Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1949)
THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 16. 1949 ! oR SALE—Salsberry scooter, see 650 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J Roy Bibbey at Bracken's. 9jifc Nyssa. 19mtic PAGE THREE LIBRARY BOOKS SENT TO VALI.EY was a bridal shower for Mrs. Dale this vicinity. The father accomp- Glenn anted Dee home for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs and The last few days, most farm hi) JAMISON a n d KEN POND MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching done In my home. Leave with Mrs" [ SUNSET VALLEY. June 16—A col-| Mrs. Christina Havens visited Sun- ers are cutting their first crop of Real Estate Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa lection of library books for children day in Jordan Valley at the Dr. hay. Has To Offer Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duf- from the ages of 6 through 14 W. Jones home, later driving to Livestock ranches from $21.000 to fin. 26m tic arrived this week from the county Boise. Mrs. Havens, who has been Farm Homes Photographed— 5103.000. visiting at the home of her daugh irrigated farms from 20 acres to MISCELLANEOUS—Four your in librarian. Miss Lillian Nisbett, at te r , Mrs. Briggs, remained in Boise, Representatives of the Farm Mrs. RATE: Two cents per word i . , . surance needs of any kind see the Elver Nielsen home. 160 a.res. ash ir but with plans to go on to Pendle Journal, national farm magazine, Nielson is summer librarian for ihe Mel Beck, Grigg Bros, and Butler. Acreages from 1 to 10 acres, some who were in this state taking 5m tie children In the valley. GMMren ton soon for a visit. ii. ahly improved. Prank Land moved his family pictures of farm homes In Oregon, may get books at her home. Homes of all sizes and prices. into the Andrew Titland tenant MISCELLANEOUS—General truck Mr. and Mrs. Claude Britton of house this week-end. Land will have notified the county agent FOR SALE—.100 acres, close to ing. Jonn Barnett and Kenneth Wallowa arrived in the valley last help Titland part time, and will that the M. L. Judd home In Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. Saturday evening and purchased FU { Nyssa, 75 acres cultivated, 35 acres Fcr Saie be available for labor in the valley. Newell Heights had been chosen 500 in alfalfa, 6 acres of clover, 16 acres MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, Walter Hillis' cows. They returntd Don Bergam left Sunday as a as the farm home In Oregon to be of wheat, 4 acres of barley, lots of Electrolux cleaners and air puri to Wallowa Wednesday, accompan delegate from the Chalk Butte featured in their magazine som e POR SALE—Or trade, oa! good pasture, everything goes with fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. ied by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pen- Orange to attend the State Grange time during the coming year. The fountain doing good busii c the place, price $12.000. easy terms. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, darvis and daughter, Diana, who convention June 13 to 17 at Coos photographers who were making son for selling, sickness \V: planned on visiting there for three 016 Cleveland blvd . Caldwel colored pictures, were accompanied Partially constructed home In phone 087-J4. 17mtfc or four days. The cattle were Bay. Nyssa, 91900, half down. Harold Popkins returned to the by Miss Rachel Martens, an as trucked in Pendarvis' truck. Five-room modern home, full MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no Thirty children of Sunset valley valley Friday from Grants Pass. sociate editor, who is studying FOR SALE—Clean wile b n iit, basement, soft spring water, elect fuss, call us, rockwool insulation. have been attending the daily Bible Popkins lias been hauling logs for furin homes in the northwest. In S3 20 ewt., pilone 013J4. I6J ricity, only $12.600, will consider a We have our own insulation blow school held the past two weeks at the Merrill Terrol Lumber cumpany a recent copy of the Oregon farm trade for a 20-60 acre farm. er, pictures of the landscaping on ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp the Owyhee schoolhouse. They as the past two weeks. FOR SALE—50 ohion :n : 57 acres, six-cow barn, sheep any. acre, close m, 26m tfc sisted their classmates in present Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Klaudt were the John Timmerman home In cheap, Albert Pfeiler. II hi,i shelter, pood road, new seven room ing a Sunday evening program at dinner guests Saturday at the Newell Heights were shown. drive and Enterprise avenue droom modern modern home, $8200, easy terms, MISCELLANEOUS—We have mod the school for their parents and home of Henry Hintz. Mrs. Hintz ern Foley machines for filing saws friends, and received their awards. is Klaudt's aunt. leave I'or Portland— n house, small can be bought with the crop. FOR S A L E -1948 Cabana 40 acres on the Nyssa-Ontario and sharpening lawn mowers. Also Mrs. Jesse Gregg and Mrs. Robb Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Poster left Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillis were $52 .0, $1700 house, reasonably priced. highway, four room home, lays scissor grinding. Patterson saw were two of the seven teachers. Tuesday dinner guests at the home last week-end for Portland. Mrs. 022-R2. with the world, will con shop, 300 block No. 1st street. The average daily attendance was of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Faster will attend a meelng of the droom modern square sider trading for town property. 24m tic 70 pupils. The occasion was Mr. HillLs' birth board of managers of the Oregon nent, furnace FOR SALE—Good used 10 x 10 Parent-Teacher association. Acreages, 1 to 20 acres, good lo Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodson day. 10 feet. $50u0. cations, some with nice homes, good MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car umbrella tent with 1, io) , 4 arm Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reffett and left Thursday morning on a trip spider. Western Store, : 71 Mam. and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- north to visit the Chester Newell Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner cele spots to build. with small 9juc 250tfc family in Tacoma, and Dodson's brated the wedding anniversaries 150 acres, good productive soil, neman's. gh ay, priced cheap water set-up, no alkali, only __ _____ _________ Year in and year out brother, Fred Williams, in Seattle. of both couples Sunday with a din FOR SALE—6 head of hordes, all s !3.500, some terms, close to Nyssa MISCELLANEOUS Prompt and Returning the first of the week, ner at the Reffett home. you’ll do well with the registered Morgans, some broke . , FOR em home, one One city block for sale. iree P‘<*-UP >'°ur dead, crippled they were accompanied by Mrs. Mr. ard Mrs. Robb Thompson ride, number one parade .. en hoiLse, good 94 acres, 64 acres irdigated, lays ¡?r slc^ livestock. Calls received be- Leotta Ditty, who has ibeen vis were hosts at a Sunday dinner in some gated. Charles Cowdrt liu te, $5500. iod. cheap water, crop can be | fore 9 oclock are picked up by iting in Tacoma, and Jo Ann New their home celebrating the birth HARTFORD Belmont street, Caldwell, idaii- w, three rooms, bought with it, five room modern n<xJn; Efficient drivers. Call col- ell, niece of Mrs. Dodson. days of Lurell and Darvis Bergam. 912XP lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys ih, will sacrifice home. (Continued on Page 6) Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and ins. if needed. We have several residential build sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg and FOB SALE—Sewing machine. 1.1 Company. 6Jtfc. families spent Friday evening at nous ■ with two large ing lots. good condition, priced $4.5, M I . SUNSET FARMERS an gr kind floor, extra A business lot for sale on Main the Wallace Gregg home with Mar CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Chard. 618 N. 1st St. ui's. three-room street. CUTTING FIRST HAY Stock received Monday, Tuesday, vin Dunn, a missionary from China •meat, $6.800. For insurance or a loan on your Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. and Reverend Eldon Whipple of FOR SALE—Two acres on s u s in i building,I property see Mel Beck. way, one mile north, cash price to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 Bellingham, Washington as special COW HOLLOW, June 16—Mr. and on, lc 25x116.I One used Smith and Barness guests. Dunn has spent 14 years Mrs. Charles Durfee, Wayne Barett, No stock received on Sunday. $050. Ralph Lawrence, N v - mi In piano. Come in and look over our Beaf, sheep and pork. Free de on a mission as a teacher in a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan at surance agency. 21aii\ ( -' AC.l'NCY j -election of Baldwin pianos, language school, located In inland tended the Weiser L. D. S. stake livery to Polar locker plant. m ire | GKIGG BROS. AND BUTI.ER FOR SALE- -One doub.t- um: One mile west on Alberta avenue. China. Dunn is on a furlough quartley convention Sunday, June 6. i Uvbee Building Phone 179-J and visiting churches with Rever Ezra Benson of the quorum of fection milker iu.sedi with new Phone 05R1 end Whipple, who is director of apostles of Salt Lake City spoke motor and pump, installed lor $1 .n JAKE FISCHER •lute paint, the northwest territory for the pro to 1500 persons who attended the WANTED Nyssa Implement Co. < i gallon lots, j motion of foreign missions. Whipple meetings, held in the Weiser gym LEGAL ADVERTISING ;a Lumber I WANTED— To buy anything in also has spent a number of years in nasium. FOR SALE- 11 foot < i, |>.. Joey and Beverly Ann Herrud 12mtfo | beef or veal. Also custom killed China. Slide pictures of China good condition, reasonable p r.... U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE were shown during the evening. of Caldwell visited their grand and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Bub Sunamota, Rt. 1. Oin FOR SALE—l inpaintea rubiiiei3 age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. INTERIOR. Bureau of Land Man The 4-H Busy Bakers club mem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cal across from Cairo school. and chests of ara wens. < Cabinets agement, District Land Office, bers meet every other Tuesday dur lahan last week. and can be bought are in .section Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1949. Accident And Indemnity Co. Ray Callahan left last Sunday ing the summer. June 14 was the FOR SALE -Used Kelvinaioi "t ' For Rent Nyssa complete or : a sections, Notice is hereby given that on date for the last meeting which for Chula Vista, California to a s box, $69 50. Ideal Gas and A 118-W. ny, phone October 3, 1945. J. O. & Sadie L. FOR RENT—One 4-room unfur was held at the home of Linda sist his brother, George C. Calla ance. UDtte nished apartment in Bybee apart Knudson, Jamieson, Oregon, filed Lee Bowns. han. in business. He will be em application The Dalles 032179 under FOR SALE—Practically new J.- ments. Phone 289-J. 16jtlc The Boys Sunset Valley 4-H c I ud ployed all year. pota- section 8 of the Taylor Grazing met Wednesday afternoon at the Deere, 7-Ioot mowing ma.liine a FOR SALE—Rasset eat in j* Henry Derfee is at New Plym SEE r own sack L. J. FOR RENT—3 room, unfurnished Act as amended to select all of home of Terry Flanagan, with 14 outh helping his brother, Ray rubber, phone 179-J, N> .-.a. 9.;. Josephs;»« and ,sun, Payette , Idaho, apartment, private bath, phone sec. 34, T. 15 S„ R. 43. W. M„ members present. They will meei Porter on the farm. 17m tic 240R. 16J2xp Oregon, in exchange for all sec. in two weeks, on June 22, at the FOR SALE—Us. d N -. e . phone 392-J. Joyce Stoker, and Marian Bal- range, 6 months guarantee, onl 17, T. 15 S., R. 43 E„ W. M., Oregon. Patterson home. lantyne are home from Brigham FOR RENT—Furnished three-room V I FOR $97.50, one used N on e w This notice is for the purpose of Leaving Tuesday for Corvallis Young university. -, new modern apartment. Bennett’s apartments, allowing all persons having bona and the two week 4-H summer with new 1. horse i Everett Callahan has been pull phone 123- or Brownie's cafe. 9j2xp full basement, Real Estate condition, $47.50, term . O' ’a fide objections to the purposed »x- school are Bernadine and Jo Ann ing up hay with his Farm Hand Insurance ns, immediate Brothers Appliance. 2fi;ni Bernadine received tlu- for Wayne Barrett, Charles and FOR RENT Apartment on Fourth change an opportunity to file their Price. street, one block north of Main. objections in this Bureau together county health scolarship and Jo Irwin Durfee, and Roy Thomas. F'OK SALE- 10 lead O dr.iom hum», utility See Mrs. Crismon, No. Second, , with evidence that a .. copy Phone 64 Mr. and Mrs. Dee Durfee and , - - thereof Ann received the Chalk Butte cows, some milking; fresh: id floors, gius furnace !ree- two children of Boise visited Mr. 9J2xu "as been served on the applicant scholarship. Nyssa, Oregon *“* i i l f i t h i n d iro f e n m f : __-» ers, terms to reliable party, plume within Qfl 30 H days from date of first r tank, garage. Wir A rollar skating party was given Durfee's father, Charles Durfee of 027.14, Ontario or see evenings, 1 ed for' I 'OR RENT—Electric hand sanding publication. Carl F. Spaulding, as- .1 last Sunday afternoon in tiie mile west, 3 4 south on Sun ei I A rms | macl me. excellent for light sanding sistant Manager. First Publication Bowns barn by Lnda Lee and i drive. 9j2xp1 Robert Bowns. The guests were j I lots, well! work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 ^une 16- 1949. Nancy Jill and Douglas Skeen of I North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc FOR SALE!—Used Oliver Bee id IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Nyssa, Helen Julum, Nancy House, | on Ontario high- 150 Bean Drill, good condition $ THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Lama Garner, Darvls Bergam, La mi storage sum . c . FOR RENT—Lan-e three-room fur- 11 :i r > Cold Nyssa Implement Co. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR li ud basement apartment, phone Marr and Kathaleen Larson, and 9J2.XC. In the Matter of the Estate of Roger and Jimmy Skeen. Punch BATH SETS, WATER HEATERS AND FOR SA IL New and u s 1 an highway, good 251-W. FRANK R. HARTRiANFT, Deceased and cookies were served. We sell Baldwin pianos ex. OR RENT —Basement apartment, Notice to Creditors A girl, Barbara Loraine, weigh Origg Bros, and Butler. PRESSURE SYSTEMS CALL UfU EASTMAN furnished. King avenue, phone NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ing 8'4 pounds was born to Mr. Real Estate ,:8W. Mrs. E. M. Bair. Ins lOMtfc FOR SALK Eating pim.i i . V - that the undersigned, Harold Hen- and Mrs. Ray Orr Thursday morn ie 64 liam Peutz, pilone 010-J2. 25 . igson, has been appointed Adminis FOR RENT—Two-room furnished trator with the Will annexed of ing at the Holy Rosary hospital. Mrs. Orr and daughter will go 7 Buick special cabin, phone 122-J. 5mtfc FOR SALE:—Have farms and h the estate of Frank R. Hartranft, from the hospital to Parma to stay ion. Bob Thump 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 286-J for sale. Need inore. Usi 21atfc FOR RENT—Cement mixer, gas deceased, by the County Court of at the home of Mrs. Orr's mother, Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29J*f< oline powered. Stunz Lumber Malheur County, Oregon, and has Mrs. Frances Cox, for a few days. Dinner guests at the Andrew Tit- Company. 14atfc qualified as such. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons land home Sunday were Mr. and FOR RENT-- Polish your own having claims against the estate of Mrs. Olaf Fyllingness and Mr. and tloors. Rent our high-speed pol Frank R. Hartranft. deceased, are Mrs. John Orottvlet. Mrs. Vem Garner, Mrs. Lila Mit ishing equipment. Easily handled hereby notified and required to uy women. Nyssa Lumber company. present the same, with proper chell and Donna Gamer attended 3Atfc. vouchers, duly verified, within six the annual L. D. S. Junior festival (6» months from the date of this Friday evening in Ontario. A lunch F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. Notice, to the undersigned, at his and program were arranged for the 14atfc office at Nyssa, Oregon, which mothers. Reports on the accomp Chadwick's camp. A NEW SIDE DELIVERY RAKE place the undersigned selects as his lishments of the groups’ winter place of business In all matters work were given. Mrs. S. E. Fanagan has been sel connected with said estate. FOR RENT Dated and first published May 26, ected as delegate to represent the Ontario branch of the American Floor 1949. PHYSICIANS LODGES Assocatlon of University Women at Last publication June 23. 1949. Sander the national A. A. U. W. meeting HAROLD HKNIGSON Administrator with the Will an to be held at Seattle from June Nyss,a Post No. 79 SARAZ1N CLINIC Reasonable nexed of the Estate of Fank R. 19 to 24. Mr$. Flanagan plans on Dr. J. J. Sarazln Am-rtrican Legion taking her three children, Pattie, Rates Hartranft, Deceased. Mike and Dennis to Yakima to Dr. K E. Kerby 1st & 3rd Thurs. BUILDING PERMITS visit their grandparents, while she Dr. L. W. Scott Roberts Nyssa, Inc., by R. S. is in Seattle. Velerain' - Hall— 8 P. M. Humphrey, contractor, garage build Mrs. Oce Schwelzer and Mrs. Physician and Surged j Ail Ve terans Welcome ing, Second and Good, lots 1, 2 and Charles Schwelzer were among the 3, block 15, original townsite, $44,765, guests at Mrs. Hugh Olenn's home reinforced concrete, 70 x 90. Friday afternoon. The occasion L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge Physician and Surgeon No. 214 * Phone 37 1,0.0.F. Hours: 10 to 17 and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Me ets every Monday Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Rakes Clean Fully Automatic Classified Advertising H A RTFO RD IN S U R A N C E Bernard Eastman For Your Plumbing Needs J . C . S M IT H protessi w and Morrill Rake Business rectory C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon j Fry Building Office hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 JEWELRY STOI PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspec r JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a . Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON nig ht, 8:30. South First Street TISTS . TYLER Building .-J, Nyssa m 9 to 5 except 9 to 12. fili S'DALL ist * ¡-j Clinic OREGON JMETRISTS A. MCFALL JOHN EASLY VETER IN ARIANS” E r ! HAL I). WHITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W 21, Ontario, Ore MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS--Pasture; if you have a cow about dry and she won't freshen for six months and your pasture Is so short, I will give her good care, feed and pasture for what milk I can get from her until she freshens. Write details and date she will freshen to Clar- en e Niccum, route 2, Nyssa. 16J3xc MISCELLANEOUS—I will not be | responsible for debts incurred by | myone other than myself. Glen P CM; field. 26m4xp | MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Loans on farms for refinancing, building, improvements, b u y i n g . Long term, low Interest, see Ber nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. 3Atfc. — Dead animals picked up free, i Fur prompt service call collect. Ontario—Ontario Orain Co. 53 : Parma- Parma Seed Co. 25 Nyssa—Main plant 100 ] Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. M I S C F IJ .ANBOUS- Insurance Is no fire protection. Any minute day or night you can have a fire ) A u '»marie fire control protects , millions in property and life. All extingushers are approved by un derwriters. See your local dealer for free estimate. Claud Willson, * LUMBER AT PRE WAR PRICES 1x4, 1x6, 1x8 Rough, $48 Thousand Paint in 5 Gallon Lots, $3.50 gallon We Also Have 1 x 12 Rough Lumber For Hay Slips at $55 DO YOU NEED MONEY TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? COME IN AND SEE US We can take care of all your expenses, in cluding labor and material, on any re-mod- eling job. N YSSA LUM BER CO . John E. Ostrom, Owner Any Tractor May Be Used Eliminates Excess Rolling and Leaf Shatter Floating Action For Border And Contour Raking Maintenance Cost Minimized Timken Equipped Standard Rubber Eliminating C h ains Gears Sprockets $ 4 3 9 -0 0 YOU SAVE MONEY! YOU SAVE TIME! B & M EQUIPM ENT GO. Phone 270W Nyssa, Oregon