Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1949)
Classified Advertising THE NYSSA G ATE CITY JO U R N AL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRII- 14. 1949 PAGE THREE house, garage, chicken house, s m a ll ' libera! commission and guarantee.1 narrt Eastman, phone <M. Nyssa. ceased friends of school days. Mr. ami barn, lot ISO x 150. » 5 3 5 0 , »1700 Phone 125-W. 7A2XC I 3At,c- , N O TIC E O F F IN A L ACCOUNT Mrs Hugh Oliver. Sunday, loan. ranch I N S U R A N C E — f\>r 100 % ser-l N O TIC E IS H EREBY G IV EN ' Mr. and Mrs Conley Wilson vis W A N T E D — Experienced POR SALE— Business building, E. L. J a m i-1 that the undersigned. Leah S. ited last Sunday at the home of vice on insurance, miles _____ _________________ hand. Albert Pfeiler, 5 Main street location, lot size 26x116 13Jtfc' Curran, administratrix of the estate Mr. Wilson's sister, Mrs. G eorge son. FOR SALE—One acre with five- j southwest o f Nyssa on Enterprise | o f Dayton Hiram Curran, deceased. Miller, and family, room brick house and outbuildings, | Avenue. 7A2xp M ISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car has filed her Final Account as Mr. and Mrs. H. P. G arrett of ntnm odem . 3 * miles south we®t, | WANTED —Farm implement mech- and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- said administratrix ill the County Payette. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. T a n - neinan's. 250tfc Court of Malheur County, Oregon, »er, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Horn R A T E : T w o cents per word fc r each issue. Minimum, cash ir Three bedroom home on P a rk 1 anic- B and M «m iprnent com- and that said Court has appointed' were Friday guests at the Garold avenue, modern except heat, half pany' 3*mtfc I N S U R A N C E — For your in Tuesday, the 26th day of April, Horn home. advance, is 30c. basement, good construction, at W A N T E D — T o Duy anything in surance needs—E. L. Jamison. 100 1949, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore- Mrs. Henry Horn is taxproving 13Jtfc noon of said day, for the hearing | nicely from her illness, tractive. »5,500. beef or veal. Also custom killed % service. Apartment house with two large and delivered Ui Polar Cold Stor of objections to said Final Account 5 Professor H. A. Flnkebiner o f the apartments on ground floor, extra age. Phone 31-M Oi 011-31. 12Ftfc. LEG AL A D V ERTISING and the settlement thereof. Nazarene college is holding pre- ries, grapes, fruK and shade trees, large room upstairs, three-room For Sale NOW, THEREFORE, all persons1 Easter services ait the community NOTICE OF A N N C A L ELECTION ________ dwarf P ® " aad apple trees, also apartment in basement, $6,800. interested in the estate o f Dayton church until Easter. He draws a For Rent OF FO R SA LE — 1938 Chevrolet sedan BUrk Bros’ representative. Lewis; NYSSA INSURANCE AG E N C Y Hiram Curran, deceased, are noti- picture each night and gives it to 31mtlcl Ralph G. Lawrence. Agent NYSSA R O AD with accordian fenders. Herriman ' Nursery. ASSESSM ENT f i e i j auu and required to appear at; at: someone. The public is invited to I w FO R R E N T —Eight-foot refriger Nyssa, Oregon < M otor Co. 14&1XC D IS T R IC T NO. 2. IN M A L H E U R , the County Court Room in the attend. ator, »5 a month. Phone 72R. FOR SALE—Used washing machln- Caldwell o f M cCall. C O U N T Y OREGON I Court House at Vale. MaUieur Kenneth 14a2xp FO R SA LE —Factory-built fabric aU kmds o f makes. Machines R a n c h e s , FARM S a n d h o m e s Notice is'h ereb y given that the County, Oregon, at said time, to Idaho is vteittng at the home ol FOR SALE cab for jeep, used, excellent con-1 are guaranteed for six months, ____ , electlon * the N _ Road . then and there show cause, if any his uncle, Conley Wilson. 1003 acre stock ranch, will carry P O R I ^ - T V o ^ r o o m house. annual dition, »25 complete. G. E. B righ t,1 from »23 to »40. 482 No. there be. why said Account should Mrs. Martha Norland's youngest Located at 600 Adrian. • 14a2xp I sixth street, phone 182-R. 24m4xo 150 head year round. 3-toedroom partly furnished. Assessment District No. 2 o f a not be settled, allowed and ap-1 daughter, Mrs. Gene Stephen-, home, 2-room cottage, 2 large bams N. Third street. W rite Mrs. Frank Director for said District for a proved and said estate distributed; -tave birth to a son Thursday. The 7aifc FOR SA LE — 1947 International M|P O R S A L E — Mastenbuilt house and many other good buildings. Olson, route 2, Parma. term of three (3> years, commenc and said administratrix discharged. baby weighing 7 pounds. 10 ounce tractor, phone 028J5, Ontario. ! trailer- ran be at the Signal Spring water piped to house and FOR R E N T —5 room modern home ing the first Monday of July, 1949, Dated and first 'published March was born at the Ontario hospital. 14a4xp service station. B ill Lemon, West buildings. This is an excellent for sale. Pay fo r it just like rent will be held at the City Hall in 24, 1949. Date of lost publication, Mrs. Buckanan o f Nampa was a ern Stores. 24m tfc stock set-up -fo r $21,000. the City of Nyssa, County of April 21, 1949. On sewer and paved street, de Wednesday visitor at Mi's. M artha TOR SALE— 1939 Chevrolet, four- 80 acres of real good land, all Malheur, State of Oregon, on the sirable location. G rigg Bros, and LEAH S. CURRAN Norland's home. loor, new tires and battery, actual FO R SA LE —Bliss Triumph seed planted to beets, grain and other 7atfc 19th day cf April, 1949 T o e polls - Administratrix of the Estate of Mrs. Schultz was a Tuesday vis nileage 40,000, C. C. Cotton, 4th potatoes from blue tag; also will crops. Small home. Price lo r farm Butler. shall be opened at 9 o'clock in the itor at Mis. Martha Norland's ind King. 14alxc trade fo r similar netted gem seed $16,300, small cost to be added for FO R R E N T —Cabins at Riverside morning and shall be kept qpen Dayton Hiram Cm ian. Deceased Harold Henigson home. from certified stock or w ill put out craps. cabin camp, phone 68-W. 7A3xp until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of Attorney for Administratrix ?O RSALE—Lots 12, 11, 10 and 6 one fo r two. Phone Ontario 897J Jack W. Yard o f theGates Rub 20 acres with good small home, said day, when the same shall be t. or- lot 9 in Teutsch's addition or contact L. J. Josephson and ber company, Boise, was an over F O R R E N T — Three-room house, closed. fruit and berries, »5,000. 24mtfc >n 6 th street between Ehrgood and son, Payette, Idaho. night guest at the Forrest Reed 20 acres, 6-roam house with bath. garage, electric h ’ "water heater Dated this 29th day of March, LO C A L MEN ATTEND £mison ave. Bruce Pett, mile east home. This is a good home and the and range on Locust avenue. L. P. 1949. FO R SALE—Three-bedroom base PO RTLAND MEETING >f Nyssa at silo. 14alxp Little Carren M cllvun was a Thomas or Eastman Realty. 31mtfc D ALE G A R R IS O N ment house, electric water system, land is the best, only $9,500. l-Hiest of Mr. and Mrs. Reed from 80 acres, 4-room house, good Chairman of the Board of Directors ■'OR S A LE —Two-bed room modern new electric water heater, bath FOR R E N T — Electric hand sanding BUENA V IS T A , April 14— Mr. and1 Monday until Thursday. Nyssa Road Assessment District lome, small basement, furnace and built-ins. One acre on high garage. A farm of this kind would machine, excellent for light sanding -Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. James Tuning of No. 2. Mall make a nice dairy set-up, $10,500. work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance. 50 leat, lot 100 by 120 feet, »5000, way a t good intersection. Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary and Roswell were visitors Sunday at 1 acre with large home, only C A L L FO R BIDS /1th easy terms. 222 Ennis. Mod- and Nyssa school ibus a t door, North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc Mrs. La V ein Cleaver were in On the Clarence Fritte home. $5,100. N O TIC E IS H E R EB Y G IV E N , t ii home, one acre, large chicken $1500 down and »30 a month on C liff Mcllvun and Mrs. C. C. Cafe and confectionary in Ad ri F O R R E N T — Polish your own That bids w ill toe received by the tario and Fiuitland Wednesday. louse, good well, Alberta avenue, balance, price only $3000, phone At Fruitland they attended the Meltvelt and daughter, Madalene, an. New’ building with living quart undersigned until the hour of 8:00 floors. Rent our high-speed pol 31m4xp 5500. Ralh G. Lawrence, Nyssa 010J4. Nyssa-Fruitland high school base were luncheon guests o f Mr. and ers, a bargain at $9,000. ishing equlpmenv. Easily handled o’clock p. m. on the 2nd day of insurance agency. 7atfc ball game. Alvin Cleaver is one Mrs. Forrest Reed. FOR SALE— Let us measure your Very good home, 5 rooms, $6,200 May. 1949, at which tim e they by women. Nyssa Lumber company. K>R S A LE — 1939 Pontiac coupe, Julia May Reed, Judy Fox, 1 acre ground with new business 3Atfc. will be publicly opened -by the of tlie pihhers on the Nyssa team. ren Molnlvun and Robert Reed ery clean, Radio, heater and windows for Venetian ollnds. No Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carter and charge for this service or estimates. building and new home at Owyhee School District Board of School potlight, $800, inquire Miner's held a picnic dinner Thursday. Obtainable In one week. Assorteu corners, $10,000. District No. 01. Malheur County, fam ily o f Pocatello spent several J Mrs. larber shop. 7a2xc Henry Horn expressed days the -past week at the James colors In steel or aluminum slats. Small home, yard all fenced, for Oregon, at the school house In FO R RENT -Mrs. Carter thanks to her friends and neigh Adrian, Oregon, for the sale of Stephen, Jr. home. O R SA LE —Used piano, $100. 536 Nyssa Furniture company, phone a quick sale, only $4,000. bors for their thoughtfulness dur 20Mtfc. Floor 3 nice rooms very attractively I. 7th street, or ibox 257. 7a2xp 149-W. the school house site described a.-, is n form er school mate of Mrs. ing her illness. Slip is feeling Stephen. arranged, only $3,500. follows: Sander Alva Goodell left Sunday morn much better now. O R SA LE —Ford Fordor sedan FO R S A L E —Baby chicks. Now is Small home in Adrian, $3,675. Beginning at the Northwest 'itli heater, radio, seat covers, fog the time to order Thompson's New large home, this must be corner of Section 12. Township ing with a group of men for Salem Reasonable mips, outside visor. The kid who Chek-R-Ohlx for delivery every sold soon, $5,500. 21 South, Range 46 E. W. M. and Portland where they will meet Former Nyssa Woman Passes— Wednesday and Saturday. For Word has been received here of •aded us this car said it had a 5 nice rooms, automatic oil heat and running thence East 16 rods; with state highway officials M 011 - the death of M rs . Lena Gernsey well pickup after dark. Not a breeds and prices write. Thom p Selling this one furnished, quick thence South 30 rods; thence doy and Tuesday. son's Ontario hatchery, box 578, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram at of Romoiia, California on March ood buy for a married man. Her' possesion, $7,500. west 16 rods; thence North 30 17ftfc m an Motor Co. 14alxc Ontario, Oregon. E. L. JAM ISO N rods to the point of beginning, tended Leon Bailey's sale Thursday. 19. Mrs. Gernsey is the mother Mis. Glen Hoffman entertained of Mrs. Walter Thompson o f R o- Real Estate and Insurance containing 3 acres. O R SALE — Four foot G. E. re- FO R SALE —O r rent, trailer house. Nyssa, Oregon Also, the following described the Home Economics olub at her mona. Both Mrs. Thompson and K. E. Collins, box 500, Nyssa, tele igerator, $45; 9 ‘ i foot Cold Spot home Thursday afternoon witli 12 Mrs. Gernsey are form er residents personal property: 17m tfc. ■frigeratoi', $149. Ideal Gas and phone 177-J. FOR SALE — Five-room modern school I mpmt>ers Bnd Mrs. Grover Cooper, of Nyssa. The Kingman Kolony ppliance. 7A2xc FOR SALE—Philco Table Model, home with two bedrooms and util house located on the above describe a guest, present. M r. and Mrs. Howard Day and Visit i n Nampa— ity room, on good paved street ed real property and being a one- OR SALE— Cocker Spanial pup- battery radio. See Bob Thompson. with cunbing, lawns and sewer, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L ile vis 27 j tic story frame building approximate daughter, Mr. and 'Mrs. Delbert es, female $10, male $15. Elmer $1000 down, easy terms. ST U N Z LU M B ER C O M PA N Y ly 28 x 68. two rooms, kitchen and Cleaver and Gary, and Mr. and ited over the week-end witli rela usman, 1 mile west of Adrian. FOR SALE— Unpainted cabinets Twenty acres, good row crop library, enclosed porch 10 x 48, Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and children tives in Nampa. 7A2xp and chests o l drawers. Cabinets land, soft well water, 3-bedroom and covered basement entrance were Sunday dinner guests at the MISCELLANEOUS 6 x 12; two outbuildings; said Lester Cleaver home. DR SALE— Farm equipment, John are in section and can be bought modern home, close to Nyssa, Visit In Apple Valley— Alva Goodell purchased a new Nyssa $5000 down, easy terms. N O TIC E —N o stock allowed on the school house contains six windows eere tractor B, hang-on plow, cul- complete or In sections. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge N. Bear co-op tractor. Lumber company, phone 118-W. Forty acres, good row crop and described property, E. H N. W. 14, 38 x 88, ten windows 28 x64, four vator, lifter, miscellaneous items, visited d ia rie s Fox o f Apple Valley lSDtfc dairy ranch, 3-room home with Section 17, Township 21, Range 46. Mrs. Lucille Gossard left last windows 34 x 44, twenty-one doors, 'ill consider trading for late Friday evening. week after spending several days at odel truck. 30 N ew Hamp- FOR SALE—Russet eating pota pressure system, small dairy barn, A ll stock found on sand property cabinets, shelving, Sunbeam fu r the home of her sister, Mrs. Ed will be impounded and charged for close to Nyssa, $7500, terms can nace in good condition, Crane Co. Boise Visitors— ure Red pullets, seven months old, toes, bring your own sack. L. J. according to law. E. F. Rookstool, Stoker with automatic controls, ward T opliff. Mr. and Mrs. Jack M cKee and 39 Buick, five passenger coupe, Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, be arranged. Several from this community at R 1. 7a4xp Four-room m odem home, re Low Co. blower. Crane deep well •1 condition, good rubber, radio phone 392-J. T erry visited over the week-end 17mtfc cently decorated inside, in good tended the funeral of Edwin Kurtz pump and pressure system. id heater. Nathan Roth, com er with Mrs. M cKee's parents, Mr. M ISCELLAN EO U S — Custom plow Also one school building at the in Nyssa Sunday. He lost Ills life and Mrs. Charles McConnell of Clark and Columbia avenue. FOR SA LE —2 bedroom house, new, condition, $4000. ing, phone 09R11. Edward Sharp. at Okinawa. New two-bedroom modern home, Adrian School site being one-story Boise. < , 4 7A2xp very modern with furnace. A11 7a3xp Mr. mid Mrs. Alva Goodell and brick veneer 45 x 25, one large large rooms. 5th St., Just north oil furnace, garage, $8250, $2800 Mrs. W illis Bertram were in On O R S A L E —Dodge 1946 pickup, of p ark Ave jgOOO. F. H. A. flna- down. M ISC E LLAN E O U S — W e s e l l o r room, hallway, library, cloakroom, tario Friday. We have one city block for sale, trade pianos. jtor completely overhauled. A anced. Shown by appointment W e sell Baldwin very good maple floor, six steel Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, can be sold as lot unit or the pianos exclusively. K K car, you can haul Kids, only. Griggs Bros, sash windows 41 x 86, four steel Ideally located, and Butler, Bybee -building 27Jtic sash windows 26 x 67, six doors, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Mr. >al or Kattle. Herriman Motor F O R SALE—New home. 2 bed complete block. and Mrrs. Lester Cleaver ate din i. 14alxc rooms, fully modem, in good lo 1/3 down. large coal heater. ner at the Jim Savage home Optometrist The best business proposition in M ISCE LLAN E O U S — Personalized AU sales shall toe fo r cash, 10% cation. FH A approved, *2,750 Sunday evening. Later Howard Day; >R SA LE — White rose, and Bliss down, balance easy payments Nyssa fo r sale, it is a m oney stationery. Name stamped in gold of the price bidden to accompany and the Cleaver torothhers launch-! umph seed potatoes, grown from Eyes Examined FOR SALE—80 acres $16,000. Terms maker, an apartment goes with or silver. Nyssa Gate City Journal, the bid; bids on the real property, ed their new boat on the Snake le tag seed. Magnus Ekanger, Rt. 24mtfc Kingman Kolony school house and very good land. Basement house. the deal, for -particulars see M el •printers and stationers. river. Nyssa, Sunset Valley. 7A4xp Beck. contents, Adrian school building Phone 720 4 mile N. W. For your insurance needs con M IS C E LL A N E O U S Available now, and contents, shall be made sep >R SALE!—Strawberries, rasptoer- FOR SALE—One bedroom modem tact Mel Beck at G rigg Bros, and Electrolux cleaners and air puri arately; real property will be sold PROFESSOR H O LD ING 718 Arthur St. fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. as one unit; Kingman Kolony Butler. EASTER SERVICES Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, school house and contents wiU be Good dependable service. Caldwell, Idaho ----------- I phone 087-J4. 17mtfc, sold as one unit; Adrian school G R IG G BROS. AN D B U T LE R APPLE V A L L E Y . April 14 -M r. and Bybee Building Phone 179-J building and contents will be sold Dead animals picked up free. Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell entertained! ' M el Beck, O ffic e Manager For prompt service call collect. as one unit. School Board reserves the right 53 F O R SALE —Have farms and homes Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. to determine which shall be the 25 for sale. Need more, list with Ken Parma—Parma Seed Co. best bid without regard to which Renstrom Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. Nyssa—(Main plant 100 shall be the highest told and the Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. right to reject any and all bids. FOR SALE Purchaser o f Adrian school build New two-bedroom home, utility M IS C E L L A N E O U S -W e have mod roam, hardwood floors, gas furnace ern Foley machines for filing saws ing unit is required to remove the and hot -water tank, garage. C or and sharpening lawn mowers. Also same from premises toy June 1, ner lot, close to school, priced for scissor grinding. Patterson saw 1949. Purchaser of real property LODGES PHYSICIANS CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS quick sale $7350.00. F. H. A . terms. shop, 300 block No. 1st street. shall purchase subject to the right 24m tfc of purchaser of Kingm an Kolony Very good two-room house with school house unit to remove the Nyssa Post No. 79 bath, close to factory, 50 x 60 lot, W IN D O W AND DOOR FRAMES SARAZIN CLINIC priced fo r quick sale at*2600. Some M ISCELLAN EO U S— I wUl not be same within a reasonable time American Legion responsible fo r depts contracted by thereafter. Dr. J. J. Sarazln terms if needed. SCREEN D O O R S , Further information may toe ob- Acreage with large, new modern anyone other than mystff. Klaus Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. Kerby T e risen. 7a3xc tainel from the undersigned at Phone 118J Free Estimates home, double garage, full basement, Veteran’s Hall — 8 P. M. Dr. L. W. Scott close In, some terms, Immediate M IS C E LLAN E O U S—Make use ol Adrian, Oregon. First Published, April 7, 1949 Surgeons All Veterans Welcome possession. your old clothes and rags. Cut Last Published, April 14, 1949 Several good dwelling lots, well them in strips and bring them te R A Y M O N D H. H O L L Y located. Gate City Lodge me to weave into useful and attrac L. A. Maulding, M. D. Clerk, School District No. 61 1 3/4 acres w ith modern two- tive rugs. Mrs. Roger Orris, phone Physician and Surgeon No. 214 M alheur County, Oregon bedroom house, chicken house for 04J13. 7a3xp Pnone 37 500 chickens, on paved highway, I.O.O.F. Hours; 10 to 17 and 2 to 5 short distance to school, one mile M ISCELLAN EO U S — F i r e exting IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F Meets every Monday Daily except Saturday and T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N FO R from store, »7000, uishers, automatic bombs protect Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 TH E C O U N TY O F M ALHEUR night, 8:30. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario h igh your home, your business, truck* In the M atter o f the Estate of way. n e w to P olar Gold storage. or new car and may be a life ’s sav South First Street William L. Fretwell, Deceased C. J. Kopp, M. D. About 3 acres, unimproved, edge ings. Nyssa Fire Protection, 640 Notice to Creditors of town on Adrian highway, good North 4th street, Claud Willson, Surgeon N O T IC E IS H E R EB Y G IV E N DENTISTS soil. AH or any part. manager, phone 128J. 3mtfc that the undersigned, Boyce Van Fry Building Main street. Office hours M ISCELLANEO US— Y o u r sewing de Water, has been appointed Ad B ER N AR D E ASTM AN DR. C. M. TYLER 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Insurance Real Estate machine converted to modem elec ministrator with the W ill annexed Daily except Saturday and Wilson Building tric, use your stand, $26.50. New of the estate at W illiam L. Fret- Phone 64 Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 portable catonet, $38.50. New table well, deceased, by the County Court Phone 1C5-J, Nyssa FOR S A LE —One large size oil model »76.50, all complete with sew of Malheur County, Oregon and Office hours from 9 to 5 except je w e lr y stores burning heating stove; one heavy light. Oenulne Wiss pinking has qualified as such. Saturdays. 9 to 12. NOW, TH EREFO RE, all persons duty horse and cattle trailer; one shears. "Famous" buttonhole at lightweight utility trailer; ene tachment. Supplies for all ma having claims against the estate J. R. CUNDALL PAULUS 550-gallon gasoUne or fuel tank. chines, and o f course—Repairing at W illiam L. FVetwell, deceased, Leo Fife, welding and repairing, that will tickle you—" I dood it” . are hereby notified and required Dentist JEWELRY STORE phone 016J1. 13Jtfc J. "L e te " Sacked. Ontario, Oregon. to present the same, with proper Union Pacific Time Inspector Phone 50-J 17ftfc vouchers, duly verified, within six JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS Sarazln Clinic FOR S A LE — T ile wall coverings, (6) months from the date o f this W ATCHES N YS SA OREGON chrome table and sink edgings, I N S U R A N C E — Insure with E. Notice, to the undersigned, Boyce Main Street a . 8econd waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur L. Jem lean. 100% service, l3Jtfc Van de W ater, at the taw office of niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. M ISCELLAN EO U S—Oeneral truck Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, OPTOMETRISTS WYCKOFF ing. John Barnett and Kenneth which place the undersigned selects WANTED Reece, phone 123-R. U tfc. as his place o f business in all Liberal trade-in allowance for JEWELRY STORE DR. J. A. M CFALL matters connected with said estate. Official Tim e In s p e c t» ter W A N T E D —Salesman for applianc M ISCELLAN EO U S— Prompt and your present tires Dated and first published March Union Pacific DR. JOHN EASLY es. Leads furnished, car necessary, free pick-up or your dead, crippled 1 1, 1949. O N TA R IO OREGON or sick livestock. Can* received be Last Publication April 14, 1949 CUSTOM SLA UG H TE R IN G fore 9 o'clock are picked up by B O YC E V A N DE W A TE R Stock received Monday, Tuesday. noon. E fficient driver» Call col VETERINARIANS Administrator of the Estate of Wednesday and Thursday. 8 a m. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 156, or Nys- O W Y H E E TRUCK A N D to • p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. se 102-W laano Animal Product* W illiam L. Fretwell, Deceased, with the WUl Annexed, No stock received on Sunday. DR. HAL D. WHITE Company. 6Jtfc. m T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery Veterinarian T H E S T A T E O P OREGON FOR M ISCE LLAN E O U S— Need money» to Polar locker plant. T H E C O U N T Y O P M ALH E U R Phone 21, Ontario, Ore One mile west on Alberta avenue Loans on farms tor refinancing, Phone Nyssa 275-W building. Improvements, b u y i n g . In the m atter o f the Estate of Phone 05R1 Long term, low Interest, see Ber- D A Y T O N H IR A M C U R RAN, De- JAKE FISCHER DR. G. W. GRAVES Professional and Business Directory Qstrom (Jabinet Shop P'^vsician an d Everything a P hysician and tire can do.. does better! SUPER#GUSHION by GO O DYEAR