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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. 1950 PAGE TWO I». T. A. Of Waile (.¡v<*** Program I he Gate City Journal Publisher K LA HH V. FOW E LL AD V E R T IS IN G KATEH HI'BHi R U T H IN KATEH 12 00 $1 25 05 Binale Coule« I S trid i y In Advance, One Year Publl*h«Kl every Thursday Entered at the pos toffies through the United Stales the act Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch Classified«, per word Minimum 40c 49c 2c 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon at Nysaa. Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 187V Hits Anil MI mm - m The burning question is when .w ill the president and congress of the United States regain control of the country from the dictatorship of John J. Lewis, industrial draw-back in the coal fields? There must be something wrong with men who will work under a dictator who can tell them whether they shall work three days or six each week or not at all. We still insist Nyssa residents are living in the banana belt, but we saw frost on our bananas twice this winter. However, that is in line with a report that Nampa residents saw cotton picked in the snow in California recently. Ontario had better put some oil heaters at the airport to raise those reported temperatures a little. Those figures are hard on chamber of commerce prop aganda. Bob Hope may have been bruised, but w e hope he did not crack any of his jokes in his recent auto accident. The light vote registered by voters in Caldwell on the sale of liquor by the drink w ill give more people a chance to become light-headed. The proposal carried by a vote of 1 .*»58 to 1315. Democrats accused republicans this week of play ing politics with foreign affairs. Probably both parties w ill be doing their share of playing politics this election year. Howevt-r, with an off-year election scheduled, we probably won’t have any third party candidates' "touring” the country on horseback. The white woman government lawyer accused in Washington of having an illicit love affair with a negro husband was probably taking a dark view of the capital situation. A preacher has reported that “ If the churches had received all the contributions that have been deducted from the income tax returns around here, we wouldn't have to pass the collection plate again". That goes to show that all highways to hell aren’t paved with good intentions. Cattlemen Will Deposits Of First National In,Tea«- Stag«* Hull Sale b u r ia l E lite s “ p "' On December 31. 194«. the figures The first annual range bull sale In answer to the year-end call of w#re M (0Uows: Deposits. $490,523.- B IG BEND. Jan. 12—The Wade P -5 - sponsored by the Oregon Catle- tne comptroller of the currency, the 4 22; loans. $161,684,213; and resourc- W ED D ING PLANNED T A met Friday afternoon at the men s association will be held at N Hrancn 0f the First National es. $527 382.079. Marjory Jelinelc and Emery Earl home of Mrs le-Roy Bennett, with . 1 the Ontario Livestock Commission bank* ofPanOand “ ports deposit* of In 1949 the First National bank yard at 1 p. m Sat- $3 ,764,628 and loans of $1946.352, ac- of Portland experienced one ol Its 14 members present Mrs Boyce Cameron of Adrian will be married conipiiny Van p e Water gave a timely report Saturday night at 8 o’clock in the urday_ February 18, according to cording to O J Mitchell, m an ager, most successful years.' said Presi on the early moral training of I Adrian Presbyterian church by the Dorman Turner, secretary of the ó n December 31. 1948,the figures dent F N Belgrano, Jr.. In an inter- children Room mothers for the ■ H Moore A reception w ill1 Oregon Cattlemens association, were as follows: Deposits. $3.875.137. view today. ' The year 1948. general- last half year were appointed as j ' . The event will be a high quality and loans $1 650,532 ly known as a banner year In bus- follows: Mrs Luthar Houtman and be held immediately after the cere- j bu]) saJe ^ no bulLs gradjng below The First National bank of Port- lness. produced net earnings per Mrs Harvey Bennett for the upper inony j a b minus grade will be sold. The land, with 45 branches, reports de- share for the bank of >10.34. On a room, and Helen Hatch and Mr* — 5— 75 bulls consigned by Oregon pure- posits of $476,427,181 and loans of comparable basis, the 1949 earnings John Thomp.son for the lower room REHEARSALS HELD bred breeders will be graded by $151,055.062. Against this loan f i g - 1 per share were $10.67." The program chairman, Mrs Ruby ________ Oliver _____ ___ ^ ___ ^ Rehearsals are now underway on j lerman of ______ Joiin ____ Day and ure there has ____ been ___^ set up out of »« a n /.« a , .mud 1 f an 1 it lAff * * M/l 11A 1*1111/ 1 _ _ . _ * ... English prepared a grab-bag auc- a ^ one-act comedy entitled Squaring Har'ry” _ Ll'idgren o _ f " O regon"'8late eam in g T V o m January’ ¡ 7 . 1949 to Attend Ontario Services— tlon Refreshments were served by It With the Boss" The last rehearsal , c(jllege Frlday February n and December 31 1949 a reserve f o r ! Several members of the local the hostess. Mrs LeRoy Bennett, was held at the home of the L _ I) S sold by Auctioneer EU ls White Feb- possible losses In 'the amount of ¡Christian church attended the und the assistant hostess, Mrs drama director. Mrs D O. Bybee. ruary 18. Pour of these bulls are $598,492 This reserve. U> apply a- special services that are being held Monday evening. There are six Aberdeen Angus and the rest are gainst any loan losses that may de- i at the Ontario ChrLstlan church Harvey Bennett. Five little friends of Harry Pack- characters' In the play, which will Hereford*. velop in the future, has not been I Tuesday evening. be presented during the second ward wood helped him celebrate his sev Mutual meeting in the near future. enth birthday at his home, Mon- [ day Those present were Tommy - I - PAREW ELI. PLANNED I Portrey, William Steiner, Elsie A farewell party will be given for Hatch and Billy and Diane Good- Elder David L. Ballantyne. son of enow. Mrs. William Teter left Friday for Mr and Mrs. Leslie C. Ballantyne, Elgin to visit her daughter, Mrs at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse January 14 at 8 p m Ballantyne Eldon Rush and family The Big Bend school board met will leave for the Great Lakes Mis Monday evening to consider the re sion home January 20 to fill a two- port of Mrs. Rader, the state In year mission. He attended Weber spector, and to make plans for the college In Ogden after graduating from Nyssa high school in 1947. Improvement of the school. Mr and Mrs Ezra Wooley vis §- CLUB H AS LUNCHEON ited Saturday with Mr and Mrs The annual luncheon of the A N. Walt Bailey of Parma Mr and Mrs Horace Chaney and K. garden club was held at the family had dinner Sunday with Mrs. home of Mrs. Carl Hill of Newell J. R. Chaney In Nyssa. I heights Tuesday afternoon. The Mr and Mrs Albert Olfford and table centerpelce was of red car family of Nyssa were Sunday dinner nations. Following the luncheon and the guests of Mr and Mrs. Chris Molt. The Wade Boys' Corny Cooks met business meeting. Mrs. M. L. Judd Monday afternoon with their leader, spoke to the group on minature Mrs Harvey Bennett Jimmy Pack gardens. Mrs. Judd told of some wood and Billy Portrey made corn of the principles to lollow in plan- bread. ning and making what one auth- j The Goody Cooks met with their ority called "pixie gardens". A leader. Mrs. Delmo Brock Donna number of these miniature gardens Alma Jean and Eva made salad j were displayed by Mrs. Judd and Mrs. E H. Voung of Parma. Fol dressing Mrs, Victor Morgan, Wade upper lowing the meeting. Mrs. Judd pre sented the members with planis that room teacher, was ill last week Mr. and Mrs. Burton Blades and might be used for arrangements in children of Nampa visited Sunday small dish gardens. /»> with Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts CLUB W IL L MEET and family The Amity club will meet at the home of Mrs. Vern Moncur Friday, A«lrian Nos«*« Out January 13 at 8 p. m. & A Marsina 39 To 33 PISTONS and SLEEVES Mean Mere Power.. .Save Oil and Fuel W ESLEYN SERVICE eftv G UILD MEETS The Wesleyan Service guild of the [ Methodist church met Monday even . _ ing at the home of Mrs Elmo Chadd .. U u n " * the business meeting, the Adriun defeated Marslng 39 to 33 In a hard-fought game played on the Adrian floor Friday night. Jordan. Schierner and Stephenson stood out offensively for Adrian and Newbill starred defensively. Sub,a played well for Marslng. In the preliminary game Adrian Jnvees defeated Marslng 48 to 24 pointed committee chairmen who will serve for the remainded of the year. The business meeting was fol lowed by a social hour and refresh ments. The February meeting will New C ars D isplayed— H ere I rom S alrm — Visit In Nyssa— be held at the home of Miss Cran The 1950 models of the Plymouth Mr. and Mrs Ralph Paulson and Mrs. James W Taylor of Salm i aMd Chrysler automobiles have been dall son o f Boise visited last Monday .it Is visiting this week at the home placed on display In the show room J r JAPANESE - COUPLE WED the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward of her daughter, Mrs Dennis Patch I of the Waggoner Motor company on Miss Joye Atagi and Roy Sadamori Wleneke and family Qood avenue were united in* marriage Sunday In Ontario at the Community Meth- | odist church with a candlelight ■ double ring ceremony preformed by Rev. Masuko About 150 guests attended the ! wedding and reception, which was held In the women's club house after the ceremony. Out-of-town | guests included the bride's sister. Mary Atagi of Portland, and two of | the groom's sisters, Miss Eleanor Kadamorl of Seattle and Mrs Elaine ] Suguyuma of Minneapolis After a j wedding trip the couple will make j their home at the former John Lowe home Miss Joyce Atugi was honored with | a bridal shower Tuesday in Nyssa j ut the home ol Mrs. Keyna Salto. assisted by Mrs Archie Atagi. Refreshments were served to the 16 guests who attended and present- I ed Miss Atagi with many lovely gifts Man’* All-Wool Jacket* and Jack 0 Let us install IH Matched Sets matched IH pistons and sleeves will do the trick TODAY! quicker and cheaper than anything we know. Factory-m atched IH p isto n s and sleeves are made of a close-grained, extrem ely h ard alloy that will take endless hours of punishment. They are ground to a precision fit and mirror-like finish FOR THIS MONTH fo r b e tte r com Factory-matclwd pistons and pre ssio n and tladvat ia»t*n*d greater economy. You can’t make a better investment. A new piston-and-sleeve job will soon pay for itself in the extra work you get done, in lower oper ating costs and in slashed-down oil and fuel con sumption. Besides, you’ll have a tractor that's a pleasure to drive . . . runs clean and smooth . . . digs SPECIALSERY1CE OFFER into the toughest jobs with power to spare. Bring your tractor in for an engine checkup today. Our servicemen will give it their expert and un hurried attention now and have it in tip-top shape JUST À FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS Child's Dresses 99$ N o w ’s the time to let us put that like-new zip and power back into your tractor. A set o f factory- Clearance Sale Men s Jackets lh Less allocated to any particular loans or type of loans. Total resources are for the busy season. For Star Performance in the Field, Get IH 5-Star Service in Our Shop ***** 5-STAR S E R V IC E J J Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. NYSSA PHONE 245 OREGON Regular $1.98 Girl*' Print Dresses. Shtrta. Zip And Button Styles. Sites 3 to 8. REVENUES Plaid Color* T EA R OFFICIAL FIGURES FROM Flannel Shirts $ 1 .9 8 Woolen Piece Goods '2 Price Extra Heavy Weight Plaid Gabardines And Heavier Woolen Flannela. REG0N RACING COMMISSION RECORDS Statement showing, by years State revenues ond distribution of racing revenues. 1933 to Oct 31, 1949 Sec below: Material* Zip And Button Style*. TO TA L REVEN U ES — 1949’ Revenue from Greyhounds Stiaa 14VS To 17. Gabardine Shirts $ 1 0 .0 0 Regular $15.00 Nationally Regular $1.98 Cotton And Rayon Twills. Assorted Color*. Advertised 100’.. Wool Gabardine Shlrta Skirts ^ Price Girl*' And Woman’* Wool And Part Wool Skirt* $ 6 4 9 ,4 1 4 .9 1 4 2 7 ,0 4 7 .0 4 This advertisement refcosed by Mulfnomoh Kennel Club Colton Twills 98$ Girls' Anklets 1 0 $ Pair Plain Dark Color*. Heavyweight Anklet*. - GOLDEN RULE STORE - 1911 1934 1935 193$ 1937 1911 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1941 1947 1941 1949- 1 15.184 71 90,616 64 79.540.90 105.374.03 112,436.71 101,179.37 176,901.7? 134.706.41 140,347.41 153.649 77 731.997.11 »1.737.07 411.7W.77 531.917 66 798,711.73 571.391 15 949.414 91 T o tk i 56116407.76 FROM G R EYH O U N D S FROM H O R SES 190.500 17 94,473 16 71.516.67 101.569.64 1 » , 503.60 97.018 34 177.560 91 175,173.97 179,576 12 144.978 54 770 513 46 137.546.31 310.676.71 375.390 26 521.604.11 4M,077 5« 477,047 04 524.651.67 1.143.50 3.024.28 3.604.19 1.932 66 4,311.03 4,140.24 1,132.44 11.170.66 6.670 66 11,179 70 29.1U.79 31.033 06 156,592.40 275.107.05 05,315.09 772,167 17 U .7 9 5 .M S » 5171.141.21 T # !•-11-4b. Irwlatlvp REMI TTED total Q antral F>M Rpndttad tp Statt TfMPurpf 5 71044.7« 61 000 00 71 700 00 100,000.» 103 4» 30 KOMM 116674 00 125.993 3« 117.377 » 144,573 00 773.717 50 147 79813 394 75594 511.117 79 775 57615 551 T7194 «USOS 79 94 <»994 73 5 15174» 17 993 34 n in o « 20.773» 25417 50 49 090 63 51155 95 »717 79 232.070.35 21577194 746765 79 5977 141 » Ortfon S<at# Fair Pact Ac lutar national Livrât och SJM* Eattprn Ofpfon Llvaclock Sho» Mi*. Columbia LivPPtock Show Pondloton Round-Up Northwott Turkpy Show 5 21,24677 31.125» 22.««» 11 750.» 12.17150 29 145» 17 Ml 25 36215» 15 0 » » 35 0 « » 35.0« M 35.0«.» 350»» 35 3» » 35 »0 » 35.0» M 350»» 5 21.296 77 31 175 00 72.««» 11.756» 17.979 50 29 645 » 12.161 25 34.290 » 15 0 « » 35.0«» 35.0»» 15 0 « » 350»» 350»« 150» » 3 50»» 35 o n » i 5 5 5 3.5« M 5.0»» 50» .» 670600 50».» 50«.« 5.0»» 5 0» M 50»» 50»» 50» W 5.0» » 7 5» » 7 5 « » 7.9» N 50» H 50« M so»« 5 » 57157 55» 57152 5M7HM 1150»» Site* 8>i To 10l i 3.SCO 00 5006» 5 MOM 67W.M 5806» 50»» 5 MOM 50» W 50M-00 5.0« W 5,0«.» 50»» V5M.» •5M» 7.5» » 510.7»» S h A. * Uta i W « < cu» War I h 4 Fia —g i l Round-Up Sorto« Lamb and Da»r> Sbav Turk ay CaMbit 10MOO 1.2W.OO 1.200.00 17»» 1.2»» 1.7» M 1.7».» 1.700.» 1.7» « ’.70C.M 1..’» » 1.2»» 14»» 7,400.» 2 4 » » N Cownty Fairs 5 10.511.20 2 0 .7 50.» 17.100.00 25 .3 08.» 2 1 .5 41.» . $, , .» vm.m L in n MSS 2.586.00 5.0UOO 2 500 08 ?. s » m 2.506 00 2 500 » ’.« oboc 2.00.00 2.100 00 521.4*1 » Tie iben ir* Meta Igeret Ina tkt werft if n*e Ortpo Rjdag Cenami— it i M S. 23 716.00 2 577.50 71 220 12.100.» 41 , 1 » . » 112.000.» 217 . 50 . » 20 . 7 0 » 151 . 200 » 40 . 7 0 » 231 . 200 . » 2000 » h J. c «on. Aon» 1950 MEETING...MULTNOMAH KENNEL CLUB, PORTLAND...JUNE 30th to AUG. 26th L ««:«.«» V I H i M a .rs i.n a \ M M M B M k Kiamoth Basin i ♦ Rpwattad r* OF NYSSA T O TA L STATE R EV EN U E >'l 'Addftiaaaf data* aw( ha addad >