Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1949)
\ THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, APR IL 7, 1949 PACE THRET Classified Advertising Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, J way, next to Polar Cold storage. I N S U R A N C E — Insure with E. the County Court Room in the well visitor Thursday. phone 392-J. 17mtfC lOO'e service. 13Jt!c Court House at Vale, Malheur About 3 acres, unimproved, edge b Jamison. Mr. and Mrs. O errlt G root Of M ISCELLANEOUS—General trucx- ' County, Oregon, at said time, to Apple Valley entertained at tea and RANCHES. FARM S AND HOMES | of town on Adrian highway, good ing. John Barnett and Kenneth soil. A ll or any part. FOR SALE Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. then and there show cause, if any cards Sunday afternoon for Mi 1000 acre stock ranch, will carry | Main street. there be, why said Account should and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and M ISCELLANEO US— Prompt and \ B E R N AR D EASTM AN 150 head year round. 3-toedroom not be settled, allowed and ap Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell free pick-up or your dead, crlppied Real Estate or sick livestock. Calls received be proved and said estate distributed Heights, Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon home, 2-room cottage. 2 large barns Insurance Phone 64 and many other good buildings. fore 9 o'clock are picked up by and said administratrix discharged. Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Dick G root and Dated and first published March Mr. and Mrs. Z Davidson o f Parma. noon. Efficient drivers Call col RATES. Tw o cents per word for each issue. A fte r one month one Spring water piped to* house and Caldwell visitors last week were I FOR SA LE —One large size oil lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys 24. 1949. Date of last publication, buildings. Th is is an excellent cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c I Durning heating stove; one heavy sa 102-W. m ano Animal Products April 21, 1949. M r and Mrs. Pete van Oord. stock set-up fo r $21,000. Mrs. Norma Jamison called on I duty horse and cattle trailer; one Company. leah s . c u r r an 5Jtfc. 80 acres of real good land, all 1 lightweight friends in Arcadia Monday evening. utility trailer; cue Administratrix of the Estate of planted to beets, grain and other Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen en | 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. M ISCELLANEO US — Duplicate car Dayton Hiram Curran, Deceased son. Payette, Idaho. 24mtfc crops. Small home. Price for farm I Leo F ife, welding and repairing. and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- tertained at cards Monday after Harold Henigson $16,300, small cost to be added for Fcr Sale noon for Mr. and Mrs. George Sm it | phone 016J1. 13J'.fc neman's. 250tfc Attorney for Administratrix FO R SALE:—Singer sewing ma- crops. | ------ ■ .. --- ------------- ------- ----------------- of Nu-Acres, Mr. and Mrs. Dick 20 acres with good small home, 1 FDR SA LE — Tile wall coverings. I N S U R A N C E — For your in F O R SALE:—Guernsey cow, just chines, cabinets and portables, all Groot and M r. and Mrs. Jake fruit and berries, $5,000. “COLD RUBBER” IS I chrome table and sink edgings surance needs— E. L. Jamison. 100 Groot and Mi's. Vai L eif of Arcadia. freshened. DeVon Larsen. 12 miles machines fully guaranteed. Phone 20 acres, 6-room house with bach. | waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur- % service. 13Jtfi IN USE IN TIRES Sunday afternoon visitors at the southwest of N.vssa or 4 miles w est¡oiR 2. Ontario, or second house west This is a good home and the ■ niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc George Smit home at Nu-Acres and ‘ a north of Langton's corner, o f radio station. George Stone. land is the best, only $9,500. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Car owners in Nyssa now have were Mr. and Mrs. O errlt Slam. A71xp | 17m4xp Loans on farms ror refinancing, 80 acres, 4-room house, good W ANTED LucilUe Toombs of Boise is vis ouildlng. improvements, b u y i n g . an opportunity to buy “ cold rubber'' FO R SALE:— Cocker Spanial pup- , f o r SALE - T!iree-bedroom base- garage. A farm of this kind would iting her mother, Mrs. Klaas T en- Long term, low Interest, see Ber tires said Lew Herriman. manager make a nice dairy set-up, $10,500. | W A N T E D —Salesman for applianc sen. pies, 'em ale $10, male $15. Elmer jm en t house, electric water system. of the Herriman M otor company. 1 acre with ultra modern home es. Leads furnished, car necessary, nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. Ausman, 1 mile west of Adrian.. new electric water heater, bath Mr. and Mrs. John Lacky, Mr. The new rubber has been des SAtfc. near town, $12,000. liberal commission and guarantee 7A2xp I all(j built-ins. One acre on high cribed as the “ miracie” rubber in and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and 1 acre with large home, only Phone 125-W. 7A2xc I N S U R A N C E - I b r 100 % ser- many recent magazine way at good intersection. Mail articles, Mrs. John Broad, M r. and Mrs. FO R SALE:— Farm equipment. John and Nyssa school bus at door, $5,100. lM on insurance. E. L. Jami because tests have proved it wears Gerrit Stam, Mr. and Mi's. Dick Deere tractor B, hang-on plow, cul Cafe and confectionary In Adri W A N T E D - FNrll tune Job. experi son. 13Jtfc 30 to 40 percent longer in tire Groot and Dave Hawkins atttend- $1500 down and $30 a month on tivator, lifter, miscellaneous items. balance, price only $3000, pihone an. New building with living quart ence with tractor and truck. Phone treads than the best natural rub ed the funeral of Clarence Barrett 165W between 9 and 6. A71xp ers, a bargain at $9,000. W ill consider trading for late 010J4. 31m4xp LEG AL ADVERTISING ber. “ Actually", Herriman said, at Nyssa Sunday afternoon. Very good home, 5 rooms, $6,200 model truck. 30 New Ham p C. M. Tensen and Neil went to “ this will mean a year of extra W A N T E D — Experienced ranch shire Red pullets, seven months old, G U E R N SE Y B U LL S A L E —First 1 acre ground with new business N O T IC E OF P U B L IC tire service for the average mot the lulls to look alter tlie Tensen hand. Albert Pfeiler, 5 miles L E G A L 1939 Buick, fiv e passenger coupe, Annual Registered Guernsey Bull building and new home at Owyhee H E A R IN G TO H E AR P R O orist.” sheep. southwest of Nyssa on Faiterprise A - l condition, good rubber, radio Sale, Fair Grounds. New Plymouth. corners, $10,000. TESTS AND OBJECTIONS Mr. and iMrs. G errit G root of Herriman Motor company has Avenue. 7A2xp Small home, yard all fenced, for and heater. Nathan Roth, corner 1 p. m., Saturday. April 9. A ll Bulls R E L A T IV E T H E AM E ND M E N T just received a shipment of these Apple Valley entertained Sunday of Clark and Columbia avenue. from dams 400 lbs or more fat. a quick sale, only $4,000. O F Z O N IN G O R D IN A N C E NO. new "miracle" tires from the Oates for Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Groot, W A N T E D — Wqrk by reliable young 7A2xp For further information and pedi 3 nice rooms very attractively man. Ralph Thomas, toox 432 299. Rubber company of Denver. Oates, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Timm erm an arranged, only $3,500. grees write Payette Valley Sentinel, N O TIC E IS H E R EB Y GIVF.N in collaboraation with the Copoly of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. G er Nyssa. 7Alxp Small home in Adrian, $3,675. ®ALE w il*te rose' and ®liSo, jgew Plymouth. Sponsored by Pay- that on the 12th day o f April, rit Timmerman of Newell Heights. triumph seed potatoes, grown from , ^ County Guernsey Breeders' New large home, this must be W A N T E D — Farm implement mech 1949 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. mer corporaion. a government- owned plant In Baton Rouge, La., blue tag seed. Magnus Ekanger, Rt. club • 3in,2xp sold soon, $5,500. anic. B. and M. equipment com m „ the C ity Council of the City played a leading part In the de CO W H O LLO W 2, Nyssa, Sunset Valley. 7A4xpj '______________________________ y 24m tfc of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, 5 nice rooms, automatic oil heat. pany. velopment of the new low temp M r. and Mrs. Jean Crawford and — —— —— ———— ;---------—— I FO R SALE— Let us measure youi Selling this one furnished, quick at its regular meeting thereof, to erature rubber, and Is among the two children of Caldwell spent EK>R S A LE Strawberries, rasiber- wln(j ows j or Venetian olinds. No possesion, $7,500. W A N T E D —Some one to plow, seed be held at the Council Chamber, first to put it into tire production. ries, grapes, fruit and shade trees, charge for this service or estimates. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe and corrugate about two acres. M. E. L. JAM ISON Oity Hall, Nyssa, Oregon, will meet dwarf pear and apple trees, also Obtainable In one week. Assorted Tlie new rubber is called “cold" Callahan. Mrs. Crawford is a W. Myers, Golden Rule store. 3mtfc Real Estate ant) Insurance and hold a public hearing to hear because it is pnx’essed at temp Stark Bros, representative. Lewis colors in steel or aluminum slats. niece of Mrs. Callahan. Nyssa, Oregon Nursery. 31mtic Nyssa Furniture company, phone W A N T E D — T o buy anything in and consider objections and pro eratures lower than those prev Mr. Harold Furgeson of the 23rd 149-W. 20Mtfc. FOR SA LE —2 bedroom house, new, beef or veal. Also custom killed tests, if any, to the proposed action iously used. T lie low temperature Infantry at Ft. Lewis, Washington FO R SALE— One Big L Case tract- of the City Council to amend Sec process has given and delivered to Polar Cold Stor scientists a spent the week-end at the Joseph very modern with furnace. All tion 7 o f Odrinance No. 299, as Closer control over the physical or, good rubtfer, A - l shape; one f o r SA LE —One 550-gallon gas- large rooms. 5th St., just north age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. Callahan home. new John Deere two-way bottom oline or fuel tank, one heavy duty amended so as to eliminate the structure of the rubber and makes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee vis of Park Ave. $8000. F. H. A. fina- plow, just plowed 60 acres; 2 * is horse and cattle trailer. Leo Fife, prohibition against certain bus,- possible a material o f extreme ited their daughter, Mrs. R ay P ort For Rent anced. Shown by appointment miles north of Nyssa on east side phone 016J1. inesses in certain portions o f Zone toughness and durability. 3mtfc only. er and fam ily at N ew Plymouth of tracks. Fred Young. 31m2xp FO R R E N T — Three-room apart 3, whtoh relates to the “ Business "Naturally," Mr. Herriman said, Sunday. F O R SALE— Bliss Triumph and FOR SALE:— An excellent selection ment with bath, phone 119J. 7Alxc District” . “ Since Gates was a leader in the Mrs. Clarence Niccum, who has FO R SALE— Used washing machin W hite rose seed from blue tag or of farms o f all sizes including N O TIC E IS ALSO H E R EB Y es, all kinds o f makes. Machines will trade for similar netted gem some unimproved, also small acre FO R R E N T —Cabins at Riverside G IV E N Chat at a special meeting development of the new super been visiting in North Carolina the rubber, Gates research engineers last few months, will be homo are guaranteed for six months. seed from certified stock. Phone ages. Homes of all kinds, several cabin camp, phone 68-W. 7A3xp duly convened on the 30th day ol have been able to make great soon. Prices from $25 to $40. 482 No. Ontario 89t-J. lOmUc new ylth FTIA terms. March, 1949, the C ity Council, on strides in tire use of the new ma FOR SALE— New home, 2 bed FO R CASH R E N T —60 acres plow Miss Florence Niccum was home Sixth street, phone 162-R. 24m4xc its own motion, resolved to a- terial. Tills, coupled with other last week on a vacation from the F O R SALE— Baby Chicks. Now is rooms, fully modern, in good lo ed. with 6-room house, north on mend Section 7 o f Ordinance No. advanced engineering features in University of Oregon. FHA approved, $2,750 highway to K ing avenue, 3 4 mile FO R SALE—Small modern home, the time to order Thompson’s cation. balance easy payments. east, then south in field. Alva 299, as amended so as to eliminate the Gates air float tire, has now nice lawn, shade trees and picket Chek-R-Ohix fo r delivery every down, Mrs. Jessie .Callahan is spending from said Section 7 that part of for the first time, made possible two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. fence. Second street east of under Wednesday and Saturday. For FO R SALE—80 acres $16,000. Terms Hines. 7Alxp the second paragraph thereof, really long mileage with the new Herruet of Caldwell, who has been pass, firs t house north on east breeds and prices write. Thom p very good land. Basement house. FO R R E N T — Three-room house, which reads as follows: ‘extra low pressure’ type o f tire. side o f street. Priced with terms. son's Ontario hatchery, box 578, 4 mile N. W. ill. "T h e construction, erection, op "Tires o f this type operate under G. L. Fields, owner. 24m3xp Ontario, Oregon. "Dude" Parker drove his cattle 17ftfc. FO R SALE— One bedroom modern garage, eleotric hotwater heater eration and maintenance o f any more severe stress than other tires. out to the range last Sunday. house, garage, chicken house, small and range on Locust avenue. L. P. additional garages and/or fillin g F O R S A L E — Masterbuilt house F O R SALE—Or rent, trailer house. barn, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 Thomas or Eastman Realty. 31mtfc Up to now, many people who have stations where gasoline, distillate late model cars equipped with these trailer, can be seen at the Signal H. E. Collins, box 500, Nyssa, tele loan. and oils are kept and stored for tires have been greatly disappoint service station. Bill Lemon, W est phone 177-J. 17mtfc. FOR SALE— Business building. FO R R E N T -E le otric hand sanding sale at retail will be prohibited ed wi'h the service their tires have ern Stores. 24m tfc Main street location, lot size 25x116. machine, excellent for light sanding in that portion o f Zone 3, Bus delivered". But now, we can give FO R SA LE —Seed potatoes, Bliss FOR SALE—One acre with five- work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 FO R S A LE —House with two bed Triumph and W hite Rose, phone iness District, within the follow the motorist Cold Rubber tires ill room brick house and outbuildings, North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfc rooms and utility porch. Complet 04-R1. H. K. Hashitani. Optometrist ing boundaries, to-w it: Between the extra low pressure sizes that 17m4xp not modern, 3' * miles south west, ely redecorated, $1900 down; bal the center line o f Good Avenue will wear as well as premium $2,500. F O R R E N T — Polish your own ance $3110.25 at $34 a month, in-l F O R S A LE —Valley Mound cor- and the center line of Powei quality standard tires". Eyes Examined Three bedroom home on Park floors. Rent our high-speed pol eluding interest. 671 Park avenue,! rugator and horse-drawn M cCor Avnue and between the center avenue, modern except heat, half ishing equipment. Easily handled or inquire at M iner's Barber shop.' mick-Deering mower, 114 miles line of First Street and the cen baseiient, good construction, at by women Nyssa Lumber company. Phone,720 24m tfc. west and 114 miles north o f O w y ter line o f tile State Highways PARTIES HELD BY 3Atfc. tractive, $5.500. hee junction, N. E. H alt. 31m2xp leading toward Adrian and On C O LU M B IA FOLK Apartment house with two large FO R SA LE Gem reed potatoes 718 Arthur St. tario, Oregon, respectively.” from blue tag seed. Phone 108J2. FO R SALE—Philco Table Model, apartments on ground floor, extra All persons and owners of prop Mr. and Mrs.. Dick Groot enter large room upstairs, three-room FO R R E N T 24m3xp battery radio. See Bob Thompson. Caldwell, Idaho erties affected by or interested in tained 'the pinochle party Thurs 27jtfc apartment in basement, $6,800. Floor the said proposed amendment of day. High score was held by Mrs. pony, four FO R S A LE —Child's N YS SA INSURANC E AG E N C Y said Section 7 of Ordinance No. Juke Groot, second high by Mr. SALE:— Unpalnted cabinets ye^rs old, gentle. Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent Phone 108J2. F O R Sander 299, as amended, who have object Groot and low by Mr. Davidson. 24m3xp and chests of drawers. Cabinets Nyssa, Oregon ions to the same' shall preesent are in section and can be bought Mr. and Mrs. G errit Stam were Reasonable their written abjections and pro Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and FO R SALE:—Bliss Triumph seed complete or in sections. Nyssa FO R SALE— 160 acres, lays excel Rates tests to the C ity Recorder of the Mrs. George Smit of Nu-Acres. potatoes from blue tag; also will Lumber company, phone 118-W. lent, good fertile soil, 7-room mod City o f Nyssa, Oregon or Shall 16Dtfc ern home with 5-room modern ten trade for similar netted gem seed i Mrs. Pete Tensen and Mrs. John appear In person and be heard at Broad called on Mrs. James Kuke- ant home, small labor house, cor- from certified stock or will put out I said meeting o f the City Council boeke o f Ontario last week. one for two. Phone Ontario 897J j FO R SALE— Russet eating pota ralls and barns, $37,500, 'a down, on the 12th day of April, 1949 at or contact L. J. Josephson and i toes, bring your own sack. L. J. terms. Mrs. Kris van Zelf visited two Man to do light work, the hour o f 8:00 o ’clock p. m. 440 acres, lays perfect, 180 acres days at the home of her daughter 45 to <>0. This notice Is given pursuant to and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe in alfalfa, 6-room modern home, the provisions of ordinance No. 299 Dlrkson, of Richland. two tenant houses; ',*! down, $3000 Must be dependable governing (the procedure to be fo l per year thereafter. M r. and Mrs. Dick Groot called Part or fulltime. lowed in amending said Ordinance on Mr. and Mrs. Grover and Robert Your opportunity to trade your and said Notice has been posted as Vest o f Riverview Sunday evening. 40 or 80 acres in the vicinity of Work requires no by law required. S T t'N Z LUM BER C O M P A N Y Nyssa fo r 20 or 40 acres in Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Kris K at and Rlkus smokers E. K . B U R TO N vicinity. nut Twisk returned Wedne day City Recorder o f Nyssa, Oregon 80 acres good farming land, 60 from a six months visit in Am M ISCELLANEOUS acres lays good, two homes on sterdam and Wormer, Holland. property, telephone, electricity, e l M ISCELLANEO US— Lady will take IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F They visited relatives and friends T H E S T A T E O F OREGON FOR care of children during the day. ectric hot water heater, $16,800, here for two days and left F ri Phone 144J THE C O U N TY O F M ALHEUR 31M2xc $5,800 down, easy terms, a very Phone 020J-11. day for their home In Miiwaukle, In the M atter o f the Estate of Nyssa, Oregon good buy. Oregon. M ISCELLANEOUS — W e s e l l o r W illiam L. Fretwell, Deceased Anyone interested in trading a Mrs. Nonna Jamison Was a Cald- PH YSICIANS trade pianos. W e sell Baldwin LODGES Notice to Creditors 20 or 40 acres on a good (business Griggs Bras, N O TIC E IS H EREBY G IV E N in "Nyssa contact Grigg Bros, and pianos exclusively. and Butler, Bybec building 27 j tfc that the undersigned, Boyce Van Nyssa Post No. 79 SAR A ZIN CLINIC Butler. de Water, has been appointed A d Five-room modern home with Dr. J. J. Sarazin American Legion MISCEI LANEOI S Pel I IM llw B utility, porch, in good condition on stationery. Name stamped in gold ministrator with the W ill annexed Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. paved streets and on sewer, $5500, or silver. Nyssa Gate City Journal, of the estate of W illiam L. Fret- well, deceased, by the County Court terms, $2000 down, $34.06 per month printers and stationers. Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. 24mtfc of Malheur County, Oregon and on balance. Physician and Surgeons A ll Veterans Welcome When you want a home, acreage, M ISCELLANEOUS— Available now. has qualified as such. —i ' J . .— *- - — - NOW, TH EREFO RE. all persons farm or business, contact Mel Beck. Electrolux cleaners and air puri CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge For your insurance needs con fiers. Sales and service. EM A. having claims against the estate o f W illiam L . Fretwell, deceased, tact Grigg Bros, and Butler. Good Physician and Surgeon Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, No. 214 W IN D O W AND DOOR FRAMES dependable service. phone 087-J4. 17mtfc. are hereby notified and required Pnorie 37 to present the same, with proper I.O.O.F. G R IG G BROS. AND B U T LE R Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 animals picked up free. vouchers, duly verified, within six SCREEN DOORS Bybee Building Phone 179-J Dead Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday For prompt service call collect. (6) months from the date o f this Mel Beck, O ffice M anager Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Phone 118J Free Estimates night, 8:30. Ontario— Ontario Orain Co. 53 Notice, to the undersigned, Boyce FO R SALE— Have farms and homes Parma—Parma Seed Oo. 25 Van de Water, at the law office of South First Street C. J. Kopp, M. D. for sale. Need more, list with Ken Nyssa—'Main plant 100 Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, Renstrom. Phone 264-W 29Jtfc. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. which place the undersigned selects Physician and Surgeon DENTISTS as his place o f business in all FOR SALE Fry Building M ISCELLANEOUS—W e have mod New two-bedroom Rome, utility em Foley machines for filin g saws matters connected with said estate. O ffice hours DR. C. M. TYLE R Dated and first published March room, hardwood floors, gas furnace and sharpening lawn mowers. Also 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 17, 1949. and hot water tank, garage. Cor D aily except Saturday and Wilson Building scissor grinding. Patterson saw Last Publication April 14, 1949. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 ner lot, close to school, priced for shop, 300 block No. 1st street. Phone 165-J, Nyssa BOYCE V A N DE W A T E R quick sale $7350.00. F. H. A. *erms. BUI1.T TO FIT YO UR JOB 24m tfc O ffice hours from 9 to 5 except Administrator of the Estate of Very good two-room house with JEW ELRY STORES Saturdays, 9 to 12. bath, close to factory, 50 x 60 lot, M ISCELLANEO US — W ill sell or William L. Fretwell, Deceased, with priced for quick sale at$2600. Some trade for 1940 model or later car, the Will Annexed. P A U LU S J. R. CU ND ALL one 17 foot inboard boat with IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF terms if needed. TH E S T A T E O F OREGON FO R Acreage with large, new modern trailer and equipment. Leo. Fife, JEW ELRY STORE Dentist T H E C O U N T Y O F M ALH E U R 3mtfc. home, double garage, full basement, phone 01—1. Union Pacific Tim e Inspector In the m atter o f the Estate of Phone 56-J close in, some terms, immediate J E W E LR Y — D IAM O N D S M ISCELLANEO US — F i r e extin g D A Y T O N H IR A M C U R R A N , De- Sarazin Clinic possession. W A't HES C6SM6d N YS SA OREGON Several good dwelling lots, well uishers, automatic bombs protect Main Street a . Second your home, your business, trucks N O TIC E O F F IN A L ACCOUNT 10 To 100 lbs. pressure. Nozzles deliver from located. N O TIC E IS H EREBY O IV E N 1 3/4 acres with m odem two- or new car and may be a life's sav OPTOMETRISTS that uie undersigned. Leah S. ings. Nyssa Fire Protection, 040 ‘ W YC K O FF 10 to 100 gal. per. acre. Built to fit your tract bedroom house, chicken house for Curran, administratrix of the estate 500 chickens, on paved highway, North 4th street, Claud Willson, JEW ELR Y STORE of Dayton Hiram Curran, deceased, 7)R. j .“ a . M CFA 0 7 manager, phone 128J. 3mtfc or. Only one or two days’ time needed to have short distance to school, one mile O fficial Tim e Inspector lor has filed her Final Account as from store. $7000. M ISCELLANEOUS— Y o u r sewing said administratrix in the County Union Pacific it ready. DR. JOHN EASLY 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high- machine converted to modern elec Court of Malheur County, Oregon, O N T A R IO ORBOON tric, use your stand, $26.50. New and that said Court has appointed CU8TOM S LA U G H T E R IN G W E W IL L FIT IT TO Y O U R TRACTOR Stock received Monday, Tuesday, portabl«* cabnet, $38 50. New table Tuesday, the 26th day o f April, VETER INAR IANS Wednesday and Thursday. 8 a. m model $76 50. all complete with sew 1949, at 10:00 o'clock In the fore Genuine Wlss pinking noon o f said day. for the hearing to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a m to 12 light. shears. “ Famous” buttonhole at of objections to said Final Account H AL 1). WHI TE N o stock received on Sunday. Supplies for all m a and the settlement thereof. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery tachment. Veterinarian NOW, THEREFORE, all person* chines. and of course—Repairing to Polar locker plant. Caldwell, Idaho Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Phone Nyssa 275-W One mile west on Alberta avenue that will tickle you—'T dood It” . interested in the estate of Dayton J. “ Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon. Hiram Curran, deceased, are noti Phone 05R1 JAKE FHUTTER 17fiXc fied and required to appear at DR. G. W. GRAVES : WANTED: Professional and Business Direclory Watts Seed Co- Qstrom (Cabinet Shop ROW CROP SPRA YERS POWER TAKE-OFF or BELT DRIVEN PUMPS 5 S! MACK’S ANTI- WEED GUN