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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1919 PAGE TWO Young University at Logan, where Tyler plans to go to California in two sons spent Sunday In Boise and baseball game. Idaho men Returns from School she has been taking a post-grad- the near future, to attend to at the Herbert Hester home. beat the Oregon men in the game. Mrs. Iva Tyler has returned after uate course on insurance. Mrs.1 business. Mrs. William Orr was honor Mr. and Mrs Homer Brewer were | spendm8 a t€rm at 1 e ei guest at a oink and blue shower j hosts to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson « Wednesday afternoon at the home) at a Sunday dinner in their home, . . . . . Editor and Publisher KLASS V. POWELL - - of Mrs. Vern Garner. Hostesses xhey went ^ Boise Monday for were Mrs. Tan Ashby and Mrs. another check on Brewer's arm Chet Ashby. Ice cream and cake that was injured last fall. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING RATES were served. Mr. and Mrs Ray C. Lewis of Lee Strickland accompanied Char Nyssa were evening visitors at the One Year ............................ *2.00 Open rate, per inch ....... 40c lie Sehweizer on a trip to Bruno *1.25 National, per inch 49c home of Mrs. Lila Mitchell Thurs this week. Sehweizer took a stal- day. .05 Classifieds, per word 2c lon in his pick-up to a French Minimum 30c Reverend Joe Dodson announces • Strictly in Advance) man at Bruno. Sehweizer brought there will be an Easter dinner at ba k a saddle horse Thursday. 'he Assembly of God church April Attending the annual Adrian 17, and also morning and evening Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, band concert Friday night were Mr service. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission and Mr?. Wilbur Chapin, Charles A piece of willow pierced Clar through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under Chapin, Jo Ann Price and Vera ence Dodson’s eydball, resulting In Faye Council. the act of March 3, 1879 hemorrhages. Marion Anderson, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell Mrs. Rosel Anderson, visited from spent Sunday visiting at the home Wednesday until Saturday at the of their friends. Mr and Mrs was bloated, and the gasoline ig home of his grandmother, Mrs. Harry Fry, in Homedale. TRACTOR OF JOE nited. No one was injured, the MitcheTl. Mrs. Mitchell left Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett vis HOBSON IS BURNED flaming tractor was dragged away Fred Saturday for Boise for a visit at ited Mrs. Stanley Reffett and I from the fuel tanks. Fortunately ;he home of her daughter, Mrs -hiidren, and also attended the SUN3ET VALLEY, April 14 Joe I the wind blew the flames away Morgan Hansen. registered bull sale neqr New Hobson's new John Deere tractor from the building. Pfr. Joe Saiville called Thursday Plymouth Saturday. was destroyed by fire Saturday af Caldwell shoppers during the week evening on Jacqueline Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani ternoon at the E. J. Hobson farm. were Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hashitani. Saiville, formerly of Vale and Wild attended the J. C. L. meeting Sat Hobson had the motor running Mrs. Thomas Nishitani and David, er. has Just returned from 15 urday evening in Ontario. and was (illint' the tractor with Mrs. Clarence Dodson, and Mrs. mon’ hs on IWo Jima where he ser Harold Peterson left Friday with gasoline, when he stopped aside Leotta Ditty. * to call to his mother that a steer Mr. and Mrs. James Langley and ved with the army air corps. He his big caterillar tractor for his left Sunday for California to re home in Idaho Falls. Peterson ceive his discharge. left Henry Carrol, who will con Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Didericksen tinue with the work on his farm and Vimily of Caldwell visited here. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson at Mrs. James Chafld. tended a surprise birthday sup- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty and ppr honoring Mrrs. Madison Irwin family had dinner Sunday with the Thursday evening in Nampa ait the Henry Hintz family. Irwin home. The Busy Bakers 4-H club mem Mrs. E. F. Taylor of Ridgefield, bers met Saturday afternoon at Washington has been visiting the home of Marlene Bergam. Next friends in Nampa. Mrs. Taylor is | week the group will meet at Ann now visiting at the home of her House’s home. daughter, Mrs. E. J. Hobson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani Mr. and Mrs. Wally Orcutt and attended the special church meet family of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. ing arranged for Reverend I. L. Clifford Nielsen and Mr. and Mrs. Shaver in Ontario last Sunday. Elver Nielsen and sons spent Sun Shaver is a returned missionary day picknicking in the south hills. from Ja/pan. Monday Ontario shoppers were XMr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and Mrs. Pete Wilson. Mrs. Claude Wil family were Saturday evening son-and Mrs. James Robb. guests at the Burrell Collins home in New Plymouth. Here From Seattle— Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodges and son Phillip, returned from Port daughter, Linda and Perry Cole land Monday. man, all of Seattle, visited Mr. Many visitors called on Ira and Mrs. W. M. Coleman and other Price Sunday. Price tiad <;ontin- relatives over the week-end. Mr. urd heavy work While huving the and Sirs. Coleman are parents of . . . $35.00 worth of wanted, good quality Compare these Speed Queen influenza and strained his heart Mrs. Hodges and Perry Coleman. washing accessories to complete your home Features! Double wall tub, requiring a rest. laundry! One sturdy "R ij id " Ironing Board bowl shaped inner tub, tan gk- Sunday dinner gueests of Mr. Visits Daughter— and Mrs. Grover Cooper were Mr. Mrs, John Ellis of Rigby, Idaho . . . a Pad and Cover . . . non-collapsing proof agitator, bar and Mrs. Silas Biglow. Mrs. Martha is visiting at the home of Mr. and Clothes Pin Bag . . . 3 dozen Clothes Pins safety r e l e a s e Klingack, and Fred Klingback. Mrs. Tom Moore. Mrs. Ellis Is Regular length coats. Sizes 8 to 16 regular. finger Nancy Wolfe, tiny daughter of Mrs. Moore's mother. . . . an Electric Iron . . a pair of Laundry wringer, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe, has tip clutch con REGULAR $29.95 to $39.95 Tongs . . . a Rinse Tub . . . and 12 packages the measles. To Prairie City— trol, s e d i m e n t Frank I,ands has the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Lawrence of Rinso. Colors Red, Green, Brown, Tan and Grey. zone trap and Mrs S. E. Flanagan was hos and family left Sunday to visit But this offer is limited! Don't put off! steel chassis con tess to the Sunset auxiliary Thurs Mr. Lawrence's parents, Mr. and Coverts and Tweeds struction. Come in today and Save Money at . . . day afternoon at her home. A Mis. Walter Lawrence of Prairie light lunch was served. The May City. A FEW REGULAR $22.95 meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ore Sehweizer. Shorties, Sizes 11 to 15 Looking For Farm— Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Fyllingness Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Morgan, Green, Red and Pink Colors visited Sunday evening at the Utah, were in Nyssa and Vale vis James Stephans, Sr., home to iting friends over Che week-end. view the many movie reels of sev They were looking for a farm. eral of the national parks. Mrs. Charlie Sehweizer attended the meeting of the county council of the P T. A. in Nyasa Saturday. The Casmier Rataezyk, Prank NYSSA OREGON Rataezyk, and Harry Rataezyk families ,s|>ent Sunday in Caldwell attending the Sphinx club picnic The Gate City Journal 17 (S ! 'I CET ALL 8 ITEMS ...*35.00 W O R T H ’ W IT H A N EW CLEARANCE V SPEED QUEEN WASHER... Women’s Spring Coats Choose from 5 Models IT S U N H EA R D OF! A LL T H IS AT NO EXTRA COST . . . 1-3 off $109 to $174.95 Hollingsworths’, Inc. G O L D E N RULE ST O R E SHOP HERE & Save More HAD 0U 9 F,R5T Payette Valley Sweet Pound CORN Saltine 39C 2 lb. Box CRACKERS Give your children fhe best— let them leern muiic on the finest, the Acrosonic. This wonderful little piano hat a responsive touch which makes if eety for smell fingers fo play, and its full rich tone makes practicing a pleasure. The Acrosonic' built by Baldwin is e revelation fo see— to hear— to play. Come in end see it today. Convenient farms. Only $69.80 Down and easy monthly payments. Don’t sup press the music career of your children; get a B a l d w i n Acrosonic today. W e have several models on hand. Come in and look them over. Also used pianos. P. S. All the Kids Want Acrosonics Now! Griggs Bros, and Butler Bybee Bldg, at “Y ” 39c White Satin IO lb. Sugar 95c CRISCO 3 lbs. SLA B Pound BACO N 45c Best G rad e I STEWING BEEF Snow tex 89c T ISSU E p ^„d 5c Per Rol| WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET PHONE 284-W PRICES GOOD THROUGH SUNDAY FREE DELIVERY f