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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
............... « wV -* t- I , vV*> ^ r r r r > llr > - r r ^ f t , < ; . _ y » —V r/ieNYSSA JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1949 ing and killed the bear near the Two Hunters Kill Woman Injured WSCS Women Meet I place where they had made camp. In Auto Smash 400-Pound Bear Both men fired at the bear and In Apple Valley A bear, weighing approximately 400 pounds was brought to Nyssa last wee It by Glenn Weeks and Mel- roy Terry. The two men had gone into the Van-Drewsy section deer-hunt- v íiiiie v w irr they were unable to determine who I killed it. The bear was taken to a Boise taxidermist, who said that it was one of the largest that had been ktiied in this area. The taxidermist judged the bear to be five or six years old. The hide is being made into a rug, that will be about 8 feet wide. To Spokane— Mrs. Prank Morgan left by plane 1 Saturday morning for Spokane, where she will visit an aunt. To Boise— Mrs. Dale Garrison, Mrs. Herb Fischer and Mrs. Emma Quinby were in Boise Monday. APPLE VALLEY, Oct. 13—The W. S. C. S. held an all-day meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Sherman Wilson. A potluck dinner and a quilting bee were held. Each member furnished a hot dish. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson and family. Mr and Mrs. Ora Newgen of Sun set Valley were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson. A group of men consisting of the four Norland boys, Mr. Larkin and son, and Mr. Whitting went on a i deer hunting trip to Grangeville for a week. FIRE. is a common enemy to us all and it's one ice haven't been able to “ lick ” yet OUR BEST BET . . . Insure «£* llesure Frank T. Morgan Agency Bob Thompson Phone 97 PHONE 111M Hl-V/AY 20 No. NYSSA SERVICeCAUS OWYHEE, Oct. 13— The O. K. K. club will meet Thursday afternoon, October 20 ' at the home of Mrs. Martha Klingback, with Mrs. Lee Householder assisting. The P. T. A. will meet Thursday evening, October 20, in the Adrian grade school building. Mrs. Lynn Kygar received word this week that her brother’s wife. Mrs. Everett Huffman of Ogden, was seriously injured when her car struck the end of an oil tanker. The truck was swerving and sliding on the slick road and Mrs. Huffman could not stop her car quickly enough to avoid hitting it. A daugh ter was hurt slightly but was re leased from the hospital the next day. Mrs. Huffman is suffering from a fractured jaw, lacerations of the face and head, multiple fract ures of the leg and a broken arm. Mr. and Mrs. Raleign Chamber- lain and Jimmy and Marion Cham berlain were Saturday evening din ner guests in the Russell Patton, Sr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ciofalo of Adrian were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald attended a 4-H club leaders meeting Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Threlma Elliot in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Smith of Walla Walla were overnight guests of her sister, Mrs. Martha Kling back Tuesday. They were enroute to Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy en tertained at dinner Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters. The oc- R O U N D UP V A L U E S -: FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE :- One Larg e Loaf of Eddy’s Bread FREE with EACH $5.00 Purchase Friday £r Saturday Specials JELLO, 4 Boxes 190 SUGAR, 10 Pounds 95Ç POUND LARD, 4 Pounds CRISCO, 3 Pound Can CENTER CUTS 52 0 PORK CHOPS CRACKERS, 2 Pound Box 4 2 0 55Ç MILK, 5 Large Cans NUCOA, 2 Pound Package 4 9 0 BEEF ROAST COFFEE, All Brands CREAM STYLE CORN, 3 No. 2 Cans 33c NO. 2*4 CANS PORK and BEANS, 2 For 3 5 0 FANCY TOKAY GRAPES, 3 Pounds FANCY GOLDEN BANANAS, 190 POUND 140 BEST GRADE LARGE SIZE FRANKFURTERS casion was the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Ellis Walters. Mrs. Lynn Kygar spent Monday with Mrs. Donald Brewer near Mitchell butte. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr. and E. E. Crocker made a trip to Orand coulee last week, where they visited the Marty McKim family. Werner Peutz, Jesse Ditty and Ray Graham went deer hunting a- bove Owyhee dam on Dry creek last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow were Sunday dinner guests of the Frank Zimdar family in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Koger were dinner guests Sunday in Ontario at the home of their son, L. M. Koger. Dale Patterson was among the F. F. A. boys making tthe trip to Port land with Henry Reuter as a mem ber of the judging team last week. Mrs. Charley Culbertson and Bet ty and Mrs. Dorothy Slippy and Darrell went to Nampa for a check up on their eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot were Sunday dinner guests in the Clayton Patton home. Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz en joyed a visit from their niece and husband. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Knick erbocker of San Francisco Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peutz of Pay ette, parents of Mrs. Knickerbocker, were also guests for dinner at the William Peutz home. Mrs. Werner Peutz and Mrs. Jesse Ditty shopped in Caldwell Friday and called on Mrs. Oertrude At- keson there. Mrs. Martha Klingback and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children took Fred Klingback, Ted Holly and George Elphers back to Boise Sunday even ing after the boys had spent the week-end at their homes. Mrs. Wilson Winter attended an executive meeting at the Jake Borge home Thursday evening, when by laws were drawn for the P. T. A. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dempsey of Nampa were dinner guests In the Wilson Winter home Wednesday. The officers and teachers of the Owyhee Community church and Sunday school held their monthly business meeting Friday night at the church. Mearl Kygar returned home last week from Klamath Falls, where he attended deisel school for two years. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones and Linda of Boise called in the Byrd Walters home Sunday night. M. I. A. Board Meets— Officers and teachers of the Mut ual L. D. S. boards met for a stake meeting, outlining future ward visits, and planning for their con vention, which will be held October 22 and 23 In Boise. All L. D. S. bishops are invited to attend this convention. Authorities from Salt Lake City will be in attendance. Those attending the board meeting Sunday from Nyssa were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Maw and Mrs. D. O. Bybee. SECOND SECTION Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler and family visited in Caldwell Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Holmes. Beus, and their families. Mrs. R. H. Beasley, also of Ogden, Is visit ing here with her son, Vem, aand family and her brothers. Ersel and Bill Beus. Leave For France— Return From Deer Hunt— Mrs. Don Lytle and daughter left last Monday for New York to sail for France where they will visit for several months with Mrs. Lytle's parents and other relatives. Mrs. Lytle was presented with a gift from the St. Anne's Alter society prior to her departure. Two deer were brought to Nyssa by a party of four men, who tried their luck on Strawberry mountain and finally went to Ironside. They were Bud Butler, Don and George Courtney and Jay By bee. Visit In Caldwell— Attend Purina Meet— L. L. Tobler and Ray Linville left Tuesday morning for Pocatello to attend a two-day special instruction class in mixing, sponsored by the Purina company. Visit In Newell Heights— Visitors last week at the Maurice Judd home in Newell Heights were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Overstreet and Bob of Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. John Downer and Maurice Judd of Cald well. The visitors were Invited to be with Mrs. R. O. Applegate, Mrs. Judd's aunt from Santa Barbara. I'tahns Leave after visit— Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Beus left Tues In Ontario— day for their home in Ogden after Mrs. D. O. Bybee and daughter, spending two weeks visiting their Nannette, were In Ontario Tuesday two sons, William J, and Ersel on business. Baby Shoes Preserved Forever Your baby's First Pair Of Shoes can Be Metalized In Either BRONZE. GOLD, or SILVER Workmanship Guaranteed For Life CAN BE MOUNTED ON ' Plaques For Bookends Portrait Stand For 8"X10" or 5"X7" Photo Desk Sets With Pens Plaques With Flower Bud Vases, Plus Other Items ANYTHING SENTIMENTALLY PRECIOUS CAN BE PRESERVED AS A LASTING KEEPSAKE Christmas Orders Are Being Taken Now 130 East 4th Si. North of Sugar Factory PAUL HERRING 49c 780 POUND 490 POUND 390 POUND 290 POUND BACON SQUARES T-BONE OR RIB STEAK 290 POUND I . Drive to eny Ford Dealer displaying poster shown below 490 2 . Cat Free C m Safety Ckeek. S M .fr l« « fe ia .a d l« l» r Stank PURE PORK SAUSAGE, 3 Pounds SMALL HEADS CABBAGE S. 890 FANCY DELICIOUS APPLES, Per Bushel 990 WILLIAMS rOOD MARKET PHONE 284-W Gordon Williams, Assistant Mgr. OCTOBER 14 AND 15 4 . MM a n trr before midlHfllt, October 31. u rofd Cat Safely C o ala« Headquarters Bos #722. Chicago 77 m inor. ★ ★ ★ U na a n y F o r J I M a la r a ■ini **ntry M ank o n ly . P r in t n im s and ad d r « ms rtn a rty POUND 20 la SO n t l k of Ia n ua entry •AM cert and trucks should be safety checked periodically because . . . " (b) C o n te s t lim ite d Lo c o n ti n e n ta l U H. a nd A la sk a . m (C ) 1 ruuw as sta te d on e n t r y b la n k a w a rd e d fo r e in r e r it y o r ig in a lity a n d a p tn e a a . Ju d g ea d e ris io n s A nal. D u p li c a te p ris e s in r a s i o í ti#«. E n t r ie s m u s t lie su b m itte d in th e n am e o í reg istered o w n e r o r d ««ig n sted re p ré se n ta tiv e O n ly one e n t r y tier c a r u r t r u c k m a y b s co n sid ered A ll e n trie s bwroroa th e p ro p e rty « F o rd , ( k m t e s t lu b jiw t to F e d e ra l. S t a t e , 'o ra l reg u la tio n s a n d r u le s on e n tr y ii b la n k . id ) W in n e rs n am e« w ill be posted a t a ll F o r d D e a le rs n ot la te r th a n I r i m - m l « 1 IIM V m C o n te n t o prai to a ll real- d e n ts of U . 8 . e x c e p t em p lo y- eea o í F o r d M o to r C o m p a n y F o r d D e a le ra , th e ir a d v e r tis in g ag en cies o r th e ir fa m ilie s It’s yovr big chant* to win one of these 7 0 0 g rises I M ew fotos "Tim foMmm Cm ml dm Ymm" ♦ Door Custom V-8 Ford Sedant, equipped with Radio, “ Magic Air ’ Heater. Over drive, and Whits Sidewall T im . 5N ew fatp7*ucK S (Optional) General Duty Model F \ V I _ stake body. I*>8 inch wheetbaie FORD Trucks, equipped with Radio and “ Magic Air " Haater Optional as prizes to ths top 5 of the 25 car winners who specify preference for a truck os Costeel ta ti y Blank 2 5 *2000 US. SMrmss Samos tOO *200 US. Smnmes Somos O fT THIS ArrtAcrrvf » ff ite r o * mioma mm 200*50¿tiimamss Samar 350*25 CtSSamms Samos D riv e In t o d a y I C a t y o u r F r a a S a f e t y C h o c k , O a t y o u r I n t r y B la n k I Her riman Motor Co.