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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 the silver medal award of The A- merican Jersey Cattle club, with: headquarters in Columbus. Highland Scotty Lass' record was COLUMBUS, O . March 28. 1949- made on 305-day actual product- j Hope and Oharley Grider of Nyssa ion at the age of one year and 10 j are owners oi the registered Jersey i months. All her tests were vert- j cow, Highland Scotty Lass, which' fled by both Oregon State college has completed a production record1 and the American Jersey Cattle of 8,120 pounds milk and 443 club. In compiling this record the pounds butterfat to qualify her for cow produced more 'than two times GRIDERS OW N HIGH PRODUCING JERSEY as much butterfat as the average dairy cow in the United States. PAGE THREE Visits Parents— James Cook of Boise spent the week-end at the home of his par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook of j Nyssa. will sing the anthem: "Blessed fs prayer. The group will share tin . He Who Cometh" by Gounod. Mrs. personal habits and techniques o: Alice Nishitani will sing "The prayer. Palms", Small children may be Thursday evening during H. Receive News Of G randson— left in the nursery while parents week there will be a candleli? Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell re communion service in the *chur.: attend the ohuroh service. CLUB HAS blNNER ceived word of the arrival of a 7 . m., Youth Fellowship. Leader, | in commemoration of the m eet.a, NEW S OF RECORD grandson last Sunday. The new- The Wednesday evening Mr. and I ____________________ _____ Cora Belle Coleman. Subject: I of Jesus with his disciples In the baby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. club was entertained last week MARRIAGE LICENSES "Quiet Times During Holy Week."| upper room in the last supper to Herbert Smith of Corvallis. Mr. Jt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Keith C. Gaines and Ethel May 8 p. m., evening service, study of gether. and Mrs. Boydell will leave this week-end for a visit at Corvallis. I Ulmer. The group enjoyed a pot- Lankford, both of Nyssa. Ben A. Hieter and Dorothy M. ] luck dinner, followed by three Bowman, both of Nyssa. tables of bridge. High score was COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT held by Warren Parmer, and sec- Jay's Texaco station vs. Henry Lodgson, recovery on account, | and high toy Mrs. Giea Billings. *78147. -§ - Mary Haines vs. Wilbur Haines, STARS HAVE INITIATION divorce. Special initiation services were Robert C. Gross vs. Willowcreek held Monday evening by the East store, recovery on account, $318 36. ern Star for Mrs. Finley Shuster, PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morrison, and Estate of Clarence W. Barrett, affiliate membership for Miss deceased. Katherine Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Estate of W. T. Cannon, deceas .March of Boise were guests for the ed. evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Ed Estate of W. R. Jewell, de Frost, Mrs. A1 Chadwick, and Mrs. ceased. Jesse Rigne.v. Arrangements of daffodils and candles in blue hold ers were used on the tables. burial 'Antes Gas and Oil THE SALLEE BROTHERS 24 HOUR SERVICE "C u b e ” and G e o rge •at the Shell Station Are T o Be Commended - § UPON THE COMPLETION OF THEIR NEW Food Mart W HICH THEY ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED IN 1938 Their new venture is justified by the rapid growth and import ance of the community in which they decided to locate. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED Mr. and iMrs. Owen Gann were honored at a dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Findley of Vale. The occasion mark ed the 31st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gann. Besides the honor guests, the guests included, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney, Dan Norland and Joye Gann. STINZ LIMBER CO. * V 1 ' v FXÍÍÍ v Í Í S Í Í - W We Are Happy To Have Been In Charge Of Construction Of The New F o o d M a rt W ith their keen business judgm ent, their new building and their new location we know that A. C. and George S allee will be suc cessful in their new venture. HELDT B R O T H E R S GENERAL CONTRACTORS Nyssa, Oregon MMW For The Month Of April Church Notes - 6, 7 and 8 foot Tandem and O ffset H eavy Duty Discs ALSO \ Cultipacker Wings RUTH BYBEE IS NEW R. S. PRESIDENT Mrs. Ruth Bybee was sustained as the new Relief society president MISSIONARY BAPTIST C H I’l t t 11 Elder H. F. Gage oi the Nyssa second L. D. S. ward Missionary Pastor Sunday evening, March 27. to re Sunday school. 10 a. m. place Mrs. Ann Beus, who will soon Morning service, 11 a. m. move to Sunset valley. She chose Young people’s service, 7 p. m as her councilors, Mrs. John Shenk Preaching service, 8 p. m. and Mrs. Glenn Peterson, with Mrs. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. m. Joyce Turner as secretary and treasurer. — ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rot-tur Nyssa Couples Report Births— Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. The following births to Nyssa Morning prayer at 9 a.")n. couples were reported at the Holy Holy communion on first Sunday Rosary hospital in Ontario: April 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith of the month. To contact minister call 409-J Herring, twin daughters; April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lawrence, Ontario for appointment. a boy; April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Henry Zdbell, a boy: and April 5, Sterl D. Splesz, Pastor to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gra Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes ham, a girl. for all ages. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Baker Visitors Here— Evanglistic meeting 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jackson of Junior church, 7 p. m. Baker visited over the week-end Tuesday, Bible and prayer meet at the home of Mrs. Mary Lyells. They were en route 'to San Diego. ing 8 p. m. Friday, Youiyj People's meeting, 8 p. m. Here From Montana— Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Peterson of FAITH • HTHERAN CHURCH Scoby, Montana, visited over the Regular Sunday school, 2 p. m. week-end at the home of Dr. and Church services, 3 p. m. Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and with Mrs. Sermon subject will be “The Claire Peterson and children who Keys of Holy Communion” by are visiting at the Sarazin home. Pastor Elmore Carlson of Nampa. Holy communion will be held at BUILDING PERM ITS Notification Thomas B. Evans, construction, the church service. King avenue, lot I, block 7, Teutsch of the pastor of those partaking addition, $8400, 25 by 31, masonary. in communion is not necessary. C. K. Otsoi:, construction of three SUNSET VALLEY houses, King avenue, block 1, Mor ASSEMBLY OF GOD gan addition, $7000 each, frame, Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor 24 x 30, 24 by 32 and 26 by 30. Sunday school, 10 a. m. J. R. Cornell, construction. 598 Worship services, 11 a. m. Third street, lot 14, 'block 37, Park Young People, 7 p. m. addition, $500, 16 by 24, frame. Rev. Virgil Krause, leader. Owen Gann, alteration, sixth Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. street, lot 14, block 39. Park addit We welcome and urge you to a t ion. $1000, 20 by 24, frame. W. P. Hendricks, construction, tend these services. garage. Second street, lot 4, block 72, Green addition, $300, 14 by 20. 1IIE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH John Lane, construction, Reece Donald S. Campbell, Minister avenue, lot 10. block 14, Teueach ad 9:45 a. m„ dhurch school. dition. $5000, 24 by 26, frame. 11 a. m., morning worship. Palm Julio Figueroa, alteration, East Third street, lot 11, block 143, Sunday. Subject: “The Olory of Personal Commitment.” The choir Ward addition, $900, 20 by 10. We Congratulate A. C. AND GEORGE SALLEE Upon the Com pletion of Their New POOD MART BUILDING at Third street and Bower avenue. to the city of Nyssa IKED BRAUN Phone 270-W PILLSBURY’S BEST FEEDS in this community Pillsbury’s best feeds proved them selves the leaders in every way. W hen you try them, we’re sure you’ll agree, too, that Pillsbury’s feeds are best. Come in and get acquainted. W e are sure w e can give you the kind of service you have a right to expect. Also grain, alfalfa, pasture seed and rolling feed. Nyssa Flour Mill Phone 163-J S ee / - The New Oliver MOUNTED BEET DRILL AND SIDE DRESSER Nyssa Implement Co. The House of Oliver City Clean-up W eek April 18-25 We Extend Congratulations To The Owners O f The New Their new building and butinens are a credit ÜM.E W e Are Pleased To A n nounce that w e are now the Exclusive Distributors of CHURCH OF CHRIST Don R. Maxfield, Pastor 10 a. m., church school hour. Classes for you. 11 a. m„ morning worship and Lord's supper. 6:30 p. m.. Senior Endeavor. 7 . m., Junior Endeavor. 8 p. m„ Evening worship and gospel singing. Wednesday, 8 p. m„ Fellowship of the concerned. All future services will be in the church at 5th and Ennis. Or As Long As They Last 25 Per Cent Discount On All D iscs Phone 113 for prompt, courteous service SEWING CLUB .MEETS The members of the Wednesday CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street afternoon sewing club were guests Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor last week of Mrs. Bert Lienkaem- Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. per. Refreshments were served at Catechism classes for grade the close of the afternoon. -§ - , school children every Saturday »: 10 a. m. i t I STUDY CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne en Sunset Valley tertained the members of the St. Community Hall Thomas study club ait their home A. R. Herring, Pastor ^ Monday evening. A social hour and Sunday school. 10 a. m. refreshments followed the study Morning worship, 11 a. m. period. You are welcome. PLUM BING AND HEATING Food Mart "C u b e ” A n d G e o rg e S a lle e upon the establishm ent of their business in their own new building at Third street and Bower avenue. Their new establishm ent is a credit to the business section of Nyssa. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.