Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1950)
THE NY3SA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 11. 1950 Classified PAGE THREE POR SALE—Registered chinchillas, FARMS and HOMES FOR SALE Mrs. Dale Carey and Mr. and Mrs. ! Cleaver each of whom received a gift Nu-Acre* Grange by guaranteed to produce within a year, Henry Orcutt as hasts. High score from the group. Guests were Mr. ED JAMISON and KEN POND Gives Profjram for women was won by Emma Or- and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mr. und for as little as *1000 per pair. 414 Ennis Ave. Phone 154-W. 12j3xc 84-acres near oiled road, 51 acres cutt and Viola Carey with Mrs. Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. irrigable, real good home, large barn, NU-ACRES, Jan. 12—The Nu-Acres i Carey winning the prize In the draw. Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. Ray j water piped to all buildings and cor FOR SALE—New and used pianos. Orarvie sponsored a good program High for men was taken by Leo Griffitts, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day. rals. *16,000, easy terms. Thursday night. In a guessing game EUlbee. Low for women was won Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver, Alvin We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. 80 acres, level and perfect for row about apples, familiar and unfam- 1 by Ara Mae Preston and for men Cleaver and Hubert Parker. Grlgg Bros, and Butler. âmtfc crop, on Wilder bench, good extra lliar varieties of the fruit were in- | by Henry Orcutt. Frank Nedbalek Mrs. Howard Day has been ill the large house. *26,000, terms to suit troduced. Phyllis Evans gave two ! al>d George Grasmlck tied for the past week. RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in buyer. FOR SALE beautiful piano solos and Mrs. Ethel traveling prize with Grasmick win Sammy and Alva Ann Cleaver advance, is 30c. 80 acres This is one of the best Durrington read an appropriate ning in the draw. have been ill the past week. GRIGG BROS. AND Bl'TLEK farms in the Wilder district. *36.000, poem for the new year, "The New Mr and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and Mr and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr., Real Estate Insurance Loans very easy terms. Leaf." Master Frank Nedbalek and family had their New Year's din spent Wednesday evening at the 84 acres on Adrian bench. This Lecturer Cecil Evans each gave a ner in Payette at the home of Mr. Alva Goodell home. Ontario Nyssa Vale 47 acres, I mile off oil, close to is a dandy, only *25.000. FOR SALE—Hay in stack or de talk on the goals they wished the and Mrs W S. Orcutt. Mrs. George Cleaver, Mrs. La Vern FOR SALE 80 acres, with good 3-bedroom Orange to uttatn in 1950. Overseer livered. all crops. O. B Bratton, six Nyssa. good row crop land, 4 -room Cleaver and Mrs. Alva Ooodell at home. This is a steal for only home with full basement, *12,600. Dale Carey gave an Interesting talk 3 IVrrtonn Sick tended the Home Kc club meeting at FOR SALE—About 100 tolls of baled miles north of Nyssa, mile west on *4,000 down and *,1000 per year on * 10 . 000 . good terms. the Frank Parr home Thursday a f on the sprinkler system of Irrigation, *. mile south. balance. hay; springer Holstein cow. Garret Kiug uv,‘,me 8» acres, a good dulry set-up. *7.- whieh Is somewhat new to the Nti- At I ill4 ‘ llil Vista ternoon. 12J2XC 30 acres good row crop land. 4- 500. Siam, Clark boulevard. 12J2xp ___ 1 Acres community. However. Corey 80 acres. 5-room house, pressure based his talk on personal experi BUENA VISTA. Jan 12-M r. and Here From Boise— ------------------------------------------ FOR SALE—Three lots, 50 x 117 room home, *7,900, *4,500 down and system, cast of water only *53 per ence. F O R S A L E — New two-bedroom One two-wheel trailer; one portable $500 per year on the balance. Mr. and Mrs. William Oromko, Mrs Alva Gwodell at dinner Thurs year. For quick cash sale. *7,350 40 acres with small home for Rudy Nedbalek has purchased a day evening guests were Mr. and Jr., and Neil and Linda Grainko house, complete basement apart- ; washing mac hine, good as new. Call 80 acres, 7-room basement house, rent. 1950 Ford. iiient,, stoker heat, landscaped, F. H 'J- C. Krul, 10 blocks north, close to Mrs. George Cleaver and Mr. and of Boise were visitors over the 50 acrea close to Nyssa, all level land is good. *11.550. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith and railroad. Chestnut and Idaho street. 60 acres, 40 of this is tops, rest children of New Plymouth had sup- Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary and week-end at the home of Mr. and A financed, excellent location, three : land, 4-n om home, seinl-modern, 12tfc orchard, garden and pasture, *16.800, par Saturday evening with Mr. and Brian. The dinner was given in ob Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb. blocks from Main street. Phone1 *9,500, *3,000 down. servance of Mrs. Delbert Cleaver's 148-J. 12J2xp I FOR SALE—One oil heater with 40 acres under the Warm Springs so"}e terms Mrs. Roy Lobb. Mrs. Smith is a birthday. Returns From Hospital— 60 acres, 6-room good house and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lobb. blower. Make us an offer. Faith water right, good beet land, $1,500, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver en- Nova L°»W. daughter of Mr. and F O R S A L E—Used Westinghouse Lutheran church, phone 39-J. 5Jtfc many other good buildings, cheap $5,000 down. Several from here attended the tertained Saturday evening with a Mrs Chet Long, returned last week range, prlced to sell, $32.50. Ostrom cash. 80 acres good row crop land. 3- water, *10,000, basketball game between Parma and potluck dinner given in celebration from Boise, where she had under- Brothers Appliance Co., 50 north FOR SALE—Good business oppor 62 acres. Very nice 6-room nearly bedroom semi-modern home, *14,- 3rd. 12jtfc tunities. Good blacksmith shop 000, *7,700 down, with *500 per year new home, in good locality, *10,000, Frultland. Everyone is becoming 1 0f ty,e birthdays of Mrs. Delbert sone a minor operation at the St. interested in the games as Fruitland I cleaver and Eugene and Lester Alphonsus hospital, easy terms. completely equipped, also house goes still has not been defeated. i __________________________________ I-------------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE—1938 Dodge, radio and with deal, excellent location. *5000 on the balance. 40 acres, good 4-room home, five 80 acres with five-room modern | Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carey and Mr. heater or. will trade for pigs or Good paying auto repair shop build miles from town of Adrian. *9,500. and Mrs. Wysong were Thursday calves. Gene Baxter, *4 mile west ing. stock and equipment, busy home, machine shed, barn and gar 40 acres with excellent 12-acre E. W. PRUYN of Big Bend park. 12j2xp junction location, for only *7,500. age, very productive soil, *25,000, peach orchard ii. prime condition, a dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Carey. terms. bargain at $8,750. Three acres good land on Snake Those from this community at FOR SALE—Hay in stack. D. Atagi, 125 acres on the Nyssa-Ontario | 40 acres, very level, piped for irri tending the L. D. S. cenference In Auto Repairing phone 014J11, Nyssa. 12J7xp river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 highway, top row crop land, can be Optometrist gation. abundance of water and Weiser Sunday were Mrs. David house, good pressure water system. bought in any size unit. *6,000, terms. should raise fine spuds, good build FOR SALE—1936 Ford pick-up, Barney, Mr. and Mrs. Henry'Blanch- Reboring, Valve Grind 48 acres of good laying, level land, ings, $9,000, easy terms. Eyes Examined Several good dwelling lota, well priced to sell, in good condition, close to the Ontario-Nyssa h ig h -, 35 acres, new home, a nice place ard. Dale and Linnetta. Leroy Bar located. sofa, $5; L. & H. electric stove, ney and Helen and Carolos. and Mrs. way, 4-room home. ing, Lathe work. Parts for *12,500. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high Phone 720 $10; playpen, *2.50. Ph. 36-NJ. 12dtfc F. C. Fry, Corynne, and Geraldine 80 acres, all top row crop land HOMES way. next to Polar Gold storage on the old Owyhee water right, j and Larry Jenkins. 2-bedroom home, very nice lawn, FOR SALE—One bedroom, modern, About 3 acres, unimproved, edge no noxious weeds, three-bedroom and accessories 718 Arthur St. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and good buy at $4,000, small pay- family were dinner guests Sunday of home. Hardwood floors, sewer, good of town on Adrian highway, good modem home, machine shed, gai - nient down, balance *33 per month, street. Small down payment and soil. All or any part. CaldweH, Idaho age. barn, close to Nyssa, down. 2-bedroom large attractive home. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Taylor of Wilder. very easy terms. Grigg Brothers BERNARD EASTMAN Phone 56-W Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw spent 62 acres with 57 acres cultivated, and Butler, phone 179-J. 5j2xc Insurance Real Estate sandy loam soil, 5-room new all modern, *6.800, small payment Saturday at Nampa on business. down. Phone 64 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek vis modern home with full basement FOR SALE—Have farms and houses 3-bedroom house on 3 acres, nice ited in the Dale Carey home one for sale. Need more, list with Ken FOR SALE—Dexter washer, almost and double garage, 8-cow barn, land, only *3.500, very easy terms. day last week. Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29jtfc new. Haroldsen's Radio shop, phone gTanary and chicken house, 48 x 52 A small house, very livable, *900. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schafer of spud cellar, on milk and mail route, 2-bedroom house very well con 271-W 29dtfc Caldwell visited Sunday with Mr. FOR SALE—Used Singer sewing *16,009, *7,000 down. structed, *5,000, and Mrs. Roy Lobb. machine, heavy duty; make offer. FOR SALE—Unpointed cabinet* 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, A very well located business lot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and Also General Electric washing ma and chests of drawers. Cabinets suitable for row cropping and on Main street, $2,500. Judy and Jerry and Mr. and Mrs. chine. Ostrom Brothers Appliance are in section and can be bought dairy ranch, cow barn for 11 head, 3 nice lots on Park avenue. Bob Shaw were in Nampa Thursday Co. Phone 276-W. 5Jtfc complete or In section*. Nyssa three-room home, deep well, close A choice building lot and very on Business. to Nyssa, $7,000. Lumber company, phone 118-W. small amount of money, and we can Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Grasmick FOR SALE—Two registered Jersey CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS 40 acres under the old Owyhee make you a Prudential F. H. A. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek lODtfc bulls, sired from world record sire water right, productive soil, 11-head loan to build a home. were In Nampa Thursday on bus from Canada, holds record in Ore FOR SAL» WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES cow bam, garage, granary, chicken Prudential farm loans on approved iness. gon for two consecutive years. Papers 40 acres on pavement, 35 Irrigable, 2-bedroom semi-modern farms. Mrs. Dennis Orcutt of Los Angeles, furnished. Phone 288-W. 29dtfc now 20 acres hay, 11 acres pasture, c o o p , home, one mile off the oil, $7,000, SCREEN DOORS ED JAMISON AND KEN POND Faye Orcutt and Edwin Meyer of Real Estate and Insurance FOR SALE—Bed. twin beds, dining small house, deep well, barn, *4,500, $3,500 down. If you are hunting Twin Falls have been visiting In Phone 118J Free Estimates for something good and Cheap this 60 North 3rd. Phone 278-W the Henry Orcutt home. table and chairs, platform rocker *1,200 down. 1 3/4 acres, modem nearly-new 1* it. Nyssa, Oregon and refrigerator. See Mrs. O. D. Mr. and Mrs. George Wysong of 20 acres close to Nyssa, cheap Pike at Garrison's comer. 29d3xp two-bedroom house, on oiled road, Nesperce, Idaho were overnight >1 garage, nice shrubs and yard, fruit water right, three-bedroom modem For Rent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carey trees, new large chicken house with FOR SALE—New two-bedroom home, sandy loam soil, $12,000, easy and family Wednesday night. home, full basement, garage, $8,500. brooder room and all equipment, terms on the balance or would F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Vence WUkerson of household furniture, all for only Bernard Eastman. 22dtfc Chadwick's camp. 20otfc Nampa had dinner with the Roy trade for a 40 or 80 acre ranch. $6,700. 160-head cattle ranch, 160 acres Lobb family Sunday. FOR SALE—Combination R. C. Four-room modem home, large with 105 acres cultivated, four- WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross and Allen adding machine and cash back porch, all fenced, nice lawn room semi-modern home with full drawer, used only five months, per and shade on a 50x120 foot lot. *2000, basement, bam, granary, hog house, WANTED—Chimney and fireplace family of Nampa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and Janice. fect condition, cheap. Stationery state loan, will take trailer house chicken house. 2 sets of corrals, 3- repairing, all types of brick work, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bacon of department, Oate City Journal. on equity. Price *3500. also patch plastering, tile repairing. room tenant home, 880 acres of Hines, Oregon visited Mr. and Mrs. 22dtfc 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles 8W of fenced range right, $17,000. H. J Trunnell, phone 4091 or write H. E. Sager and family Monday a f Nyssa. 5-room basement house, *11.- 12J2xp ternoon. 80 acres with 65 acres Irrigated, box 743, Vale. FOR SALE—Block wood and green 000; *6,000 down, terms on balance. 20 acres In pasture, 3-bedroom WANTED—Holstein and Ouemsey Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and slab wood, phone collect Emmett 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa, 38 367-J4. 8d8xp acres under cultivation, nearly new modem home with full basement, springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and family spent Sunday in Frultland 11-stanchion cow barn, orchard, Noel Owartney. Phone 306. Ontario. with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ivie. FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, 4-room house, tractor and all equip $10,500, $3,000 down and *1,000 per Across from the Ontario sales yard. Helen Lobb spent Saturday night new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent ment goes, *8,900. year on the balance, 12Jtfc with Lola Ilett In Fruitland. 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. HOMES Mrs. D. F. Flanary and Mr. and 8stfc acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, Attractive three-bedroom, modern WANTED — Male help, ambitious Mrs Fred Flanary of Nampa vis 175-head range permit, large base home, spacious throughout, top lo man with car to serve 890-famlly ited Mr. and Mr. Sam Henne Sun FOR SALE—Outside white paint, ment home, nice yard, *17,500. cation in Nyssa, terms. route. We provide capital. Write day. Phone 97 National Titanium, 5 gallon lots. The Pinochle club held Its regular 4-room modem home, spacious J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Robert F. Thompson $350 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber yard, all fenced, $4,800, % down. avenue, Seattle, Washington. 8d8xc meeting at the D. L. Durrington FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY company. 12mtfc home Saturday night with Mr and One acre with two-bedroom mod ern home, *4.000. WANTED—To buy baled or loose 4-room modern home for rent. straw or clover chaff. Ed Jamison. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Two complete business lots for 22dtfc Loans on farm* for refinancing, building, improvement«, b u y i n g . sale. WANTED—To rent 80-acre dairy Long term, low interest, see Ber GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER faun, Have machinery to handle nard Eastman, phone <H. Nyssa. Nyssa, Oregon pw « Dallas Goff, foule 2, Parma 29d4xp Phone 179-J FOR SALE—Potatoes and apples. WANTED—To rent row crop land MISCELLANEOUS — Piouipt and free pick-up of your dead, crippled Summy orchard, Apple valley, phone suitable for potatoes and beets. Slg or alok liven tuck. Calls received be Parma 6M21. 8dtfc Murakami, Kt. 1. Ontario, Ore. ldtfc fore 9 o'clock are puked up by WANTED Work of any kind. noon. Efficient drivers. Call col FOR SALE Have own lect Payette U180-J3 or 156, or Nys- Two-bedroom modern home. *3,500 Trucking preferred. tiuck or drive yours. Experienced ■ m 102 - W Idaho Animal Products with easy terms. Company. fcjtfc. with heavy rigs. Phone 154-W.22dtfc LODGES Two-bedroom home with base PHYSICIANS ment. like new, modern. Insulated, MISCELLANEOUS - Duplicate car extra large lot, v t up with state WANTED TO RENT- Potato and and cylinder lock keys made. Hen Nyssa Po$l No. 79 beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On SARAZIN CLINIC loan, easy paqment-s, 441 Ennis. tario, Oregon 24ntfc ri etna n's. 250tfc American Legion Apartment house with two large Dr. J. J. Sarazln apartments on ground floor, extra WANTED—Hemstitching, work done Dead animals picked up free. Meets 1st & 3rd Thura. Dr. K E. Kerby large room upstairs, three-room a- in my home. Leave with Mrs. For prompt service call collect., Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. partmgnt in basement. *6.800 Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa Ontario—Ontario Oraln Co. 55 i Dr. L. W. Scott House with five cabins, very good Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duffin. Parma—Panna Seed Co. All Veterans Welcome J8¡ Physician and Surgeons income, priced to sell. 24ntfc Nyssa—Main plant 100 tiYBHA INSURANCE AGENCY Gate City Lodge Idahe-Oregen Rendering Ce. Ralph G. Lawrence WANTED— To ouy anything in L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 214 Nyssa. Oregon beef or veal. Alsa custom killed MISOffllLANBOUS - W e make Physician and Surgeon and delivered to Polar Cold Stor loans on the new Owyhee project I.O.O.F. FOR SALE—Two city lots. 76 foot age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ptfc. land, business, homes and farm*. Phone 37 mmmmmminmixm front, four-room hbusc, *2500, terms Meets every Monday Hour*: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Grigg Bros, and Butler. lSdtfc Phone 166. Teresa Byrd. ldtfc MISCELLANEOUS Daily except Saturday and night, 8:30. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 LOST FOR SALE— Creto, the guaran MISCELLANEOU8—Rock makes the South First Street teed wateiyuoof paint, Creto water best veneer. Let us veneer your old proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc building and your next new one. LOST—Almost black heifer, with spots, left ear crop. S ?. on right DENTISTS C. J. Kopp, M. D. co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. Webb Pennle, Route 2. 12J2xp hip. Should have calf with her. Waterproofs by application and Physician and Surgeon DR. C. M. TYLER 1 permanently waterproofs walls and MISCELLANEOUS—Alcoholic's An- Samuel Rott. Rt. 1, Harper. Oregon. 5j2xp Fry Building floors. Inside or outside, wet or onymous. Nyssa group meeting, Sun Wilson Building Office hours day evenings, 8 p. m , 451 Main dry. new or old. painted or un- Phene 185-J. Nyiaa 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 LEGAL ADVERTISING painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc street, telephone 2-M. Box 118.5j4xp Offioe hour* from 9 to I except Dally except Saturday and Saturday*. 9 to 13. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 MISCELLANEOUS—For your fire IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOR RENT STATE OF OREOON FOR THE and automobile Insurance see Mel COUNTY OF MALHEUR J. R. CUNDALL FOR RENT—Three-room house, hot Beck. Origg Bros, and Butler. 22dtfc JEWELRY STORES NOTICE TO CREDITORS water and bath No. First street. tn the Matter of the Estate of Dentist *35 month, phone 05J3. 12Jtfc MISCELL A NEOUS— Highest prices paid for slaughter horses. Clyde JAMES R. CHANEY. Deceased Phone 5*-J PAULUS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. FOR RENT—Bedroom to a young 8mlth. phone 306. Ontario, Across Sarazln Oltnlc 6otfc that the undersigned. Horace F. couple, nurse or waitress. 158 Emer from Ontario Sales yard. NYSSA ORBOON JEWELRY STORE Chaney, has been appointed admin son avenue. I2jtfc MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need istrator of the estate of James R. Union Pacific Time Inspector FOR RENT—Modem house on 4th money to remodel your home or to Chaney, deceased, by the County OPTOMETRISTS JEWELRY — DIAMONDS and Locust R. L. Williamson, phone build outbuildings or garage? We Court of Malheur County, Oregon, WATCHES 335-J. 5J2xc can arrange a loan for you and give and has qualified as such. Main Street at Second DR. C. L. you up to three years to pay It NOW. THEREFORE. aU persons FOR RENT—Well heated basement Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc having claims against the estate of Specialist Visual beds. East First street and Bower Room 4, Fry Building James R Chaney, deceased, are WYCKOFF avenue. 5J2xp MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar hereby notified and required to pre Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171-J range loans for you to rebuild or sent the same, with proper vouchers, Office hour* 9 to 12; 2 to 5 JEWELRY STORE FOR RENT—O ne furnished apart remodel your home. barn, garage, duly verified, within six (6) months ment and one unfurnished apart or other outbuildings. Nyssa Lumb from the date of this Notice, to the Official Time Inspector 1er DR. J. A. MCFALL ment. Bennett apartments, one block er Co. 29stfc undersigned. Horace F. Chaney, at ! Union Pacific north of Main, phone 123-J. C. H DR. JOHN EASLY the law office of Haruid Henlgaon ONTARIO ORBOON Bennett. 601 north First. 22dtfc MISCELLANEOUS—Available now. at Nysaa, Oregon, which place the ' Electrolux cleaner* and air puri RENT— Polish your owu fiers. Sale*, and service. Ed A. undersigned selects as his place of VETERINARIANS floon Rent our high-speed pol- Anderson route 1, Weiser. Idaho, business in all matters connected •0 No. Third Phone 276-W 14jtfc with said estate. eqtnpmenv B u ll; handled phone (TAMA. Dated and first published. Dec. 29. ‘ DR. HAL D. WHITE NYSSA. OREGON Nyssa Lumber company — ----- lAtfe MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no 1946 FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS, Veterinarian Last publication. Jan 29. I960 _____________________________I fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation. Phone 298-J HORACE F. CHANEY FOR RENT—Furnished taro-room We have our own insulation blow Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Phone Nyssa 275-W Administrator of _____________ __ the __ _ Estate of cabin. Oil heat Laundry facilities ing machine. Stuns Lumber comp- M m tfe' James R. Chaney, deceased ¡ Phone 122-J after 5 30 lOntfc any ■— — — ■ — ■N Advertising DR. G.W. GRAVES Ostrom Cabinet Shop Watch This Space Next Week Professional and Business Directory Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers Estimates G ladly Given GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho SAVE M O N EY On That New Car Let us advise you on the cheapest and best w a y to finance and insure it. Take a Vacation With What You Save . jÔERMAlfàî FOR Ed Jamison and Ken Pond REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE