Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON of the underground movement. j SUNSET SOLDIER and Mrs. Harry Reffett and New Plant Increases Idaho Power*« (.ajiatifv SERVES IN HAWAII son, Mr. Paul, of San Francisco ar THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 days. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner were overnight guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams ol Eagle SUNSET VALAiEY, Nov. 13— S'Sgt. rived Saturday at the John Reffett last Friday. 'Harry A. Cannon, son of W. T. home. Harry and John Reffet are Ora Newgen plans to do carpen brothers who celebrate the armistice Cannon, who has decided to make together again following their tra ter work with his brother, Floyd Newgen. this winter at Hearldsburg, army life a career, re-enlisted, and ditional custom. California, north ot San Francisco. Is now with the army of engineers Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Truest le of located at Honolulu, T. H. His Frank Johnson, nephew of Mis. Homedale were Sunday guests at wife and child, who have been In Charles Bradley, underwent a major the Claude Wilson home. for stomach ulcers last Samuel Brim, 9-year-old son of Dothan, Alabama, have recently operation week at Nampa. A1 Brim, suffered from an attack joined him in the islands. Mrs. Ella Adkins of Paris, Illinois it appendcitis last week. The tliree Hite brothers, Loren, accompanied Mr. and Mrs Harry Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gamer of Carl, and Walt. Glen McGnnis, Reffett on the trip from California Emmett were Sunday dinner guests Howard Connaglhy. and Bud Char- to Nyssa. Mrs. Ella Adkins plans j i Mr. and Mrs. Deb Gamer. land left Saturday on an elk hunt to spend the winter visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reffett of ing trip to the Limber Jim lookout. daughter, Mrs. John Reffett. and Haines were week-end guests at the The group took one truck, six sad family. John Reffett home. dle horses end two pick-ups. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker,' Mr. Reverend John G. Breman, D. were supper guests at the Don . '.nd Mis. Wilford Bybee and Mr. Sc., was guest speaker at the Owy Strickland home Sunday evening. and Mrs. Deibert Garner spent an hee s*hoo'hou.ce la: t Tuesday night. Wayne Garner, son of Delbert evening in Ontario and Nyssa Rev. Breman, mis-si nonary from Garner, who has been home on celebrating Mr. Garner’s birthday. Indonesia, showed pictures of his leave, left Sunday for San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner were work. During the war he was a Mrs. Ora Newgen left last week Boise visitors Friday. prisoner of war and also a member to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapin was one of tne Grant Harrison, at Portland. Mr. Adrian band members who attend Harrison has been ill for some time. ed the United States marine band Anton Myhr has returned to the B ernard Eastm an .oncert lasit Thursday at Boise. valley after spending over a year Mrs. Clyde Diderickson and child in Norway. He is visiting at the ren of Caldwell were Sunday gue6ts Andrew Lkanger home. at the Ira Chadd home. Insurance Reverend and Mrs. Davis of On Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaskins and tario weie guest speakers at both daughter ot Ainsworth, Nebraska the morning and evening sendees and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Carpen at the Sunset hall Sunday. ter of Caldwell were supper guests Phone 64 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorenson Friday evening at the home of Mr. were in Boise on business Friday. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. Mr. and Mi's. Junior Ditty of Nyssa, Oregon Lula Belle Wilson, Jim Robb and Harry Hathaway were visitors in This new hydroelectric power house at Idaho Power company's Up Caldwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe of Nam per Salmon fails site on the Snake river in Hagerman valley was for mally opened at a ceremony September 26. It Is the first completed pa were Sunday visitors in Sunset project In the company's $30,000,000 postwar construction program. valley. The new Upper Salmon plant, together with three others being built Jess Price and Harold Gray were and one In the planning stage, will increase Idaho Power's generating Ontario visitors Sunday. capacity by 185,000 kilowatts. Body balance and posture are important factors Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rataezyk were visitors at Payette Sunday. in maintaining health. Muscular stresses Gabriel Astoreca lost a fine steer Twin Falls were visitors at the Reverend Davis and his wife and Sunday and strains o f everyday work produce on potatoes. Charles Ditty home Thursday. daughters of Ontario were dinner Sunday visitors at the Harley lesions o f the boney framework of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ekanger, guests at the A1 Brim home Sun Wilson home were Mr. and Mrs. the body, thus setting up nerve Lester Zurcher of Homedale. Anton Myhr, and Mr. and Mis. day. and Mrs. Kenneth lorenson irritations and distorted John GroUveit and daughters were An L.D.S. Relief society confer and Mr. Herman Lorenson were Tues iuaday supper guests of Mr. and ence was held Sunday night at the day supper guests body function. at the Don Par Mrs. Andrew Titland. Oregon Trail schooihouse. home, celebrating Mrs. Parker’s —CHIROPRACTIC— Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and Mrs. Homer Brewer and daughter, ker birthday, w°re supper guests at the restores to normal body balance and posture, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditty at and Mrs. E. Hobson shopped at Kenneth Lorensen home Sunday tended the all-day fellowship meet- thus relieving many ailments Nampa and Caldwell Saturday. evening. ng at the Assembly of God church Sophia Rataezyk returned to Por- Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper vis ast o f the human Weunesuay. llunu ounuay alter visiting her ited at Notus Monday. Mrs. P. A. White and body. parents for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson dr. Mr. and and Mrs. John R. White of Word has been received that H. H. took their son, Earl, to Caldwell Ontario were Sunday Deal of Calloway, Nebraska died Saturday. Earl re-entered school Don Strickland home. guests at the of heart trouble November 1. Mr. Monday. Mis. Ray Saver of Dodge Deal was the brother-in-law of Elmer Steiner of California vis Mr. ana Kansas were dinner guests Grover Cooper and Mrs. L. B. Lan- ited his brother, Ed Steiner, last City, Chiropractic Physician it Mr. and Mrs. Erneiy Hobson dreth of Madras. He had just re week. Box 118 Nyssa, Oregon Tel. 171-W turned to 'his home after complet Mrs. Leren Hite and two child ounaay. Robb vis ing a trip to California. ren of Haines are visiting at the Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Hudson Physiotherapy—Electro-Therapy Herb Newell at Mrs. Cliff Main was a Sunday home of Mrs. Hite’s parents, Mr. ited guest at the William Grecg home and Mrs. John Reffett, for a few Parma Saturday evening. Roger Bergam, son of Herbert Bergam, has been out of school a week due to a skin infection. Harold Gray is staying at the | Ira Chadd home now, and work mg or Clyde Diderickson. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zurcher and daughter of Homedale were Sunday dinner guests at the Pete Wilson home. Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk entertained he Sunset auxiliary Thursday after- loon. All present worked on an ifghan. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Bud Charland is visiting her nother, Mrs. Ira Chadd, while her lusband is elk hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Garner and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gamer made x trip to Jordan Valley last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson ind Mrs. Hardin Crutchfield and “Regulation W”, the war time gov do, that you will not want to buy and on, Bryan, were dinher guests at -he Oiaf Fyllingness home Sunday. ernment regulation which deter pay for any article on an impractical Thomas Nishitanl was In Cald well on business Wednesady. mined the amount of down-payment payment plan. Mrs. Oiaf Fyllingneess and Mrs. larold Peterson of Idaho Falls and number of monthly payments vere supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jlie Egge Sunday evening. you made on purchases of many ar Therefore, we have determined the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dowty following terms as being the most eft Friday for Wenatchee, Washi ticles, was officially discontinued as ngton upon receipt of word that sensible and practical for the aver .lis father, Fred Dowty, was ill. of November 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley were age individual. These terms are leni Caldwell shoppers last Monday. Mrs. Leslie Ditty of Ontario and drs. Charles Ditty drove to La- The First National Bank of Portland ent and generous, yet present a plan Jrande last Friday to attend the .uneral of S. D. Clay, who was Strongly feels its responsibility to for payment that is “good business” Mrs. Charles Ditty’s hrother-ln- urge that if you plan to purchase an for you in your personal financing. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shepp- Atd were supper guests at -the Sid automobile, home appliances or any Flanagan home Suiiday evening. The Y. G. A. members were hosts major items, you give serious thought X) the Chalk Butte Grangers and TH R IF T Y PAY P LA N TER M S heir families at a Hallowe'en party to the terms of payment offered. .'Yiday night at the Chalk Butte o f f e r e d b y y o u r d e a l e r th r u the lall. The extemporaneous speech F irst N a t i o n a l B a n k o f P o r t l a n d es, an amateur show and a pan Because of our desire to help the tomime “The Bear Hunt”, were AUTOMOBILES h e highlights of the entertain people of Oregon to buy and have ment. -Chet eounstl of New Plymouth 1946-1947 modern conveniences for their was a Sunday visitor at the O. P. (new a n d used) 24 33 1/3% Counsil home. homes, new automobiles when they 18 194 0-1 9 41 -1 94 2 33 1/3% Mr. and Mrs. John Kollen and idby and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Koll- 12 1939 and prior . . . 4 0 % become available, and all the other n visited Mrs. Alvin Fuller at Jouncil, Idaho last Saturday. EQUIPMENT things that make for good living, The Clarence Curry, Ben Clchy and .1. Sill, who hunt annuolly on the Household Appliances First National Bank is the leader in ueonard Newgen farm, were din and Furniture . . . 2 0 % • 24 ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- Radios and Radio Oregon in financing time purchases is Nishitanl last Sunday. Combinations . . . 2 S % 18 Arvel Child was the speaker at .— and we intend to continue to he (Minimum monthly poyment $5.00) he L. D. S. meeting last Sunday light. the leader. However, we feel, as you The young people of the L. D. 8. hurch held a fireside chat month- 'y meeting at Eee Stoker's home. Ffc /• 't. BALANCE PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bock of Walla Walla were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk Monday. Walt Ouiver was a guest at the i. H. Waspn home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Reed of Nam- • supper guests of Mr. aftd Irs. J.e Hobson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk aade a business trip to Nampa icuday. W. T. Cannon is building a new h.ciccn house. The Bergam brothers bought a K:ng-W e sect loader last week. Mr. ana Mrs. Art Lecoher and hiiureu of Long Beach, California who have been visiting Albert Not- aeis the past two weeks, left Sat urday. The chh-ren had been att- the local school. Mr. and Mis. Do.i Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Strickland and Mr. and Mrs. Gltlin Strickland were Sunday supper guests of Mr. >nd Mrs. E. H. Strickland. M. A. Rataezyk poured cement .or the foundation of his new louse Monday. Mrs. John Broad. Mr. and Mis. Jake Groot of Ari cadia spent Thursday afternoon at rile Di k Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson m d son snopped In Boise Friday afternoon. C. M. Tensen was a business vis itor in Ontario last week. Returns to Boise— Mrs. F. L. McGaven, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. 'oe Maughan. returned to her ome in Boise Monday. California Guests Leave— Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Ken as ton, who have teen guests the past two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Galloway, returned to their home in Son Bemr.ndmo last Saturday. PLANNING TO BUILD? You may save money by seeing me. COLUMBIA FOLX ATTEND FUNERAL OLUMBIA AVENUE, Nov. 13— allers at the George Smit home at JuAcres Tuesday afternoon were -lr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mrs. Florence Larsson, Mr. and 4rs. Ray Weatherspoon and son, ,nd Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Larsson md family left Friday for Ogden o attend the funeral of Mrs, Mary torsson, grandmother of Edward Larsson and Mrs. Weatherspoon. They returned home Sunday. Boise vtilths Friday were Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mrs. Dick Groot and J. C. Krul Oregon Building Contractor Nyssa, SEE Frank T. Morgan —ABOUT— Avoset Property If Interested Edwin W. Oldham, D. C. If you plan to buy anything on time we want you to read th is ... _ M n siin u m Skeet and Trap SHO O T Sunday, Nov. 16 , —10 A. ML— —NORTH OF ONTARIO AIRPORT— —NEW TRAPS— —TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING— Malheur Game League m m N a . o f M o n th ly P a y m o n ts it NATIONAL B A N K of Portland 42 B ro n c h o « a n d 11 a ffilia te d B a n k « lo c a to d c o n v o n io n tly th ro u g h o u t O ro g o n M I M ■ I ■ M O t l t l D l t O I I T I N I U I A N C I CORPORATION Don M. Graham Insurance Agenoy Fire and Automobile Insurance ! Rentals Bonds This it what truck operator« find in our «hop«: Tools, machine« and equipment designed, or «elected and approved, by Inter national to meet the exacting atandards of the International Truck Servica Engineer«. And in our «hop truck operators find one thing more. They find mechanics thoroughly trained according to International Truck methods in the expert use of our modern equipment. Our equipment and mechanics make money for truck operators in two way*. They save (hop time, which meant minimum charge* for maintenance and repairs. And the high-quality work turned out meant trouble-free, economical truck operation. Yea, our mainte nance service saves and makes money for truck operators. One experience will convince you. OWYHEE TRUCK & IMP. CO. Phone 83-J __________________ - « m * i INTERNATIONAL Tru çks V