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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1947)
Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 RACE THREE phone 016-R2 or 03-R1. 2304xp. 162-R. Lowe's Home Appliance Re- by Mr. Rodda, a trombone solo. N iFR R A C |f A p r u If A D C on a business and pleasure trip. 40 ^ •***>■ *Ntfc. "C‘‘n i i‘val of Venice''. by Malagueña" Mr. Bolton. CALLED TO ARCADIA T sT v. 7 They were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoc- POR SALE— Pine row-croo row - crop 40. near Adrian, good water right, lad MISCELLANEOUS — Help-Ur-Selt, and by Miss piano Hu selection. card. Mr. RiJnhaler ker, Mr. and Mrs. Vem Garner, | improvements. j custom and wet wash. White Swan also played "Old Man River", on ARCADIA, Nov. 13— Mrs. Ella Har- Mr. and Mrs. Willard By'oee, Mr. | 40 acres cn oiled highway. Or.e launury. Solt water. R. M. Souther- hls bassoon. Something exiraordtn- An and Henry Bohy oi Burwell, and Mrs. Jean Stoker and Mr. and ; mile out. Unimproved. | land. prop. Phone 13-J. 7Atls. ?„ry was. ® trombone duet, "When Nebraska were called here this week, Mrs. Leslie Stoker. Several zood an-»/re m u mrserl 41111 1 were Youag Maggie ' by A Mrs. to attend funeral of their which sister, R a TE£>. rwo.tenus per word ior each Issue. Alter one month one] farms. ^ g * MISCELLANEOUS—Available now ' X,ou Mr. Bolton and Mr. Ritzenhaler. Dora the Splawn of Ontario, BUILDING PERMITS t Llettrolux cieaners and air pun- tune whch sent tne audieme a u . was held Monday ■ P i. In Ontaio. _____ _ Mrs. _ Harold Sweet, construction, 441 eat per word. Minimum, cash In advance. Is 30c. 3 acres lor sale, close In, unim Hers. Sales and service. Ed A. Aa- groovy was the trumpeteers Meivin Behymer and son and MLs N. Sixth street, block 33. Park add- proved uersoii. route 3, Weiser, Idauo. tion of "Dark Town Strutters Ball". Wilma Bullard of Portland andiltion, $3500, frame, 26 by 16 Also have several houses listed. Pilone 567-J 4. 26JUC The Rltz Trumpeteers have been Ethel Bullard of Hermiston were I Cliff Main, construction. Fifth 5Jtfi. approximately two months, also called here last week and re- ! street, lot 17, block 35. Park add- KEN RENSTKOM 114 mile east of Ontario-Payette MISCELLANEOUS- Prompt and on tour Sadie Hawkins' Dance for the funeral. Mrs. Splawn j ition. $10,000, 32 by 38. frame, For Sale Phone 172-J junction. Ed Mess. 30O3xc. tree pick-up oi your dead, crlppred The Girls league met Monday, mained was a former resident of Arcadia, Cliff Main, construction, Stunz or sick livestock. Calls rece.ved be- fourth period. Discus>lon was held moving away five years ago. addition. $8500, 32 by 26, frame. SALE— Sewing machine sup fore 9 o’clock are picked up by on a Christmas formal dance. FOR SALE— Two-bottom, two-way FOR SALK— Fat hens, live or FOR Wholesale and retail. Re noon, ¡efficient drivers. Call col Mr and Mrs. Edward Yada of Ivan J. Stoker, construction, Ehr- plow, $250. Western Corruga tor Co. dressed, also ready for your locker. plies. building, electrifying, repairing. Re lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys The Girls' League decided to have Brooks, Oregon visited last week good avenue, lots 7 and 8, block 26, 13N3XC. Fred Kratzberg, route 1, Nyssa. built Sadie Hawkins dance Friday. No with Mrs. Yada's parents, Mr. and Teutsch's addition, $1200, frame, 16 machines for sale. F. ‘‘Lete' 102-W. Idaho Animal Products a vember 7. The girls will date the Mrs. K. Itda, and family on the by 24. 30O4xp. Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 west sa FOR SALE— 50 caterpillar tractor Company. 5Jtic. boys, and the costume will be plaid Ira Ure farm. H. G. Johnson, Ninth streeet, lot street, south, Ontario, Ore with bulldozer, new eight-yard La FOR SALE— Davenport reasonably First 19Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? ihirts and jeans for the girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley and I 42, Glasgow tracts, $8500, masonry, Plante Schoots scraper, $7950. Em priced. J. W. Rigney, 7th and Enn gon. and levis for the boys. family were business visitors la 27 by 47. on larms for refinancing, plaid shirts mett Arthurs, phone 138-M, On SALE— Several houses lor Loans Livestock Exposition Caldwell Saturday. I Ralph Lawrence, alteration, Reece building, improvements, b u yi n g . Six Adrian 230tfc FOR tario. 13N2xp. is. sale. Attractive buys. See Frank Long boys participated in The Arcadia club will meet Novem- ' avenue, lot 8, block 4, Teutsch’s term, low Interest, see Ber T. Morgan. lSJtfc the Portland International Livestock ber 20 with Mrs. Fred Shilling for addition, $350, 10 by 10, frame, FOR SALE— Baby crip with in- FOR SALE— Chrysler Industrial nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. exposition. an all-day meeting and quilting. A —------------------- ----------------------- — nerspring mattress. Excellent con 8-cylinder engine, 140 horsepower, FOR SALE!—Automobile Insurance 3Atfc. fluid drive with right angle pulley, The Adrian boys who attended potluck dinner will be served dition. Inquire at Journal Office. on trailer. Nyssa Implement Co. Public Liability, Property Damage MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car were George EUfers, Arlen Pelham A meeting of the room mothers ISNtfc. 90tfc. Fire, Theft and Collision. Placeo clylnder lock keys made. Wes and Francis Thiel, as three team at Arcadia was held Monday. The E. W. PRUYN FOR SALE— New 12 by 20 one- FOR SALE— Hohner 12-base ac In the best companies at lowest and 250tfc. members, Don Jones as alternate three rooms gave a short program roam house, almost completely fur cord ian. Excellent condition, with possible rates. Bernard Eastman. tern Auto Store. and Don Hatt and Verl Patterson. on democracy. Auto Repairing nished, and large lot. Built-in cabi case. $75. Write box 37 or phone 14Ftfc CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING The judging contest was held at Several of the farmers have com Stock reoelved Monday. Tuesday, net, table, four chairs, stave, closet, the Pacific International. Saturday pleted their beet harvest, but there ESTRAYED 160tfc. two chests, bed, miscellaneous piec- i a f t e r 7 p.m. Wednesday apd Thursday. 8 a. m. morning, with 126 teams from Wa- are lots of beets in the ground yet. Reboring, Valve Grind _ strayed . . cattle. ... _, , to 6 p. stock m. and Friday on 8 Sunday, a. m. to 12. shlngton, Idaho and Oregon par- Mr. and Mrs. Brouts of Ontario es, some lumber, etc. Only $1000, FOR SALE_ Large oil heater, good NOTICE— On | No received cash. Would consider cheap car as contjmon> j0 Iool copper tubing notify Ed Jamison, secretary of Please | visited in the Ted Bates home Sat- ing, Lathe work. Parts the • Beef> sheep and pork. Free deliver) tlcipating. part payment. Immediate posses- 1 and fittin g s_ phone 10-R or 62-J. Owyhee Cattle association if you Adrian took 27th place In animal i urday afternoon. ^ locker plant sion. Last house left side North> lastfc husbandry Stradley of Nyssa spent and accessories ^csttle and we will Qne mue west on Liberia avenue Alter the regular Judging con the Barbara First street, R. F. Spencer. 13Nlxp. | _____________________________ pick them up. Do week-end with Annette Strad not keep cattle Phone 05R1 FOR SALE— Stoves, grates and test the Oregon boys went to Swift ley. Phone 56-W JAKE FISCHER repairs for any make of usually cook stove to Judge fat stock in order to deter 6Ntfc. canyon. Improved and well equip- or heater. Delivery five fication. Phone 65-J. mine which boys would be on the Youth Leaders Meet ped. Modem five-room house, tile dayS Nyssa Furniture Co., one STRAYED— To my place two black team. Legal Advertising Oregon judging All teachers and officers who kichen, deep soft water well, pras- block west of railroad depot. 18Stfc. yearling calves with white faces, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Thiel Places First have students between the ages sure system, large new barn and | _______ ___ ____ Francis Thiel, a senior at Adrian of 12 and «1 attended a youth with brockle STATE OF OREGON FOR union good chicken equipment. Suitable f o r SALE— Circulating coal heat one blackish-brown high school, placed top man leadership meeting at the L D. S. brand 4 quarteer circle 7 on THE THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR for dairy and row crops. To be sold er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber Co. face, in Judging the livestock at the chapel Monday evening. left side. Ben B. Lamb, Rust ranch NOTICE TO CREDITORS with machinery at government land 4Stfc. on Owyhee. Owner may have calves Portland International Livestock ex appraisal. L. L. Heath, 4% miles FDR SALE— New, modern two- by paying for advertising and feed. In the Matter of the Estate of position. Jordan Valley norhwest of Notus, or 6 miles east bedroom 6N3xn', EDITH CORDLEY, Deceased. After returning to Adrian, Thiel Go A To two-car of 12 Nyssa house, gas furnace, hard ‘ | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of Parma on Sand Hollow road. wood floors, left for the Kansas National Judg folks went to caravan Jordan Valley Sunday In, $6500, $1500 the undersigned, Cora Edith Coff- 13N2xp. down, F. H. close ing contest as a member of the For Rent A. terms. Bernard has been appointed adminis- Oregon Judging team. The trip for refrigerator and 28Atfc POR RENT— 80 acres pasture,1 i man, FOR SALE— Crosley electric stove, Eastman. tratrix of the estate of EMith Cord- was sponsored by the Oregon F.F.A. used about two months. Lyle Bar- FOR SALE— 1936 Chevrolet 1*4- alfalfa, oats and bean chaff. Phone lew- deceased, by the County Court Foundation, which contributed $501 washing machine tron, south of Dority's Welding ton truck with beet bed. Watts 09-R11 or contact Glen Salter, one oi Malheur County, Oregon, and to pay for traveling expenses. DR. G.W. GRAVES shop. 6N2xp. Motor Co. mile north of Adrian on oil. ISNIxp. ha- s qualifed. Those in Adrian who contributed 230tfc. repairs. Optometrist NOW, THEREFORE, all persons toward Thiel's expense money were FOR SALE— 56 H.P. International___ „ _____ FOR RENT— Rooms, one mile west. having claims agains the estate of _ as follows Bill Toomb, Eder Hard- stationary motor. New John Deere FOR SALE: $1000. 14 acres. Close In. All makes and models. IVt acres on Fred Linder. 304xp. Edith Cordley, deceased, are hereby | «rare, Francis Defter, Olen Brown 3 H.P. stationary motor, write box Unimproved. Eyes Examined highway, close in, small house, FOR RENT— Polish your own notified afcd required to present the Adrian Feed store, Bill Ashcraft, 727 or phone 289-W. 6N2xp. $3000. Bernard Existiman. 230tfc. with proper vouchers, duly Frank Bicandi, Oayle Martin. Bill I Rent our high-speed pol same, verified, wihin six (6) months from Webb, FOR SALE— One 7‘A foot Leonard FDR SALE— Phone 144-J or write floors. Bab Webster, Clyde Steel- , M & W Service ishing equipment. Easily handled Phone 720 the date of this Notice to the un man, and deluxe refrigerator, used. Jim Huff Watts Motor Co.. Nyssa, Ore., for by women. Nyssa Lumber company. dersigned, BUI Looney. Help has Cora Edith Coffman, at man, Alberta avenue, or Ostrom Willys parts, motors, extra equip 3Atfc. the law office of Harold Henigson also been promised toy the King- j 908 Main 718 Arthur St. Bros. Appliance Oo. 6N3xc. ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup • man Kolony Orange. at Nyssa, Oregon, which place the Home Ec. News WANTED Caldwell, Idaho Caldwell, Idaho FOR SALE— New crop red beans, trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atic. undersigned selects as her place of On Monday, the home economics | fine quality, $12 per 100 pound FOR SALE— 1 D.S. 35 Internation WANTED— Bulldozing and land business In all matters connected department was honored by a visit bag, $7.50 per bushel. One mile leveling. Emmett Arthurs, phone with said estate. from Dr. Blazier, home economics 1940 model. Long wheel 138-M, east of Owyhee junction. A. D. al base, truck, Dated and first published Novem Ontario. 13N2xp. professor. Dr. Blazier Is visiting axle. 1940 Chevrolet Moses. 6N7xp. truck, 2-speed ber 13, 1947. long wheel base, 2-speed WANTED— Ironing at my home. Last publication, December 11, the graduates of 1947 and observing their work. She was very pleased FDR SALE— 22 Caterpillar tractor, axle. These trucks are in fair con Mrs. E. H. Hadley, Corner of Park 1947. with the home economics depart completely overhauled, phone 07-R3 dition and priced reasonable. Also and Eighth street. 13N2xp. Cora EMith Coffman, Adminis and Its progress 6N2xc one 12-foot beet rack. C. E. Lese- tratrix of the Estate of Edith ment at Adrian G. A. A. Hike We are equipped to pump your septic tank llSttc. WANTED - Finish carpenter, steu- Cordley, Deceased. FDR SALE— Met-L-Top ironing berg, Phone 154-J. A hike for the Adrian high school or repair it. For your plumbing needs call uuaxus, warp, weu ¿ j , a.m wages' C K' 9.L^ " boards, and fireproof. Sturdy FOR SALE— 200 feet frontage. 150 who wished to earn points for metal legs. Nyssa Furniture Co., I ftet deép, south of Foliar Cold St.or- " _________ '___________________ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT girls the O. A. A. was held after school phone 149-W. 6Ntfc age, $2400. Bernard Eastman. llStf. WANTED— Fall plowing. I have In the Matter of the Estate of I Monday. oTrw Tmiiorial willn&npr new two-way plow. Write P. O. I Albert Lee Heldt, deceased | Approximately 30 girls part'icipat- FOR SALE— New mounted Chevro G wvd uarante^ to ^ aashlble and box 961, NysL. 13Nlxp. | " ^ E ^ I C. S y Heldit, H^EBY_GIVEN the walk to R.mrock A weln- let truck wheel, tire and tube, non-fadlng administrator that of ed er in roast Free Estimates Furnished with buns, cookies and pop for three years. Good WANTED— Man or woman book Everett 10- ply, size 8.25-20, price $70. Phone the estate of ALBERT LETS HELDT, was enjoyed. Miss Butler, O. A. A. stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com- 011- J2. 13N2xp. with typing experience. Hol deceased, has rendered ahd filed his adviser, accompanied the group. Phone Nyssa—196-J Vale—3282 26Jtfc. keeper pany. lingsworths', Inc. 6N2xc. final account of the administra Addition Prize Won FDR SALE—^ Montague Duchess FDR tion of the estate of ALBERT LEE In addition to the prizes won Used Fairbanks plat SALESMAN WANTED— Rawleigh HELDT, deceased. Coal range. Used 3 months. 502 form SALE— in the International Livestock ex scale. 2500 pound capacity. route North 6th street, or see Stan Keefer Dessert open nearby. We put you in That 10 O'CLOCK, AM., Decem Seed Co, 3Jtfc. business. Territory available immed ber 6, 1947 at the County Court position at Portland, the Oregon M/CKfYand WS MA Ar o . k . rubber welders at. Eder’s store. 30Otfc. won a bronze medal In the Car necessary. Good oppor House at Vale, Oregon is fixed and team ____ Apples, _ _ Johnathan, _________ FDR SALE— 125 acres, 96 irrigable, lately. FDR SALE— Judging contest at Kansas City, Write at once for partlcul appointed as the time and place Mlssuri. Delicious, Romes and Winesaps, 50c i good improvements, Reuben Har- tunity. I WRNNh 86. 1-------s Rawleigh’s, Dept. ORK-331- for hearing of objections to the Y E S . S l R . - I W A N f "ÍU 6 to $2 per bushel. Bring containers, | oldsen, 8 miles southwest of Nyssa, ars. Freshman Initiation INDEPtnDENf-T>4lS 216G, Oakland, 7. Calif. 6N2xp. said final account. J em -B u r i r * The freshman Initiation was held THING- OF n s t lN ' D A D ■PROFUSE to K E E P i t All persons having objections to Tuesday with the seniors officiating. F O R ft N IC K 6L EVE8X WANTED — Plumbing. Radiant, said ^ fourteen * final account shall appear at The freshmen were required to C R T 13 CrOttH S tO P - steam and hot water heating. Free said time and place and show cause, carry their books In buckets all I'ri G- qin ' out to look estimates. See FYed Braun, across If any exists, W R N T tO the said final F O R VU O K K / I— -r «B / the day and to dress In street from Nyssa Funeral home. account should why not be allowed and during costumes prescribed by the seniors. 30Otfc. approved. looked as if Hallowe'en - ’ gíiS&Kíí' Everett C. Heldt, Administrator It really WANTED— To buy anything In some a little early to Adrian of the Estate of Albert Lee had beef or veal. Also uuy banger cows this year. There were some of the Heldt, deceased. or wUl handle for hide »nd offall. , i strangest and weirdest garbs Im Phone 31M or 011J1. 22Atfc. First pub. November 6, 1947, aginable. Characters from every Last pub. December 4,' 1947. | comic strip were present. LOST PA S E Z t- In the afternoon the freshmen NOTICE TO CREDITORS • marched to the football O. K. RUBBER WELDERS are your head LOST— Truck tire, 12-ply, and IN THE COUNTY COURT OF modestly game, meek and timid, and a little quarters In Nyssa for complete tire service— wheel, November 7, between Mitch THE STATE OF OREGON FOR dubious of coming events. The ev recapping — vulcanizing —puncture repairs, ell butte and Overstreet beet dump. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR DENTISTS ening that lay ahead of them prov sales and service of truck, tractor and au PHYSICIANS Reward to finder. Hudson Robb, IN THE MATTER OF THE ES ed tomobile tires! route 2, Nyssa. 13Nlxp. TATE OF CLARENCE J. DICK In exciting. their anxiety to get Initiated SON, DECEASED DR. C. M. TYLER SARAZIN CLINIC LOST— Lost, strayed or stolen. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the greenies even ate some of the cooking. Surviving this, they Quite a number of Methodists. that Wilson Building Dr. J. J. Sarazin the undersigned, Katherine seniors underwent some of the most gruel They will be rewarded by their Phone 165-J, Nyssa Dickson, has been appointed and Dr. K E. Kerby return to worship, fellowship and has qualified as administratrix of ling tasks. As a feature of the ev hours from 9 to 5 except service. Please return to the Metho of the estate of Clarence J. Dick ening the Juniors sponsored the NEW CAR, TRUCK-TRACTOR TIRES Physician and Surgeons Office Saturdays, 9 to 12. Sweater Hop dance, which was en dist Church, Third street and Emi- son, RECAPPING A REPAIRING deceased, by the County Court joyed by everyone. son. H. J. Gemhardt, Pastor. 13Nlp. of Malheur County, Oregon. L. A. Maulding. M. D. J. R. CUNDALL PHONE 5 M = = = = = NYSSA. OREGON NOW THEREFORE, all persons Physician and Surgeon from Corvallis— MISCELLANEOUS Dentist having claims against the estate Here Phone 37 Guests at the Ray Larson home i m in in in in in in in in i i:i rni;i i i i!i i:iu i Phone 56-J Clarence J. Dickson, deceased, over Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 MISCELLANEOUS— Knitting, sew of the week-end Included their Sarazin Clinic are hereby notified and required Dally—Except Sunday ing and embroidering for young daughter and husband, Mr. and present the same, with proper Mrs. George Bauer, and Raymond NYSSA OREGON children. Mrs. Don Lytle, route 2, to duly verified, within six Larson, Jr., of Corvallis. Ed Lacke Nyssa, Eureka avenue. 13N2xp. vouchers, JEWELRY STORES (6) months from the date of this of ‘ Portland, Lester Hammar of OPTOMETRISTS ,to the undersigned, Kath Tillamook MISCELLANEOUS— Get ready for Notice and Pat Sullivan of Rose- erine Dickson, at the law office Winter. We service all kinds of PAULUS burg. The men, students at Oregon of Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Ore State DR. J. A. MCFALL heating equipment. Nyssa Heating enjoyed some eastern JEWELRY STORE DR. JOHN EASLY gon, which place the undersigned Oregon college, Co., phone 109-W. 28Atfc. selects Bob Eldridge was Union Pacific Time Inspector as her place of business a dinner hunting. with the group at JEWFBRY — DIAMONDS MISCELLANEOUS— See us for In all matters connected with said the Larson guest home Saturday evening. WATCHES quick repair service on all makes estate. of washing machines. We also ser Dated and first published Octob Main Street w. Second vice, clean and repair all makes of er 16, 1947. oil heaters and burners. Free pick Last publication November 13, 1947. PAINTING WYCKOFF up and delivery service. Phone Dickson, Deceased, Katherine Dickson, Administra JEWELRY STORE DECORATING trix of the Estate of Clarence Official Time Inspector for J. Dickson, Deceased. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Union Pacific PAPERHANGING Free Pick Up ONTARIO OREGON Kemtoning and wallpaper NATIONAL ASSEMBLY —THE ONLY REFRIGERATOR WITH- CHIROPRACTORS cleaning. Of Your HAY BUYER IS HELD AT ADRIAN Call 74, Caldwell Septic Tank Trouble? Brower’s Plumbing Shop c an years Professional And Business Directory out j Y O.K. RUBBER WELDERS See Norge Before You Buy Now Here! Edwin Oldham, D. C. Chiropractic Physician W. F. JAHN Physiotherapy - Electro-Therapy Dealer in hav and grain BOX 118-*-TEL. 171-W—NYSSA Third at Good Ave. LODGES GRAVE MARKERS City Lodge For grave markers and Gate No. 214 monuments write or see I.O.O.F. R. A. BENTLEY Haines, Oregon Meets every Monday Better Values night, 8:30. Lower Prices South First Street Dead and Worthless Animals Call Collect Linoleum laying and hardwood floor finishing. ADRIAN, Nov 13— The Rltz Trum Roofs repaired and sprayed. peteers entertained the Adrian stu Heavy Commercial spraying and dent body and the seventh and also fine laque- and enamel eighth grades in a national assem furniture work. bly program held at 9 am. Thurs Workmanship and materials day. The Trumpeteers consisted of Miss There Is a Phone Near You Guaranteed Helen Mar Hubbard, pianist; Bob FREE ESTIMATES Nyssa 100 Parma 29 Bolton, trombonist; George Rodda, COMPLETE PAINTING trumpet, and Ben Ritzenhaler, trom Ontario 53 SERVICE bonist. Mr. Ritzenhaler, who Is By “We Haul the Day You Call" manager-director of the quartet, also played the bassoon, clarinet, saxaphone. Ida-Ore Rendering Co. and Among R. C. KELLER the selections favored by Union Contractor . the audience was a saxophone solo, Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa, Oregon "Enchantment", by Mr. Ritzenhaler. Phone 68-M a trumpet solo, "Runlccll Runiccla", “Night-Watch” automatic defrosting. Giant side freezer. Convenient left-hand storage. Handefroster. “Rollator” mechanism. t Hollingsworths’, Inc. * m i ti nii mi UK in m m m in in m m in it m n m m m m mm am n m a hi iuhi hi hi hi hi