Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 19*9 Sunset Couples Attend M eeting (Continued from Page 3) son. Philip, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Gregg and son, Daniel, return ed Thursday from a four-days camping trip to Bend. Oregon. Mrs. Ada Snyder, who has been visiting at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Grover Cooper, the past three months, left Saturday for Boise to visit the E. H. Tolman family. Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker at a venison dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fields and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy made a motor trip Sunday through Em mett. Horse Shoe Bend. McCall and Weiser Sunday. Snow was falling at McCall that afternoon. Mrs. Lew McCoy was hostess to members of the Sunset auxiliary I Thursday afternoon at her home. ' The afternoon was spent In making Drive In For Your Winter Tuneup Look Forward To A Safer Winter By Having Your Car Checked N O W ! Complete WINTER TUNEUPS Cost Very L ittle.... And They're Sure Protection against Traffic Mishaps Stop In Today And Let Our Expert M echanics Service Your Car For Winter ED P R U Y N G A R A G E Phone 56-W j plans for a bazaar j ember 19 at the to be held Nov- rived Monday for a three-day visit home of Mrs. with their former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bowns. Cowan Thomas Nishitanl. A lunch was is employed in U. S. civil service served. work. A trip to the Owyhee dam Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and was made Tuesday. two daughters were supper guests Mrs. William Orr attended the at the Burl Collins home in New L. D. S. primary board meeting Plymouth Sunday. Saturday afternoon at the home Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson spent of Mrs. Leslie Ballantyne. I Tuesday in Ontario, accompanied by C. T. Okano has his new potato Glenn Larson, brother of Devon. cellar completed except for the Glenn, who has been working in the roofing. It is 36 feet by 64 feet. Boeing aircraft factory in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Field and is visiting his brother. daughter of Rupert, Idaho were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wilde of Oold- house guests at the Jack Field home endale, Washington were visitors for several days this week. Nolan at the E. J. Hobson home the first on the Robert Ditty farm be j of the week. Carl Wilde, the vis- lived fore moving to Rupert a year ago. I itor’s son, underwent a serious op ---------------------- —*- eration in Boise. Accompanying Return From Canadian Trip— Mr. and Mrs. Wilde from Washing Mr. and Mrs. Shermon P. Bybee ton. was Mrs. Mary Jane Wilde, sis and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barker ter of Mrs. Hobson, who has been returned Wednesday from a 10-day visiting at the home of her niece, trip to Glacier National park in Mrs. James Langley while Mr. Montana. Canada. Lake Louise, and Langley is in Madras, Oregon on Vancouver. British Columbia. They Business. Another house guest of traveled approximately 600 miles | Mrs. James Langley has been Mrs. just through the Canadian Rockies. Joe Hobson and daughter, Sandra, They took motion pictures of sev of Ontario. Joe Hobson, Homer eral wild animals, including the Brewer and Eldon Barker were on wild sheep, elk. moose and deer, a hunting trip in the Steens mount and were chased by a large bear, ains. which refused to accept small nib The three families, Pete Wilson, bles of food for a picture. They James Robb, and Claude Wilson returned by way of Seattle, where took a birthday cake and food for they visited Mr. and Mrs. Eddie a late supper and surprised Mrs. Keyser, former Nyssa residents and Hudson Robb Tuesday evening at I Mr. and Mrs. L. Mandick. her home with a birthday party. Pinochle was the evening entertain Pianist Appointed— ment. T. Carol Bybee, pianist for the La- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Griffey of 'Frawn School of Dancing was ap Berthoud, Colorado visited Tuesday pointed pianist for three of the tap at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George and ballet classes held in Boise each Wilson. They continued Wednes Saturday by the Travelstead school. day on a trip to Canada. George Wilson and Wayne Garner are now working at the sugar fact T oo Late To Classify ory in Nyssa. •To Ann Price and Albert Me Gin- FOR RENT—In Nyssa, two-room nis visited Kathaleen- Wolfe at the house with bath, furnished with Mercy hospital in Nampa Friday. bed, table and stove, etc., 133 Ennis Kathaleen was hoping to be able Ave., phone 3035, Vale. 13o2xp to be moved to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe, WANTED—A driver to Logan or Ogden, Utah. If interested call over the week-end. 13olxp j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cowan and 143-W. daughter. Janet of Ogden, Utah ar MISCELLANEOUS — We specialize in repairing washing machines and oil heaters. 130 East Fourth street. Paul R. Herring. 13o2xc FOR SALE—One dining room table and six chairs. Table pulls out to make long table. 130 East Fourth street, Paul R. Herring. 13o2xc Jacobs. PAGE FIVE 13o3xc »20. Phone 148-J. Payette. Idaho. 13o2xp FOR SALE—Linderman beet load er; Oliver 46 tractor with beet and FOR SALE—Trash burner, excel FOR SALE—New Wedgewood gas p o t a t o equipment. Reasonable. lent condition. $13.50 Also used range, Louis C. De Bord, on Clara Frank Skeen, H mile west on Enter washing machine with new parts. Beam's place. 13olxp. prise Ave. 13o3xp Relax in ®D • No traffic to bother you . . . no worry or strain. It's like having your own clear highway when you travel over the smooth steel rails . . . comfortably relaxed in a spacious Coach or Pullman on one of Union Pacific's many fine trains. FOR SALE—Towner beet lifter for Ford tractor. John Bretz, to mile north Deseret Sheep ranch. 13o2xp For a B e tte r F i n i s h in L e s s Time and tor Less Cost Use... For complete travel information, LOST—Funnel and 5 gallon oil can from gas truck. Phone 11, Thomp son Oil company. 13olxc FOR SALE—Two city lots, 76 foot front, 4 room house, $2500, terms, also two-wheel trailer, $30, phone 116, Teresa Byrd. 13otfc FOR SALE—New and used Surge milkers. We also have othei makes for sale very cheap. Davenport and consult your local ticket agent UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD o/ tAc SfoMmUttenA DEVOE SE Ml-CIOSS FINISH Specials lo r Saturday, October is m ihis marvelous new paint product is the answer to the long-felt need for a really washable oil paint that actually covers with just one coat. Its "hiding pow er" is 6 0 % greater than most first guality enamels . . . 75 % greater than conventional semi-gloss wall paints! Devoe One-Coat Semi-Gloss Finish is— i f Easy to Put On i f Easy to Keep Clean i f Fast-Drying i f Heat Resistant i f Self-Sealina i f Non-Yellowing Marvelous Devoe One-Coat Semi-Gloss Finish is available in white and 256 beautiful shades through the use of the versatile Devoe Library of Colors. $ 2 .0 0 It's $ 7.15 p«r gal. p "*- Easy to Got t • o a WE GIVE ROUND-UP VALUE TICKETS. BE SURE TO GET YOURS FOR THE DRAWING. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15. “ The Home o f Quality and Service 9 9 G ordon ’ s D rive -I n M arket C. F. MINK, Mgr. Nyssa, Oregon