Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 19 19 ________ PACE THREE FOR SALE—Have farms and homes Electrolux cleaners and air puri- ! ting as a Board of Equalization, Dayton Hiram Curran, Deceased ( a noon picnic lunch to be held for sale. Need more, list with Ken fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. i will meet on the 3rd day of May Harold Henigson May 1 at Lie home of Mrs. James Attorney for Administratrix Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jt(c. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, ! 1949 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. of said Stephan, Sr. on her birthday. 17mtfc. day at its office at the home of Mi's. Cash Turner has been ill all FOR SALE—One bedroom modern phone 087-J4. WOMAN HONORED week from a secondary infection on house, garage, chicken house, small Dead animals picked up free. H. R. Hatch in the Big Bend Dist- BY L. D. S. GIRLS her lip. Turner's daughter and barn, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 For prompt service call collect. tict, Malheur County Oregon, for Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. 53 the purpose of reviewing and cor and two children of Bates, Oregon, loan. Parma—Parma Seed Co. 25 recting its assessment roll and ap SUNSET VALLEY, April 21—Three husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard i FOR SALE— Business building, Nyssa—M ain plant portionment of chaises for oper lovely American Beauty roses were 100 RATE: Two cents per word fcr each issue. Minimum, cash ir ation and maintenance for the presented to Mrs. Lila Mitchell arrived Friday to spend the Blaster 'Main street location, lot size 25x116. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. advance, is 30c. 1950 season, and assessment of 50 Wednesday evening at the Vern week-end. Cash Turner and Jay Three bedroom home on Park Howard and son, Jerry, spent S a t : avenue, modern except heat, half MISCELLANEOUS—We have mod- cents per acre and 14 cents per | casement, good construction, at- 1 ern Foley machines for filing saws acre lor operation and mainten Garner home. Presentation of a urday fishing on Dry creek. Wayne, Val and Delbert Garner tractive, $5,500. I and sharpening lawn mowers. Also ance, and *2.31 per acre for con rose, by Nell Stoker, Audrey Meek RANCHES, FARMS AND HOMES ! FOR SALE—Two-bedroom m odern1 scissor grinding. Patterson saw struction charges of the Park Unit er and Donna Garner. Junior girls went to the dam Friday for fish- Per Sale FOR SALE home, small basement, furnace shop. 300 block No. 1st street. of said District during the Year of the L. D. S. Mutual, was made iiiii and stayed overnight. to Mrs. Mitchell as leader of the Attending a surprise birthday 24m tfc 1950. 1003 acre stock ranch, will carry heat, lot 100 by 120 feet, $5000, FOR SALE 1936 fo rd tudor. We 15(j heaij year round. 3-bedroom with easy terms. 222 Emus. The assesment roll and record young ladies' group. The rose w;v party for Mrs, Jesse Ditty Satur could tell you that this is a top- h;> 2_r30m coU*ge, 2 large barns FOR STALE—Ten acres with small MISCELLANEOUS—I will not be may toe Inspected at the residence tne theme and symbol of their day evening were Mr. and Mrs. r notch m roh n o r H i it- it it io n t T ic i worth t 'f t t f n present work. responsible for deipts contracted by car. but isn't. It t is Clarence Dodson, Mrs. Leota Ditty, nd many other good buildings. home on Adrian highway, priced anyone other than myself. Klaas of H. R. Hatch, Secretary of said Five-year-old Leona Land and Mr. and Mrs. 'Leslie Ditty of On $185, though, and it needs a home. Spring water piped to house and for quick sale, $2.850.00. District toy any interested persons 7a3xc By order of the Board of Directors. her seven-year-old sister .Bessie, tario, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Peutz, Herrnnan Motor Co. 31alxc buildings. This is an excellent FOR SALE-Modern home, one Tensen. are sick witli the measles. Leona and Mrs. Jesse Dttty’s son, Jesse stock set-up for $21.000. acre, large chicken house, good MISCELLANEOUS—Make use of H. R. Hatch, Secretary, Big Bend aiso has pneumonia. FOR SALE Chihauhau pups, six Ditty, Jr., of Boise. Irrigation District. well, Alberta avenue, $5500. SO acres of real good land, all your old clothes and rags. Cut weeks old. Mis. Richard Mikkel- Mr. and Mrs. Dee Gam er of Ein- Robert Ditty has been confined First publication April 14, 1949. ern home, one acre, large chicken planted to beets, gram and other them in strips and bring them te son, veterans project No. 20. 21a2xp Last publication April 28, 1949. mett were Sunday dinner guests at to his bed for several days with traps. Small liome. Price for farm house, good well, Alberta avenue, me to weave into useful and attrac the Wayne Garner home. a fever. FOR SALE!—1937 Buick special $16.300, small cost to be added for $5500. Ralh G .' Lawrence, Nyssa tive rugs. Mrs. Roger Orris, phone The Owyhee ward of the Latter Vera Faye Counsll entertained a CALL FOR BIDS Insurance agency. 7atfc 01J13. sedan, good condition. Bob Thump- crops, 7a3xp NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Day Saints church is planning on group at young people Saturday Apartment house with two large son. 21atfc! 20 acres with good small liome, apartments on ground floor, extra MISCELLANEOUS — F i r e exting That bids will be received by the building a church on the highway Wilbur Ohapin attended the Easter ---------------------------------------------fruit and berries, $5,000. FOR SALE- -Cocker spaniel, male.1 «o acres_ 6-room house with bath, large room upstairs, three-room uishers, automatic bombs protect undersigned until the hour of 8:00 north of the Owyhee corner on evening at a party honoring Jesse ta n be registered, phone 022P.1, This is a good home and the apartment in basement, $6,800. your home, your business, trucks o’clock p. m. on the 2nd day oi the Bishop land. They hope to be Asumendi on his birthday. A weln- or new car and may be a life’s sav May, 1949, at which tim e they gin construction on the building er roast and cokes were enjoyed. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY \ 14alxc ianti ls the best, only $9,500. Mrs. Vein Castle, who has been Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent ings. Nyssa Fire Protection, 640 will be publicly opened toy the which is exected to cost $90,000, FOR SALE—Factory-built fabric1 8“ “" “ l School District Board of School sometime this coming year. Mem visiting in Bend and Eugene the Nyssa, Oregon North 4th street, Claud Willson, cab for jeep, used, excellent c o n -,ga\ age' A farm of this kind would manager, phone 128J. 3mtfc District No. «1, Malheur County, bers of tlie building committee past month, is expected at the d.tion, $25 complete. G. E. Bright, make a nice dairy set-up, $10,500. FOR SALE Oregon, at the school house in have been contacting ward famil Irvin Wolfe home the first of the 1 acre with large home, only Adrian. 14a2xp New two-bedroom nome, utility MISCELLANBOUS—Y o u r sewing Adrian, Oregon, for the sale of ies, and already one-third o f . the week. $5,100. cost lias been assessed. FOR SALE—1941 Ford l ' j ton Once again, many of the Sunset Cafe «ad confectionary in Adri room, hardwood floors, gas furnace machine converted to modern elec the school house site described as Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pline and valley residents had their annual truck with new beet bed. This is and hot water tank, garage. Cor tric, use your stand, $26.50. New follows: an. New building with living quart family of Boise were dinner guests a good clean truck that will pay ers, Easter picnic near Mitchell Butte. ner lot, close to school, priced for portable catonet, $38.50. New table Beginning at the Northwest a bargain at $9,000. for itself in one season. If you quick sale $7350.00. F. H. A. terms. model $76.50. all complete with sew corner of Section 12, Township Monday at the Grover Cooper Those attending tills year were Mr. Very good home, 5 rooms, $6,200 home and supper guests at Mr. need a truck we should get to and Mrs. Jim Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Acreage witli large, new modern light. Genuine Wlss pinking 21 South, Range 46 E. W. M. 1 acre ground with new business gether for we need to sell it. Her- bu.lding home, double garage, full basement, shears. ‘Famous" buttonhole at and running thence East 16 rods; and Mrs. Harold Snyder that even Pete Wilson and family, Mr. and and new home at Owyhee ing. riman Motor Co. ______________ 21alxc corners, $10.030. Mrs. Claude Wilson and family, close in, some terms, immediate tachment. Supplies for all ma thence South 30 rods; thence Wilfred Gilbert returned to his Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed and chines, and of course—Repairing possession. west 16 rods; thence North 30 FOR SALE—1947 International m ] Sma11 home, yard all fenced, for Several good dwelling lots, well that will tickle you—‘‘I dood It' rods to the point of beginning, farm at Mitchell butte this week. family, and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson tractor. phone 028J5, O ntario.!“ Quick sale, only $4,000 Gilbert, who rented his land last Robb of Nyssa. J. "Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon. containing 3 acres. 3 nice rooms very attractively located. 14a4xp Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high Also, the following described year to Mr. Sessions and worked in 17ftfc arranged, only $3,500. a Wallowa sawmill, plans to farm, Herman Lorensen and Mr. and Mrs. way, next to Polar Cold storage. personal property: FOR SALE:—White rose, and Bliss Small home in Adrian, $3,675. ' Wilbur Chapin attended the Easter About 3 acres, unimproved, edge MISCELLANEOUS—General truck The Kingman Kolony school his own place this year. triumph seed potatoes, grown from 5 nice rooms, automatic oil heat. ing. John Barneit and Kenneth house located on th e above describ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zesiger, sunrise services held on Lizard blue tag seed. Magnus Ekanger, Rt. Selling this one furnished, quick of town on Adrian highway, good Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. soil. All or any part. ed real property and being a one- former Adrian residents, parents Butte near Marsing. 2, Nyssa, Sunset Valley. 7A4xp possesion. $7,500. Picnicking at the dam Sunday Main street. MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and story frame building approximate of Mrs. Clyde Didericksen of Cald E. L. JAMISON FOR SALE- Strawberries, raspber BERNARD EASTMAN free pick-up or your dead, crlppied ly 28 x 68, two roams, kitchen and well, and grandparents of Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. W alter Hillis, Krai Estate and Insurance ries, grapes, fruit and shade trees, Insurance Real E state. or sycg livestock. Calls received be- library, enclosed porch 10 x 48, James Chadd of Sunset valley, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Newgen, Nyssa, Oregon dwarf pear and apple trees, also Phone 64 | fore 9 o'clock are picked up by and covered basement entrance are both in the hospital in Port Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell and Stark Bros, representative. Lewis F O R SALE noon. Efficient drrvers. Call col- 6 x 12; two outbuildings; said land. Mrs. Didericksen left her Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis Nursery. 31mtic A 5-room spacious modern home FOR SALE—One large size oil lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys school house contains six windows children, Gerald and Carleen to and daughter, Diana. Spending Eastter at the Sage will double garage suitable for burning heating stove; one heavy sa 102-W. luano Animal Products 38 x 88, ten windows 28 x64, four visit at the James Chadd home FOR SALE -Three-bedroom base office in the home, close to the duty horse and cattle trailer; one Company. 5Jtfc. windows 34 x 44, twenty-one doors, while she spent five days in Port- j brush corrals were the Gharlie ment house, electric water system, business part of city, this is a lightweight utility trailer; one cabinets, shelving, Sunbeam fur land with her parents. Mr. Zesi Schweizer and Ouy Olenn fam new electric water heater, batli banjain if you want something 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? nace in good condition, Crane Co. ger had suffered unotlier stroke.' ilies. and built-ins. One acre on high good. $10,503 with $2,000 down and Leo Fife, welding and repairing, Loans on farms ror refinancing, Stoker with automatic controls, His wife, who was injured in an! Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson en phone 016J1. 13Jtfc building, improvements, b u y i n g . Low Co. blower, Crane deep well automobile accident, was being | tertained at dinner on Easter. way a t good intersection. Mail any kind of terms to suit you. and Nyssa school bus at door, treated for enpples, which some-1 Quests Included Mrs. Hobson’s 3-bedroom modem home close to FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, Long term, low Interest, see Ber pump and pressure system. nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. $1500 down and $30 a month on Ny xsa wi:h 20 acres good first class Also one school building at the what resembles shingles, and is sister-in-law, Mrs. D. F. Owen, chrome table and sUik edgings, 3Atfc. Adrian School site toeing one-story very painful. Mrs. Didericksen. and daughter of Portland, Mr. balance, price only $3000, phone row crop land. $5,000 down, with 010J4. 31m Ixp e ,sy terms. This is the best buy waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fut- niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car brick veneer 45 x 25, one large who arrived Friday at the Chadd and Mrs. Floyd Perkins and Mr. for her children, reports and Mrs. Carl Wilde of Nampa, and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- room, hallway, library, cloakroom, home ■FOR SALE— Let us measure youi in an acreage in the Nyssa vicinity. that her parents are doing as well Mrs. Hobson’s mother. Mrs. E. F. We have one city block for sale. WANTED neman’s. 250tfc very good maple floor, six steel as could be expected. windows for Venetian olinds. No Taylor of Washington, Mr. and sash windows 41 x 86, four steel charge for this service or esl ¡mates. Can be sold as a unit or in blocks, Eleven members of the Pleasant Mrs. Joseph Hobson of Ontario, sash windows 26 x 57, six doors, Obtainable In one wees. Assorteu ideally located, 1 3 down. WANTED—Salesman for applianc Hour club met Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. James Langley and Forty acres good row crop and es. Leads furnished, car necessary, LEGAL ADVERTISING large coal neater. colors in steel or aluminum slats. AU sales shall toe for cash, 10% at the home of Mrs. Beuford Stan- two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Hom- Nyssa Furniture company, dairy ranch, 3-room home, pressure WANTED—Farm implement mech (Continued on Page 4) NOTICE OF HEARING of the price bidden to accompany fer in Nyssa. Plans were made for 149-W. 20Mtfc. system, small dairy barn, close to anic. B. and M. equipment com By order of tihe County Court of the bid; bids on the real property, Nyssa, $7500, terms can be arrang- pany. 24mtfc TOR SALE—Baby chicks. Now is ecj Malheur County, Oregon, issued Kingman Kolony school house and the time to order Thompson’s j 'p;le business proposition in WANTED— To Duy anything in April 6th, 1949, notice is hereby contents, Adrian school building Chek-R-Chix for delivery every Kv;. a for ,.afCt lt is a numey-mak- beef or veal. Also custom killed given that on May 11, 1949, at and contents, shall be made sep Wednesday and Saturday. For! pr au apartm ent goes with the and delivered to Polar Cold Stor 10:00 o’clock a. m. of said day in arately; real property will toe sold breeds and prices write. Thomp -1 deai For particulars see Mel Beck. age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. the County Courtroom in the Court as one unit; Kingman Kolony House at Vale, a hearing will be school house and contents will be 801114 Ontario hatchery, box 578, jxjow furnished apartment for held on the proposed formation of sold as one unit; Adrian school Ontario, Oregon. 17ftfc. n .:;i fqj> married couple, botli work- hor Kent a rural fire protection district to building and contents will be sold P O R " s a l e U n painted cab in ets *“ ■ • « " ! ! r%'u,i re'J ' Ctose TOR RENT—3 room apartm ent be known as the Nyssa Rural Fire as one unit. and chests of drawers. Cabinets to the business part of town. with bath, phone U9J. 21a3xc Protection District, the exterior School Board reserves the right 4- bedroom modern home on 95 are In section and can be bought boundaries of which are as follows: to determine which shall be the Complete or in sections. Nyssa x 120 lot, oiled street, sewer, nice FOR RENT—Cement mixer, gas at the Northwest cor best bid without regard to which Stunz Lumber ner Beginning Lumber company, phone 118-W. lawn and garden spot, good locat oline powered. of Section 36, T 18 S, R 46 E; shall be the highest told and the 14atfc thence lGDtfc ion to business part of town. $5600. Company. East along the North line right to reject any and all bids. For your insurance needs contact Purchaser of Adrian school build FOR SALE—Russet eating pota Mel Beck at Grigg Bros, and B ut FOR RENT — Three-room house. of said Section 36 and the North Get Whit, flottes ^ 2 ^ 3 Colered dettes Bernard Eastman. 14atfc line of Sections 31, 32, 33, and 34 ing unit is required to remove the toes, bring your* own sack. L. J. ler. GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER TOR RENT—Garden plot, good in T 18 S, R 47 E, to a point same from premises by June 1, Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, Phone 179-J ground, water, phone 6'2M after where said North line of Section 1949. Purchaser of real property phone 392-J. 17mtfc Bytoee Building 6 p. m. 14a2xp 34 intersects the center line of the shall purchase subjeot to the right Snake River; of purchaser of Kingman Kolony F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. Thence following the meander school house unit to remove the FAMOUS W ^ S t i n ^ h o U S C AUTOMATIC 14atfc ing center line of the Snake River same within a reasonable time Chadwick's camp. through Sections 34 and 33 of said thereafter. TOR RENT—Cabins a t Riverside Township and Range and Sections _____ Further information may toe ob- cabin camp, phone 68-W. 7A3xp 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 01, 28, 33. and 32, talnel from the undersigned a t TOR RENT - Electric hand sanding T 19 S, R 47 E, and continuing to Adrian, Oregon. First Published, April 7, 1949. machine, excellent for light sanding follow the center line of the Snake Last published April 21, 1949 work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 River through Sections 4, 5, 7, 8, RAYMOND H. HOLLY North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc 18, and 19 of T 20 S, R 47 E, to Clerk, School District No. 61 its inter-section iwith the meand TOR RENT— Polish your own ering center line of the Owyhee Malheur County, Oregon floors. Rent our high-speed pol River; Thence following the meandering IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ishing equipment. Easily handled by women. Nyssa Lumber company. center line of the Owyhee River THE STATE OP OREGON FOR PHYSICIANS LODGES 3Atfc. through Section 19 in said Town THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR ship and Range and Sections 24, In the m atter of the Estate of Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC 25, 36, and 35, T 20 S, R 46 E, and DAYTON HIRAM CURRAN, De Dr. J. J. Sarazin American Legion continuing along the meandering ceased FOR RENT center line of the Owyhee River NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Floor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN through Sections 2 and 3, T 21 S, Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. R 46 E, to its intersection with the that the undersigned, Leah S. Sander Curran, administratrix of the estate Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome West line of said Section 3; Reasonable Thence North along the West of Dayton Hiram Curran, deceased, line of said Section 3 and along has filed her Final Account as L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge Rates the West line of said Sections 34 said administratrix In the County Physician and Surgeon No. 214 27, and 22 of T 20 S. R 46E. to its Court of Malheur County, Oregon, Pnone 37 intersection with the East-West and th at said Court has appointed I.O.O.F. Hours: 10 to 1*1 and 2 to 5 LAUNDROMAT la a Trad« Mark, Hr*. U S . Pat. Off. center line of Section 21 of said Tuesday, the 26th day of April, Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday 1949, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore Township and Range; Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Look at these Features! Only Laundromat has them I Thence West along said center noon o f said day, for the hearing night, 8:30. line of Section 21 to the West at objections to said Final Account South First Street and the settlement thereof. C. J. Kopp, M. D. line of said Section 21; SLANTING MONT—No awkward NOW, THEREFORE, all persons bending or stooping when ¡Milling Thence North along the West Physician and Surgeon interested in the estate of Dayton DENTISTS or unloading washer . . . the loading line of Sections 21, 16, 9, and 4 of Fry Building Hiram Curran, deceased, are noti shelf is a time and work saver. said Township and Range to its STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Office hours intersection with the center line fied and required to appear at DR. C. M. TYLER_ •Me aaa y , convincing w a y I 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 SIN GH DIAL CONTKOL— All opera of the Main North Canal of the the County Court -Room in the tions perform ed automatically: Daily except Saturday and Court House at Vale, Malheur MISCELLANEOUS Wilson Building Owyhee Irrigation District; Starting, stopping, filling, water Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 following the Meander County, Oregon, a t said time, to Plione 165-J, Nyssa tem perature, washing, rinsing NOTICE—No stock allowed on the ing Thence then and there show cause. If any center line of the North Main damp-drying. hours from 9 to 5 except described property, E. ’4 N. W. 14, there be, why said Account should JEWELRY STORES Office Saturdays. 9 to 12. Section 17, Township 21, Range 46. Canal in a general Northeasterly not be settled, allowed and ap in c lin s d B A S K l T — An Improve All stock found on sand property direction through Section 4 of said proved and said estate distributed ment overall known washing meth PAULUS J. R. CUNDALL will be impounded and charged for Township and Range and through and said administratrix discharged ods. Inclined Basket gives a wash according to iaw. E. F. Rookstool, Sections 32, 33. 28, 21. 22. 16, 15, Dated and first publlMied March ing action that Ls amazingly efficient. JEWELRY STORE 14. 11. 2, and 1, T 19 8. R 4« E, Dentist R S. 7a4xp 24, 1949. Date of last publication, Phone us and make ar Union Pacific Time Inspector and Sections 36 and 35. T 18 S, R Phone 56-J S iir-C L IA N IN O The laundromat rangements to see the April 21, 1949. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS MISCKLIiANMOl i C.istaM piaff 46 E, to a point on the West line Sarazin Clinic has no lint trap. Wash and rinse Laundromat wash a load of LEAH S. CURRAN WAT'rHES of said Section 36; ing, phone 09R11. Edward Sharp. waters keep interior sparkling clean. ,your clothes. IT ’S FREE. NYSSA OREGON Administratrix of the Estate of Main Street t>. Second Thence North on the West line 7a3xp of Section 36 to the point of be INSTALLS A N Y W H B R E I No boiling to F l o o r . . . No Vibrationl MISCELLANEOUS — W e s e l l o r ginning; excluding from said area, OPTOMETRISTS WYCKOFF trade pianos. We sell Baldwin however, all property which is ex JEWELRY STORE pianos exclusively. Griggs Bros, cluded by Chapter 30, Section 89- DR. J. A. MCFALL Tmunk SUKE..AM W&Stin^JlOUSC and Butler, By bee building 27jtfc 3001, O. C. L. A. Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific Optometrist Dated: April 7th, 1949. DR. JOHN EASLY MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, ONTARIO OREGON First Published, April 21. ONLY $60 DOWN La.-,t Published, May 5. Eye* Examined CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING H. 6. SACKETT Stock received Monday, Tuesday, VETERINARIANS County Clerk Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m Phone 720 to 6 p. m and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 I)R. HAL D. W HITE NOTICE OF MEETINO No stock received on Sunday. 718 Arthur St. Veterinarian Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery BIG BEND IRRIGATION DIST Phone 269J 50 North 1st St. RICT. ______ to Polar locker plant. Caldwell, Idaho Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore One mile west on Alberta avenu« NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TUNC IN TEO M ALO N E . . . « very m orning, M onday through F rid ay . • . A B C Network that the Board of Directors at the Phone 05R1 • D I M S IS Big Bend Irrigation District, Sit JAKE FISCHER Classified Advertising HOT WATER AM? SOAP! « 'm ä ’raeaiO ». P ro fe ssio n Business Directory DR. C.W. GRAVES OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO.