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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
I d w fffcl 11 Sr-gg&V;.. - -v . _- 7/ieNYSSA GA VOLUME XXXXV NO. 19 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1950 Plans Outlined For Graduation Week Activities TWO SECTIONS—TEN PAGES U. S. Officials Inspect Owyhee Area For Park Story Of Civic Club Is Related Sm At the May meeting of the Nyssa Civic club at the parish hall W ed g nesday afternoon, annual guest day was observed, and 'T h e Story of , Civic Club" was presented, depict ing some of the activities earned on by the club since its origin in 1928. A larve memory book made i by Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook, served as the setting of the program, which opened with Mrs. John I Stafford singing “ Memories". Mrs. William Schlreman, as narrator. | told how the group o f women had { met together in 1928 to form the i Nyssa Improvement club. Mrs. Schireman told of the many | and various activities supported by the club since 1928. and among them the city library, the park I project, teachers receptions, music week programs and mother and daughter dinners. The pages o f the memory book were then opened for the civic club story. The first I pictuer portrayed Roger Barnes and I The national park service o f Donna Mae Stafford in a park im ficials and others who visited the provement scene. A scene from a Owyhee reservoir area Sunday are program given at a teachers re shown with their hosts, Mr. and ception was presented by Jan Rine Mrs. Murle Marcuui, while they hart, Dick and Kathleen M cPart- land, David Buchner and Duggan Lawrence. Mrs. Elood Flinders pre sented a reading given at a former civic club mother's day program. Again the book was opened on u scene from a baby show, with the McPartland and Stevens babies in Seven members of the Nyssa F. F. the picture. T o depict the Interest of civic club in good music, the A. chapter sold 24 head of fat live memory book o|>ened on a church stock for $2159.46 at the third an nual Snake River valley fat stock (Continued on Page 2) show and sale held at the county fairgrounds in Ontario May 12. Money paid for the boys’ animals averaged slightly more than market prices as local buyers bid for the fat steers, hogs and .lambs under the gavel of Ellis White and Clayton Graduation week plans for the Tschirgi, who donated their auct Adrian high school were announced ioneering services for the evening. in Adrian this week. Jelmer Schoen, buying for W il Baccalaureate services will be held son’s super-market, and Rolland Sunday, May 21 at 8 o’clock in the Laurance, buying for Nyssa Pack high school building. Rev. Henry ing company, were the only buyers Moore of the United Presbyterian from Nyssa. Safeway of Ontario, church of Adrian will deliver the Pioneer Packing company, Keim sermon. Father P. J. Oaire of the Packing company of Nampa, and the Catholic church will give the in Ontario Livestock Commission com vocation and Bishop Maw o f the pany were the other major concerns Owyhee ward of the L. D. S. church supporting the sale. A few head of will give the benediction. stock were purchased by individuals Special music will be arranged for for their own use the occasion. Members of the Nyssa F. F. A. who George Oelzer, head o f the relig sold animals ai < pries* received are ious éducation department o f the as follows: A k m Cleaver, three College of Idaho, will deliver the .steers, $898.76; Ervin Bush, two commencement address at exercises steers, $524 08; Earl Bartron, six to be held at 8 p. m. May 25 in the lambs. $120.45; Helmut Hlntz, one high school gymnasium. hog. $53.36. and Minard Hart, 10 Rev Dave Hunter of the Free hogs, $516.23. Methodist church of Adrian will give One lamb donated by Ellis White the invocation. was sold to the highest bidder 21 Carmen Sillonls will give the vale times, with all bidders’ names going dictory and Adean Shenk will give into a hat for a drawing. Total the salutatory. bids amounted to $178.50. which was The American Legion will present turned over to the Snake River citizenship awards and the high Valley F F A. association to help school chorus and band will present defray the cost of next year's sale. special music. Oeorge Mendiozona, who bid $20 for Class night exercises will be held his chance, won the lamb, which tonight. was owned by Earl Bartron of Nyssa. The grand champion showman a- ward was won by Ray Behrman of Parma. The show's grand champ ion steer, owned by Howard Krelman of Parma, was sold to the Vale Co operative supply for $259.02. The The new auditorium of the Nyssa reserve champion steer, owned by Alvin Cleaver of Nyssa, was bought school district will be used next for $326 72 by the Ontario Livestock week for the first time. Commission company. The top hog Baccalaureate will be held in the building Sunday. M ay 21. the class Bf the show, a duroc gilt, was owned by Ray Abbott of Parma. It sold for night program Tuesday, May 23 and commencement Thursday. May 25. $53.70 Total sales amounted to $5829 13. Superintendent Henry H. Hartley All ribbons and awards were fur said "T h e building will not be fin ished and we are using it only nished by the Malheur County Fair through the courtesy of J. H. Wise association. Er Dr. A. L.Stran<l And Rev. Don Maxfield To Give Principal Talks Men View Spectacular Geological Forma» lions In Canyon* The Rev. Donald Maxfield. pastor Pour national park service o ffic o f the First Church of Christ j f ials and other representatives of the Nyssa will deliver the barcaluareate federal government, who went to sermon Sunday night. May 21 and the Owyhee reservoir with several Dr. A. L. Strand, president o f Ore Nyssa residents to Inspect the area gon State college, will deliver the as a possible state and federal park, commencement address Thursday found in the geologlcally-spectacul- night, May 25 for the graduating ar territory a little bit of the Orand class of the Nyssa high school. Both canyon, a touch of Zion National functions will be held In the audit park and a semblance of Bryce orium of the new school building. National park in Utah. Other numbers on the baccalaure Although differing in many re ate program will be given as follows: spects from the famous parks, the Processional, “ March of the Melst- Owyhee canyon is believed to com erslngers", high school orchestra, were in Nyssa. Those in the pict- . Kirkhum of Portland, Hugh Boyle pare fuvorably in scienic beauty with directed by Lynn Lawrence: invo ure are E M. Hilton, Homer Crow- of Boisr, bureau of reclamation of- other areas that have been desig cation, President Arvel L. Child lcy and Sanford liill, all of San ficial; and Neal Butterfield of Port- nated as national parks because of o f the Nyssa stake of the Church Francisco (to the right of Mr. and land. (Story on front page) their peculiar geological formations. of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Mrs. Marcum), Mr.and Mrs. Art The four national park service hymn. “ Lead On, O King Eternal", officials making the excursion to the audience led by the Rev. S. D. Spiesz, upper reaches of the Owyhee reser pastor of the Assembly o f Qod voir were Neal Butterfield o f Port church: scripture reading, the Rev. land, chief of the Columbia basin C. L. Callahan, rector o f St. Paul's Tomlistone Found recreution survey; Sanford Hill, Episcopal church: prayer, the Rev. chief of planning and construction Donald S. Campbell, pastor o f the In Sunset Valley of the regional office staff; Homer Community Methodist church: sel Installation of officers of the Nys Crowley, regional engineer, and E. ection, "The Lord Bless You and Russell Howell of Sunset Valley sa Parent-Teacher association last M. Hilton, reservoir development Keep You", high school mixed chor discovered a tombstone last week, Thursday night was folluwcd by a and management branch o f the park us, directed by Lynn Lawrence: sel while clearing weeds close to a very unusual musical entertainment service, all of San Francisco. They ection, "Qod of Our Fathers", mixed ditch bank near the Cow Hollow in the small auditorium in the new were accompanied by Hugh Boyle chorus and orchestra: hymn, "The read. of Boise, land use and settlement school building. Church Is One Foundation", aud The tombstone was of granite, Otto Weigel, music instructor in and recreation division, bureau of ience; benediction. Elder W. M. about 18 inches wide and 2'a feet the La Orande schools, who was in reclamation; Art Klrkham, repre Turner of the Baptist church, and high, with the inscription "T o troduced by Superintendent Henry senting the Portland chamber of recessional, "March From Athalla” , Our Beloved Emery D. Olsen" and Mrs. Klrkham. Hartley as a man of many talents commerce, high school orchestra. "1849". No other date or writing and a virtuoso on a number of in Murle Marcum and E W. Pruyn The commencement program will Donna Jean Cheldelin (above) was to be found. Its appearance furnished and operated boats for the struments, opened his program with be given as follows: Prelude. “G o l and Donna Claire Trabert have been in this location remains a myst a violin solo and two vocal selections, trip. Sandy Patterson operated a den Olow Overture", high school named co-valedictorians of the 1950 ery as there Is no cemetery, or ’When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" and boat furnished by Elden Yergensen. band; processional grand march, graduating class of the Nvssa high evidence of burying ground In "Mandalay". He also gave an un Other members of the Nyssa Boat high school band; Invocation, Pres school. They will speak at com this vicinity. The police were usual interpretation of "Shortnln’ club and the Malheur Oame league, ident Arvel L. Child of the L. D. S. mencement exercises to be held in notified but were unable to offer sponsors of the project, made the Bread" church; student speech, Donna Jean the new auditorium next Thursday any solution to the find o f the Mr Weigel, accompanied by Miss trip in other boats. Cheldelln, co-valedictorian; violin night. tombstone. Arriving at the dam by car about Snider, a student at the Eastern solo, "Sweet Spirit Hear My Prayer". Oregon College of Education, played 10 a. m . the party immediately Angela Peterson, soloist and Mary started the 52-mile trip to the head a song whistle, something like a Lou Schenk, accompanist: student tiny trombone and a flexitime, an waters of the reservoir. They stop speech, Donna Claire Trabert, co- other vest pocket musical instru ped at Oordon's creek, the proposed valedictorian: presentation of speak ment. On the musical saw he play site of the 20-acre park, about three er, Henry Hartley, superintendent ed "M y Wild Irish Rose” and miles above the dam. From that of schools; address, "The Happiest "Mother McCree” and on the guitar point to the mouth of Leslie's gulch, Day o f Our Lives” , Dr. A. L. Strand; Checks totaling approximately about 30 miles from the dam. Mr. vocal selection, "The Challenge of $199,400 will be mailed by the Am al Six members of the Nyssa high he played "The Oay Caballero” with vocal accompaniment. .Playing a Klrkham took colored pictures and Youth", double mixed quartet, acc school track squad who helped "Nyssa contraption made from broom the other members of the party ompanied by Carlene Jones; pres gamated Sugar company Friday to to win the eastern Oregon meet held handle and cigar box tb represent viewed the beauty and grandeur of entation of scholarships, Mrs. M ar Malheur county farmers who grew at La Orande last Saturday left this a violin, Weigel gave his interpre the cliffs and rock formations. garet Engstrom, senior class advis beets in 1949. When the officials and their party H. A. Benning of Ogden, presi morning by car for Corvallis to enter tation of “The Old Gray Mare” , er; presentation of American Leg »11 beat up arrived at Leslie's gulch about noon, ion citizenship awards. Robert E. dent of the company, said the ap the state meet to be held this week which he dedicated teachers like Mr. Hartley and my they were greeted by a group of Talbot. Jr„ commander of Nyssa proximate $865 000 to be paid by the end. Nyssa residents, who had driven to self". post No. 79, American Legion; pres concern to growers In Idaho, Utah Floyd Hale, who won scoring hon The new officers, presented by the reservoir through Sucker creek entation of class. Principal D. W and Oregon represents an additional ors In the eastern Oregon meet with Mr. Hartley, were installed by Mrs. and Leslie’s gulch Saturday to set Patch; benediction, Arvel L. Child, payment on the 1949 crop. 15 1/4 points, will enter the state Ed Frost, the first president of the up camp and prepare a dinner for Orowers in the Nyssa-Nampa dis and recessional march, high school meet in four events— the 100-yard Nyssa P. T. A. The officers are the visitors. Bernaard Frost, presi trict will receive 65 cents per ton band. dash, the 220-yard dash, broadjump Mrs. John Schenk, president; Clyde dent of the Malheur Oame league, Members o f the graduating class and Idaho growers, those living at and 880-yard relay. The other par Snider, vice president; Mrs. E. one of the sponsors of the proposed are Lee Anderson. Charles Batt, Twin Palls. Burley and Rupert, and ticipants and their events are Ray Bingman, vice president; Mrs. V. L. recreational area, was accompanied Paul Benedict. Mildred Bibbey, Car- in Cash and Weber county In Utah Keck, shotput; Leo Long, javelin Kesler, vice president; Mrs. Ron to the district Saturday by Howard olee Bingham. Betty Lou Bretz, B et will receive 75 cents per ton. A and discus, and Ronald Lowe. Robert Campbell, secretary, and Charles Smith, Sam Phillips and his two ty Louise Bullard, Janice Campbell, total of 306,779 tons of beets was Hartley, 880-yard relay and Jack Steffens, treasurer. sons, Charles and David, and Klass Ned Campbell. Donna Jean Chelde- raised in Malheur county last year. Bowen, alternate. The boys will ride (Continued on Page 2) Dennis Patch, high school prin The company’s initial payment lin, Alvin Cleaver, Norman Day. En? In cars driven by superintendent cipal, discussed the so-called child sor E. Bush. Beverly Dickson, Anna last fall was $9 per ton so that with Former Resident Henry Hartley and Coach Kinsey ren’s bill, which will appear on the Essex. Marilyn Ekanger, Dorothy Er the government's conditional pay Keveren. election ballot in November. The ment growers will have received win, Carole Flinders, Phyllis G allo O f Nyasa Section, Nyssa eked out a 4 1/2 point measure would increase from $50 to way, Roger Olenn, Jean Orottveit, from $12.10 to $12.44 per ton for victory in the eastern Oregon meet, $80 the amount of money contrib Meidert Hurt, Dies Jeanive Orottveit, Floyd Hale. Char beets, depending upon the sugar winning over Baker in second place uted by the state per census child lotte Hoashi. Rose) Deane Hunter, content. and La Orande in third. The scores for educational purposes. Mr. Meldert Hart of Caldwell, former Clarence Kesler, Jr„ Gladys Lewis, were Nyssa 47 1/2, Baker 43, La Patch said the people cannot afford Leo Long, Ronald Lowe, Willard ( ' r « ,W R e i l i l i r i n i r Grande 36. Pendleton 26. Ontario to defeat the measure "because they resident of the Oregon Trail dis Lowe, Alma Joanne Matheny, Tosh- * ® 22 1/2, Vale 16, Mac High 16 and are faced with an influx of popula trict near Nyssa, died Wednesday. May 10 in a Caldwell hospital after iko Mayeda. Lucile Mitchell. M ar Break In Gtnal Hermiston 2. tion and an Increased birth rate. a long Illness. lene Moss. Donna Mundy. James Leo Long of Nyssa set a new Any additional support we can get Nicholson, Lawrence K. Olson, A l Funeral services were held at 2:30 By Friday nkght, the bureau of discus record for the meeting, on a state level Is going to be very bert Pecka, Jr., Helen Angela Pet reclamation expects to have some throwing the plate 142 feet, 10 Inch helpful In meeting Our school p m. Saturday In Peckham’s Mem erson, Oerda Ena Price, Dora R an water back in the south canal that orial chapel. Interment was in the es. Thompson o f Baker set a new financing problems". Caldwell cemetery. som, Edna Ruth Russell. Neta Smith. broke Wednesday morning about 10 highjump record with a leap of 6 The P. T. A. voted to contribute James Stephen. Jr., Clarence Suiter. o ’clock. Paul House, irrigation man and son. the contractors. Mr Hart was born In Wydenear, feet, 7/8 Inch. $30 toward a fund for promoting the Holland July 4. 1881 and came to Albert Takami, Donna C. Trabert. ager. said this morning that a crew "W e wish to urge that you do not Nyssa men placed as follows; 100- measure. the United States In 1920 He en David W Tyler, Ray 8. Williams of men now working on the break attempt to wander about the build yard dash, Hale second; 220-yard Refreshments were served In the and Donna Oarner Woolley. w ill probably turn a full head into ing. Only the auditorium will be dash, Hale first; time 23; 880-yard home economics room after the gaged In farming in the Oregon Trail district for many years be the canal by Monday. available to us. You will note that run. Diven third; 880-yard relay, fore moving to Caldwell, The break was caused by a bad It Is not completely finished. The Two of the three young men who j Nyssa first. Hale, Pecka, Hartley and meeting Polls To Be Open Mr Hart Is survived by his widow, ger at the Coyote creek siphon be lavatories In the new building are escaped from the Malheur county Lowe; 1:38.1; low hurdles, Low fifth; Allda; two sons, Klaas o f Oregon All Day Friday tween Adrian and Succor creek not functioning, but those in the jail at Vale last Sunday were cap- broadjump, Hale first. 19 feet. 11 Three Arraigned Trail and Conrad o f Bakersfield, Approximately 21.000 acres of land old section of the building will be turned at Rome Tuesday, but Ernest inches; pole vault. Mayden. tied for On Threat Gliarge California; two sisters living In Hol Collins, 25, was still at large. The third; shotput, Keck first. 48 feet, T h e usual polling places will is affected by the break, which available". land and five grandchildren. The public will use the rear door two captured men are Charles T. 2 Inches; javelin. Long first, 180 feet. be open in Nyssa for the primary was not considered large in view Jimmy Lucas and Rogers Bell, election Friday. Votiix? will be done o f the large head of water carried to enter the auditorium for the class Melton, 17 of Bend, and Earnest 8 inches, and discus, Long first, 142 negroes, and Walter R. White, charg Decoration Day in the city hall. Eagles hall and | In the canal. The rupture was a- night program Tuesday and the Crawford. 22 of Myrtle Creek. Ore- feet, 10 Inches. bout 35 feet across. graduation services Thursday For | gon. ed with threatening to commit a Methodist church. baccalaureate visitors will State Police O fficer AI Pollentler enter felony at the Adrian labor camp, Mlllage Figure Corrected— T h e polls will be open from S Plan* Prepare«I Return From Yakima— through the old building. of Jordan Valley, who originally ar Through a typographical error, were arraigned in Don M. Graham's a m to 8 p m The city hall wIU be Or land Cheldelln returned home rested Melton and Crowford on a Justice court Tuesday night at 10 the statement was made In this closed. Preliminary plana for Memorial last week after taking his parents, charge of larceny of gasoline, cap newspaper last week that a levy of o'clock. day services were outlined at a who had been visiting here, to their Dr. Strami To See tured them while they were sleeping 23.5 mills would be necessary to White posted ball of $100 and the committee meeting o f veterans Attend Delphian Assembly— a cabin They were serving only raise the $87.500 that the county other two men posted ball o f 850 Wednesday night. A group of the members of the home in Yakima. From Yakima. Owvhee Reservoir In went to Portland, be- 30-dav sentences when they escaped proposes to raise in addition to the each to appear In court for a pre local Delphian society attended the Mr. Cheldelln __ The services will be held In the regional Delphian assembly held last returning to Nyssa. amount allowed under the 1950-51 liminary hearing Saturday night .it veterans plot In the Nyaaa cemetery T h e Nyssa Boat club has com jail. Officers said Collins was last seen budget. The mlllage should have 7:30 at 10 a. m. Tuesday, May 30 under Wednesday at the Boise hotel In pleted arrangements to take Dr. walking west from Ontario. He was been 3.5. White, a labor contractor, and the auspices o f tile Nyssa Veterans Boise. The main speaker of the Born In Ontario— A. L. Strand, president of Oregon Recent births reported at the Holy arrested at Vale on a charge of the two negroes are charged with association. meeting was Mrs. John E. Hays of State college to the headwaters threatening Olen Colburn and C lif Clyde Snider of Nyssa will be Tw in Falls, national president of Rosary hospital Include a son born of the Owyhee reservoir next W e d - , obtaining property under false pre Hospital Auxiliary Meets— May 11 to Mr and Mrs Ollbert i tenses. Invited to deliver the addreaa. The John O'Toole, manager of the ford Hoover with bodily Injury. the Parent-Teacher association. Mrs. nesday. Parra of Nyssa and a daughter | The three men escaped from jail local hospital, will be the guest usual veterans ritualistic service O errit Stam was one of the 10 wo Dr. Strand and several Nyssa res- i will also be given. men selected to be photographed born May 13 to Mr and Mrs Irvin ¡dents will go on the water excur after grabbing Deputy 8 heriff Joe speaker at the meeting of the hos Primary Reorganised— At a meeting of the second ward for a picture of spring hat styles, Durfee. also of Nyssa sion In boats furnished by E. W. Barnes as he entered the “ bull pen" pital auxiliary Monday afternoon at as seen at the assembly The pic Hears from Sister— Pruyn, Murle Marcum. Elden Y er- to feed the prisoners, taking his the parish hall. All women of the primary, L. D. S, church, held Sun Returns To La Orande— keys and locking him in a cell. A l community are invited to attend this day evening, reorganization of the Mrs H Scott Coulter and baby ture appeared In the Sunday edition Mrs. Don Oraham received a let gensen and perhaps others. They though the escapees fled from Vale meeting to hear Mr O Toole. and primary was made under the direct son, Robert, will return to their of the Idaho Statesman. ter Monday from a sister, who lives will leave Nyssa at 8 a. m. The club In Barnes’ automobile about 8 a. m . to discuss plans for sewing for hos ion of Bishop D H Christensen. home in La Orande this week-end In Wtnnepeg. telling of the flood has invited Bob Schultz o f the Id their escape was not discovered until Mrs Iona Flinders, who has served after visiting at the home of Mrs. pital equipment. Vial t e n Here— conditions, and of the damage and aho Statesman and Bob Davis of 3 p m. Barnes' car was later found the past four years in the ward, Coulter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Quests at the home of Mr. and suffering there on account o f the K S R V to make the trip. has been called to be president of Wesley Browne. Mrs. Coulter was Dr. Strand will go to Emmet: abandoned on the I-O -N highway. Hon Dir*— Mrs La Mont Fife Sunday included floods the Nyssa stake primary board, and In Boise Wednesday with the baby, Mr and Mrs C H Stephansen Tuesday to deliver a high school Mr and Mrs. C. F. Andruus and commencement address and will be Plan Play-O ff— were called to Ogden last week be Mrs Mary Savage, who has been where it was found that surgery fam ily of Boise. Mr and Mrs E. I. III In Hospital— The two women’s bowling teams cause of the death of their son. serving as second ward counselor, would not be necessary for the Anderson and daughters, and Mr. Mrs H K Hashltani of Nyssa is in Nyssa Thursday night to deliver , who tied for first place will Oerald Stephansen. who Is survived will be secretary o f the stake or throat condition for which obser and Mrs Frank Woodford confined to the Holy Rosary hospital a similar address compete at the bowling center for by his widow and two children. ganization. Mrs Virginia Bybee was vations were being made Nampa. Mr and Mrs. Jack Zittercob for treatment. Mrs Hashltani la not : the trophy and prizes The two To Make Home Here— sustained as president, with Mrs of Ontario and Mr and Mrs John permitted to have visitors Fern Kessler as first counselor. Goes To Raker— Visitors at the home of Mr and teams competing are Nyssa Pack Visits Here— Broad o f Nyssa — — — —— Mrs Owen Oann are M r and Mrs ing company, composed of Doro Mrs L. E Weir of North Plains. Plans are underway for a summer Mrs R M Cochrun left last ------------------------ Leave Far Baker— Herr From Klamath F tlb — Dr and Mrs C L. Hermann left Chet Rusk of Phonex, Arizona, and thy Burbridge. captain, Alberta Oregon visited her son, Elmer Clon- program for all boys and girls 4 to Thursday for Baker, where she vis Mrs Charles B Wilson and son. Tuesday for Baker, where they will Raymond Brown of Waco. Texas. Bowen. Virginia Brandt, and Betty Inger of Sunset valley last week 12 year* of age The program will ited at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dean, of Klamath Falls ar- make their home Dr Hermann will Mrs Rusk is s sister and Mr Brown Jean Burbidge and Peterson Fur Mrs Weir noted a great change In be built around the customs, dress C. C. Wyckoff. On Sunday the was Mr and niture company with Betty Walters Nyaaa and the surrounding country and food habits of various count joined by her husband and the W il rived In Nyssa Sunday to visit for be associated with his father. Dr a nephew of M n. Oann a week at the home of Mrs Wilson’s Harry Hermann. In hi* optometry Mrs Rusk plan to reside in Njnsa , as captain. Margaret Bracken. Dor- since her last visit here 10 years ries. to be climaxed with a sum bur Holcomb. Clyde Schurr and 1 othy Jones and Katherine Peterson •go Charles McClure families. mer festival ti\ August. and build a home here. parents. Mr and Mrs W W Poster office Boys (iel $2159 For Livestock I*. T. A. Officers Aiv Install«*«! ( .om ineiiceine ii I Al Adrian Set Company Sends Out Beet Cheeks Building To Be Used First Time Escapees Uau^lil, Thinl On«* Free tore o t' Nyssa Trackmen Win In District a “to