Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1948)
» ' V v . "V.1 -, .T , ' * ^ V <* r / ~ r r < * / * r ^ g «■g a - T ' O . *L^ _ ~ - - -->|k V ‘ JOURNAL The NYSSA VOLUM E X X X X III NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JA N U A R Y 15, 1948 NO. 1 | JANUARY TERM OF Hospital Drive Nyssa Defeats COURT WILL OPEN Is Nearing Goal; IN VALE MONDAY Payette, YVeiser ---------- i $251,000 Raised Th e January term of circuit court In Hard Games Dinner W ill Be Served Friday Night For Workers is scheduled to be opened in Vale January 19. Victories of 33-26 and Six damage suits are expected to 34-31 Taken; Tough be tried during the term o f cou rt.1 Schedule Faced They include the case oi R. C. K e l ler and M ary Keller versus Dick Up to noon today, $251,115 was Smith, asking $4818 damages for I The Nyssa Bulldogs clung to one reported m flhe district memorial breach o f contract. The other dam , of the top spots in the Snake river hospital financing campaign. age suits are for injuries sustained valley basketball league by defeat “ About 1600 people of Snake riv n automobile accidents. ing two strong quintets, the P ay er valley have contributed funds in The jury panel includes the foll a most sacrificial manner in res owing Nyssa residents: Myrtle Bar- ette Pirates and the Weiser W olver ponse to the efforts of the volunteer tholoma, Arthur H. Boydell, Otis ines during the past weOk. workers of the memorial hospital Bullard, Arvil Child, George A. The Bulldogs defeated Payette on campaign, who for many weeks have Cleaver, Lester Cleaver, George Dal the Nyssa floor last Friday night been working in an e ffo rt to obtain ey, Nona Fischer, Herbert H. Fish a large, well equipped hospital with er, Lena Hipp, Laura Mocs and Ber- in a wild orgy that ended with Nyssa holding tne long end of a a polio treatment center” , stated lice Toombs. Bernard Frost, chairman of the Members o f the grand jury meeting 33 to 26 count. general organization of campaign ’ his week are Wanda Lee Groot, The most exciting part of the John Ostrom and Alma Cochrum game came in the last quarter with workers. T h e Intensive money-raising cam of Nyssa, Lucille Prahl and Lyle only four minutes to play, when paign will close, with a report din ‘ nderson of Ontario and R o w e r » Sutherland converted three foul ner Friday night at 7:15 in the Hawley and Mildred Wood of Vale. shots to tie the score. The referee Masonic hall. It will be attended by called a fifth personal foul on a the workers who have served on Payette player, who protested his the organization during the cam ejection from the game and because paign. According to Chairman Frost, of his remarks the official called a supplemental campaign will fo ll a technical on the team. Then the ow the closing report, In order that Payette coach bounced from the many outside firms and corpora bench to protest the personal and tions, as well as local organizations The Idaho Canning company is the official called a second techni and individuals who desire to be planning on additional acreage for cal foul. W ith the score standing come members of the hospital ass production c f com In 1948 for its at 23-all, Sutherland converted all ociation may donate for memorials new Nyssa plant, which has capac three attempts. or memberships and became found Nyssa players and their points ity large enough to handle any ac ers of this large hospital and polio reage contracted, Manager Fred were R ay 7, Holcomb 8, Anderson 8, center. This campaign w ill be con Moss said. Sutherland 8, Koyano 1, Wilder, ducted by a group of workers assist The company plans on giving the Wilson 1, Osborne and Green. ing the board of directors of the Towers all assistance possible in Th e Bulldogs defeated Weiser 34 association. Any donors desiring to fertilizing the land, as experience to 31 on the Nyssa floor Monday donate may do so by contacting has shown that such a practice la night in one of the best games of members of the board o f directors profitable, both from the standpoint the season. Nyssa held an 18 to of the memorial hospital associa of quality and yield. I I advantage at the h a lf and a tion. In their first year's experience in 24 to 19 margin a t three-quarter Construction T o Start Soon growing sweet com many growers time, but fell behind in the final "T h e board of directors of the gained high yields of fine quality quarter. W ith three minutes to hospital association plan to start orn. play, the Wolverines held a one- construction o f the hospital and “ In checking the several growers' inoint margin, but the Bulldogs polio treatment center at the earl returns we find that all districts surged ahead again and clung to iest passible date and hope to have show the adeptibility o f a non- their lead until the final whistle. it in operation this coming fall,” depleting soil crop that is contrib Players were R ay 6, Holcomb 9, stated Frank T. Morgan, president uting to a sound economy for our Sutherland 2, Koyano 5, Anderson o f the association. "Every effo rt will 9 and Wilson 3. farmers” , Mr. Moss said. be made to speed the construction The Bulldogs face a really tough The returns o f a few individual In order Bo afford a center for growers were discussed. schedule during the next few days. treatment of such polio cases as Mark Terrel, the first man over They will meet the league leading Emmett Huskies on the Emmett may seek relief in this area” . the scales with a lead o f com for The initial organize tion of m en’s the new Nyssa plant, operating the floor Friday night and will play and women’s auxiliaries for the John Wood place six miles east of Vale there next Tuesday night- hospital wi J take place Friday night. Vale on highway 20, produced 42.25 Auxiliaries will be organized in d if tons on five acres, for which he re ferent parts of the district to be ceived $934.93 after seed charges served by the hospital. They will were deducted. aid the hospital In various ways. Herb Fisher, tw o miles west of Firm Seeks To Expand Acreage EXCITING BOUTS ARE STAGED BY sch ool boxers Fifteen exciting bouts were staged by high shcool boxers during a smoker given by the Nyssa high school in the gymnasium Wednesday night. Six bouts ended in judges’ decis ions and nine in draws. The mat- hes were preliminary to the regu ar inter-school bouts, which will be started next week. Nyssa boxers will go to Vale Wednesday, Jan uary 21 and Vale boxers will come here Wedne day, January 28. Decisions were won by Bunn, 112 over Tucker, 110: Church, 145 over Campbell, 144; Calvert, 128 over Batt, 118; K yte, 150 over Knowles, 150; Orr, 154 over Bair, 160, and Maroetica, 152 over Rigney, 152. Draws were fought by Hiatt, 120 and Mayden, 120; Kelch, 120 and Andrews, 120; Anderson, 125 and Olsen, 131: Parker, 133 and Lowe, 134; Stevens, 175 and Alexander, 175; Williamson, 136 and Flanary, 135; Schireman, 144 and Gilbert, 142: Long, 148 and Jensen, 150, and Irwin. 166 and Christensen, 174. Campaign Begun For Folio Unit $24,000 Balance On Assessments Now Delinquent School District 26C To Vote On $350,000 Building Program Property Owners Sign Proposal Is Thoroughly Bonds or Pav Cash REGULATIONS ON Discussed At Meeting For $74,000 O f P. T. A. FISHING RELEASED Payments of $45,000 have been made by property owners on the street improvements now underway in Nyssa, City Manager E. K. Bur ton announced Wednesday. In addition, persons owing $29- 000, have applied for bonds, making a total of $74,000 in assessments that have been settled. That leaves a balance of $24.000 in assessments that are now delinquent. These delinguent assessment, wh ich should have been settled for January 5, are now carrying interest at the rate o f five per cet. The ass essments do not automatically come under the banding act when not pa id for in cash, the city manager said. A ll property owners still owing assessments are asked to call at the city recorder’s office to make a r rangements for settlement. CHAMBER OFFICERS WILL BE ELECTED A large crowd o f Nyssa P.T.A. Tentative angling regulations for the 1948 season were drafted at a members, meeting last Thursday meeting of the Oregon state game night, voted unanimously in favor commission at its annual heart:tg of submitting to the voters o f the in Portland January 9. The hearing school district a proposal to erect v T 1“ a new school structure to include wnicn time the regulations will be class rooms, a gymnasium and oth given final consideration. The general trout season will be er facilities. The .school board and building from May 1 to September 30, in committee announced that i f no clusive. The special Malheur county reg objection was made at the meet ulations are as follows: Beulah res ing, the board would submit the ervoir, open season May 1 to Aug proposal to a vote of the people. ust 31; bag limit for crappies elimin The vote was taken following a dis ated in Owyhee reservoir; that part cussion of the proposed building o f Owyhee river from old Owy program by several residents of the hee ditch diversion dam to the district. Since the P. T. A. meeting school Owyhee dam closed from October 1 to April 30 to all fishing, including officials have set the election for February 2. sptny-rny, trout, steelhead and sal R. O. Whitaker, a member c f the mon: Pole creek reservoir closed to angling, and 10-inch minimum school board, stated in opening the Jength for trout In Owyhee reser meeting that the board and com voir and river below dam, bag limit mittee “ want everyone to know what we have in mind. I believe it is the five fish. intention o f the board to present the proposal to the voters. W e will unless there is overwhelming ob jection to it a t this m eeting” . Loyd Adams, chairman o f the school board, said "W e have seen the crowded conditions in our schools coming, but we could not M. G. Huber, agricultural engin do anything about it during the eer, told 46 persons attending a war. Since then materials have been farmstead meeting in the Sunset val too short. W e did some building, ley hall Monday that a farmer hav but we are still going to have crowd ing a good farm ln contrast to a poor ed conditions", farm saves himself 160 miles of Mr. Whitaker showed a sketch walking in a year. of the plans prepared by an archi M r Huber, employed toy the ex tect, who Is a specialist in school tension service o f Oregon State buildings. The new wing, i f built, college, discussed farmstead layouts, will lie parallel to the highway, with materials that go Into them, con a length of approximately 579 feet. struction and other phases. He dis It will Include 14 additional class tributed mimeographed material for rooms. It will be used for the high planning farmstead layouts. school and junior high school and Mrs. Margaret Tuller, extension later for some grade school pupils. housing specialist, showed plans of T h e gymnasium will seat 1586 farm houses, which are very flex persons by telescoping the bleachers ible so that they can be adjusted on the sides .and in the balcony. to Individual fam ily needs. The bleachers can be moved back Ivan Newton, horticulturist, han so as to provide apace A r two physi dles the landscaping discussion at cal education p rogram Aat th e same the farmstead meetings. He dis time. The gymnasium wUl also in cussed shrubs and trees best fitted clude a large stage so that the to this section and also shrubs and structure can be used as an audi flowers. The meeting was opened torium as well as a gymnasium. at 10:30 and was continued until Back of the gymnasium will be a 3:30 p. m. with a potluck lunch music room. A cafeteria »rill be served at noon. ample for school needs and for Th e extension service people held community affairs. T o the east of meetings ln Ontario Tuesday, at that »rill be a manual arts depart Willowcreek Wednesday and a t O n ment. tario heights today. They will hold Mr. W hitaker estimated the cost a meeting In Harper Friday. at from $300,000 to $350.000, which could be amortized for five mills over a period o f 20 years. The spe cial levy now being paid by pro perty owners will be run out next Officers of the Nyssa chamber of “ It is the aim of the founders commerce will be elected at a m eet of the district memorial hospital ing to be held in C arl’s Doll House to make it a treatment center for Wednesday noon. January 21. The the victims o f infantile paralysis. officers will serve during the re It will serve a territory south of mainder o f 1948. Baker, east o f Klam ath Falls, and The nomination committee con north o f Boise” , stated Dr. L. A. sists o f three past presidents, Ber Mauldlng, county health officer, at nard Frost, George Mitchell and the campaign luncheon for the wor Oarlos Buchner. The «• chamber will resume its kers last Monday noon. Dr. Mauldlng said, "th e health meetings following a recess called bee a ure of the hospital campaign authorities agree that there is im mediate need fo r a large center in luncheons. this area for the treament of polio and other epidemic diseases. All the health officials within this area are gratified that the district mem orial hospital is willing to finance and construct a large wing for the treatment o f infantile paralysis. This will mean the saving of many The annual meeting o f the Mai live« and greatly aid in the prompt heur County Dairy Herd Improve- treatment o f victims without their ment association was heW ln the lives being endangered by long trips] Boulevard Grange hall Tuesday, to distant treatment center* January 13 " I am certain—that all the relig M. O. Huber, extension agricul ious, fraternal and civic organiza tural engineer of Oregon State tions. as well as all citizens, in a college, discussed grass ensilage and position to help, will now subscribe m odem dairy trends and County liberally ln order to establish In this Agent Harry Sandquist showed pic large area a permanent infantile tures of modem methods of ensiling Nyssa, delivered 88.75 tons from 15 paralysis treatment center T h e N a grass. acres, for which he received $1976.40 tional Infantile Paralysis Founda Ray Meldrum, D H IA tester, gave after seed and planter charges were Old-time members of the Masonic tion officials desire a permanent taken out. This com , planted June lodge o f Nyssa were honored at a center and will furnish and equip a report of the year's progress. He 4, represented a good yield for late meeting held in the Masonic hall the same, furnishing an iron lung said 30 herds are now on test ln the county. Charley Grider reported planting. Monday night. and other special treatment de on the disease control committee Guernsey Abbott, in the Ros The session was opened with a vices. I t is now a question for hu that was set up by the county The V F W . and Wilson Bros, well district, raised 55.72 tons o f baked bean supper, which was fo l manitarian organizations and those agent. quintets, which are tied for the high quality corn on 10 acres, for lowed by a regular lodge session. living in this large area to help The group elected directors, who lead in the lio n s club intra-city which he received, after seed charg Talks were given by several mem build a polio building. T o do this will later select officers. The dir basketball league, will meet next es were deducted, $1256.38, bers o f the lodge. we must raise at least $21,000 with ectors are Fred Burgess o f Vale, week in a crucial game o f the sea The oldest member of Golden Raleigh McKinley, 1 1/2 miles in the next few days. The money Howard Bair o f Nyssa, James P et son. south of M.tchell butte, raised 4818 Rule lodge from the standpoint of donated during the next few days erson of Adrian and Andy K er of ¡gram you won’t notice any increase Other games to be played in the tons on seven acres, o f which app length of membership is A. H. B oy will determine the size of the polio Ontario and Rosel Hunter of Ny6- In the tax levy. But, I assure you. Nyssa gymnasium will be as fol roximately one acre had a poor dell. who was the first man Initiat wing. sa, director at large. Mrs. Charley The proposed building program It won’t go down any, either” , W hit .1002.31 ed In the local lodge. He was "rais lows: Owyhee ward vs. M. Men soil condition. He received “ I f the present hospital financing Grider acted as secretary in place aker said. of school district 26C was discussed and Aggies vs. Eagles. At Adrian the after seed and planter charges ed" In January, 1913. He was master campaign is successful, we are as of Mr. Ker, who is in Astoria a tt "An enabling act passed at the and reports o f several county meet of the lodge in 1918. Stunz Lumber company will play »"ere deducted. sured that this polio treatment cen ending a meeting of the state dairy ings were given at the regular meet last session o f the legislature is C. M. Beaumont o f Kingman K ol- the Adrian town team. Tom Jones, 1 1/2 miles east of ter w ill'b e opened about November m en’s association. ing o f the Oregon T ra il Orange good for two years only. Normally Wilson Bros, and the V .F W . Roswell, raised 43.66 tons on 7 1/2 onv, the second member of Golden 1 this year. This great polio treat the state law would perm it us to Tuesday night. maintained their leadership in the| acres and received $1084.75, after Rule lodge, was master in 1917. ment center will be made possible The school building program was raise from $130,000 to $140,000 The leauge this week 'by defeating Ad- seed charges were deducted. This Audrey Ward, next in line, was SARAZIN APPOINTED by the modern design o f this hos discussed by R. O. Whitaker, mem- legislature has passed an act by iran 34 to 24 and the Bogles 38 to corn was planted June 8. master in 1919. pital, which permits adding new ad EMPLOYES SURGEON ber o f the school board, and Super- we can raise $351,000 The lodge started holding meet 15, especttvely. T h e M Men trounced Aside from the returns o f the ditions and wings for many years Superintendent Henry Hartley sta intendent Henry H. Hartley. Stunz 31 to 16 in the third game com itself, the stalks will produce ings in 1912 under a special dis to come. The site w ill be large en Today Dr. Douglas L. Oamette Loyd Adams, agriculture com m it ted that “ Since our community has played this week in N y s a . The Ag from five to 10 tons o f ensilage for pensation from the grand lodge, ough that It will perm it of ex becomes medical director of the tee chairman, gave a report on grown so rapidly, we must acquire gies no ed out the Owyhee ward 36 stock feed, wdrich Is a very impor but It did not receive its charter tensions end many other additions, Union Pacific Railroad Employes he lrtoor meeting that he attended things more rapidly. As a result we tant additional factor In returns per until 1913. to 32 In an Adrian game. especially for a polio wing. All mo Hospital association, according to an and Charley O rlder and Alva Good- have had to do without some High point players in the Nyssa acre, or it may be used as green dern hospital authorities agree that announcement by C. W. Stevens, ell spoke on the meeting of disease things". games were Ste’ nke It, K eefer 6, fertilizer. Moss said. there must be ample ground, es- chairman o f the board of directors. control held a t Vale Thursday. RADIO PROGRAM IS The superintendent gave a resume K ir g " l . Isert 6. Tollm an 9. H. W il- ! r.IV FN R Y M O R M O N ® I pecially for future expansion of hos- A t the same tim e Stevens an Frank Sherwood and Eraser Bush of the Nyssa school history and U I V E . P I D I I¥ lw n .IV lV A Ih ~ ^ taking lnto con^dera’ ion the ton 12. BARR WILL START nounced the appointment o f J. O. gave a report on the county con discussed the gradual expansion of Standings 100 years from now. We Riser, business manager; P. J. M c ference meeting held Monday at the the school system. OAKLAND CAMPAIGN Bight hundred-twenty five mem population Pet. W L Team will have about five acres of land “ W e have gained 33 rooms since Donald, secretary-treasurer, and W. Boulevard G range hall. Mrs. Char 1 000 Louis D. Barr, who is advisor in bers o f the L.D.S. church partici 5 0 Wilson M. Forbes, auditor. ley G rider told o f the farmstead 1939", M r Hartley said. “ At no 1 000 the present memorial hospital cam- j pated in and witnessed a 45-min to start with " 0 5 VFW Under the new plan Dr. Oamette meeting and the annual meeting time have the Nyssa schooLs had 800 patgn here, lias been engaged by ute broadcast from the beautiful 1 4 Aggies will be the chief medical officer o f the Malheur County Jersey any spare room. Generally we have 600 the new hotel committee of the | Weiser 2 3 Adrian ■iser tabernacle Sunday after- ‘ -p» f i t of the association which will care Breeders association. Mr and Mrs. not had what we needed. During tiie 4 .200 Oakland chamber of commerce to noon 1 Stunz Lbr. Co. jn, when Apostle Joseph F. M er-! J j Q C J o l t l J c l l I O n for the medical and hospital re Harlan Diven dLscussed the farm last few years we have had a state .200 conduct an immediate advisory sur 4 1 Owyhee Ward of the council of the 12, of Salt] “ school support fund. T h e Nyssa .200 vey as a pre imlnary to the building Lake Citv, gave the main address, ( ’ o n o p c 4 1 M Men { ’ n m m f ' I l t quirements of more than 60,000 Un stead meeting held at Ontario LeR oy H en m an announced that district will get approximately $90- He spoke on the question Did v d l l S t » V . U I S I I I 1 C I I I ion Pacific employes of the rail .000 of another hotel in Oakland. 5 0 Eagles road system. the annual m eeting o f the Farmers 000 on the basis o f what we are Ten Leading Scorers The committee proposes to build Joseph Smith Actually See God?” Appointment was also made today Supply Co-operative »rill be held doing this year. In order to parti rts. ■t fireproof, luxurious class A hos and ln the course o f his talk said, T h e size of the dog population Team Name 84 telry. Barr was a factor in plann "The Book of Mormon is the most of Nyssa was discussed at a meet by Dr. Oam ette o f Dr. Spencer ln the Boulevard Orange hall Janu cipate we have to have a standard Wilson Bros. Bob Wilson school. In some Instances we must 75 ing and financing the W l nth rap widely read book in the world to ing o f the city council Tuesday Wright, district chief surgeon of ary 22 at 10:30 a.m. VFW Steinke the central district with headquar Mr. and Mrs Loyd Adams, Mr. do certain things. There Is ten 73 hotel in Tacoma, the Olympic In day, with the exception o f the evening. Wilson Bros. Lloyd Wilson 49 Seattle, the Alameda jo Alameda. Bible” . He offered somewhat of a As a result of the dLscussion, the ters ln Salt Lake City, Utah, and and Mrs. David Beers and George dency for some people to think of Wilson Bros Belion a gymnasium as a luxury. It Is 46 Tracy inn in Tracy, California, El Challenge, when he said “ Joseph city attorney will submit a draft of of Dr. Joseph J. Sarazin as as Adams served refreshments. Owyhee Ward Cleverly primarily a physical education plant, 41 Tejon ln Bakersfield and the Boise Smith is the greatest man America an ordinance for consideration by sociation surgeon for Nyssa, O re Adrian Brewer used every period of the day. W e are 40 hotel ln Boise. Visiting Here— Adrian Tallm an has ever produced” , and asked the the council The ordinance will gon. 37 Mrs. Julian Johnson of Twin Falls not complying with the law, because M Mon people to Judge him "by hts works” . probably require that dogs be kept Herren 38 Nursing Home Notes— Idaho, form erly o f Nyssa, la visit with our facilities we cannot com Owyhee Ward Olson Other speakers were W ilford O. up during the spring and early Sugar Men Visit— 35 . The state has been somewhat A P. Anderson and R. D. Souel, ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C ply. Robert Olp of Adrian is receiving Peterson, stake Sunday school sup summer when gardens are young. Houston Wilson Wilson Bros. Ordinance No 315. providing for representatives o f the Michigan Su Dwight o f Parma She is also vis- ’ lenient. We have nothing ln the medical treatment. erintendent o f Nyssa; the stake ‘ vocational line for certain types of Phyllis Cooper was admitted for primary president. Mrs, Pearl Bal- a contract between the city and the gar company, were In Nyssa la s t, tttng friends in Nyssa this week. To California— boys who are not particularly In M rs Nel.vm of nf Trtnhn lin in g company for fire Friday and Saturday inspecting the — ■ . » -------- Idaho On Canning M r and Mrs. Harry Miner re- treatment lantyne: Mrs. Melvina Nelson terested in academics We very Billie Diane F .fer of Vale was Ontario, stake M I A ladies presi protection w u passed at first read local sugar factory. They were en \dult Clothing Class— turned Monday from Mount Shasta. California, where they visited rela released Wednesday after receiving dent, who told o f the many activi ing The contract will be on the route to San Francisco to attend | The first meeting of the adult much dee Ire the manual arts de- treatment. ties o f recreation planned for the basis o f $30 per call to the plant, a meeting of the American Society i clothing construction class under th e ' partment” . tives. 'M. The direction of Mrs C h a r i« Steffens, Under a new state law the num youth of the Mormon church, and which is located outside the city of Sugar Beet Technologists Tien were much impressed with the | w ill be held ln the homemaking ber of pupils in a room Is limited. Mrs. M ildred Wilburns, chairman of limits. Goes to Illinois— To Caldwell— IConUnaed On Page 5) efficiency of the Amalgamated p la n t: rooms o f the high srtwol Monday, B. C. Denham step-father of the girls committee, who told ol Mrs Carlos Buchner and children here They were guests of M r and > January 26 at 8 o ’clock This meet- visited In Caldwell Monday at the Rev. Sterl Spies*, left Saturday the many sewing projects, carried Take Position*— Mrs. George Sallee has accepted Mrs. J. L Church while here. Mr. i in « will be devoted to the planning Cattle Bring High Price— home o f her sister, Mrs. Bob Pase- morning for Rock Island. Illinois out by the girls between the ages Forty-one hereford steers con at 12 and 21, who number 343. The a position as "e-retary in the office Anderson was with the same c o m -' of the clothing course which will to make his home with a sister ley- girls receive special awards for their of School Superintendent Henry pany as M r Church while they be held during the month of Feb- signed to the Ontario Livestock Commission company by Sid Flan were living In England ruary on Mondays and Wednesdays accomplishments The audience of Hartley. M i * Nathelle Holton has Leaves on Visit— Mother. Baby H ---- ------------------------ I from 7 to 10 and on Saturday after - agan o f Nyssa sold at auction last George Bertsch left Saturday for over 800 voices sang "W e Thank taken a position in the high school Mrs John Schenk of Nyssa lias | noons from 1:30 to 4 o’clock. Sew- week for a new high cattle price returned to her home with her baby Spokane to visit his daughter, who Thee O Ood For A Prophet” over office, succeeding Mrs. Merrtldean Returns from Klamath Falls— Mrs. Helmsr Ostrom returned :ng materials are not needed for o f $28.15 per hundred. daughter, bom December 29 in the is ill. He may spend the remainder the radio. These conferences are Robbins, »"ho has resigned. Sunday from Klam ath Falls after j the first meeting, held every three months. Holy Rosary hospital ln Ontario of the winter in California. Co-op W ill Meet— a visit with her mother, who has' - • ■ ■ . ■ — Go T o Salt Lake— The girl has been named Susan The annual meeting o f the Far Here from Ogden— M r and Mrs. Don Moss, owners been ill Hears Violinist— Enters Halt Lake Hospital— Lynn Mrs. B S. Johnston and her mers Supply Oo-op o f Nyssa and Mrs. Bernard Eastman. Mrs. Grant Mrs Lila F ife Harolds in was of the Firestone store in Nysoa. and daughter, Mrs E. L. Barton of O g Ontario will be held In the Boule Lewis. Mrs. Alvin Kuehn. Mrs Olea taken to 9alt Lake City Tuesday their two children. Jim and Ilene, Recovering from (III Plan Food Sale— E. A. Wimp is recovering after den. arrived at the Ron Whitaker vard Orange hall Thursday, January The American Legion auxiliary Billings and Mrs. Ron Campbell morning by her father. Luther L left Sunday for a week’s business will hold a cooked food tale at attended the Boise concert Friday Fife, and her husband. Wayne, to trip to Sait Lake City. T hey were being confined to his home for sev home on New Y ea r’s Mrs Barton 22. commencing at 10:30 a. m A G raham ’s insurance agency office night to hear Tossy Splvskovsky, enter a hospital for further ob accompanied by Mrs. Mary Bybee. eral weeks because o f throat and returned to Ogden and Mrs. Johns free dinner served at noon will be January 24 to raise funds for the Russian-bom violinist, in the servation. Mrs Haroldsdn has been Who will visit three o f her daugh ear trouble. Ho expects to resume ton remained fo r a visit Mrs Johns followed by audit reports and a ton U the mother o f Mrs Whitaker, short program his electrical work soon. oncert series. in ill health for some time ters there. memorial hoepitaL Old-Time Masons Receive Honors V. F. W., Wilsons To Decide Lead Leaders Conduct Farm Gatherings County Dairymen Elect Officers Grange Hears O f County M eetings1” “ ““ " T“ pm~