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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, PACE TWO Journal The Gate City KI.ASS V. POW ELL SUBSCRIPTION - . . . . - KATES Editor and Publisher AOVERT I SI NO KATES One Year ....... ................ $2.90 Oiien rate, per Inch ................. $1.25 National, per inch Six Mon ills .............05 Classifieds, per word Single Copies Minimum 30c (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postolfice through the United States the act on ehurch doctrine, 8 p. m. Friday, Christ Ambassadors, 8 p. in. We welcome you to all services. 40c 2C at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 C h u rch Notes Steri D. Spies*. Pastor ASSEM BLY OF GOD Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, I I a. m. Junior church. 7 p. m. Evanglistic, 8 p. m. Tuesday, prayer and Bible stud HOUSES FOR SALE Financed Through F. H. A. 10 per cent down payment Choice of Three Houses H IE METHODIST C OM M UNITY CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister 9:45 a. m„ church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 7 p. in., youth fellowship. 8 p. m., evening service. CHURCH OF C H R IS T Don It. Maxlield. Pastor 10 a. m.. church school. 11 a. m „ morning worship. 7 p. m., young people's fellowship. 8 p. m., special program by v a cation Bible school students. All parents are cordially invited Wednesday, June 22, 8:30 p. m. 30 minute sound color film "Out of the Night." A selection of re ligious books will be available for purchase. C A TH O LIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor The hour of Sunday mass will be 8:30 through the months of June, July and August. Sunset Valley Community Hall A. K. Herring, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "Christ For Me.' You are Welcome. C. K. O L S O N SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Phone 251-W Now Available FREE— W E S T IN G H O U S E Sewing Machines Console Models Guaranteed Repairs On House and Car Radios and Electric Fencers as low as $6.89 a month after a small down payment ‘20 Year Guarantee On All Machines PETERSON Ostrom Brothers Appliance F U R N IT U R E CO. 50 & 52 North First Street Nyssa, Oregon IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY ”________________ By PLOTNER WtV£ di(N \JA 6 ATI 0 HIH 6 T íH DATS AMD YOU/? TAUAíTiS V 0 HÍ AJOW/NG 0 ur WORIt OH MS CARf ^ bo$$, - My VACATION S vJAo fo o m u c h ro n m í . h / M i í v S O M Í Ti M í O f f / 7ó T ? *< r u p / V n CAM AM V O M Ì (6IV £ u s a BSTW i REASON f OR /JAV/A/G A ó U A R A N T É fD C n s c ic UP B£TO R Z 601 MG OKI TOUT} VACATION ? AÍI2RIMAM MOTOR <o box 137 AiVSSA. OH 160H. pMOUtL 77 There's pickup and GO <n that new 49 FORD FEEL WMb NYSSA, OREGON- THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1949 e Gives Thanks For Help— ate of me while I reported the cation in the Yellowstone park. Worship services, 11 a. m. Mrs. Jean Blakesley, who has news. I find that I can no longer Young People, 7 p. m been writing the Nu-Acres news . ___ . , _ Idaho Y'isitors Here— Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. for the Nyssa G ate City Journal1 devote enough ume to reporting Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. M r and Mrs. C. I. Canfield and expressed thanks “ to all those who so I am turning it over to some - Dayrl Canfield visited over the ST. PA U L’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH week-end at the home o f Mr. and have been so helpful and consider- * one who can do it justice.” Beginning June 1 and continue- Mrs. C. A. Mally. “■ _ * . a . . ^ ^ ^ jL tj T » » r ' T i » * * ing through August, services at St Paul's Episcopal church will be Here From Washington. D. C.— held on the First and Third Sun Guest-s last week at tne home of days only at 9 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. LaM ont F ife were Mr. /> r/r'f777. Fife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. FAITH • CTHERAN CHURCH D. Fife of Logan, and his sister, Services will be held at 8 p. m. Miss Coy Fife of Washington, D. Rev. Elmore Carlson of Nampa in C. Miss F ife is supervisor o f the Com e in and see the difference between cl large. “ just a freezer” and a Maytag. Fits Cafeteria Training Government right into your kitchen. Quickly pays Services, Incorporated, which op for itself in savings through quantity MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH erates 43 government cafeterias in buying o f food. Elder H. F. Gage the capitol city. Mr. and Mrs. W. low monthly poymontt. Missionary Pastor D. F ife were accompanied back to Com« in today to too it io octiom. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Logan by their granddaughters, Morning service, 11 a. m. I Nyssa Furniture Co. Young people's service, 7 p. m Karren and Anna M ae Fife, who Preaching service, 8 p. m. will spend the summer in Logan. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. m. Visit At Camas— THE C H IR C II OF THE Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge have NAZARENE returned to their home following a visit at Camas, Washington at Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a. m.. Sunday school. Russell the home of their son, Don El- diedge, and family, who recently Smith, Superintendent. 11 a. m., congregational and visited here. special sinking and sermon. 7:15 p. m., adult young people, To Prairie City— Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell left teenage and junior services. today for a week-end camping 8 p. m., evangelist!« service. trip at Prairie City. They will be Services every Wednesday at 8 joined later by Tom Morris and p. m. Tlie public service for our child Joe Mauighaii. ren’s vacation Bible school will be THE M AYTAG CHIEFTAIN, America's Visit Parents— Friday at 8 p, m. fin e s t lo w -p ric e d washer . . . a genu We would like for all parents to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis and ine M aytag in every ' please be present at this service. fam ily of Sacramento arrived Sun respect. day to visit Mrs. Lewis's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R ay C. Lewis. They G O O D E LL ATTENDS C o m e in and see th e M a y ta g returned to their home Tuesday, C O U N T Y M E E T N G accompanied by Amy Lewis. This demonstrated. You’ll understand week, Mrs. George Dunkle of Poc w h y it is th e w o rld ’s fa v o r ite BUENA V IS T A , June 16—M r. and atello visited at the Lewis home. washer. Easy m onthly terms — Mrs. James Stephen, Sr., returned liberal trade-in. from Nebraska last week after Here E'rom Portland— spending two weeks visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheuerman Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell spent and daughters of Portland are vis Tuesday and Wednesday at Pend iting this week at the home of Mr. leton, where Mr. Goodell attended and Mrs. Carlos Buchner. Mrs. a district convention of the county Scheuerman and Mrs. Buchner are 1 Block West of R. R. Depot conun lssloners. sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver were Visitors Here— fishing Sunday. Recent visitors at the home of Cheryei and Harriett Cleaver have Rev. Don Maxfield during the past had the measles the past week. week have been Harry and Joe They are the children of Mr. and Coon of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. N el son Mers of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Eugene Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knowles and Logan Bowman of Payette and Mr. baby were dinner guests at the and Mrs. Carles Graybill of Corn Murriel Bishop home Tuesday eve ing, California. ning. The Nebraska picnic committee Return From Utah— members held a meeting at the Mrs. C. A. M ally returned re Clinton Keashing home in Ontario cently from a visit at Ogden. Miss Saturday. Mrs. James Steffen, Jr., Nora O'Brian accompanied her sis of Buena Vista attended. The pic ter home, and will remain for a nic will be held July 10. visit at the M ally home. Those attending the Nyssa-Pay- ette ball gam e Friday evening at Son Born To Nyssa Couple— Yes, wise home owners who Nyssa from this community were Mr. and Mrs. W. K. W ahlert of Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. ' Nyssa are the parents of a son remember last winter's coal and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver, Mr. and 1 born June 12 at the Holy Rosary Mrs. Alva Goodell, Mr. and Mrs. hospital. shortage are filling their coal W illis Bertrum and Olen Hoffman. No other home fre e ze r like the $ 2 $ 93 o vr 9 Nyssa Furniture C o . REMEMBER LAST WINTER! Fill Your Coal B IN NO W! Here From California— Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ginder of Gardena, California are visiting this week with Mrs. Ginder's par ents, Mr. ami Mrs. W illiam Schire- man. Attends Janitor School— Omar Dorman, A. V. Cook, Miller and Earl Farr of Nyssa Bill FLsher of Vale attended a day session for school Janitors last week in La Grande. bins NOW. Lee and two- held To Klamath Falls— Visit 111 Nebraska— Mrs. Ed Jamison left Tuesday Two Nyssa families have gone for Klamath Falls, where site will on trips that will take them to attend the wedding of her niece. Nebraska, where they will visit W hile in Klam ath Falls, Mrs. Jam friends and relatives. Mr. and ison will attend a reunion o f her Mrs. Fred Strasbaugh and children brothers and sisters. This is the left last week for Gering, Nebras first time the seven brothers and ka. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Storm sisters have been together In 21 Will also visit in Gering, and va- years. Protect yourself A. against a possible recurrence this coming winter. Be Wise. Order Coal Now while it’s Easy to GET . ... at EVAPO R CO O LER i 'J owq II tirot a 41/ #»/fU SOtt. Sno-Breze Junior Deluxe Window Type Fan Model No. 8F49D Sno-Breze Self-contain ed Standard W indow Fan Model No. 15F49PS Requires no water ronneetion or drainage. Ideal for offices, fully equipped with a rr-clr- hotel and remote rooms— par culating pump and system. For ticularly those above ground cooling a bedroom, trailer, kit floor. If desired. 10 gallon res ervoir ran be fitted with auto chen, workshop, remote small matic water filling assembly. rooms where a water connection Re-rirrulating water system and or drainage system is impractical. fan operated by separate switch To operate, simply fill with wat es. Equipped with side panels for instant fitting of average site er and "plug in'*. windows. A self-contained cooling unit T A KE THE W HEEL fry th * n « w Ford $ 49.95 AT Y O U R FORD D EA LER ’S % Vtxif ford •nvitoi yo« to lufow list» « U» IS* lo rd ll»Mt»i Unlay t «•*•*(« frod 4lfoft S M « SuM tv lv* n ui|i NBC Ntlwort* CBS Nvtwvio So« ycor ntwtpap«i K m ttmo and »U K'S. Herriman Motor Company ■ A W A R D E D THE F A S H IO N A C A D E M Y C O L D M ED A L AS THE " F A S H I O N CAR O F THE T E A R ’’ $ 74.95 Henneman Hardware Company CONGOWALL Beautiful? Easy-to-care-foc! Am az ingly inexpensive! This wonderful new p e rm a n e n t wall covering with its handsome tile-Uke pattern, gives years of servica, never needs refin- l ishing. Wipes clean with a swish o f tho ¡dial baled enamel wall covering for bathrooms, kitchons, playroom si a damp cloth, re.ists nicks and scratches. Lightweight, flexible, easy to install. Come in and *ee the ex citing display o f colors. In conveni ent 54-inch wainscot height, only c a sqoare foot. 59 PE T E R S O N F U R N IT U R E C O M P A N Y NYSSA ONTARIO VALE PAYETE -