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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1950)
• ¿ Í A á ' a á ' í a * ' ' r/ieNYSSA VOLUME XXXXIV NO. 52 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 5. 1950 Leaders Of Beet Growers Gather Lor MO Meeting C Of C Planning To Give Greater Support To Band Officer» Re-electe<l; Two Men To Attend Talmr Hear in“ Hi“hwuv Officials Will Speak To Chamber January 1 8 (¿rowers To View Iuibor Situation — When directors and members of the executive committee of the Nyssa-Nampa Beet Growers associ ation met in Harold Henigson's of fice in Nyssa Tuesday, they elected officers and discussed the secretary of agriculture’s estimate of sugar consumption for 1950. The officers, all re-elected, are William Carson of Weiser, president; Herbert A. Tiegs of Nampa, vice president, and Harold Henigson of Nyssa, secretary-treasurer. President Carson and Everett Taylor of Ontario, a director, were chosen to attend a meeting at Salt Lake City January 9, when a beet labor hearing will be held. T esti mony on the scale to be paid for beet labor in 1950 will be taken by the sugar section of the department of agriculture. At the Tuesday meeting the di rectors expressed concern regarding the possible effect of the high con sumption estimates on the price of sugar and in turn the ultimate price * of beets. Whereas the secretary of agriculture placed the estimate at 7,500,000 tons, the growers wanted the figure set at 7,200,000 tons. The growers feel that the estimate will depress the sugar market. Fourteen men attended the an- ual meeting. Nyssa Fighters Defeat Adrian J The Nyssa high school boxing team defeated Adrian in nine ex citing bouts in the Nyssa gymnasium Wednesday night. The Bulldogs won seven and lost two matches. The results were as follows, with the Nyssa fighters listed first; Skeen. I 101, decisioned Patterson, 99; Kelch, 137, defeated Lindvale, 137; Allred, 115, won over Keller. 112; Loy, 132, j lost tc Holre 130; Halt. 134, from Smith, 133. Hiatt. 132, decisioii- ed Roberts. 133; Ransom, 124, lost to Radlgan, 117: Long, 168, won { over Asumendi, 172, and Gorrell, 126, decisioned Gale, 127 Jim Attebery of Ontario and Bill Bowman of Wilder were the judges. Harold M cJunkln of Wilder was the referee. The Nyssa boxers will meet the Ontario squad in the Ontario gym nasium January 12. Temperature Drop Kolloweil By Snow The mercury dropped to six de grees below zero this morning, ac cording to wrather instruments of the bureau of rrelamation. A temperature drop to 10 degrees above zero, the coldest of the winter, was followed this week by a heavy snowstorm, which swept the north west. The mercury sank to 10 degrees early Tuesday morning, but fell only to 14 degrees Wednesday morning, according to bureau of reclamation instruments. Between three and four inches of snow fell Tuesday- night and Wednesday morning. Record revealed that the tempera ture fell to three degrees below zero a year ago yesterday. Parents Of Son— Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jefferies are the parents of a boy born Thursday evening at the Holy Rosary hospital. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces. Mr. Jefferies is affiliated with the Firestone store here. Plays Basketball In Belgium— Keith D. Bybee. who is now serv ing as a missionery for the L. D S. church of Nyssa in Holland, for two years, played basketball in Belgium December 26. The church team pla.v- eed with the Belgium Olympic team Sends Orchids To Mother— T Sgt Elroy B. Brady, who is stationed with the air corps in Hono lulu. sent his mother. Mrs. J. I. Brady, an orchid corsage for Christ mas. The corsage was air mailed December 21 and arrived in Nyssa December 24 Sgt and Mrs Brady and children. Barbara and Jimmy, have Just enjoyed a 10-day vacation on the island of Hawaii. They are very enthusiastic about the beauties of the island At Hilo, Hawaii they found orchids grown extensively on a commercial scale. Spokanr Visitors Here— Mr and Mrs. Henry Crowley vis ited last Friday at the home of Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost while en route to their home in Spokane from Twin Falls. Return To Utah— Miss Helen Marie Mally. daugh ter of Mr and Mrs C. A. Mally. and Miss Nora O ’Brian, sister of Mrs Mally. left Monday for Ogden, after spending the holidays In the Mally home Miss Mally teaches at Weaver college and Miss O'Brian in the Ogden schools. * * I* Supporting and further strength ening the Nyssa municipal band, which was organized last summer, were discussed at the weekly lunch eon of the Nyssa chamber of com merce Wednesday noon. Hamilton Chadderdon said the band now consists of 25 members and that number is expected to be I increased to 30 before the end of JA RED (JED ) LEW IS j the summer. "There is much enthusiasm among the band members and we have a l most 100 per cent attendance”, Mr. I Chadderdon said. “We hope to have a completely uniformed band by the end of the year, which will give Nyssa something to be proud of. Jared (Jed) Lewis of Preston Among those who played with the Idaho has been appointed district original Nyssa band and are with I the new organization are Art Cook, manager of the Amalgamated Sugar Lloyd Orris and the Nielsen broth company of Nyssa, according to H. A. ers. They are doing a swell Job. Bennlng, company president. Mr. , Ed Knettle said the bandsmen are Lewis, succeeding Raymond O. Lar- I very appreciative of the effort ex- son who died last month, assumed I tended by Fred Bracken on behalf his new duties Janu ary 1. , of the band. Lewis is a veteran of 25 years in "Mr. Bracken has done a great beet farming and processing. many things that have helped us”„ j ; sugar He has been affiliated with the Mr. Knettle said. “He was one of Lewis Is Named Sugar Co. Head !«,, P,lm, ,™r r « * “ ,“ »■ and was one of the driving forces j | in acquiring uniforms for the PUty-! ¡ ^ d ' l o ^ ™ ^ r S h^ 1 ers. Without his support the band . ^ f ** n would not have been the success I a,so 0peraM^ a farm and “ vestock ranch for the past 20 years. “DICK AND DAN” of Parma won that it has been." first place in the talent contest held Jam es W. Leslie, presiding at his | r , i ^ o " *2 In the Nyssa theater last week undrr «ten d «» me Utah s ta te Agricultural the auspices of the second ward of the formation of a committee to as college. He Is a world war I veteran the L. D. S. church for the benefit slst the band. He said the of the chapel building fund. Their committee would “assure us that this and past president of the Preston names are Nick Johnson and John fine organization would be continu chamber of commerce and Rotary Knight. Grant Evans of Nyssa won ed. I t would'give the bandsmen an club and a member of the American second place in a humorous song opportunity to spend their time Legion and state farm labor advisory number. (Evans Photosi practicing instead of worrying about board. --------------------------- Johnson. Knight Win In Contest Nick Johnson and John Knight of Parma won fir;*, place In the grand finals of the talent show sponsored by the second ward of the L. D. S. church In the Nyssa theater last week as a bemfit for the church building fund. The finalists were the winners in the shows presented Tuesday, Wed- I nesday and Thursday afternoons, 1 when screen entertainment was also provided. In the finals G rant Evans of Nyssa won second place with u hum orous song; John Savage, accomp anied by Mrs. John Schenk, won third with a saxaphone solo, and the Nyssa Tapperettes won fourth with a song and dance number. Johnson and Knight appeared under the names of "Dick and Dan" in a comedy cowboy guitar number. W. J . Beus, Mrs. Ersel Beus and Mrs. LaMont Fife were members of the committee in charge of the shows. j financing and otherwise supporting the organization Mr. Leslie announced the ap pointment of a committee to study the proposed estlbllshment of a com munity chest. Members of the com mittee are Carkv W Buchner, Miss Kay Peterson, Klnss V. Powell and Rev Sherwin Schmidt. The president aLso announced that Charles Reynolds of La Grande, highway commissioner, and R. H Balriock of Salem, state high way engineer, will speak at the chamber of commerce luncheon Wednesday, January 18. The of ficials will also meet with the coun ty court on that day. Jake Fischer briefly discussed the resumption of construction work on the Malheur Memorial hospital. Fred Brucken announced that a floor show will be given at Eddy's club Sunday night. January 8 for the benefit of the Malheur Memorial hospital. Baker Defeats Bulldogs 40-28 Work Resumed By Stoker On New Hospital A meeting of the Malheur County j Farm Labor Sponsoring association will be held in the high school building in Nyssa January 14. be ginning at 2 p. m. 7 . . _ , The group will discuss the labor W ork er» A pplying L a tli; situation, whether the organization /, . . . V.-,. . should be disbanded or re-organized ' (..Ollipletlon I line I » and whether to close the labor Called Cues» ) camps in the county or keep them j open Following the seccessful complet Leaders said all interested per sons should attend, as the decisions ion of a supplemental fund-raising will affect everyone intending to campaign for the Malheur Memor use labor this year. ial hospital, work was resumed on the building this week under the direction of Contractor Leslie W. Stoker. The cold weather is some handi cap to the workmen, but if all sub contractors do their work without undue delay, it is possible that the project so far as construction is concerned could be completed in 90 days. However. President Jake $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 Worth Of Reg Fischer said completion time is a guess and may not be reached for istered Stock Shown six months. The carpenters, who are applying At Depot rock lath to the walls, will be follow ed by the plasterers The carpen More than $15.000 worth of reg ters will then lay the floor, install istered Jersey cattle arrived in window stools and hang the doors. Nyssa Wednesday afternoon and Mr. Fischer said the directors are j most of them will remain here, at now endeavoring to secure the serv \ least for a time, ices of a good manager, who will be j Mr and Mrs. Charley Grider of needed for his advice on buying i Nyssa purchased 10 head of the equipment. \ cattle, which were shipped here in In the supplemental campaign, a special car from the Brampton volunteer workers raised $100,060, Jersey farms of Bull and Son of which will be used to finish the Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Mr. and building and buy equipment. Mrs. Orider took to their farm a bull and 18 females, which will be offer ed for sale. A champion female. Brampton Blonde Princess, imported from the Isle of Jersey, and her stx-weeks- old heifer calf will be taken to Despite the cold weather, much Falrmeade farms at Vancouver, British Columbia. The cow Is val progress has been made during the last three weeks in the construction ued at more than $3,500 and her calf at $1000. The herd, including of the new addition to the high four young bulls, Is valued at from school building by the contractors, $15,000 to $18,000. Three of the bulls J. H. Wise and Son. Much of the maple flooring, which have been purchased by farmers in will be laid throughout the building, the valley. John McMahon, a native of Ire has been placed In position. About land who has lived in Canada only half of the gymnasium is floored seven months, took care of the ani and construction of seats in the bal mals during the trip. The young conies In the gymnasium has been man. who is working at the Bramp started. Superintendent ''Whitey'' Condoi# ton farm for experience, attended said he bop»- the heating plant can an agricultural college in Ireland be placed in operation by the middle Many fanners of the vicinity viewed the stock at the depot Wed of next week, so that tthe crew will have a warm place In which to nesday and today. Mrs. Grider visited at the Bramp work. All work on the outside of ton farm several weeks ago and the building has been completed. Graham B. Sm ith of Eugene, Mr Bull visited in Malheur county architect for the school board, and recently. Coe C. White, electrical engineer who drew the electric plans for the Quarterly Stake building, conferred with the school Wednesday night after an Conference Set board inspection of the structure. Prized Jersey Stock Secured By Local Folk Work Develops On School house The Baker high school Bulldogs swarmed over jhe Nyssa Bulldogs by a score of 40 to 28 In a basketball game played on the Nyssa court Tuesday night. After taking a 13 to 7 lead at the end of the first quarter. Baker main tained a lead that left little hope for a Nyssa victory. One of the con tributing factors of the local boys’ defeat was their inability to hit the basket. The score at the half was 22 to 14 and at three-quarter time 32 to 23 Daugherty of Baker was high The quarterly conference of the point man with 10 points. Hale led Weiser stake of the Church of Jesus Annual March Of Nyssa with 8 points, followed by Christ of Latter Day Saints, to be Dime» Started In Marcum and Williams with 7 each. held January 7 and 8. will be pre Other Nyssa players were Pecka, sided over by John A. Widtsoe and Malheur County Wilson 2, Holcomb 2, Lowe and Mathew Cowley, apostles of the Bowen 2. church. They are expected to speak The March of Dimes campaign Nyssa's next game will be played at all sessions of the conference and leaders of Malheur county have Friday night at Weiser. In their attend to other business of the stake. named “Tip" Powers of Ontario as The Weiser Stake presidency, con next home game. January 13. the county chairman and Mrs. Henry Bulldogs will play host to the Fruit- sisting of Arvel L. Child as president. Hartley as chairman for Nyssa and land Grizzlies. J . Raymond Dewey as first counsel The Eagles defeated the New vicinity. The goal for this year's or, and W. Fred Blacker as second campaign in the county has been Owyhee Irrigation Plymouth Packers Wednesday night Cui» Parents To I counselor will conduct the meetings by a score of 58 to SI. The half-tim e M a n C h a r g e d O n set at $10,000 under the direction of Elders Wid Directors Elect score Hear Executive was tied at 21 to 21. I B According to authorities, this tsoe and Cowley and will address the -------- Check Count 1» year's drive Is one of the most conference, also. The Owyhee Irrigation district A meeting of parents of boys of The Nyssa Eagles basketball team in the history of the cam T aken III Nvssa The priesthood leadership session crucial Cub Scout age will be held in the j held its annual meeting Tuesday will open Its home season in the paigns that are held each year for ________ ' | will be held at the Ontario ward Oregon-Idaho Semi-pro Basketball the benefit of polio victims and Irish school building Friday night I night in its office at First street Lee Parsons, charged wtth giving ; chapel January 7 at 7:30 P M. Only research in the field. league Monday. January 10 against at 8 o'clock. All parents of boys and Good avenue. a worthless check to an airplane i priesthood leaders are invited to at- the Vale Firemen. Last year only $3000 was collected Maurice Judd was re-elected presi between the ages of 8 and 11 are The game promises to be close as pilot for a trip from Lewiston to tend this meeting in Malheur county, which Is far dent and Harold Henigson, secretary, ----- Oeneral sessions will convene at invited to attend the gathering. were games played between t h e ; Weiser, was arrested by city police below the amount of benefits re Delbert Hanks of Nampa. Boy by the directors, who discussed the two teams last year, when the Eagles j officers in Nyssa last week-end on 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Sunday, Ja n - ceived each year by polio victims proposed repayment contract, which uary 8 at the Weiser stake chapel Scout executive, will conduct the finished second and the Firemen information furnished by the sheriff from this area. for the benefit of all who wish *x> meeting. He will discuss the Cub ' was presented by the bureau of rec- third in the league. ; at Weiser. attend. program and the part parents should | tarnation. The league, beginning its second Parsons was said to have written Former Residents Visit— take in it. „ season, includes entries from Weiser. ihe check for $147 on a Walla Walla Mr and Mrs. Carl Dodson, of For some time, leaders have been Jersey Breeders Payette, Ontario. New Plymouth, bank, which reported that he had Committee» Of Portland, former Nyssa residents, re-organizing the Cubs, now spon no account there. The alleged crime Emmett and Bracken's of Nyssa, in left last Friday after visiting at the sored in Nyssa by the P arent-Teach Planning Meeting addition to Vale and the Eagles. was classified as obtaining money by (¿range Cho»en home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. er association. The Ontario Lions, last year's fraudulent pretenses. Taken into Judge Don M. O ra- The Malheur County Jersey club champions, look strong again, but Committees of the Oregon Trail In Utah— Here From California— will hold a meeting Saturday, J a n most of the other teams are im 1 ham’s Justice court In Nyssa. Parsons Orange for the year were appointed Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hooper and Mr and Mrs H. R Waddell of uary 7 In the Adrian grade school proved. so that some upsets may be waived extradition and was taken by Master Prank Sherwood at the son, Blaine, spent the holidays vls- San Jose, California were visitors building, beginning at 10:30 A. M seen, league officials said. ! to Weiser. where he Is held for i last meeting of the organization. itiing relatives in Ogden, and Hoop in the home of Mrs. Cora M. Tomlin A covered dish lunch will be served Emmett, new to the league this Washington officers, who want him The committee members are as er. Utah. While there Mr. Hooper son during the Christmas holidays. at noon. year, may be a dark horse, having on a felony charge. i follows: Legislative—Prank Pan- had his tonsils removed. Mrs. Waddell is the daughter of Mrs. ! The 1950 activities of the club will lost a close contest to the Lions in j - and E. L. Jam ison; agriculture— Tomlinson. Loyd Adams and George Cleaver; Baker Visitors Here— be planned at the Saturday meet the consolation finals in a Boise Father Paaaes Mrs. Lee Miller received word of auditing—Alva Goodell, Dale Oar- ing. President Rosel Hunter invites tournament last week Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff, Oene, Arrivals At Holy Rosary— --------------------------- the death of her father. Henry rtson and O arret Stam ; publicity Betty and Barbara Wyckoff and all club members and Jersey enthusi Born December 29. to Mr. and asts to attend the gathering. Pennington in Caldwell, Kansas Mr Firemen Called— chairman. Mrs. Alva Ooodell and Elaine Shirley visited last week In Mrs. Marvin Jeffries of Nyssa. a Firemen were called on two oc- Pennington would have been 100 pianist, Mrs. Wilson Winter. the R. M. Cochrun and the A. A. son; January 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Floor Show Planned— caslons this week. On Wednesday years old next September. Mrs. In connection with the meeting, B ratton homes. Egbert Haney, a daughter, and on A floor show featuring Payette en evening they were called to the home Miller recently returned from a visit a potluck dinner was served and January 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Jam es tertalners will be held in Eddy's club I of Omer Dorman at Second street with her father and other relatives movies were shown for members and Return To C o lleg e- TrummeU, a son. on west Main street Sunday night. and Park avenue on a false alarm. l n : their families. Treats were given Jerry Bellon. Junior at Idaho State January 8 for the benefit of the Mr Dorman mistook steam around to the children. college, and Miss Eleanor Cordlng- Takes Position In Boise— Malheur Memorial hospital. Eddy's a vent pipe for smoke. The fire Here Frwn N n U i b — After the next regular meeting, a ley. who has been visiting at the Miss Mardi Sallee, daughter of club operators and the entertainers men went to the Luther Fife ma Mr and Mrs. Oeoe Bellon visited Mngo party will be held. Bellon home, left Monday for Poca- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee, has taken will donate all of the proceeds to chine shed on Alberta avenue Mon- during the holidays at the home of -------------------- i tello to resume their studies. a position in the state house In the hospital. Jerry Owens. Isabel day evening to extinguish a reed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bellon. They re- Nyssa Nunring Home Notes— ________________ Boise, where she will be employed Brook and Dave Stewart of the V fire threatening the shed, The turned Saturday to Pocatello, where New arrivals at the Nyssa N uts - Return From »an Francisco— in the tax collector’s office. Miss club of Payette will present the floor firemen extinguished the fire by Mr. Bellon la attending Idaho State lng home during the past week are Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb, Wayne Salle has been attending the E ast show, starting at 9 p m , 11 p m throwing dirt on It with shovels. collage. a son. weighing 8 pounds. 3 ounces. Robb and Miss Millie Lytle of Parma ern College of Education In La and 1 a. m. bom December 30 to Mr. and Mrs retumed Tuesday from San Fran- Grande Judge Graham Quieter— Here From Rupert— N. K Olsen of Nyssa; a son. weigh ! cisco, where they visited relatives for Visit In Idaho— David Oraham. justice of the Mr. and Mrs Willis Koyle and lng _ 8 _ pounds, bom January 1 to _____ Mr i a week. Takes Hospital Course— Mr. and Mrs Bill Chester and peace at Vale and brother of Judge son of Rupert visited at the home of ' and Mrs. Ronald McOrath of Nyssa. Miss Oreta Stunz has returned to children of Fruitland and Mr and Don M Oraham of Nyssa, was reat- Mr and Mrs D O. Byfcee Sunday. I a daughter, weighing 8 pounds. 6 4 Undergoes Operation— Eugene, where she will enroll In the Mrs. Gilbert R aff and children of lng quieter In the Holy Rosary hoe- They were accompanied by Mr and ounces to Mr and Mrs Harold Cor- Miss P atty Williams, 13-year-old medical technician course at the Nyssa were New Year's eve guests pttal in Ontario this morning, He : Mrs. Roy PUnon and two children field of Nyssa. and January 4, a son, I daughter of Mr and Mrs. Earl Wil Eugene hospital for the coming year. at the Owen Coons home at Parma. ls suffering from pneumonia and a and Mr. and Mrs Floyd Piet and weighing 7 pounds. 7 4 ounces, bom Uarns underwent an appendix op- Miss Stunz is a senior at the Uni Mr and Mrs. R aff and children heart condition. The condition of baby of Nampa. to Mr and — ' ** ” Mrs. — William Stephens oration Wednesday at an Ontario versity of Oregon. --------------------------- I of Vale. spent New Year's day with friends the 71-year-old judge Is said to be | { hospital. in Nampa and Meridian. critical. VWta In Forest Grove— --------------------------- Nary Man Visits— Miss Nina Miller, who la employed Here From Boise— Newell Heights Man Improves— Rev and Mrs E J . Wilson's son, Visit In Boise— Here From Twin Falla— In Dr. C. L. Hermann's office re-1 Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Heidenreich Robert Overstreet, 8 r Is improv- Marvin. Is home from Alaska, where Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wellner of Twin turned last week from Forest Orova. and sons of Boise visited at the home lng at the home of hla daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Findllng he has been stationed with the Unit vLsited In Boise Monday at the home ner, over the week-end. where she visited her parente over of Rev. and Mrs. Donald 8 Camp- ' Mrs. Maurice Judd of Newell heights. ed States navy for about 18 months. of Mrs. Flndling's uncle. R. Rudelick. Falls visited their son. Clyde W ell- the Christmas holidays. bell Sunday and Monday. ! after a recent Ulne Eagles Opening Hoop Schedule