Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1949 THZ NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON, PAGE SIX U n cia l K o te s 5 - - WORTHY GRAND MATRON PAYS OFFICIAL VISIT Mr* Edna Throne, worthy grand matron of the Order ui Eastern Star, paid her official visit to the district at a meeting held In the Masonic hall in Nyasa Tuesday eve ning Mrs Throne brought a special message to the group. Other vis iting officials who also spoke at the closing ceremonies. Tuesday's meeting were Mrs. Cecil Mrs Throne was presented with Swanson of Payette, worthy grand a lovely luncheon cloth from the matron for Idaho; Mrs. Myrtle Pet- , erson of Ontario, past worthy grand group. Hostesses for the evening were matron of Oregon; Mrs Thelma Mrs Maurice Judd. Mrs Charles (Cellar, worthy matron at Payette. Schweizer. Mrs Gerrll Timmerman, Mrs Anna Miles, worthy matron at Mrs Dan Holly and Mrs. Glenn Vale; Mrs Helen Butler, worthy matron at Ontario, and Mrs Helen Brown The room was decorated with ar- Wilson, worthy matron at Nyssa. j rangements of chrysanthemums. The members from the Ontario The tea table was covered with a order presented the initiatory work, ! lace cloth over yellow and center the Vale members the escort and ed with an arrangement of chrysan balloting duties, and the Nyssa themums in a copper container. chapter conducted the opening and -5 - BRIDOE CLUB MEETS Mrs George Mitchell entertained the members of her Tuesday after noon bridge club at her home this week High score was held by Mrs. Burnall Brown and second high by Mr- Mitchell Ouest players were Mrs. R O Larson and Mrs J L. Herriman. T H O U SA N D S AND TH OU SAND S OF USERS C O ON RECORD IN VOUCHING FOR THE ECONOM Y OF THE SHOWER IS HELD Mrs Rodger Tucker entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home Monday evening for Miss Cal- iroy Stathopulos, whose marriage will be held this month. The bride- elect was the recipient of many gifts. Refreshments were served to a large number of guests. - W estinghou se LAUNDROMAT Saves Soap • Saves Clothes • Saves Money • Saves Time 5 - TEA IS PLANNED The Ontario branch of the Ameri can Association of University Wo men will hold its annual mem bership tea Wednesday. October 19 at 8 p m at the home ol Mrs Clyde Snider. Assisting Mrs Snider will be Mrs Harry Anderson, Mrs. Dennis Patch, Miss Kay Peterson and Mrs. Edgar Shelton Salt Lake City, where he celebrated [ his 70th birthday with relatives. ty during the past 25 years, and de scribed some of the factors that had affected this growth In closing. Mr Sandqutst urged that everyone keep informed on the national agri culture legislation since some ol these measures would to a large extent affect the economy of the people of this country The county agent asked that the people in this county support their local agriculture boards and com missions in that they might better serve the people. Mrs James Spofford announced that the November meeting would be held at the home of Mrs. Den nis Patch. 4-H CLUB ¿RGANIZED A 4-H club, named by the girls as, "Nyssaettes” , was organized at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Pounds Monday, October 3 The officers are as follows: Pres ident. Onna Pounds; vice president. Jean Lancaster; secretary. Janice Adams; treasurer. Shirley Stande- fer; song leader, Sharon Williams; news reporter. Mardelle Thompson, and recreation leader Nadine Robb, assisted by Jean Lancaster. Refreshments were served by Mrs Pounds. The girls will hold a sew ing meeting every other Friday at the home of Mrs. Ceci, the sewing leader, and a business meeting every other Monday at the homes of the girls. - Black Canyon Land I* Open To Entry Visit In Meridian— H. T. Nelson, regional director of | the bureau of reclamation, an ! nounced that 50 farm units totaling j 4500 acres in the Black Canyon area of the Boise project have been open ed to homestead entry. Beans Damaged— Public drawing by lot for the Reports indicate that the wet homesteads will be held on a date weather is causing damage to much yet to be determined Full infor mation may be obtained by writing of the bean crop drying in the to the irrigation manager, bureau fields. of reclamation. Notus. Idaho. The farms, ranging from 51 to Nursing Home Births— 138 irrigable acres, will cost the Born on October 7 to Mr. and i winners a small government home Mrs. Herbert Nelson of Parma, a stead fee and irrigation construction costs, which may be paid over a per son. weighing 9 pounds. 12Vs ounc iod of years. Applicants must also es; to Mr and Mrs. Leon Hay ton j meet certain minimum requirements of Parma. October 7. a son. weigh as to financial condition, experience ing 8 pounds. 15 ounces; to M r.! and Mrs. Lloyd Bovins of Nyssa I and character. October 8, a son, weighing 8 pounds, | 4H ounces, and to Mr and Mrs. P.T.A. Pictures Selected— Mrs. Charles Schweizer. Mrs. Bud Merl Crosier of Big Bend, Octob Wilson. Miss Kathryn Crandall, er 11. twin sons, weighing 6 pounds, Miss Eva Boydeli and Miss Margery 1 ounce and 5 pounds, 6 ounces. Nil:art were member.» of a com mittee who went to Boise last Saturday to select the picures as prizes for the P.T.A. attendance contest. The pictures selected this year are all by modem artists. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pike and two daughters were in Meridian this week visiting Mr. Pike's sister. Mrs. Jesse Butler, who has a baby boy. i 8 - Vlsit Veterans— Mr and Mrs. George N Bear vis ited William Dailey and Bert Mc Coy of Sondpoint in the veterans . hospital in Boise Sunday. NEWS VIEWS BY LEW seer SEE/ “ P r o o f B o o k ’ * o f let ter« from la u n d rom a t o w n e r « t e l l i n g h ow they save m oney. n Hemoiuitnition o f th e m on ey Having la u n d r o m a t with Water Saver. . J 1 Y B jjffiPBW i 2 LA U N D R O M A T S 70 CHOOSE FROM pR/CES STARTtNO AT 50 NORTH 3rd STREET rUM f IN no M A I ON« Here From Cove— Government authorities report Mr. and Mrs. Walter Obendorf that the Pacific Northwest is rigged MEET and son of Cove visited over the up with an aerial defense system, The Dorcas circle of the Meth week-end at the W. F Findling that's as elaborate as a kid's alibi. odist women's society will meet home. This is Paul Bunyan's old stamp Thursday afternoon. October 20 at 3 ing grounds. . . . but even Paul never Movr To Klamath Falls— p m at the home of Mrs LeRoy covered the territory the way this Mr and Mrs LaVer Montgomery new defense system does. A huge Hermann. Mrs Frank Johnson will and two children have moved to web of radar stations operates 24 be the guest speaker. Klamath Palis, where hr will attend hours a day to detect everything “ 5“ _ the Oregon Technical school to more solid than a rumor that flies ST PAULS GUILD MEETS Mr and Mrs. in or near the Pacific Northwest Mrs William Schireman enter study mechanics. tained the members of the St Paul's Melvin Jensen returned Wednesday states. The radar pickups extend Episcopal guild at her home Mon from a visit with them. up into Canada and out into the day evening Plans were made for Celebrates Birthday— Pacific . . . . and they're as sensitive the covered dish luncheon to be held Clarence M. Zink returned Wed as a hungry lion. The only airborne I Friday evening at the parish hall, nesday from a nine-day visit in passengers to get in without a radar j when Bishop Barton will be a trace have to come by stork. special guest. Following the bus A So Carolina woman explained iness meeting, a social hour and to the court that the 12 jugs of boot refreshments were enjoyed. FOR YOUR PLUMBING leg liquor dug out of her garden were to make the flowers grow bet - 8 - BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED NEEDS ter. She must be raising four roses. Mrs Robert Wilson entertained You’ll have fewer explanations to the members ol her afternoon Bath Sets, Water Heaters make to the court or the cop if you bridge club at her home Saturday keep your car in condition at HER and Pressure Systems afternoon Guest players were RIMAN MOTOR CO We offer you Mrs Ted Morgan and Mrs. Lloyd expert brake work. Every job guar- i Call Lewis High score was held by Mrs. an teed So see you soon. Phone 77. Ward Wieneke and Mrs Houston J. C . S M I T H Wilson -8 — 13 Years In Nyssa DINNER HONORS OFFICIAL Mrs. Edna Throne, worthy grand Phone 286-J matron o t the Eastern Star was honor guest at a turkey dinner held Tuesday evening at Carl's Doll house The table was centered with an arrangement of gladioli, and places set for 21 members and o f ficers of the local chapter. Mrs Throne and Mrs Bud Wilson were presented with corsages from the group by Mrs Orant Rinehart. Ar rangements for the dinner were made by Mrs. Luray Trabert. W H Y W AIT? BUILD A NEW HOME N O W GUESTS AT DINNER Mrs. C W Reberger of Caldwell. Mrs J. C. Beam and Louis DeBord were guests at a venison dinner served in the H R Sherwood home Sunday. Mrs Reberger was a Sat urday night guest of Mrs. Beam. Telephone IOÖ THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14-15 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Leo Gorcey—Huntz Hall ‘ FIG H T IN G FO O L S’" Roy Rogers—Dale Evans SUSA N N A PA SS" FILMED IN COLOR M a t. S a t. t M A d m . JOr l r , Inc ArimKtion I v m in p 44c-5. Inc. Tax Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY. OCTOBER 16-17 Ray M i Hand—Jean Peters Paul Douglas - Alan Hale, Jr. "It Happens Every Spring" M< " "Sourpuaa In D ingbat Land" LDVENTURE G oldan T ranxvatl" Mat Hun., i JO; \dm J0r-#c. Inc T a t AdinNOun licn in o tic-J r, Inc. Tax CARTOON TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE Richard Crane—Gloria Henry and several "pro” football players In “T rlpla T hreat ' Charles Starrett —Smiley Burnette "Deaert Vigilant«" torn S#c V Inc Tax WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY. OCTOBER lib20 Betty Grable—Ceasar Romero Rudy Vallee—Olga San Juan "THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE FRO M B A SH F U L BEND FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR Cartoon “ M » g p l« a In Siowawaya" Movietone Adv : “ Main« Sail" PARAMOUNT NEWS t iming* lie Jr. Inc. Tax C IR C U IT COCRT Ira Lovelace vs. Howard Lee Hol land. alienation of affections, $85,- 000. ReNae Folkman Hadley vs. Union Pacific R R company, et. al., dam ages. $35.298. State of Oregon vs. Otis G. Car rol, foieclosure of mortgage, $4,- 816.31. City of Ontario vs. Intermountain Life Insurance company, to quiet i title. Clarence Phoenix vs. Zack Walk er, et. al., damages $382.91. Jamas Bodan vs. B B. Burroughs, recovery of wages. $1 325. Betty Lou Davis vs. Norman Davis, divorce. John F. Thomas, et. ux„ vs. Glenn T. Scott, et. al.. determination of boundaries. PETITIONS. PROBVTE COURT Estate of Lewis Henry Findling, deceased. Ouardianship of Janice Marie Gant. ED JAMISON & KEN POND Real Estate and Insurance Nyssa, Oregon H o rm / i‘ c o u l d -----. B u r S o # u t / jv / v g . VLHAT v o u \ o / o j M E AB, ■ TH IA tO p j r - f / B E A B EH E SEM /C E SET BERRETT dekVite VOU G O l L A S É ISO H ET W B G - / Ä WASHING. POLISHING. LUBRICATING / 1 J ß jf Ô jC fU L t l £ t / with P E R F E C T IO N CLUB IS OROANIZED A 4-H club was organized at the of Mr M W Mvers October The following officers were elect ed : President. Olora Oonyer; vice president. Barbara McPartland: sec retary. Marylin Myers; treasurer. Marilyn Chadd; reporter. Brenda Myers; club hostess. Carole Mink, song leader. Jean Walker, and con duct manager. Kay Cooper A welner roast will be held Oct ober 21. tf weather permits, to cel- rbrate Hallowe'en and the organ ization of the club Refreshments were served. - f - WADE P T A. MEETS The Wade P T A held the sec ond meeting of the school year Oct ober 7 at the home of Mrs John Samer. with 21 members and two visitors present Mrs Mary Brumback gave an in structive report on the county P. T. A school of Instruction that was held in Nyssa the previous Satur day The importance of the home in providing the child with a loving and sympathetic enviroment. and in helping the child to develop a sense of security to enable him to gain a well balanced emotional altitude was discussed by Mr Charles Witty A report to the P T A of the activities at the 4-H summer school at Oregon State college last June was read to the group for Wayne Roberts, who received a 4-H schol arship sponsored by Wade P T. A. high lights of the course at the col lege were a trip to the ocean at Newport and a visit to the state college forest nursery Room representatives were ap pointed to assist the teachers Ruby English and Mrs Ooodenow for the upper grade m odi and Mrs Phil Clucas and Mrs John Auker for the lower grade room Mrs Laura Brock was appointed 4-H club lead er Refreshment« were served by the hostess, with Mrs Leroy Bennett assisting Meetings are held on the first Friday of each month. - 8 - ANNUAL PICNIC HELD Members of the A N K garden club met Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Albert Pfetler for the annual garden club picnic Follow - ing a fried chicken dinner, the group had as their guest speaker. Harry Sandquiat. Malheur county agent Mr Sandquiat spoke of the growth of agriculture in this coun PHONE WHOLESALE-RETAIL SAVE MORE FUEL OIL HOME HEATERS 7 p r o g r a m COM PLAINTS, Herri man Motor Company I V I « r D A Y. MONOAT rH IO U O H F R ID A Y ...A « C N ITW O gg N Y S S A LICENSES When a loss occurs, you can depend on prompt, feir settle ment of claims . . . with your insurance in this office . . . a service that comes with every policy. HERRIM AN 5- OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. M AR R IAG E Joe Alfonso Martinez of Nampa and Lucy Mary Chevez of Ontario. Thomas Harlen Gentry of Wilder and Pearl Odessa Ste.wart of Vale. Nolen Atchley of Wickes, Arkan sas and Patricia Louise Southard of Vale PAYM EN T . .. -s - CHURCH CIRCLE TO COM E/NTOM Yf NEWS OF RECORD THE NEVADA T h « ranch-typ« hom« has charm and individuality not found in tf>a averaga fiva-room home. Tha spacious living room with opan fireplace and tha con- vaniant dining room togethar form an L shapad room that is not only attractivn bat it also distinctly livable. W1 m a v ì latyst h o m i i o ía s STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY N YSSA. OREGON SAVE ON HEATING with clean, efficient, economical ASSOCIATED BURNER OILS NEW Midget Pilot . . . Operates 40 hours on one gallon of fuell Associated quality plus our service is the perfect answer to your heating problem. Associated Fuel Oils are extra carefully refined and blended for trouble-free operation and maximum beat output. F«r Jriirrry . I ri. ,Tww NEW Multi-Heat Burner . . . Assures utmost heat from every drop of oill NEW Beauty, r , Makes you proud to show it to friends! THOMPSON OIL CO. 3rd A Maia. Phonr II COMPLETELY NEW-SEE IT NOW! E D E R H A R D W A R E CO. A r