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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON HAGE FOUR COUPLE CELEBRATE j 50TH ANNIVERSARY Army A ir Forces Aid in Crop Pest Control THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 id Benedict. Alvin Pecka, Barbara Henderson and Doris and Ellen McGee of the Richland district attended the marine band concert In Bouse Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler anc Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rogei ¡Orris Saturday evening. Mrs. Burl Wyckoff of Corvallis visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Maw, Saturday evening. Mrs. Wyckoff left Sunday for Bak er to visit Mr. Wyckoff until Christ- Dave Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hall and family of Parma were jailers In Che afternoon. Mrs. Conrad Martin of Clarkston, Washington visited Monday at the Beaumont home. urday morning for their home in Torrence, California. Guests of Church G roup— OWYHEE, N oy . 13— Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Gemhardt and Mrs. Rex Walters and Brenda of Boise ■ « M Í Hugli Tobler were guests Thursday were week-end guests in the Ellis of the Fruitland Methodist Wo Walters home. Return to California— men's society birthday dmner. Mrs. Mrs. Rum McConnell and Mi's. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown Jackson, who are vlstlng in the Lee ; uernliardt, guest speaker, spoke ou and son, David, who have been vis Householder home, were week-end iting in Nyssa and vicinity, leit Sat I ' o u r Wonderful Year". t-hoopers in Caldwell. Merle Kygar went to Haines last week to get some lumber. His bro ther, Earl, Is hauling it for him. Mrs. H. A. Diven and daughter, Earl has been living at Haines and 1 Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stra- working for Jim Hite. Ju dley and daughter, Annette, anc Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones of Barbara Horn spent Saturday shop • w o r ld '« d o ily n o w ip o p e r — Boise were week-end guests in the f o p * * * * ping in Caldwell. Byrd Walters home. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Y o u will fin d yo u rse lf on a o f > "1- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boenlc spent Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kygar will -i. f the best-in form e d p ersons in your c o m m u n ity o n w orld o ffo lrs w hen Monday shopping in Bols«. hold open house for their friends y o u -eod th is w orld-w ide d o ily new spaper r o c u la rly Y o u w ill (join fre s k new view points, a fuller, richer u n d e rsta n d in g o f t o d a y 's v ita l Rev. and Mrs. Ecklebarger and ¡•nd relatives at their home Sunday n ew s__P L U * *>eln »rom its exclusive features o n h o m o m a kin g, e d u c a family were Friday visitors at the from 12:30 until 5 p.m. on the oc tion. b u s io e » . theater, m usic, radio, sports. Wallace Gregg home. casion of their 50th wedding an Mr. and Mrs. Leverette Wood of niversary. t h i^ ^ e * o " “^ e t ! T he C h ristia n Science P u b lish in g S o ciety P B -5 Long Beach, California visited at Rev. Henry Moore spoke to a a c q u a in t e d " o tte r V t JT. O * Norw o, Street B oston 15, M a s s . U S. A. the home of Mr. and Mi's. Jake - 1 m o n th for $ a V O f l V n rtosed is S ', f c w hich plooso so n d m g T he C h ristia n group of boys at the Owyhee school Simmons Wednesday. Mrs. W ooc house evening on the subject < 0 , 8 . fund.) 1 B ! * ' * * • M OOB >' on* m 0 n ' h and Mrs. Simmons are cousins. of Cub Scouts. No definite plans ljs»«n to Tfi* Cfcnsto« Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Maw and Science Monit«» Views the have been made In regard to form «ews Thunds» Street__ — . . . --------- . . . . . -------------- --— — — - — --------- . family and Mrs. Burl W yckoff vis ing a pack as there were not en night over the American ited Mr. and Mrs. Clasa Caslngham Iroatfcasttng Compio» ough parents present at the meet I«y______. . . . . ____. . . . . . . Zono-------State__________ in Payette Saturday evening. ing. Shirley Skinner was a dinner guest Saturday in the home of Kay KINGMAN COUPLE T r o ilin g a s tr e a m o f p ote n t a e ro so l D D T d u st, o n A r m y A i r F o rce s C - 4 7 tra n sp o rt p ia n o swoops over a fie ld McDonald. n e a r O rla n d o , F lo rid a , d u r in g re se arch project. R e c a n t A A F e x p e rim e n ts hero re v e a le d now d e v e lo p m e n ts in im HOLD CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty, Jr., of p ro v e d c ro p -d u st in g te ch n iq u e « . Anaconda, Montana, are v.siting in KINGMAN KOLONY, Nov. 13 - the Jesse Ditty, Sr., home. missionary work in Indonesia to a Mr. and Mrs. Veri Bishop and faini- Mrs. L. L. Kreager, Mrs. Guy Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hite spent sister. and daughter, Guyann, Mrs, Lu!< Saturday night at Anderson dam, Mrs. Charley Culbertson and son large group at the Owyiiee school- ly. and returned with a load of lumber visited in the Arnold Slippy home house Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rush, and Cummins shopped in Caldwell Tue- on Sunday. Bob Morfltt suffered a very pain- children, Donald and Betty, arrived day. Miss Mae Beaumont, Mrs. Lula Mrs. Werner Peutz, Mrs. William in Adrian Sunday. ful accident las week when his r.ght Friday afternoon for a visit with Carl and Walter Hite of Drewsey, arm became caught in the belt c f Peutz, Mrs. Archie Mooes and Mrs. s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cummins, Mrs. Nellie Newtoill, Mrs. Minnie Mackay and Mrs. Frank Olen McGinnis and two boys were a P°tato vlne beater whlle he wafi W M Teter' 4,111 brolher' Miles 41111 business visitors In Ontario Wednes Frnnv+p t ,r i f , ut inm applying belt dressing. No bones Gale Teter, and sister, Mrs. C. E. Cummins were dinner guests in the C. C. Cotton home Sunday. day. ° jTam-v u l l Z r - / , . o-i h w e le broken, but the arm was badly Witty. T^ey returned home Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hall ce'e- Mrs. Houston Dunaway and child Benry. ^ r!..and Ge« r8* Sphere crushed and have t0 ^ ' day. ren, Joanne, Jackie, and Danny, were overnight guests o f Fred rleu in a sling for some time. I Darrell English left Friday for brated their wedding anniversary returned from a two-weeks stay in Klingback Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn are Wlnnemucca. He expects to bring Sunday. They had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Huston Dunaway here from Jacksonville,, Florida, home a new Ford tracer, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hall, Dennis Portland at the home of Mrs. Dun Hall of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. away's sister, Mrs. A1 Freeman. entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. P. where they were married recently. Jackie was given a series of al Dunaway at a dinner in celebra- Mr. Glenn has been discharged from lergy tests to determine the cause tlnon of Joanne’s seventh birthday. the navy and the young couple JEAN GRIFFITH IS HURT IN ACCIDENT U N K L E H A N K SEZ of her asthma. Mrs. Ruth Shannon A beautfiully decorated cake was plan to make their home here. At who has been staying with her served. present they are staying in the Fred Klingback attended the con home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. BUENA VISTA, Nov. 13— Albert daughter for several months, ac KNOW ITS A F U N N Y companied her to Portland and re cert of the U. S. marine band in Hugh Glenn. Crawley and Mr. Wiggins of Buhl, TH IN G -IH 'M O S T W ORRIN ' Boise Thursday evening. He ac mained with Mrs. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Idaho are visiting at the George Mrs. John Miller of Nyssa was companied Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and children were guests in the Cleaver home. The men are looking 1 \S D ON E O V E R rtVtlNGS T h at n e v t r a week-end guest in the Don Pox and son, Ted, of Adrian. for a location. • Huston Dunaway home Sunday. Chaplain Major John Breman home. Mrs. Miller Is Mr. Pox’s Those from this community who HAPPEN. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morfitt and spoke and showed slides o f his Roberta were Sunday dinner gue3ts attended Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff’s fun eral Tuesday at Baker were Mr. in the Darrell Williams home. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Edward. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. NYSSA SANITATION WADE TO CHANGE and Mrs. Irvin Topliff, Mr. and SCHOOL LIGHTING Mrs. Glen Hoftman and Mr. and SERVICE Mrs. Alva Goode 11. Jean G riffit received a painful BIG BEND, Nov. 13— The Wade has moved its office VETERINARIAN P.T.A. met Friday, November 7 at Injury to his elbow while operating the home of Mrs. E. H. Brumtoaeh. a beet digger. The injury made it from Ken Renstrom’s A more modem lighting system, as necessary for him to consult a Box D Phone 135J outlined by the Idaho Power com doctor. C. C. W yckoff, Barbara Jean and pany, was discussed. Mrs. Darrell office to Don Graham’s English gave an informative report Jean W yckoff of Baker visited in Nyssa. Oregon on the P.T.A. president’s conference this neighborhood Saturday and Realty office. Don’t worry about getting your car held at Portland. The legislative Sunday. Mrs. Glen Hoffman, Mrs. Alva repaired and painted correctly— and citizenship chairmen, Mrs Brumbach, and Mrs. C. E. Witty, Goodell, Mrs. George Cleaver and just com e to the NYSSA AUTO respectively, gave reports. Mrs. M or- Mrs. Ernest Guess attended a Home BO D Y SHOP for expert body re gan reported on highlights of the Economics club meeting at Mrs. building Jobs. Oujr experienced work men know ju st how you would like ¿ivtJiSnsC teacher's conference held at Bak- Walter Fox’s home Thursday. Ed Jamison, Virgil McGee, Willis to have the work done— and we’ll er. A card and handkerchief sho t - \ V'. • w J wer was given for Mrs. J. H. Trus- Bertram and Alva Goodell, Jr., always strive, to please- \We also r r ^ lì make glass, replacements on any sel. Refreshmens were served by rode In the hills after cattle Sun make car- it beats ...a s It the hostess, Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, day. ¡y!, i ' l Soi) à it deans* and the assistant hostess, Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Guess was a Monday dinner guest at the home of her Irene Hatch. Th« unique triple-action T liiioßod qS h cÄ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Trussel moved granddaughter, Mrs. Delbert Clea cUaaJnd print ¡pi« mode famom b/ Hoover ver, and family. to St. Paul, Oregon Monday. jfe t k i/ V' ; COMPLETE B O D Y « PAINT SM .’P Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gauntt of WRECKER SERVICE Monrovia, California and George VISITORS RETURN CLASS D E P T -Ì ,<&NCTM Browning of Redland, California FROM 10-DAY TRIP R A D IO f N o comedians, new., sym were guests at the Walter Bishop M O V IE S f Electricity K r o o n s 'am, heap« home last week. phonie«, donco bondi, no "H o u r of 'am m oving, make« 'e m talk, a n d even Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty at RICHLAND, Nov. 13— Mr. and Charm ," no radio— without oloctricitv. konps the c u a e m .rs m a il tended a meeting in the interest Mrs. Harlan Maw and daughter, of the Culb scouts at the Owyhee Judy, returned home Friday after ■choolhouse Friday evening Rev a 10-day trip to the coast. Mrs. Robert Runcorn entertained Moore of Adrian was the speaker, j Bernice Chaney has written that four tables of rook at a party Sat ¡she lias been appointed laboratory urday evening. Mrs. Phlll Harris | technician for the College of the won high for women and Van Mal- I Pacific at Seatt.e because of her tsberger of Ontario won high for i training in the Sarazin clinic in men. Nyssa. i , 4 . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sdhwelzer of Mr. and Mr. Cleo Tucker and Meridian were dinner guests of Mr. family of Notus and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Eric Boenic Sunday. Roger Simmons, Nan Grider, Don Charles Tucker of Osage City, Kan sas were Sunday dinner guests of na Cheldelin, Esther, Paul and Day- j'Jml * I -,-j HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT BY READING Dr.J.H. Berger lili 1 Eder Hardware Company I ES X -R A Y f Thn X -ra y itsalf Is actually a spacial kind o f •l»-*v*c|ty— a n d flu.*'» no rlbl T E L E P H O N E f Electricity carries your volco along th« wires an d ring» th« boll at tho othor ond. Oregon Transportation Certificates Available to Livestockmen And Farmers a = F > l e e d a n d f a r m^ s u p p l i e s t h a t w i l l h e l p to k e e p y o u r f l o c k producing high-priced winter eggs. HENS LAZY? Help pep them up / TROLLEY C A R S ? Horte« pulled 'em once, but electric horsepow er doe« a falter, better lob. H O M E A R F U A N C E S f Electricity moke. 'em work— heottp cools, freozoe, light«, cleans entertain« — and then found H ow many of these need electricity ? Y o u ’ru right. A ll t h a t * — a n d m a n y othar go o d th in gs o f m o d o m lifo. T h a t's o n # reason w h y, in a recant G a llu p poll, A m o ric a n t n om ad alactricity a s tha m ost im portant invention transported by truck within the Oregon brand inspection area without a brand inspection A n o th e r reason: g o o d electric service is a va ila b le to a lm o st certificate. e ve ry b o d y , at la w cost. LWoa toMe • M—r - M m HOUR o f CHASM. S..Voy■. 4 )0 f. M„ (ST. COS, IDAHO A C IT IZ E N V POWER W HEREVER IT SERVES TOP GRADE EGG MAKERS ^ Sp e cia l I! For top production dur ing winter, feed one of th e se fa m o u s P u rin a m ash es. . . POULTRY APPETIZER! M ix in the mash 3Cc for pad of 50 Gate City Journal ’P u ’titu l1 PURINA LAY CHOW MID WITH OIAIN o f all time. the 'PmiKO. CHEK-R-TON A certificate must be filled out by owner or custodian of livestock whenever it is being with famous all-purpose appetiser...! F I I DS T I AK CHEK-R-TON Al Thompson And Son HEADQUARTERS furiha ' cho W s Hugh Tobler, Proprietor and i w gy u w W A H M /i ( «W tS U P P U E s