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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 leader, Mrs. Adam Focht, were Mrs. Russell Bolitho as hostess. were served by the committee The girls then went to the Grant Joyce McGinnis, Margie Bowers guests at a Hallowe'en party given Rinehart home for ¿ la d . The main last Thursday by the mothers of and Judy Bunch. course was served at Mrs. R. G. Norma Jean Dierking was an the girls. Whitaker's and the dessert at Mrs. overnight guest of Endora Higgins A full course dinner was served Sid Burbidge’s. Later In the even KLASS V. POWELL - - - - - - Editor in d Publisher Saturday. They attended the car by four mothers. The first course ing the group went "trick or treat nival given by the Parma high was served at the Doli House with ing." school. ADVERTISING RAToS SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mr. and Mrs Prank John and FESTIVAL WELL ATTENDED | odist church in the church The fall festival sponsored by the ment last Thursday night. Merll- Evelyn Pyle were dinner guests Open rate, per Inch....... 35c $2.00 in the Myers home in Parma Wed LDS primary was well attended I dean Robbins was in charge o f' the National, per inch.......... 35c $1.25 Friday evening at the high school j games. Fifteen members attended nesday. Classifieds, per word.... ... 2 c .....................05 ! the party. • Mr and Mrs Jesse Marker of gymnasium. Minimum...... 30c (Strictly in Advance) Boise were dinner guests in the The ipain attraction of the eve- | —§— ning was the operetta "Toyland! GIRL SCOUTS HONORED C. G. Brown home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Young return Fantasy," presented under the di-1 Girl Scout troop No. 4, with their Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Collapsible, Life-time boards, ed to their home in Portland Thur- rection of Mrs. O. P Williams by Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission sday after vi iting the past week I approximately 80 children, all in through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under BILL LANE in the Glen Brown home colorful costumes. Miss Angela Pet the act of March 3, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and Ted erson was pianist. which are sturdily built. Ma} Auctioneer and Mrs. Raymond Holly were Various classes were responsible [ best costumes were won as follows: shoppers in Caldwell Saturday af for booths selling pie and ice cream j Phone 116J______Nyssa doll clothes, vegetables and canned ! Frst prize, Lester Auker, as flapp ternoon. be equipped with our ironing Mrs. Dan Holly, Mrs. Richard j goods from a "country store”, and The Adrian grade school build er, the bunny rabbit; second prize, Holly and Mrs. Raymond Holly j bingo. The children were lined up RHEUMATISM ing was gaily decorated with Hall Barbara Hatch, negro mammy; j were luncheon guests in the Frank from one end of the hall to the beard pads and covers. and ARTHRITIS owe'en colors, cats, witches, pump third prize, Betty Lou Jarvis; ne- jjm er home in the Big Bend Com- other to take their turn in “fish- I suffered for years and am so kins, gourds and corn stalks for gro pappy, and fourth prize, Ken- munity Thursday. ! ing. thankful that I am free from pain the seventh and eighth grade cos- neth Goulet, hobo, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooley of —5 - and able to do my work that I will tume party held Thursday after- Games were played during the Redmond, California and Mrs. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS gladly answer anyone writing me noon. Barbara Hatch, Jean Dllle, afternoon were "wink-em, Wtio Ingle of Mount Vernon visited over Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell en for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, Fred Defier and Robert Honey Sir, Me Sir, Not I S i r a n d “But- the week-end at the home of tertained at dinner Tuesday eve iP. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Across From Reclamation Office were members of the decorations ton the Coat". Refreshments ot Mrs. Cooley’s niece. Mrs. Threlma ning for Mr. and Mrs Fred Young | Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories committee. Prizes given for the popcorn balls, cider and punch Elliot. of Portland, Mrs. Hilda Tensen and A Boy Scout meeting was held Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brown of Ad Monday evening at 7:30 in the rian. high school building. All boys of scout age are invited to Join the TUESDAY CLUB MEETS the troop. They have been having Mrs. George Mitchell was host fine attendance and advancements ess to the Tuesday club last week are being made for badges. on Wednesday afternoon. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Bowen and of the club members were Mrs. A. family of Meridian were Sunday H. Boydell, Mrs. Edward Boydell, Weekly Market Report for Tues., Nov. 5, 1916 Gee ts In the Alvin McGinnis Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. Artie home. Robertson. , Fat steers *17 to $18.50. Medium steers $16.50 to $17. Bulls, be Mr. and Mr:;. Bill Willis and $12.50 to $13. Good cows *11.50 to $12.50. Heifers *14.50 to *16 infant son are spending 10 days ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Veal calves $14 to $16. Stock calves *13 to *14.50. visiting in the home of Mrs. Viola Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Helner Baughman of Nyssa. Mrs. Willis were hosts at dinner Monday eve Sheep: Lambs $16.50 to $17.50. Mrs. Baughman are sisters, ning for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis Hogs: Top hQgs $24.40. Feeder pigs $20 to $22. j Mr. and Mr*. R. E. Dllle and and family. Special consignment for Tuesday, November Jean were Sunday guests of Mr. - 5 - and Mrs. J. T. Rudd and family HALLOWE'EN PARTY HELD 12. We will sell approximately 12 head of baby in Vale. Mr. and Mrs Charles McCon beef, fed by the 4-H boys and gTrls. Come and Herbert Thomas visited in Wei- nell were hosts at five tables ot ser Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and pinochle last Thursday evening at plan on buying one of these well finished i;.t Mrs. Thomas returned to their a Halowe’en party. Th ladles prizes steel's. Encourage this worthwhile project. home in Adrian Sunday evening. in cards were given to Mrs. Harry With all markets receiving too many catL' Mrs. Thrmns recently returned to Kingrey, Mrs. Henry Field and Mrs. Weiser after visiting relatives in Lula Hoxie. Men’s pries were won and Packers finding it hard to sell dresset °ort!and. by C. C. Cotton, Harry Kingrey and meats at prevailing prices, we look for cattle to Mr and Mrs. Earl Parker and Luray Trabert. The house was clev continue to work lower with choice cattle in ‘on, Lester, were callers in the erly decorated with pumpkins, com demand and common cattle lower. George Cartwright home in Ad stalks, and fall flowers. Refresh Our country is in a period of change, uncer rian Sunday evening. Their grand ments consisting of hot tamales daughter. Arlita Cartwright, re the guests. tainty and adjustment including livestock mar turned to Fruitland with them to were served to —5— kets. visit for a few days. HALLOWE'EN PART HELD Mr. and Mrs. Ross Buckland of A Halowe'en party was given by However you may consign your cattle, hogs, ■'astern Idaho spent several days the Youth Fellowship of the Meth- sheep and horses to Ontario Livestock Com visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft the past mission Co. where you are assured of having week. Mrs. Buckland and Mrs. plenty of buyers and orders and you will re Ashcraft are sisters. i _______ ceive full market price for your livestock Mr. and Mrs. Ross Buckland and j .,,E METHODIST COMMUNITY whether one or several car loads. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft CHURCH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 spent Sunday visiting In the homes Rev H j Qernhardt, Pa.stor For market infonnation or to arrange for of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Richards Sunday school, 10 a. m. truck transportation reverse a call to 264, On near Notus and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. — Hamilton near Wilder. tario. "Society's Seasoning”. Connie and Diana Lynn Rich Intermediate fellowship, 7 p. m. ards visited several days the past ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. Youth and Young Adult fellow week with their grandparents, Mr. ship, 7 p. m. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” and Mrs. William Ashcraft, while m o A o o f ths ano rue Community hymn sing and dis Cols. Ellis White and Clayt Tschirgi (Schirge), their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick cussion group, 8 p. m. Richards, were deer hunting. Auctioneers Bible study and spiritual exer Mrs. L. A. Stephens and Children cise, Wednesday, 8 p. m. ONTARIO—413-M FRUITLAND—522 ' of Boise visited Sunday with Mrs. Board of education Tuesday, H..M. Korman. November 12 at 8 o’clock. mum I he Gate City Journal Ironing Boards Adrian Nyssa Furniture Company ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY IMPORTANT CHANGES in U n i o n P a c i f i c Passenger Train Schedules E ffe ctiv e N ovem ber 10 For complete information inquire at any Union Pacific ticket office or Church- Notes see your local agent.' Be Specific UNION THC MARQUETTE V'-'1 f/em ie 'ptceget* I ^ FOUR MODELS It CUBIC F i n • cubic rtrr ßeifyn edfict BETTER LIVING T re a t y cu r family and g u ests to th e y ear 'ro u n d en joym ent of an e n d less variety of choice o u t-o f-seaso n foods th a t the M arquette H o m e F reezer m ak es available a t a m o m e n t's notice. F rozen Foods arc revolutionizing A m erican m eals. It opens th e d o o r to B etter Living . . . to m ore delicious m eals . . . to m ore econom ical buying . . . to th e en jo y m en t of ripe, luscious fru it, vitam in-packed v eg etab les an d te n d e r m eats an d fowl. IF* all yours with a M a rq u e tte H om e F reezer. M a rq u e tte H om e F reezers com e in four sizes for every fam ily n ee d . T h e 16 cubic foot m odel will hold 500 to 600 pounds of frozen food. All M a rq u e tte H om e F re ez ers have “ T rip le-S ealed " air locked d oors a n d scientific T h erm o B rea k er S trip. A ll-W elded heavy gauge ste e l construction m a k es a solid, stu rd y unit. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PARMA “The Church of the Lutheran Hour” Divine worship at 10 a. m. with the celebration of ’holy communion. Sunday’s subject: “The Christian’s Dress!" Sunday school and adult Bible hour at 11. Sunday afternoon a t 2:30 the Lutheran Women’s Missionary lea gue will hold a rally at Trinity Lutheran church in Parma. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m.. Morning worship ser vice. 7:15 p.m., N. Y. P. serlvces. 8 p m., Evangelistic service. 8 p.m., Wednesdays prayer and praise service except first Wednes day of each month when we have missionary and crusaders meetings. You are always welcome at the church of the Nazarene, 5th st., and Good avenue. Hot Water rtrr MA RQ IR IK !! OWYHEE TRUCK & IMP. CO. PHONE 83J NYSSA, OREGON PACIFIC SEASONED TRAVELER RAILROAD COE N YSSA A U T O PARTS ANNOUNCES ITS STORE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN THE OLD BANK BUILDING Across from t ie Postoffice Formerly occupied by Abbott’s Shoe Shop The Opening of the is our way of SAYING ‘THANK YOU’ TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS IN THE NYSSA AREA for their patronage of the ONTARIO AUTO PARTS This generous patronage made possible the opening of the Eureka Vacuum Clean ers. NYSSA STORE Which we feel WILL SERVE YOU TO BETTER ADVANTAGE Kitchen Sinks. Mixing Faucets Brower’s Plumbing Shop ■Phone 95-J Notice To oxygen and acetylene tank customers in the Nyssa area who have purchased oxy and acet gas from the Ontario Auto Parts- EXCHANGE TANKS AT NYSSA STORE ONTARIO AUTO PARTS Ted Berreth, Prop. Phone 360-W ' * I NYSSA AUTO PARTS STORE Heaters See (he Marquette Hume Freezer on display in our More today cubic cubic B e a u tifu lly s ty le d , bu ilt for long, trouble- free service. All m odels a r e h e a v ily i n s u l a te d throughout cabinet an d d o o r lids w ith cork an d rock wool in su latio n to give high efficiency and e c o n o m ic a l o p e r a tio n . E n g in e e r e d w ith h e r m e tic a lly sealed Freon cooling unit. TRINITY say Union Pacific"