Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE (TTY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGOh PAGE TWO TWIN GIRLS BORN TO NYSSA COUPLE NU-ACRES, April 7,—Mr. and Mrs. Keith Herring of Nyssa are the parents of twin girls born April 1. The i'iris weighed 4 paunds, 2 ounces and 4 pounds and 10 ounces. Their names are Janice Lynn and Jean Keithette. Mrs. Herring is tiie former Eva Stout, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cannon THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 guest of her friend. Gay Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cusie and and daughter of New Plymouth, have moved into Seuell's little ’ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Stout of thi3 community. Sager. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sager children of Melba visited at the j Mr. and Mrs. Mike Derie and fam house. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stout and at Pruitland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Connelly of Middleton were Saturday din Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H McCor-1 Hohstadt home Sunday. Pat Hoh -1 ily and Mrs. Myrtle Derie, who Mary Jo JenKins went to Ontario Sunday evening to visit Mrs. Keith inick, who have a new place near, stadt's sister, Mrs. Alton Bales, | live south of FYuitland, called at and family plan to leave Sunday ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley for Garden valley, where Mr. Con-| Sager. Adrian, were at the Fry Farm to and family of Nampa call Sunday. the Chesney home. Herring and twin daughters. Mrs. Sid Boren received some get some berry plants Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hagler nelly will work in the timber. Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durring- Carlos Barney spent Friday eve berry plants and shrubs at the | Joe Pritzel attended the reg ning with Lary Jenkins and at have settled permanently at Phil Connelly has much improved from ton and family were Sunday after noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pry place to set out at the ditch istered Guernsey sale at Jerome. tended P T. A. with Mrs. Fry, ips, South Dakota. Mrs. Hagler her recent niness. Mrs. Wood is reported Roger Jenkins had Sunday din Larry and Mary Jo that evening. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit a t - ; Wood. rider's house on the Black Canyon pumping project. Mr. Boren is the ner with Miss Betty Davis at tended a pinochle party Thurs much better, but is still having to Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hohstadt ar A. P. Chesney. ditch rider there this year. He \ Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chesney at day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. walk on crutches. rived at their son’s home Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durring- Pat Hohstadt’s brother, Harry J after visitirxj in California for some tended a farm sale near Fruitland Dick Groot at Nyssa. has been the ditch rider for the Nu-Acres community for the past Hohstadt, and wife of Bums, Ore-j time. They left for their home in Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict and fam ton made a business trip to Cald- (C o n tin u e d on P a ge 6) few years. gon visited them Sunday. Mrs. J Cove, Oregon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Eaton and son ily of Nyssa were Sunday dinner Gerald Pry was an overnight Pat Hohstadt's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Page and daughter of Vale also called at the Hohstadt home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Elwood vis ited in Emmett Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Elwood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Elwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter went fishing at Rainbow Lakes Sunday. 46 INCH MEN’S WHITE Bought from leading manufacturers to give you maximum ser Mr. and Mrs. Preston made a bus vice and priced below the market. iness trip to Caldwell Saturday. Mrs. Baxter had as guests at her home FTiday, her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wil son and children of Caldwell. Mrs. Frank Preston was a Thurs Limit 2 yds. day shopper at Caldwell. She vis ited the new Sears store there. Ed Meroney has been ill with influenza for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and Davenos $59.50; Davenos and chairs to match in tapestry, valour, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston en Boys’ Broadcloth MEN’S LEATHER tertained the Saturday night mohair and mohair frieze. Values to $250— priced from $119.50 pinochle club at the Nu-Acres com to $170. munity hall. Ladies' high was won by Martha Nedbalek and low Dining room sets. We have three eight piece sets that are priced by Emma Orcutt, and men’s high $50.00 under the market. Prices start at $139.50. by Bob Shaw and low by Henry Orcutt. 5 piece chrome sets, Duran chairs, plastic top tables $59.50. Martin Hansen made a business L. & H. electric ranges $219.50 and with each we are giving free, trip to Payette Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen made a bus full automatic control and clock and four beautiful pieces of iness trip to Caldwell and Nampa stainless, waterless cooking ware. Thursday. Lloyd Seuell and Jean Blakesley LARGE Horton washers and ironers at prices below regular list. have each purchased 1947 Chev Chests of drawers from $15.50, unfinished, Walnut and Maple rolet automobiles the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason finish and walnut waterfall. snd Mr. and Mrs. Portnier of New OF A FAM OIS BRAND Armstrong Quaker rugs 6’ x 9’ to 12’ x 15’ at or below mail order Plymouth have gone to Crescent City, California, where they have prices. Yard goods 6’, 9 and 12’ widths. steady employment at the lumber L im it 2 mill. The young people left late Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson and Canvas cots, steel cots, bunk beds, pads, Jeep cans, tents, white Mr. and Mrs. Dale Larson were A _ * * / enamel ranges, beds, springs, cabinets, grease for gun, trans Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and SEEING IS Mrs. A. P. Chesney. Later in the mission and differential, (Your Container), breakfast sets, day, Mr. and (Mrs, Keith Chesney B E L I E V I N G ! Wilson’s Week-end Specials Oilcloth Tee Shirts VIEW-MASTER S T E R E O S C O P IC P IC T U R E R E E L S NOW AVAILABLE Now you can select your View- Matter Heels from a list of more than 300 subjects. Hducational and entertaining for the whole family. Fnjoy the startling three- dimensional realism of full-color stereoscopic pictures .showing I (inland, Switzerland, Hawaii, North, Central, and South Amer ica, Animals, hairy Tales, Flow ers. See full-color pictures that "come to life". Over 2100 stereo scopic, full-color Kodachrome View-Master pictures now avail- ahleon 7-scene Reels, interchange* able in View-Master or Projector. Special Buy on Spring-filled Mattresses and . Box Springs. Mattress - $19*50 Mattress and Box Spring - $35.50 35c >d 69< OVER 300 FURNITURE Work Gloves Shirts $U9 79c Dish Cloths Irregular Hose 5c 79c YOU LOO K I N H E R E THIS IS W H A T Y O U SEE SU R P LU S A N D USED G O O D S There’s an easier way i § i M REELS— I 35« «och — 1 ED. CASE’S U. FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER S. 20... North of Y, Nyssa. T NO 3 lo r $ 1 . 0 0 GUESSING! Our Primex X-ray shoe fitter makes it possible to tee how shoes fit before you buy. This assures satisfaction and comfort. S T E R E O S C O P E r-J / Plaitic Library Bax — $1.85 OWYHE EDRUG COMPANY G. II. PEIKSOL kitchen utensils, toilet, sinks, wash bowls. Every bit of space we have is crammed with merchandise that is bought right and offered at cut prices. Our ovtrhead is low, we own our building and stock and do our own work. We do not sell on ridiculous long time payments so you do not pay for bad accounts. All of this saving is passed along to you. Your dollar is worth more today than at any time for years. Act now, do your shopping where you get the most for the money. COMPLETE LINE OF EASTER SHOES NOW IN STOCK COME IN AND VISIT OUR UP-TO-DATE LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT EVERYBODY SAYS... to reduce tractor wear Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Phone 255-TV Phone 32 Nyssa wwrm rr I m H O W YOU CAN SA V E UP TO * 5 2 .7 5 w F. Goodrich F IR ST IN RU BBER T H I S I S H O W I T W O R K S ------- TRACTOR & TRUCK W ith the purchase o f this D e lu x e Fully A u tom a tic l & H Electric R a n g e you receive ot N O A D D IT IO N A L CO ST the full set o f W e st Bend W a te rle ss C o o k - w ore illustrated b elow — PLUS A utom otic Tim e C ontrol. Tire R e g u la r Price o f R a n g e ..................... $ 2 6 7 .0 0 C o st of Timer an d Lam p A s s e m b ly ........ 22 .5 0 Price o f 8-Piece A lu m in u m S e t ............. 32.75 Total V a lu e .......................... $ 3 2 2 .2 5 Yo u S a v e $ 5 2 . 7 5 ! and TUBE Fully Automatic with Timer a n d Light, i f Plenty of Storage Sp ace, ALSO PASSENGER CAR Sale Price $36.86 400 x 15, 4 Ply, Sale Price $8.59 A Product of standard of California L o n g e r life fo r y o u r tractor is assured when y o u seal v it a l tr a c k bearings from mud and Tires and Tubes 900 x 10, 8 ply Multi-Ring Tractor if E a s y to Clea n Surface Units, i f F a m o u s " 5 0 0 0 " Hi-Broil Super O v e n . 25 - Off Sale Price $25.65 i f D u a l P u rp o se Surface Unit — D o w n a C o o k e r, Up a Surface Unit, Sale 750 x 10, 6 ply, Multi-Ring Tractor 2605 ° $ dust. And that’s just W ill, the p u rc h ase ot this Econom y M o d e l Fully A utom atic l & H Electric R a n g e R e g u la r Price e f R a n g e .................... $ 2 1 7 .0 0 C o st of Lam p -T im e r A s s e m b ly .............. 22 .3 0 Price o f 4 -P ie ce A lu m in u m Se t. . . . . . . . 17.30 Reg. Price $34.20 what the special com pounds in R PM Trac Plustax Reg. Price $49.15 tor R oller L u b rica n t d o — c o v e r a ll tr a c k bearing surfaces with a Surface Units. tough film that really + H a n d y D e e p W ell Cooker. plus tax Regular Price $11.45 O U A tT SAUCE F A N y o u receive AT N O FURTHER C O ST a lo u r piece >ak- of W e .t Send W oterle»» C o o k w o re — PLUS A utom atic Time Control. Totol V a lu e .......................... $25 7.00 Yo u S a v . $ 3 7 . 5 0 ! i f F a m o u s " 5 0 0 0 " Hi-Broil Super O ven . i f E a s y to Cleon if Fully Auto matic — with Timer a n d Light. i f Plenty ot Storage Sp ace. stays oni * T h i t tef includ es 5 quart D u t c h even, 3 q u a r t sau c e pom , 3 q u a r t souce pan, a n d 1 0 in c h co v e re d tkillmt. W. E. Schireman plus tax Final Week o f Our Big Sale Waggoner Motor Co. CITY CLEAN-UP WEEK APRIL 18-25 H K Phone 61-W Nyssa, Oregon 1 A S K ABOUT OUR E A SY TERMS AT ... ED CASE’S FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER North of Y, Nyssa