were out system was first proposed by Giles [ with the school children were a few parents who learned of plans for the gathering from P I u h Presented To City; the youngsters. county meet its mandatory and lined by Mrs. Charley Grider at a French. “ People interested in represent- i legal obligation to take care of the meeting of the Nyssa Lions club Other Business Is public assistance program for the Monday noon in Carl's Doll House. ation for the upstate areas, drew the Thomas P. Guerin of the savings Speaking before an estimated plan called the balanced plan", county and still continue to carry Mrs. Grider said “ We started five Reported bond division of the United States Honor Cuuril For crowd of 2500 persons packed along on its essential governmental ser years ago with a small show, that Howard said. “The balanced rep treasury department said at the the railroad tracks at the passenger vices in a normal manner. has grown until it is now one of resentation plan is called that be Representatives of veterans or Liberty Bell Are Mr. Snider said the budget com the best in the west. For the last cause it gives a balance between the ganizations in Nyssa appeared be ceremony on the Nyssa school depot, President Truman opened his mittee has determined that a tax of two years we have won the trophy large population centers and the fore the city council Tuesday night grounds that “ I t is Indeed a most Chosen Bv Pupils remarks by stating that "It ls good 23.5 mills over and above the six given for staging the best spring rural areas. The rural areas, con to ask the council to appropriate empresslve thing to see the wel to be back in Oregon after an ab per cent limitation will be required Jersey show in Che state. We have taining lumbering and agricultural any surplus from rentals of the vet Members of the honor guard pro sence of two years". He added that to carry on the county's business, won because of the dairy leaders and industries, are entitled to represent erans housing project for use in come you people have scheduled I f the $87,500 is not authorized, the the co-operation of business men ation. The county that elects one- completing the construction of the for the liberty bell. I wish every vided by the Nyssa schools for he had never had an opportunity of stopping In Ontario before, but he third o f the members of the legis person In Oregon and In fact the i escorting the replica of the liberty county agent's office, veterans fund, in the area. veterans memorial hall. said he likes this section "because county health unit, county weed bell when it was in Nyssa Wed of your spirit". Registered breeding can mean a lature dominates the body. Malheur Appearing as a representative of entire country could see it. control, eradication o f predatory lot economically ta the county. We county could be one of seven with the veterans, Judge Don M. Graham The president pointed out that “■In the middle ages, when a city nesday were chosen by their class animals and some other items and can build a purebred Industry in only one senator. Under the pop said “ W e know that the city offic mates. this section has grown about five services will be curtailed or elimin the community. When we come to ulation plan of Neubergcr any ials are desirous of placing the hous was saked. one of the first things Each class in the school system times as fast as the average section ated. the place where we can get (2000 county that did not have enough ing project in the best possible sequestered by the enemy were the of the nation. He said he was glad " I f the voters do not wake up. or (3000 for a bull it can’t help population for a representative state of repair, by doing as soon as bells, bcaiLse bells have always been elected Its “ best citizen" for the that the people of Oregon are show- they are going to lose these services", but mean something to the county could be tacked onto any* district possible some work on the roofs, a means of calling people together privilege of carrying a flag In the nlg greater interest in politics as for any purpose, particularly in that did. It could be possible for all Mr. Snider said. “ W e can't Just cut economically. painting each unit of four apart cases o f alarm. Bells have also been procession. indicated by the recent census and The 36 pupils selected for the out the welfare funds. The county “ At our first year’s show, we had of eastern Oregon to have only one ments a different bright color, get was happy that the democrats were court carried the issue of control 35 cattle and about that many representative. Under the balanced ting away from the present army used to express Joy and sorrow of honor were as follows: Dianne W il making gains. He added with a o f welfare funds to the state sup people. Last year, 95 Jerseys were plan, Multnomah county would be drab color, weather-stripping the a people. son, Reed Child, David Vaughn. chuckle that he was not on a polit "T h e liberty bell Is a symbol of reme court and was told that control exhibited and between 400 and 500 limited to one-fourth of the senat doors, replacing some wornout patriotism In our country. I t is Douglas Buchner, Gretchen Rine ical trip. The president emphasized ors and representatives. hart, Lonna Chadwick, Carole Mink, is vested in the state. The county persons attended the show. plumbing fixtures, and other repair particularly fitting that the liberty that he Is not looking for votes now. Foliowring an explanation by Bill May Yoneyama. 8tanley Jamieson, can’t do anything about it. The “ A committee that has judged w ork___ and everyone is agreed but might be later. county court cannot cut one cent other spring shows will Judge the Howard, editor and director of in that this is the very proper thing to bell has been revived. One o f the Marilyn Whitaker, Glenda Brown, "This area owes a lot to the 53 replicas of the original liberty Sherral Sisson, Patty Nicholson, from the welfare budget" local show this year for the Hulbert formation of the Oregon Farm do. bell will go permanently to each Dale Mowerson, Gary Fife, Molly Oregon T ra il", Mr. Truman said. Mrs. J. Rigney, who is in charge trophy, which has been won by the Bureau News, proponents of the so- “There has been some talk about ■ Thanks to Thomas Jefferson Ore o f the exceptional child division of Malheur club for the last two years. called balanced plan for re-apport- cutting rentals. No doubt this is state and territory to become a Yoneyama, Gary Jones, Carolyn Shrine to our people. Its sound will Vaughn, Lawrence Patterson, Betty gon Is one of the great states of the the Nyssa school system, discussed I f We don’t have a large crowd ionment of the state legislature a fine idea, as no one wants to pay American union. Some people In remind us of the sacrifices that formed an organization to circulate some of the services given by the that will count against us.” more rent than is necessary. How have been made to preserve this Jean Strickland, Junius Tanner. his time said this area was no good. petitions and further promote the Patricia Michaelson, Shirley Ray, health department in the Nyssa Mrs. Grider pointed out that the ever, I have spoken personally to nation” . I wish Daniel Webster and some of Roxy Woodward, Mary Jill Henne- area. club is also engaging in other act proposal in the county at a meeting about 90 per cent of the present the others could see this territory Mr. Guerin pointed out that the “ W e have worked for a long time ivities besides the Jersey show. In held last Thursday night in the tenants and they are entirely sat bells were made In the bell foundry man, Dale Beckstead. Joy Oay Roth, now". Bonnie Staples, Dan Lovejoy, Patsy for a full-time health department” , an effort to improve and increase high school building in Nyssa. isfied wtth the -resent rentals. at Les Fils de Georges Paccard at Speaking of the “ fine network of Prank Sherwood of Xysna was . Mrs. Rigney xa.J. production, the club has imported Haute Savoie, Yoneyama, Jimmie Llssman, Lor roads” . Mr. Truman said ‘you have “T h e organized veterans of this Annecy-le-Vieux, Dr. Fred O. Oraeber, who recent many high testing cows. The club elected chairman, H. F Logue of community would like to see the city France, because that Is the only etta Russell, Richard Diven, Delores some of the best roads In the coun ly resigned as county health phy placed third in a national contest Ontario, vice chairman: Hugh M c officials go ahead with the repair place where officials could find a Coffman, Rahe Williams and Oladys try. Roads cost money, but they are Connell of Vale, route 2, vice chair sician, gave a report some time ago, for year-around accomplishments. and renovation program for the founder capable of duplicating the Lewis. a real Investment that pay big divi Mrs. Rigney said, on what has been Rosel Hunter, president of the man and Clifford Wright o f Nyssa, benefit of the tenants and then if liberty bell. The copper for the bells, dends. The people who criticize our done by the department. The unit club, announced that George B. secretary. there be a surplus built up from the trucks for hauling them about federal budget gorget how much of In addition to petitions already conducted 64 Immunization clinics Caine, head of the department of the rentals collected each month, the country, the gasoline used in the budget represents investments. in 24 districts, held two crippled dairy industry at Utah State col in circulation, petitions designed to then and in that event, we would the trucks and all other items con In the early days some federal o f children’s clinics and held audio lege, will Judge the open classes. A- place the measure on the November like the city to allocate any sum nected wtth the display of th» ficials said the aid to roads pro meter tests. Every child in the mong the major shows judged by ballot were distributed to men at of money to the veterans memorial bells have been donated so that. gram would lead us to perdition. Nyssa grade school was given an Mr. Caine are various state fairs. tending the meeting. The petitions hall for the purpose o f getting us Mr. Guerin said, “ the present pro Some of the special projects spon There have been lots of gloomy audiometer test and follow-ups were Cow Palace show at San Francisco with names should be filed by the out of debt and continuing towards gram is not costing the taxpayers sored by the American Legion aux people who think the country Is go made for further information. and the larger shows in Canada. end of May. iliary were stressed by Mrs. Sadie the completion of the building. In one cent” . ing down the road to something Mr. Howard stated that county Thirty-six boys and girls had to Erllng Johannesen of the Idaho ex The Oregon bell will be placed Graham, department president of when someone wants to help the asking that this be done, we feel have vision corrections, 22 showed tension service, with headquarters representation in the state legislat that no better gesture could be on the capital grounds at Salem. the American Legion auxiliary, who people for the people. The prophets hearing losses. 11 crippled children at Emmett, will Judge the junior ure has not been re-apportioned shown by the city officials in hon Mr. Guerin said. came to Nyssa Monday evening from of gloom say the same thing about since 1905, although under the state were helped and at least 17 received division animals. Corvallis for a special district in Deane Hunter, high school stu or of and respect for our departed our housing program and our social tonsil or adenoid operations, mak Prospective exhibitors are remind constitution the legislature Is sup comrades and an encouragement to dent, then tolled the bell, which stallation service. welfare program. ing a total of 86 in the Nyssa schools ed that a special division has been posed to provide for a re-apportion the living veterans to carry on the is said to have the same tone as Mrs. Graham told of the Import " I am giving you this message on that received help from the health set up this year so that the F. F. A. ment every 10 years following the great and good work they do In con the original liberty bell. ant work In the field of children's the state of the union, which I After the “ best citizens" of the taking of the federal census. department. welfare and veteran's rehabilitation boys may show grade as well as nection with the disabled veterans, usually give to congress. I am mak The so-called Neubergcr plan, de their children, widows and orphans. schools had escorted the liberty that Is carried on through the pro Mrs. Rigney said "W e could have registered animals. Grade Jerseys bell onto the lawn, with the high ceeds of the annual poppy sale. Mrs ing a report on what I think we found the defects, but without the may also be shown in the 4-H divls- vised by Richard L. Neuberger of The councilmen took the proposal should do for the country. health department we would not ton.However, adult exhibitors are re Portland, would provide represent of the veterans under advisement school band playing, the crowd Graham outlined plans for this " I can't tell you how I appreciate gave the pledge to the flag, with year's poppy campaign, that will (Continued on Page ! ) minded that animals shown in the ation strictly on the basis of pop and are expected to reach a decision Ronald Jensen os leader. The band, provide funds to help care for Ore the cordial welcome extended to us open classes must be registered. All ulation. Under this plan, Howard after a study of the problems In all along the route". directed by Lynn J. tawrence, then gon’s 1800 hospitalized veterans. animals must have a clean bang's said, Multinomah county would elect volved. The president then Introduced played •'God Bless America” . one-third of the state senators and These 1800 patients are in the four test made within the last 30 days Chris Goetz, who has purchased Mrs. Truman and Margaret Olfts Ronald Jensen said “ I would like befort show date, except officially representatives. the Ace Pastime from A lf Daniels, to tell a little about the history veterans hospitals and a new vet were presented to each member of The committee on re-apijortion- eran's hospital will soon be In use vaccinated animals under 30 months. asked the council for continued ap of the liberty bell, which was or the first family and then prominent ment will meet in the high school Besides the veterans' hospital there Exhibitors are not required to be building Friday night at 8 o'clock. proval of a beer dispenser's license iginally placed In Indei>endence are two children's welfare centers, persons Identified with arrange Joseph Paulus, who had been ill members of the club. Hunter said. for the Pastime and the request hall at Pliiladelpbia and rang the ments for the visit were presented one at Roseburg and one at Port for the last five years, died W ed was granted. to the president. Those presented signal of Am erica’s freedom, when nesday morning at 2:30 at the home Gilbert Lopez, was advised by the the declaration of independence land to care for the children of vet to Mr. Truman included Clyde of his son, Emil, on the Adrian council that It would not recom was adopted on July 4, 1776. The erans. It was found necessary this Snider of Nyssa, who rode to On highway near Nyssa. mend a beer license for his proposed liberty bell was oast In England year to make use of some of the tario on the presidential special; Mr. Paulus was bom December 31, place of business on the east side or in 1752 and cracked at Its first auxiliary's emergency fund to care Horace Beal, chairman of the Mal for some of the many cases handled heur eounty democratic central com 1869 in Alsace-Lorraine, France and In addition to other blazes, two any other additional beer halls. ringing. It was recast In 1753 and came to Nyssa to live 11 years ago. The councilmen voted to raise the again cracked when It was tolled by the auxiliary. One of the out mittee; Tony Yturrl, Ontario at The Nyssa track team edged out motor vehicles caught on fire at He came to the United States when their name sakes at Baker Monday, Nyssa following accidents during the city's comprehensive liability Insur for the funeral of Chief Justice standing cases was one In which torney who Introduced the president, he was a young man and first lo May 8. in a three-way invitational last few days. ance from $5000 and (10.000 to (25,- John Marshall on July 8. 1835. It the eyesight was restored to the and others. cated In Iowa. He lived at Idaho meet held in Baker. C. M Pounds, Jr. of Nyssa was 000 and $50,000 was lateT taken down and placed child of a veteran Mrs. aruham explained that from Falls for several years before mov Mrs. H R Sherwood, on behalf of on exhibition in Independence hall. The Nyssa thinclads were pressed driver of an automobile that over ing to Nyssa. Mr Paulus. who was to notch a 54 1/3 to 50 1/2 victory turned Saturday night about 11 the library board, thanked the coun “Today we are privileged to see the poppy fund half of the proceeds Two Men Purchase Jto the state organization and the a member o f the Presbyterian over the Baker squad. Union, a o'clock near the Intersection of cil for its generosity and co-oper an exart duplicate o f the l.-erty Implement Concern church at Idaho Falls, engaged in strong B track school, gained 18 1/3 Oood avenue and Adrian boulevard. ation in making possible good library bell, Which Ls being sent on a tour other half remains In the local unit. This money Is used exclusively for farming before coming here. The machine skidded for some dis by the treasury department. On quarters. points in the meet. The Will Implement company of Survivors are a daughter. Mrs. A request of petitioners asking for the bell there is an Inscription from child welfare and veteran's rehab The Nyssa team displayed power tance on its top and gasoline Oeorge Taylor of Boise: three sons, in the dashes, Javelin, shotput and streaming from the tank caught fire. street lighting at Walnut and Sec the Bible, which I would like to ilitation. "There Is much that can Nyssa and the John K. Will comp Oscar of Salt Lake City, Ed of discus events, while Baker made the Firemen, called by police officers, ond and Third streets was granted quote. It reads: 'Proclaim liberty be done” said Mrs. Graham, "and any of Caldwell, Allis Chalmers Carey. Idaho and Emil of Nyssa: a strongest bid in the highjump. pole extinguished the flames before they by the council. throughout all the land unto the it ls only through our constant dealers, were recently purchased by work and generous contributions In Leland D. Finley and Milton M. brother. Oeorge Paulus o f Chicago vault and distance running events. had caused much damage to the William Lemon and Houston W il- inhabitants thereof” . As a closing number to the pro the poppy sale that we are able to Bagby. and 11 grandchildren. Baker is a leading Blue Mountain automobile. Officers said Pounds son were appointed to three year Mr. Finley has been territory sup No funeral will be held here The league contender for eastern Ore was not injured. ! terms on the city budget committee, gram. the band played and the help the veteran and his family.” Mrs. Graham also spoke concern ervisor for the Allis Chalmers Manu body will be taken by B. B. Lienk- gon track honors. Firemen were called a few min- replacing Bernard Eastman and audience sang "The Star Bpangled ing the girl’s state program, a plan facturing company for several years, aemper of the Nyssa Funeral home Banner". Thompson, ace Baker athlete, was utetes later to a point about two Klass Powell. As the liberty bell was driven that ls outstanding in teaching working out of Pocatello. Previous to Idaho FalLs for graveside serv high point man o f the meet with miles north of Nyssa to extinguish from the school lawn, the honor training for government responsi ly he had had dealer experience ices and burial tentatively set for 15'» points. Thompson won firsts a grass fire burning along the high Funeral Is Hehl guard composed of 36 pupils select bility. This auxiliary program will with his father In Kansas. 2 p. m. Sunday. May 4. way right-of-way. In the highjump. 120 high hurdles Mr. Bagby Is leaving his post as ed by their classmates marched ac offer opportunity this year for 200 Firemen were called last week For Mrs. Flippenee I and a tie for first in the pole vault. first vice president and cashier of ross the grounds in a colorful dem girls to attend O lrl’a state. Whitakar P r o m o t e d By , besides running on the winning 660- end when rubbish in a Nyssa Sani In Parma Church onstration. giving the ceremony a At the meeting held Monday even- the First National bank of Orand Amalgamated Sugar Co. yard relay team. Hale won firsts in > tation service truck became Ignited. Junction. Colorado to enter the re (Continued On Page Five) fitting finale. I the two dash events and a third in As Finley Shuster was driving tow tail farm equipment business. Funeral services were conducted R. O. Whitaker, cashier of the the broad jump for an 11 1/4 point ard the city dump, a woman tele Finley and Bagby have employed Go To California— phoned the fire department and In in the L. D. S. church in Parma Babies B o r n - Amalgamated Sugar company in total. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee and as manager of the Nyssa store Don Three Nyssa couples are the par Nyssa. has received notice of trans Nyssa point makers were as fol the meantime Wallace Paul told Wednesday for Mrs Theo Flippenee. ents of babies born last week at the two daughters left Wednesday for Courtney, who Is known by farmers fer to the general office in Ogden lows: 100-yard dash. Hale, first, Shuster the material was on fire. who died in the Caldwell Memorial L'-i’ y Rosary hospital In Ontario On Redlands, California to visit rela In the Ontario, Vale and Nyssa ter When leaving here about June 1. time 10.3 : 220-yard dash. Hale, first. Shuster dumped the burning ma hospital Saturday night. May 8 She May 4. a daughter wa» born to Mr. tives and attend a family reunion ritory as a parts and service man. had been 111 for several months. Mr. Whitaker will become assistant 23.2: 880-yard run. Diven, third: terial before firemen arrived Interment wss In the Parma and Mrs. Chester Long; on May 5. to be held In celebration of Mrs A truck operated by Junior Jones, general sales manager of the comp 440-yard dash. Pecks, second, and a daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. Martha Stelmle's 70th birthday. To Salt tak e City— any. He will be succeeded as chash- Hartley, third: 660- yard relay. son of W S. Jones, crashed against cemetery, with the Nyssa Funeral Vern Moncur. and on May 7 a They will also visit relatives at Los Tom Burningham returned this 1er In the Nyssa office by Walker Nyssa. second: 200-yard low hurdles, a power pole on the road to the home in charge week from Salt Lake City, where he Mrs Flippenee was bom Septem daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs Angeles and Hollywood. Low. cashier at Burley for the last Lowe, first, Andrews, second. 24A: Idaho Canfling company plant a- spent several days on business. Warren Lundy. 12 years. 120-yard high hurdles. Lowe, second. bout 3 p m. Tuesday. The Impact ber 5, 1924 in Nebraska and had Return From Klamath Falls— Mr Whitaker has been employed 15.7; shotput. Keck, first. 45 feet. 9 apparently broke an 11.000 volt line lived at Parma for the last few Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison Visits In Idaho— Receiving Treatment— by the firm In Nyssa since February. inches: Javelin. Long, first. Keck, that fell onto the cab of the truck years. Mrs Vernena Beam, accompan W C Brown local testaurant returned Monday from Klamath Besides her husband. Mrs. Flip- 1937 During that time he has been third. 173 feet. 8 inches; discus. snd set It afire Jones snd Bernard owner, is receiving medical treat Falls, where they had spent the ied by her sister. Mrs. E. 8. Beam very active in civic affairs. Long, first. 138 feet. 3 Inches; high Frost of the Idaho Power company pence is survived by two daughters, ment In the veterans hospital In week-end visiting at the home of of Ironside spent several days last jump. Hunter, second, and Pecks, extinguished the flames before fire- Sandra and Judy, and a son. Jsckle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrison and week in Lewistown. Idaho, where Boise Ret am Fra« l tie for third; broad Jump, Hale, third, men arrived The fire truck d r i v e r ------------------------ they visited another sister. Mrs. family. was unable to cross the railroad Candidate Coming— Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Morris and i 18 feet. 11*4 Inches. Frank McKee. While in Lewiston tracks at Park avenue because of a I Dave Hoover, candidate for the Here From Idaho— family and Mrs Ethel Crawford re they attended the solden wedding Visitors at the Emil A. Stunz home Square Dance Planned— railroad section crew working at republican nomination for United turned last Saturday from Portland, Visit Relatives— The Owyhee Riding club will hold anniversary of Mr. and Mrs M c Mr and Mrs D. H. Sherwood and that point and had to return to j States senator, will be in Ontario Monday evening were Mrs Stunz' where they visited for two weeks a square dance and party In the Kee. They returned to Nyssa last at the home o f M r and Mrs O W sons o f Hennis ton spent the week the underpass The truck was badly i for a luncheon In the Moore hotel brother. Bill Bosrman and Miss Oregon Trail building Friday night Thursday. Phyllis Erickson of Wilder. at noon Friday. end at the H. R. Sherwood home damaged. The Nyssa high school baseball team won and lost a game in a prac tice series with Ontario during the past week. On Friday, May 5, the Bulldogs won a 6-2 decision over the visiting Tigers and on Tuesday the host Ontario team dumped the Bulldogs 8-4. In both games the coaches used only players who will be eligible for next year's team. The series were arranged primarily to give several players on each team an opportunity to gain playing experience. The Bulldogs officially close their season next week with a pair of games against Nampa and Parma. Both contests will be played away from home. Plans Announced For Jersey Show Veterans Asking For Community Hall Assistance Slate Auxiliary President Visits Joseph Paulus Succumbs Here Motor Vehicles Nyssa Defeats Baker Traekmen Damaged By Fire