Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
T H E NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, A PR IL 7, 1949 PAGE SIX mim of candy for presenting the best j who are employed at Brownie's N U -A C R E S N E W S skit of the evening. i cafe, spent the week-end at Cald- | (Continued on Page 5| Following the skits, a program J well at the home of his parents, j weU and Bolae Thursday. White of Parma. Members of the Nu-Acres Grange ' went 10 Orchard avenue to exemp- of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Woodrow Seuell of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Lloyd made a business trip to dance was enjoyed, with music, Mr. and (Mrs. L. F. Gaines. Peggy ana Meda Christensen of hfy the third degree Friday night. being furnished by Jim T a k a m L ----------------------- Fruitland were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Bower and Heppner, Oregon «Monday. through music recordings. I T o Sa,t Lake City— Deanna and Evelyn Evans Wed- daughter of Meridian were Sun- Seuell, Jean Blakesley and Terry Refreshments were served under Mrs. Stella Butler left Monday nesday. day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. watched the^model airplanes being flown on the Nyssa high school direction of Mrs Bernard Bernard Fron by plane ior 8311 Lake cordon c ity Where Sally and Preda Evans spent the W Mr" H ' Orasmick. Betty Hadley, and a vocal solo the the direction of Mrs. i r o n ^ wi], ylsH her R a y .1 week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell lawn Sunday afternoon. G IR L ’S LEAG UE FORM ED . and the junior high room mothers. Vale high school was host to the' by JaIwce Campbe11 a11 01 N y® a - 8 - representatives of the Snake R iver! A iMm was showu at cloae MASON S T A R S HAVE D INN ER valley schools April 1, when the oi the Pro8ram- Approximately 150 persons enjoy _ . , T Others attending from Nyssa Snake River Valley Girls League 3 ed the pot-luck dinner served was fonned. Schools represented wert’ Winchell. Janice Frost, Friday evening, April 1 by the were Ontario, Parma, Vale and Lola Weeks, Marlene Moss, Delores Nyssa. I Coffman, Donna Cheldelln and star and Masoplc, In the election o f officers for Deane Irving. Following the dinner, R obertLew is, tue IK year, Mrs. Don Eng-; - j - | accompanied by Mrs. J. L. Church, sang "F ar Away Places" and an strom, G irls’ League advisor for JU N IO R H IG H HAS P A R T Y Irish number. Games and contests Nyssa, was elected advisor for the I annual junior high spring . .. .. . , valley league. Donna Trabert o f ’ party was held at the school gym - I * ’* re en-*<'yed' Wlt*| the winne,a.ot '•“ "test and games being Nyssa was elected vice-president of nasium last Friday evening. The u'c the group. Other officers elected hall was decorated in keeping with cnarg™ one cent per pound for 5 PIECE C H R O M E D IN E T T E were Lola Brook, of Ontario as w“ üi "tne'*spring 'se'ason."Hwith "¿¡I- ea h Pound they weighed above president, Yoshi Nitta of Vale, sec houette's of court Jesters for th e 1 I° ,, P? Undt ThC T " ' " 8 WaS„ C° " ' First day of April, decorating the ^ d e d with square dancing. Music retary and Marge Hartman of P a r vall-s for the dancing was furnished by * Resistant to Food Acids. ma, treasurer. The evening’s festivities opened “ rs »e r b e n Fisher and Mrs. A program of musical numbers, * Cigarette Proof. readings and skits were presented. with skits presented by each of the ^ u r c h , with Ed Frost calling the rooms. Mrs. Schweizer'« dances. During the program, a duet was home * Alcohol Proof. prea-nted by Marian Brown and home room won a picture and box M A R R IE D IN W IN NE M U CC A '* Resistant to Chipping and Abrasion Miss Doris Wt“lsh o i Brookhaven, Mississippi, and Francis Hight, son v W o n ’t Crack, Craze or Fade with Age. of Mr. and Mm. Homer Hight of Nyssa, were united in marriage * Wipes Clean with Dry Cloth. March 22 in Winnemucca, Nevada. Mr. Hight has recently returned to * Choice of S-Style or 4 Leg Chairs. Nyssa after serving four years in the merchant marines. The young * Leatherette or Plastic Chair Covering. couple will reside In this commun ity, where the groom is engaged in * Choice of Yellow, Blue, Green, Red. dairying with his father. New Shipment of Dinette Sets and Carpets NYSSA »"«os"** Telep h o n e IO Ö THEATRE - Ill ' 8 - LO C AL COUPLE M A R R Y Mrs. Ethel Langford and Keith Gaines of Nyssa were inarm'd Thursday, March 31 at Vale. They were accompanied by Mrs. David Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines, F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 8-9 Johnny Weissmuller— Virginia Grey George Reeves— Rita Baron In AS LO W AS $ 6 9 .5 0 “J U N G L E JIM ” Tense and exciting adventures in the Jungles of Darkest Africa! 2-REEL COMEDY CARTOON SPORTS NEWS VIEWS Mat.. Sat., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c Inc. Tax Ailin. Evenings 44c-9c Inc. Tax S U N D A Y A N D M O N D A Y , A P R IL 10-11 The Pulitzer prize and Critics’ Circle award winning play. “TFJE TIM E OF Y O U R L IF E ” James Cagney— William Bendix You’ll live every thrilling moment of a story that is a challenge to your heart. DONALD DUCK CARTOON Mat., Sun., 2:30, Adm. 30r-9c. Inc. Tax. Adm. Rv«‘iiings 44«*-9c Inc. Tax T U E S D A Y A N D W E D N E S D A Y , A P R IL 12-13 Wanda Hendrix— John Lund Monty Wooley— Barry Fitzgerald In “MISS T A T L O C K ’S M IL L IO N S ” It’s mad. It’s merry. It’s totally different... with moie laughs and more loving per minute in a great big million dollar way. COLOR CARTOON Matinee Wednesday 2:30, Admission 30c-9c. __________________ Adm. Kvrninj(s 44c-9c Inc. Tax T H U R S D A Y A N D F R ID A Y , A P R IL 14-15 Deanna Durbin-— Dick Haymes Vincent Price— Albert Sharpe In “ U P IN C E N T R A L P A R K ” Hear Deanna and Dick sing irt this gay mus ical. . .set in New York City when Central Park was “ Hie Big Back Yard o f the Town.” CARTOON By Lew Herriinan Scientists now are talking a- bout rearranging the planets. T h at’s a project out of this world, but the scientific minds say it’s as possible as rain on a cloudy day. They figure atomic power may be used to Juggle the planets into new positions. By shifting a few worlds closer to the warm sun it should be possible fo r people to live on such spots as Mars and Venus. I t ’s the same idea as the local philosopher moving his apple box closer to the grocery store stove on a chilly winter day. M ay be It sounds sillier than a Hon with hiccups, but they laughed at Colutnibus, to o .. . and not so long! ago. j C ity clean-up week April 18-25. In Detroit someone stole sev enteen 150-lb. manhole covers. Can it be a radio sponsor said, "Tear o ff the top of a manhole and send In 25 words or less on why .you like our product"? In cidentally if you want full cover age on car repairs and service drive in and let our factory-train-j ed mechanics take over. They use only the latest o f precision | tools and equipment when working on your ear. Better drive in to day for B E TTE R driving tom or row. H E R R IM A N M O T O R CO. Phone 77. SPORTS Adm. 44e-9<\ Inc. Tax ^ " ili«— Wool Broadloom Cut to Order $5.75 sq. Yd. 9 and 12 foot wide, cut to order for wall to wall carpet- 100 % ing or in rug sizes, wool pile ' popular colors. Choice of designs. PETER SO N FU R N ITU R E CO M PAN Y C R E D IT TERMS Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette OUR BEST VALUES Herriman Motor Company Sweet Peas 20c K!"9 5 Red Rose Pound _________ HAMS 55C Arrow Rock 4 Ca C R ISCO 3 Pounds Easter Baskets and Easter Eggs Chocolate Rabbits H E LE N A R D E L L E CANDIES, $1.25 and up Ducklings (a real Candy treat) 1 lb. $1.50 McDonalds Candies $1.50 EASTER CARDS 4 Cans LA R G E SIZE Myrtlewood and Juniper Novelties Best Grade CANNED MILK Any Brand 45c VEL Perfumes and Toilet Waters I9c STEWING BEEF I9c Pound EG G S 39c Country Fresh DOZ. Cigaretts CARTO N $1.39 Bronze Souvenirs Cosmetics Sets— Bill Folds Owyhee Drug Co. G. II. Peirsol Phone 255W WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET P H O N E 284-W PRICES G O O D T H R O U G H S U N D A Y FREE D E L IV E R Y