Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1948)
r~ — — t * 77ie NYSSA VOLUME XXXXII IMO. 51 JOURNAL NYSSA, ORÉGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 19 U Officer Byrd Takes Life By Shooting Self Over $160,000 Is Raise! By Workers In Hospital Campaign Funeral For City Police man Held Wed.; Wife, 3 Girls Survive which to live." Treat Polio Cases Here 'T h e National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis, through its o ffi cials, has assured the District Mem Floyd A. Byrd, Nyssa police o f orial Hospital association that, il On“ hunlred workers of the dis ficer for the bust 18 months, took space is built in the memorial hos trict memorial. hospital campaign pital, it will donate to this hos his own life by shooting himself in the head at his home about 1:30 o.gaioZti, t m et in the Musonh pital necessary beds, iron lung, and a.m. Cunstmas. temp e L ..t Pi aay ni»trt to star all other equipment necessary for Officers said that after Byrd the treatment o f polio cases” , stat .ae general m lng cam- fhot him self in the right temple his ed Dr. L. A. Moulding, who is close i -ign. wife tailed Police C hief Orville ly In touch with the polio situa Maze, who telephoned Sh eriff C har r '„ the !:• vo. ation giver tion. He said, " I f we provide the les Glenn and Sergeant W alter Ly Rev. C. L. Callahan of St. P au li space, no longer w ill It be neces Walker o f the state police to assist sary to take children, with severe L p lo .p a . church, Prank T . Merga, in the Investigation. The three Byrd ia.,es of polio, to distant cities, such p -e .d e n t of Blie hospital associa- as Boise or Portland, where thej children were at the home of their -o... ,ta.ed that "P o l a numLer o* are away from relatives and friends grandparents at the tim e of the yea.- the citizens of this large This polio wing of the hospital maj shoot big. . ..e ., \vlil_h in tuaes parts of Ida also be used during other epidemics Floyd Ancel Byrd, son o f Mr. ho, have bee.i urging the budding such as scarlet and typhoid fevers". and Mrs. Daniel C Byrd, was born wi .. tliGrjuyhl/ m tu cm and weh- January 17, 1914 at Camp, Colorado “ It has been announced that 11 eiutpiped hospital »■ afford protec- sufficient fluids are raised, there and received his education and n i_a all v.ho ve within this will be space added for the beds, grew to manhood there. On July 2. 1934 he was united In marriage ■ a-ge district that will bo served lirón lung and equipment far treat- Uj the district memorial hospital to Teresa Xtary Herren at Boise m ent of polio cases" "W e want to make it very clear City, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd, Dr. K. E. Kerby urged that every that tiiis is not to be a small hos- effort be made to raise additional parents of feur girls, established p.tal. The cite will be laige enough funds to get this greatly needed their home in Camp. In the faft I j r all future expansion, contem- polio center Dr. Kerby said, “ I f of 1936 the family moved to Spring- pla ing a population 100 years li the people o f this district could field, Colorado, where they resided n e a l; It will be of the very latest realize the tragic situation and pos until Janaury, 1941, when they took Ufc -gn, with major and minor op- sible loss of life, because of lack residence at Glendale, California. eiaung rocins, maternity wing, the of proper equipment in polio cases, In September, 1945 they moved to very latest x-ray, fracture table ana they would rise en masse and make Nyssa, where they have since re laboratories. Additional rooms may every effort to make sacrificial gifts sided. Byrd was a member o f the be built from time to time to a f to secure a polio center in this Eagles lodge at Nyssa. ford the needed bed capacii-y ac- district." Survivors are his widow; three i.-ciding to demands of an ever daughters. Joan, Romona and M ax Pioneer Doctors Introduced increasing population. I t will be ine, all o f Nyasa; his parents, Mr. "Am ong other leaders of the m edi du t-proof, air-conditioned, fire-safe, cal profession in the Snake River and Mrs. Daniel Byrd o f Spring- w ith do.,rs and hallways wide en valley are Doctors W. H. Mitchell field, Colorado; three cteters. Mrs. ough for patients in beds to be of Parma, and J. J. Sarazbi of L. Copeland o f Lamar, Colorado, wheeled out of the hospital and Nyssa. Mrs. M. Parker of Boise City, O kla down ramp,, Instead of stairs and Santa Claus is shown above as he paid an official visit to Nyssa gathered. Treats were distributed by firemen to 1000 youngsters. homa and Mrs. L. Scoville of C oi- Mayor Whitaker of Nyssa stated, elevators, to the ground level. December 22. The picture was taken by Evans studio just after visit was sponsored by the merchants' committee of the Nyssa fyvUle, Kansas, and two brothers, •'We are glad to be congratulated "T h e money raising campaign on the splendid organization com Henry Byrd o f Des Moines and Santa arrived on the fire truck and before the large crowd had chamber of commerce. that is now started puts all human- posed o f men of various walks of Donald Byrd o f Camp, Colorado. itaians In this large hospital dis life who are working in this cam Funeral services were conducted trict to a test. I f each person don paign to obtain a hospital to serve by Rev. H. J. O em hardt in the ates according to his ability, mem the iieople who live in this vast Methodist church December 28. Mu orials or membersip, we will be as area. When it comes to relieving sic was rendered by Mrs. Gilbert sured of the kind of hospital that human suffering, there can be nc Kllnkenberg and Mrs. C. A. Buch A fter a rest of several days, the the people o f this area need for such thing as political boundary ner. Pallbearers were members Nyssa Bulldogs will return to the their protection.” The city has received approxi lines. The sole question is, 'what Funeral services for Mrs. Harvey the state police and Nyssa police Mrs. Emma Evelyn Burdge Hiatt, basketball wars Friday night when Mr. Morgan praised the workers can we do to protect the lives anC 81, died at the home of hat son. they will meet the Fruitland’ G riz- mately $10,000 In casn and $6000 In Otis, pioneer resident of Kingman forces. Interm ent was in the Nyssa present for the enthusiastic at health o f our friends and neigh Dor: bond applications for settlement of Kolony, were held in the Free cemetery, with the Nyssa Funeral Sari Hiatt, of Parma December 26. lies in a Snake R iver conference tendance at the opening meeting who live within this district to bt the new street assessments now Method 1st church in Adrian Monday home In charge. Funeral services were held Tues game. **- for the general campaign. Morgan served?.' served?' The a n gler is ‘build a day at 2 p.m. in the First Mission - C ity officials had not appointed payable at the city hall, City Man afternoon a t 2 o'clock, with the The Grizzlies are expected to give comp'.‘mei.y-d the members o f t_heJmtxieriiri<.apital ,3 proteci au ’ ‘ nivhc iry Baptist church of Nyssa, with ager E. K. Burton said Tuesday. Rev. H. E. Moore o f Adrian o f i successor to Byrd on the police plenty o f trouble, having held the advance gifts committee, who for need aid’.’ force Tuesday. T lie trend so far indicates that ficiating. Interment was in the Rev. M. J. Duncan offlcating. In Bulldogs to a 35 to 30 score on the past 30 days, in a most sacri Hospital consultant and campaign terment was in the Nyssa cemetery more than half of the assessments Owyhee cemetery with the Nyssa the Fruitland floor early In the ficial manner, have canvassed in adviser, Louis D, Barr o f Oakland. Here from Washington— will be paid In cash. Property Funeral home In charge. The Nyssa Funeral home was in season. order to get memorials in advance California, said, “ The advance gifts Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer and owners have until January" 5 to Music was furnished at tlie ser barge. The Bulldogs will g o to Nampa o f the general campaign. He stated committee and general campaign Mrs. Hiatt was bom December for an non-conference encounter either pay cash or sign bond appli vice by Mrs. William Toomb and fam ily o f Richland, Washington ar that the advance gifts committee organization will work side by side cations. A fter Chat date the assess two daughters, Dorothy and Betty rived last week at the O eorg» Mc 19, 1866 in Mound City, Missouri has raised $138,200 and that It will soliciting memorials and member and was married to James J. H i Saturday. Kee home to spend the holidays. ments will be delinquent. Jean. continue Its work side by side with ships from all who are able to C ity officials emphasized that Florence Nelly Kingman was bom The M cK ee and Schweizer families att in 1886. T o this union were born the workers of the general organi donate toward this district mem property owners mast either pay in Fremont, Illinois October 31, were dinner guests on Christmas at 10 children, three of whom preced zation during the intensive cam orial hospital building fund." He cash or sign a bond application, 1887 and moved to this county with the heme of Mrs. John Dugal of ed their mother in death. Mrs. H iatt paign. The total raised up to W ed said, "th e fanners and townspeople was a member of the First Mission as they do not automatically come her fam ily in 1905. T h e Kingman Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Schweizer left nesday amounted to $165.335. under the bonding act if they do family was the first to settle on the Sunday to return to their home. are certainly entitled to the life ary Baptist church o f Nyssa. Dedication of a baptismal font Morgan welcomed the members saving facilities o f a modern hos Patty Jean Schweizer is remaining Adrian side o f the Owyhee river. Mrs. Hiatt is survived by two given as' a memorial to Aubrey not pay cash. o f division D, Jacob Fischer, m an pital. Tne assessments amount to $103- Mrs. Otis, who died at her home this week at the M cKee home. daughters. Mis. Lennle McFarland Fletcher by his widow, Mm. Jean ager. which is composed of three 024.17. It is most fortunate than an o f of Joplin, Missouri and Mrs. Jes December 26 following an extend Fletcher, was held in the Metho groups o f workers from the rural fer has been made by the National ed illness, was married to Harvey Returns to School— sie Pringle o f Atoscosa, Texas; five dist church at the morning service section o f Idaho, and also a group Foundation o f Infantile Paralysis to sons, Cecil of Massachusetts, C lar Jerry Crandall left this week for Otis October 12, 1921 She attend o workers who are residents of equip a polio center in this hos ence of Bayonne, New Jersey, Jess Sunday. Acceptance o f the mem ed W hitworth college, which is now Grand Porks, North Dakota, where orial was made by Henry Hartley, Parma. pital district. This feature, by itself, and Scott Hiatt of Nyssa and Earl he Is attending the state university, Whitman college a member o f the official board. Arvel Child Speaks will make possible the saving of of Parma, and 32 grandchildren. Besides her husband, Mrs. Otis after spending the holidays at the Following the dedication, the sacra “ W e have passed the horse and many lives of polio victims. W ith The opening dinner and the is survived by a daughter, Mrs. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ment of baptism was administered buggy days when everybody had a a polio treatment center located in E. C. Crandall. noon-day luncheons for the wor Henry M cOruder of Milton. to Thelma Edith Burrelle, daughter hospital In his home. In order to this district memorial hospital, par of Mrs. Fletcher, and Sharon Jean kers o f the district memorial hos properly protect the lives of our ents and loved ones may make daily P IN O C H LE P A R T Y HELD pital campaign organizations, have Dances Planned— Burrelle and Clayton Myron Hol citizens we must have hospital cen visits to the polio victims instead been organized by the committee on A pinochle party was held at the Three dances have been arranged ton, grandchildren o f Mrs. Fletch ters with modem specially designed of taking long trips to the present arrangements and meetings, with locally for the New Year's cele J. W. Rlgney home last Friday er. Nadine Ruth Spitze was also buildings and the latest and very polio treament centers in Boise or Mrs. Ed Frcwt and Mrs. Bernard bration. T h e Owyhee Riding club evening. Quests were Mr. and Mrs baptized. Mrs. Burrelle and Mr. best operative equipment", stated. Portland.” Eastman as co-chairmen. Mrs. East will give a dance New Year's night. Jacob Simmons, Abe Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright were Group 6, led by Manager Everett Arvel Child, vice president o f the In closing, Mr. Barr stated, "H its man is in charge of arrangements. The Eagles will hold a dance In and Mrs. Harlan Dtven and Mr. and memorial hospital association, and jg a jiving war memorial in honor Heldt, won group honors in the received into church membership. Mrs. J. Rodda is caterer and the their hall tonight for members and Mrs. Earl Alexander. Members of the fam ily present for co-chairman o f the hospital cam- and appreciation of those who sac- district memorial hospital cam ladies from a number o f women's the L. D. S. ahurch will hold a -$ — pa ign. | rifieed themselves in world war II. paign Tuesday, succeeding group the dedication were Mr. and Mrs. organizations are serving at the dance In the gymnasium tonight. T O H O LD P A R T Y Maurice Burrelle and Sharon Jean Child said. " I don't think I have instead of erecting a granite monu- 5, led by Manager Ralph Lawence, meetings of the organization. The Rebekah lodge will hold a ever worked in any campaign where ment that does not benefit humant- whose organization won group hon o f Vale, M r and Mrs. Vtrgil Holton A t last Friday night's dinner the Guest Here— New Year's watch party at the and Clayton of Caldwell, Aubrey ors the first day of the general retlgion, politics, occupation, state j ty_ ytm are erecting a living mem- following members of the Civic club Miss Genevieve Each us has been IO O .P . hall December 31 for their or city boundary lines meant less ortai ^ a t will serve generations to campaign. Heldt's group rased $2- Fletcher and Miss Virginia F letch e r, ser"ed : Mrs. O lea Bilhngs, Mrs. a holiday guest at the J. W Rlgney husbands and escorts. N o admission of Eugene. 775 the second day and $4203 the than It has in this district tnemor- come— saving human lives and de- P.ernard Eastman, Mrs. K. K. Lien- home. will be charged. first day. Lawrence’s group raised ial hospital campaign. A united or fending the people from disease. kaemper, Mrs. C liff Main. Mrs. Ha - - Visits Relatives— $1780 the second day and $4385 the ganization of men and hundreds rry Miner, Mrs. Wavne Morris. Mrs. “ You will continue to figh t polio C H R IS T M A S D IN N E R S HELD O U E ST8 A T HOME Mr. and Mrs. W alter McPartland ( Grant Rinehart, Ms. Lynn Snod- of donors are o f one mind and are you should have a polio treatment first day. Christmas guests at the Lee A large group was entertained at Dr. J. R. Cundall's division was and family spent part o f the holl- ' grau.s, Mrs. Luray Trabert. Mrs. working together to obtain hospital center This is a call fo r action." a fam ily dinner on Christmas day Thrasher home were their son and days at a reunion o f the Mc- the division winner Monday and protection. I have been thrilled by W. W. Faster was appointed m an George Vaughn, and Mrs. Houston at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. J. J. their three daughters, Ray o f Sis the oneness o f the people o f this ager of group 3 o f the general O. A. Billings' division was Tues Partlar.d fam ily at Richland, O re Wilson. Harazln. Those attending were Mr. ters, Oregon, Elsie and son o. of gon. large area. They are all working organization according to an an day’s winner. and Mrs A. H. Boydell, Mrs John Boise, Zelma and fam ily of Parma, T u »d a y 's winners were as follows; and giving for the benefit of hu nouncement at the campaign head Visit* Parents— R Eeckham and children, Mr. and and Lucille and fam ily o f Bend The manity and not for any one com quarters. Weil known citizens have Division B—group 5, Ralph Law Here from Portland— M r .and Mrs. Ira Ure, J r„ and Mrs. Edward BoydeU and son, Mr visitors left for their homes Sunday Miss Frances Foster, student at Mrs. Afton Roy and Jaqueline of munity. This valley is having grow assured Foster cooperation as co rence, manager; division C—group and Mrs. Herb Smith o f Corvallis, morning. 6, Everett Heldt. manager, and di the Multnomah Bible school in La Orande were holiday guests at ing pains. Year after year there workers. Mias Eva Boydell, the O. L. Oallo- - 5 - will be such an increase of popula The organization of workers In vision D—group 10. Ed Meroney. Portland, Is visiting at the home of the Ira Ure home. way family, Dr and Mrs. Sarazin O U E STS F O R D IN N E R her parents. M r and Mrs. W. W. tion that it is our duty not only the campaign will meet each day manager. and Norbert, David and Margaret Mr. and Mrs. O lea Billings en The total raised Tuesday was Foster, during the holidays. for our own protection, but for the during the campaign for luncheon Here from Corvallis— Sarazin. tertained M r and Mrs. Grant Le protection of those who are to come, at 12:15 pm . at the Masonic tem- $9360 making a grand total of $156- M r and Mrs. Tom m y Holman of wis and Sandra at dinner on — «— Son-in-Law Dies— 305 to make this area a safe place i n . pie in Nyssa Corvallis visited last week at the Christmas. H A V E C H R IS T M A S D IN N E R Honor workers are A. P. Good- Mrs. C. C. Cotton returned Sun Robert Wilson and Lloyd Lewis Mrs. John Ostrom entertained on ell and O E Cheldelin, group 4: day from Tw in Falls, where she homes. Receives Navy Discharge— Christmas with a dinner for Mr, Wins Trip te San Francisco— E N T E R T A IN S ON H O L ID A Y S Carlas Buchner and Henry Hartley had been called because o f the and Mrs. Ed Qstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler were J. B. Lewis, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patch, Oregonian carrier group 5, and Eldon Ulmer and death c f her son-in-law, R ay H. Have Visitors— Helmer Qstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Bar- hosts at a Christmas dinner for R ay C. Lewis of Nyssa. returned for Nyssa, left Tuesday evening on Warren Farmer, group 6 An honor Vanderpool. Mr. and Mrs. Les Owens and two til Qstrom and Jimmy and Mr. M r and Mrs. L. L. Tobler On to his home on Christmas, after j a trip to San Francisco, won hi a worker Is a man who has raised sins of Eureka. California, Mr. and and Mrs H A. B ie and Patty of Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Home for Holidays— Mrs. Lester Thornburg o f Enter Klam ath Falls. being in the navy .Lewis had been recent subscription contest. He was a total of $900 or more. Tobler entertained for Mr and Mrs. Jerry Bellon. student at the sou- prise, Oregon and Mfess Irm a Ham- i Tommy Holman of Corvallis. stationed the last year and a • half j joined at Ontario by carriers from Erects Office— hem branch of the University of | len o f BjKikane were guests th is : OTRLS W IL L MEET on Ouam as storekeeper. 3rd class. I Vale and Ontario, and at Portland - » - Kenneth Renstrom, Insurance and Idaho at Pocatello, is spending ] week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Job's Daughters will hold their C H R IS T M A S P A R T Y G IVEN real estate agent is erecting a small he vacation at the home of his C liff Main. | they w ill Join the caravan of coast first meeting of the new year Janu The employes o f the Golden Rule Visits Brother— building on the Herman Towne lot larents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae Bellon. I ary 8 at 7:30. Th eir second meeting and Everybody's Dime store were Dick Anderson of Portland is vis Oregonian carriers en route bo Sen at Third and Main streets for a Guests o f the Bellon fam ily Christ- | Here from Ogden— will be held January 15. The exe entertained Sunday evening, De iting his brother, Merlin, this week Francisco. A highlight of the trip temporary office. nas were Mrs Belle Short and j Miss Nora O'Brian and MLss H e l- ! at the Henry h artley home. will be attending the east-w est, Ross O rover, a student at the en Marie M ally visited over the cutive council for Job’s Daughters cember 21 at a party at the home »111 meet January 6 at 8 pm . at o f Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Myers. New Year's football game. They will Weather is Cold— University of Oregon. holidays at the C. A. M allv heme. the home of Mrs. K en Renstrom. be shown places of interest In the Bay Large Ranch— _________ — I — ■ The temperature dropped to 17 Miss Mally, daughter of M r a n d , —» - E N T E R T A IN A T P A R T Y M r and Mrs. Damon Savage have bay city, returning to Port,and on degrees at 7 am . today, to give Closing Time Changed— Mrs C. A. Mally. is an English in C H R IS T M A S D IN N E R S SERVED Saturday. j Mrs. Bart it Ostrom was hostess p u r i f i e d Eastern Oregon Land The Nyssa post office «111 be structor at Weber college in Og-1 Nyssa its coldest weather o f the Present with M r and Mrs A. V. Tuesday afternoon at her home at com p art » r c h No. 3, located 2 '» winter The previous low was 18. closed hereaCer at 1 p.m. on S a t den. and Miss O Brtan, sister of Cook for their tree and gifts were 'a pinochle party. Mr*. John Bar- miles w e s C if Nyssa from the land Collector Coming— registered November 21 Th e m axi urday. beginning this week. Mrs Mally. la a teacher in the Mr. and Mrs Arthur Vernon Cook ; nett won the prize for the high coti-pany. Th e ranch consists of A deputy collector o f Internal mum temperature for the month Ouden schools. of Payette M r and Mrs A V Cook. 'score, Mrs. Ruth Boe for the low 400 acres. Roy Holmes will remain revenue »111 be in Vale January was 51. recorded on December 1. Return from Trip— Sr., were gueats at a Christmas rcore and Mrs. Mary McConnell and In Charge of operations. 5 and in <«ntarto January 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill returned Visit Families— breakfast at the home of Mr and . Mrs. Hlkna Os trim the traveling assist farmers with «heir income Visit in •his week to their home in Newel! Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman and Mrs. P. V. Chlkf.s. For Christmas prizes Guests included were Mrs. Fly u Nyssa— tax returns. Dr and Mrs H G. McCallister Heights from a trip through the D iik spent part o f Christinas day dinner they were guests of their Jade O o k t w i . Mrs Nettle Ben- M r and Sirs Robert Bibbey and were callers at the home o f Rev east and south. with Mr. H rm m a n 'i parents in son, Arthur Vernon Cook. Jr., of i nett. Mr». Pearl Schwelser Mrs two children flew to Nyssa from Here from Baker— and Mrs Henry O em hardt Monday Caldwell. T h ey later motored to Payette. Other dinner guests in . Mable Ollbert, Mrs. Susie Cotton, Wheatland. Wyoming December 22 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thompson evening, en route to thetr home in Hare Guests— Boise to Mrs. Herrim an'» sister, cluded Mrs C. H. Poorman of Seat Mrs Hllma Ostrom, Mrs. June Os- to spend a week with relatives They will arrive in Nyssa this evening Botoe. Dr McCallister is the su M r and Mrs Maurice Olover of Mrs M S. Ayres, «'here they were tle, Mr.i. Vinie 8imon of Seattle, | treat. Mr». John Barnett. Mis. Alma were guasts at the Roy Bibbey from Baker and will spend New perintendent o f the western dis Parma were guesto Sunday at the nitKftig the guests a t a Christmas W illiam B. Lye!Is of Boise and Mrs. KIngrey and Mrs Ruth Boe of Year's at tbs A. H. BoydeU home trict o f the Methodist church. Waynard Talbot home. dinner j M ary L y e lli of Nyssa. Klamath Falla. Advance Gifts Drive End ed ; Geneual Campaign Is Opened TO PLAY CITY ASSESSMENTS Mrs. Harvey Otis Mrs. Emma Hiatt BULLDOGS FRUITLAND FRIDAY OF $16,000 ARE SETTLED BY OWNERS Of Adrian Dies Dies At Parma BAPTISMAL FONT DEDICATION HELD WOMEN ORGANIZE TO SERVE MEALS Leading Money l Raisers Listed 8 J