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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1947)
The NYSSA VOLUME XXXXII NO. 45' Advance Gifts Committee Will Start Campaign — „ ., , Two Groups Named; To Attend Dinner Friday Evening JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1947 ROBERT LEAVITT HAS POLIOMYELITIS ULCERS CAUSE OF SUICIDE ATTEMPT Bjb Leavitt, latest Nyssa vic tim of poliomyelitis, is a son o Mi-, and Mrs. Leon Leavitt. Tht ,iboy was taken to ShriAers hos P*»al in Portland Monday suffer Fred Linder of Nyssa was report ed to be making satisfactory pro gress in the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario the first of the week following an alleged attempt to end his life by cutting his throat with a paring knife. Linder, about 60 years old, lives just west of Nyssa, where he ap parently inflicted a wound that pace for 32 beds, with the structure, equipment and failed to prove fatal. He told State Police Sergeant Walter Walker that and carting 3262 , 000 . * he suffered from stomach ulcers. A neighbor found Linder lying on the kitchen floor and believed lidm to be dead. After Walker ar rived, Linder was given treatment in Nyssa and was then taken to the hospital. Bulldogs Lose Runner-up Game In Conference Score is 7 to 6; Most irjm s para:yais le*s onlj Leavitt’ Illness oi was the the Successful Season ase cefinitely diagnosed as “polio' Completed here this week. A girl Is suspected The advance gifts committee of of having the disease. Although losing to Payóte 7 to 6 the memorial hospital campaign Puesday afternoon on the Payette will start its campaign at a dinner field in one of the runner-up games A sketch of the proposed memorial hospital de to be held Friday night, November to the championship contest, the igned to serve the Nyssa area and surrounding 21, at 7 o'clock at the Doll House ¿immunities appears above. The building will lnddilt Nyssa high school has just complet The following will serve on group ed its most successful football sea- ion in several years. 1: Arvel Child, manager; F. W A 4-H achievement program, In the other runner-up game. Bracken. Amasa Hammon, J. L. which was held in the Adrian Vale defeated Emmett by a scone Herriman, R. G. Larson, Richard high school building Friday even- of 20 to 0, so that the Vikings and Maw, Dr. Edward W. McNamara, .ng marked the close of a very Che Panthers will meet on the On- G. J. Mitchell, Arden C. Newsom, .successful club year for the boys ario high school field Friday af- or J. J. Surazin, Orln Sumner, and girls in the Adrian and King- ernoon at 2:15 for the gridiron Charles Taylor and Calvin Wilson man comunities. championship of the Snake river Group 2; Frank T. Morgan, man Tne meeting was opened with the valley. ager; D. O. Bybee, Ralph Casta- entire group giving the p ieces to The Nyssa Bulldogs finished the tor, Jacob Fisher, O. L. Galloway ■ he flags. These were led by Ron -eason with a conference record ol Sam E. Hartley, Harold Henlgson, ald Peterson and Diana Hardman four victories and two defeats. They or K E Kerby, B. B. Lienkacm- rhe program to follow consisted The first two returning bodies of lost their only non-conference game per, Dr. L. A. Maulding, R. D. Mc of a song of peace, girls quartet Nyssa servicemen killed during Co Fairmont. Curdy, W. B. Russell, George M. »-r-ene Piercy, Ardyce Hurst, Joyct world war II overseas are arriving In the Payette-Nys8a game, the Sallee, George Schiemer, E. C. Wil Km L, and Caroline Schemer, a in Nyssa this week. Panthers scored in the first quar son, and Elden J. Yergensen. i-H clothing demonstration by Dar- The body of Eugene Evans ar ter on a n 11-yard run by Kirk, The advance gifts committee wil ene Smith and Bonita Langlois, rived here this morning and the halfback, after the team had driven raise the major amount of the Mitchell Butte; "Plowing song” sung body of Thomas Matheny alii a r down the field for approximately hospital fund, in large gifts and by Fred Deffer, Gary Graham and rive Saturday morning. 30 yards. VanVirth scored the ex memorials during an Intensive cam Lester Auker; vocal solo by Myrna Memorial services tor Evans will tra point on a line buck. paign before the general campaign Lane; violin solo, Sherryl Reuter, be held in the L.D.S. church at The Bulldogs played their op organisation, romixxsed oi 70 volun and piano solo, Barbara Hatch. All 2 pm. Saturday. November 22, with ponents off their feet in the last teers, can proceed with a general were accompanied by Betty Jean the American Legion and LDJ3 half, but were unable to score the solicitation o f/th e area to be pro Toomia at the piano. church in charge. Interment will be winning touchdown. Nyssa recover tected by the/ hospital. in the Wilder cemetery. Reports were g.ven toy those who ed a Payette fumble on the IB Accordinv^ta Chairman Morgan, ¡lad attended 4-H summer camp, The pictures do not Indicate Evans was killed in line of duty 's rd line and drove to the six, but “We are ii x » ic d that many citi the state fair and 4-H sunime, the usual condition but the ex as a navy pilot while ferrying a vas held for downs. After Payette zens in t h l intend to estab chool, Donald De Haven and Cai- ception in the hauling of sugar plane to Iceland In 1944. Although lad kicked out, Iseri ran 35 yards lish large memoHals for themselves oiine Schiemer, summer school; Ar beets to the Ny.ssa factory of his rating was aviation pilot, first to the Payette 15. As the Bulldogs or some loved one whose memory lene Piercy, Betty Newtoill, and the Amalgamated Sugar com class, he would have received a edged nearer pay dirt, Bob Wilder Urey wish to perpetuate in the Mary Lou Jensen, state fair, and pany. The corn entration of trucks commission as an ensign the month ?wept off tackle for a seven yard Toe.-mcrial hospital, and in this man Shirley Sparks, Katheryn Hester, extending from far west on Good he was killed. ;ain and a touchdown. Nyssa failed ner help preserve the life and Donna Steelman and Marcelyn Mc- Evans was bom January 28. 1922 o convert. avenue, through the underpass to the factory yards, resulted at Wilder, Idaho and spent prac health of the community for many Xinnley, summer camp. Statistics kept by K. E. Keveren last week from delay .caused by tically all of his life there until tie howed that Nyssa outpointed P ay years to come.” Arlene Piercy led the discussion trouble in piling operations on entered the service He lived with ette in practically every department “A rumcr, detrimental to this in which each club and its leader tiie st rage grounds. The line < ampaign, is .being circulated to the were recognized. These were cloth his sister, Mrs. Qlen Suiter, for of th e‘game, but lost on' ’breaks”. effect tliat every perron is rated ing 1 Mary Stoker; clothing IB, of trucks attracted considerable about a year while attending Nys Some of the figures are as follows: sa high school. attention from townspeople. (Top and is to be assessed a certain am Adell Hammon; clothing 4 and 5, Yards gained by running, Nyssa pihoto by Evans) cunt in this campaign. This is not Marjorie Bowers; cooking 1, Rita Survivors are three sisters, Mrs. 139 and Payette 99 first downs, Nys true,” a.-cordlffg to Morgan. Suiter, Mrs. Larry Shipley of Kooe- sa 3 and Payette 4; yards gained Riddle; cooking 3, Barbara Hatch; kla, Idaho and Mrs. Man ford stlm - by returning kicks, Nyssa 73 and “In order to raise the large am homemaking, Patricia Sm ith; knit ,mel of Homedale. and three bro- Payette 34: yards gained by passing. ount of money necessary for this ting, Caroline Schiemer; health, / thers, Milton Beans of Butte, Moit- Ny-sa 0 and Payette 1»; yards lost pi.xleru hospital, those who are, in Lester Auker: health, Jurtine Krea- : tana, Alfred of Ola, Idaho, and Hal from scrimmage, Nyssa 37 and a position to do so should establish ger; dairy, Robert Haney; swine, of Murphy, Idaho. large memorials. Success means that Fred Deffer; baby beef, Donald Payette 44. each oitizen, in this area, should Webb; vegetable garden, Donald Matheny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa’s starting lineup was as fol make a sacrificial gift. These gifts Newtoill. A report from one individ Lynn Matheny of Nyssa, was killed lows: JSnds, Wilson and Anderson; are deductible from the federal in ual was given by Raymond Thomp in action in the Belgian bulge De taokles, Christensen and Pecka; SHOWN IN NYSSAt „ - . come tax and may be paid in in son on his rabbit project. cember 31, 1944. He had been in guards, Sutherland and Itam ura; stallments of 10 per cent each the service for two years and in center, Endow: quarterback, Hol Leaders of these clubs are cloth Book week, November 16-22. Is month. action for six weeks. ing 1A, Mrs. Guy Glenn; clothing comb; halfbacks, Iseri and Wilder, “No person is immune from acci IB, Arlene Piercy; clothing 4 and 5, Matheny was born March 13, 1924 “We endorse the observance of being observed toy the libraries of The Malheur County Education in Pendleton and came to Nyssa and fulback. Maw. Other players dent or disease. For our own pro Mrs. H. E. Moore; cooking 1, Threl- were Garner at fullback, Reed at tection we should ‘give Ull it hurts ma Elliot; cooking 3 and 4, Mrs. Hospital Sunday in our churches the county with exhibits of new association held its first banquet with his parents when he was three quarterback; Koyano, halfback; give full amount now—because If W. H. Bunch; knitting, Mrs. Dick and urge all church members who children’s books. of the year Wednesday evening, years old. He attended the Nyssa Hale, end; Chadwick, tackle, and In the window of the office of sufficient subscriptions are not ob Kreigh; health, 7th and 8th grade, are in a position to co-operate to schools. Besides his parents, he is Orr, guard. November 19 in the home econom tained to justify proceeding with Mrs. Geoff Williams; health, 5th aid in the movement to establish the Gate City Journal 1s a colorful ics room of the Nyssa high school survived by two sisters, Betty and the hospital project, all subscrip and 6th, Mrs. ePterson; dairy, D. L. a memorial hospital’’. This state display of Malheur county library building. Joan Matheny, and a brother, Les tions will be cancelled and any Hurst; swine, Ivan Jensen; baby ment was issued this week by Lu books, which will be available at lie, Who was discharged from the A turkey dinner was prepared the Nyssa library after Book week. mony paid on subscriptions, in this, beef, Donald Webb; vegetable gar ther Fife, president of the Weiser natty this week. and served by the F. H. A. girls Featured in the display are the or in prior campaign, will be re den, Mrs. George De Haven, and state of the L.DS. church; Rev. Graveside services will be held winners of the two annual awards and their advisor, Mrs. Charles turned. homemakingr Mrs. M. L. Judd. P. J. Gaire, pastor of the Nyssa for outstanding children’s books. | Steffens. The tables were attrac- Sunday a t 2:30 p. m. in the Nyssa "We will not fail if each person Awards of 100 percent comple Catholic churc.i, and Rev. George cemetery. Rev. H. J. Q em hardt of does his full duty by his family and tions were given to the presidents Whipple, president of the Nyssa The Newberry medal this year went tively decorated by Mrs. Kenneth the Methodist church, and the Am A gopher extermination area has to Carolyn Sherwin Bailey for h e r 1 Renstrom and her committee. Place th e community. Remember we are of all these clubs by E. M. Hauser, Ministerial association. Legion will conduct the ser been farmed by farmers living In Miss Hickory”, the story of a doll cards were made toy the high school erican dealing in human lives, we dare not 4-H club agent. Mr. Hauser also vices. The Nyssa Funeral home For centuries”, the church lead made of an applewood twig with a art class. a certain section west of Nyssa. fall”. presented Avadna Peterson with a ers said, “churches have been the hickory The area includes Che territory nut for a head. Her adven-1 During the dinner hour group will have charge of interment. Foly food mill which was given first to establish and maintain hos inside the east boundary of Clark with Mr. Crow and the o th e r! singing was led by Lynn Lawrence, her as grand champion in foods at pitals. Here In America many of tures boulevard, the south boundary of animals through a New England, Laura Schenk and Angela Peterson, the 4-H spring fair. He also gave the best hospitals are operated by winter Alberta avenue, the west boundary make a friendly, humorous1 accompanied by Mary Lou Schenk pins and certificates to leaders and churches, universrties, fraternal or .Story. of the main canal, Including the The Caldecott medal was I at the piano gave several violin all club members. irrigated land that may be above der, community and memorial or Mrs. Swan of Vale sang Harry Sandqulst, county agent for ganizations. In community life these awarded to Leonard Weisgard fo r; selections. the canal and the north boundary a group of songs. Charles Steffens Malheur county, was the speakeT hospitals rank second only to the his beautiful illustrations in Gold of Nyssa played a saxaphone solo, of Eureka avenue. en MacDonald’s “Little Island”. Two The school census, just completed for the evening. church. They have, Christianity as other books are included which accompanied at the piano by Mrs, Approximately 20 farmers met The Nyssa Parent-Teacher as Among special guests were Mrs. toy Orant Rinehart, shows a popula the foundation for service. were considered as passible award K. E. Keveren, and Mr. Christie sociation held its regular monthly Saturday evening, November 15 In tion -of 1737 children from 4 to 20 Clyde Bowers, president of the Mal meeting at Che high school Thurs the Bid Irving home and elected “’’he proper care of the sick a n d , winners. “Big Tree” by Mary Buff of Vale played a piano solo. years old in the Nyssa school dis heur 4-H leaders council. Following the dinner, a business day. November 18, with Mrs. W. W, Chree directors, Leroy Herrman, injured is one of the basic teach was runner-up for the Caldecott Last on the program was the mo trict, or an increase of 152 over chalm an; Frank Cahill, vice chair ings of Christ. The parable of the award and “1716 Wonderful Year” meeting was held, with Mrs. Jfarr- Foster presiding. tion picture, “The New Oregon Good last year. Samaritan clearly shows the by Nancy Barnes for the Newbery let Brumbach, president of the Mal- A report for the picture commit man, and Arthur Rouse, secretary- Trail.” The 1737 children represent an obligation of each citizen in the award. heur Education association, presid tee was made by Dennis Patch. treasurer. Increase of approximately 450 chil ing. Special speakers were Dr. Frank The following pictures were pur A. B. Plummer of the wild life community to aid in protecting the dren in the district in the last two Parr, executive secretary of the O r chased for the schools: “Little Old service explained the control pro life and health of his family, his WATER SUIT SET years. They include 833 girls and egon Education association; Mias Man” and “The Swing” for first gram and showed a gopher gun neighbor, and the stranger, by af 904 -boys. FOR PRE-TRIAL Martha Shull, class room teacher to fourth grades, “California Des that will force poison bait deep fording proper hospital protection. Mr. Rinehart said the age group of Portland, and Fred Patton, sup ert” and “Where the Sun Goes” into the gopher runs. “When it comes to sickness and between 4 and 11 has an average distress and the saving of human Contracts will be printed In the Attorneys for the group of land erintendent of schools of LaOrande for the fifth to eighth grades. “Des of 20 more children per each age 11766—8 Christian civilization does owners who instituted action ag and president of the Oregon Edu ert Sentinel” and "Scottish Forest county agent's office and be made than the 12 to 19 year olds, or 162 The Nyssa chamber of commerce not draw city, county, or state i ainst the United States for damages cation association. available immediately. The direc Scene” for Che high school. more in the total group. This in voted at its luncheon Wednesday boundary lines. Accordingly, the growing out of the 1946 break in Mrs. Ada Haworth and her com A report for the Juvenile Pro tors plan a meeting for the purpose dicates th a t the Nyssa schools will noon to appropriate *150 for the memorial hospital is planned to the Owyhee canal have been noti mittee arranged bridge, pinochle tection committee, of which J. L. of signing contracts Saturday even be more crowded beginning next purchase of street lighting for the serve a wide area in every direction fied th at Judge Fee will conduct and dancing for those who remaln- Herriman Is chairman, was made ing, November 22 at the Vest res Christmas season. year. from Nyssa, and it will be dedicated a pre-trial of the various cases a t 1 ed after the business meeting, by Mrs. Alexander, who gave the idence on Eureka avenue and Clark Instead of buying fir trees each to preserving the lives and health the courthouse in Vale December 2, purposes of the committee. The boulevard. ear as in the past, the chamber of the entire community. Visiting in Nyssa— .beginning at 10 a.m. Remodeling Station— aim of the committee on Juvenile Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jordan of plans to buy some permanent dec T h e churches know that, y ea r; The purpose of the pre-trial is The Standard Oil company U re protection is prevention, not cor LOVEJOY ELECTED Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Grant orations each year, so that in a after year, the memorial hospital to settle all questions of law in- modeling the Powell service sta rection”. Bybee of Ontario were visitors at few years the city wil have a nice will be the additional means o f , volved, in as many Issues of fact tion at Main and Second streets to HEAD OF COACHES Mrs. G rant Rinehart, a member the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Christmas decorating arrangement. demonstrating Christianity at work! as can be stipulated, thus climinat- provide greater driveway space. C. of the program committee, an The chamber will co-operate with in our midst, and it will be worthy | ing a far as possible the taking of i k . Olson of Nyssa is the contractor, nounced the program Mary Lou Ray Sunday. Howard Lovejoy of Nyssa was Mr. and Mrs. Julian Geiger of the Nyssa Civic club in the pro of any sacrifice th at any of us now testimony when the case is finally Schenk played two piano numbers, elected president of the coaches of Ogden spent the week-end with ject. The two groups tentatively make to fulfill this, our greatest tried. “Hungarian" by MacDowell and the Snake River Valley conference Publishing Paper Early— Mr Geiger’s sister. Mrs. Edison plan for this year to erect one large need at a meeting held In Ontario last Approximately *500,000 is asked Be'-au/e of the Thanksgiving holi "Tirigo In D Major” by Albenez. tree and buy enough lights for dec Child, and family here. as damages by farmers who have day next week .the Gate City Jour Mrs. Charley Schwelzer spoke on Wednesday night. Jim Attebery of Miss Coy Fife of Washington, orations, and perhaps buy some See Boil« Game— filed 185 separate suits growing out nal will be published Wednesday. Che history of art and art appre Ontario was elected secretary D.C., spent the week visiting at the thing else with the remaining mon The Snake River Valley Basket- Mr. and Mrs. Vibert Kessler, Mr. of a ditch break th at occurred in Rural and local news and advertis ciation. Mrs. Schwelaer explained home of Mr. and Mrs. LaMont ey. ing should be submitted one day the commute*'» choices at pictures. ' ball Officials association also el- and Mrs. S. P. Bybee and Mr. and July. 1946. In addition, the civic club ten; Mrs. Jay Bybee were in Boise Sat Fife. She made the return trip by Gallagher and Gallagher of On than usual. Foacwlng the refreshments, serv ected officers The officres are Em tatively plans to conduot a residen urday to see the Idaho-Utah foot tario are representing the farmers. plane. ed by Mrs. Frank Jayo and her ery Howard of Weiser, president; tial lighting contest, such as was ball game. They enjoyed dancing committee, the group attended the Lloyd Lewis of Nyssa, vice presi Firemen Called— conducted in many towns before a t the Mirimar ballroom that ev Go to Illinois— Fly to California— Fire, believed to have been start ir t exhibit at the perish hall. The dent, and Dick Hahn of Weiser Ersel Be us and his brother, Wil the war. Jacob Fisher and his uncle, Mar ed by a cigarette thrown Into a fundi secured from the extilblt were secretary. ening. On Friday evening Mrs. liam J. Beus. returned Sunday, af Sherman P. Bytoee was honored tin Fisher of Nampa, left Friday waste basket at the Farmers Supply used to purchase pictures for the ter a plane trip to Los Angeles on I Attends M eeting- ISO Couples Attend Dance— by her friends with a chicken din for a three-week visit with friends Co-op store on First street last schools. business. I Frank Sherwood left Tuesday ner at the Payette Country club and relatives in Illinois and Mis Friday evening, caused approxi Approximately ISO couples at _______________ morning for Baker to attend the in Observance of her birthday. tended the dance given by the souri. Mrs. Jacob Fisher and daugh mately *50 damage. A fire ex Nursing Home Notes— annual convention of the Oregon ter, Lorraine, spent the week-end tinguisher hanging over the basket New arrivals are a arm, weighing Nyssa fire department last Satur Go to Arizona— visiting relatives at Wilder. Peter Hllle and son. Robert, left Reclamation congress. was exploded by the heat and al • pounds. 1 ounce, November 16 to day night In the gymnasium. Three Dies in South Dakota— Thursday for Mesa. Arizona to sell Henry Rehorst of Belfourth, most extinguished the blaze before Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tlimer of prizes were given by the firemen. some personal property They will Attend Meeting— South Dakota died Friday afternoon F n rle rg o e s O p e ra tio n — Nyssa, snd a son, 8 pounds. 1014 S. P Bytoee w->n the radio, Elden firemen arrived. Bernard Frost. Harley Diven and at his home. His daughter. Mrs. Johnny Lienkaemper, son of Mr. ounces, born November 1* to Mr. Yergensen, the blanket, and Keith toe gone about two months. three high school students. John Leo Gonyer, and two daughters of and Mrs B B. Lienkaemper. under- j l uncheons Cancelled— snd Mrs Mancel Bishop of Nyssa Bybee, the miniature fire truck. Relk. Reed Campbell and Jerry Nyssa left Saturday morning by went a major operation In th e : The Nyssa chamber of commerce Here from Huntington— The children of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Perry Ward and children i Williams, attended a meeting of train for South Dakota to attend Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario and the Lions club have voted to Lester Fifer of Ontario were re Former Resident Visits— visited Tuesday at the Bernard the National Farm Chemurglc coun- the funeral. Mrs. Gonyer and Friday night. He was reported to cancel their luncheons during the leased after receiving medical at Mrs C. C. Hunt of Twin Falls, Frost home, while Mr. Word attend- j cil In Boise Tuesday. The chemur- daughters will be away from home have been suffering from peritonitis. I memorial hospital campaign, which tention. former Nyssa resident, arrived here * ed the Idaho chemurglc meeting i gic sessions were also held Wednes- for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rehorst The boy, who was seriously 111, Is will be conducted between now and Mrs. Lenna Coon la recuperating Friday to vlbt friends. She will ln Boise. day. return home Friday. I the latter part c.f December. from a recent operation visited here for a month last fall. ^ recovering satisfactorily. 4-H Achievement Program Is Held Bodies of Two Veterans Coining Church Leaders Favor Hospital Local Teachers sponsor Meeting Drive Against Gophers Started School Census Climbing Fast P.T.A. Purchases School Pictures Decorations In Nyssa Planned