Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1950 Classified BUY NOW G rigg Bros. & Butler FOR SALE F O R R E N T —Three-room apart ment, fully furnished. Phone 133-R. 4mtfc 1800 acres, 300-head cattle spread, You can have possession of any of these farms this spring if you one of the best cattle deals in the FOR RE N T—Room tn home, man west. buy right away. preferred. Dwight Smith, phone 20 acres, seven-room modern 140-R. FARMS 6a tfc home, close to town. $9.500; $2,500 1040 ACRE CATTLE RANCH down, immediate possession. FOR R E N T -O ne four-room un Produces 2-year old steers for $35 300-head cattle deal, 200 acres furnished apartment in Bybee a- each, you can make real money RATE: Two cents per word for each issue Minimum, cash in being farmed in grain and alfalfa, partments. Call at 302 S. 5th street here, complete with stock and could put in 500 acres, good corrals advance, is 30c. 6a tfc machinery, $32,000. terms. and barn, top grass country, semi CLEAR *20,000 PER YEAR 107-acre dairy farm, finest grade modern three-bedroom home. $40,- FOR RENT—Three-room modern A equipment, 60 registered cattle, 000, with $10.000 down, write your apartment. 601 north 1st street, phone 23-J. C H Bennett. 6atfc immediate possession, price com own terms. FOR SALE apart 160 acres, 135 irrigated. 80 acres FOR RENT—Three-room FOR SALE plete. $50.000. terms, Five-room house with bath. good row crop land, small home, ment. modern. 22 N. 1st St. *41 j MAKE GOOD ON THIS 80 S A A L iE E -r n t t n .v trihn^ 100 and x 125 $33 lot, $4.750, only 30mtfc .F FOR OR S -D to on pay tribute to t basement. l 595 down monthJ Cheap water and good soil, a fine eight-head cow barn. $28.000, 28% Nyssa Insurance Agency. down. $2,000 per year. general farm, $24.000. Moths. Stop them with Berlou. 5 per cent interest FOR RENT-- Polish your own 360 acres, every foot top row crop floors Rent our hlgh-s|ieed pol Five year guarantee, oderless and. Two houses: One has two bed- WANT A CHEAP 80? land, lays perfect, 1 3 down. Has 40 acres cultivated, fair build stainless. Owyhee Drug Co. 18mlxc rooms, bath, kitchen, living room 10 acres, three-bedroom modern ishing equipment Easily handled ing, $7,350. very easy terms. ------------------------------------------------------ and basement, gas furnace, hot home, land lays perfect, under the by women. Nyssa Lumber company. A GOOD 80 FOR ONLY *7,500 FOR SALE—O r trade, by owner.: water tank, range and refrigerator, SAtfc. About 50 acres now cultivated, old Owyhee. three-room house, two lots, fenced. I Second one has two rooms and bath 1 acre close to Nyssa, on Nyssa- $3.000 down will move you on. MISCELLANEOUS good lawn and shade. Inquire a t ' and gas stove, 50 x 117 lot. excellent Ontario highway. 112 East Third. 18mlxp: Income property, both for only EXTRA GOOD 60 100-head cattle deal, 160 acres Finest row crop land, paid-up OTIS RUG & CARPET — —— ———— - .----- ------------------ - 1*6,500. Half down. with 105 irrigated, productive land, water, modem home. $24.000, CLEANERS FOR S A L E -Buildlng tots on north j Two-bedroom modern apartment, tots of buildings, good corrals, two down. We clean rugs, carpets, unholstery, Third, >■» mile from city limits in- | over doUble garage, brick construct- homes. $17,000. TWO GOOD HOMES ON THIS 60 floors, etc. quire at cinder-block house Jack . jon excellent location, paved street 60 acres, four-room home, semi Deep sandy soil. $9.000, terms and NO JOB TOO BIO—NO JOB TOO Crlstoffer. 18m lxp,mce lawn. modern home, shop, chicken coop, SMALL. FREE pick-up and Deliv low interest. FOR SALE—Or trade, late 1948 j In«ome Property, four apartments 50 ACRES ON OILED ROAD granary, small barn, good row crop, ery. 425 So. Oregon. Phone 580— International p i c k - u p , overload 111 n®w brtck aP*rtn>ent house. Lo- Modern 6-room home, best of soil, paid-up water right, close to Nyssa. Ontario or 70—Nyssa. Formerly sprlngs, four-speed transmission, across from scnool house, 80 acres, this place lays perfect, Andy’s rug and carpet cleaners. old water right, $16.000. V2 down. stock rack and trailer hitch, tow * 1®"” : Terms can be arranged, all top row crop land, three-bedroom 50 ACRES CLOSE IN 18m4xp mileage. Zack Walker, phone 78-R .! <-'CKX* two-bedroom home on pav- Four-room house, good dairy barn, semi modern home, large cow barn, Hmtfc ied street, close in, *4100, only $1- $16.000. small down payment, easy MISCELLANEOUS — Farmers, for cheap water, good soil, $8.500, ------------------------------------------------------ j 800 down and $25 per month on terms. aerial dusting at popular prices terms. FOR SALE—New Frlgidaire deep balance. Immediate possession, 40 acres, 20 acres good row crop phone Payette Flying Service, OVER 30 TON BEETS freeze, 36 cubic feet. 30 gallon size. I 27 x 116 lot on main street, well Ilm8xp You can't find better soil. 50 acres, land, four-room home, terms, close 0191-J3. $475 value—priced for quick sale at located for only $2350. to Nyssa, priced below appraisal. $10,500. terms. MISCELLANEOUS— You can nicely $295. Write or phone Stanford 350-foot frontage on Ontario EXTRA GOOD BUILINGS i 140 acres. 90 acres irrigated, 57 Store. Welser, Idaho. Ilm3xc highway across from Williams Food 48 acres, good soil, buildings alone acres in alfalfa, five-room home, thank your friends with a card — —— —- _______________________ i market Will sell all or Dart are worth more than the price two-room labor house, close to chosen from our large selection of SALi t r Used*HM , W was,her' ! 10 acres with good house, semi of this farm. $10,000. easy terms. Nyssa, $9.500. terms. This place Is thank you notes. Your friends will really appreciate a party Invitation good condition. Firestone store. | modern, excellent ground, l 1-. miles ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE worth the money. _____ ________ llm tfc from Nyssa, terms. Two acres, attractive new seven- selected from our stocks. Stationery Select a suburban home today. BERNARD EASTMAN Four fine acreages to choose from. room modern home, full basement. Department. Oate City Journal. FOR SALE—1949 John Deere auto 20atfc INSURANCE Insulated, new cow barn, on paved All close in. $2800 to $9500. matic wire tying hay baler used one REAL ESTATE Phone 64 road, paid-up water right, 1/3 down, MISCELLANEOUS — When Father HOMES season. Walter Cannon, Desert easy terms. 4 per cent interest. NEW 3-ROOM HOME Time reaches the date printed eacli Sheep Co., phone 016-J2. llm fap t o r SALE—I have a set of Encylo- 40 acres, small home. *7.000. Very neat arid attractive, good week on your Journal your subscrip 758-head cattle ranch, 400 acres tion has expired. If you want to F O R 8 A L E -A complete stock of ' B r lU lm lc a, which cost me garage, $4,500. irrigated, four wells on the place, read the local news you should keep wallpaper,. Set the scene for graci $269 a year ago. Do not have a LARGE ROOMS ouus living, beautify your interiors place to keep them so am quite des Modern two-bedroom home, $01100, high and low range, lots of springs ahead of Father Time. Gate City ad streams on the range, two five- Journal. easy terms. with our fine wallpapers. Come in perate to sell. Would you like to 4mtfc room homes, electricity, can be rent and see our selection as low as 36c buy? Call 369-J evenings after 7:30 EAST SIDE LOCATION Ilm4xc a roll. Nyssa Furniture company, and make me an offer. Buy a home for less, modern ed for $5,000 per year, with rent to MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need apply on purchase price. one block west of railroad depot FOR SALE—Special this week, three bedrooms, only $3.000. money to remodel your home or to 2mtfc used Hotpoint range, $39.50, very NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME build outbuildings or garage? We HOMES * Modern neat appearence, very The best buy in one-bedroom can arrange a loan for you and give FOR SALE—Two Oibson ranges, good condition. O & B Store llm tfc good buy at $4.500, H down. you up to three years to pay It. home in Nyssa, well located. FOR SALE apartment house type, four burners, RESIDENCE LOTS 29stfc New two-bedroom home, full base Nyssa Lumber Co. 150 acres top row crop, on high BUILD YOUR HOME NOW deluxe model, regular price $1G4.!>5, ment, well located, terms. closing out at $149.50. Ed Case Fur way, new strictly modern tliree- A good selection of building sites. POLIO INSURANCE One-bedroom modern home, $3,- niture Co., Highway 20. North of bedroom home, tenant house, grade $300 and up. Whole family. $5 per year 700, terms. “Y”. 4mtfc A bam. *45.000, good terms. Will BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KEN POND AGENCY New two-bedroom modern home sell all equipment along with cows WANT A SMALL STORE? 16 North 3rd. Nyssa garage, will accept old home as FOR SALE—Two Oibson refriger and milk quota at reasonable price. Two good money-makers right down payment, $7,500. ators, 1950 models, 7 cu. foot frozen 80 acres, part row crop, two mod CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING here in Nyssa. $2500 and up. food compartment, full length draw em homes on farm, will sell at ap DRIVE-IN HI-WAY FRONT Two small plus two apartments, Stock received Monday, Tuesday. er, regular price $214.95, closing out praisal price. rent for $145 per month, $9.500, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a ,m. 70 ft. business lot across from Cold easy terms. at $185.00. Ed Case Furniture Co., to 8 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Cabin court, on highway in Nyssa. Storage. $1312. Highway 20, north of "Y ”. 4mtfc $8.500. No stock received on Sunday H o t e l a n d c a b i n s Business Opportunities Very choice grade A dairy 17-room modern hotel, eight good Three acres, no buildings, best lo Beef, sheep and pork. Free de FOR SALE—Wagon trailer, well farm, 105 acres under Owyhee livery to Polar locker plant. cabins, four-room modern home, cation for a future business. built, regular price $250, sale price project. Two modern homes and One mile west on Alberta Ave. all for $30.000, easy terms. Business building, 50 x 75, located $125. Ez Carr, O and B store. 18mlxc good outbuildings, about 60 head of Phone 381-W PAY $25.000 DOWN in the center of the business district JAKE FISCHER Balance on easy terms. One of in a thriving western Oregon city. FOR SALE—Baby grand piano, ex registered Jersey cattle. Owner has the best deals in the valley. Will One of the major implement lines cellent condition, a and B Appli quota agreement that pays $1.28 per net $25,000 per year. Ask us about available for the area. Suitable for MISCELLANEOUS—Announcing to ance Co., phone 179-J. 4mtfc pound for butterfat. Will pay two operators good wages, plus 20% to this several types of business, $13.000. farmers, new reduced rates In auto mobile liability insurance. You can 25% per year on the investment, FOR SALE $5,000 down. now Insure for less In the best of Used Hotpoint range, all-white Price *50,000. Repair shop for sale, small down companies. See this special plan two-bedroom REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE payment. with side oven, perfect condition,, Acreage, modern before you buy. Nyssa Insurance Phone 218 must sell reasonable to make room home with some furniture, nice 16 North 3rd. Cabinet shop with living quarters agency, Ralph G. Lawrence, agent, I garage, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. For evening appointments for other appliances. for sale. 2ftfc Phone 54-M 1 Large modern chicken house and Used Kelvlnator range, $75. One of Nyssa’s thriving businesses 105 Main street. pens, including all equipment and Coffee table. $8 is for sale, will consider trade on MISCELLANEOUS — DuMieate oar FOR SALE— Creto. the guaran Damaged metal bed, has scratehs, 110 hens. These buildings are near a farm. and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- it will sell cheap. ly new. on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on teed waterproof paint, Creto water Business buildings and stock for neman’s. 250t/c proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc Hotpoint electric dishwasher with a paved road. A bargain for $6.200. sale, building 24 x 70 clnderblock, co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. disposal, used, % price. FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY $9,000, with $3,400 down and $500 MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar Waterproofs by application and Robert F. Thompson G A B APPLIANCE STORE per year on the balance. range loans for you to rebuild or permanently waterproofs walls and Nyssa, Oregon Phone 97 We make loans on the new Owy remodel your home, barn, garage, floors, inside o< outside, wet or hee land, farms, homes, and busin or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb dry, new or old, painted or un esses. er Co. 29stfc painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc Advertising KEN POND AGENCY Proiessiooal Business Directory PHYSICIANS LODGES Ny*aa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC American I*egion Dr. J. J. Sarazln Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. C. J. Kopp, M. D. South First Street Physician and Surgeon Fry Building DENTISTS Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to • Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 Office hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 6 Dally except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHK8 Main Street at Second DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building rhea* 1M-J. Nysaa OfTlor hours from • to 5 except Saturdays. • to 13. J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone M -J Serum Clinic NYSSA OR BOON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE OPTOMETRISTS Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO ORBOOW DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY VETERINARIANS DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian P hoaa Nysea 27S Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FOR SALE—Two-piece overstuffed, looks just like new. worth $225.00 new will sell for $85.00. G Si B Store. llm tfc FOR SALE—New native stone house, two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, fireplace, full basement, garage. 100 x 138 corner tot, only *7,000 Bernard Eastman. Phone 61. Real Estate, insurance. 27atfc FOR SALE- Milk cows. Guernseys. Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone 306. Ontario. Oregon, across from Ontario sale yard 2mtfc FOR SALE —Lovely, lusting linoleum at home in any room, spirited pat- | terns, priced at a savings, 49c a run ning foot Nyssa Furniture comp- | any, 1 block west of R. R depot 30m tfc FOR SAL* Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o u s e , one acre of ground, located miles from Nyssa. Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e east side location, small down payment, balance on state loan. Unfinished two-bedroom home, N. Second street, good location, large lot, can be completed with FHA loan Will make beautiful home with very small Invest ment. cash *2500 Several small homes with small down payment. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Ralph G. Lawrence Nyssa, Oregon WANTED PAGE TH Malheur Sunday School To Meet ARCADIA, May 18—The Malheur Sunday school young people will hold this month's party at the Otis Bullard home May 20 at 8 p. m. The group will have a treasure hunt and weiner roast. The Arcadia and Ore gon Trail Sunday schools will be hosts to the group. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zlttercob en tertained Mr. and Mrs. John Zitter- cob and Mr and Mrs. Gerald Zltter cob at a dinner Tuesday evening. The occasion was Mrs. John Zltter- cob’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Barnes and Drexel of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Anderson and Sylvia, Irene and Tommy Jayo, all of Nyssa, en joyed a picnic dinner in the Nyssa park Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lakey and Mrs. Anna Dali were dinner guests Fri day evening in the home of Mr. and to waive all informalities. All hunting rights shall be reserv ed In the State. Copy of the lease agreement doc ument may be obtained by request from the Clerk of the State Land Board, Salem. Oregon. Oregon State Land Board By E. T. Pierce, Clerk First Pub. April 20. 1950. Last Pub. May 18, 1950 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR In the Matter o f the Estate of LEWIS HENRY FINDLINO, De ceased NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that the undersigned. Amy E Find ing. administratrix of the estate of Lewis Henry Finding, deceased, has filed her Final Account as said ad ministratrix In the County Court of Malheur County. Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tuesday, May 23, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day for the hear ing of objections to said Final Ac count and the settlement thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons interested in the estate of Lewis Henry Finding, deceased, are noti fied and required to appear at the County Court Room in the Court House at Vale, Malheur County. Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause, if any tilers be, why said Account should not be settled, allowed and approved and said estate distributed and said ad ministratrix discharged. Dated and first published April 20. 1950. Date of Last publication, May 18. 1950. AMY E. FINDLINO Administratrix of the Estate of Lewis Henry Finding. Deceased Harold Henigson Attorney for the Administratrix and Mrs. Lee Dail of Nyssa. Mrs. Ben Houston received nouncement of the birth of a so to Sgt. and Mrs. Eugene Milne who are stationed in Oermany. M and Mrs. Milner have three oth boys. Mrs. Milner is Mrs. Houston daughter. Oiles Lay of Portland and Beatrice Lay of Portland visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olin La last week and Mrs. Lay visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felton Dun con In Nyssa. Mr. Holly of Nyssa was gues speaker at Arcadia after Sunda school Suhday. The Arcadia Sunshine club me May 12 at the home o f Mrs. Js Oroot on Oem avenue. Elever members were present. Mrs. O Lay drew the door prize. The nr meeting will be held May 26 wit Mrs. Les Jamesen near Nyssa. freshments of cake and Ice ere" were served by Mrs. Oroot. Mrs. Dale Lakey returned to Sunday after a week’s visit with mother, Mrs. Anna Dali, and Mr. Lakey, who is working on the Pasc" plpellne. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Amldon and Mrs. Don Lankford and son visited one evening last week in the George Moeller home. Annette Stradley has been out of school the past two weeks with scarlet fever and the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly and Joan and Mrs. Anna Dail were din ner guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schoen In O n tario. Nell Bowers met with her 4-H club May 6 at the home of June Flek with only three members pres ent. The last meeting of the season will be held May 20 at the home of Norma Benedict. All articles must be furnished by then and ready for the 4-H fair May 26. R. O. Chandler of Caldwell called at the Otis Bullard home Wednes day. He said his son, David, had a appendix operation that morning at the Oood Samaritan hospital in Nampa. Wins Scholastic Honor— Yoshlo Teshlma of Nyssa, a senior In engineering, was among students tapped this week for membership in Phi Kappa Phi. national all school honor society at Oregon State college. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nobokazo Teshlma, route 2. Members of the honorary, who were tapped during the annual Oregon State college honors and awards convocation, are selected from the top 10 percent of the senior class and the top five percent of juniors. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreci ation to our many friends for the floral offerings, and other expres sions of sympathy at the time of the death of our father and grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Paulus Thomas Johnson L ANK F OR D BROS. DRAGLINE WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE FOR DRAINAGE CANAL CLEANING BASEMENTS EXCAVATING TANK HOLES Phone 216-R or 293NW Nyssa, Oregon Grigg Bros. & Butler MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and free pick-up of your dead, crippled or sick livestock. Calls received be fore 9 o'clock are picked up by noon. Efficient drivers. Call col lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys- FOR 8ALE—Have farms and houses sa i irj w Idaho Animal Products for sale. Need more, list with Ken Company. 6Jtfc. Renstrom Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc MISCELLANEOUS -Available now, FOR SAliK Outsiue white paint, Electrolux cleaners and air puri National Titanium. 5 gallon lota, fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. $3.50 per gallon, Nysaa Lumber Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idano, company. 12mtfc phone 0287J4 . _________ 14Jtfc Nyssa, Oregon Real Estate, Insurance. Loans Phone 179-J Mel Beck FOR SALE—Two-unit Farm Master milking machine, practically new, 1/4 horse shallow well pressure pump with tank, third house south of Apple Valley schoolhouse. Ilm2xp Estimates G ladly G iven NOTICE »’ OR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES Department of the Interior Bureau of la n d Management A DVERTISEM EN T FOR BIDS ESTRAYED Link Belt Stokers LEGAL ADVERTISING Lund Office. Portland 18. Oregon, FOR SALE—Shallow water pump with M horse-power motor. 100 foot April 17. 1950 NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil extension cord, motor in good con dition, Wilson Bros. Dept, store. liam Emery Nelson, of Route 1, 4mtfc Hoinedate, Idaho, who. on June 16th, 1948. made Reclamation Homestead FOR SALE Coal range, *10 O A t Entry, No Oregon 027, for Farm B Appliance store. Uatfc Unit B" or N 'iN li, Sec 27. Township 22 8., Range 4CE, FOR SALE--Washing machine, $10. Willamette Meridian, has filed O Si B Appliance store. Oatfc notice of Intention to make FOR SALE Oood used deluxe mod Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Don el electric range. Firestone store. 20atfc M. Graham, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 6th day of June. 1950 Claimant names as witnesses: FOR TRADE Joe Snell, of Homedale. Idaho. Oale Martin, of Adrian. Oregon. WILL TRADE—Don't do without Vern Parker, of Adrian, Oregon. those cherished portraits when you Robert Robertson, of RFD No. 1, don't have cash. We will be able to make a limited number of trades for Homedale. Idaho. Pierce M. Rice meat, poultry, eggs, fruits, etc Talk Manager It over with us. Evans studio, 11 South 5th street, Nyssa 4m4xc WANTED—Land for potatoes for | late planting. M. A. Rataezyk. STRAYED—Or stolen from Byles j route 2. Nyssa. 18m3xp pasture on Enterprise avenue, one brlndle steer, weight 350 pounds, WANTED—Be independent. Sell notify 8. O Hiatt. Nyssa Route 1. Rawleigh products, good nearby 18ml xp locality open. Write today. Raw- leigh's. Dept Ore-331-D, Oakland. FOR RENT Calif. 18mlxp. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished WANTED—Any kind of custom apartment, phone 63-J. 1 lm2xc farm work or hauling, have full line of farm machinery. Robert Ditty. R. FOR RENT—Three-room furnished 2 Nyssa. 18m2xp modern house, garden space, phone 022-R1. Ilm4xp WANTED—To care for children day j or evenings. Phone 63-J. Um2xc FOR RENT —Three-room modern house. Nyssa Insurance Agency. WANTED—Highest prices paid for i llm tfc slaughter horse* Clyde Smith. FOR RENT—Unfurnished apart \ phone 306, Ontario Across from Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfr [ ment. *37.50. heat furnLshed. Phone 74-R or 112. llm tfc WANTED - To m iy a n y th in g i n 1 beef or veal. Also euatbm killed FOR RENT Two-room furnished and delivered to Polar Cold 8tor- i cabin. $20 month. Chadwick's camp. 4mtfc age Phone 31-M or 0U-J1. 12Ftfc 1 Meuller Furnaces- Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of the State Land Board, at room 106. Capitol Building. Salem. Oregon until 11 o ’clock a. m on May 23. 1950, for the lease of approxi mately 92 acres of land, commonly known a* Perrin Island, located on the Oregon side of the Snake River, directly east of Sections 4 and 9. Township 19 S.. Range 47E This lease will be for the term of 10 years. The consideration to be furnished by the lessee shall con sist of the following: 1. All land now under cultivation shall be farmed In accordance with | accepted farming practices. 2. All other land adapted to culti vation shall be cleared and farmed wherever practicable 3 As determined by competitive bidding, the State Land Board is to receive e specific there of the crops grown on the above mentioned L*nJ, during said lease period The State Land Board reserve* the right to reject any and a l bid* GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho — FARMERS ATTENTION — SOIL AID—GYPSUM AND SULPHUR FERTILIZER $25.00 Per Ton Place Your Order Now NYSSA ELEVATOR NYSSA. OREGON