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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1948)
Vf 77 h ?NYSSA VOLUME XXXXII NO. 52 Hospital Drive Reaches Crisis As Quota Nears » y A sa í * í . V- - - . ' ~^ ^ Eu .V JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1948 Nyssa Retains One Of Leads In Hoop Play NYSSA BABIES ARE FIRST TO ARRIVE IN COUNTY IN ‘48 VALLEY RESIDENT INVOLVED IN NEAR TRAGEDY IN WOODS Increase Shown In Bank Figures NYSSA WOMAN IS HURT IN ACCIDENT Building Plans For School To Be Considered Mrs. James R. Deane suffered injuries when the car in which A Nyssa baby. Jim Wade Garner, It is reported that a resident of A large Increase ln loans and a sire and her husband were riding son o f Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gamer, this valley nearly lost his life last sizeable boost in deposits o f the overturned this week near Hashl- was the first youngster bom in Rullrlncra D pfpnt O n ta rio IFriday w'hi‘e on a trlP ln th€ moun- Nyssa branch of the First National tani’s corner. Polio Center Is Possible; Malheur county in 1948. Program Will Be Discuss DUUClOgS L»eieai unial 10^tajns near John Day. Overtaken by Mr and Mrs. Deane, who were bank of Portland were reported this $215,000 Raised In ed At Meeting Of ' And Fruitland In Last a severe etom he crawled into a week following issuance of the firm's in the process a t purchasing the Jimmy arrived in the Brittanj- log for rpotection. After the storm Rathbun place near Adrian, were en Campaign ham Nursing home in" Ontario at PTA Tonight Two Games he discovered that the raid had statement o f condition in com route to Nyssa when the accident 12:01 a. m. January 1. He has a cause! the log to slirink so that pliance with the Comptroller ’s gear- occurred. Mrs. Deane was taken A total of $215,275 had been rais- ] brother and two sisters, A proposed continuation o f Nys leadership in the Snake River the hole was not large enough for end call. to the Nyssa Nursing home where ed in the hospital campaign up t o . Mr. Gamer, a farmer in the Loans of the Nyssa branch as of sa’s school construction program valley basketball league narrowed j him to crawl out. she was found to have three ribs Wednesday noon. j Chalk butte section, is employed during the past week to three team s! Contemplating death, he reviewed December 31, 1947 amounted to broken and to be suffering from will be discussed at a meeting of all of his sins of omission and sud- $996.053.37 as compared to $664,- In the undefeated ciass, Weiser, Ny denly remembered that he had 767.79 in 1946. Deposits are now shock. Mr. Deane suffered no in the Parent-Teacher association to juries other than shock. district be served by the district i paign. ssa and Emmett. be held ln the gymnasium tonight failed to donate in the present dis $4,263,777.36 as compared to $4.047,- memorial hospital, desires adequate The second child bom in Mal The strong Weiser Wolverines, al trict memorial hospital campaign. 862.13 in 1946. at 8 o'clock. hospital protection for himself and heur county this year was also though Idle the past week, continue A corresponding gain was recorded his family, and is especially anxious bom to Nyssa parents, Mr. and to retain top spot in league stand He fe’t so small that he was able R. O. Whitaker will be chair by the First National Bank of Port- to have a polio treatment center Mrs. Lester Woodey. The baby, a ings with four wins and no losses. to crawl out of the opening without man of the meeting. The speak and throughout its entire system. in connection with the memorial girl, arrived at 12:45 a. m. Jan Both the Emmett Huskies and the any difficulty. He rushed back to ers will be Loyd /«lams, Henry Total dep -sits of the 43 branches hospital. This center will treat the uary 1 in the Nyssa Nursing home. Nyssa Bulldogs with four wins are the city and subscribed for a mem Hartley, Olen Dowers, Mrs. W. W. and 12 affiliated banks amounted bership in the new hospital. Foster, Mrs. L. E. Robbins, Bishop victims of this dread disease here, tied with Weiser. Last reports indicate that he ts to $S14,014.0S4.35 and loans and dis near their friends and relatives, in Ny^aa retained its standing in the rejoicing because he started the new counts totaled $143,647,461.13. The loyalty and enthusiasm o f Arvel Child, J. L. Herriman, Harold stead of risking their lives during league Fruitland year the campaign workers in the district Henigson and Frank Morgan. The g m oy „ . . . by • T defeating " . the ------------, year n right toy doing doing nis his i duty as a their removal to hospitals in dis hospital financing program are at program will be sponsored by the G r iz z ly January- 2 by a score of citizen of the « „ £ ^ 1 ty. NEWSOM TO HELP tant cities", stated Arvel Child, vice i j - r . . . . r , 33 to 23 and beating Ontario 31 to ______________ tested in their efforts in calling on building committee of the Nyssa president o f the district memorial j U n d e r 4 Ò F lfifUFG 28 In the last Nyssa game, played IN WAGE STUDY friends and neighbors for contribu school district. The public is in vited to attend. hospital, at the Monday noon meet oon meet- “ against Ontario on the Ontario FARMSTEAD MEETING tions and their attendance at noon ing of the workers. The building plan was considered floor, the Bulldogs were forced to day luncheons, which has averaged SET FOR JANUARY 12 Arden C Newsom, local business 91 per cent during the first eight at a meeting of the school board Dr. J. J. Sarazin reported, “The V ty buildia- during 1947 the limit by the scrappy Tigers, but man, a lieutenant in the United doctors in many neighboring cities j faled 10 reach the high figure of emerged with the victory. Nyssa led CT, - TO™ and the building committee last , States naval reserve, will leave this days of the intensive campaign. . _ are anxious that a polio treatment i 3”79861. reported for 1946, according all the way except Just before th e : Sb NSET week. The group was unanimous Jan' ® “ A11 j ar' week for Washington, D. C., where I The following citizens have volun ... . . . . . . trwn.,vl «_______ __ _______i______ ._ _ _. ln Its opinion that a school build center be established in connection to statistics compiled in the city half, when Ontario tied the count 1 n^ rs i helr wivf s 11 re invited to , he will assist in a wage evaluation tee red to serve as workers during ing program is needed. with the district memorial hospital recorder’s office Tuesday. The total at 7 all. Green put Nyssa ahead |.a' Y, ,? Y- f * meeting to be the remainder of the drive: Claude study to be conducted with other Refreshments will be served in now being financed. He said, "It for 1947 was $337,450. beld al' r day daf ua^ 12 at the branches of the armed services Willson. Roger Tucker, Cliff Main. Included in the total for 1947 two paints at the half. the elementary building after the will serve polio cases from south Jce Bellon, Charles Landreth and Two quick baskets by Ontario in | L JifY -iL T Y .® T Y Y ^ Y Y : Newsom has received orders to go meeting. western Idaho. There is an impera were the following figures: Resi the final two minutes of play cut a ent and his assistant, the home direct to Seattle, from where he H. D. Zobell. tive need for this unit to be built. dences, $223,800, compared to $231,- seven-point margin to three points. demonstration agent, a state ar The oldest campaign worker in will travel by naval air transport None who reside in this large area 325 in 1946; alterations,$27,150; gar Holcomb, Nyssa guard, led all scor chitect, a landscape specialist, and the general organziation is C. M. a housing specialist will be present. to San Francisco and thence to Beaumont of Kingman Kolony. The HERD IMPROVEMENT can tell when the need for this ages and shops, $5700, and busi ers with nine points. Washington. He will assist in the GROUP WILL MEET The meeting will start by 10:30 in polio treatment center will arise nesses, $80,000, as compared to The starting Nyssa lineup was as study over a period of two weeks. unner-up is C. A. Marshall of Nys in his own family or among his $115,811 in 1946. follows: Ray, Sutherland. Holcomb, the morning. A potluck dinner will Before his return about January 26 sa. Both of these men won honors Over a period o f years, figures neighbors. We face a tragic situa Final plans for t/he annual meet Anderson and Kayano. Other play be served at noon. Each family Is or 27, Mrs. Newsom may Join him In amount of money raised each indicate that construction, after a tion". ers were Wilson, Wilder, Osborn, to provide its own silver, plate and in the east. day. The youngest members in the ing the the Malheur County Dairy fairly good year in 1941, dropped cup, besides a covered dish. "The people in the outlying sec Pee lea and Green. organization are Charles Landreth, Herd Improvement association are The meeting will continue in the tions should realize that a few far to a very low point during the war being made this week, according to with Everett Heldt, runner-up. years and started climbing rapidly afternoon until 3:30. It is not often mers and business men, who are There Is a spirit of contest be Fred Burgess, president of the ass in 1945. The figures by years are title farmers have the opportunity volunteer workers, cannot person tween the campaign workers for ociation. The meeting will be held of having so many specialists av ally visit each person who desires as follows: 1941, $80,310; 1942, $4- the amount a t money raised. For Tuesday, January 13 at the Boule- 750; 1943, $3075; 1944, $8616; 1945, ailable to discuss so many farm to aid in making possible this dis each $900 raised a worker is given bard Grange hall. $106.325; 1946, $379,861. and ,1947, problems as remodeling, building, An interesting program is being trict memorial hospital” , stated Ber a star. Up to last Tuesday noon the weeds, and proper trees and shrubs, nard Frost, chairman of the gen $302.800, or a total for the seven following is a standing in the arranged. Burgees said. A complete Rosel Hunter of Nyssa was re according to local residents. report on the year’s testing will be eral organization. According to years of $885,738. contest to be honor workers: six League Standings Mrs. Charley Grider, a member of elected president of the Malheur stars, A. P. Goodell. O. E Cheldei- made by Ray Meldrum, the D. H A. Chairman Frost, "the men on the W Team L Pet. the county agricultural planning County Jersey Breeders association advance gifts committee have been TOBLERS CHANGING tn, Wa- "en Parmer, and Eldon Ul supervisor. Wilson Bios. 4 0 1.000 council, said the meeting will be one at a meeting held in the Episcopal E. L Peterson, director o f the working over 30 days in the prelim mer; c j r stars, Louis Pratt and NAME OF CONCERN VFW 4 1000 of a series to be held ln the county parish hall in Nyssa December 31. 0 state department of agriculture, has inary campaign and are still work C. M Beaumont; three stars, Her Agates 0 .750 from January 12 to 16. Among those 4 Other officers are Glen Peterson, man Towne, Cliff Main, Lloyd Le been asked to speak on the econom ing as a part of the general cam 1 .750 expected to attend the meeting are vice president; Mrs. Hope Grider, 3 Hugh Tobler and Lloyd Tobler Adrian paign organization, composed of wis and M. E. Jensen; two stars, ic outlook of the dairy industry, .250 M. O. Huber, agricultural engineer; secretary, and Charley Grider, Ar 1 3 about 80 men, now soliciting in the have announced that they have Stunz Lumber Co. Carlos Buchner, Henry Hartley, ompetent dairy specialists will talk .250 Margaret Tuller, housing specialist, chie Smith and William Toombs, Hugh Tobler. A1 Kuehn, Vem Par on sanitation and disease control. 1 3 wind-up of the campaign. These changed the name of thetr business Owyhee Ward 0 .000 and Ralph Clark horioulturist members of the board of director». son. Edward Boydell, Bmll Stunz, 4 The meeting will start at 10:30 workers are driving many miles from A1 Thompson and Son toT ob - M Men .000 Eagles 0 4 A pedigree study of outstanding a m., with a potluck lunch served to visit those who should be in iers’s Peed and Fuel. A1 Chadwick. Deunis Patch, Stan H ie Lions club intra-city bas ONE CAItor AIGNER Jersey' animals was conducted by Lloyd Tobler and his son have terested in building a large mo Keefer, Leo L. Elllbee, an » D. L. at noon. /_ no . ix*ui ecj motion pic I. L. Slater, western field man for Durrington; one star, Roger Tuck ture on dairy management will be dern well-equipped hospital to af been operating the business since ketball league rolled through ita WILL LOSE SHIRT fourth week with the VFW and the American Jersey Cattle club. ford hospital protection to the March, 1947. They bought it from er, Joe Sutherland, Ward Wten- shown immediately following the Fred Burgess o f Vale announced eke, Lloyd Wilson. Rev. George noon luncheon. people of this area and to a f A1 Thompson and Herschel Thomp Wilson Brothers still undefeated. Monday night’s scores and high that a committee is making defi son, who have moved to Enterprise. In one of the outstanding issues ford the victims o f polio a treat Whipple, Everett Heldt, T. C. Sep- The new owners have removed point men were Wilson Bros., 76 of the campaign Dr. J. R. Cundall, nite progress on the Bangs’ control pVch, W. O. Peterson, Ken Ren- Nursing Home Notes— ment center nearer their homes, and Eagles 32, Bob Wilson 24 and program. the old sheds at the rear of the manager of division B, has chal New arrivals at Nursing home: friends and relatives." strom, Ormond Thomas, John Huse- Dr. Maurer, county vetrinarian, by, Rev. Roland Wuest, M. C. Se- On January 1 to Mr. and Mrs. "A few mare days remain o f the building and will erect a woven wire Keefer 12; Aggies 31 and Stunz lenged Olea Billings, manager of di campaign to raise funds for the fence around the property. They Lumber Co. 19, Bailey 16 and Iseri vision C. in the hospital drive to told the group of new vaccines now uell, Frank Johnson. Sherman Keck, l«st*r w oody of Nyssa, a girl, memorial hospital. In fact, a crisis will lay a cement floor so that they 6: VFW 28 and Owyhee ward 25, a battle for production during the on trial, and spoke o f the situa Henry Meier, Louis Phillips, and weighing 9 pounds; January 2, Mr. and Mrs Virgil Olp o f Nysaa, son, tion in Malheur county. has been reached, because it is nec can scoop up coal with their scoop- Steinke 13 and Cleverly 10; at Ad entire campaign. L. O. Hawley. rian—Adrian twon team 30 and M Dr. Cundall bet his shirt against essary to raise considerably more mobbile and will screen all coal. Division B, Dr. J. R. Cundall, weighing 7 pounds. 6 ounces: Jan Men 24, Talhnan 10 and King 9. Billings' shirt and Billings promptly money to reach the maximum am manager, and Division C, Olea uary 4, Mr. and Mrs. Orln Tuttle. LDS GIVES $2500 The teams are improving and are accepted the challenge. ount o f funds far a polio treat Family Gathers— Billings, manager, are tied for di Parma, son, 7 pounds, 12 ounces; Members of the Charles Reno showing some good basketball. Top TO HOSPITAL FUND vision honors. In the contest far January 6, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hay- The public will be informed at ment center in addition to the hospital as originally planned. It Is family a t Nyssa were together dur ping this week’s play will be the the close of the campaign as to group honors the standing is as ton, Parma, son,8 pounds, 14 oun The Church of Jesus Christ of follows: three stars, Everett Heldt, ces, and January 7, Mr and Mrs. impossible for a few workers to ing the holidays for the first time j game between Wilson Bros, and the result of this great conflict Latter Day Saints, with headquar- manager group 6; two stars. Ralph E. W. Redmond, Nyssa, girl, 4 visit all who could subscribe funds. in four years. Clinton Reno, who Adrian, with Adrian trying to knock iters at Salt Lake City, subscribed Lawrence, manager group 5, and pounds, 8 ounces. We therefore are appealing to any bias been in the navy since May 13. over their high-scaring opponents. Visits Parents— Mrs. Anna Pinkston entered the C. M. Pounds. Jr., is at the home [$2500 towards the district memor- George Henneman, manager group who desire to aid polio victims and 1944, received his discharge Decern- Next week’s games will be played also to afford hospital protection ber 17. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helder Tuesday instead of Monday because of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. i ial hospital campaign fund, which 4; one star, W. W. Foster, manager nursing home for medical treatment. for their neighbors, their own fami man and two children of Twin Falls, of the Nyssa-Weiser high school Pounds, Sr., after receiving his dis amount in in addition to the per group 3, Ken Renstrom, manager She had recently undergone an lies and themselves, to telephone Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reno o f Day- game. The games will be played as charge from the marines. He ar sonal subscritlons from the mem group 7, and Bernard Eastman, operation at the Holy Rosary hos pital. the campaign headquarters. 92-J, ton, Washington and Mrs. Amanda follows: 1:15, VFW versus Eagles; rived from Camp Pendleton, where bers of that church who reside ln manager group 8. Marian Martin of Nyssa, grand Nyssa, or write to headquarters, Reno of Wilder were here for the 8:30, M. Men versus Stunz Lumber he had been stationed, in time to the large area to be served by the A special tribute by the entire Co., and 9:45, Wilson Bros, versus occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth spend Christmas with his parents. hospital," according to Arvel Child, organization was paid to division daughter of Mrs. Warren Lowe, is city hall, and they will be supplied Adrian. The Owyhee ward will play Reno arrived in Ontario by plane associate general chairman of the D led by Jacob Fischer. This di receiving medical attention. with infoimation," stated Frank T. Danny Hamilton o f Wilder enter hospital campaign. Morgan, president of the district Christmas eve. Mrs. Helderman and the Aggies at Adrian Monday ev Here from Utah— vision Is composed a t three groups Kenneth and Clinton Reno are ening. Mr. and Mrs. Em Liechty and memorial hospital and general of farmers from Payette and Can ed for medical treatment. daughter and sons of Mr. and Mrs. son, Blaine, of Logan, Utah were ADRIAN HIGHWAY Chairman of the hospital campgam, yon counties, Idaho. Among the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. La who said, "surely every man, with Charles Reno. leading workers of these teams are: Visit In Boise— SCHOOL TO GIVE WILL BE OILED Mont Fife for the past 10 days. Mrs. Mr and Ms. E. A. Stunz spent in this large hospital district, is M. C. Seuell, R. R. Hedges, Lorin W. SMOKER JAN. 14 Liechty is a twin sister of Mrs. Fife. as much concerned with this prob Soldiers Visit— Ooates, George Harvey, Elmo Peter Monday in Boise. Pvt. Bobby D. Ransom and friend. Oradlng and oil surfacing o f 10.13 son. Harley Sager. Dwight Seward, lem as are the workers in this miles o f the Adrlan-Homedale sec Wayne Str-mons, Ed Meroney. P. C. New Railway Agent Here— A school smoker for boys trying Go to Mexico— campaign. Any who have not sub Pvt. Earl L. Norcutt, both soldiers Mr. and Mrs. Vibert Kesler and tion of the Nyssa-Adrlan highway Fry, Frank Johnson, Sherman Keck, scribed may help now in this crisis. in Co. K. 8th infantry. Port Ord, out for the high school boxing team A. R. Webb of Pocatello has been If this hospital Is financed now, .California, are visiting friends and will be held in the Nyssa gymnasium Mr. and Mrs Sherman P Bybee was considered at a recent meeting E. L. McEwen, L O. Hawley, D. L. appointed agent o f the Railway Ex it can be ready for occupancy by relatives of FWt Ransom during th e ' Wednesday night, January 14, be- left last week for a three-week va j f the state highway commission. Durrington, Leo L. Elllbee, Henry press Agency in Nyssa. He succeeds Christmas holidays. Pvt. Ransom ginning at 7 o’clock. Coach Howard cation in California and Mexico. The proposal was referred to the Meier and Louis E. Phillips. In pay J. A Gamble, who has been trans November 1, 1948". They planned on spending New highway engineer with power to ing tribute to the workers of this ferred to Payette. Mr Webb’s fam Campaign headquarters report enlisted in the U. S. army through i Love Joy announced, The public is invited to attend Year’s at Reno. award to J. A. Terteling and Sons «vision Bernard Frost, chairman ily will move here as soon as he can that a number of organizatons and the Ontario recruiting office during of'B oise for $225,471.80. individuals in other cities, whose the month of November. 1947 P r i-' -he smoker at a nominal admission of the general organization stated find quarters for them. polio could be treated here, are un vate Ransom is a son of Mrs. Farell charge Fifteen bouts will be arr- Exposure Victim Recovering— "The individual effort of the men I anged between the 45 candidates dertaking to raise funds for mem Ransom o f Nyssa. Paul Ulmer of McCall, brother of Be by Born to Ogden Couple— who are working ln division D Is Visits in Idaho— -------------------------- I for the boxing team. The bouts will Eldon Ulmer of Nyssa, ts recuperat Mr and Mrs. Dale Phipps arc virtually 100 per cent. It means orials in order to have this polio Mrs. Mary Pruyn returned home | pP preliminary to the regular sched- ing satisfactorily from exposure and the parents of a boy bom January that these volunteer workers are New Year’s day from Post Falls, treatment center which would, ln Poulsen Breaks Leg— Udell Poulsen, 19-year-old son of ule, which will open January 21 frozen feet, which he suffered when 4 in the Dee hospital in Ogden driving hundreds o f miles day and Idaho, where she visited Mr. and some measure, relieve the over crowded hospitals at Boise and Mr. and Mrs. George Poulsen. broke against Vale. he was forced to spend two nights Mrs. Phipps, the former Vera Rands, night, visiting their friends and Mrs. Wetherell. his left leg below the knee w hile; ---------------------------- Portland. alone in a snowbound automobile was a member of the 1945 graduat neighbors, in order to raise funds skiing at Bogus basin on New Year’s visit In New York— in Lick Creek canyon. He encoun ing class of Nysaa high school. to build the hospital for the pro Clam To Meet— day. Spencer Beus took Poulsen to Mr and Mrs. Gordon Schmelner tered a blizzard en route to the Home from Hospital— tection of the families of all who The Rod Cross knitting class will Bishop Dean Fife and Oscar Pike, the Ontario hospital, but he was have gone to New York for a visit South Fork camp o f the Brown Tie Return from Seattle— live In the large area to be served meet January 15 at 1 o'clock at taken to his home in Nyssa th e , with relatives, Mr and Mrs. Jim Stevens of by this hospital " and Lumber company, by whom he who sustained severe injuries in an the home o f Mrs. William Schire- Is employed, on New Year’s day He Adrian returned last week from accident near Fruitland recently, following day. Poulsen is a sopho- 1 man. more at the Brigham Young uni- . Leaves for College— was found on Saturday morning Seattle, where they were called be Scout Group To Meet— were permitted to enjoy Christmas at their respective homes. Pike re versity at Provo, Utah and had | Miss Merry Norcott left last week when a road crew noticed the aerial cause of the serious illness of Mrs Mrs Orant Rinehart, president Teacher Leav ________________________________ taken skiing lessons there. He hopes f j r La Grande, where she will st of the radio on Ulmer's car pro Stevens’ mother. turned to the hospital for surgery of the Nyssa Otrl Scout association, Dorothy Ooffman left Sunday for and returned home the second time j to continue his studies at the uni- tend the Eastern Oregon College truding above the snow. has called a meeting to be held for Freewater to resume her teaching I versity. of Education. Friday evening. Visit In Nyssa— all leaders, council members and after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown of parents of Brownies and Qirl Scouts her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Quartet Will Sing— Here from Lewiston— Woman Injured— Return from Portland— The National Asemblies of Los- Moscow and Mr and Mrs. Boyd in the Masonic hall Friday evening. Ooffman. Mr. and Mrs. John E Wagner of Mrs. Ersel Beus is recovering from Mr and Mrs. Charles Garrison Angeles will present the Mississippi Brown and Stephen of Boise were January 18 at 7:30. Any parent a t Lewiston visited Monday at the | head bruises and eye injuries which returned from a two-weeks visit jubilee singers in the Nyssa gym week-end visitors at the Bum all a girl of Brownie or 8cout age who Masons Plan Meeting— Bernard Frost home Mrs. Wagner ’ she received from falling on the Ice with the! daughter. Mrs John Ol- nasium at 11 o'clock January 14 in Brown home. On Monday the vis is not now a member is invited to The annual old-ttmers meeting of and Mrs. Frost are sisters. while skating at the Bill Beus pond ■ sen, and family of Portland. The a h i/h school issembly An informa itors, Mrs Burnall Brown, Mrs attend and any woman willing to Golden Rule lodge No. 147, A F. --------------------------- last week. ¡two families spent New Year’s day tive talk at the start of the pro Waynard Talbot, and Mrs. Campbell give a small port of her time to and A. M . will be held In the Mas To Country Club— -------------------------- • i on the coast at Seaside and Astoria. gram will explain the nature of the Baer motored to Boise, where they the welfare o f local girls Is invited onic hall Monday. January 12. A A New Year’s eve dinner was en- Guild to Meet— negro folk music. The public is in spent the day with Mr and Mrs to participate In the work. Plans dinner will be served at 6:30 by a Joyed at the country club by Mr The 8t. Paul’s guild will meet Adrian P.T.A. To Meet— Solon Lewis of Twin Palls vited to attend the program. will be made for the comping sea committee o f lodge members in and Mrs. Gene Stunz, Mr. and Mrs i Wednesday, January 14 at 8 p.m. o n January 15 at 8 p.m. at the son. honor of old-time members. Fall Huston Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. at aie home of Mrs. E. K. Burton. Adrian high school. Henry Hartley, College Students Return— Visit S ister- owing the dinner the Entered App Charles Landreth, Mr. and Sira.] ------------------------— .superintendent of the Nyssa schools, Reed and Dale Rands, brother Students Lea' Returning to Corvallis last week rentice degree will be conferred at Robert Wilson and Mr. and M rs.'H ere from Ogden— 'will speak to the Adrian Parent - end. where they will resume their of Mrs S. R. Whitaker, spent two Among the collage students who the regular lodge session Lloyd Wilson I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Summers of Teacher organisation on the subject »liege work were Lyle Miner, Jack days this week at the Whitaker returned to school Sunday were — ¡Ogden were Sunday dinner guests “Child Delinquency". All per- Marshall Reid Cottle and Clyde home. They were en route from Oreta Stunz and Beth Mitchell to Here From Msdr Polio Victim Impro at the D. O. Bybee home The sons of the high school district a relg m th R en t«!. Washington, where they the University a t Oregon and Marie Mr and Mrs. Phillip Clowers of John Chard. 5-year-old son of Mr. couple came to Nyssa far the holl- Invited to attend. At this meeting I --------------------------- had been visiting, to their home Sebum and Doris Beers to Oregon Madras were guests of Mr and Mrs. and Mrs. Leo Chard, is improving days. Mr. Summers 1s foreman of the P T.A. will present a record Here— at Plain City. Utah. State college. J. E Brower during the Christmas from a reecnt attack a t p o lio John, mechanics at the Ogden arsenal. player and records and a radio to I Mrs Rov House and son. Bill holidays, who ts still confined st St. Luke's I --------------------------- the Kingman Kolony school ¡Bowman, oi Boise spent Wednes Called To Kansas— Leave for School— v w ts In Nynaa— hospital in Boise, is able to walk Speaks at Meeting— day visiting at 'he Bnll Stuns home Mr and Mrs Prank Morris and Margaret .Sarazin left New Year’s A guest lost week at the Bernard about but shows a decided limp. He I William J Beus was guest speak- Parents of Daughter— Delores and Miss Margaret DePew night for Corvallis where she Is Front home was Mrs. Bessie Broom ts suffering from weakened throat er at the Fire Side, held after the Dr. and Mrs. J. R Cundall of Here from Rexburg— left Saturday night for Yates Cen attending college. She stopped in of Twin Falb. sister of Mrs W P. and leg muscles, and a spine cunra- L D 3 meeting at Owyhee last Sun- Nyssa are parents of a daughter Mrs. Stella Zobell of Rexburg. ter, Kaniqs to visit Mrs. A. Morris, Portland en route to visit friends. Plndllng and Bernard Froot On ture It will be necessary for him to day evening at the home o f Mr and bom Sunday. January 4 in the Holy Idaho, arrived in Nyssa to visit at mother <4 ptft Frink Morris and grand- David Sarazin left on Sunday for Tuesday Mrs. Broom. Mrs. Plndllng remain tn the hospital for several, Mrs. Jim Peterson. Refreshments Rosary hospital in Ontario. The the home of her son. H. D. Zobell, mother of Misa DePew. Mm. ***— 1^ University a t Oregon, where he and Mrs. Bernard Prowt visited in seeks more. were served baby weighed six pounds. and family. is 111. resume his studies. Payette Workers Show Drive Rivalry Nyssa Building I Jersey Breeders Elect Officers Wilson’s, Vets Lead in League at visit