Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL PAGE TWO PICNIC IS HELD ON ARCADIA LA W N AR C AD IA, April 21—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kipp entertained the follow ing persons at a picnic on their lawn Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kipp of Brenton, Washington, his mother, Lula Kipp of Caldwell: Mr. and Mrs. M ervin Kipp, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kipp and family and his sister,Letha Benson, all of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wain of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Kipp, who have lived on the C. W. Barrett place the past three years will move to Nampa the first of June. Mr. Kipp is em ployed by a steel company at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilling and fumily and Mr. and Mrs. Young enjoyed a pot luck dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers. Miss Delons Kipp and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kipp, spent tne week-end in Boise with Mr. mi.I Mrs. Mike Wain. Betty and Don Darren of Nyssa visited in the George M oller and Seourn homees one evening last week. Nell Bowers 4-H club met at her home April 16, with nine members present. A fter the 'business m eet ing the members fitted dresses and learned to put u rapper in a dress. Joan Matherly and Shirley Schil ling hid eggs fo r an egg hunt. Mrs. Bowers served welners, marsh- mellows and cool aid to the group. The next meeting will be held at the home of Maryln Lytle. The Sunday school classes gave a short program after Sunday school Sunday. Sunday school will JC held at 10 a. m. next Sunday. A guest speaker from Notus, Idaho will talk next Sunday after classes Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lay who lives on tihe coast, .spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Lay. Mr. and Mrs. George ftfoeller and fam ily and Garland McKinney were dinner guests Saturday night at the home of M r. and Mrs. Eg- gert of neur Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. George Hurst and fam ily spent Sunday with M r.! the Methodist church. Leaders in FURNITURE CONCERN Hurst’s parents on Mann's creek. clude: Rev. Don Nothdurft, disl-| GIVEN FRANCHISE Mr. and Mrs. Deward Benedick rict director of youth work from, T h e Western Supply company of and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Boise, and Rev. W. C. Moore, con Salt Lake City and Boise, distrib onld Winkle and fam ily weie din ference director of Christian edu utors, have announced the appoint ner guests Sunday at the home cation. ment of the Nyssa Furniture com 8 p. m , the evening service will I pany as Crosley dealer in Malheur of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meisinger. county. T h e Nyssa Furniture com Irene Schilling was absent from oe part of ihe youth rally. Rev. pany is operated by W. O. Peter school last week because o f a ton W. C. Moore will deliver the ad- son and E. K. Bunn. dre j of the evening. sil operation. John H. Angerbauer, district Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard e n te r -, CHURCH OE CHRIST tained the following at a chdw Don K. Maxfirld. Pastor mem supper Saturday even ing: Mr. j 10 a. m , church school hour. and Mrs. Lee Drill and sons, Mr. 11 a. in., morning worship and and Mrs. Ron Schoen of Nyssa, cord's supper. vlr. and Mrs. Jack Zittercob, Mr. 7 p. m., Senior and Junior En and Mrs. John Zittercob, T h eo and deavors. Joan Matherlyn. Mrs. Anna Dail 8 p. m., evening worship. Harold Dail, Wilma, Betty and Don Bullard. Sunset Valley Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Community Hall fam ily anu Mrs. Anna Dail, visited A. K. Herring, Pastor Mr and Mrs. Charlie Thompson in Sund ty school, 10 a. m. Emmett Sunday afternoon. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Farmer Sermon supject, "Our Risen and fam ily of New Plymouth were Lord." You are welcome to a t dinner guests Sunday of Mrs tend all these services. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs Elmer Stradley. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Linda Hipp is out o f school this I (l. r II. E. Gage week with the chicken pox. Missionary Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Young people's service, 7 p. m Preaching service, 8 p. m. Wednesday prayer service. 8 p. in. THE CHI RCH OE THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD NAZAKENK Sterl D. Splesz. Pastor Morning worship, 11 a. m. Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor Mr and Mrs. T. S. Cowan of 10 a. in.. Sunday school. Marcum, Oregon will be preesent 11 a. m „ congregational and special ringing and sermon. at the morning service. 7:15 p. m., young people, teenage Junior church, 7 p. m. E/ening service, 8 p. m. and Junior services. 8 p. m , evangelistic service. Tuesday evening, Bible study and Services every Wednesday at 8 prayer meeting. p. m. Friday, young people’s night. Church Notes THE M ETHODIST C O M M UN ITY CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Ministrr 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. hi., morning worship. Ser mon: "T h e Christian World Ven ture'. Anthem: "D raw Thou My Soul, O Christ," by Sexton. 3 p. m., sub-district youth rally. The young penle o f the M ethodist churches in this area will meet at 21 , 1949 addition, price $375. See O. Samp son, one block west of Wilson's Highway market. 21a3xp FO R SA LE — 1 practically new R. C. Alien combination adding m a chine and cash register. 1250 gal lon water tank. Oregon Radiator Co. 21alxr C L E A N -l'P WEEK B A RGAINS 1 used M ontgom ery-W ard wash ing machine, good running condit ion, $35. 4 used 600-16 Goodyear tires, no breaks in sidewalls, entire set or none, $10. 7 Ai dozen pint glass canning jars and 1 dozen quart jars, all or none $4. For information call 130-J. 21alxc manager of the Western Supply, will be at the local store Friday and Saturday to welcome persons .ruerested in Crosley products. Tne Crosley company, which has .nore than 15,000 dealers, produces i refrigerator every 27 seconds. It i!so hand es radios and ranges, radios and ranges. T n e valley looks prosperous and hju ld be aible to look forward to M I S C E L L A NBOUS— For expert a good year, Mr. Angerbauer said. piano tuning call O rigg Bros, and Butler, phone 179-J, Nysa. 21a2xc Too Late To Classify W ANTED —Sewing to do in my name. Mrs. Lester Oden, 518 No. Sixth street. 21alxp FOR SA LE —G rey team, 7 and 8 years old, weight 1500 pounds, will veil or trade for calves. Harry H. Haney, Rt. 1„ Nyssa, l 1* miles east of tlie Overstreet beet dump.21alxp "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY” By PLOTNER 7lV£ 6or n t'ftA ta f *0H-IH-LAVJ *$ON-IN-LAVJ" PUTf/HMV CAKlHSHAVl'tOR 7W/5 7 V i p — SAVED >— :i cm tóRRIMW MOTOR Co b o x 137 Western Supply Company CROSLEY SHELVADOR REFRIGERATORS, CROSLEY RADIOS AMD CROWLEY R/ J In The Nyssa Territory LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Phone 77 Saturday, > \pril 3 0 Nyssa < Gym BINGO! ROULETTE! FISH-POUND DART THROW! AND ALL THE TRIMMINGS! FUN for ALL ** $ 2 0 0 . 0 0 in Door Prizes BUY TICKETS NOW! y C t tr * a rv j F ri » ( 7 i m jr- ~XZP ■ ........- Ma s t e r M o d e l MA-9. 8.5 eu. ft.; am p I e rapacity for average or l a r g e r families. A superb refrig erator in convenience, in perform ance, in features associated fith higher priced models. A big value refrigerator. j % .. He I u x e M o d e l DA-9, 8.3 cu. ft., i— i / is ^ truly the last l ord in mod em refrigeration. Correct controlled temperature and humidity for every kind of food. Unsurpassed in performance, convenience and appointments. Master Model MA-11 10.5 cu. ft.; a big refrig- "VV £27 erator In every thing but cost; many deluxe features. Ideal where large rapac ity is wanted at reasonable price, including conveniences found on costlier models. Nyssa Lions Club CARNI IVAL V . - — w FREE DELIVERY V BATTERY Herriman Motor Co. m S i W iv i it FO RD that if priced rig h t an d fu lly g u a ra n te e d CONVENIENT TERMS r? G E N U !iI£ ** OP AiOAvJE- you Too CAN. I 3 £'KN££ D££P in rr?ouGi-£.. MA<Z T/4AT SPQlNG Tf?lP flA Ù iitf W< TU X l OTTA V0U6H) M I .SC E L L A N E O U S - O n e 1936 Plymouth four-door sedan, car in good chape. You buy the repair orders and we give you the car. Leo Fife, welding and repairing, phone 016J4. 21atfc. Let us install a Nyssa ANO M A t T ilZ Announces the Appointment of T h e N y ssa F u r n it u r e C o m p a n y as exclusive dealer for OUT Phono /r\ FOR SALE—Used lumber, 15,000 feet, good, some heavy timbers. V. V. Grider, five miles southwest of Nvssa. 21a2xp FAITH «ITTHERAN CHURCH Sudav school, 2 p. m. Divine worship, 3 p. in. BEFO RE Y O U R BATTERY PLAYS . DLPÏ. STORE A l l TttADES' /$A*JAC K oF FO R SALE—Tw o acres on high way, one mile north, cash price $350. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In surance agency. 21atfc WILSON’S WEEK END SPECIALS SUMMER DRESS AND WORK STRAW HATS FOR A L L THE FAMILY rt youo. IN fM U)0HLV /- AH ' THAHK. HIM foR Q NEW CROSLEY She ha dor* REFRIGERATORS >v D f lu « f M o d e l DA-11, 10.5 cu. ft. H e r e is every thing that can be built into a big, modern refriger ator — controlled temperature and moisture for every kind of food. A challenging standard of style, con struction and convenience. each a standout in its price field Each of these 8 “extra value" models is powered by the famous Electrosaver, manufactured by Crosley. A hermetically sealed, self-lubricating unit which gives years and years of economical, quiet service. Warranted for 5 years. A Refrigerator For Every Purse . .. „ 's f Economy M o d e l EA-7. the famous “7 eu ft. refriger ator that fits the floor space of a ‘4’ at the price of a ‘6'!” Ideal for smaller kitchens and thrifty budgets. An unrivaled value in spare-saving, top quality refrigeration at record low cost. Every Need! f © _ J f . —< 1 : 3 Economy Model EA-9. 9.1 eu ft. A superb value for families needing ^ a bigger-than-av- erage refrigerat or. Crosley quality and conven ience at rock-bottom coal; a won derful big-capacity buy. t * ■ f-T * ; - r‘ V * - - Standard Model SA-9. 9.1 eu. ft.; a big rapacity re frigerator wi th e v e r y standard . Crosley feature, and extra storage conveniences. An outstanding value in quality refrigeration at a popular price. Economy Model E A -U , 11.3 cu. ft . This extra large, versatile refrigerator is de signed for most efficient, low-rost use In farm homes or for other unusual re quirements. Its many shelf ar rangements and great rapacity make it today's outstanding farm value. REMEMBER...— ' c r o s l e y ; ü sheimior* a , E™