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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1948)
SECOND SECTION The FOUR PAGES NYSSA VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 17 .•jíA ssa^ JOURNAL gÆ NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1948 COLUM BIA AVENUE M ISSIONARY SPEAKS Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil and Carolyn were Vale vis itors Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rulen Staples of Richland called on Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Larsson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot enter tained the pinochle club Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Jake Groot won first prize, Mr. Groot, second and Mrs. Z. Davidson, low. Mr. and Mrs. C. M Tensen at tended a meeting of the Owyhee Riding club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick of Sunset valley Friday evening. Miss Lois Johnson, a returned L. D. S missionary, Who spent the past 18 months in the north central states, was guest speaker at the Sunday evening services at the Nys- sa second ward meeting. Other speakers were Henry Zobel, and Mr. Beck. Representing the youth were Miss Betty Fife and Cecil Bair. Mrs. Afton Cleverly sang a vocal solo, "Bless This House”. Miss Johnson, a niece of William and Frsel Beus, visited in their homes during her stay in Nyssa. PROGRAM GIVEN BY JU N IO R HIGH BLOSSOM FESTIV AL PLANS COMPLETED The 27th annual blossom festival will be staged at the Kiwansi park in Payette May 8 , according to Bill Schmelzel, general chairman. The traditional pageant under the direction of Dwight Spofford will open the day’s festivities at 10 a.m. Governor C. A. Robbins will crown Queen Marjorie Penrod of New Plymouth, who will reign over the festival. The pageant will tell T n H o m e d a le — the story of the development of Mr. and Mrs. Luray Trabert visite'' Sunday at the home of Mr. Payette valley in 11 acts, with a and Mrs. Ora Friel of Homedale. cast of over 333 persons. Donna Flores will represent Nyssa In the | queen’s court. Following the "Pageant of Pro gress" will come the parade through the business district of Payette. The Sam Coon of Baker, prominent decorated float section will feature eastern Oregon stockraiser has an 27 professionally built floats, which nounced his candidacy as a dele follow in sequence to re-enact the gate to the republican national growth of the valley from the time convention. Eight candidates have of the Indians to the present, filed for the two positions. Mr. Coon SA TU RD A Y , MAY 8 building of the floats has been in plans a tour of the Eastern Oregon progress for four weeks, during congressional district before the which time 25,000 square feet of primary election May 21. tissue paper and 1800 yards of cloth have been used. Featured In the afternoon and early evening will be two baseball games. The first game, starting at 2:30, will be between the Boise high school Braves and the Payette high school Pirates. At 7:30 p.m. An election to permit residents the College of Idaho and the Uni of Nyssa to vote on charter amend versity of Idaho will tangle. A colorful mardi gras featuring ments pertaining to the city's bond iver 500 grade school children with ing authority will be held at the C andidate For R epublican N om ination For heir lighted lanterns will zig-zag city hall May 18. The polls will hrough the streets in the evening showing off their gayly decorated be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The questions to be voted upon creations on which they have been working for the past three weeks. read In part: % The “flying saucer”, which is "Shall the charter of the city of said to be the newest creation in From 2nd Congressional D istrict fireworks, will be fired off during Nyssa be amended by adding there the gigantic display climaxing tne to a new chapter ratifying and ap A Real D irt F arm er in B aker and U nion Cos. festival. Fireworks will be lighted proving all contracts made and on the slopes of reservoir hill, steps taken by the council for is where It is more easily seen by suance of bonds to construct water the tremendous crowd which is mains and authorizing the council expected. For The Following R easons: to issue and sell $ 90.000 worth of bonds t# provide funds for con HONEST and CONSCIENTIOUS support of \ t t e n d s C o n fe re n c e — struction of said watermains and Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt of Nyssa authorizing a tax levy to pay said Development of the Columbia River for Po ioined other members of the Wo bonds; and improve and oil cer wer, Navigation and Irrigation. men’s society of the Methodist tain street and alley Intersections ■hurch of Nampa, Kuna and Boise and Issue and sell $35,000 worth of Workable . program for Conservation of our at sessions held in Wendell, Idaho purpose and authorizing a tax levy Forests and Agricultural land. Monday. On Tuesday she delivered bonds to provide funds for said an address at the district confer to pay said bonds?” SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL ence of the eastern district and this Paid Pol. Adv.— It will be necessary to approve afternoon she addressed the wo the amendments in order for bond men’s Society of Christian Service attorneys to pass favorably upon at a meeting held in M endilh. the legality of the city’s bonds including the street and water bonds T ra c k m e n V isit— that were approved by ther voters John P. Gernhardt, son of Rev. last June. The bond attorney’s ap and Mrs. H. J. Gernhardt, and proval is necessary before the bonds other members of the track team can be sold of the Eastern Oregon College of Education of La Grande had dinner R e tu r n fro m T rip — at Nys. a Saturday while en route Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson made to the College 9 f Idaho to compete a trip to San Diego last Monday j in the annual Founders day meet. to visit their son, Marvin, who, completed his navy boot training. Ill I n P o r t l a n d — Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were accom- j Mrs. S. B. Davis of Portland, panied home by their son and three formerly of Nyssa, suffered a hear', other boys, Jack Atkeson and Na- attack at her home this month , Orr of Nyssa and Jack Graves and is receiving treatment in a of Emmett, who also have finished the training at San Diego. Portland hospital. Ê ¿ c JL d c SfiuZaJd iiu. (S&ldlhiL. e jc S 'T â jj m .HENRY Charter Change Election Is Set Weatherspoon CONGRESS With the weather furnishing the raindrops outside, and the decorat ing committee furnishing the arti ficial silver raindrops inside, a pro gram and dance social .was given by the Nyssa junior high school, with ’’April Showers” as the theme, Friday evening in the gymnasium. Parents of the students were guests. The program included a . song, "Stormy Weather", by a trio, Lor etta Russell, Marzene Gardner and Carm 1 Taylor, accompanied by Bet ty Fife, and a one-act play, "The Soap Opera”, presented by the L.D.S. Mutual of the second ward, with President Ann Beus and Dra ma Director D. O. Bybee in charge. Mrs. Barney Wilson for Miss Cole’s lass, Mrs. Chet Mosier for Mi’s. Renstrom's class, Mrs. Henry Hart- ey for Mrs. Schweizev’s class and Mrs. Bernard Frost for Mr. Bunch’s lass. Refreshments of punch and wafers were served. The little white picket fence in the center of the hall made a par- Miss Cole, teacher, was in charge :f the games. A nickelodian furn ished dance music. The room mo thers who assisted were Mrs. S. P. Bybee for Mr. Weatherspoon’s class, ition for the games on one side ind the dancing on the other. Blue and white streamers were iraped around the walls and hung from the ceiling, making a conduit Jown to the floor, in which the music box was encircled. entered In the contest was "Era- F ly to O g d e n — wanna". Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker left Nyssa Sunday morning for Ogden A tte n d Je rs e y S ale— r-.„?f rS,..C?iUrley <Jr\dor “ncl’ by plane. They had dinner with Dale Willson attended the Idaho Jersey futurity sale in Boise Sat- \ relatives in Ogden, returning to urday. Nyssa Sunday evening. A. V. COOK Candidate For Republican Nomination for Sheriff of Malheur County at the Primary Election FRIDAY, MAY 21 I 8 V 2 V*- of experience Vote 68 X for the man who is qualified —Paid Pol. Adv. If W in s R a d i o - Mrs. Alvin McGinnis of Adrian won a $350 combination radio in a contest conducted on the "Stump the Band” program The song she YOU HAVE TO DUST FOR Lagus Bugs We Have Solicits Your Vote May 21 Special GENERAL @ ELECTRIC UPRIGHT CLEANER PLUS ATTACHMENTS Keep This Date M ESSINGER AND ROOT Dusters NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 4 and 6 -Row Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds “The House of O liver” Ralph Lawrence, A gent Nyssa Implement Co. Stunz and Thomas Nyssa, Oregon Don’t Be An Ostrich Let’s Face M alheur C ounty’s Road Problem Now. MODEL AVF 28 In Mind FORMERLY Saturday, May 15 OFFER GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY MODEL AVA 180 4 To 9 P. M. FORMERLY The proposed County Road Tax Levy will make you money. Better roads mean smaller repair bills—longer life for your equipment. VO TE YES May 21 fo r the 10 Mill 5 year levy. L. D. S. Church Nyssa, Oregon B azaar Sale of: A ssorted candies— Cookies— Cakes— Pop corn— Hom e-m ade Pies, Salads and O ther Delicious Food. All P repared To Take Home. Also doilies, table cloths, aprons, dish and bath towels, pillow cases and other fancy work. Also various other items. AT FORMER PRICE BOTH $69.90 Do you know what poor County Roads mean to you in terms of tmck and auto repair and maintenance? Of course you do, for you’re the man who pays. Here’s your County’s proposed program. 1. Employ a competent engineer to head the program. 2. Classify all county roads as to condition and what must be done. 3. Standardize Rights of way throughout the County, ami establish the County’s right of record. 4. Purchase equipment to fill the size of the job to be done. 5. Repaii- and rebuild the roads of the County. Purpose— To raise funds for street paving a r ound church grounds, etc. DO YOUR PA R T AND M AKE YOUR COUNTY A BETTER Be Sure To A ttend This U nique Sale PLACE IN W H ICH TO LIVE Light R efreshm ents W ill Be Available Sponsored By Henneman’s Nyssa L.D.S. First Ward V ote Y es