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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1948)
V H IE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1948 accom panied by Mrs. Seward. | gon Trail met at the home of O pal'given once a year. The other was j morrow's world. With the world at I Roth and Burt Haney, new opera- operated by Freeman, will use the The bride, who was given in mar- Holmes Wednesday afternoon, A p -j "Vera's Vicissitude.-, ', or "What | our doorstep and with our great j tors of the machine shop formerly office in the machine shop building, riage by her father, wore a satin 1 ril 28. The afternoon was spent High Class People Have Instead j united strength, we shall assume C ¡wedding gown with a fingertip | visiting. Eleven members were p res-! of Troubles". The plays were given our responsibility, resolving to strike - 5 - j veil. She carried a bouquet of pinlc [ ent. Leona Anderson, Idaho Power under the direction of Mrs. Ersel a blow for broader education, bet- | NYSSA COUPLE WED ter health, deeper world under - 1 At a candlelight ceremony Sun- °n ^ white ! company home supervisor, showed Beus, Mrs. LaMont Fife, and D. O. standing and a strengthened pro- ' AI a canaieiigm ceremony oun streamers tipped with pink rose- H , Bybee. Dennis Fife was in charge Candidate for Republican Nomination for: day afternoon, May 2 at the Naz- buds. The bride was attended by I a motion picture T h e Modem , of the music for the evening. Cold gram of home and family life edu- \ arene church. Miss Ida Mae Def- her sister, Mrs. Marvin Elmore.1 Home". Mrs. Anuerson also gave1 pop and raisin 'cook^es were'served cation." Mrs. J. J. Garland was the sipeak- | lenbaugh daughter of Mr and wlth Erma J°y Baaon and Alberta ideas for remodeling kitchens. In by Mrs Er.sel Beas. Mrs. LaMhnt M r s W i l l i a m Deifenbaueh of Nvs Erowrl as bridesmaids. Irwin Top- a K^essing game Alice Holmes won | Kife and Mrs. Beck LeRoy Bair. er from the national association, j Mrs. william Detiennaugn oi Nys llff as man for his bro- a prize. Lunch was served by the counselor, was master of ceremon- stres-sing the proper training of At Primary Election — May 21, 1948 sa, and Charles Edward Topliff, ther. Leroy Seward, Don Hicky and hostess. The next meeting will b e 1 |es A ,Summer program has been children. Adults must so conduct 9M of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Top- Gerald Barker were ushers. held May 12, with Donu Mitchell planned. Regular study will be re- themselves that children develop a Common sense will be applied in the adminis reverence for God and the thought liff of Nyssa were united in mar- , A reception for the young couple as hostess. sumed next fall, tration of the duties fixed by law for the sherifl of service to others. riage. was held at the I.O.O.F. hall fol- 1 — J— An archway decorated with pink lowing the wedding, with a large j MOTHERS HONORED to perfonn. If elected sheriff of Malheur county. NYSSA GIRLS ATTEND TEA GUEST HONORED AT PARTY 1 roses, and baskets of snapdragons crowd in attendance. The young | A special Mother's day service Marci Anderson of Ontario high I will devote my entire time and energy for the Mrs. Ward Wieneke entertained and carnations, made a beautiful couple left for a short honeymoon, was held during chapter meeting school was awarded a scholarship benefit of the taxpayers of the county. setting for the ceremony. The wed- after which they will be at home of the Eastern Star Monday, May 3. by the American Association of last Friday evening for Mrs. Alvin ding marches were played by Mrs. on a farm near Nyssa. 1 Mrs. Blanche Boydell, Mrs. Eth- University Women at the second Kuehn, who will soon be leaving Nyssa. The honor guest was pre- j Dwight Seward. Preceding the cere- -5 — _____ elwyn Sarazin, Mrs. Vernena Beam, annual A.A.U.W. senior __ Your Vote for Me Will Ensure Above tea held mony, Miss Altheia Hawkins sang, CLUB HOLDS MEETING I Mrs. Ethel Crawford and Mrs. Bet- at the h o m e'of' Mrs.*"j»«ne« Potter sented with a number of hand kerchiefs by those present. T w o : "Because" and "I Love You Truly” , The Merry Matrons club of Ore- ] ty Forbes represented all Star mo- ln Ontario The scholarship is to ---------- thers and received corsages from ^ used ior # term.s tuition at tables of bridge were in play during the chapter during the ceremony, j the university of Oregon, which is the evening, with prizes for high score going to Mrs. John Beckham, Jacob Simmons, ¡worthy patron, Miss Anderson-s chasen x h o o l gave the tribute far all sons ° f I Among March's winning qualifi- for second high to Mrs. Wayne mothers. Miss Kathryn Crandall catjons was the fact that she is Morris and the traveling prize to MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YOUR was soloist. 'the editor of the "Owaches” , the Mrs. Glea Billings. Refreshments from a beautifully 1948 Ontario hi h sfhjol yearbook. -5 - LIVESTOCK -decorated table were served by Mrs she hds ^ leader for three CLUB HONORS MRS. POULSON Rigney, Mrs Haworth and Mrs. years and has a po!IU aver- The Nyssa Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. George Poulson Hartley. Visitors from other juris- tge for four yfcars of 1.50. Market Report For Tuesday, May 4, 1948 dictions were Mrs. George Bear, their ' advisers Friday afteroon in celebration of Miss zwemke, Mrs. Eleanor P e i r - f r ™ J , » ™ N y L Jordan VaL Iher birthday. She received a lovely Feeder cows $150 to $215. Grass fat cows $21 to $24.60. SOl and Mrs. Paill House. I. _ ... J irrair nf h/vMz,-pn/- 1 c lanH ir. I and a taHIrs table m mir- Weaner calves $20 to $28. Cutter cows $18 to $19. - , . i ley, Fruitland, and Ontario gath - 1 | pair - _. of , book-ends, . Eastern Star women will enter-1 pred f the Jjrdan valley or. Refr^hments were served to ALWAYS PRICED Fat hogs $22.80. Canner cows $15 to $18. ,tain their husbands and M a o ris, was we„ for the enl U. Mrs. Eugene Bair was admitted Sows $14.50 to $19. Beef bulls $22 to $25. ¡» t a party to b eh eld May 17. tire senior class consisting oi two . 88 8 new member^ Feeder pigs $20 to $22. Veal calves $20 to $32.50. BELOW THE MARKET Fat lambs $18 to $22.75. Fed heifers $24 to $27. ! MUTUAL HAS CLOSING SOCIAL ' ^ U' teah° traveled 100 mlles fo1' WILL HOLD PARTY Ewes $8.50 to $10.50. Feeder steers $25 to $28. I The seoond ward Mutuals held words of welcome bv Katheryn s t - Paul’s guild will hold a pro- their closing social Tuesday even- - Pet „ a A u W vice ¡»resident Sressive bridge and pinochle party ling. The program consisted of two " f o l l o w e d bT lour accordion May 11 at 8 P.m. The party will ¡one-act plays, and a dance. R e -, selections by Geraldine Hogue, who helti in several homes and the freshments were served to 200 mem- ^ a sophomore at Payette hlgh parish hall. I bers. The social brought to a close school. The highlight of the alter- nine months -of ¡Ictive work and noon was a style review under the PARTY HONORS GUESTS study for all L.D.S. members and direction ol Mrs. Bill Robinson o i 1 Mr: 81111 Mrs. Warren Farmer en- their friends who wished to at C. C. Anderson stores, Mrs. Frasia I Pertained last Thursday for M r.! tend. Drama, speech, music, and Haggert of Everybody's’, and Miss Farmers sister and her husband, ONTARIO, OREGON PHONE 264 special dancing were studied one Marie Tessman of Tessman s. The I E)r- and Mrs. Kirk Anderson of. half of the hour, and religious accent was on smoothly styled cot El Paso, Texas, who will leave soon subjects the other half hour of tons to befit the season. In an to make their home in Seattle. Call us for transportation for your livestock or each study period Bridge was in play during the ev market information. I 'x The h p fme-act nlavs «resented were address to the prospective college Thp one-act one act plays Dlavs presented were glr]s Mlss Marie Tessman described ening, with prizes going to Mr. and "The Rose Wood Piano” , a church the coming fall fashions. Mrs. Houston Wilson for high score wide winner of the play contest Mrs. Irwin Troxell, Ontario A.A. and to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kuehn •V >,•"!. * * -S f . ' * / ' U.W. member, poured at the tea for seoond high. The traveling held in a springish atmosphere prize was won by Mr. and Mrs created by the spring blossoms with Edward Boydell. which the rooms were decorated. ENTERTAIN CLUB - 5 - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boydell G IR L SCOUTS PLAN PARTY were hosts to their bridge club An executive meeting of the Girl Scout council members and lead Wednesday night. High score prize ers was held Friday, April 30 in was won by Grant Lewis and sec the Masonic hall, with 17 members ond high by Mrs. Lewis. representing the seven troops. The scouts birthday party was Hears Governor Dewey— BY LEW HERRIM AN Apply in your irrigation water, no dust, no Mrs. G. F. Garren returned from announced for 2:30 p.m. May 22. Size 19 by 36, Washable dirt, no odor, no equipment necessary, side Mother’s Day, May 9, reminds us All scout parents, council members spending the week-end in Salem, Mom is human and would like some and sponsoring groups are invited where her husband and son, David, dress without disturbing the root system. in w the Weeks and indication that her devotion to to attend the party, which will be are employed , _ Use one-fourth the amount of fertilizer in FRIDAY— SATURDAY— MONDAY duty throughout all the other days held in the Masonic hall. Plans BeardleY nursery. Mrs. Ganren re in the year Is appreciated. I don't were made for a scout camp to be |K,rts that s“ ® G otem oi solution as were previously obtained with dry ' recall anyone trying to organize held at Pilgrim cove July 6 to ^ w e y speak while in Salem fertilizer. mothers on a basts of regular hours, 16, with Ontario scouts. Olean Wells | minimum pay, and all the things of the Nyssa theater has offered f amous Minister to S p ea k - From the standpoint of uniformity of dis The Internationally famous Dr. i that workers in other fields receive. to grant a commission on all tickets tribution on the soil, and subsequent diffusion | Mothers are expected to be on call sold for a picture to be chosen at Walter A. Mater, for 13 seasons .the sPealct'r on the Lutheran Hour, 1 24 hours a day for the hundreds a later date in the soil, use of fertilizer solutions is far sup The need for leaders and as- i wdl speak in the Central gyntnas- of different demands they get erior to the application of dry fertilizer. ■ from Pop and the kids . . and sistants is extremely urgent and ,um 111 Nalll|la Ti'esotay evetung, I think Mom would 'be the first many girls are denied membership j M;'V "• at 8:31° ' tJ ie Public ts in- Be sure to specify California liquid fertiliz to object to any change. But that in scouting because of lack of I vi,ed to attend. Every Sunday a er, the product used in this vicinity last season. ternoon 15 million people, from doesn't mean she doesn't like a leadership, officials said. Chile to Alaska and from occupied j piat on the back . . . so let’s not —I — China to Bast Africa, listen to the I forget her on her one big day in REPORTS ON CONVENTION Mrs. W. W. Poster returned Fri sermons of Rhv. Maier of St. Louis, j the year! In Indiana a school teacher was day evening from Klamath Falls, Missouri. Every week lie receives fired for waking up sleepy students where she attended the state Par 25,000 letters which contain on tlie YOUR STORE WITH THE CHECKER BOARD SIGN by giving them a "hot-foot." He ent-Teacher association convention. average $10,000 to help pay for the was just working on the wrong end. There wre 40S registered delegates, broadcasts. A cro ss from Telephone O ffice Those "sleepy" worn-smooth tires including 332 local association dele may suddenly awaken you with a gates. Two registered delegates were Methodist Men Meet— DRYGOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING HUGH J. TOBLER — O w ners — LLOYD L. TOBLER A sub-district meeting of the j damaging BLOWOUT'! Why trust f ’. om Malheur county, Mrs. Poster X-Ray Shoe Fitting ¡vour life, and the lives of your of Nyssa and Mrs. James Warden Methodist M ens brotherhood was Phone 2 6 N Y S S A , O REG O N ! children to tires that are badly of Vale. It was reported at the held last Thursday at the Nyssa NYSSA OREGON WiC *1* 4*-rjr worn? Be Wise—get a new set of convention that there had been Methodist church, with Dr. For I Oates tires from the HERRIMAN an increase of nearly 25 per cent rest Werts, pastor of the First MOTOR COMPANY! These engin ln the P.T.A. membership over the Methodist church in Bouse as guest speaker on the subject, "Today eered tires are designed to give you state this year, totaling 7000. a smoother ride—easier car-handl The delegates were welcomed by Salutes”. Other numbers on the ing and better road-gripping, makes the state president, Mrs. H. H program included two solos by those stops a certainty. Phone: Hargreaves, who stated that the Donna Crawford of Fruitland, ac 77 If you'd like price Information theme of the conference was "The companied by Mrs. Crawford, and World at Our Doorstep” . “Such a a quartet composed of Albert Brat on your particular size. theme", said Mrs. Hargreaves, ton, H. J. Gembardt, Ralph Maze I "should be carried back to local and Merrildean Robbins, who sang I ¡associations to spearhead an active two number. Preceding the program program that would Include the a dinner was served to the group welfare of all children and by the Young Adults fellowship i everywhere, today’s children, who group to 58 guests from Nyssa and W ITH THE will administer the affairs of to- other valley Methodist churches. furiai ^ntcs ORVILLE MAZE COUNTY SHERIFF More Furniture Buyers More Orders Prir.v ED CASE'S HI WAY MDSE. MART. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY NYSSA, OREGON Rayon Rag Rugs G ro w A Greater V o lu m e NEWS VIEWS o i P ro d u ce With Liquid Fertilizer TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL Bracken’s NYSSA Phone IOÔ EASIER DITCHING THROUGH THE PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 7-8 Robeit Young, Marguerite Chapman, Willard Parker and Akim Tamiroff in “ RELENTLESS” In Technicolor It’s a pulse-pounding drama of the rugged west . . . As a wandering cowboy wages his own private, desperate war! Color Cartoon Screen Snapshots Tough Stuff! HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Attend School Party— Approximately 160 persons, in cluding 20 parents.’ attended a jun ior high school party last Friday evening in the gymnasium. The formal program, consisting of songs and skits presented by junior high students was followed by a program dance. During the course of the evening the room mothers served punch and cookies to those in at tendance. Set The Scene For G R A CIO U S LIVING M at., Sat.. 2 :3 0 ; Adm . 25c-Sw. In c. T a x Adm . E venings, 40e-9e, Ineluifciix Tax M ovin g O ffic e — SUNDAY & MONDAY. MAY 9-10 Hard-boiled realism, thrill-laden adventures. Uncle Sam’s fearless Treasury Agents move to stamp out a wave of counterfeiters. “ T-MEN” Dennis O’Keefe, Mary Meade, June Lockhart and Alfred Boyer in Cartoon Sports ) li beautifying your Adm . Evening«, 40c-9c, Inc, Tax. other decorating materials! Fea- tured ln our selection are $1.63 Qt. Fuller High Gloss Enamel Kem-Tone IN APPRECIATION Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kreisel. par- | ents of E R. McCurdy, wish to express their undying gratitude to the members of the Nyssa Boat club and all other friends win volunteered and helped in any vvaj for their wonderful co-operation , and fortitude shown in the recoven I of the bodies. The many kindnesses will never be forgotten. DOUBLE WING All sleel, electrically welded Doublo Wing Chattin Ditch ers build ditches in stubble, sod, heavy soil or gravel with the greatest of ease and efficiency. The exclusive curved mold board wings slice ahead smoothly, roll the dirt up evenly and build strong, uni form banks. The wings, wheels and beam are quickly adjustable to make any sixe ditch. Clean ditches perfectly ln one trip through, and leave a clear, flat bottomed ditch that carries a maximum volume of water. BETTER DITCHES — in le ss lim e — at lo w er cost THERE S A CHATTIN FOB EVERY NEED__ MADE IN 2 2 SIZES FOR SALE BY “ The .House of Oliver” n IMPLEMENT CO. Stunz and Thomas / $3.49 Gal. ' * Sharp trading! Yes, there arc some sharp traders in ______________________ Adm. 25-9o, Inc, Tax______ WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 12-13 The hilarious tale o f two befuddled folks who fumbled their way to fame and fortune! Eddie Cantor, Joan Davis, Allyn Joslyn and Charles Dingle in “ IF YOU KNEW SUSIE" In teriors with our fine wall papers, paints and Mat., Sun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Hvrninp, 40c*l\ Inc. Tax TUESDAY, MAY 11 Bargain Night Double Feature Program Kenny Delmar in “ IT’S A JOKE SON’’ Also Eddie Dean and Roscoe Ates in “ BLACK HILLS’’ By Walter Freeman will move his Ideal Gas and Appliance office and plant to his new building on First street this week-end. Carl HI IN COLORS OF YOUR CHOICE the used car business these days. But you’ll NOT find a factory-authorized PorJ dealer, we assure you o f full value for sour money. 11 here. As NYSSA FURNITURE CO. 1 Block West R. R. Depot HERRIMAN MOTOR CO.