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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
PACE FOUR THE NYSSA CATE CITY .JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 KOLONY PUPILS MOVE TO ADRIAN KINGMAN KOLONY. April 7— Darrel Velder and Erwin White oi Spencer, Nebraska are visiting the J'(hn Thiel lamily. Darrel Veldei is a nephew oi Mrs. Thiel, ^ Wesley Piercy recently purchased a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Hopkins, Clare and Ivan Notus. Ariene Piercy and Myrna Lane w ere Sunday dinner guests of the Art Sparks family. Mr. and Mrs Lynn Hurst were Fo r Fan ter Look Good '¡’he Owyhee Beauty Shop Introduces MISS FUMI KASAHARA Of Portland, Ore. A VERY GOOD OPERATOR QUALIFIED IN ALL REALTY SERVICES PHONE 24 Everybody’s invited1. Everybody’s coming! its farmhand Bemonstiation Month at Ii & M Equipment Company NYSSA, OREGON Featuring special action displays o f the famous F A R M H A N D Hydraulic Loader and attachments, and the all- new F A R M H A N D “ 90” Wagon. D on ’t miss ’em! ...........................*1 Caldwell shoppers Thursday. Raymond Thompson was sick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashfraft were fn Bjise on business Monday. Ronald Lane made a business trip to Ontario and Payette Wed nesday. He a.tended tne Adnan- Nyssa practice baseoall game on his return. Tne leathers and pupils of the Koiuny school have moved to the .itw a-itool ouilding in Adrian. S-.tool was dismissed Friday so that equipment cou.d be moved to me new •ouildin^. Mr and Mrs. Lambert Dierking were Sunday dinner quests of me Da.e Ashtraft family. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst vis ited in Vale at the Burgess and Ji.mson homes Monday. Ardyce Hurst has been confined m her home witn the mumps tne past week. Tne 4-H Saddle club met with Junmy Connaugliy Sunday after noon, with about 20 members present. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Pollard of Boise were overnight guests at the J. G. Lane home Sunday night. Mrs. Pollard is an aunt of Mrs. Lane. Harry Matthews and son, Danny, of Roseburg and Mr. Cleaver of Homedale were Sunday dinner guests In the Lynn Hurst home. Mr. Matthews is a brother-in-law of Mr. Hurst. Justine Kreager is having the mumps, this week. Last week the Kenneth Van Meter family visaed at Che Arthur Case home. They left Thursday for Greeley. Colorado, where Mr. Van Meter will work this summer with his brother. Mrs. Van Meter is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Banta. Mr. and Mrs. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. | Day and Mr. and Mrs. Haney al- I tended the funeral of Harry Long in Nyssa Sunday afternoon. Lo’.y was killed in action on Okinawa in May, 1043. His parents, Mr. I and Mrs. W. L. Ding, live in the Kolony. Paul Clpaver has moved to the ranch fanned by John Auker the past season. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy were called to Buhl because of the ill ness of Mr. Piercy's step-father. Henry Reuter took Jesse Stoker. Bill Ray. Dan Hatt and George Elfers of the Adrian F. F. A. to Tillamook to the state convention. Bill Ray and Geoerge Elfers went as delegates. Jesse and Don tried out for the State Farmer degree. They left Wednesday morning and returned1 Sunday evening. Jesse Stoker was accepted as a State Farmer. Adrian chapter received the honor of Keystone chapter. Oil their return the boys stopped at Sandy and enjoyed smelt fish ing and a fish fry. shall be opened at 9 o'clock in the morning and shall be kept open until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when the same shall be closed. Dated this 29th day of March, 1949. DALE GARRISON Chairman of the Board of Directors Nyssa Road Assessment District No. 2. CALL FOR BID3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8:00 o ’clock p. m. on the 2nd day of May, 1949, at which time they will be publicly opened by the School District Board of School District No. 61. Malheur County, Oregon, at the school house in Adrian, Oregon, for the sale of the school house site described as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 12. Township 21 South, Range 46 E. W. M. shall be the highest bid and the and running thence East 16 rods: very good maple floor, six steel thence South 30 rods: thence sash windows 41 x 86 , four steel j right to reject any and all bids. Purchaser of Adrian school build west 16 rods: thence North 30 sash windows 26 x 57, six doors, j ing unit is required 'to remove title rods to the point of beginning, large coal neater. containing 3 acres. All sales shall be for cash, 10% same from premises toy June l, Also, the following described of the price bidden to accompany 1949. Purchaser of real property personal property: the bid: bids on the real property, shall purchase subject to the right The Kingman Kolony school Kingman Kolony school house and of purchaser of Kingman Kolony house located on the above describ contents, Adrian school building school house unit to remove the ed real property and being a one- j and contents, shall be made sep same within a reasonable time story frame building approximate arately; real property will be sold thereafter. ly 28 x 68. two rooms, kitchen and as one unit; Kingman Kolony Farther information may be ob- library, enclosed porch 10 x 48, ■ school house and contents will be tainel from the undersigned at and covered basement entrance sold as one unit: Adrian school Adrian, Oregon. 6 x 12: two outbuildings: said building and contents will be sold First Published. April 7, 1949. school house contains six windows as one unit. Last Published, April 14, 1949. 38 x 88, ten windows 28 x64, four RAYMOND H. HOLLY School Board reserves the right windows 34 x 44, twenty-one doors, to determine which shall be the Clerk, School District No. 61 cabinets, shelving. Sunbeam fur best bid without regard to which Malheur County, Oregon nace in good condition, Crane Co. Stoker with automatic controls. Low Co. blower, Crane deep well pump and pressure system. Also one school building at the Adrian School site being one-story brick veneer 45 x 25, one large room, hallway, library, cloakroom. My Hens Stay Put with KEYSTONE POULTRY NETTING Mary, Mary, quite contrary How do your little toes grow? Straight and square in TRU-LAST socks T o keep them all in a row. Unrolls F LA T . . . No Buckle, No Curll Special reverse-twist weave unrolls flat like a rug . . . won’t buckle or curl when stretched up tight. Neat looking low cost fence. T R U - L A S T ’ s q u a r e toe socks For too many years children's socks were made just like grown-up’s socks, and that's all wrong . . . Because grown-up’s feet are shaped, while little children have straight, square toes. The one sensible answer is TRU -LAST, the square toe sock which we feature. Toe in natural yarn (for added health and comfort) allows full toe-development and protection. And what smart little patterns—just like bigger children's! A Costs Less Because . . . It Lasts Longer Made of copper-steel wire . . . resists rust two to three times longer. Heavy galvanized coating for added service. Yet, this premium netting sells at regular prices! You in the long run. SEE US. 35c Sizes 3'/i to 8'/i save PAIR GOLDEN RULE STORE NYSSA, OREGON S tu n z Lu m b e r Company Give it Room - LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OI SEE IT IN A C TIO N the only loader that combines 3,000 lh. lift . . . 21 -foot reach . . . “ W rist-Action” leverage . . . to save you time, money, work on more than 50 farm jobs I L i» h ímm . « i mbi ni T i "T i W ATCH ’EM W O R K ;:, the FA R M H A N D Loader attach mrnts that perform miracle jobs o f lifting, loading, stack ing, moving and carrying. You’ll discover dozens of ways this great loader und attachments can help on the farm! ANNUAL ELECTION OF NYSSA ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2. IN MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. Notice Is hereby given that the annual election of the Nyssa Road Assessment District No. 2 of a Director for said District for a term of three r3 > years, commenc ing the first Monday of July, 1949, »111 be held at the City Hall in ;he City of Nyasa, County of Malheur. State of Oregon, on the 19th day of April, 1949. The polls WERE YOU COLD THIS WINTER? it's ROAmmrER ! i d e w c ll f i f e s , n s illu stra te d , a v a ila b le a t e xtra co st. S ave M o n ey T od ay on PAYNE HEAT G re a te s t N am e in Heating HEN this sight greets you in you r rear-view m irror —mis ter, better g iv e o v e r! W Overtaking y ou is just about the ablest perform er on the road today —and wise drivers lon g ago learned the only thing to d o with R o a d - m aster is g iv e it road room and a salute as it passes. Reason is — ROADMASTER is som e thing excitingly new in fine cars. A N D T A K E A G O O D LO O K at the next wagon you’ll Ire buying . . . the FA R M H A N D “ 90” that gives you full 90° angle turns . . . Quick Hitch coupling . . . adjustable bolster and reach . . . a host o f new features you want! See this big working display now during FARMHAND Demonstration Month B & M Equipment Company PHONE 270 -W B ig, yes — stretches a g o r g e o u s eighteen feet, with all that such size means in com fort and inside stretch-out space. But part and parcel o f every on e o f its 4,400-odd pounds is the fastest fo o tw o rk on the highway. A ction is the key o f every part, from its 150-hp Fireball p ow er plant to the swift, silken, unbroken surge you get from Dynaflow Drive. even the As a matter o f fact, action’s invited by the price tag. By pou n d , by the inch, by any yard stick you want to lay against it, it’s the buy o f the fine-car field. a few de and you order in. For p ro o f, just gather livered prices on other cars bring them around. W e ’ll sh ow so much m ore for your dollar y o u ’ll waste n o time getting an I l i 11 K a l o n e ha n a l l Ih e ite t e n t a r e n Be w ise — get the g re a t o il- season saving of installing a Payne single or duplex floor furnace now. We've got trained mechanics that must be kept busy, so we've slashed prices to the lowest in years. There are plenty oi cold evenings ahead and you’ll be set lor years of comfortable low cost heat with Payne "greatest name in heating.” Convenient credit terms. Phone lor estimate. Ideai Gas and Appliance PHONE ns-w Silk tmoolh D Y N A H O W ORIVI* • F V U -V IIW VISION tram to la rg td g h tt S W IN O -IA S Y D O O kS a n d t o t / a c c a , , • " I l V I N O S M C 1 " IN T IS IC H Ì Wtrtl DtapCradh c w fe o n j • Buoyan, ndmg O U A D k U H I X c o n v a i n o INO • Uraly U t HALL SJSAlO HT-tlOHT SOW tS wdh Stir i m i HO V A I V I 1 i n s t i pivi H IS O IS tD SNOINS M OUNTINGS . C w w - Unt VtN TISO S TS • l o » pittava hrti on S A U TY -S ID * SIMS • D U S iX U A SIN O S , m a» and com w cfing ro d i • B O D Y BY flS H lt a rto • •Sn edan l on IO AO M ASTU, eva n a l e t m n e on S U Ift m ode. kkhre B e lle r eelmeteBllea e re B e lli HI l i t i ir III hulhl ih r et lu n e » H Ì N 9 Y i ß v ic k the buy in bio cars T A Y lO tt, A B C N etw o rk , every M on day r r m nq Roberts Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. Nytsa, Oregon