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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1948)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder ana The Gate City Journal daughter, Helen Kay, were visitors the Grover Cooper home Friday. SUNSET VALLEY, Jan. 8— Pieter at Mr. and Mrs. Jesse King of Hus Vande Moer, uncle ol Mrs. Irvin ton were Sunday evening callers of Editor and Publisher IILAS8 V. rO W iU Neil Dimmick, who Is the inspec Wolfe, was instantly lulled in an tor for the PHBAA Palomino Horse auto accident Just five minutes be Breeders at America. fore the beginning of the new year. King has a association ADVERTISING RATa.8 SU BSCRIPTION RATBS palomino colt that he 1 His wife, Maude, was critically In wants Dimmick to inspect. Mr. and Open rate, per Inch..........35e One Year--------------------- Mrs. Raymond of Huston, accom jured and died In the Nampa hos National, per Inch..............40c 81k Month«--- :— - Mr. and Mrs. King. January 2. Vande Moer’s son panied Classifieds, per word..........So pital single Coplea.— --- -------------- Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer, Mr. ¿ind his wife, Mr. ar.d Mrs. William Minimum..........30c 'Strictly in Advance i Mrs. Charles Share, Mr. and Vande Moer, cousins of Mrs. Wolfe, and Vic Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. , are In the Nampa hospital. The Mrs. George Schweizer, Jack Marshall, entire right side of the Vande Moer Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon sedan was ripped off when the pick and Pattie, JoAnn, Diane, and Schweizer, three grand Entered at the poetofflcea at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission up truck went through a stop sign Maxine of George Schweizer from through the United State» Malls, as second class matter, under and crashed Into the sedan. Mr. and daughters Richland, Washington, were dinner Mrs. Vande Moers were Parma resi guests the act ol March 3, 1879 at the Lee Householder home dents. New Year's. A farewell party was given at the on Frank Asumendi and Jess were Sunset Valley hall Saturday night New Year’s dinner guests at the A GREAT HUMANITARIAN EFFORT by a group of young people in hon Ed Price home. or of Shirley Price and Donald The Sunset auxiliary met at the ABOUT TO BE COMPLETED Bergam, who returned to Eastern of Mrs. Edwin Bergam New Oregon College of Education this home Year’s afternoon. Seven members Money already raised by residents of Nyssa were present. and community has assured construction of a Lester and Mary Rataezyk re turned to the home of their par modern district hospital, but workers will con ents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ratae- tinue their efforts for several more days in order ryk Wednesday after attending the wedding of their aunt, Genevieve to reach the goal of $250,000. Rataezyk, and assisting in the roles In addition to the general benefits of a district of ring-bearer, and flower girl, respectively. hospital, Nyssa has a chance to establish a polio Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy and center for the treatment of the dreaded disease D. W. Randolph of Iowa were On tario visitors last Tuesday. Lew Mc that has taken a heavy toll in lives and limbs You want to be warm and com Coy’ s back is still painful. fortable .this winter. You want to in the Snake river valley. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and accomplish this as economically as daughter were dinner guests at the If enough additional money is raised for con possible. THAT’S what we’ll talk Nell Holmes home In Caldwell Sun struction of a polio section, the National Foun about when you come in to see the day. Mr. and Mrs Harold Snyder and dation for Prevention of Infantile Paralysis will new Spark Oil Heaters. daughter, Helen Kay, have moved furnish $10,000 or $15,000 worth of polio equip to the Ed Price farm. Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer en ment, including an “iron lung”. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Po This polio center, which would handle polio meroy at New Year's eve dinner. cases from all sections of eastern Oregon, is Lula Belle Wilson and Jim Robb were supper guests of Elaine Jones badly needed as this part of the state is without in Caldwell Saturday. facilities for treating the disease. The modern Otto Wolfe of Nampa was here chopping hay Saturday. hospital that the Nyssa community expects to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick were build would be a splendid place for such a cen In Boise Saturday, returning with a truckload of insulation for their ter. house. The current drive is probably the outstanding Hlroto Okano is building another house, 26 by 28 feet Just east of example of co-operative effort ever undertaken his old house. in Nyssa on such a large scale. Without regard Betty, Bob and W. T. Cannon were Caldwell visitors Friday. for creed or sect or business position men of Mr- add Mrs. Ellis Givens and Nyssa and community and parts of Canyon Butch were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper Monday. county, Idaho have worked tirelessly night and Darlene Robb, daughter of Hud OIL CIRCULATING HEATERS day in the money-raising campaign. Their suc son Robb, left Sunday morning with cess has been partly due to the efforts of Louis a group of students returning to at Corvallis, after spending D. Barr of Oakland, California, whose system N yssa Furniture college the hoidays at home. of campaigning has been effective over a period Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed and family were New Year’s eve guests of more than 25 years. Com pany at the Claude Wilson home. Construction of the hospital will bring reali Mr. and Mrs Harley Wilson and defore you buy - s e e fh e SPARK son etumed Sunday after spending zation of a dream to a small group of men who New Year’s at Haines with Mr. and GAS MAKING DEMONSTRATION first conceived the hospital program for this Mrs. George Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cannon left community. Sunday, taking their $on, David, to a specialist at Portland. Mrs. Delbert Gamer's mother, Mrs. James Etherington, Mrs. Geo rge Folkman, all of Plain City, Utah, have been visiting at the Deb Gamer home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price and fami ly returned Saturday night after a two-week trip to Nebraska. Albert Notheis finished Installing the plumbing In his home last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Vinsanhaler of Nyssa and Mrs Elmer Clonlnger were visitors at the Albert Notheis home last Thursday. Vera Faye and O. P. Counsil, Lois Knottingham were Knottingliam and Paul, Glenn and John Knottingham were dinner guests at the Herbert Bergam home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and family of Hurrah, Washington were dinner guests at the Jim Langley- home Friday evening. A. R. Herring, father of Mrs. Joe Hobson, was taken to the Nam pa hospital Sunday. Larry Dimmick returned to Yaki ma Sunday to continue his studies at the Central Washington Junior college. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper were guests of T. B. Goodlers of King- man Kolony on New Year’s day. Harold Reed underwent an opera tion following a blood clot in his hip, and Is in the Greeley hospital In Colorado. Pete Wilson was in Vale last Mon- SUNSET RESIDENTS’ RELATIVES KILLED 0 SPARK. A N N O U N C IN G CHANGE OF NAME Al Thompson And Son Tobler’s Feed £r Fuel F inancial ' r J DANGER AHEAD/ CHANGE IN NAME ONLY CHAS. VAN CLEAVE’S ANKLE IS BROKEN BIG BEND, Jan. 8—Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Fretwell drove to Yakima, Washington to visit relatives and friends during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Lee were over night guests in Emmett last Thurs day. Leonard and Wilma Hobbs of Hiawatha, Kansas enrolled In the first and fourth grades, respectively, at Wade school. Charles Van Oleve broke one of his ankles while duck hunting last Friday. Noel Tuppeny Is ill with influen za. Bernice Chaney returned to Seat tle Pacific College after spending the Christmas vacation with h e r1 parents. » Lorina Witty and Herbert Oil- lian returned to Sterling, Kansas after visiting Lorina’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Witty. The Wade and Big Bend schools were re-opened Monday, January S, after a 10-day vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Teter return ed from a week's visit with her parents and relatives at Twin Palls, and Preston, Idaho. The new large globe lights were installed In the Wade schoothouse during the vacation. EXTRA L A R G E S H IP M E N T O F THE LATEST RECORDS AND ALBUM S SEE AND HEAR THEM TODAY Newsom Furniture Co. NYSSA 165 MAIN Middleton, McCarty And Company Accountants and Auditors Announce That Mr. James Russel Walston after three years as a deputy collector of internal revenue and two years as a specal internal revenue and two years as a special department has taken over their PRACTICE OF ACCOUNTANCY IN ONTARIO, AUDITS, BOOKKEEPING, INCOME TAX. 52 S.W. First Avenue, Ontario, Oregon Phone 394 JANUARY Clearance Sale HERE’S VALUES WHEN YOU WANT THEM! AND MANY OTHERS NOT LISTED. Belgian Rugs $2.49 Unbleached Muslin 28c Yd. Cannon Towe,s 39c Print Ladies’* Children’s __ _______________ Fancy 39c Yd. Anklets ¡Pajamas Men’s Cotton Boys’ Men's Flannel Ladies’ 15c Pr. 79c Mens wher Union Suits Sweaters Jackets $i.»7 87C Boys’ Flannel Shirts Shirts $ 1.88 Purses 97c $1.49 Philco Radios On Display AC NEW SHIPMENT Star Brand Shoes JUST ARRIVED m l Wilson Bros. Dept. Store KEN REN STRO M R E A I ESTATE PHONE 4 1 J ■ ray on business. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and daughter were dinner guests of Mrs, Veva Castle of Ontario New Year’s day. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shepphard were Sunday callers at the Sid Flanagan home. Mr. and Mrs. Shep phard returned from California Saturday. Mrs Shepphard’s mother remained in California. Nobi Okano left Friday night, re turning to Iowa State college. Hud Robb and Jim were in Cald well Saturday on business. Mike Flanagan, son of Sid Flana gan, suffered a steam bum Satur- da from the vaporizer. Tetsu Okano, who graduated from Nyssa high school last year, return ed to Oregon State college Thurs day, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiroto Okano. Thomas Crow of Pendleton, i former G.I., now taking teacher’s training at the Eastern Oregon1 College of Education, arrived Wed nesday night to visit in the Wilbur Chapin horn*. Reverend R. L. Kriner and fami ly and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and family of Harrah, Washnlgton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg last Sunday. D. W. Randolph of Iowa, who has ben visiting h1s daughter, Mrs. Lew McCoy, the past month, left Mon day for Portland. Randolph will visit his daughter, Mrs. A. R. Red- dekoup. Beth Chapin and Thomas Crow returned to college at La Grande on the streamliner with a large group of students. The cattle association held a meeting last Friday night. $9.95 STILL OPERATED BY Hugh Tobler And Lloyd Tobler THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1948 ANO IN S U R A N C I N T SSA , O R IG O I P h o n e 32 Nyssa, Oregon