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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1949 PAGE FOUR PICNIC H ELD A T CLOSE O F S C H O O L NU-ACRES. June 16—J. B. Lai- ferty of Council, Idaho was a Tues day dinner guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Evans, 3r. Mr. Lafferty and Mr. Evans work ed for the forest service for a number of years together. Mi and Mrs. L. D. C'iimer and twin daughters, Linda and Lola, of Boise were week-end guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and family were Thursday supper guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tish of Oreen- leal. The supper was given in ob servance of Marilyn's 8th birthday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, Sr., celebrated their 44th wedding anni versary Sunday at their home with a family reunion. Those attending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. C W Caward and family of Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, Jr., and faintly, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ballard and fumily of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross and family of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Cacti Evans and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck and family. All of the 28 grundchlldren were present but one, and he is serving with the navy in Mississippi. Ottier guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hal White of Nyssa and Waller Abbott of Wilder. In the evening Tom Evans, Jr. entertained the group with several motion pictures pro jected on to the side of the house, with the group sealed on the lawn. Those attending the home movie were Corynne, Oeraldine, Franky and Jesse and Mrs. P. C. Pry; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and family cs4l[cinal r*.r Relief of Symptom* A R TH R ITIS -R H EU M A TIS M If yo u a r e th e vi c ti m of a n d suffer from th e to rt u o u s pain s o f A rt hrit is a nd R heum ati s m , y ou o w e it to y o u r - self to try th e n e w pro duct, Ala FA- N A L. We invite yo u to w ri te fo r o u r n e w folder a nd re a d w h a t m a n y satisfied us er s of A LF A N A L h a v e to suy. I | I | util it mil Co. Box 71 Shedd, Oregon I Taxi T railw ays Bus Depot P hone 217 Dave Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hohstadt C O U P L E O B SER V ES and family. 44th A N N IV E R S A R Y Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and family were Sunday afternoon OWYHEE, June Id—A picnic was guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sager , held Friday at noon at the Owyhet of Middleton. schoolhouse at the close of 10 days Mary Lou Grasmick attended a of Bible school held there. One dumber party Saturday evening at hundred persons including several .he home of Miss Jo Anne Merritt mothers, were served. Tlie Sunday if Fruitland. school furnished lemonade and ice The Black Canyon Water Users association elected ttie following ol- cream cones. A Bible program was held Sun icers at the meeting Friday even- ng: M C. Seuell, Nu-Acres, presi day night at the Owyhee school- dent; Day >E. Finley of Parma, vice house. a large number pres president; L). W. Sherman of New ,'lymouth, treasurer and Eva Mer- ent. Teachers were Mrs. Bonnie Gregg, youngest children; Carol mey of Nu-Acres, secretary. Mr. and Mrs Frank Preston and Corfield and Donna Cheldelin, o family and Mr. and iMrs. M. C and 6 year olds; Esther Benedict, seuell had a picnic lunch at the first graders; Lula Belle Robb and Black Canyon darn Sunday. In the Bobby Kriner, 2nd. 3rd and 4th ifternoon they enjoyed the boat graders. Louise Gregg, 5th and Gtn races field on the lake above the graders, and Rev. Robert Kriner 7th and 8th graders. An average dam. Lloyd Seuell and Mr. and Mrs. attendance of 70 was maintained Buskirk and family of Parma were for the 10 days. The largest num Sunday dinner guests of the Bus- ber present was 78 and the small est 84 Missionary offerings were kirk relatives in Burst. A bridal shower will be given taken each day and $14.31 was col in honor of Richard Jenkins and lected to be sent to Korea. The Rulhelee Stssle Wednesday even night of the program enough was ing, June 22 at 9 o'clock at the Nu- given to make the total $8188 Acres Community hall. Everyone Rev. R. G. Chandler of Caldwell in this community and all of the was present Sunday night and said young couple's friends are Invited a few words to the gathering. Cer tificates for perfect attendance to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lesiter of were given to 44 pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Nyssa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen. | end children were Sunday dinner Joy Cullen returned home Thurs guests in the Jay Duncan home in day after spending two weeks in Payette. tlie mountains with her grand Prayer meeting was held Wed nesday evening at the home of mother. John Smit enjoyed three days of Mrs. Martha Kllngback, with 20 fishing near Bruno and Hagerman, present. Rev, A L. Kriner of Ohio, house guest of his son, Rev. Rob Idaho. Mrs. Glenn Gallant and Gary ert Kriner, and family was leader. and Freddie of Goodrich, Idaho The next prayer meeting will be were week-end guests of Mrs. G al held at the Grover Cooper home, lant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George with Don Grant as leader, Wednes day, June 22. Smit. Visitors during the past week at A bridal shower was held at the the James McDroe hofne were Mr. Hugh Glenn home Friday after and Mrs. Neal Goodrich and fam noon in honor of Mrs. Dale Glenn. ily and etty Goodrich of Warren- Mrs. Bob Rice and Mrs. Claude ton, Oregon. Smith were co-hostesses. Ice cream, Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and children cookies and punch were served to were visitors at the Fry home 28 guests. Tuesday. Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Hoh- Mrs. Ellis Walters spent Monday sttult made a business trip to Fruit- In Ontario on business. land and while there visited Mrs. Mrs Martha Klingbuck and Fred Hohstadi’s parents. Mr. and Mis. were Sunday dinner guests in tlie Bert Ivie. George Gregg home. Oscar Samuels, who had an ac cident while working on the roof of a house, Is home now and seems to be recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. Samuels was visiting friends and I relatives in the middle west at tiie time of the accident. The 4-H children returned home from Moscow Saturday evening and reported an enjoyable and edu cational lri|i. The four children of Mr. and Mrs. George Sweet of Nyssa spent Monday utternoon on the Fry ranch. Mrs. Fry took them home in tlie evening and enjoyed u 7 o'clock dinner with (lie Sweet fum- 28 E N R O L L E D IN V A C A T IO N SCH OO L ARCADIA. June 16—Daily vacation Bible school began here Monday, with 28 pupils enrolled. Wilma Bullard, Beulah Corn and Betty Bullard are teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Corn and amily spent Sunday in Nampa with Mr. and Mrs. Will Com. Mr and Mrs. Dick Wilson, who noved to the Barrett house recent- y. are tlie parents uf a girl born June 2. Mr. Wilson is agriculture eacher in the Nyssa schools. Miss Mary Johnson of Powell, Wyoming was an overnight guest jf her aunt, Mrs. Anna Dail, one night last week. She was on her way to Seattle, where she will at tend summer school for teachers. Cathnne Coleman has gone to Portland where she will visit her aunt this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Houston and family visited in Weiser Sunday afternoon. Don Bullard and Don Bowers spent the week-end in Unity with the Boy Scout troop from Nyssa. A. V. Cook went to La Grande Monday to attend a three-day school for school janitors. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens of Oregon slope visited Sunday afternoon in the John Zittercob home. Gary and Jackie Dail of Nyssa spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali attended the missionary Bap tist association meeting at Madras. Miss Alice Warner, who has at tended school at Ashland the past term, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook visited their son, Arthur Cook. Jr., and family in Payette Sunday after noon. The Arcadia Sunshine club met June 10 at the home of Mrs. Bow ers, for a buffet luncheon, demon strated by Miriam Colford. Only seven members were present. The meeting was the last business meet- , ing for the summer. Several from here attended the services held in New Plymouth last week by Don Gilbert of Washing ton, D. C. Otis Bullard chopped hay for Elmer Stradley, Norman Hipp and Theo Matherly this week. Miss Beulah Corn was a dinner guest 6unday of Wilma and Betty Bullard. Th e O liv e r G ra in M aster Com bine IS AN ALL C R O P M A C H IN E, A sk: “ S h o rty ” B randt O m a r H ite J im Malloy J im Robb J o h n Strickland J o e H obson Look the Model 15 Combine over and compare its rugged construction with any machine in the field. Remember Nichols and Sheppard have been in the threshing business for over 100 years. “The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement Company • How often you've wished for a Venetian Blind like this ...Light— made of a special aluminum alloy, no heavier than your hand to lift. Flexible-bends to fit your brush as you whisk the dust away, then snaps right back to place. L o v e ly -its satin-smooth plastic finish blends with every color scheme, resists stains and soil. It's the Venetian Blind without a cleaning problem that's proof against the wear and tear of time—rust proof, wear-proof, warp-proof, too, and will not crack, chip or peel. Bring in your window measurementt and let us custom-fit Plexalum’i beauty to your windows at smaller cost than sou'd think possible. P E T E R S O N F U R N IT U R E C O M P A N Y NYSSA ONTARIO VALE PAYETTE m x s C£iEBMr//VG I »iy No More Daily Shopping Trips When You ow »NORGE HOME FREEZER Shop o n ce or tw ice instead of several times a w eek; buy more for less; eat better, work less ami save more. u m on th (9w fy $ 5 9 .9 5 DOWN S A V E W H I L E Y O U PAY MODEL HE 6 —(Tpright frccier; h o l d s up lo ¿ 1 0 pound* o f fr ozen food*. ■> M O DELS MF 11 ANO MF 20 - i.hesc*l?pe freezer*. U F - 1 2 hold s u p to 4 1 0 and IIF-10 up (o ’ 0 0 p o u n d s o f fo o d . ♦ K With A Tribute To THE DAIRY INDUSTRY HERE IS THE MAN the fa rm e r a n d dairy m an , who direct* this stupendous industry which is so im p o rta n t to the developm ent a n d m a in te n a n c e of o u r e n tire econom ic system. W e think this is a good tim e to say “co n g ra tu la tio n s ” to the d airy m en of th e lower S nake River valley an d the people who h a n d le dairy products for the fine service th a t they have r e n d ered d u rin g m any years of unfailing loyalty to the highest s ta n d a r d s of production. H e is p articip a tin g in an industry th a t is th e largest source of farm ing revenue in this district an d also in the U nited States. D uring m any years, including the w ar period from 1941 to 1945, th o u san d s of d airym en have been faith fu l to th e ir tru st — the production of life-giving an d health-giving milk. T hey have w orked h ard an d w orked long hours to m a in tain p roduction and the purity of their product, which is reflected in th e sanitary dairy items that we buy from the m e rc h a n ts ’ shelves today. I 311“ 8 of the dairy industry, the basis of the e n tir e business. 1 She produces not only the vital milk, but also th e o ff-spring that assures co ntinuation of the industry. 4 rv HERE IS THE QUEEN , ^ IJ She a n d others like her provide the 45,000.000 q u arts of milk th a t is consum ed daily in the U nited States a n d bring to the A m erican farm ers daily th re e -q u a rt ers of a million dollars in revenue. Interm ountain Fu rn iture C o . F armers C o - operative C reamery C ompany MANUFACTURERS OF SUNSHINE DAIRY PRODUCTS > SEE N O R G E BEFORE YOU BUY