Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
X 77 >e NYSSA VOLUME XXXXIV NO. 13 Owyhee Water To Be Plentiful In 1949 Season Delivery Of Water To Be Stalled April 10; Fore cast meeting held Much better than average snow suplies in Che Owyhee and Malheur river watersheds this year are counted on to furnish plenty of irrigation water for tihis major ir rigation area, despite Che present record low storage in the huge Owyhee reservoir. This conclusion was reached at the annual eastern Oregon water forecast meeting held by W. T. ‘•Jack" Frost, in charge of snow surveys for the soil conservation service and OSC experiment sta tion in Ontario last Tuesday. Exceptionally light precipitation so far in this crop year is causing an early demand lor irrigation water, several men reported. James Epofford. manager of the Owyhee project, expects to deliver water a- bout April 10, while Walter U. White, superintendent of the Vale and Warmsprirvgs projects, is al ready delivering some and will start most ditches next week, he said. Both men said they do not expect any restrictions on water to be necessary this season. Compared with last year the snow measuring courses in the Owyhee watershed have 57 percent more water content at present, and are 73 percent above average for years of record. The South Mountain course in Idaho, lor ex ample, affecting Jordon creek, now has a water content of 16.8 inches in the snow compared with 11.8 last year and and average of 10.7. Owhee reservoir now has only 356,700 acre feet of usable storage, the lowest for this date on record, as a result of a series of low snow years. In flow between now and October 1 is estimated at 600,000 acre feet, which Is well above aver age. Whether the reservoir will fill to its capacity of 715,000 acre feet —for the first time since 1946— will deend upon when the major run-off comes in relation to this season's use, Spofford explained. A critical situation forseen for Owyhee carryover at the fore cast meeting a year ago was help ed greatly by above ever age spring and early summer rains, records show All streams flow forecasts are made on the assumption of average weeather conditions from here on, Frost explained. Snow measurements in the (Mal heur river watershed show an in crease in water content averaging 25 percent above last year and 49 percent greater than average. Estimate agreed upon for the middle fork of the Malheur is 75.000 acre feet for the six-months period starting April 1, and 65,000 acre feet for the north fork. These are almost exactly the flows ob tained last year when late rains boosted normal runoff. White reported Warmsprings res ervoir now has 66.000 acre feet in storage compared with 40,800 a year ago and a 10-year average of around 130,000. Its capacity is 190.000 acre feet. The Agency Valley reservoir has 55.000 acre feet In storage and can be filled to Its 60.000 capacity at anv time. In Jordan valley the Antelope reservoir has 12,000 acre feet In storage, according to Bud Anderson, District 1 watermaster, and is ex pected to fill to its 36.000 capacity without difficulty, WUlow creek reservoir has about 7000 acre feet stored now. about the same as last year. TWO NYSSA YOUTHS TAKE HONORS AT F. F. A. CONVENTION At least two Nyssa boys received recognition at the 21st annual state convention of the Oregon Association of Future Farmers of America, held in Tillamook naval base at Tillamook March 29 to April 2. Val Dee Child received the State Fanner degree and was elected as state reporter. Representing eastern Oregon. Richard Diven of Nyssa won second place in the state public speak ing contest in competition with six other youths. Richard Pedrantt of Newberg won first place and Ted DeMerritt of Malin. third. Speaker Announced— Rev. Hartzell Cobbs of the First Christian church of Boise will de liver the dedicatory message at services to be held in the new Nyssa Christian church Sunday. April 10. A covered dish luncheon, held at 2 p. m , will be followed by the services, starting at 3 o'clock. At that time an effort will be made to lift the mortgage on the church. All churches In the Snake River and Boise valleys are invited to attend. . v¿rv^‘w^,v“w ~ ;>V5S2ïa«*, iî* .V . JOURNAL THE NYSSA* GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. o k m iu n . THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1949 WAR VICTIMS Investigator Of F.B.I. Says Bad “Yeggs” Yellow Chamber Of Commerce Is Told Nyssa Has Good Police Dept. District Enters Into Contract For Erection Of New Building Work To Start Next ARMCO DRAINAGE Week On Construction PLANT IN NYSSA DAMAGED BY FIRE Of New School Delivering an interesting talk on At a meeting held in the high The Nyssa plant or the Armco school the activities, history' and practices building Wednesday night, Drainage and Metal Products cor of the F. B. I., LeRoy Skousen of the Nyssa sohool board entered poration was badly damaged by into Vale, representative of the federal a contract with J. H. Wise fire starting at 2 o'clock this morn and Son of Boise for construction bureau of investigation, told mem ing. of a new Nyssa school building. bers of the 'Nyssa chamber of com Firemen -said Chief of Police Or The contractor expressed the be merce Wednesday noon that “the ville Maze turned in the alarm lief that he will be able to start vicious criminals are yellow, and in two minutes flames were work on the building next week. never saw one that wasn't". shooting from the roof of the The cost ot the new building. In Skousen gave some of the back building on highway 20 in tiie cluding several class rooms and a northwestern part of town. The gymnasium, will amount to $522,- ground of the F. B. I„ which was fire probably started around a 000 . organized in 1908, and became a work bench and spread to the Meeting with the school »— political football providing jobs for cupola housing the pipe-making atso were the architect, oi, the favorites of those in high EDWIN L. KURTZ places. In 1924 J. Edgar Hoover machine in the center of the B. Smith of Eugene; Mr. M, building. took charge of the organization, who holds ‘the heating and pit with the understanding that it otizg contract, and Mr. White, Vt Damage was estimated at $3000. would be taken out of politics. To the electric contract. c The company carried insurance on holdi become an investigator of the Voters approved last Saturday by the property. F. B. I , a man must be a qualified i vote of 223 to 35 a supplemental accountant, lawyer or other person bond issue of $108,000 to help fin with certain special training. Tne ance the new school construction. prospects receive 16 weeks of rig Bond attorneys approved by long orous training, in addition to two distance telephones Tuesday night of firearms training. the bond issue procedure followed Four generations of the pioneer I beets and cattle. His son, Larry, weeks by tiie district, so the contract The officer said technical in Diminirk family met on the week is attending the Yakima Valley formation g?tned by the F. B. I. was drawn without delay. The official opening of the Nvssu end of March 5 in Yakima. Held , Junior college. W. L Dimmiek, is available to local police officers Members of the election 'board Veterans Memorial 'hall last Thurs in the arms of his great grand who Is now retired, living in Yaki if the city requests it. were Mi's. Bernard Frost, Mrs. day evening was attended by 150 father, W. L. Diminirk, is 8-months ma, went to that area in 1890. “In Nyssa you have as good a Bert Lienkoentper, Mrs. Harry persons, including state officials ol jld Darrol Dimmiek. Dawol's [ He farmed in the Yakima valley, police department as 1 have seen Miner and Mrs. Ron Campbell. .he Legion and veterans organiz father, Lawrence (Larry) Dimmiek, served six years in hr Washington in quite awhile", Skousens said. ations. is standing, and Larry’s father, legislature and nine years as coun “I have enjoyed working with The evening program oiiened Neil Dimmiek is at the right. Born ty rommissioner. Darrol is the men”. witli a smoked duck dinner, with in Yakima. Neil Dimmiek is at first son of the first son of the these Skousens said the F. B. I. took all the trimmings under the sup present farming a 150 - acre ranch I first son of the pioneer Yakima action in 1984 to break up a series ervision of Sid Burbidge and ills southwest of Nyssa, raising sugar resident. of bank robberies. Giving examp committee. The unusual dinner won les of bank robbing cases, the favorable comment from those in Outhittlng the Grizzlies by more speaker said ‘‘Bank robbers are attendance. than five to one, the Nyssa Bull 'big shots', so they think. They Following the invocation by Rev. dogs defeated the Frultland high believe they are above the average Gage of the Baptist church, the school baseball team in a practice run of criminals”. HARRY W. LONG group Joined in the singing of {ame on the Frultland diamond Mr. Skousens told of various 'The Star Spangled Banner,’ ac Thce day afternoon by a score of the F. B. I. uses to trace Funeral services will be held companied The Ontario chamber of com Tlie schedule of games of the methods by Adrienne Peterson on In burglary, for inst Sunday, April 10 at 2 p. m. in the piano and Angela Peterson 21 to 6. merce will serve refreshments at Idarho-Oregon Baseball league for criminals. Cleaver gave a no-run demon ance, the F. B. I. can tell whether Methodist church for Fdwin with her violin. During the din stration the Malheur experimental area on tiie mound for Nyssa 1949 season was announced a certain knife cut a certain screen, the L. Kurtz. Services were held Sun ner we t of highway 20 April 14 at the hour, two spirituals were sung In five innings and struck out a crowbar jimmied a cer day, April 3 in the Christian by the Methodist choir sextet; seven 12:30 as part of the annual feeders this week. Games will be played [ whether The Grizzlies scor window and whether the dirt church for Harry W. Long. The two violin numbers were played by ed two batters. Tuesday and Friday nights of each tain day program. runs in the sixth inning in the ctiff of a suspect's trousers bodies of both boys recently ar week, with game time at 8:30. Angela Peterson, a piano solo by and four in the seventh. In the Dr. R. E. Stephenson, soils on his shoes came from under rived in the United States from Mrs. scientist at Oregon State college, The Nyssa schedule will be play and K. E. Keveren, and two vocal last canto, FruiUand scored the a certain window. overseas, where they were killed ed as follows: May 24, Nyssa at numbers by Hull” Tobter. will deliver a talk of interest to four tallies on olpe hit and four In Washington, the F. B. I. has in action. Payette: May 27, Nampa at Nyssa; persons other than livestock people. Walks with Long,and Pounds do The guest speaker was Father 119,000,000 sets of fingerprints and May 31. Nyssa at Vale; June 3, His address, of particular interest or hurling VWiisnii wns also Vincent Egan of Burns, chaplain of 4000 employes qualified to »identi Weiser at Nyssa; June 7, Nyssa to row crop farmers, will prob given a trial on the mound. the American Legion, who spoke on FUNERAL IS SET fy them. Every finger print is dif at Ontario; June 10, Payette at ably include a discussion of soils Coach Howard Love Joy used 18 as are the ridges on the FOR EDWIN KURTZ "Our Defense Against Commun layers, fertility through use of 'barnyard Nyssa; June 14, Nyssa at Nampa; ferent, including Takami, White ism.” The siieaker pre.senj.ed facts feet, the elbow and the palms of June 17, Vale at Nyssa: June 21, manure and other crop residue, and Knowles behind the bat. FOR NEXT SUNDAY and figures showing the need of the hands. Nyssa at Weiser; June 24, Ontario Sation Superintendent E. N. Huff concern over the communist men The Bulldogs will play Fruit- After moving into espionage act at Nyssa; June 28, Nyssa at Pay ivities man said. in this country, and pointed land here Friday of this week, be Funeral services for Edwin L. in 1937, the F. B. I. picked ette; July 8, Nampa at , Nyssa; up 8000 persons in 24 hours. In Kurtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. ace Prof. E. L. Potter, head of the July out means of combatting this ginning at 3:30. at Vale; July 15, 1939 the organization found an Kurtz will be held at the Methodist menace. Nyssa defeated Adrian high division of agricultural economics, Weiser 12, at Nyssa July 19, Nyssa espionage ring of 19 persons oper church in Nyssa Sunday, April 10 Bob Damon, of Mt. Vernon, area school a practice game last will probably speak on some eco at Ontario; Nyssa; 5, Payette at ating on 'the Atlantic seaboard. All ait 2 p. m., with Rev. A. Beawer commander of the American Leg Friday on in tiie diamond by a nomic phase of the livestock in Nyssa; August August 9, Nyssa at Nampa; were found guilty, but they re of Che Caldwell Luthem church ion, spoke briefly on tile need of count of 21 to local 0. freshmen dustry. 12, Vale at Nyssa; August ceived an average of only 26 conducting the services. Interment cooperation of the various veter won their game 9 to The 8 in the other Huffman will make final weigh August 16, Nyssa at Weiser, and August months In the federal penitentiary will be in the Nyssa cemetery. end of the double-header. ans organizations, if effective vet ings Saturday of the four lots of 19, at Nyssa. total fines of $2000. By the Edwin L. Kurtz was born at eran legislation is to be brought CLUB PLANS STYLE SHOW steers on feed at the station, mak No Ontario were scheduled for the and time the united States entered Syracuse, Kansas, May 14, 1923. about. ing a total of 140 days of feed week games of July 4. The regional The Nyssa Civic club’s annual war, the criminals were out The Kurtz family moved to Colo Other out-of-town guests Includ iprmg ing. tournament will be layed at Pay the show will be present rado in 1928, and to Nampa, Idaho ed Les Ballard of Burns, who is of prison, although detained by ette July 21 to 25, and the state the F. . I. The American people, In 1933. In 1937 they moved from commander of the 11th district ed at the style Nyssa theater Wednesday. NYSSA BEATS THREE semi-pro tournament at Nampa Skousens said, had fallen asleep Nampa to Nyssa and have resided of the American Legion, and April 20. Chairman for this year's to 31. show is Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. Mrs. on a farm in this community. TRACK OUTFITS IN July The 27 Shaughnessay Charles Pierce, post commander before the attack on Pearl harbor. play-off sys Wilson will be assisted by Mrs. A. Edwin attended 'the Nyssa high of the Burns Lotion organization. "Criminals are moving into Ore FOUR-WAY-MEET tem will be followed with the four gon and you should use every school, graduating in 1940 He en The toastmaster for the occas C. Sallee, Mrs. Bernard top teams during season play available facility for checking pos tered the army In July 22, 1944, ion was Don Graham, who holds Mrs. Hurnall Brown. Mrs. Frost, Ron The Nyssa track team, paced by meeting at a time and place to be was killed at Okinawa April a state honorary office in the Vet Campbell, Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper Hale, won a quadrangular meet I agreed upon by managers of the sible criminals," the speaker said. and 21, 1945, when he was serving with erans of Foreign Wars. Dr. John and Mrs. Charles Steffens. Spring with Adrian, Ontario and Parma four teams, not later than Sep the 7th division. He Is survived Long was chairman for the pro styles front the local stores will be on the Nyssa field Wednesday tember 2. CLEAN-UP WEEK modeled. All women of the com by his [»rents, a brother, Harold E. gram. afternoon, with a total score of PLANS OUTLINED Kurtz of Nyssa, an aunt, Mrs. Carl The evening's entertainment was munity are invited to attend. 79.5 points. Roth of Nyssa and his grandmoth made possible through the efforts TAKES 3rd — ______ Ontario scored 35.5 points, Parma JENSEN CHURCH GROUP MEETS ers, Mrs. Henrietta Oropp and The Nyssa safety council met last of tile members of the American PLACE' IN ORATORY 15 and Adrian 12. Monday evening, at which time Mrs. Rosa Kurtz, both of Kansas. Legion and Veterans of Foreign A reorganization meeting of the Hale won first in the broad- IN STATE CONTEST plans were made for Clean Wars, and the auxiliaries of Ladies Aid of the Faith Lutheran jump and high hurdles, placed in Ronald Jensen of Nyssa, who final church was held last Wednesday up week activities. two organizations. HEARING FOR FIRE the low hurdles and, participated won third place in the state In an The dates for the clean-up cam at the home of Mrs. Alvin Ekanger. with the winning relay team to American Legion oratorical contest paign have been set for April 18 The former officers will be retain DISTRICT IS SET take 14.5 points. ed to complete the year’s work. in Portland last week, delivered to 25 inclusive. Charles Landreth At a meeting with representatives OLSON WILL BUILD Tiie next meeting will be held at THREE RESIDENCES First place winners were as fol his oration at a meeting of the and Bernard Frost were appoint of the proposed Nyssa rural fire the church, with Mrs. O. B. Ege lows: 220-yard dash. Takami, Kiwanis club in Ontario Wednes ed to act on the advertising com district Wednesday. County Judge mittee for thi* project. The coun Irvin Troxell set the date for the C. K. Olson. Nyssa contractor, as hostess. A kitchen shower wfli Nyssa; 440-yard dash, Jones, Ad day noon. has started preparations for con lx' held. rian: 880-yard run, Hume, On The youth, son of Mr. and Mrs. cil reported that much favorable district hearing for May 11. tario; mile, Hume; 880-yard re Clayton Jensen of Nyssa, com comment had been received con At the hearing to be held in the struction of three houses In tne - I - lay, Nyssa. Takami. Chadwick, peted in Portland against three cernir»; the proposed Clean-up courthouse in Vale, the court will new Morgan addition on the south HOLDS EXECUTIVE M BUTTING A meeting ol the Nyssa civic establish boundaries. Objections side of King avenue. Wilson and Hale; high hurdles, other area winners. Ho was a- week. Hale; low hurdles, Osborne, On warded a plaque for hia achieve The Safety Council has urged or requests for alterations in the Olson plans to build as many club officers was held last Thurs tario; pole vault, Krul, Nyssa; ment. that all citizens aquaint them proposed boundaries may be sub as 20 residences in the area, rang day afternoon at the home of the ing in price from *7006 to $10000. new president, Mrs. John Kopp. shot-put, Baiis, Ontario; discus, Jensen said he was satisfied to selves with the use of the white mitted at the hearing. The Nyssa Industrial Develop Committee chairmen for the com Mitchell, Nyssa; high jump, Cole have won third place this year, canes for the blind, and that prop ment company has re-platted the ing year were announced, with man, Nyssa; javelin. Long, Nyssa. his sophomore year in school, but er recognition should always be Attend Nampa Wedding— Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Sarazin addition. The first house in the Mrs. Henry Hartley as program and broadjump, Hale. he expects to try for first place made of this White cane usage. Following the business meeting, attended the wedding of Helen addition was built by Olson for chairman; Mrs. Houston Wilson as again next year. Bull Sale Planned— Bernard Frost showed a film on Elizebeth (Toni) Sadler and Dean Irl Nolen last year. Lon Root Is tea committee chairman, and Mrs. accident prevention, and told of Salmeier, both of Nampa at the now building a house for Edwurd Grant Rinehart as hospitality A sale of 13 young registered County Council To Meet— chairman. Plans were made for Guernsey bulls will be held Sat The County P. T. A. council will the proper way to give artifical Christian Church in Nampa Satur Boydell in the addition. the coming year, and for the an urday. April 9 at th? Payette coun meet at the Nyssa high school respiration. A demonstration of day evening. Miss Sadler was nual spring style show to be given ty fairgrounds in New Plymouth, building at 2 p. m. Saturday af correct artificial respiration was formerly employed at the Sarazin Students Enter Contests— Several Nyssa high sohool Xtud- lr. April. Refreshments were ser according to the sale manager, ternoon. April 9. A special pro given by employes of the Idaho clinic. ents left this week for the coast ved by the hostess. Elmer Huff, New Plymouth, Idaho. gram and a report of the nomin Power company. PINOCHLE PARTY GIVEN to participate in a speech meet and This first Ouemsey bull auction ating committee are planned. Al! | - DINNBTR - CLUB MEETS A benefit pinochle party was journalism writing contest. Stud is sponsored by the Payette Coun county association members are in Burglarize Schoolhouse— Burglars entered the Nyssa high given Saturday evening by the ents will participate in a speech Mr. and Mrs. Ron Campbell en ty Guernsey club. Every taiH of vited to attend this meeting. school building Wednesday night members of the Rebekah lodge. meet at Corvallis under tiie direct tertained the members of the fered in this sale vflll be out of and escaped with some valuable The proceeds will go for the hos-> ion of (Mrs. Harriet Brumbach. Wednesday evening dinner club a cow with a record of more than GIRL SCOUTS ELECT 400 pounds of butterfat. These Officers of Otrl Scout troop No property. They stole a Kodak, pitail. High scores went to Mrs. Nyssa youths parilcipatifv; will be last Wednesday evening. Bridge bulls were selected by a commit 3 were elected at a meeting held stop-watch, »6 in stamps and *2 30 Walter Fox and Herman Towne, Ronald Jensen and Richard Diven. was In play at the Campbell home, tee of breeders In an effort to March 28 in Mrs McKinney's room. in cash. The thieve« jimmied the and second high to Mrs. A. M. in original oratory; Donna Oheld- following dinner at the country make high quality registered bulls The officers are Letha Sager, pres lock on the basement door and Robb and Frank Perko. Travel elln and Jim White, impromptu club. High score for the even available to small breeders and ident; Donna Mae Focht, vice pres the door to the principal's office. ing prizes went to Bill Morrison speaking; Yoko Okano, panel d!s-| ing was held by George Mitchell and Mm. Hubert Peirsol. Ten cussion and extempore speaking, I and second high by Ron Campbell. commercial dairymen and to give ident; Karren Fife, secretary: tables were in play during the and Donna Oarner, radio shaking. | them a chance to buy at their own Phyllis Jean Fox, treasurer, and Returns From San Francisco— Cleta Belle Wernick, reporter Mrs. Frank Morgan returned evening. Refreshments were ser A Pacific university at Forest Memorial Gifts Made— prices, sponsors said. The meadowlark was chosen as home by plane Monday evening af ved by Mrs. Joe Bellon and her Orove the fallowing students will The Malheur Memorial Hospital participate in the Journalism con-j Auxiliary has announced the ack ter a visit with her sister. Miss committee. Youth Graduates— the troop crest. test: Jim Rlgney. feature story; I nowledgement of the memorial Jeanette Calkins of San Francisco. Michael C Zamora. Jr. has Cliff Coleman, sports story; Hmna gifts made at the recent services V CLUB TO M&ET completed his watchmaking course Chosen Festival Princess— The next meeting of the V club Trabert, news story; Joanne Math-| for Robert Browne. These funds at the University of Missouri at, Donna Trabert was elected as Visitors From Canada— Kansas City. He and hia wife are princess at a meeting of the Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Al Leonard of will be held at the home of Mrs. eny, editorial, and Carole Flinders. I will be used for some needed Item visiting at the home of his par high school student body April 1 Three Hills, Alberta, Canada, are Frank Cahill Thursday, April 14 afwech reporting. The students in the hospital. Which will be ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zamora to represent Nyssa at the Payette visiting (|»is week at the K. I. Pet at 2 p. m Roll call will be ans were accompanied by Harold placed as a memorial to Robert wered by spring gardening hints. Reedy, adviser. I Browne. of Neweyy Heights. • Blossom festival to be held soon. erson home in Adrian. Veterans Hall Opening Is Held Further Feeder League Baseball Days Plans Given Schedule Drawn Bulldog's Retain Winning Stride