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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
page two Sallee Bros. W ill Open N ew Store Saturday, A p r. 9 Attend Conference— Mrs. Donald Campbell. Mrs. W. W Foster, Mrs. R. M. Oochrun. Mrs. Walter McPartland and Mrs. O. O. Anderson attended a con ference of the western district of he women's society of the Meth odist church in Caldwell Tuesday. The outstanding speaker of the day was Rev. Shaver, who recently re turned from missionary work in Japan. The Sallee brothers, A. C. and George, will hold the formal op ening of their new grocery store, The New Food Mart, at "Hurd street and Bower avenue Saturday, April 9. The brothers, who operated their' store In the Atkeson building on I Main street for several years, have | been in business here since 1938 Twelve basket* of groceries will be given away during the day. Drawings will be held at 11-2 and 5 o ’clock. Winners must be prs- ent to win the prizes. Coffee and pancake» will be served during the morning and ice cream and anglefood cake during the after noon. The new grocery building. 40 by 50 feet, is equipped with the most modern equipment. MARKETING ORDER CHANGES OFFERED Bam Hartley of Nyssa. a com mittee member, was among those attending a meeting of the Idaho potato administrative committee in Pocaello Marcli 26. The purpose of the meeting was :o submit to the secretary of agri culture proposed changes in the now current marketing order No. 57, which is In effect in the Idaho counties und Malheur county, Ore gon. Numerous changes were de cided upon and are now being writ ten for presentation to the sac- rrtary of agriculture. They deal principally with the problems being etu'ountered in prohibiting the shipment of undersize potatoes outside the area comprising the state of Idaho and Malheur coun ty. They further recommended that a referendum vote be conduct ed in the near future toy the de partment of agriculture in order that the whole potato industry, in cluding the growers and Handlers, might have an opportunity to ap prove or disapprove the recom mendations. Any additional information re garding the propositions can be obtained from any of the com mittee men who were present or the malinger of the committee, R. K Hart, whose address is P. O. box 344. Pocatello. Spring Concert Given At Adrian— Tlie Adrian high school music department will present it* annual spring concert In Die Adrian high school gym Friday, April 8 at 8 p. m. A normal charge will be made for admlnion. The program will consist of band, chorus and solo numbers. It will be under the direction of R. W. O'Bryan. New Arrivals At Nursing Home— Born to Mr. and Mrs Fred Lane of N y»a March 25„ a son weigh- ■»' 8 pounds, 10'« ounces and to Mr and Mrs. Randall Htathopulos of Nyssu April 1, u son weighing 7'» pounds. KUlIng Club Plan Outing— The Owyhee Riding club will meet Sunday morning at 10 o'clock gt die Fred Morton ranch for an outing, if the weather permits Each member ts asked to furnish his own provisions of bacon, eggs, potatoes and sandwiches. Attend I. 1». S. Conference— Among those attending the L. D 8 conference in Sat Lake City last week were Bishop and Mrs. Arvtl Child and Nani, Bisliop Hubert Christiansen. Mr and Mrs. John .Schenk and family, Mr and Mrs Wllford B>toee. Mr und Mrs. Bill Hens and family, Mr and Mrs Ersel Beus, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife and Betty Fife. Bishop Dean Fife, R(»ter Anderson and Mrs. Faye DuCfln and family. Salem Couple Visits— Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hammon of Salem visited till* week at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. John Long Mr. Hammon is owner o f the Ham mon stage Une from the coai* to Bend, and wns driving a new bus fnnn Ohio en route to Salem The couple hud been visiting in New York. recent week-end guests at the H. Sherwood home. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors for their assistance during our fire. Mrs. Ivan Bell SALLEE BROS. ANNOUNCE THE GRAND OPENING OF THE NEW Adrian B uilding O penin g Planned An open house party, under the auspicies of the Kingman Kolony Parent-Teoher association, will be held In the new grade school build ing in Adrian Saturday night, April 1« at 8 o'clock. Following a program, music, games and refreshments will be enjoyed. The public is invited to attend. The new school building, recently completed, has been occupied by the upits of the district. It is a large brick structure located west of the Adrian high school build ing. The structure, erected by Huling and Sons of Boise, cost approximately $81,000. The building has seven large classrooms, but two of them have not been completed. The recent consolidation With Owyhee district No. 18 will necessitate the addition of more classrooms. A full base ment Includes u kitchen and room for serving hot lunches. As soon as the school term Is concluded work of completing play grounds, ball fields and landscap ing of the grounds will be starteu. Members of the school board are L. L. Kreager, chairman; K. I. Peterson und Lull Blum. Mr. and and two sons of HermLston were R spotlight. $800, inquire Miner's them in strips and bring them to and FOR RENT—Two-bedroom house, 7a2xc me to weave into useful and attrac partly furnished. Located at 600 Barber shop. tive rugs. Mrs. Roger Orris, phone N. Third stregg. Write Mrs. Frank FOR SALE—Used piano, $100. 536 04RJ13.______________ 7a3xP Olson, route 2, Parma. 7atfc Too Late To Classify N. 7 th street, or box 257. 7a2xp FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modern MISCELLANEOUS — Custom plow FOR RENT—5 room modern home MISCELLANEOUS—I will not be| home, small basement, furnace ing. phone 09R11 Edward Sharp. for sale. Pay for it just like rent heat, lot 100 by 120 feet, $5000, responsible for depts contracted by On sewer and paved street, de 7a3xp with easy terms. 222 Ennis. M od sirable location. G rijg Bros, and anyone other than myself. Klaas ern home, one acre, large chicken 7a3xc | 7atfc Tensen. FOR SALE—Four foot G. E. re Butler. house, good well, Alberta avenue, frigerator. $46; 9 4 foot Cold Spot $5500. Ralh G. Lawrence. Nyssa FOR SALE—1939 Pontiac coupe, MISCELLANEOUS—Make use of refrigerator, $149 Ideal Gas and Insurance agency. 7atfc A ppliance. 7A2xc very clean. Radio, heater and your old clothes and rags. Cut Mrs and Mrs. D. H. Sherwood family. Here From Hermiston— FOOD MART New Location, */2 block from Main Street on North 3rd Street New, Modern Building, with ample parking space, off the Street SATURDAY, APRIL 9th » # We, the owners, take great pleasure in inviting our many friends o’clock. Winners must be present at the drawings, and customers to help us celebrate the Formal Opening of our Folgers Coffee and Pillsburys Pancakes will be sampled until New Store. Twelve (12) Baskets of Groceries will be given noon. During the afternoon Maid O Clover Ice Cream and away during the day. Drawings will be held at 11-2 and 5 Rekul Angelfood cake will be served. Chili SauceF°nk .tIy,‘ l2lu 22 c Mustard SXiop Jar 14c Porter's Macaroni Dieklow. Whole ^oset^a^ e 25 OZ. JQ/i Sweets Jar 1 Plastic rntpX. pkg. 19c Napkins pkg. 23c Campbell’s sôT" 3 c.„. 33c Green BeansS Cut t“ ° V 35c Utah Tomatoes Br.nd 15c pint 43c Mayonnaise Foods 12-oz. Jar 37c Peter Pan Peanut Butter lb. Ginger Snaps Purity 2 Bag 53c NO. 2 rL; Stokley’s Finest Whole NO. 303 22c Corn Grain CAN Elbow C u t m oz . pkg. 20c Cream N O. 303 2 0 c Corn Style CAN E gg Noodles lB«g 33c Honey No. 2 Peas 22c Pod Can Sea Shells small ,° i-LB P^9* 22c 'No. 2‘/ 2 Spinach Can 22c Salad Macaroni pkg. 22c 46 oz. Tomato Juice Can 29c ANS NO. 2 CANS LUMBERJACK Here is a pancake syrup for those who are partic ular. If you win a basket you will Ret a bottle free— but win or not you can taste it on pancakes Sat urday morning, at our opening. •SlfSiup 5 lb. Tin 79c Purchasers of Pillsburys Produets, or A -l brand, will receive a eoupon for the drawing of the silverware on display at our ■¡tore. A factory representative will serve Pillsburys Pan- rakes during the morning. Be here! P l m i l * Pillsbury’s O fT lb. A I t A U I Best Enriched ^ ^ B a g $1.98 lb. Pancake F|°ur 4 Bag 49c Globe A -l £ r l2V2 ,£47c Sno-Sheen g £ 2 % p £ 42 c 2 1/ 4 p k g . 3 9 c Buckwheat Kadota Figs can 15c Blended Juiceou 46 0 Can 1 29c South Tea Grape Juice Garden Qt. 37c Citrus Salad N )id3sc!ü"h 19c Fruit Cocktail «“'n't. Ca 3“ 22c Apple Butter K" r 28-oz. Jar 35c (A N FRUIT-VEGETABLES This fine coffee will be lemonstrated during our opening. A cup is yours for the asking. And “ all for free,” too. MU Food Cakes Ea. $1.00 If you like angel food cake yau will like Kektilj Cakes. Standby No. 1 Size Folgers Coffee Pancake Rekul fSmHrVeitcms Brown Bread s & w Can 24c O to e h T b " „ 7 mv 2 cans 19c Prune Sunsweet Qt. 29c Juice 46 oz. Pineapple Juice Can 49c Pillsbury’s Products Taste it lb. Tin 2 with ice cream, here Saturday. Coffee lb. 57c Tree Tea ? X f 8P£ 53c The same delirious ire rream we have keen selling during the past year. A free sample will be served you Saturday afternoon. Shredded W h e a t NBC p k g U c QUART 6 5C HAND PACKED Canned M ilk “ 8 $1-00 QUART 55c Cartons Kay Cheese ch'.ddX lb. 49c l-lb. I I I ___> Chocolate Hershey s SyruP 17c W e sso n O il Tin Q t. ¿5c TOWNE PRIDE can 17c ICE CREAM TOPPING IC E C R E A M M iscellaneous H ousehold KEPT FRESH BY REFRIGERATION Potatoes 2 lbs. 25c c * r n a t » ° m c O R " L i * * * * bclis. 25c Carrots 3 box 35c Tomatoes U3 Celery lb. 10c doz. 49c White Star Tuna can 47c Oranges X X Avocados uJ’* ea. 35c Mustard Sardines ,T 23c 43c lb. 23c Saltine Wafers 2 I .enions LT,. New Red T h e y 'r e n ew - d if f e r e n t H O N t Y -T O A S T iD ] / ' E , , r , ' r,,h l E »tra c r i . p l lb. Box 10:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. in. 4:30 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. ON SUNDAYS the NEW n n n M IV I A H R II T 1 r F u u u Supplies W a x Paper pkg. 25c \ r e S pk g. 25c G aines Facial Tissues DOC Meal Trend G lo-Coat FAB G lass W a x 5 73c p k g. 19c 2 qt. $1.47 2 pkgs. 45c pt. 59c Bag 8:00 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. IN N Y S S A „ SINCE IQ38 DURING THE WEEK