Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
V\ reeNYSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 13 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1949 T W O S E C T IO N S — 10 P A G E S [ with help of nearby neighbors af January, is stationed at Fassberg,: a son oi James J. Norris of Newell M E R R Y M A T R O N S OF "Happy Birthday’, the candles were erans hall in Ny.ssa Thursday eve W . M . T E T E R H U R T blown out by the club president, ter many household articles had Germany with the air-lift. He is | Heights. O R E . T R A IL M EE T Alta Fry. The cake was cut and ning. IN T R E E A C C ID E N T ' been moved in the yard. Mrs. Ethel Goodell and Leonard OREGON TRAIL. April 7—The Merry p a tron s club met with Viola Adams W e d n e s d a y afternoon, March 30. Twelve members and one guest. Rhoda Mattlen, were present. Roll call was answered by a house cleaning hint. Follow ing a short business meeting a social afternoon was enjoyed. Games were 'played, with Iva Ad ams, Alta Fry and Gladys Byers winning prizes. In observance of of the club’s 12th anniversary a lovely pink and white cake with 12 lighted candles was served by the hostess. After the members sang O tO AM q iw C fo i yU*, p erecí served with the lunch by the hos tess, assisted by Alberta Bowen. T-ie next meeting will be held April 13, with Alberta Bowen as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and family have moved to the farm recently owned by Delmo Smith northwest of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson re turned Sunday from a business trip to Klamath Falls. JA M IS O N T A K E S C A TTLE TO RANGE BUENA VISTA, Auril 7—E. L. Jamison "took his cattle to the range the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary ate dinner at the Loyd Cleav er home. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell at tended open house at the vet M I ck saU í/jOctt. and Dorothy of Vale spent Sunday afternoon at the Alva Goodell home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glendia spent Thursday at Cald well. The boat that Howard Day and Lester, Delbert and Loyd Cleaver have been building is almost com pleted. BIG BEND. April 7—W. M. Teter suffered a painful head injury Fri j day afternoon when a loose limb that he was taking from a tree, rebounded and strucs him just a- bove his left eye. Five stitches were required to close the wound. George Elfers and Jesse Stoker returned from the state F. F. A. conference at Tillamook. Jesse re turned with a State Farmership, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pleshman which is one of the highest hon boy can receive. moved last week from the Bennett ors an F. F. apartments to the house recently, The Big Bend Stock cluib met vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Friday afternoon at the Big Bend Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are | schoolhouse with 21 members pres now located in the Sutherland ent. Since the record books had not come yet the boys worked on residence which they purchased. tlie club pledge and played games. The Jack Moore house, occupied Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bell and left Monday for Seattle, where they family, caught fire Monday morn ing. The blaze was extinguished will visit Mr. Warren's sister. Nyssa Families Move— A. Leave For Seattle— IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY 99 YOU'D U M t JLOAD5 O f ÍA / ÍW é y TOO - I f VOLI -MAD A L L A ff W PARTS I U ß i - i VON'T KNOW W/4£T?£ OUÍ?'KIDS' G ÍT OV (fOUA hvCr*JUi A L L rMZil? éa cÁ , ! m Right In y o u r o w n hom e y o u a n d your C h a ris P rofessional C orsetiere pick ju s t the right garm e nt fo r yo u r figure. Satin Lastex pantle g ird le s — fe athe r w eight girdles, no-roll w aist— bre ath - o f-c ir N y lo n g ird le s— dream ish b ra s a n d b a n d e a u x — at the right price. ? l&S/j Hf $ By PLOTNER tmb ' u ï b /? fv ßlO iv O ' f D 'O P YOU1Z CALI.... 312¡Mû BACK TMAT MBCBSSAKi tM B Í2GV WWL TUB É X A C T PAKTS A/BBVBV. f££L COHflVBUT WlTÁt ALL PÄRTS PlACBD fH V O U Q C A B W DON'T S H O P - PHONE FOR THE RIGHT FIT C IIA R L S m o t o r co . //P R I M A N ITS HERE M RS. G O L D A box 137 *'i3¡satn r HANSEN Phone 91-R It's New It’s Complete The "D U -A L L ” Buck Stacker BUCKET AS W ELL AS STACKER. O N E M A N C A N M O U N T A N D D E M O U N T IN 30 M IN U T E S . $6 9 5 W AY H Y D R A U L IC M A N U R E LIFT. T W O -W A Y H Y D R A U L IC The 19th annual conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints will convene in the Salt Lake tabernacle at Salt Lake City April 3. 4, 6, with gen eral sessions each day, beginning at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Many residents of the Nyssa, Parma, Owyhee and Ontario areas will at tend. A special welfare meeting will be held April 5 at 10 a. m. under the direction of President Reuben Clark, Jr., and President David O. MioKay. All stake and ward welfare committee members are-asked to attend this meeting. Teachers of the Bible school met for their regular ers conference to and future plans P U S H -O F F HAY * A . -s -v -fr ; U A  tt ■ M y j From $ 2 Model Shown M A . 9 1 9 . 9 5 ................................. $3 39.9 5 SUPER C A P A C IT Y . E ASY TERM S Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West of R. R. Depot Visit In Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sissotj and children visited in Twin Falls re cently. Tournament Postponed— Kite The Kite Tournament and cub pack meeting, which had been set for Sunday, March 27, and was postponed due to bad weather, will be held at a date to toe announced later. Graduates From School— DESIGN No. 4135 32' - 0 " r BEDROOM I2*xl|* HALL BASKET, L IN BEDROOM 1 LI IQlx 94 § œ a TW O- S IM IL A R M A C H IN E O N T H E M A R K E T . ¿ Yecr in and year out you’ll do well with the LIVING ROOM 181x111 CLO. ENTRY HARTFORD ♦ ■ Saturday, April 9-2 p.m. at the William H. Grasmick farm Mile north of Nyssa-Parma junction on highway 95; only 2 >'o miles from our store. “DU-ALL” machine D O N ’T F A IL T O SEE IN A C T IO N T H IS N E W • It will pay you to sec pictures and floor plans of the latest house to join the scores o f modern homes in our Weyerhaeuser 4-Squarc Home Building Service. m A* HARTFORD A C C ID E N T A N D IN D E M N I T Y CO. INSURANCE *et Owyhee Truck and Implement Co. 2 6 '- 4 " COME I N . . . A N D SEE THEM ALL O F T H IS M A C H IN E vs ; fife* Ä T __Jf* O. • .Ht»..____ Christian church Tuesday evening monthly teach discuss the work for <he school. Big Demonstration Phone 245 • E -T * ~ :<?>* a Bible School Workers Meet— SEE O U R 34 . j p j f " '■ - j » Church Leaders To Meet— Staff Sgt. John J. Norris, who re-enlisted in the air forces In B U C K E T , G R A V E L A N D S A N D P L A T E A N D H Y D R A U L IC T H IS IS A BIG S A V IN G O V E R A N Y Thirty one awards presented Sunday evening, March 21 to 16 boys of the Aaronic pristhood and 13 girls, all of the L. D. S. church, who had met certain qualifications, during the past year. President Child of the Weiser stake present ed them to the boys, and the ward chairman, Mrs. Afton Mitchell, pre sented them to the girls. Nannelt Bybee was highest in percentage, with Lucille Mitchell second. Tue following program was given: Talk by Colleen Bybee; talk toy Mrs. Howard Bair; vocal solo, Val Child; song, "The Bridge Builder” , girls chorus accompanied toy Mrs. John Schenk, and talk by Melvin Beck. Bishop Hubert D. Christensen was in charge of the meeting. Stationed In Germany— M O U N T E D O N Y O U R T R A C T O R A N D D E L IV E R E D T O Y O U R FA R M . IN C L U D E S liodger Anderson— Owner Phone 163J Crosley Sh e lvad o r R e frig e ra to rs Youth Awards Presented— Eloise Crocker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker, was grad uated from the Nampa Business college this week, after complet ing a secretarial course. She has taken a position in the office of the Nampa Sears store. E ve ry th in g C o m p le te for PRICE G R A IN C L E A N IN G A N D T R E A T IN G A L F A L F A A N D P A S T U R E SEED P R E P A R E D FEEDS totaling Robert Pharoah, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pharoah, who h u been stationed at Che naval hos pital at San Diego has been trans ferred to the Bethesda naval hos pital. His transfer came as a result of the higli standing of a 99.4 average he had received. * T H IS Nyssa Flour Mill Holds High R ating- IT B U C K S , IT S T A C K S A N D IT L O A D S — NO TR IPPIN G . A L L H Y D R A U L IC , W IT H P U S H -O F F F O R M A N U R E W. M. Teter, master of the Big Bend subordinate Grange, today announced a nation-wide essay contest on "Conservation of Our Soil Resources” will be conducted by tlie National Grange and A- merican plant food council, begin ning March 15 and ending June 15, with state and national prizes $15.000 for younrt men and women through 20 years at age. "The contest is open to any young man or woman, regardless of Grange membership, who will not be more than 20 on June 15,” Mr. Teter explained, "but all en tries in this area should be sent to the Big Bend Subordinate Grange. Write R. 3 Parma foi processing toy June 15”. > Bernard Eastm an Insurance Real Nyssa, Oregon Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon D *t *U They're all beautiful homes . . . great values. All were designed by experts in the small home field in cooperation with Weyerhaeuser engineers. Thus you are aided in securing beauty and comfort, with sound construction, long life and true economy. There arc many designs from which to choose, com plete with blueprints and specifications. Plan your home with this Service. Feel free to use it. NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY JOHN OSTROM, Owner