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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
JOURNAL 7-fteNVSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 39 THE NYS3A GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY OCTOBER 6. 1949 Nyssa Assured Of City Mail Delivery Service To Catch Good S3200 Is Netted Prizes Awarded Market, Lettuce Sent By Express Local Hospital By Chamber At 1 The lettuce market was so good, By Raffle Group two local shippers sent seven car- Sales Drawing James Savage Wins Ford; Carnival Gaines, Dancing Held The Nyssa chamoer of commerce raffle committee that conducted a ticket-selling campaign over a per iod of several weeks for the benefit of the Malheur Memorial hospital made a profit of more than $3000 after giving away a Ford automobile and four other valuable prizes at a drawing held at a dance in the gymnasium Saturday night. Tile gross receipts received on the sale of 5,922 tickets were $5,922.70 The expenses, including the price of the merchandise given away, a- mounted to $2,717.04, leaving a net profit of $3,205.66. The Ford automobile was won by James Savage of Nyssa on ticket 1817. The other prizes were won as follows: John Lawrence, deep freeze; Frank Sherwood, electric range; Louis DeBord, gas range, and James Spofford, bedroom suite. The Nyssa Veterans association, conducting four carnival games for the benefit of the hospital associ ation, netted $101.55. In addition to playing the 21 game, dice, penny toss and bingo, the large crowd in attendance danc ed until midnight to music furnish ed without cost by Johnny Savage, Mrs. Chet Sage, Mrs. D. O. Bybee. Elmer Stradley and Leon Burt. ' loads of lettuce to New York by i express last week. The Eastern Oregon Produce company and the J. C. Watson company sent the lettuce by express in order to hit the high market with their good lettuce. A few hundred more carloads of lettuce will be shipped by the end of the season, unless there is a radical change in conditions. Packing shed operators have ship ped 1910 cars of potatoes this sea son. according to figures compiled by the Union Pacific railroad. Ship- | ments last month Included 121 cars of onions, 100 cars of lettuce and 289 cars of potatoes. City HumlGives Concert; Cake Baked By Mrs. Cassel Auctioned Merchandise prizes valued at more than $140 were given away last Saturday afternoon at a drawing held on Main street between Second and Third streets under the aus pices of the Nyssa Chamber of com merce. The drawing was part of the cam paign now being conducted by the sales promotion committee of the chamber of commerce. Six more prizes will be given away Saturday, October 8 at 4 p. m. and five grand prizes will be given Saturday, Oct ober 22. A greased pig scramble will be held October 15. The prizes, of particular interest to hunters, were awarded as follows: Mrs. Chester Mills, Owyhee section, $43.75 umbrella tent; Rev, Slierwin Schmidt. $42.50 butane camp stove; Mrs. Lester Oden, $19.95 sleeping bag; Colleen Bybee, $13.95 gasoline camp stove; Mrs. Ivan Carpenter, $10.95 air mattress, and Mrs. Ray Russell, $10.95 nesting kit for cook ing. Carolyn Oden drew the tickets from the large wire barrel and Judge J. C. Smith read the numbers to the large crowd in attendance over a public address system. The tickets were given by Nyssa mer chants to customers on the basis of one ticket for each $1 purchase. As a feature of the program, a professionally decorated two-tier cake was auctioned off by Leon Burt, who acted as master of cere monies during the drawing, to Nel son Foster for $8. The beautiful white cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. C. H. Cassel of Kingman Kolony, a home economics major in college. Carl Tyler and Leon Burt gave a quiz program urging people to buy chances on the Ford and other prizes that were given away Sat urday night. The Nyssa band and majorettes added considerable interest to the program. Before the drawing the band played several numbers and the majorettes, Laura Schenk, Nani Child and Betty Lou Fife, gave a baton demonstration. Merchants will continue to give sales promotion tickets on purchas es up to the final drawing October La (.ramie Powerhouse To lnvutle Nyssa The power-laden La Grande Tig ers will invade Nyssa Friday for a night football game with the Nyssa Bulldogs. Footbr 11 fans of this lo- cality will have an opportunity to see the team labeled by sports dop- e ters as the prospective 1949 East ern Oregon champions. The La Grande team coached by Don Ma- bee has established something of a record in their games to date. Boasting a scoring offense of nearly fifty points per game against their three opponents, the La G:ande team is being tabbed as one of the -strongest high school grid crews in the state. La Grande opened the season with a 57-6 win over Glenns Ferry, followed a week later by wal loping Baker 45-0 and in their third appearance downed Ontario 47-6. The' Nyssa Bulldogs, currently tied for the lead in S. R. V. circles will be decided underdogs in the contest. Coach Howard Lovejoy re ports that his squad are in good condition for the tilt. No serious injuries to players resulted from the game with Baker. Beet Harvest Is Started; Factory Is Opened Today Feature Of Harvest Is Big Percentage Of Large Beets Health Service Group To ('.heck Local Hospital Board members of the Malherr Memorial hospital met Tuesday eve ning to discuss plans for the visit next Monday of representati' es of the public health service. Two of the representatives, Mr. Martin and Mr. Flanagln of San Francisco, represent the federal public health department and Mr Patterson and Oeorge Fchlffer of Portland represent the Oregon board of health. The four men will consult with local hospital board I tembers on Monday. October 10. The purpose of the visit of the heilth officials is to del rmine, wheat ier after in spection of the hosp tal site and building and the fina icial standing of the organization, the project can qualify for federal a'd Inspector Gives Approval But No Date Proposed l’ostiiiaüter Lewis Asks Patrons To Start Lis in«; House Numbers Establishment of city delivery After three days of harvesting, service for the city of Nyssa was the Nyssa factory of the Amalga assured this week, according to in mated Sugar company was placed formation receive.; from the post in operation this morning at 8 o’ office department by Postmaster clock for the 1949-50 production Lloyd W. Lewis. An inspector came to Nyssa last campaign. week-end to determine whether R. G. Larson of Nyssa, district twice-a-day service would be feasi manager of the sugar company said ble in both the residential and bus the quality of the beets is good and iness districts and recommended af the sugar content of the beets is ter his survey that when service is about the same as last year. inaugurated it be on a twice-a-day One feature of the harvest is the basis for both areas of the city. Teachers Attend big percentage of large beets taken However, the date of service has to the factory. The harvest, start Nyssa Gallierin«; not been set. ing Monday, has provided a good Although the service has been as stockpile of beets so that there Two hundred and fifty teachers sured, the post office department should be no delay in the product Kenneth L. Johnson of Boise, from all schools in the county at emphasized that more sidewalks are ion of sugar. general agent for f i e Idaho division tended a one-day institute in Nyssa The yields per acre this year are of the Union Pacific railroad, spoke needed for the most efficient oper Monday, October third. The in- high, giving prospects of good re to the chamber of commerce mem ation of the delivery. Local resi service training institute featured dents anticipated that the city wtll turns to the farmers. bers at their Wednesday luncheon discussions on methods and proced As planned for sometime, sugar on the proposal of the Denver and follow through with its proposed ures to be used by teachers in as company officials anticipated a Rio Grande rallioad to open the sidewalk construction program. An sisting students with handicaps in election providing authority for the “campaign” of about 120 days. Ogden gateway. Mrs. Klass V. Powell of Nyssa speech, hearing, sight, and physical sale of bonds for the sidewalk con In presenting the case for the struction has been under consider died at her home, 270 N. 4th street, deformities. Union Pacific, Johnson stated that ation for sometime. Sunday afternoon, October 2. She Nyssa Residents A staff of consultants from the should the interstate commerce had been in poor health for several state department of education, The letter to Postmaster Lewis Kill 73 Deer commission allow the Denver and from V. C. Burke, assistant post years and in serious condition for headed by Walter E. Snyder, direct Rio Grande proposal at the Decem the past three years. or of the division of special educa master-general, Washington, D. C., Mildred L. Blair was born in Nyssa hunters returning from ber hearing in Silt Lake City, ship stated in part that “ It is proposed tion, presented practical procedures pers in this section would receive no Cuba, Missouri, July 5, 1901, a trips in the mountains have brought to be used with the handicapped to establish city delivery service at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac in a total of seventy-three deer. The reduction in freight rates. He em Nyssa upon receipt of additional in child. Special consultants from the phasized that t ie Denver and Rio Blair, and when a small girl she first to be brought in was shot by state department of education in formation from the Inspector. (Who moved to Moscow, Idaho. Later the Bob Kressly and Kenneth Sanders. Grande would run no trains over was here last week) The assistant cluded Mrs. Verna B. Hogg, con tracks in this section; would pay no family moved to Almira, Washing The largest deer, weighing 145 sulting psychologist; Miss Dora postmaster-general, division of e- ton, where Mrs. Powell lived until pounds after being dressed, was taxes and would maintain only a quipment and supplies, has been re Cronter, consultant for the educa skeleton crew of traffic solicitors. her mother died In 1913. She then jrought in by Norman Hipp. tion of the visually handicapped; quested to furnish the necessary went to Baker, Oregon to make her Those from Nyssa and vicinity Service under the proposal would equipment for operation of the rout Miss Ester Lipton, consultant in the A benefit sale to be sponsored by home with her sister, Mrs. Walter bringing deer to the cold storage not be improved since no new in es. education of crippled children; Mr. the Malheur Memorial hospital aux W. Evans. She was married to plant by Wednesday were: Fred stallations would be made. John Taylor, director of the speech "Upon receipt of the additional iliary will be held at the city park Johnson further stated that the Klass V. Powell in Almira February Norman. Vincent Skubal, Wayne and hearing program for the information from the Inspector and Saturday, October 29. The all-day Union Pacific had assisted in the 21, 1926. Abbot, H. Tobler, William Oxman, state department of education. advice from you that the equipment sale will be handled by Col. Bert Mr. and Mrs P °”j ; / lived in Herman Towne, Allen Anderson, development of this area and had has been received at Nyssa, irUe's A feature by Miss Madeline Bow Anderson and Col. Joe Church as kept pace with the section's progress Baker until 1941, w henthey moved Delwin Holcomb, W. D. Holcomb will be Issued fo: the esUb'Ahment auctioneers. Local Boy Scout troops ers, consultant in speech correction to Nyssa. Mrs. Powell was associ Duane Holcomb, Clifford Main, Al with added installations and with of city delivery service. supervised an interesting demon will assist about the grounds. improved services. He indicated ated with her husband as a partner bert Coleman, Paul Flanery, La- “In order for the city delivery Mrs. Frank Perko, serving as gen stration in which groups of children jn the publication of the Gate City mont Fife, Russell Olsen, Douglas that in the Oregon-Idaho section service to operate efficiently, It Is eral chairman for the sale will be with speech difficulties were placed the Union Pacific annually paid Journal. Flippence, Tom Seppich, Max Jones, Although necessary that mall received for de assisted by representatives of the in speaking situations. Mrs. Powell was a member of the Lawrence Low, Wayne Lewis, Ed three million dollars in taxes and livery bear the house number and women’s clubs in this area. Each Miss Bower had worked with the 28 million in wages. The economy Methodist church in Nyssa and a Irving, Art Cook, A. T. Knowles E. J. street address of the patrons. You of these representatives is to solicit group for only a short period, the member of the Order of Eastern Powell, Ronald Jensen, Gordon Ox- of this section is closely related to should Immediately Inform all pat and gather articles from club mem responses made by pupils clearly in Star and Degree of Honor Protective man, Charles Cannon, Donald the Union Pacific. dicated the progress each had made. bers. All members of the hospital Johnson answered the Denver and rons who will be given city delivery association in Baker, where she was Knowles, R. T. Sager, Tom Foster, Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, county district are asked to contribute art Rio Grande’s charge that the Union service that they should advise quite active in club and fraternal R. W. Staples, Bob Brown, Lloyd school superintendent, Dr. Frederick icles for the sale. Pacific enjoys a monopoly, by indi their correspondents of their house affairs. Tobler, Darwin Jensen, Dwight A number of used articles includ O. Graeber, Malheur county health cating that all rates are not only numbers and street addresses and Besides her husband. Mrs. Powell Smith, Fred Province, Roy Pounds, ing breakfast table, davenport, set of director and Mrs. Edna Ferris, coun subject to approval by the inter ask that these be used in addressing is survived by her only child, Keith, Ed Pryn, Richard Pounds, Ray By dishes, cream separator, cooking ty health nurse attended the con state commerce commission but also mail to them." of Nyssa; a sister, Mrs. Walter W. bee, Wayne Green, Mrs. John Mul Two of the requirements for est 22 . utensils, sacks of grain and beans ference. to the state commerce commission. Evans of Halfway. Oregon and two lins, Clifford Beakstead, John Mul Many indicated the one day in and tools have already been con Johnson cited numerous cases ablishment of the service is erection brothers, Isaac Blair of Almira and lins, H. F Crutchfield, James Robb, stitute was one of the most val of street signs and numbering of all tributed. Bulldogs Lose Samuel Blair of Spokane. Hudson Robb, E. H. Strickland, Les where traffic gateways exist in the houses. The city had ordered street Other items needed for the sale uable in-service-training sessions Funeral services were held in the lie Burbank, Dick Mason, Donald northwest and In the Pacific coast signs before the postal order was that they had ever attended in the are garden produce, grains, fruits, Game To Baker Methodist Community church in Jensen, Roland Whitman, Wyatt states. In these situations the issued and expects to start erect canned gogds, baled hay or straw, state. Nyssa Wednesday at 10 a. m. Dr. J. Smith, Jim Cruson, George De Union Pacific does not enjoy the ing the posts soon. The city plans Those attending the meeting were The Nyssa Bulldogs dropped their dishes, furniture, machinery and H. Coulter of Kendrick, Idaho, for Haven, Jim Nicholson, Albert Pecka, priveleges that are being demanded to re-number all houses in town and served lunch at noon by Mrs. Vir first game of the season to the vis electrical appliances in useable con mer pastor of Mrs. Powell’s home Jim Kemell, E. P. Bingman, Law- by the Denver and Rio Grande, and furnish the numbers. The Lions ginia Steffens and a class from the iting Baker team 19-8 Friday night, dition, chickens and livestock. Any church at Baker, conducted the ser rance Cleverly, Leroy Bair, Howard does not care to have them, since club has agreed to place the numb home economics department. September 13. one who can contribute these items vice. Miss Kathryn Crandall, ac Day, Lester Cleaver, Herbert Baker, they recognize the fact that the ers on the houses. Another require The game was featured by some are asked to list them with their companied by Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Floyd Day, John Bretz, Kenneth railroads that have developed these ment Is that every family must have excellent line play on the part of sang “ In The Garden". club repräsentative or telephone Benton, LaVar Hawkins, and Don sections are entitled to the revenues a mail receptacle. both teams. Although the score ¡Mrs. Ed Frost at 298-W or Mrs. that are derived from them. B. B. Lienkaemper of the Nyssa Strickland. "We would like for the people to showed a comfortable margin in Harry Miner at 154-M. Chamber of commerce officials Funeral home took the body to favor of Baker, the game was hotly A special meeting of the hospital are making plans to have a rep start immediately using street ad Baker for interment in Mt. Hope contested and the open type of play auxiliary will be held at the parish resentative of the Denver and Rio dresses on their mall” , Postmaster cemetery. A short service was con Hural Fire Board The annual high school one-act used by each team gave a fair sized ducted by the Eastern Stars of hall October 17. All club represent Qrande railroad present their case Lewis said. "This Is one of the Buys Equipment at the future meeting of the cham- most important things that we have atives are asked to attend this meet plays will be presented at the school crowd an evening of thrills. Baker Wednesday afternoon at 3 o ' to get done. The people should de After a scoreless first quarter the ing and report a listing of contrib gymnasium Tuesday evening, Oct ,ber. clock in the West and company termine the proper number for their Baker team tallied early In the sec chapel. An announcement was made last ober 11 at 8 o'clock. utions. houses by inquiring at the city hall.” Saturday by Frank Parr, secretary The seniors will present "A Penny ond quarter. The Baker scoring op Postmaster Lewis said a sidewalk of the Nyssa Rural Fire Protection H o i l I C C O I I l i l l g Of Judging Team To Portland— Saved” , with Mrs. Margaret Engs- portunity came when they recover from the street to the house where district board that the board had Five Nyssa F. F. A. boys will leave | trom and D. W. Patch directing. ed a fumbled lateral pass on the Lion* Gliili Hears First Gliurcli Of the mall receptacle is located is voted to buy all the fire fighting for Portland on Thursday evening i The cast includes Bill Church. Nyssa 20 yard line. Church, Baker District Governor equipment from the American Elk to enter the livestock judging con- I David Tyler. Willard Lowe, Donna back, passed 19 yards to Enlow, end, GhriHl Olisrrvcd mandatory. hart company in Portland. Mr. test at the Pacific International Ex Rae Mundy. Phyllis Galloway and to place the ball on the Nyssa one yard stripe Smock, Baker quarter Nyssa Lion club members at their Parr said that the machine sel position. They will be accompanied | Joanne Matheny. The First Church of Christ cele Adrian Defeats back, bucked over for the tally. Try Monday luncheon were honored by ected will be mounted on a Ford by R. V. Wilson, local high school [ "His Mama's Boy" is the title of brated its annual homecoming Sun a visitation from Henry K. Bel chassis which Is being purchased day afternoon, October 2. Delegat Gamhridge 20-6 agriculture instructor. Those mak- ! the play selected by the junior class. for point was blocked. The Nyssa team opened the sec- | mont of Hazelton, Idaho, district from the Herrlman Motor company. ions from Churches of Christ in ing the trip are Minard Hart. West 1 Advisors directing the play are Dale The pumper Itself will be some Boise, Nampa, Welser and Ontario Beus. Alvin Cleaver, Deane Hunter Overstake and Miss Margery Ni- ond half by moving for three suc governor of Lions. The powerful Adrian football Belmont, in speaking to the group, thing new In this area. It con attended. and James Stepens. hart. The selected cast consists of cessive first-downs that carried the team trounced Cambridge 20 to 6 West Beus, Mary Anne Bumgarner, ball to the Baker 35 yard line. On complimented the Nyssa club on its sists of a high volume low pressure After the annual special offering at Parma, September 30. The game Pre-School Clinic Held— Cleo Flinders, Dolores Coffman, an end-around, Hale, Bulldog end, activity in community projects. pump for use where plenty of water was taken, Lester Jones, pastor of was nlp-and-tuck for the first scampered 35 yards to score. Mit He stressed the goals to be attain is available, and a high pressure low the Nampa church, delivered a mes quarter, but in the second quarter The F. O. E. auxiliary is sponsor Carlene Jones and David Tucker. ing a pre-school clinic on Tuesday, The sophomore class will present chell’s conversion kick was blocked. ed during his administration, stres volume pump to fight fires when sage. Mr. Jones stated that the sol the Adrian offense began to click October 11 at the Eagles hall at 2 one of three plays: “ Fat Chance Shortly later the Baker team were sing membership, regular attend the only water that may be avail ution to the chaotic world Is not on all cylinders. p. m. Anyone with pre-school To Get Thin", "Who Gets The backed to their one yard line on a ance and activity in worthwhile pro able is the 500 gallons in the truck education because world war II be Auslmendl and Stoker made huge children may have a free medical { Car?", qr “ What Are You Going bad pass from center. On the fol jects for community betterment. tank. gan in Berlin—the center of world gains through the center of the line, examination for their child. Dr. To Wear?’’. Cast members of "A lowing play. Campbell, Nyssa center, Mr. Belmont remained after the In all probability, he said, the educational developments. Neither while Scatbacks Nelson and Davis tackled a Baker back behind the luncheon for a special meeting with district will have this unit In oper is science the solution to present broke loose consistently around the Kenneth Kerby will be in charge Fat Chance To Oct Thin" include of the examinations. Further in- | Jerry Tucker, Dick Campbell, Clif goal line for a safety and Nyssa the Nyssa Lions board of directors. | ation by the first of the year De problems, because science has but ends and off the tackles The stal Walter E. Snyder of Salem, di- j livery Is not accepted until the created new problems. Armanent warts of the Adrian line broke formation may be had by calling ford Mefford, Delmar Andrews. took the lead 8-6 The Baker team regained the lead rector of special education in the | board of fire underwriters have races, history has proven, will never through many times to snare the George Chevez and Clairon Haney. Mrs. Jake Fischer. “Who Gets The Car?” stars Alan when they took to the airways and a guest at the luncheon. Snyder | made a test run of the machine in bring peace and happiness to a frus Cambridge offense in Its tracks. To Attend National Meet— Frost, Betty Louise Fife, Colleen registered two rapid-fire touch spoke briefly to the group concern- j Nyssa. trated world, Mr Jones said. The rural fire truck will be hous Clarence Suitor, president of the Bybee and Leland Morris. "What downs. The first of these came on ing the extent of handicapped “Only the church and the way of B ishop To Visit— Nyssa F. F. A chapter will leave on Are You Going To Wear?" has a a beautiful 35 yard pass from children In the public schools of ed by the city of Nyssa and the love for our fellow men, the fel Bishop Lane Barton of the diocese Sunday evening for Kansas City. cast composed of Alice Komatsue. Church to Hindman. Hindman re- 1 Oregon and outlined some of the Nyssa volunteer firemen will man lowship with God and treading in of eastern Oregon will be in Nyssa Missouri, to attend the national Jenny Eachus, Claudena Wilson, celved the ball on the 20 yard line services that are being provided to the truck In exchange for the use the footsteps of Christ will bring Friday, October 14 to meet with congress of the Future Farmers of Shirley Dolan. Noni Child. Jo Anne and galloped the remaining distance children, with defective hearing, of the rural truck for additional peace and satisfaction to our day members and friends of the EpLsco- America. Suitor, a senior in the Hartley. Karma Kesler. Teresa Jen to score. The extra point was con eyesight, and speech difficulties in city fire protection. pal church. A covered dish supper and time", the speaker stated. Members of the Rural Fire Pro Nyssa high school and son of Mr sen and Donna Lee Wilson. Mrs. verted on a line plunge. Early in Oregon public schools. will be held at 6:30 at the parish the fourth quarter the Baker passer Snyder complimented the Nyssa and Mrs. Glenn Suitor, will repre Joe Brumbach and Charles Steffens, house. Bishop Barton will hold tection Board have worked with ' Loral G irl In C ontest— hit Enlaw. Baker end. with an elev- schools on the work they were doing Frank Morris, Nyssa fire chief and sent the local chapter in the official the directors, will choose the best Miss Loretta Russell, daughter of confirmation Wednesday at 8 p m. meeting while attending the con play Monday night at dress rehear en yard aerial and the pass and in this phase of special education Ralph Laurence, assistant fire chief Mr and Mrs Ray Russell of Nyssa in 8t. Mathew's church In Ontario. in all their negotations for the Is one of the finalists in the Boise vention. Fourty-five F F. A. mem sal The other two will be presented run were good for the final touch down. The try for point was block New Men At D epot— purchase of the equipment. The valley beauty contest, sponsored by Here From C aliforn ia— bers and two instructors from Ore at the sophomore assembly Jack Cludas, formerly of Sho members of the Rural Fire Board the Lux soap company. The con The freshman class have selected ed. gon will attend the meeting. Mr. and Mrs Allan Plersol of Po shone, Idaho has been assigned as include Jacob Fischer, president, test is to find the prettiest 15 year- mona, California, were week-end Aunt Miranda's Will' as their one- ticket agent at the Nyssa Railway Otis Bullard, vice-president, Frank old girl In America act play. Cast members include To A ttend E xposition— T® Return From Japan— Miss Russell visitors at the home of Mr. and Leaving this Thursday for the Pa depot F 8. Woodruff who had Parr, secretary-treasurer and Frank and Jeanne Rock and Linden Cron Mrs Hubert Plersol. The group Mr and Mrs. M A. Stathopulos Olive Bues. La Donna Shone. Doris have received word that their son Rigney, Lorraine PLscher. Avon Pet cific International Livestock show held this position has been trans Sherwood and Lloyd Adams. The in of Ontario will represent Mal spent Hunday at Shore Lodge In Norman, who has been stationed erson. Jerry Browne. Don Bowers at Portland, are the six winners of ferred to Ontario Other new as board expressed their appreciation heur county in competing with girls McCall. Allan Plersol is a phar macist In Pomona. Directing the the Malheur county 4-H clubs and signments to ticket clerk positions of the cooperation of the Nyssa j from all over the United 8tates. with the United States army in and C. L Kesler Japan, will be returning to this play are Miss Marie Coate and R. their chaperones. Mr and Mrs Har here are Robert Fangen, Joe Carter volunteer fire department and after and John Flannery. old Flvecoats. Those representing C annery Open 3 D ays— R eceive Word O f G ran d son — visiting the fire departments of V Wilson. country. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson As in previous years those at the county are Frances Feik. Vir other towns while Investigating the i Henry Reuter announced this To Portland— ginia Maiet. Virginia Corn, Helen tending the plays will cast a ballot week that the Adrian community have received word of the birth of a purchasing of equipment members Guild T® Meet— Purvis. Oeorge Ferguson, and Ken Mr. and Mrs Henry Hartley and of the rural board were Impressed cannery will be o|»en only Monday, grandson bom on October 5 to Mr. St Paul's Episcopal guild will for the play of his choice. Larry Flvecoats Is sons returned the first of the week by the spirit of the local volun Wednesday and Friday of each and Mrs Joe Robertson of Oakland. Tickets for these plays maybe ob neth Romans meet Monday at 8 p. m at the home from a business trip to Portland. tained from high school student« also taking his calf to the show. teer department. 1 week until the end of the season. This Is the Robertson’s second son. of Mrs. W E Schireman. Women Planning Hospital Sale One-Acl Plays Are Scheduled J Mrs. K. V. Powell Taken By Death John on Strikes D .& R.G. Proposal